Complete 060512
Complete 060512
Complete 060512
Best Management
July 2007*
This is a temporary listing of errata that will be changed in the next revision of the BMP
Manual chapters.
Page Description
9-12 The wetland surface area percentages are incorrect and revised as follows:
The permanent pool elevation shall not be greater than 6 inches below
SHWT elevation. (see 10.3.2)
10-9 Section 10.3.2 of the chapter goes into more detail regarding MDE 19 on
10-2. The primary point of MDE 19 is to address the concern for the
potential for draining wetlands and/or surface waters when the PPE is
more than 6” below the SHWT. There has been confusion regarding
ponds when the PPE is more than 6” above the SHWT. Beginning at the
second paragraph it should be revised as follows (revisions in bold):
DWQ requires a soils report that includes a determination of the SHWT elevation
for all wet pond designs. The permanent pool elevation shall meet the following
1. The PPE must be no more than six inches below the SHWT.
2. If the design proposed does not meet the requirement of item 1 above, then the
Page 1 of 3
established an acceptable range of SHWT elevation. This range will ensure that
the pond does not adversely affect wetlands, surface waters, and buffers; and
holds water as designed. Additionally, it provides some allowance for the
potential inaccuracy of the exact SHWT elevation.
If the PPE is designed to be more than 6” above the SHWT, the designer
shall determine if a liner or compaction of the soils is necessary to maintain
the permanent pool of water. If site conditions do not allow the PPE to be
designed within the preferred range for the SHWT elevation or above, then (1) an
analysis of the proposed wet pond design…
12-18 In the third paragraph from the bottom; the third sentence should read:
WQVAdj: Adjusted Water Quality Volume (ft3). This is used as the volume that
must be contained between the sedimentation chamber (above any permanent
pool) and the sand chamber (above the sand).
This is typically measured from the top of the sand to the overflow/bypass
11-10 The equation in Step 3 will not be true for all sand filter configurations.
For it to work for other configurations, it should be:
[Af ( ft2) * hfmax ( ft)] + [As ( ft2) * hsmax ( ft)] ≥ WQVAdj ( ft3)
5-11 At the bottom of the page in step 2, the internal slope (S) does not show
the units. S should be in ft/ft, not percent.
Page 2 of 3
18-16 To clarify language in the last paragraph of this page, the following
sentence should read:
The borings shall be performed and reported in accordance with ASTM D 1452
Practice for Soil Investigation and Sampling Auger Borings or ASTM D 1586
Test Method for Penetration Test and Split Barrel Sampling of Soils.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 07-02-07
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
As land is developed, the impervious surfaces that are created increase the amount of
runoff during rainfall events, disrupting the natural hydrologic cycle. Without
stormwater controls, the increased runoff can erode stream channels, increase pollutant
loadings, cause downstream flooding, and prevent groundwater recharge. The
increased runoff can degrade water quality in all types of waters, including those
classified as water supply watersheds, shellfish areas, and nutrient-sensitive waters.
Protecting these waters is vital for a number of reasons, including the protection of fish
and wildlife habitat, human health, recreation, and drinking water supplies.
The management of all water pollution sources is a stated goal of the 1987 amendments
to the Clean Water Act. To fulfill the requirements of the Clean Water Act, the North
Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality
(DWQ) has examined water pollution in each of its 17 river basins and has developed
corresponding plans to address that pollution. Some of the plans have resulted in the
promulgation of specific stormwater regulations to address overall water pollution
issues. In addition, there are several county and local governments that have also
implemented stormwater regulations to address specific local water pollution issues.
Most of these programs attempt to protect, maintain, and restore water uses to the
surface waters through the use of narrative based effluent limitations in the form of
“best management practices” (BMPs).
Stormwater BMPs are implemented as a way of treating or limiting pollutants and other
damaging effects of stormwater runoff in order to meet legislative and North Carolina
Administrative Code requirements. There are two major categories of BMPs: non-
structural and structural. In North Carolina, the management of stormwater runoff
through non-structural BMPs is the preferred method of reducing pollution from
developing urban and suburban areas. In cases where the preferred methods are not
feasible or sufficient, or where stormwater controls are being used to retrofit existing
development, engineered or structural BMPs are viable solutions to reducing pollution.
Both non-structural and structural BMPs are discussed in more detail in the following
greatly reducing the need for structural BMPs. In addition, non-structural BMPs tend to
be less costly and easier to design and implement. Typically, the measures do not
require maintenance but do require administrative resource commitments to ensure that
they are continually implemented. Non-structural BMPs normally do not have technical
or engineering designs associated with them. Some typical non-structural BMPs are
listed below:
− Bioretention
− Sand Filter
− Stormwater Wetlands
− Wet Detention Basin
− Filter Strip
− Grassed Swale
− Infiltration Devices
− Restored Riparian Buffer
− Dry Extended Detention Basin
− Permeable Pavement Systems
− Rooftop Runoff Management
− Proprietary Systems
The purpose of this manual is to assist designers, developers, owners, contractors, and
local officials in determining what stormwater regulations apply to their situation, what
the best stormwater BMP to meet those regulations might be, and how to then design
and maintain that particular stormwater BMP. It is intended to provide the competent
design professional with the information necessary both to properly meet the minimum
requirements of the various North Carolina stormwater programs, and to be able to
design a stormwater BMP that meets the water quality objectives. However, it does not
cover every aspect of the civil engineering and structural design necessary for proper
BMP system design and construction , nor does it cover every site situation that may
occur, or every possible stormwater solution. The design professional is responsible for
the design and construction of a properly functioning stormwater BMP that meets all of
the applicable regulations, including the water quality objectives, and that considers all
the unique conditions of an individual site. Where the designer determines that
conformance with this manual would create an unreasonable hardship or where an
alternative design may be more appropriate, alternative designs, materials, and
methodologies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
There are figures, example calculations, operation and maintenance items, etc., used
throughout this manual. The intention is to provide the reader with visual assistance in
device functions, siting, and concepts, as well as guidance on designing, operating, and
maintaining specific BMPs. The figures, example calculations, operation and
maintenance items, etc., will not represent the proper solution for every situation, and
they may contain items that may not exactly fit the requirements listed in the section.
The user of this manual must look at these items and use his or her professional
judgment as to their proper use in a specific situation (however, any variance from a
requirement must be clearly indicated). In the event of a conflict or inconsistency
between the text of this manual and any heading, caption, figure, illustration, table, map,
etc., the text shall control.
Throughout the text of this manual, the words “should” and “recommended” are used
for items that are recommended for good design practices and optimum performance of
the BMP. The words “shall”, “must”, and “required” are used for items that are
required for receiving approval of the design and for that design to receive the listed
pollutant removal rates. In each design section, the required items are broken into 2
groups: those that are required for approval of a design based on requirements in the
North Carolina Administrative Code, and those that are required for a design to receive
full credit listed in this manual for pollutant removal rates. Those designs not meeting
all of the requirements of the first group will not be approved for construction, and
those designs not meeting all of the requirements of both the first and second group will
not receive the stated removal rates.
Also used throughout this manual is the phrase “design professional”. This phrase is a
generic title for a qualified, registered, North Carolina professional engineer, surveyor,
soil scientist, or landscape architect, performing services only in his or her area of
competence. Other individuals may be authorized as a “design professional”, if they
can demonstrate proper knowledge and ability to DWQ.
The Stormwater BMP Manual contains what the Division of Water Quality believes to be
the technologies and specifications that: 1) will meet the state minimum regulatory
requirements for stormwater BMPs, 2) will perform in a manner most likely to protect the
state’s water quality standards and 3) will continue to function as designed to protect
water quality.
The specifications contained in this Manual were based on the most recent and
recognized research and guidance from professionals in academia, research
organizations, regulatory agencies and design practitioners across the state. Although we
believe that following the conditions of the Manual will provide compliant and
permittable design, some professionals may desire to design stormwater treatment
devices in a manner different from that specified in this Manual. This is acceptable if the
design and implementation meets the state’s minimum regulatory requirements and can
be shown to provide equal or better protection than those specified in the Manual.
Design professionals desiring to deviate from the provisions contained in this Manual
must provide full technical justification that their recommendation is as protective as or
better than the recommendations contained in this Manual. Although at times, unique
situations provide obvious evidence that a deviation from the Manual is justified, most
recommendations for deviations will require technical documentation that provides
convincing evidence of the acceptability of the alternative. Vague, anecdotal or isolated
evidence of the acceptability of an alternative solution cannot be used to supplant the
considered recommendations of this Manual.
Because our review staff must consider all deviations from this Manual on a case-by-case
basis, requesting approval of BMP designs different from those recognized in the Manual
will almost always slow down the permit review process. One benefit of having a
Manual is to provide BMP recommendations that have been recognized and accepted and
can be readily approved. Projects requesting deviations from the specifications contained
in the Manual will require additional staff resources for review. Therefore, project
proponents desiring an expedited review should strive to use the accepted specifications
in the Manual.
1.5. Acknowledgements
This manual was prepared with the help of many individuals from a variety of
affiliations, including: NCDENR, North Carolina State University, private consultants,
and various North Carolina municipalities. It also relies on concepts, presentation style,
and even text material that were found in BMP design manuals from other states,
regional authorities, and municipalities. Most of this material has been reworked
extensively and is therefore difficult to reference precisely. Exact referencing has been
attempted when possible, and those documents that have been utilized in general have
been included in the reference list.
1.6. Disclaimer
To the best of their ability, the authors have insured that material presented in this
manual is accurate and reliable. The design of engineered facilities, however, requires
considerable judgment on the part of designer. It is the responsibility of the design
professional to insure that techniques utilized are appropriate for a given situation.
Therefore, neither the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, nor any author or other individual, group, business, etc., associated with
production of this manual, accepts any responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury as a
result of the use of this manual.
2.1. Overview
North Carolina’s Division of Water Quality (DWQ) under the authority of the
Environmental Management Commission (EMC) has developed a variety of stormwater
programs to protect the waters of the State. The primary strategy for these programs is
to minimize impervious surfaces and to treat stormwater runoff using BMPs. BMPs in
this manual, if appropriately applied, receive credit towards meeting the requirements
of these programs.
Tables 2-2, 2-3a, and 2-3b summarize the basic design requirements for all of the
stormwater programs in the State. The summaries and tables are not intended to
provide a comprehensive account of all the requirements for a given program.
Remember to consult the permitting authority (DWQ or local government, depending on
the program) and/or the relevant statute or rule for specific program requirements.
Additionally, Figures 2-1 and 2-2 in this section show a map delineating the applicable
areas of the various stormwater programs throughout the State, and a map showing the
DWQ Regions (including contact information), respectively.
Specific North Carolina stormwater legislation for Session Law 2006-246 can be found at:
In 1972, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program was
established under the authority of the Clean Water Act. Phase I of the NPDES
stormwater program was established in 1990. It required NPDES permit coverage for
municipalities that had populations of 100,000 or more. In North Carolina, there are six
permitted local governments that have municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s)
serving populations of 100,000 or more (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville, Charlotte,
Winston-Salem, Greensboro). Each subject local government was required to develop
and implement a stormwater management program that includes public education,
illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction and post-construction programs,
pollution prevention and good housekeeping programs storm sewer system and land
use mapping, and analytical monitoring.
Under Session Law 2006-246, the Phase II program builds upon the existing Phase I
program by requiring certain smaller communities (<100,000) and public entities that
own and operate an MS4 to apply and obtain an NPDES permit for stormwater
discharges. The session law defines the communities that are required to obtain a Phase
II permit, the process for including new communities, and the general requirements for
compliance with a Phase II permit. Each community that is subject to Phase I and Phase
II is required to meet the following six minimum measures:
The local communities are responsible for the implementation of the Post-construction
stormwater management in new development and redevelopment under their
jurisdictions, and all plan approvals should be submitted to the appropriate local
authorities. Development in the extra-jurisdictional area and MSI’s of each municipality
(1-3 miles around municipal boundaries, depending on population) is also subject to the
minimum requirements for post-construction listed above.
Development and redevelopment projects in Phase II counties still must apply to the
Division of Water Quality for a State Stormwater permit.
The Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy (or Neuse
Stormwater Program) targets nitrogen pollution in stormwater runoff as specified in
15A NCAC 2B .0235. The Neuse Stormwater Program affects the 15 most populous
communities in the Neuse River basin: Cary, Durham, Garner, Goldsboro, Havelock,
Kinston, New Bern, Raleigh, Smithfield, Wilson, Durham County, Johnston County,
Orange County, Wake County, and Wayne County. New development in these
communities must meet the requirements listed below (although local communities are
free to adopt more stringent requirements).
For the purposes of the Neuse Stormwater Program, new development shall be defined
as to include the following:
- Any activity that disturbs greater than one acre of land in order to establish,
expand or modify a single family or duplex residential development or a
recreational facility.
- Any activity that disturbs greater than one-half an acre of land in order to
establish, expand or modify a multifamily residential development or a
commercial, industrial or institutional facility.
- New development does not include agriculture, mining, or forestry activities.
Land disturbance is defined as grubbing, stump removal, and/or grading.
The computed post-development nitrogen load (see Section 3 for information on how to
calculate nutrient loads) must be reduced to 3.6 lb/ac/yr. This can be done by installing
nitrogen-reducing BMPs that receive credit by reducing the total nitrogen export by a
certain percentage (depending on the BMP), and/or through offset payments to the
Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). Contact DWQ or EEP for information
regarding nitrogen buy-down options.
In addition to the nutrient reduction requirements, there must also be no net increase in
peak flow leaving the site from the predevelopment conditions for the 1-year, 24-hour
The Tar-Pamlico River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy (or Tar-
Pamlico Stormwater Program) targets both nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in
stormwater runoff as specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0258. The Tar-Pamlico Stormwater
Program affects the 11 most populous communities in the Tar-Pamlico River basin:
Greenville, Henderson, Oxford, Rocky Mount, Tarboro, Washington, Beaufort County,
Edgecombe County, Franklin County, Nash County, and Pitt County. New
development in these communities must meet the requirements listed below (although
local communities are free to adopt more stringent requirements).
