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NAME: Dr. Pantelis Ioannou

OFFICE: 5th Floor, CDA Central, Evagorou Str.
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment
EMAIL: [email protected]

PREREQUISITE (S): BUS101 & MAR101 or MAR 201


The course examines marketing strategy and focuses on the development of marketing strategies
and management of the marketing effort. Emphasis is given on the designing of market-driven
strategies, on the development of a market-focused program and on the implementation and
management of market-driven strategies.


By the end of the course, students are expected to:

• Be familiar with a strategy perspective that extends beyond the traditional focus on managing
the marketing mix;
• Be able to understand and identify the issues that companies are facing in delivering and
creating value;
• Acquire skills that will enable them to develop effective management processes that help
organizations achieve their objectives and sustain their value creation and profits;
• Be able to understand market and industry analysis, competitive positioning and competitive
• Be able to identify the information technology needed in order to support world-class value
• Be able to build problem identification, problem analysis and critical thinking skills and to use
those skills to solve real business problems presented in case study analyses and in assigned
course projects; and
• Develop skills to apply the theory and synthesize knowledge from other areas, necessary to
prepare a marketing plan for a product or a service.


Title: Strategic Marketing

Author(s): David W. Cravens & Nigel F. Piercy
Edition/Year: Ninth / 2009



Title: Marketing Management (Analysis, Planning. Implementation and Control)

Author(s): Philip Kotler
Edition/Year: Twelfth / 2006

Title: Principles of Marketing

Author(s): Philip Kotler and Gary Amstrong
Edition/Year: Eleventh / 2006

Title: Global Marketing

Author(s): KEEGAN, Warren J.
Edition/Year: Third / 2003

Title: Strategic Marketing Management.

Author(s): Wilson R., Gilligan C. and Pearson D.
Edition/Year: Third / 2001

Web sites

• www


• Marketing Business
• Strategic Management
• Journal of Management
• Harvard Business Review


• Business Week
• The Economist
• The Marketer



1 Introduction to Strategic Marketing: Discussion Questions
Market Driven Strategy: Market Orientation,
Capabilities, Creating Value for Customers, Becoming
Market-Driven. Case Study: “The New
Business and Marketing Strategies: Corporate
Strategy, Business and Marketing Strategy, Marketing
Strategy Process, Preparing the Marketing Plan in

Chapter 1 and 2
2 Situation Analysis: Market vision, Structure and Discussion Questions
Analysis, Market and Strategies, Mapping Product-
Markets, Describing and Analyzing End-Users,
Case Study: “The Legal
Analyzing Competition, Developing a Strategic Vision
about the Future, Market Size Estimation.

Segmenting Markets: Segmentation and Market- Guidelines for the Assignments

Driven Strategy; Identifying Market Segments; and Project.
Forming Segments; Micro-segmentation; Mass
Customization; Variety Seeking; Selecting the
Segmentation Strategy.

Chapters 3 and 4
3 Continuous Learning about Markets: Market Discussion Questions
Orientation and Organizational Learning, MIS,
Marketing Research, Issues in Collecting and Using
Case Study: "Penton Ltd
Chapter 5
4 Designing Market-Driven Strategies: Market Discussion Questions
Targeting and Strategic Positioning: Targeting
Strategies; Targeting Alternatives; Factors Influencing
Targeting Decisions; Targeting in Emerging Markets,
in Growth Markets, in Mature and Declining Markets Case Study: “Lazy Days
and in Global Markets; The Positioning Process; The Holidays”
Positioning Strategy; Determining Positioning
Outline the Methodology that
will be adopted for the project.
Chapter 6
5 Relationship Strategies: Value-Enhancing Discussion Questions
Opportunities; Environmental Turbulence and
Diversity; Skill and Resource Gaps; Customer-
Supplier Relationships; Distribution Channel Case Study: “WGP Industries
Relationships; End-User Customer Relationships; Ltd”.
Strategic Alliances; Joint Ventures; Internal
Partnering; Effective Relationships Between Assignment
Organizations; Strategic Role of Government.

Planning for New Products: Steps in New Product

Planning; Idea Generation; Screening, Evaluation and
Business Analysis; Product and Process Development;
Developing Marketing Strategy and Market Testing;
Commercialization; Technology Push Processes;
Platform Products; Process-Intensive Products;
Customized Products.

