Data Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy
Policy points are numbered. The numbering corresponds to explanations of ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ for each point further down the page.
1. MUST: All employees must comply with the requirements of Data Protection Law and Article 8 of the Human Rights Act when processing the
personal data of living individuals
2. MUST: Where personal data is used we must make sure that the data subjects have access to a complete and current Privacy Notice.
3. MUST: We must formally assess the risk to privacy rights introduced by any new (or change to an existing) system or process which
processes personal data
4. MUST: We must process only the minimum amount of personal data necessary to deliver services.
5. MUST: All employees who record opinions or intentions about service users must do so carefully and professionally
6. MUST: We must take reasonable steps to ensure the personal data we hold is accurate, up to date and not misleading.
7. MUST: We must rely on consent as a condition for processing personal data only if there is no relevant legal power or other condition
8. MUST: Consent must be obtained if personal data is to be used for promoting or marketing goods and services.
9. MUST: We must ensure that the personal data we process is reviewed and destroyed when it is no longer necessary.
10. MUST: If we receive a request from a member of the public or colleagues asking to access their personal data, we must handle it as a Subject
Access Request
11. MUST: If we receive a request from anyone asking to access the personal data of someone other than themselves, we must fully consider
Data Protection law before disclosing it
12. MUST: When someone contacts us requesting we change the way we are processing their personal data, we must consider their rights under
Data Protection law.
13. MUST NOT: You must not access personal data which you have no right to view
14. MUST: You must follow system user guidance or other formal processes which are in place to ensure that only those with a business need to
access personal data are able to do so
15. MUST: You must share personal data with external bodies who request it only if there is a current agreement in place to do so or it is approved
by the Data Protection Officer.
16. MUST: Where the content of telephone calls, emails, internet activity and video images of employees and the public is recorded, monitored
and disclosed this must be done in compliance with the law and the regulator’s Code of Practice.
17. MUST: All employees must be trained to an appropriate level, based on their roles and responsibilities, to be able to handle personal data
18. MUST: When using ‘data matching’ techniques, this must only be done for specific purposes in line with formal codes of practice, informing
service users of the details, their legal rights and getting their consent where appropriate.
19. MUST: We must maintain an up to date entry in the Public Register of Data Controllers
20. MUST: Where personal data needs to be anonymised or pseudonymised, for example for research purposes, we must follow the relevant
21. MUST NOT: You must not share any personal data held by us with an individual or organisation based in any country outside of the European
Economic Area
14. Personal data must be protected by effective security controls to ensure that only those with approved business need to access the data can
do so
15. To comply with the legal requirements to keep personal secure but also to ensure that where there are legal grounds to share information in a
managed way that this is done correctly.
16. The law permits organisations to hold such data in order to measure the quality of services being provided, to record consent etc. In certain
circumstances recordings may be accessed e.g. to investigate alleged criminal activity or breaches of Organisation policy etc.
17. To comply with a principle in Data Protection law.
18. To comply with the Data Subject’s rights
19. This is a regulatory requirement and allows the public to see what personal information we hold to support transparency
20. Where personal data is used for research purposes, the processing of the data can be legitimised by provisions within Data Protection law
21. To comply with the right of the Data Subject to have equivalent legal safeguards in place over their data in another country as they would here.
The member states of the EEA share common legislation which provides assurance to us that personal data will be securely handled under the
same provisions that exist under the Data Protection Act.
allows us to keep indefinitely personal data processed only for historical, statistical or research purposes. The Retention Schedule will give
guidance in these areas.
10. By following the points in the Statutory Requests for Information Policy
11. By following the points in the Statutory Requests for Information Policy. Such requests would typically be managed under the Freedom of
Information Act (if from a member of the public) or under Data Protection or Justice law if for a criminal investigation, however the decision
whether or not to disclose someone’s personal data to a third party must satisfy the requirements of Data Protection law
12. By reviewing the impact of any requested change on any statutory duty being fulfilled by the Organisation.
13. By being aware through training and guidance from your manager on what information is appropriate for you to access to do your job. Systems
and other data storage must be designed to protect access to personal data. You must inform your manager if you have access to data which
you suspect you are not entitled to view.
14. By ensuring appropriate security controls are in place and rules to support those controls are followed. The following should be in place:
technical methods, such as encryption, password protection of systems, restricting access to network folders;
physical measures, such as locking cabinets, keeping equipment like laptops out of sight, ensuring buildings are physically secure; and
organisational measures, such as:
o Providing appropriate induction and training so that staff know what is expected of them
o Taking reasonable steps to ensure the reliability of staff that access personal data, for example, by the use of Disclosure and Barring
Service (DBS) checks.
o Making sure that passwords are kept secure, forced to be changed after an agreed period and are never shared
15. Consult your manager, any procedure guidance or any library of sharing agreements managed by the Organisation. Consult the Data
Protection Officer in one-off cases of sharing.
16. By ensuring that employees and members of the public are fully aware of what personal data is being recorded about them and why, and it
what circumstances that data may be used. Operation of overt surveillance equipment such as CCTV must always be done in line with relevant
codes of practice captured in the Surveillance Management Procedure. Any covert surveillance must be done in line with the provisions in the
Investigatory Powers Act (2016)
17. By completing compulsory training courses relevant to your role
18. By ensuring an Impact Assessment has been approved for the activity
19. The entry should be reviewed annually and an update is to be made when any change to the purposes of processing personal data occur
20. Follow the guidance in the Data Minimisation Procedure
21. Consult the Data Protection Officer over any proposed sharing outside of the EEA. If you are a manager who is proposing a change to or
implementing a new system which may involve the hosting of personal data in a nation outside the EEA, this must be first approved by a
Privacy Impact Assessment
What if I need to do something against the policy?
If you believe you have a valid business reason for an exception to these policy points, having read and understood the reasons why they are in
place, please raise a formal request by contacting [relevant role or team & their contact details]
Document Control
Version: 1
Date approved: [Date]
Approved by: [Name of authorising officer or board]
Next review: [Approval date + review period]
Breach Statement
Breaches of Information Policies will be investigated and may result in disciplinary action. Serious breaches of Policy may be considered gross
misconduct and result in dismissal without notice, or legal action being taken against you.