For the purposes of the Tar-Pamlico Stormwater Program, new development shall be
defined as to include the following:
- Any activity that disturbs greater than one acre of land to establish, expand,
or replace a single family or duplex residential development or recreational
facility. For individual single family residential lots of record that are not part
of a larger common plan of development or sale, the activity must also result
in greater than ten percent built-upon area.
- Any activity that disturbs greater than one-half an acre of land to establish,
expand, or replace a multifamily residential development or a commercial,
industrial or institutional facility.
- Projects meeting the above criteria that replace or expand existing structures
or improvements and that do not result in a net increase in built-upon area
shall not be required to treat stormwater runoff for nitrogen or phosphorus
- Projects meeting the above criteria that replace or expand existing structures
or improvements and that result in a net increase in built-upon area shall
achieve a 30 percent reduction in nitrogen loading and no increase in
phosphorus loading relative to the previous development.
- Land disturbance is defined as grubbing, stump removal, grading, or
removal of structures. New development shall not include agriculture
(including intensive livestock operations), mining, or forestry activities.
The computed post-development nitrogen and phosphorus loads (see Section 3.3 for
information on how to calculate nutrient loads) must be reduced to 4.0 lb/ac/yr and 0.4
lb/ac/yr, respectively. This can be done by either installing nutrient-reducing BMPs,
on- or offsite, that receive credit by reducing the total nutrient export by a certain
percentage (depending on the BMP), and/or through offset payments to the Ecosystem
Enhancement Program (EEP). Contact the local community for information regarding
off-site treatment options and DWQ or EEP for information regarding nutrient buy-
down options.
In addition to the nutrient reduction requirements, there must also be no net increase in
peak flow leaving the site from the predevelopment conditions for the 1-year, 24-hour
2.4. State Stormwater Program 15A NCAC 2H .1000, Session Law 2008-
Specific legislation for 15A NCAC 2H .1000 and Session Law 2008-211 can be found at: and
%20Environmental%20Management, respectively.
The State Stormwater Program is administered by the DWQ Regional Offices (see Figure
2-2 for DWQ Regional Office information). Any development in the 20 coastal counties
that requires a CAMA major permit or a Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan must
obtain a stormwater management permit. In addition, non-residential development
activities that add more than 10,000 square feet of built upon area (regardless of the
amount of land disturbed) must also obtain a stormwater management permit.
Permits must be obtained from either of the two regional offices (Washington or
Wilmington) that serve the 20 coastal counties. The counties served by the Wilmington
regional office include: Brunswick*, Carteret, New Hanover*, Onslow*, and Pender*.
The counties served by the Washington regional office include: Beaufort, Bertie,
Camden, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Pamlico,
Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington. *Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow,
and a portion of Pender are regulated under Phase II as described in Session Law 2006-246 and
Section 2.2 above. The applicability of Phase II rules within certain counties or certain municipal
areas within a county may change in the future. It is recommended that the Regional Office or
Customer Service Center is contacted to verify what rules your project is subject to.
The State Stormwater Program in the Coastal Counties is comprised of three main
categories: development that drains to class SA or ORW waters, development that
drains to non-SA or non-ORW waters, and provisions for Limited Residential
Development . SA waters are the highest quality designation for salt waters and
correspond primarily to waters that have shell fishing as a designated use. Non-SA
waters include lower class saltwaters (e.g. SB and SC.) and all classes of freshwaters.
More information on ORW waters is found below in section 2.4.2.
Projects shall meet the requirements for SA waters if the development is within one-half
mile of and drain to SA waters or unnamed tributaries of SA waters. Projects shall meet
the requirements for ORW waters if the development is within 575 feet of the mean high
waterline area of ORW. The areas that are designated as SA Waters and ORW are
shown in Figure 2-1. For such development, there are two options: low density and high
density. See Section 2.(b) of the Session Law for specific requirements.
As of October, 2008, the new low density thresholds and control requirements for high
density projects are the same as those that are now in place in Brunswick, New Hanover,
and Onslow counties as a result of the Phase 2 Session Law.
For development in the coastal counties that does not drain to SA waters, there are two
options: low density and high density. Specific requirements for each are shown in
Section 2.(b)(3) of the Session Law.
In 2008, Session Law 2008-211 required that for Limited Residential Developments a
one-time non-renewable stormwater management permit shall be obtained.
Residential projects that meet the following criteria must apply for this permit:
Stormwater runoff shall be managed using the one of more of the practices shown in
Section 2.(c) of the Session Law.
2.4.2. High Quality Waters (15A NCAC 2H .1006) and Outstanding Resource Waters
(15A NCAC 2H .1007) Outside the 20 Coastal Counties
The Legislation for HQW and ORW Waters can be found at:
The State has designated that certain bodies of water in North Carolina should be
considered High Quality Waters (HQW) and Outstanding Resource Waters because of
the high natural resource value of these waters. As such, DWQ is tasked with providing
protection for these waters through stormwater management strategies. The areas
outside the 20 Coastal Counties designated as HQW and ORW are shown in Figure 2-1.
If development occurs in these areas and requires a Sedimentation/Erosion Control
Plan, a permit must be obtained from the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. The
minimum requirements for the permit are shown in the rules, although more stringent
measures may be required on a case-by-case basis.
Note: Projects within the 20 Coastal Counties that are affected by HQW requirements or
are within 575 feet from the mean high waterline area of ORW waters are addressed
above in section 2.4.2.
For proposed projects affected by HQW and ORW requirements outside the 20 Coastal
Counties, there are two options for development: low density and high density. The
rules show the design requirements for each..
As the name implies, the water supply watershed protection program is designed to
protect the surface water supply sources of the State. The water supply watersheds are
delineated in Figure 2-1, and within this program there are several categories of
protection. The program designates the water supply (WS) watersheds as WS-I (most
stringent stormwater requirements), WS-II, WS-III, and WS-IV (least stringent
requirements). For WS-II, WS-III, and WS-IV, there are also separate requirements for
the area directly adjacent to the water supply intake point (known as the “critical area”).
For each of these categories, development must meet stormwater requirements. The
local community governments have the authority to implement this program and have
adopted these requirements by ordinance. The requirements for the water supply
program are summarized in Table 2-1; additional requirements and development
options may apply.
Table 2-1
Water Supply Watershed Protection Program – Minimum Design Requirements
WS-II (Critical Area) 6% built-upon area or Stormwater runoff Control runoff from the
one single-family from development first inch of rainfall.
residential development transported by New development
per 2 acres vegetated conveyances density not to exceed
to the maximum extent 24% built-upon area.
WS-II (Balance of 12% built-upon area or Stormwater runoff Control runoff from the
Watershed) one single-family from development first inch of rainfall.
residential development transported by New development
per acre vegetated conveyances density not to exceed
to the maximum extent 30% built-upon area.
WS-III (Critical 12% built-upon area or Stormwater runoff Control runoff from the
Area) one single-family from development first inch of rainfall.
residential development transported by New development
per acre vegetated conveyances density not to exceed
to the maximum extent 30% built-upon area.
WS-III (Balance of 24% built-upon area or Stormwater runoff Control runoff from the
Watershed) two single-family from development first inch of rainfall.
residential transported by New development
developments per acre vegetated conveyances density not to exceed
to the maximum extent 50% built-upon area.
WS-IV (Critical 24% built-upon area or Stormwater runoff Control runoff from the
Area) two single-family from development first inch of rainfall.
residential transported by New development
developments per acre vegetated conveyances density not to exceed
to the maximum extent 50% built-upon area.
WS-IV (Protected 24% built-upon area or Stormwater runoff Control runoff from the
Area) two single-family from development first inch of rainfall.
residential development transported by New development
per acre vegetated conveyances density not to exceed
to the maximum extent 70% built-upon area.
North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2B .0251 can be found at:
The Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Program applies to the upper and lower
portions of the Randleman Lake Watershed. The upper portion of the watershed is
defined as those waters and lands of the Deep River watershed that drain to the
Oakdale-Cotton Mill Dam. The lower portion of the watershed is comprised of those
waters and lands of the Deep River upstream and draining to the Randleman Lake Dam,
and from the Oakdale-Cotton Mill Dam to the Randleman Dam.
Development in the upper portion of the Randleman watershed must meet the State’s
rules for a WS-IV classification as described 15A NCAC 2B .0104, .0202, and .0216. The
primary stormwater management requirements that affect BMP design are found in
section .0216. These requirements are summarized in Section 2.5 of this document and
described in rule.
Section 401 of the Clean Water Act delegates authority to the states to issue a 401 Water
Quality Certification for all projects that require a Federal Section 404 Permit due to
impacts to wetlands or waters of the State. A 401 Water Quality Certification is also
required to impact isolated wetlands, which are not covered under Section 404. The 401
Certification is verification by the Division of Water Quality that a given project will not
degrade waters of the State or otherwise violate water quality standards. The
stormwater requirements associated with receiving a 401 Certification can be found on
the Division of Water Quality’s web site at:
Legislation for the USMP Program (15A NCAC 2H .0102) can be found at:
The USMP is available to local governments that adopt an ordinance that both complies
with the rule, and receives approval from the Environmental Management Commission.
For those entities that adopt the program, the rule outlines requirements that apply to
development and redevelopment activities that meet defined thresholds. The USMP rule
requires stormwater controls, such as the detention of stormwater to settle solids and
modify its force and volume, for projects that meet or exceed the thresholds. In areas
where stormwater drains to shellfish harvesting waters, measures must be taken to
control fecal coliform and new or expanded outfalls are prohibited.
For more information about the USMP and the text of the rule, go to the Division of
Water Quality’s Web site,
The Division of Water Quality may identify other watersheds with threatened and
endangered species in the future. Contact the Central Office of the Division of Water
Quality regarding specific requirements.
The Site Specific Water Quality Management Plan for the Goose Creek Watershed
(15A NCAC 2B .0601-.0609) requires that in the Goose Creek Watershed:
• No new wastewater discharges or expansions are permitted.
• Any new development activity that disturbs one acre or more of land and increases
impervious surface must control and treat the difference in stormwater runoff from
pre-development and post-development conditions for the one year, 24-hour storm
with structural controls that meet rule requirements.
• No activity that results in a direct or indirect discharge is allowed if it causes toxicity
to the Carolina heelsplitter, with special attention to ammonia inputs.
• For new activities, undisturbed riparian buffers are required within 200 feet of
waterbodies within the 100-year flood plain and within 100-feet of waterbodies not
within the 100-year floodplain. The floodplain is delineated by the North Carolina
Floodplain Mapping Program in the Division of Emergency Management.
• A chart that describes activities in the buffer areas that are exempt or potentially
allowable with Division of Water Quality approval is included in the rules.
In 2008, legislation was adopted (Article 4A of S.L. 2008-198) that placed limitations on
the percent impervious areas for vehicular parking lots in certain regions of the state.
The legislation affected parking areas over one acre in size for local building permits
issued on or after April 1, 2009. The legislation only applied to areas of the state that are
not now under some state or federally-mandated stormwater program, such as Phase II,
Water Supply, HQW or coastal counties stormwater.
This statute requires that no more than eighty percent (80%) of the surface area of the
vehicular surface area may be impervious surface. Impervious surface is defined as any
material that prevents the natural infiltration of water into the soil. Vegetated areas
within the vehicular surface area will count towards the percentage of pervious surfaces.
Permeable pavements such as permeable concrete, permeable asphalt, permeable
interlocking concrete pavers, concrete grid pavers, and plastic reinforced grid systems
can be used for credit toward the 20% requirement.
The DWQ Stormwater BMP manual does not recommend acceptance of permeable
paving systems for stormwater credit in most areas of the central and western parts of
the state. However, the DWQ has prepared Technical Requirements and Guidance for
permeable pavement systems that all apply in all areas of the state covered by this
statute. See Appendix A.
The new statute also provides an alternative compliance method of treating the first two
inches of runoff from at least 20% of the vehicular service area in an appropriately sized
bioretention area. The statute specifies that the bioretention area must be designed in
accordance with standards established by the Department. DWQ has provided technical
specifications for bioretention regulated by State and Federal requirements in Chapter 12
of this manual. Technical specifications may be different for bioretention cells for areas
of the state which must only comply with the provisions of Session Law 2008-198. See
Appendix A.
For more details and examples of what areas can and cannot be counted towards the
20% permeable requirement, please see the DWQ Stormwater Permitting Unit’s website:
Figure 2-1
Stormwater Programs in North Carolina (6/2009)
Figure 2-2
Permitting Authority DWQ – RO DWQ – RO DWQ – RO Local Gov’t Local Gov’t Note 13 Local Gov’t
Low Density Maximum BUA (1) 24% 12% 12% N/A N/A 24%
Note 12
High Density Maximum BUA (2) No Max No Max 25% N/A N/A No Max
Low Density Setback/Buffer 50’ (Note 14) 50’ (Note 14) 50’ (Note 14) 50’ RB 50’ RB 30’
30’ *
High Density Setback/Buffer 50’ (Note 14) 50’ (Note 14) 50’ (Note 14) 50’ RB 50’ RB 30’
S/W Control Req. for High Density (3) 1.5” Note 15 Note 15 Peak Reduc. Peak Reduc. 1” (Note 16) 1.5” R/O
TSS removal Requirement 85% 85% 85% N/A N/A 85% 85%
Stormwater Drawdown Requirement
Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4
Vegetated Conv. For Low Density (5) Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A
Deed/Property Restrictions Required
Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes
Infiltration Systems Required for S/W
Note 8
No New or Expanded Stormwater
Discharges (9)
Nitogen Loading Limits (10)(11) Yes Yes Note 10, 11 Note 10, 11
(1) Low-density limits are represented in the table in terms of maximum built upon area percentage. In addition, a two-dwelling-units-per-acre
limit may be used in lieu of this percentage.
