To Marry or To Burn
To Marry or To Burn
To Marry or To Burn
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nvQoijoůai IN 1 COR 7:9
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194 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly [Vol. 36
5NEB ("to burn with vain desire"); RSV ("to be aflame with passion"); TEV ("to burn with
passion"); Phillips ("to be tortured with unsatisfied desire"); on the other hand, NAB ("to be on
fire") and JB ("to be tortured") are ambiguous.
6Cf. E. E. Ellis, Paul and His Recent Interpreters (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1961) 29-32; W.
D. Davies, Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: Some Rabbinic Elements in Pauline Theology (rev. ed.;
New York: Harper, 1948); J. A. Fitzmyer in JBC II, 802.
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1974] To Marry or to Burn 195
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1% The Catholic Biblical Quarterly [Vol. 36
'Briefly, I would call into question three assumptions with which most commen
Cor 11:29 begin:
(1) that the second clause in each of the two questions in vs. 29 expresses the re
first clause; e.g., "Who is weak, and I [as a result ] am not weak?";
(2) that áoůevelv and oxavóaÁí&oůai here refer to faith as in 1 Cor 8:7-13;
(3) that mjQovoûai here means "to burn with emotion" as (according to most com
in 1 Cor 7:9.
After having researched this text, however, I am convinced that the meaning of the last verb is
rather "to be afflicted" or "tested" as mentioned above (p.195). I hope to publish my research in
a future article. But to argue my thesis convincingly would require the space of an entire article,
and therefore it cannot be discussed here.
9aNonetheless it is interesting to note that in the Martyrdom ofPolycarp (15:2) it is said that
during his death by fire the saint was cbç xçuoôç xai aęyuęoę ¿v xafjívq> tt uqoíjialvoç
10P. Minear, / Saw a New Earth: An Introduction to the Visions of the Apocalypse (Nashville:
Abingdon, 1968) 57; cf. 220. A similar expression appears in 1 Pet 1:7: tò ôoxíynov v^œv rrją
moreœç ttoàuti/ìÓt cqov xQvoíov toû ¿ttoààujicvou, óià ttuqòç ói óoxif*a£ofJĆvov. . . . îIvqovv is
closely associated with or in parallelism with àoxifuá^e iv in a number of LXX passages (RSV):
Pss 17:3; 26:2; 66:10; Jer 9:7. A particularly revealing text where these two concepts are closely
related occurs in the Didache (16:5); speaking of the last days, it says: tote rj&i rj xtCoiç tcDv
àvÙQcônœv elç tt^v twqcûoiv t rjç óoxifiaoiaę, xai oxavóaAioŮTjoovrai rroÀÀoì xai cmoXovvTai. . . .
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1 974] T o Marry or to Burn 1 97
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198 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly [Vol. 36
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1 974] T o Marry or to Burn 1 99
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200 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly [Vol. 36
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1974] To Marry or to Burn 201
,9To be "anxious about the affairs of the Lord" (peQifii/av jà t ov xvqíov) means to be engaged
in "building up the Church" through various types of "ministerial" activities (in the broad sense
of the term); cf. J. D. Quinn, "Celibacy and the Ministry in Scripture," TBT 46 (1970) 3169-70.
According to Quinn, the correctness of this interpretation of the phrase may be seen from Rom
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202 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly [Vol. 36
15:17, where he renders rà nçòç tòv ůlóv "my work for God"; and indirectly from 2 Cor 11:28,
where Paul uses the term idQipva to describe his apostolic solicitude for the churches (ibid.).
Moreover, we may compare Phil 2:20, where Paul assures the Philippians that Timothy rà ncQi
V1AÓÚV ptQinvrjoei, an expression which stands in close relation to (£rj rdv) rà 'I rjoov Xqiotov in the
following verse. (On expressions of the type to tov. . . , cf . C. H. Giblin, 4 4 'The Things of God' in
the Question Concerning Tribute to Caesar [Lk 20:25; Mk 12:17; Mt 22:21]," CBQ 33 [1971]
520-21; Blass-Debrunner, A Greek Grammar. . . .,§263). Likewise, to be <4holy in body and
spirit" (1 Cor 7:34) means to be 44wholly occupied and undistracted ( aperispastos ) [vs. 35] in the
ministry of the Lord Jesus"; cf. Quinn, "Celibacy. . . ," 3171; Héring, The First Epistle. . . , 61.
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