Chapters 7 and 8
6 Market Focused Program Development: Strategic Discussion Questions
Brand Management: Managing the Product Portfolio;
Tracking Product Performance; Product Life-Cycle
Analysis; Product Matrix Analysis; Brand Positioning Case Study: "Watergate
Analysis; Strategies for Improving Product Pumps"
Performance; Product Mix Modifications; Brand
Equity; Brand Identification Strategy; Managing Brand Test
Chapter 9
7 Managing Value-Chain Relationships: Strategic Discussion Questions
Role of Distribution; Channel of Distribution Strategy;
Managing the Channel; International Distribution
Patterns; Factors Affecting International Channel Case Study: “Kanko Ltd”.
Selection; Strategic Alliances.

Chapter 10
8 Revision, Mid-term Examination.

9 Pricing Strategy: Strategic Role of Price; Customer Discussion Questions

Price Sensitivity; Cost Analysis; Competitor Analysis;
Legal and Ethical Considerations; Selecting the Pricing
Strategy; Determining Specific Prices and Policies. Case Study: "Pentagon
Balloons Ltd.”
Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion
Strategies: Developing Promotion Strategy;
Communications Objectives; The Role of the
Promotion-Mix Components; Budgeting Approaches;
Integrating the Promotion Strategy Components;
Media/Programming Strategy; Measuring the
Effectiveness of Advertising; Sales Promotion
Activities; Developing the Sales Promotion Strategy.

Chapters 11 and 12
10 Sales Force and Direct Marketing Strategies: Discussion Questions
Defining the Selling Process; Designing the Sales
Organization; Managing the Sales Force; Sales Force
Evaluation and Control; Considerations in the Use of Case Study: "RTJ Engineering
Direct Marketing; Direct Marketing Methods; Direct Ltd".
Marketing Strategy.

Chapter 13
11 Implementing and Managing Market-Driven Discussion Questions
Strategies: Designing Market-Driven Organizations:
Organizational Change; Hybrid, Process-Type
Structures; Partnering with Other Organizations; Case Study: “The Wet Shave
Traditional Designs; New Forms of Marketing Market”
Organizations; Organizing the Sales Force; Organizing
Global Marketing Strategies; Coordination and
Communication in Global Organizations.

Chapter 14
12 Marketing Strategy Implementation and Control: Discussion Questions
The Marketing Plan; Implementing the Plan; Strategic
Evaluation and Control; Selecting Performance
Criteria and Measures; Obtaining and Analyzing Case Study: "Anderson
Information; Opportunities and Performance Gaps; Marine Construction Ltd".
Determining; Deciding about Corrective Actions.
Deliver the Final Project
Chapter 15
13 Project Presentations, Revision

Business Studies Grading System:

% Grade Grade Grade

Grade Meaning Points per
90-100 A Excellent 4.00
80-89 B+ Very Good 3.50
75-79 B Good 3.00
65-74 C+ Above Average 2.50
60-64 C Average 2.00
55-59 D+ Below Average 1.50
50-54 D Poor 1.00
Below 50 F Failure 0.00


Class Participation/Tests: 5%
Assignments: 15%
Mid-term examination: 30%
Final examination: 50%

Assignments: The students will be assigned to carry out a theoretical research in the existing
literature over the topics covered in the course outline, or to carry out an exercise using the Internet.
The faculty member will determine the character of the assignment. The students are requested to
deliver their assignments on an individual or group basis and on time. Although collaboration
among the students for the preparation of the assignments is encouraged, students should avoid
copying. Presentations and discussions over the assignments will follow.

Mid-term examination: The mid-term examination will be of one and a half hours. It will mostly
be essay questions and/or multiple-choice questions.

Final Examination: The final examination will be of two and a half hours. It will be
comprehensive and it will test the students on the material covered during the semester.

• Class attendance and participation in class discussion is expected and absences will affect
your final grade.

• The due dates for assignments are non-negotiable and late work will be penalized.
• All assignments are to be professional in appearance and type.


Class attendance: Students are expected to attend the classes regularly and be punctual.

Humane matters: Inform your faculty member for any un-expectancies that may occur, thus not
allowing you to carry out your responsibilities.

Library: You are advised to visit regularly the library of our College and read articles published in
academic journals. Do not hesitate to ask the librarian to inform you about the facilities offered by
our library and how you will use them in a productive way. I recommend you studying regularly
among others, articles of your interest, published in international journals.

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