(2) High-density limits are represented in maximum built upon area percentages only. No dwelling-unit-per-acre limits apply.
(3) Stormwater Control Requirement: 1.5-inch storm. For SA and ORW waters see Note 15.. For the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico stormwater programs
(Peak Reduc.), there shall be no increase in peak flow leaving the site from the predevelopment conditions for the 1-year, 24-hour storm.
(4) Drawdown Requirement: Runoff volume drawdown time varies between programs but must be a minimum of 24-48 hours (depending on the
program), but not more than 120 hours; may differ based on BMP selected.
(5) The low-density option requires the use of vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable and shall not have a discrete collection
(6) Where applicable, deed or property restrictions and protective covenants are required by the locally issued permit and incorporated by the
development to ensure that that subsequent development activities maintain the development (or redevelopment) consistent with the approved
plans. For the 20 Coastal Counties and Phase II projects, this must be recorded prior to issuance of a certification of occupancy.
(7) Cluster development is defined in 15A NCAC 02B .0202 (16) as the following: “the grouping of buildings in order to conserve land resources
and provide for innovation in the design of the project including minimizing stormwater runoff impacts.”
(8) For 20 Coastal Counties must meet requirements of Section 2.(b)(1)(c) of SL 2008-211.
(9) No new or expanded stormwater discharges are allowed for projects draining to shellfishing waters.
(10) The Neuse stormwater nutrient loading limits specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0235 apply in the applicable affected local governments within the
Neuse River Basin.
(11) The Tar-Pamlico stormwater nutrient loading limits specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0258 apply in the applicable affected local governments
within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin.
(12) No Low/High density designations for USMP; No maximum BUA, except if within 575’ of SA waters, maximum BUA is 36%.
(13) DWQ-RO or Local government (see
* Neuse and Tar-Pamlico setbacks are a 50-foot riparian buffer.
(14) 50’ vegetated buffer for new development. 30’ vegetated buffer for redevelopment.
(15) The greater of: 1.5” R/O; or Pre/Post Difference for the 1-year, 24-hour storm.
(16) In the 20 Coastal Counties, as local government’s Phase II NPDES permits are renewed the post-construction requirements will be updated to
meet those in 2008-211.
Table 2-3a
Water Supply Watershed Requirements for Sites that Drain to Freshwaters
Permitting Authority Local Gov’t Local Gov’t Local Gov’t Local Gov’t Local Gov’t Local Gov’t
Vegetated Conv, for Low Density (5) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deed/Property Restrictions Required (6) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Dev. Allowed (7) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table 2-3b
Applicable Stormwater Requirements for Sites that Drain to Freshwaters
Stormwater Drawdown (4) Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4 Note 4
Vegetated Conv, for Low
Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A
Density (5)
Deed/Property Restrictions
Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Required (6)
Cluster Dev. Allowed (7) Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10/70 Provision Allowed (8) No N/A N/A N/A Yes No Yes No N/A No
NSW Load Limits (10) Note 10 Yes Yes
CA – Critical Area, BW – Balance of Watershed, HQW – High Quality Waters, ORW – Outstanding Resource Waters, NSW – Nutrient Sensitive Waters,
PA – Protected Area, Randle – Randleman Reservoir Watershed, RB – Riparian Buffer, RO – Runoff, TSS – Total Suspended Solids, WS – Water Supply
watershed, USMP – Universal Stormwater Management Program
A permit for the Master Plan is written to limit the overall density, to spell out the
maximum built-upon area for each proposed tract, to spell out the type of development
being proposed for each tract, and to determine what tracts may be high density and
will require an engineered BMP to be permitted for that tract at a future date.
In addition to the basic requirements for plans listed in Section .1003(g) of the
Stormwater rules, the Master Plan must show all individual tract boundaries, identified
as residential, commercial, multifamily, recreational, amenity, clubhouse, etc., all main
roads, all proposed treatment methods, and set a maximum BUA allocation for each
tract. Each tract must have a unique identifying marker or name.
Where a permit is issued for the Master Plan, as the plans for each development tract are
finalized, the applicant need only submit a “Plan Revision” (no fee or modification) for
each tract demonstrating that the development within that tract contains no more than
the permitted amount of built-upon area, and that the type of development is
maintained, i.e., subdivision, multi-family, apartment, recreation facility, etc. The plans
to submit include a dimensioned layout plan and a proposed grading plan.
Due to market fluctuations, revisions to the Master Plan can be permitted, however,
each time a change is desired, a permit modification and a separate additional
application fee are required.
On overall low density Master plans, identify the areas of known or potential high
density development, such as multi-family areas, commercial areas, recreational
facilities, and any area with a piped collection system.
Assign identifiers to each tract, delineate each tract boundary and list each tract’s site
area, built-upon area and percent BUA in tabular format on the plan. Show all major
access roads. The BUA associated with interior roads that are part of a future tract will
be counted as part of the BUA assigned to that tract. If utilizing high density, delineate
the drainage area for each proposed treatment device. Additionally, if the project is low
density and utilizes curb outlet swales, or other LID devices, the drainage area for each
swale or device must be delineated.
For high density projects where an existing public road is being widened by the
developer for turn lanes, the right-of-way area and the turn lane pavement area should
be included in sizing the BMP to the maximum extent practicable.
If the widening is being done by the NCDOT in the 20 Coastal Counties contact the
Regional Office for specific requirements.
Per the new Coastal Stormwater Rules (Session Law 2008-211), no CAMA-jurisdictional
wetlands areas may be included in the calculations to determine the built upon area
percentage. All other wetlands can be included in the calculations. Previously, portions
of wetlands were included in the calculations to determine the built upon area
percentage per DWQ Policy (October 5, 2006).
3. Stormwater Calculations
Stormwater calculations are required to analyze a proposed new development for its
impacts on peak flows and volumes. Stormwater programs in North Carolina typically
include provisions to control and treat a certain volume of stormwater runoff and/or
provisions to control the peak stormwater discharge rate. Additional calculations are
required to design BMPs with appropriate treatment capacity and correctly sized outlet
structures. Table 3-1 summarizes the stormwater calculations and allowable methods
that will be presented in this chapter.
Table 3-1
Summary of Stormwater Calculations
Calculation of: Section Allowable Methods
Peak Flow 3.2 Rational Method
Runoff Volume 3.3 Simple Method
Discrete SCS Curve Number Method
Storage Volume 3.4 Stage-Storage Table
Hydraulic Performance of the 3.5 Weir Equations
Outlet Device Orifice Equation
Stage-Storage-Discharge 3.6 Chainsaw Routing
Others: HEC-HMS, WinTR-55, SWIMM
Channel Geometry 3.7 Manning Equation
Nutrient Loading 3.8 DWQ Neuse TN Export Worksheet
DWQ Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Export Worksheet
Pollutant Removal of BMPs 3.9 Stand-alone BMPs
Multiple Drainage Areas
BMPs in Parallel
BMPs in Series
Note: Designers may adopt different calculation methods, but the method chosen must provide
equivalent or greater protection than the methods presented here.
Some of the state’s stormwater programs require providing attenuation of peak runoff;
for example, that the post-development flow rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm may
not exceed the pre-development flow rate (Neuse and Tar-Pamlico NSW Programs). In
addition, it is also important to compute flow rates from the watershed when designing
BMPs such as grassed swales, filter strips, and restored riparian buffers.
The primary method that is used to determine peak runoff rate for North Carolina’s
stormwater programs is the Rational Method. The Rational equation is given as:
The composite runoff coefficient reflects the surface characteristics of the contributing
watershed. The range of runoff coefficient values varies from 0 – 1.0, with higher values
corresponding to greater runoff rate potential. The runoff coefficient is determined by
estimating the area of different land uses within each drainage area. Table 3-2 presents
values of runoff coefficients for various pervious and impervious surfaces. The
Division believes that the Rational Method is most applicable to drainage areas
approximately 20 acres or less.
Table 3-2
Rational runoff coefficients (ASCE, 1975; Viessman, et al., 1996; and Malcom, 1999)
Description of Surface Rational Runoff Coefficients, C
Unimproved Areas 0.35
Asphalt 0.95
Concrete 0.95
Brick 0.85
Roofs, inclined 1.00
Roofs, flat 0.90
Lawns, sandy soil, flat (<2%) 0.10
Lawns, sandy soil, average (2-7%) 0.15
Lawns, sandy soil, steep (>7%) 0.20
Lawns, heavy soil, flat (<2%) 0.15
Lawns, heavy soil, average (2-5%) 0.20
Lawns, heavy soil, steep (>7%) 0.30
Wooded areas 0.15
The appropriate value for I, precipitation intensity in inches per hour, can be obtained
from the NOAA web site at: This web site
allows the user to select from one of NOAA’s numerous data stations throughout the
state. Then, the user can ask for precipitation intensity and view a table that displays
precipitation intensity estimates for various annual return intervals (ARIs) (1 year
through 1000 years) and various storm durations (5 minutes through 60 days).
The requirements of the applicable stormwater program will determine the appropriate
values for ARI and storm duration. If the design is for a level spreader that is receiving
runoff directly from the drainage area, then the value for I should simply be one inch
per hour (more information on level spreader design in Chapter 8).
Many stormwater programs have a volume control requirement; that is, capturing the
first 1 or 1.5 inches of stormwater and retaining it for 2 to 5 days. There are two primary
methods that can be used to determine the volume of runoff from a given design storm:
the Simple Method (Schueler, 1987) and the discrete SCS Curve Number Method (NRCS,
1986). Both of these methods are intended for use at the scale of a single drainage area.
Stormwater BMPs shall be designed to treat a volume that is at least as large as the
volume calculated using the Simple Method. If the SCS Method yields a greater volume,
then it can also be used.
The Simple Method uses a minimal amount of information such as watershed drainage
area, impervious area, and design storm depth to estimate the volume of runoff. The
Simple Method was developed by measuring the runoff from many watersheds with
known impervious areas and curve-fitting a relationship between percent
imperviousness and the fraction of rainfall converted to runoff (the runoff coefficient).
This relationship is presented below:
RV = 0.05 +0.9 * IA
Once the runoff coefficient is determined, the volume of runoff that must be controlled is
given by the equation below:
V = 3630 * RD * Rv * A
Where: V = Volume of runoff that must be controlled for the design storm (ft3)
RD = Design storm rainfall depth (in) (Typically, 1.0” or 1.5”)
A = Watershed area (ac)
Example Runoff Volume Calculations using The Simple Method: Projects draining to
SA or ORW waters in a Coastal County:
Effective October 1, 2008, the revised Coastal Stormwater Rules (Session Law 2008-211)
stipulate new volume control requirements for high density projects draining to
shellfishing waters (SA) or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) in the Coastal
Counties. The designer must compare different scenarios: runoff from first 1.5” of
rainfall the pre- /post-development for the 1-year, 24-hour storm.These criteria provide
a useful demonstration of runoff volume calculations used in different North Carolina
stormwater programs.
The following example uses the Simple Method (Schueler, 1987) to estimate runoff
volume in a hypothetical situation:
Example: What is the appropriate runoff volume for choosing and designing a BMP to
control stormwater runoff from a high density development project within one-half
mile and draining to SA waters?
Description: 4-acre site within a half-mile and draining to SA waters will be developed
with a 15,000 sq. foot building (0.34 ac), 0.5 acre of asphalt road, parking, and concrete
walkway areas (see Figure 3-1), and 1.86 acres of grassy lawn. The rest of the property
(1.3 ac) will remain unimproved.
Figure 3-1
Schematic of Property for Example Runoff Volume Calculation
Drive/Parking area
Grassy lawn,
Unimproved/natural area
The BUA density will be (0.34 + 0.5)/4 = 21.5%. This will be considered a high-density
project as it is above the 12% threshold. Because of this, the engineer must determine
which runoff volume is greater in the following design conditions. Note that the area
where BMPs will eventually be installed is assumed to be grass areas in these
Compare the volume difference between the pre- and post-development runoff from the 1-year, 24-
hour rainfall event. For this example, we will assume the project is in the vicinity of Wilmington,
Pre-development: RV = 0.05 + 0.9 *(0 ac / 4 ac)
= 0.05
Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) indicate the
depth of the 1-year, 24-hour rain event in Wilmington, NC is approximately 3.83 inches.
(We looked up the WILMINGTON WSO AIRPORT, NORTH CAROLINA location for this
example). Therefore:
The greater of the two is the difference between the pre- and post-development. To
comply with the Coastal Stormwater requirements, the BMP should be designed for
10,511 cubic feet of runoff.
The SCS method (SCS, 1985; NRCS, 1986) is an alternative method for calculating the
volume of stormwater runoff that is generated from a given amount of rainfall. It may
only be used when the site design is a Low Impact Development (LID).
3.3.1.Q =Q(P − 0.2S )
* P + 0.8S
S is related to the soil and surface characteristics of the drainage area through the curve
number (CN) by the following equation:
S= − 10
Where: CN is the curve number, unitless.
The curve number, CN, describes the characteristics of the drainage area that determine
the amount of runoff generated by a given storm: hydrologic soil group and ground
cover. Soils are classified into four hydrologic soil groups (A, B, C, and D) based on
their minimum infiltration rate, with A having the highest infiltration potential and D
having the lowest. The four soil groups are summarized in Table 3-3.
The required treatment volume is determined by multiplying the runoff depth (Q*) by
the drainage area.
Table 3-3
Four Hydrologic Soil Groups as Defined by the SCS (1986)
Group A A soils have low runoff potential and high infiltration rates even when thoroughly
wetted. They consist chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sand or gravel and
have a high rate of water transmission (greater than 0.30 in/hr). The textures of
these soils are typically sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam.
