Escoda Mem Ceremony15

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FORMATION: Horseshoe or Line, facing a table with the portrait of Josefa Llanes Escoda with 1 big candle


(All together)
O thou great founder champion of girlhood's cause
Come we in homage share as now we pause
Grateful are we to thee in all humility
We'll pray for thy repose in God's own home.

Here are thy children blest by the love and care

Girl Scouting marches on lured by thy hand
Faithful and true we'll be in all activity
Escoda mother dear honors to thee

List to our praising dear name we all revere

Our gif
ts of love we bring, pure and sincere
Thy life our torch and guide where'er Girl Scouting goes
Escoda nation's pride love and adore.

"Few are the women of her time and age who can be listed along with her on the score of accomplishments,
sacrifices and exemplariness".
On this special day, we come together to share our thoughts and give tr
ibute to a great woman whose good
example and wondrous works have set an inspiration to the Scouts ofthis land to live a life dedicated to service.

This candle represents the golden flame of high ideals upon which the Girl Scout Movement was built. On the
birthday of our founder, may this f
lame touch our lives and enkindle in us a strong desire to live up to these

Josefa Llanes Escoda was exposed to many challenges in her whole life but she met them with strong
determination and sacrifice. Her efforts to render services, especially dur
ing the war, revealed her untir
ing leadership and

(All together)
We are made for service to care for all men

We are made for love both time and again

A love that will live through sorrow and pain
A love that will never die with strain
God sent His Son to show us the way
One who shared His love every minute ofthe day
One who gave His life that we might live
And His Spir
it to help us through the years
Josefa Llanes Escoda, a woman who should not only be remembered as the Founder of the Girl Scouting
Movement in the Philippines but also as a woman of great courage, compassion and dedication to service, who even at the
threshold of death, lef
t this message which all ofus should ponder upon:
"I have done my duty to God and my country. To my mind, the most I have done is having helped with the little I
could do to save the lives of the surrendered soldiers of Bataan and Corregidor. I have offered myself as guarantor for
men, later released by the enemy, that they commit no Anti-Japanese act - men who saw bitter fighting and who, if they
have any guts lef
t, would continue their resistance. I have acted as a guarantor not only for the sake of humanity but also
to encourage them to fight again. If you happen to survive, and I fall, tell our people that the women of the Philippines
did their part also in making the ember sparks oftruth and liberty alive till the last the moment."

With fondness, we remember the lady born on September 20, the beloved late founder of the Girl Scouts
of the Philippines.
Josefa Llanes Escoda was first in a family of seven children born to Gabriel Llanes and Mercedes Madamba on
September 20, 1898. She assumed a parental role when her father died in her early childhood; thus building the
foundation of dynamic leadership.
A consistent scholar, she earned a teacher's certificate, MA in Sociology and graduates credits in Social Work.
She was a notable student, speaker and lecturer as well as leader ofthe Filipinos and Orientals abroad.

There is love that stirs the heart and love that gives the rest, but the love that leads life upwards is the noblest and
the best.
Her last words to remember were "Take care of the girls". Her legacy to love and serve others makes her live

forever in the Movement she mothered.

She was mother to millions of Twinklers, Stars, Juniors, Seniors and Cadets; strong and healthy, caring and wise;
dedicated to a mission of service and citizenship at its best.

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to his/her commitment. Choice not chance, determines
one's destiny.
Josefa Llanes Escoda is our model for loving our fellowmen not with words or tongue but with truth and action;
serving others with a cause, until life was lost to her in the histor
ic recesses of Fort Santiago.
Her perilous but successful attempt to help concentration camp pr isoners and some intelligence work earned her
the AFP Legionnaire of Honor. For their war efforts, Mrs. Escoda and her husband Antonio Escoda were captured and
incarcerated for espionage in 1945 and never were seen again. She was 46 years old.
President Carlos P. Garcia declared September 20, Josefa Llanes Escoda Day, in 1959.

Josefa Llanes Escoda was a model of loyalty in all her works. This she showed by doing her faithfully to God, to
her country, to her people in spite of difficulty that come along her way.
Come and share your blessings in recognition ofthe great sacr ifices of Josefa Llanes Escoda, the Lady with great
vision and overflowing civic virtues. Give what you can as your gif
t especially on her birthday today,
September 20, 2015. Every centavo that you share helps support international opportunities to our Girl Scouts.


(All participants pass single f
ile to place flowers on a small table in front ofthe portrait and drop donations in a basket.)

As we now offer flowers and drop into the basket our contr
ibution to the Escoda Memento Fund, let us sing the
song Girl Scout Hymn.


God, grant us the gif
t of enlightenment to understand fully our duties and responsibilities to the Scouting
Movement to which we have commit
ted ourselves by our Promise and Law.
May Almighty God, in His abounding mercy and goodness grant us the strength of mind and body to carry on
these tasks iovfullv in the finest Scouting traditions of service and dedication. Let your guiding light take us to the r

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