Group B B soils have moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly
of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately
fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water
transmission (0.15-0.30 in/hr). The textures of these soils are typically silt loam or
Group C C soils have low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of
soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water and soils with
moderately fine to fine texture. These soils have a low rate of water transmission
(0.05-0.15 in/hr). The texture of these soils is typically sandy clay loam.
Group D D soils have high runoff potential. They have very low infiltration rates when
thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential,
soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a claypan or clay layer at or near
the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These soils have a
very low rate of water transmission (0-0.05 in/hr). The textures of these soils are
typically clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, or clay.
Table 3-4 lists the hydrologic soil grouping for most soil series in North Carolina. Some
soils may reside in two groups depending on the presence of a high water table that
limits infiltration. If these soils are effectively drained, they are placed in the group with
lower runoff potential. For example, Cape Fear soil is classified as B/D, which indicates
that it is in group B if drained and in group D if undrained. If a soil at a given site is not
listed in Table 3-4, the surface layer soil texture may be used to determine the hydrologic
soil group. The texture may be determined by soil analysis or from the local soil survey.
Table 3-4
Hydrologic soil groups for soil types found in North Carolina (Malcom, 1989)
Alaga A Dragston D/C Louisa B Ridgeland C
Alamance B Dunbar D/B Louisburg B Rimini C
Albany C/A Duplin C/B Lucy A Roanoke D
Altavista C/B Durham B Lumbee D/C Rosman B
Americus A Dykes B Lynchburg C/B Rumford B
Appling B Edneyville B Lynn Haven D/C Ruston B
Ashe B Elbert D Madison B Ruttege D/B
Augusta C Elioak B Magnolia B Saluda C/B
Avery B Elsinboro B Mantachie C/B Scranton D/B
Aycock B Enon C Manteo D Seneca C/B
Barclay C Eustis A Marlboro B Starr B
Barth C Exum C/B Masada B State B
Bayboro D/C Faceville B Maxton B Suncook A
Bertie C/B Fannin B Mayodan B Surry B
Bibb D/B Fletcher B McColl D/C Talladega C
Bladen D/C Fuquay B Mecklenburg C Tallepoosa C
Blaney B Georgeville B Meggett D/C Tate B
Blanton A Gilead C Molena A Taturn B
Bowie B Goldsboro C/B Musella B Thurmont B
Braddock B Goldston C Myatt D/C Toccoa B
Bradley B Granville B Nahunta C/B Toisnot C/B
Brandywine B Grover B Nason C Torhuna C/A
Brevard B Guin A Nixonton B Toxaway D
Bucks B Gwinnett B Norfolk B Transylvania B
Buncombe A Hartsells B Ochlockonee B Troup A
Burton B Hatboro D/C Ocilla C/B Tuckerman D/C
Byars D Hayesville B Olustee D/C Tusquitee B
Cahaba B Haywood B Onslow B Unison B
Cape Fear D/B Helena C Orange D Vance C
Caroline C Herndon B Orangeburg B Varina C
Cartecay C Hiwassee B Osier D Vaucluse C
Cataula C Hoffman C Pacolet B Wadesboro B
Cecil B Hulett B Pactolus C/A Wagram A
Chandler B Hyde D/C Pamlico D/C Wahee D/C
Chastain D Invershiel C Pantego D/C Wake D
Chester B Iredell D Pasquotank D/B Watauga B
Chesterfield B Iuka C Pelham D/C Wedowee B
Chewacla C Izagora C Pender D
Chipley C/A Johnston D/B Penn C/B
Clifton B Johus C/B Pinkston C
Codurus C Kalmia B Plummer D/B
Colfax C Kenansville A Pocalla A
Comus B Kershaw A Pocomoke D/B
Congaree B Kinston D/C Pomello C/A
Cowarts C Lakeland A Ponzer D/C
Coxville D/C Leaf D/C Porters B
Craven C Lenoir D/B Portsmouth D/C
Davidson B Leon C/B Rabun B
Delanco C Liddell D/C Rains D/B
Dorovan D Lloyd B Ramsey D
Dothan B Lockhart B Ranger C
The type of ground cover at a given site greatly affects the volume of runoff.
Undisturbed natural areas, such as woods and brush, have high infiltration potentials
whereas impervious surfaces, such as parking lots and roofs, will not infiltrate runoff at
all. The ground surface can vary extensively, particularly in urban areas, and Table 3-5
lists appropriate curve numbers for most urban land use types according to hydrologic
soil group. Land use maps, site plans, and field reconnaissance are all effective methods
for determining the ground cover.
Table 3-5
Runoff curve numbers in urban areas for the SCS method (SCS, 1986)
Cover Description Curve Numbers for
Hydrologic Soil Group
Fully developed urban areas A B C D
Open Space (lawns, parks, golf courses, etc.)
Poor condition (< 50% grass cover) 68 79 86 89
Fair condition (50% to 75% grass cover) 49 69 79 84
Good condition (> 75% grass cover) 39 61 74 80
Impervious areas:
Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98
Streets and roads:
Paved; curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98
Paved; open ditches 83 89 98 98
Gravel 76 85 89 91
Dirt 72 82 85 88
Most drainage areas include a combination of land uses. The SCS Curve Number Model
should be applied separately: once for areas where impervious cover is directly
connected to surface water via a swale or pipe and a second time for the remainder of
the site. The runoff volumes computed from each of these computations should be
added to determine the runoff volume for the entire site.
For the portion of the site that is NOT directly connected impervious surface, a
composite curve number can be determined to apply in the SCS Curve Number Model.
The composite curve number must be area-weighted based on the distribution of land
uses at the site. Runoff from impervious areas that is allowed to flow over pervious
areas has the potential to infiltrate into the soil (for example, where roof downspouts are
diffused over a lawn). Disconnected impervious areas produce less runoff than
impervious areas that are directly connected to a storm drainage system.
Table 3-6
How to apply the SCS Curve Number Method
Step 1. Divide the drainage area into land uses and assign an appropriate CN to
each one (see Table 3.5).
Step 2. Compute Q* for any impervious surfaces that are directly linked to surface
waters via a swale or pipe. Find the runoff volume from the directly
connected impervious surfaces by multiplying Q* times the area of the
directly connected impervious surfaces.
Step 3. Composite a curve number for the remainder of the site by using a
weighted average. If the composite CN is equal to or below 64, assume
that there is no runoff resulting from either the 1 or 1½ inch storm. If the
composite CN is above 64, compute Q* for this area. Find the runoff
volume from the remainder of the site by multiplying Q* times the area of
the remainder of the site.
Step 4. Find the runoff volume from the whole site by adding the results of Step 2
and Step 3.
Volume control is typically provided through detention structures with volume above
the water operating level and below the required freeboard. Some BMPs do not have
the capability to provide this volume control due to their design, and others can include
storage volume within the media of the BMP. Each individual BMP chapter discusses
the specific calculations for meeting the volume control requirements. However, since
many of the BMPs use storage volume in a detention structure, this section will discuss
an acceptable method of calculating that volume.
Table 3-7
Stage-Storage Volume Calculation Table Example
Elevation Surface Area (sf) Incremental Volume (cf) Cumulative Volume (cf)
less than 725 operating volume 0 0
725 10,000 0 0
726 13,000 11,500 11,500
727 16,500 14,750 26,250
728 21,500 19,000 45,250
729 26,000 23,750 69,000
over 729 freeboard 0 69,000
An orifice is simply a hole. In the design of stormwater BMPs, orifices are used to drain
a BMP that is detaining stormwater for volume control and pollutant removal. It is
important to determine the size an orifice correctly so that the appropriate drawdown
rate can be provided.
Three kinds of weirs are typically used: sharp-crested, broad-crested and v-notch. For
sharp-crested and broad-crested weirs, the basic equation is:
Q = CW L H1.5
Figure 3-2
Schematic sections through weirs (Malcom 1989)
H 3
Q = Cv Hw 5/2
Q = C D A 2 gH o
Figure 3-3
Schematic section through an orifice
A = πR 2
Table 3-8
Values of Coefficient of Discharge, CD (Malcom, 1989)
Entrance Condition CD
Typical default value 0.60
Square-edged entrance 0.59
Concrete pipe, grooved end 0.65
Corrugated metal pipe, mitred to slope 0.52
Corrugated metal pipe, projecting from fill 1.00
(Please note that some BMPs do not have the capability to provide this volume control
due to their design, and others can include storage volume within the media of the BMP.
Each BMP Section will discuss the specific calculations for meeting the volume control
The Chainsaw Routing method is appropriate for the routine design of small systems.
Three sets of source data are needed to apply the Chainsaw Routing method:
− The inflow hydrograph,
− The size and shape of the storage basin, and
− The hydraulics of the outlet device.
The Manning Equation is the model of choice for determining the cross-section for a
trapezoidal stormwater channel. It is applicable where (Malcom 1989):
− Stormwater is flowing under the influences of gravity, and
− Flow is steady – it does not vary with time (Although discharge does vary during
the passage of a flood wave, it is essentially steady during the time around the
peak, the time of interest in channel design.)
Q= n A R0.667 S0.5
Figure 3-4
Diagram of a trapezoidal channel*
1 y 1
* M is governed by channel side slope requirements, which are typically 3:1 (M=3)
unless otherwise specified in this manual.
Table 3-9
Rational runoff coefficients (adopted from Munson, et al., 1990 and Chow et al., 1988)
Channel lining Manning roughness coefficient, n
Asphalt 0.016
Concrete, finished 0.012
Concrete, unfinished 0.014
Grass 0.035
Gravel bottom with riprap sides 0.033
Weeds 0.040
A = By + My2
The wetted perimeter, P, is the distance along the cross section against which the water
is flowing. It does not include the free water surface. P can be determined by the
following equation:
P = B + 2y (1 + M2)0.5
For the three equations above, the variables have the following meanings (also refer to
Figure 3-4):
In the affected jurisdictions in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico River Basins, new
developments are required to meet specified nutrient export rates. These export rates can
be met on site through one or more of the following measures:
− Site planning that reduces land uses that contribute high nutrient loadings,
− Implementation of BMPs that remove nutrients, and
− Offset payments to the Wetland Restoration Fund.
For the Neuse River Basin, the nutrient of concern is total nitrogen (TN). The TN export
limit is 3.6 pounds per acre per year (lb/ac/yr). Nitrogen load from new developments
that exceeds this performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Wetlands
Restoration Fund provided. However, no new residential development may exceed 6.0
lb/ac/yr and no new nonresidential development may exceed 10.0 lb/ac/yr.
For the Tar-Pamlico River Basin, the nutrients of concern are TN and total phosphorus
(TP). The TN export limit is 4.0 lb/ac/yr and the TP export limit is 0.40 lb/ac/yr. Just like
in the Neuse River Basin, nitrogen load from new developments that exceeds this
performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration
Fund provided. However, no new residential development may exceed 6.0 lb/ac/yr and
no new nonresidential development may exceed 10.0 lb/ac/yr.
The above nutrient export limits were determined based on analyzing the nutrient loading
coming from undeveloped land within each river basin, which consists mainly of forested
land and agricultural land. The nutrient loading limit on new development then
represents a 30 percent reduction from the overall average nutrient loading rate of the
undeveloped land. The rate for TN is slightly higher in the Tar-Pamlico basin than in the
Neuse basin due to the higher ratio between agricultural lands (high nutrient loading rate)
and forested lands (low nutrient loading rate).
In addition to the requirements for nutrient loading rates, new developments subject to
this program must show that there is no net increase in peak flow leaving the site from
the predevelopment conditions for the 1-year, 24-hour storm. The intent of this
requirement is to protect the stream channel and adjacent riparian buffer, which help to
prevent additional nutrients from entering streams.
For both the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico River Basins, the affected local governments are
responsible for reviewing new development plans to see that they comply with the
nutrient export limits and peak flow control requirements. The affected jurisdictions are
listed in Table 3-10 below. The EMC may also designate additional local governments in
the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico basins to comply with the NSW stormwater rule in the future.
Table 3-10
Local governments affected by the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico NSW Stormwater Programs
In the Neuse River Basin, there is a Model Stormwater Program for Nutrient Control that
was developed as part of a joint effort between the DWQ and the affected local
Two model methodologies that may be used to calculate the TN export rate from a new
development are summarized below. However, local governments may propose
alternative approaches where it can be demonstrated to be equivalent.
− Method 1 is intended for residential developments where lots are shown but the
actual footprint of buildings are not shown on site plans. This method estimates
the impervious surface resulting from building footprints on individual lots based
on typical impervious areas associated with given lot sizes.
Worksheets for Methods 1 and 2 are presented on pages 10 through 12 of The Neuse
River Basin: Model Stormwater Program for Nitrogen Control. This model program is
available at:
In order to meet the requirements of the Tar-Pamlico NSW Stormwater Program, each of
the affected local governments has developed its own program for Nutrient Control.
These programs can be accessed at the DWQ web site at:
There are a number of differences between the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Export
Worksheets that are summarized as follows:
− The Tar-Pamlico model computes the export of both TN and TP, whereas the
Neuse model is only computes TN.
− The Tar-Pamlico model has a separate version for the Piedmont versus the
Coastal Plain; the Neuse model does not.
− The Tar-Pamlico breaks the urban land uses into a greater number of categories
than the Neuse model.
− The Tar-Pamlico model combines the Methods 1 and 2 used in the Neuse model
into a single method.
− Most importantly, the Tar-Pamlico model is presented as an interactive
spreadsheet where the designer can input data about the site of interest and the
model will compute the appropriate TN and TP export rates in lb/ac/yr.
− The Tar-Pamlico model also allows the designer to input information about the
BMPs used to treat each drainage area and the spreadsheet will compute the new
loading rate resulting from the use of the BMP.
The interactive Tar-Pamlico nutrient export worksheets are available on the DWQ’s web
site at:
− Coastal Plain:
− Piedmont:
Throughout this manual, each BMP is assigned a removal rate for TSS, TN and TP. In
the case of TSS, the calculation of pollutant removal for a single BMP is not needed
because the designer will be required simply to select a BMP that removes 85% of TSS.
However, a pollutant removal calculation will be necessary in order to determine
whether the nutrient removal requirements of the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico NSW
Stormwater Programs have been met.
For a single BMP treating stormwater in an affected area of the Neuse or Tar-Pamlico
River Basins, the removal of the a pollutant by a single BMP is shown below:
PLe = PLi * RE
When a site contains multiple drainage areas, the overall site must still meet the quantity
and quality requirements of the applicable stormwater program before leaving the site.
In addition, if a drainage area extends upstream from a site, the stormwater volume and
pollutant transport calculations must be performed for that upstream section of the
drainage area and included in the total volume and loading values for the site for
treatment by the appropriate BMP. Calculations for BMPs that are located in separate
drainage areas must be performed as presented above for single BMPs; however,
nutrient loadings from each drainage area (or “catchment”) may be weighted to meet
the overall site removal requirement.
Multiple BMPs may be placed in series within the same drainage area to combine
treatment capabilities. If multiple BMPs are placed in series, they can utilize the
combined volume control capabilities and increase combined removal efficiency. The
volume control capabilities are additive, however, the pollutant removal rates are not.
The overall efficiency (E) for a given pollutant (TSS, TN or TP) of multiple BMPs in
series is computed as follows (Division of Watershed Management, 2004):
( AxB )
E = A+ B−
Where: E = Total pollutant removal efficiency (%)
A = Efficiency of the First or Upstream BMP
B = Efficiency of the Second or Downstream BMP
For more than two BMPs in series, the equation can be applied iteratively from upstream
to downstream using the calculated total efficiency as the upstream efficiency in each
successive iteration.
It has been found that pollutant removal effectiveness does not continue to increase
when using the same removal mechanism over and over. For any set of multiple BMPs
placed in series, the combined removal efficiency equation can use pollutant removal
efficiency values from a maximum of two BMPs with the same removal mechanism.
Additional BMPs with the same removal mechanism will not increase the removal
efficiency, but they can contribute to volume control capabilities. A categorization of the
BMP removal mechanisms is provided in Table 3-11.
Table 3-11
BMPs categorized by removal mechanism
Removal Mechanism BMPs
Detention/Retention Dry Extended Detention Basin
Wet Detention Basin
Stormwater Wetlands
Filtration Sand Filters
Infiltration Infiltration Devices
Porous Pavement
Natural Conveyance Filter Strip
Grassed Swale
Restored Riparian Buffer
This discussion of multiple BMPs placed in series in this section is assuming the BMPs
are directly successive. If there is additional drainage area between them, the flow
volume and pollutant load from that additional drainage area must be added into the
calculations between the discharge of the first BMP and the influent of the second BMP.
3.10. Wetlands Area Exclusion: Policy for Projects Under Old Coastal
The amount of wetlands that can be included in the site area is dictated by whichever of
the following two calculation methods yields the least amount of site area:
Method 1: Calculate the acreage of the wetlands. Divide the wetland acreage by
the total site acreage. If the result is 25% or less, then the total project area is the
total site acreage. If the result is more than 25%, then calculate the amount of
wetland to include such that no more than 25% of the site area acreage consists of
wetlands in this manner: subtract the entire wetlands area from the site area to
get the uplands area, then divide the uplands area by 0.75.
Method 2: Calculate the area of a 100 foot wide strip of wetlands measured from
the uplands area into the wetland. Subtract the total wetland area from the total
project area, and add back the 100’ wide strip of wetland area.
Compare the two numbers, and choose the one that yields the smallest project area, as
shown in the following three examples. Please note that in each of these examples, the
100’ wetland strip is measured from the 401/404 line waterward (into the wetlands) of
the project for a maximum distance of 100’, or to the mean high water (MHW) line or to
the property line, whichever comes first. No credit for wetlands located outside of the
property line or beyond the MHW line can be given. By definition, the project area
includes only that area above the MHW Line.
Method 2: 55 – 15 = 40
Project area for calculating density = 40 + 5 = 45 acres
Since 45 < 53.33, use area derived via Method 2 to calculate the allowable
Method 2: 55 – 10 = 45 acres
Project area for calculating density = 45 + 5 = 50 acres
Since 50 < 55, use area derived via Method 2 to calculate the allowable density.
Total Site Area = 55 acres
Total Wetland Area = 40 acres
100’ strip of wetland area = 15 acres
Method 2: 55 – 40 = 15
Project area for calculating density = 15 + 15 = 30 acres
Since 20 < 30, use area derived via Method 1 for calculating the allowable
Selecting the most appropriate BMPs for a development is an art as well as a science, if
done correctly. This Chapter provides the link between stormwater regulatory
requirements and physical site constraints, as well as issues of cost and community
For several reasons, there is no one BMP that is best for every site. First, different BMPs
are better suited for different aspects of stormwater treatment and control (sediment
removal, nutrient removal, and volume control). One particular BMP might not provide
all of the required treatment goals of the regulations that apply to a site. Additionally,
each site has unique features, such as slope, soils, size, and development density that
encourage the use of some types of BMPs and eliminate the use of other types of BMPs.
Issues of cost and community acceptance are also vital to consider in the BMP selection
If structural BMPs will be required, the following process is recommended for selecting
the appropriate one to use:
- First, determine the treatment capability (TSS removal, nutrient removal and
peak flow control) that is required of the BMP based on the applicable regulatory
requirements for the site (see Chapter 2).
- Second, determine which BMPs will meet the treatment capability requirements
(Section 4.4) and create a “short list.”
- Third, see which of the “short listed” BMPs will be appropriate for the physical
site characteristics (Section 4.5).
- Fourth, consider other factors such as construction cost, maintenance effort,
community acceptance and wildlife habitat (Section 4.5).
When a site has a lot of physical constraints and the regulatory requirements are
stringent, it can be especially challenging to find a BMP that will fit the bill. In this case,
it may be necessary to modify the BMP design for the site characteristics (see individual
BMP chapters) or to provide a combination of BMPs that are suitable for the site in series
to provide the required level of stormwater treatment.
Getting even further into the art of good BMP design requires blending the BMP into the
natural environment to make it an aesthetic enhancement rather than a thing to hide
(especially in areas with considerable pedestrian traffic such as residential, commercial,
and office locations). This often requires collaboration between various professions such
as civil engineers and landscape architects.
When siting BMPs within a site, they should conform to the natural features of the
landscape such as drainage swales, terraces, and depressions. Many of the more
“natural” BMPs can readily achieve these goals, such as filter strips, grassed swales, and
restored riparian buffers. Other natural-looking BMPs such as bioretention and
stormwater wetlands can be blended right into natural areas of site designs, or even
create new, small sized natural areas within normally barren portions of the site, such as
parking lots, walking areas, and outdoor plazas.
DWQ recommends reintroducing runoff from impervious surfaces into the natural
environment as close to the surfaces as possible. Ideally, impervious surfaces should be
hydrologically divided so that runoff is delivered in smaller volumes that can be
accommodated by smaller, less expensive and less obtrusive BMPs. In general, DWQ
recommends against constructing large “end-of-pipe” facilities because of their high
cost, maintenance requirements, consumption of land, and disruption of the landscape.
Some of the options for reducing impervious surfaces are listed below. The local
planning jurisdiction will usually determine the flexibility that exists to try them.
- Reducing road widths
- Reducing minimum parking requirements
- Minimizing use of curb and gutter
- Cluster or open-space developments
- Traditional neighborhood developments
- Mixed-use developments
Appendix G of the Neuse River Basin: Model Stormwater Program for Nitrogen Control
(1999) discusses site design techniques to reduce impervious surfaces in greater detail,
available at:
If the low-density option is not chosen, then one or more structural BMPs will be
needed. For structural BMPs, one or more of the following general requirements will
- There will be a pollutant removal requirement (typically 85% for TSS) or a
maximum discharge limit (maximum pollutant export rate for TN and possibly
also TP) imposed.
- There will be a volume of stormwater that must be captured and treated prior to
release (typically first 1 inch or first 1.5 inches of rainfall).
- The post-construction peak stormwater discharge rate must be reduced to no
greater than the pre-construction peak stormwater discharge rate (usually for the
1-year, 24-hour storm).
Table 4-1 presents the TSS, N, and P removal efficiencies of the various BMPs discussed
in this manual. These removal efficiencies assume that the BMPs are designed in
accordance with the design requirements presented in Chapters 8 through 20. The
removal efficiencies presented are in accordance with the September 8, 2004
memorandum Updates to Stormwater BMP Efficiencies from the North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Quality
(DWQ) Stormwater Unit (DWQ, 2004).
High temperature of BMP discharges is of concern in HQW waters that support trout.
The higher temperatures reduce dissolved oxygen, reduce reproductive rates, hinder
growth, and increase disease exposure, among other things. Temperatures are typically
increased due to ponded water being exposed to sunlight. BMPs are ranked relatively
for temperature issues in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1
BMP Ability for Stormwater Quality Control
The basic nature of stormwater BMPs often places them in low-lying areas and next to
existing waterways, which can put them at odds with other regulations. The designer
must always be aware of other regulations when siting BMPs. A non-exhaustive list of
possible environmental regulatory issues is provided below:
− Jurisdictional wetlands
− Stream channels
− 100-year floodplains
− Stream buffers
− Forest conservation areas
− Critical areas
− Endangered species
BMPs should also be sited in a manner that avoids the following types of infrastructure:
− Utilities
− Roads
− Structures
− Septic drain fields
− Wells
A BMP will not work unless it is sited appropriately. It is very important to visit the site
and obtain information about the size of the drainage area, soils and slopes as well as
depth to groundwater table and bedrock.
The various site considerations for siting BMPs is presented in Table 4-2 below. Each of
these considerations is discussed below.
The size of drainage area is a primary consideration in selecting a BMP. Some BMPs
will only work with drainage area that is sufficient to provide a permanent pool of
water. Other BMPs, such as bioretention areas and sand filters, are specifically designed
to handle smaller flows and could easily become overwhelmed if sited at the outlet of a
large drainage area.
The space required for a BMP is another important consideration, particularly if the site
does not have a lot of space to accommodate a BMP. It is important to note, however,
that some of the BMPs that require a small space are relatively expensive (i.e., sand
filter) or do not have high treatment capabilities (i.e., grassed swale).
The head required (elevation difference) will also affect the BMP selected. In areas of
low relief excavations are often required for basins, which can be expensive. In addition,
some devices require several feet of hydraulic head, which may not be available in low
relief areas.
Steep slopes will affect the BMP selection process. Larger BMPs, such as wet detention
basins and extended detention wetlands, may not fit well on a site where there is not a
relatively flat area to site them or result in an impractically large embankment height.
Also, steep slopes may create excessive water velocities for some systems (e.g.: filter
strips, swales, restored riparian buffer). When an entire site has steep slopes, it may be
best to provide a number of smaller BMPs that can fit into the existing contours of the
A shallow water table can limit some types of BMP systems. For example, bioretention
areas require a minimum depth to groundwater of two feet; otherwise, the bioretention
area will actually function as a stormwater wetland.
A shallow depth to bedrock can greatly limit BMP options. Shallow bedrock can
restrict the use of infiltration systems, prevent the excavation of basins, and limit the
hydraulic functions of certain BMPs. The BMP options in this scenario may be limited to
filter strips, restored riparian buffers and rooftop runoff management.
High sediment input can limit the longevity of certain BMPs, especially sand filters,
bioretention, infiltration systems, stormwater wetlands, and permeable pavement.
These BMPs should not be placed in locations where high sediment loads are expected
upstream in the future (typically from future development). Alternatively, high
sediment loads that might adversely affect BMPs can be overcome by providing filter
strips and sediment basins in upgradient areas.
Poorly drained soils are another BMP siting consideration. For example, poorly drained
soils may exclude the use of any system relying on infiltration, such as bioretention
areas without an underdrain (However, this problem can be corrected with the use of an
underdrain.) Poorly drained soils may be very well suited, however, for BMPs that
retain water, such as a wet detention basin or a stormwater wetland.
Table 4-2
Possible Siting Constraints for BMPs
Construction costs and operation and maintenance efforts for each of the BMPs are listed
in Table 4-3. However, it is important to note that some of the lowest cost or lowest
maintenance level BMPs also have some of the lowest treatment capabilities. Using low-
cost BMPs could result in a need for additional BMPs to achieve the requirements,
thereby increasing costs and maintenance requirements. In addition, several of the
lowest cost BMPs may be difficult to integrate into the natural features of a site or may
be the least desirable from an aesthetic or safety point of view. Often, a slightly more
expensive or maintenance intensive BMP may be a better choice for overall site design.
Sometimes community and environmental factors seem like the least important, but
they can actually have a big impact on the public perception and acceptance of a site
development. For instance, a prospective homeowner may think twice before buying a
lot or home bordering a large, fenced-in dry extended detention basin with a large
corrugated metal riser pipe and occasional mosquito outbreaks after storms. However,
if the BMP were designed as a bioretention device or stormwater wetland served as an
aesthetic amenity on the site, possibly with birds, frogs, and fish. Table 4-3 provides
information on each BMP’s safety concerns, community acceptance, and wildlife habitat.
Table 4-3
Cost, Community and Environmental Issues for BMPs
Construction Maintenance Safety Community Wildlife
Cost Level Concerns Acceptance Habitat
Bioretention Med-High Med-High N Med-High Med
5.1.1 Aggregates
Rock lining or riprap is a constructed layer or facing of stone placed to prevent erosion,
scour, or sloughing of an earthen structure or embankment. The term “riprap” also is
frequently defined as the stone used to construct such a lining.
Riprap is a special class of very large aggregate. Riprap gradations range in diameter
from 2 to 42 inches. Because riprap is typically subject to significant energy, it is
important that it be sound and free from defects or entrained substances such as soil
shale or organic materials.
Section 1042 of the NCDOT specifications gives the size, gradation, and durability
specifications for several grades of riprap.
Wire-enclosed riprap or gabion systems consist of mats or baskets fabricated from wire
mesh, filled with small riprap, and stacked or anchored to a slope. Wrapping the riprap
allows smaller riprap to be used for the same resistance to displacement by water energy
as larger unwrapped riprap. This is particularly advantageous when constructing rock
lining in areas inaccessible to trucks or large construction equipment. The wire baskets
also allow steeper (to nearly vertical) channel linings to be constructed.
Gabion baskets or mattresses can be constructed from commercially available wire units
or from available wire fencing material. Suppliers of prefabricated gabions generally
provide extensive criteria for using their products. If prefabricated systems are used,
manufacturers’ guidelines must be followed. If gabions are to be constructed on-site, the
designer should reference USDOT HEC 11 (1989).
The life of a gabion structure depends on the mesh material, the durability of the stone,
the stability of the infill material, and the exposure conditions on site. For example,
coated, galvanized steel wire resists chemical attack typical of earth retaining structures.
The durability will also be affected by scour effects in streams. Specific durability
information should be obtained from the manufacturer.
Landscaping blocks are typically cast of concrete and come in varying sizes, shapes,
colors, and appearances. Small, decorative landscaping blocks are often used to enhance
aesthetics and provide minor slope control on BMPs that might be located in high
pedestrian traffic areas. Larger landscaping blocks can be used to provide significant
landscape elevation differences (large soil retaining walls), or to provide a vertical or
near vertical water/soil interface with erosion control, similar to what rip-rap or gabions
can provide (e.g. bulkheads). These larger types of applications might require extensive
use of manufacturer’s recommendations and use of licensed design professionals and
5.2 Geosynthetics
It is often the case that the soils located on the site will not fulfill all the necessary
functions a BMP design may require. The use of geosynthetics can often supplement,
enhance, or replace certain natural materials in a BMP design. Construction materials
consisting of synthetic components made for use with or within earth materials
generally are referred to as geosynthetics. Because these products are highly variable in
both material and geometry, it is difficult to develop design guidelines applicable to all
systems. The manufacturer’s project-specific design criteria should be followed and
documented for each specific application. The following paragraphs discuss the four
main categories of geosynthetics: Geotextiles, Geomembranes, Geonets/Geocomposites,
and Geocells.
Geotextiles are the most common geosynthetics and consist of woven or non-woven
fabric made from polymeric materials, such as polyester or polypropylene, or from
natural fibers, such as coir (coconut hull fibers). Four main uses for geotextiles include
stabilization, separation, filtration, and in-plane drainage. It should be noted, however,
that geotextiles often provide many of the functions listed above at the same time,
whether intended or not. Geotextiles primarily used for stabilization to protect soils and
seeds from erosion are often referred to as “rolled erosion control products” and can be
temporary or permanent (bio- and/or photo-degradation specifications are important).
Geotextiles providing separation capabilities are placed between dissimilar materials to
prevent migration of one of the materials into the other, or to discourage undesirable
root growth into underlying drain systems. Geotextiles providing filtration would
typically prevent the movement of fine particles from soil through which seepage
occurs. And finally, certain types of geotextiles, in particular thick-needle punched non-
woven geotextiles, have sufficient in-plane flow capacity for use as flow conduits in
certain applications.
Geomembranes are continuous polymeric sheets that are, for all practical purposes,
impermeable. There are many varieties of geomembranes in use today; however, the
most frequently used geomembranes for ground applications are thermoplastic
products manufactured from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyvinyl chloride
(PVC). Different types of geomembranes have significantly different properties,
including strength, longevity, resistance to ultraviolet light, thermal expansion and
contraction, chemical resistance, and ease of installation. The most appropriate
geomembrane to use for a given application is dependent on the application and the
environment to which the geomembrane will be exposed.
BMPs can either be placed on-line or off-line. An on-line BMP will receive all
stormwater flows regardless of the intensity, with the flows beyond the design volume
typically passing over an overflow of some type. An off-line BMP is one that typically
has a flow splitter of some sort prior to the BMP, which will divert the design volume
flows to the BMP and bypass a certain volume of excess flows around the BMP. For
most BMPs it is advantageous to install a flow splitter prior to the BMP to bypass
stormwater in excess of the design volume around the BMP. This will help minimize
resuspension of sediment, hydraulic overload, and/or excessive erosion of the BMP.
Flow splitters must be designed to send all of the flow from every rainfall event into the
BMP until the BMP design volume (based on the specific stormwater program
requirements) has been reached, at which point the flow splitter may start diverting a
portion or all of the additional flow around the BMP. The diverted flow may be routed
to an additional BMP (if necessary as part of the overall stormwater plan for the site), or
it may be discharged to the receiving waters.
Flow splitters are most often and most simply designed as a weir overflow device placed
in a manhole or vault as shown in Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3. The elevation of the
overflow weir is most often set at the design volume elevation of the BMP. That will
allow all flows less than and up to the design volume to enter the BMP, and the flows
over the design volume will split, with a portion being bypassed and a portion being
sent to the BMP.
It should be noted that the recommended design of the flow splitter will cause water
levels in the BMP to exceed the design volume elevation (see Figure 5-3). This should be
accounted for in the design of the BMP structure. The height of the water level increase
in the BMP above the design volume elevation is mostly a factor of the bypass flow
capacity in the flow splitter device. Ideally, a very wide weir would be used to
maximize the flow rate and minimize the head over the weir during bypass, but that
also increases the size of the bypass structure. Often a balance is struck between flow
splitter design and BMP storage design to best fit the specific situation.
It should also be noted that the recommended design of the flow splitter has the
potential to cause a flow reversal and drain a certain volume of the BMP (the volume
above the design volume elevation). This occurs if influent flows drop the water level in
the flow splitter faster than the outlet drops the water level in the BMP (see Figure 5-3).
This is best minimized by designing a wide weir and minimizing the head over the weir
as discussed above.
There are many other flow splitter designs available, many of which involve various
piping arrangements utilizing upturned overflow pipes and orifices. Although most of
these do provide flow splitting functions, they may not meet the requirements of
capturing the first 1 inch or 1.5 inches of runoff, or mitigating the peak flow rates that
are required in many of the stormwater programs. If a flow splitting device other than
that discussed above is proposed, the design professional must prove convincingly that
the flow splitting scenarios for all stormwater situations will properly meet the
stormwater program requirements.
The hydraulics of the flow splitter and outflow pipes in the flow splitter are particularly
important. The outfall pipe to the BMP must be sized so that it will not hydraulically
limit the flows of a high intensity storm into the BMP and cause stormwater to
prematurely overflow into the bypass before the stormwater capture or peak flow
mitigation volumes have been sent to the BMP. Additionally, the flow splitter weir and
the outfall for the bypass must be able to hydraulically handle the entire design flow
capacity of the upstream conveyance system, not just the design storm of the BMP,
otherwise the flow splitter device could hydraulically fail (overflow) during storm
events greater than the BMP design storm.
Materials in the flow splitter device shall be corrosion resistant, such as concrete,
aluminum, stainless steel, or plastic. Painted, zinc coated, and galvanized metal
materials shall not be used due to their corrosion potential (poor longevity) and possible
aquatic toxicity impacts.
Figure 5-1
Flow Splitter in a Vault
(Adapted from, Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP Manual, 2001)
Figure 5-2
Flow splitter in Manhole
(Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP Manual, 2001)
Figure 5-3
Water Level Progression in BMP with Flow Splitter
(Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP Manual, 2001)
Curb diversion devices can be used to divert flow from curb-and-gutter type pervious
surfaces such as roads and parking lots to a variety of BMPs (e.g. grassed swales, filter
strips, restored riparian buffer, bioretention, sand filter, etc.). The use of a curb
diversion device can avoid the installation of a piped stormwater collection system,
however, it does not guarantee sheet flow or proper flow quantity diversion. This
section simply provides information to assist in their design where their use may be
beneficial to the overall stormwater management goals.
The stormwater is diverted to the BMP through the use of inlet deflector blocks, which
have ridges to help channel the runoff. The gutter and diversion block should meet the
guidelines set forth by the relevant local permitting authority. If placed before a BMP
other than a natural conveyance type, a 5-foot wide grassed buffer between the
diversion device and the BMP is required, unless a forebay or other sediment removal
device is required to be placed before the particular BMP (in which case the 5-foot wide
grassed buffer does not qualify). This small grassed buffer serves as pretreatment and
reduces the possibility of drainage seeping under the pavement section and creating
“frost heave” during winter months. The flow diversion method shown is for
conceptual purposes and may not meet the volume attainment requirements.
5.5 Forebays
A forebay is a settling basin near an inlet of a BMP to dissipate the energy of the
incoming stormwater and to settle out the larger incoming sediment particles. With
heavy, coarse sediment confined to the forebay area, maintenance is made simpler and
less costly and the life of the BMP is extended. A forebay is required for particular
BMPs and is optional for others; however, in no case does the use of a forebay provide
additional credits towards pollutant removal rates.
One of the main benefits of the forebay is to collect a majority of the volume of sediment
in a small area that is specifically designed for easy sediment removal. Sediment
removal frequency from the BMP will likely be every 3-5 years for BMPs without
forebays, as opposed to every 15-25 years for some BMPs with forebays. Due to the ease
of removal of sediment from the forebay, the overall cost should be less over the same
period by installing a forebay. In addition, having a forebay with more frequent
cleanout makes it is easier for sediment removal to be more of an ongoing operation and
maintenance cost that is properly funded rather than a surprise capital expense that was
not accounted for.
Sediment forebays shall have direct access provided for appropriate maintenance
equipment. The designer of the BMP should consider if a hardened surface (gravel,
open concrete pavers, etc.) should be incorporated into the aesthetic design for the
access point and a staging pad next to the forebay. This would reduce erosion and
vegetation disturbance during sediment removal operations. In addition, the bottom of
the forebay should be made of hardened material, if compatible with the design. A
forebay that will be permanently submerged could have a solid concrete bottom, and
one that is exposed could have open concrete pavers that allow grasses or other small
vegetation to grow in the openings.
A fixed vertical sediment depth marker should be installed in the forebay to measure
sediment deposition over time. In general, sediment shall be removed when 25% of the
volume of the forebay is taken up by sediment (this percentage should be converted to a
depth which is noted in the maintenance logs and indicated on the sediment depth
marker). In wet pond forebay specifications, sediment is to be removed when the one
foot additional sediment storage depth is exhausted.
Some sort of separation structure must be provided to separate the forebay from the
main body of the BMP. That structure can be an earthen or rip-rap berm, or a wall made
of concrete or a gabion system. The forebay could be set at a higher elevation than the
main BMP and the separation structure could therefore be set several feet above the
design storm water level of the BMP and operate as an overflow structure to the BMP.
The elevation of the separation structure can also be as low as (but not to exceed) 1 foot
below the design storm water elevation. Regardless of the relative elevation of the
separation structure, the water flowing over (and possibly through) it must be at a non-
erosive velocity, preferably by designing the entire overflow structure at a single
elevation to act as one large weir.
If the BMP has a volume of permanent water that is required as part of the design for
proper treatment, any permanent volume of water within the forebay can be included as
part of the overall treatment volume required. If the BMP is required to have storage
volume for capturing stormwater during a storm event, any dry storage volume within
the forebay that will fill and empty with the storm similar to the main body of the BMP,
may be included in the overall storage volume to meet the requirements.
Forebay volume shall be approximately 20% of the total required storage volume (unless
noted otherwise in a specific BMP design section). This leaves about 80% of the design
volume in the main basin. Multiple inlets may require additional forebay volume (or
additional forebays). A forebay should be designed so that it has two zones. The first
zone, where the water enters the forebay, should be approximately three feet deep. This
zone will dissipate hydraulic energy entering the forebay. The second zone, near the
berm where the water will spill into the main pond, should be approximately one foot
deep. This zone will accommodate settling. The depth of the bottom of the forebay
should taper between these two depths.
Many BMPs will involve construction of some volume of water storage for water
treatment and/or water quantity control. The most common type of storage facility is
the earthen impoundment. These structures sometimes are simply dug out of existing
soil and are below grade, but others involve fill material and dams.
This document only discusses some general considerations when utilizing earthen
impoundments in BMPs and does not cover earthen embankment or dam design. A
licensed design professional should make sure any impoundments, embankments
and/or dams designed as part of a BMP meet any applicable requirements of the dam
safety regulations found in 15A 2K Section .0100 through .0500. These rules include
detailed information on dam classification (i.e., low, medium and high hazard dams),
design information, and review and approval requirements. Water detention basins that
meet one or more of the following criteria may be regulated as dams by DENR, Division
of Land Resources (DLR):
− Have a high hazard potential, or
− Embankments higher than 15 feet, measured from the highest point on the
top of the dam to the lowest point on the downstream toe; and
− Impounded volumes more than 10 acre-feet of runoff to the top of the dam.
Many factors must be taken into consideration when designing an earthen impoundment
utilizing embankments and/or dams, including: foundation preparation and treatment,
control of seepage, embankment stability, subsidence/settlement, piping, and
maintenance. The following points include some specific information to incorporate in
the design of impoundments utilizing embankments and/or dams:
− A maximum slope of 3H:1V shall be used on the embankments to allow
maintenance equipment and to maintain ground cover. If site conditions
require steeper slopes on one side of the basin, slope stability techniques
should be used to ensure long-term stability of the slope.
− The height of an embankment dam must consider freeboard and
compensation for settlement. The basin’s freeboard shall be a minimum of 1
foot above the elevation of the highest stage calculated based on the 100-year
− Pipes and other conduits through the embankment should be avoided if at all
possible. If a penetration is necessary through the embankment (typically for
the outlet device) then seepage should be minimized through the use of anti-
seep collars or filter and drainage diaphragms.
− A grass surface is preferred unless frequent vehicle traffic or foot travel is
expected, in which case gravel, modular paving block, or similar surface
should be installed to prevent erosion and rutting. If vegetation is used to
stabilize the embankment, proper maintenance, including mowing,
fertilizing, and reseeding bare-spots, is required to prevent erosion. Other
maintenance items are discussed in Section 6.0 BMP Maintenance as well as
individual BMP design sections.
Underdrain systems are utilized in several BMP designs, and can have many different
configurations. All piping within the underdrain system shall have a minimum slope of
0.5 percent and shall be constructed of Schedule 40 or SDR 35 smooth wall PVC pipe.
The underdrain pipes shall be designed to carry 2-10 times the maximum flow
exfiltrating from the BMP medium. Choose a value within this range to reflect the
expected stability of the drainage area. This maximum flow is computed from Darcy's
law and assuming maximum ponding and complete saturation along the depth of the
medium. Manning's formula is then used to size the pipe. The minimum size of pipe
shall be 4-inch diameter. The spacing of collection laterals shall be no greater than 10
feet center to center, and a minimum of two pipes should be installed to allow for
redundancy (Hunt and White, 2001). A minimum of 4 rows of perforations shall be
provided around the diameter of the pipe (more for pipes 10 inches in diameter and
larger), and the perforations shall be placed 6 inches on center within each row for the
entire length of the drainage lateral. Perforations shall be 3/8-inch in diameter.
The underdrain pipes shall have a minimum of 3 inches of washed #57 stone above and
on each side of the pipe (stone is not required below the pipe). Above the stone, either
filter fabric or two inches of choking stone is required to protect the underdrain from
blockage. Avoid filter fabric if there is any question about the future stability of the
drainage area. Above the filtering device, a minimum of 2 inches of washed sand shall
be installed. Choking stone (#8 or #89) in lieu of filter fabric is recommended if there is
potential for higher sediment loads that would lead to clogging. Pipe socks are also not
The number of pipes needed for the underdrain system is determined using the
following 4-step process.
1. Determine flow rate through the soil media and apply a safety factor of 10 (this is
now the underdrain design flow, Q).
Q * n 8
2. Use the following equation: Use the following equation: D = 16 0.5
3. The only unknown is D. This is the diameter of a single pipe that could carry all
the water were it to be the only underdrain. Pipe diameters are typically either 4
inches or 6 inches. Table 5-1 below converts "D" (in inches) to an equal number of
4 or 6 inch underdrains at 0.5% slope.
Table 5-1
Number of Pipes Required in the Underdrain
If D is less than # of 4" pipes If D is less than # of 6" pipes
5.13 2 7.84 2
5.95 3 9.11 3
6.66 4 10.13 4
7.22 5
7.75 6
8.20 7
5.8 Outlets
Outlets of BMPs are the devices that control the flow of stormwater out of the BMP to
the conveyance system (stormwater pipe, natural drainageway, etc.). While most of the
water quality treatment takes place within the BMP, the outlet design is often integral to
treatment efficiency, as well as being a critical factor in stormwater volume control.
Water quality is affected by how quickly the water is removed from the treatment unit,
thereby affecting sedimentation time and possibly causing resuspension of particles.
The depth from which the water is drawn also affects water quality, since the water is
typically cleaner the higher it is in the water column. Finally, the design of the outlet is
also the main means of controlling peak flow volumes and rates. Outlet designs are
specific for each BMP depending on the goals to be achieved. The following sections
will discuss many of the most common outlet designs. Hydraulic calculations for outlets
types as well as storage and drawdowns are provided in Section 3.0 Stormwater
Management and Calculations. It should be noted that floatation issues should be
considered with any structure (outlet box, riser, etc.) placed within a BMP.
Figure 5-4
Outlet Orifice
Outlet boxes typically consist of a cast in place or precast concrete structure, with a free-
flowing weir providing the water control mechanism. They are typically employed on
smaller BMPs with lower flow volumes. The weirs can be made of various materials
(wood, metal, concrete, etc.), and there are several standard weir shapes, with
rectangular and v-notch being the most common. Each weir has a formula for
calculating the flow over the weir based on the height of the water column and shape of
the weir. A rectangular weir releases a relatively linearly increasing flow volume as the
level of water in the BMP rises. A v-notch weir releases a relatively exponentially
increasing flow volume as the level of water in the BMP rises. V-notch weirs allow more
accurate flow measurement and control at lower flows, but sometimes cannot handle
peak storm events. There are also “compound” weir designs, which incorporate aspects
of different weir designs to achieve specific results. For instance, a compound weir
might have a small v-notch in the lowest portion to provide lower release rates for
smaller storm events, and a large rectangular weir at the top to provide larger release
rates for the larger storm events.
Drop inlets are common outlet devices for wet and dry extended detention basins, as
well as stormwater wetlands and bioretention facilities. The purpose of drop inlets is to
allow the rapid release of water once the lip of the outlet is attained. Drop inlets are not
as effective at providing runoff peak attenuation. In general, BMPs with drop inlets also
incorporate a lower level outlet or an outlet designed to achieve specific attenuation
objectives (see Section 5.6.4 Multiple Outlets below).
Drop inlets usually consist of a riser structure in the reservoir area connected to a pipe or
box culvert (outlet conduit) that extends through the dam embankment. Drop inlets
should be designed to operate as weirs. To maintain weir type conditions, the head over
the inlet should not exceed 33% of the inlet riser diameter. At greater heads, the flow
may become unstable as it approaches the transition to orifice flow, leading to surging,
noise, vibration, or vortex action. In addition, downstream conditions, full flow
conditions in the pipe, or other factors can result in complicated hydraulics that may
cause excessive surging, noise, or vibration during operation. A full hydraulic analysis
of the entire drop inlet system showing the controlling factors at all flow regimes is
recommended to ensure proper operation.
Another common outlet type for relatively small BMPs is a vertical riser with one or
more columns of perforations. It is typically constructed out of plastic pipe (PVC, HDPE,
etc.). The objective of providing an array of small orifices, instead of a single orifice, is to
reduce the velocity of currents near the outlet. Perforations larger than 1-inch diameter
are not recommended.
Perforated risers have the disadvantage that the outlet rates are greatest early in a storm
event when most of the entrained sediment is still suspended. Perforated risers also
draw most of the discharged water from the deepest portions of the basins where the
highest concentration of suspended sediments occur.
Multiple outlets are used to achieve specific runoff peak attenuation goals. In general,
runoff peak control is required for several storm magnitudes. Outlets are arranged to
provide the required attenuation while minimizing the overall size of the basin. Multiple
outlets frequently combine a number of different control devices, including orifices,
rectangular and V-notch weirs, and drop inlets (see Figure 5-5). Flow curves for the
various outlets at different water elevations are simply superimposed to provide the
overall discharge rate.
Figure 5-5
Approaches to Multi-Outlet Design
5.8.5 Spillways
All BMPs that incorporate some sort of water impoundment not only need the primary
outlet structure, but also are required to have an emergency overflow for large storm
events and/or in case of primary outlet structure failure so that the
embankment/impoundment will not be compromised by high water levels. An
emergency overflow separate from the principal outlet is advisable, however, in some
cases that may be impractical. In these instances, a combined principal-emergency outlet
may be considered. A combined principal-emergency outlet is a single outlet structure
that conveys both low flows (e.g., stormwater management functions) and extreme
flows. A primary design consideration for a combined principal-emergency outlet,
particularly when in the form of drop inlet structures, is protection against clogging.
Trash racks should be designed as described below. When a combined principal-
emergency outlet is proposed, then the emergency outlet portion should be designed as
if no additional storage is available and as if all normally operating weirs, ports and/or
orifices are inoperative or clogged.
Most outlets are subject to some degree of trash and debris from incoming flows, and
certain outlets are more susceptible to clogging than others. Before a debris control
structure is designed, the anticipated debris problem should be analyzed. The type and
quantity of debris are determined primarily by upstream land use, soil erodibility,
watershed size, and the type of stormwater management facility.
Trash racks to serve drop inlets should be designed to provide positive protection
against clogging of the outlet under any operating level. The average velocity of flow
through a clean trash rack should not exceed 2.5 fps during peak design flow. Velocity
can be computed on the basis of the net area of opening through that part of the rack
receiving the flow. The same criteria should apply to ports or openings along the side of
a riser structure. The clear distance between bars generally should not be less than 2
inches; however, one exception to this may be near the apex of the trash rack. Bar
spacing should be no greater than one-half of the minimum conduit dimension in the
drop inlet, with an absolute maximum of 5.5 inches to discourage child access.
In some cases, debris-control devices may be required for low-level intakes at the basin
bottom. In these situations, debris control structures such as those discussed in the
FHWA publication “Debris Control Structures” (HEC 9) (USDOT, 1971) should be
considered where appropriate.
All closed-conduit outlets designed for pressure flow should have adequate anti-vortex
devices. Anti-vortex devices may take the form of a baffle or plate set on top of a riser, or
a headwall set on one side of a riser. The SCS two-way covered riser (USDOT, 1971) has
very reliable anti-vortex and debris-control provisions inherent in its standard design.
Basins that have permanent pools water must be designed with provisions for draining
the permanent pool. This will facilitate maintenance and sediment removal. The
draining mechanism usually consists of some type of valve or gate attached to the
spillway structure. Basin drains should be designed with sufficient capacity so that
maintenance (e.g., sediment removal) can be performed without risk of inundation from
relatively common or frequent rainfall events. Therefore, drains should be sized to pass
a flood having a 1-year recurrence interval with limited ponding in the reservoir area. In
most cases, the drain system should be no smaller than 8 inches in diameter.
In most cases, sluice gates are preferred over “inline” type valves such as those used in
water distribution systems (e.g., eccentric plug valves, knife gate valves, and gate
valves). Sluice gates generally are more appropriate for passing debris-laden flow, less
prone to clogging, and easier to maintain.
The basin drain should be capable of draining the basin in 24 hours. However, an
uncontrolled or rapid drawdown could cause problems such as slides or sloughing of
the saturated upstream slope of the embankment or shoreline area. In general,
drawdown rates should not exceed 6 inches per day. For embankments or shoreline
slopes of clay or silt, drawdown rates as low as 1 foot per week may be required to
maintain slope stability. The Operation and Maintenance Manual should contain
instructions regarding draining the basin.
Instances where basins cannot be drained by gravity are common. In particular, the
permanent pool may be constructed by excavating below the adjacent grade, and/or the
bottom of the basin extends below the groundwater table. In these cases, it will be
necessary to dewater the basin using pumps. The pump discharge may need to be
filtered prior to discharge to the receiving downstream watercourse to avoid turbidity
and sediment impacts.
The proper selection of plants and soil composition specifications is a critical aspect to
the function and success of many stormwater BMPs. Plants increase pollutant removal
by providing resistance to the flow of stormwater and subsequently reducing runoff
velocity. Slower runoff velocities translate into more time for the functioning of
pollutant removal pathways such as settling, filtering, infiltration, and adsorption
(Schueler, 1996). Additional benefits from BMP plants and soils include:
The soil composition of many stormwater BMPs also is vital to their relative success or
failure in achieving their intended purpose. Soil specifications can vary according to the
design objectives (e.g., nutrient removal), as well as in situ topsoil composition. Properly
designed soil media aids in infiltration and natural detention as well as plant health. .
The interplay between plants, hydrology, and soil composition are vital to the function
of stormwater wetlands and wet detention basins. Therefore, it is essential that selected
plant materials are appropriate for the anticipated conditions. Hydrologic zones
describe the degree to which an area is inundated by water. Plant selection should be
consistent with anticipated hydrology. These tolerance levels have been divided into
four zones:
− Deep Pool
− Shallow Water
− Shallow Land
− Upland
The descriptions of these zones in this chapter are meant to depict them in only the
broadest terms. For specific design guidance, please see the Stormwater Wetland and
Wet Detention Basin chapters of this manual.
Open water and permanent deep pools ranges are best colonized by submergent plants.
The function of vegetated deep pools areas is to trap sediment in forebays, and in deep
pools to absorb nutrients in the water column, improve oxidation and create habitat for
frogs and fish during dry times.
Shallow Water includes all areas that are inundated by the normal pool to a depth of 6
inches. This zone does, however, become drier during periods of drought. Shallow
water zones should be heavily vegetated and provide some of the best treatment zones
in the wetland.
The shallow land zone is the temporary storage volume portion of a Wet Pond or
Stormwater Wetland. The primary landscaping objectives for this zone are to stabilize
the slopes characteristic of this zone and optimize pollutant removal.
6.2.4. Upland
This zone extends above the maximum design water surface elevation (never inundated)
and often includes the outermost buffer of a pond or wetland. Plant selections should be
made based on soil condition, light, and function within the landscape because little or
no water inundation will occur.
Unlike some of the plant selections for stormwater wetlands and wet detention ponds,
plants used in bioretention cells have to be able to withstand widely varying soil
moisture conditions. Conditions in bioretention can be very dry for long time periods,
punctuated with periods of temporary submergence. Although some plant species used
in stormwater wetlands and wet detention ponds can be used in bioretention cells, they
are often not suitable for all areas in these BMPs. Additionally, bioretention cells can
have an alternate planting option where the entire surface of the cell is grassed. Sod
must be installed when grass is used for bioretention cells, seeding is not a viable option.
For specific design guidance, please see the Bioretention chapter of this manual.
Healthy, thriving vegetation plays a key role in the performance of many stormwater
BMP facilities. Facility-specific planting requirements are given in their respective
chapters. These requirements are based on the collective experiences of NC DENR and
North Carolina State University Biological and Agricultural Engineering faculty and
staff as well as standard landscape industry methods for design and construction.
Landscape and Soil Composition Specifications 6-2 July 2007
NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised 06-17-2009
The landscape planting design must include elements that ensure plant survival and
overall stormwater BMP facility functional success. Plant selection is a complex task,
involving matching the plant’s physiological characteristics with a site’s particular
environmental conditions. The following factors should be considered:
− Site conditions (e.g., wind direction and intensity, street lighting, type and
quantity of pollutants contained within stormwater runoff, etc.).
− Soil moisture and drought tolerance.
− Sediment and organic matter build-up.
− Potential for outlet structure clogging (e.g., root structure).
− Maintenance.
− Wildlife use (including mosquitoes).
− Aesthetics/ability to meet both landscape and stormwater BMP requirements.
2. Plant list/table
− This must include scientific name, common name, quantity,
nursery container size, quantity, container type (e.g., bare root,
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised 06-17-2009
At the end of the first year and again at the end of the two-year warranty period, all
plants that do not survive must be replaced. Establishment procedures, such as control
of invasive weeds, animal and vandal damage, mulching, re-staking, watering, and
mesh or tube protection replacement, shall be implemented to the extent needed to
ensure plant survival. Staking must be removed after establishment (approximately 12
months), to prevent girdling (strangling) of all woody plants.
The design for plantings shall minimize the need for herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or
soil amendments at any time before, during, and after construction and on a long-term
basis. Furthermore, plantings shall be designed to minimize the need for mowing,
pruning, and irrigation.
1Provenance means "place of origin." Plant provenance refers to the place where a plant evolved
and had its genetic makeup determined. Trees and shrubs may be native to many areas of the
country or world, but you can have a case where the seeds or cuttings taken from the same tree
or shrub in Illinois or Pennsylvania would have a different genetic makeup than one taken from
the same species in North Carolina.
Plants evolve and adapt over the years - these changes are mapped into the genetic material. This
mapping can have a profound effect on cold hardiness, resistance to heat, or drought tolerance.
Keep this in mind this spring when you purchase a shrub or tree for your stormwater BMP.
Check if it is native to your area, but also find out where that particular tree or shrub was actually
grown. A good nursery or greenhouse should have already considered that when they placed the
plant for sale - but you should still keep it in mind when you purchase.
Grass or wildflower seed must be applied at the rates specified by the suppliers. If plant
establishment cannot be achieved with seeding by the time of substantial completion of
the stormwater facility portion of the project, then the contractor shall plant the area
with wildflower sod, plugs, container plants, or other means to complete the specified
plantings and protect against erosion before water is allowed to enter the stormwater
BMP facility.
Note: the internal berm within a wet pond is not subject to this planting restriction
since the failure of an internal berm would be unlikely to create a safety issue.
− Soil in which trees or shrubs are planted may need additional enrichment or
additional compost top-dressing depending on the results of the soil analysis.
Consult a nurseryman, landscape professional, or arborist for site-specific
− The landscaped islands should be a minimum of six feet apart, and if set back
from fences or other barriers, the setback distance should also be a minimum of
six feet. Where the tree foliage extends low to the ground, the 6-foot setback
should be counted from the outer drip line of the trees (estimated at maturity).
This setback allows a 6-foot wide mower to pass around and between clumps.
− Evergreen trees and trees which produce relatively little leaf-fall are preferred in
areas draining to a detention device.
− Trees should be set back so that branches do not extend over the permanent pool
of a detention device (to prevent leaf-drop into the water and clogging issues).
Soils are highly complex systems that provide essential environmental benefits
including biofiltration of pollutants, nutrients for plant growth, and the storage and
slow release of storm flows. The ability of soil to effectively store and slowly release
water is dependent on its’ properties—texture, structure, organic matter content, and
biota—as well as depth. Plant roots, macro fauna, and microbes tunnel, excavate,
penetrate, and physically and chemically bond soil particles to form stable aggregates
that enhance soil structure and porosity. Soil properties are the principal factor
controlling the fate of water in the hydrologic system. Water loss, utilization,
contamination, and purification are all affected by the soil (Brady and Weil, 2007).
Organic matter is a critical ingredient in the function of a soil. Mixed into the soil,
organic matter absorbs water, physically separates clay and silt particles, and reduces
erosion. Microbial populations and vegetation depend on the replenishment of organic
matter to retain and slowly release nutrients for growth. Construction activity removes
the upper layers of soil, compacts exposed sub-soils low in organic matter, and alters the
site’s hydrologic characteristics by converting the predominantly subsurface flow
regime of the pre-disturbance site to primarily overland flow.
The organic content of soils can be an important factor in BMP selection and design for
two reasons. First, BMP vegetation thrives best with the proper soil organic content.
Organic content requirements for the soil in planted areas can range from 2-10%
(Oregon State University Forest Nursery Manual, 1984), but it is a very site and plant
specific value, based on an analysis of the topsoil. The organic content of soils can affect
pollutant removal rates in BMPs that pass stormwater through soil media. High organic
content has been shown to increase removal rates of some metals and some organic
Finally, another important aspect of soils is their typically high erosivity. Soils need to
be quickly stabilized with vegetative cover or they will suffer from wind and water
erosion (sometimes severely). Vegetative cover must be properly maintained over the
life of the BMP to prevent bare spots from occurring and the subsequent erosion of the
exposed soils. Sometimes additional measures (e.g. rock linings, geosynthetics, etc.)
must be taken to protect soils from erosion in certain circumstances (i.e., steep slopes,
excessive BMP outlet velocities, etc.)
In order to reduce costs, in situ excavated soil, rather than imported soil can be used for
stormwater wetlands (in situ soils should never be used for bioretention). Using on-site
excavated soil for the amended soil in a stormwater BMP, however, may reduce control
over gradation, organic content, and final product performance. In turn, this can
significantly increase project costs and complicate construction logistics when
attempting to blend soil mix components in restricted space or during winter months.
As a result, if it is determined in situ soils will be utilized, then a soil analysis must be
conducted. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the viability of soils to assure
healthy tree and vegetation growth and to provide adequate infiltration rates through
the topsoil, or soil media. The analysis will determine whether on-site soils will
ultimately be suitable for the particular BMPs being utilized, what types and quantities
of amendments will be required, or if an engineered soil media will be necessary. All
soil mixes for stormwater BMPs must be designed to maintain long-term viability and
pollutant-processing capability. BMP facilities receiving high quantities of heavy metals
will need periodic replacement.
The soil analysis work for a BMP system should be performed by a qualified, licensed
professional. Soil analyses should include the following:
Soil samples must be analyzed by experienced and qualified individuals, such as the
local Cooperative Extension or NRCS office, who will explain in writing the results,
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised 06-17-2009
what they mean, as well as what soil amendments would be required. Certain soil
conditions, such as marine clays, can present serious constraints to the growth of plant
materials and may require the guidance of qualified professionals. When poor soils
cannot be amended, seed mixes and plant material must be selected to establish ground
cover as quickly as possible.
Analyzing soils for hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate is highly recommended.
During construction, soils can become very compacted. Additionally, many native soils
are of a poor or highly compacted quality.
Compost: If soils surrounding BMPs are poor, we recommend that you incorporate an
organic amendment in order to protect the investment you have made in plantings, and
to increase plant growth. We recommend that if compost is added as an amendment to
surrounding soils, it should be incorporated into the soil. Apply at a depth of 1 inch.
This should be incorporated into a depth of 3-6 inches by scarifying or core aeration.
Pine Bark: A good source of organic matter for Bioretention beds is pine bark fines.
Pine bark is readily available and forms the basis for the standard potting soil used by
the nursery industry in North Carolina (5 parts bark, 1 part coarse sand). Pine bark is
easily mixed and will not add nutrients to the soil mix.
Peat Moss: Peat moss is not recommended as an amendment for surrounding soils as it
decomposes too quickly in North Carolina (about 3-6 months). Peat moss is, however,
recommended as an amendment to Bioretention fill media as these organics will be
replaced as the cell is used to treat stormwater.
Soils used within a stormwater BMP must adhere to the following requirements:
− The soil mix must be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots, or other similar
material greater than 2 inches in diameter.
− The pH should be between 4.5 and 7.0. If the pH falls outside of this range, it
may be modified with lime to increase the pH or iron sulfate and sulfur to lower
the pH. The lime or iron sulfate must be mixed uniformly into the soil prior to
− Topsoil stockpile location (if using on-site soils) or source of topsoil if imported
to the site. Soil analysis for all topsoil to be used within a BMP facility2.
Vegetation within the footprint of the stormwater BMP facility area should be removed
during site preparation with equipment appropriate for the type of material
encountered and site conditions. It is recommended that the maximum amount of pre-
existing native vegetation be retained and protected. Vegetation protection areas,
including wetlands, with intact native soils and vegetation should not be cleared and
harvested for use in BMP facilities.
Areas that recently have been involved in construction are subject to extreme
compaction. Soil compaction can lead to BMP failure where infiltration is a key factor in
its function. No material storage or heavy equipment should be allowed within the
stormwater BMP facility area after site clearing and grading have been completed,
except to excavate and grade as needed to construct the BMP.
2 This requirement is due to the fact that nitrogen and phosphorous levels in agricultural soils
tend to be very high. The purpose of the stormwater BMP is generally to reduce the nutrient load
of the runoff into receiving waters as well as peak flow attenuation.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised 06-17-2009
If existing areas surrounding the stormwater BMP facility are disturbed by construction,
then the top 6 to 8 inches of soil should be tilled. No tilling shall occur within the drip line
of existing trees. After tilling is completed, no other construction traffic shall be allowed
in the area, except for planting and related work.
All construction and other debris should be removed before topsoil is placed.
Cap the scarified sub-soil with topsoil or the specified soil mix. On-site soil mixing or
placement should not be performed if the soil is saturated. The soil mixture should be
placed and graded by excavators and/or backhoes operating adjacent to the BMP facility.
The soil mixture should be placed in horizontal layers not to exceed 12 inches per lift for
the entire area of the BMP facility.
Note that if topsoil has been stockpiled in deep mounds for a long period of time, it may
be necessary to test the soil for pH as well as microbial activity. If the microbial activity
has been destroyed, it is necessary to inoculate the soil after application.
The soil mixture will settle and proper compaction will be achieved by allowing time for
nature compaction and settlement. However, to speed the process, each lift can be
watered until just saturated. The water should be applied by spraying or sprinkling.
To achieve the appropriate grade, changes in soil depth from tilling and incorporating
soil amendments need to be estimated. The difference in volume of the dense versus the
loose soil condition is determined by the ‘fluff factor’ of the soil. The fluff factor of
compacted sub-soils tends to be around 1.3 to 1.4. Tilling typically penetrates the upper
6 to 8 inches. Assuming a 6-inch depth, the depth adjusted for the fluff factor will
correspond to 7.8 to 8.4-inch depth of loose soil. If amended at a 2:1 ratio of loose soil to
compost, or 4 inches, the final amended soil elevation must account for compost settling
into the void spaces of the loose soil and compaction. If the soil and compost are
rototilled to mix and then the soil tamped lightly to compress, the resulting increase in
elevation for soils amended to a 6-inch depth would be approximately 3 inches.
Soil amendments should be incorporated at the end of the site development process to
prevent sediment from entering the BMP facility. The BMP should be planted and
mulched immediately after amending the soil to stabilize the site as soon as possible.
Newly installed plant material requires water in order to recover from the shock of
being transplanted. Be sure that some source of water is provided, especially during dry
periods. This will reduce plant loss and provide the new plant materials with a chance
to establish root growth.
In general, fall and winter are optimal for planting in North Carolina. There are some
exceptions. Shallow water plants should be installed between April 1 and July 15 in
North Carolina. Winter planting is difficult with shallow water plants.
Most of this manual is devoted to proper design of stormwater BMPs, a task that
requires a significant investment of effort and expense. Once they are constructed,
BMPs are crucial in protecting water quality from the impacts of development projects.
If designed correctly, BMPs can also be an aesthetic asset to the development. However,
no matter how well they are designed and constructed, BMPs will not function correctly
nor look attractive unless they are properly maintained. Most maintenance problems
with BMPs are less costly to correct when they are caught early – as the old adage goes,
“an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Regular inspection and maintenance is an ongoing legal requirement after the BMP is
constructed – inspections must be completed at appropriate times throughout the year
and inspection records must be available upon request. An appropriate professional
should conduct BMP inspections. NC State University offers a BMP Inspection and
Maintenance Certification Program; more information is available at their web site:
This chapter will discuss the logistical issues associated with BMP inspection and
maintenance as well as provide an overview of some of the tasks associated with
maintaining BMPs. Each of the BMP chapters in this manual includes a table explaining
the specific inspection and maintenance activities required to ensure the proper
functioning of the BMP.
BMPs must have access and maintenance easements to provide the legal authority for
inspections, maintenance personnel and equipment. The location and configuration of
easements must be established during the design phase and should be clearly shown on
the design drawings. The entire footprint of the BMP system must be included in the
access and maintenance easement, plus an additional ten or more feet around the BMP
to provide enough room to complete maintenance tasks. This BMP system includes the
side slopes, forebay, riser structure, BMP device, and basin outlet, dam embankment,
outlet, and emergency spillway.
Access and maintenance easements must be designed and built with a concept of the
maintenance tasks that may be needed. If heavy equipment will be necessary to perform
maintenance tasks (such as for devices with a forebay that will require sediment clean-
out), typically a roadway with a minimum width of ten feet to the BMP must be
available. Easements are usually owned and maintained by the owner of the BMP
facility, whether an individual, a corporation, or a government. Easements for BMPs
that are not publicly maintained should include provisions to permit public inspection
BMP facilities are typically built, owned and maintained by non-governmental entities.
To insure proper long-term maintenance, a signed and notarized Inspection and
Maintenance Agreement must accompany the design plans for any BMP. An Inspection
and Maintenance Agreement will include the following:
− The frequency of inspections that are needed (based on the type of BMP
− The components of the BMP that need to be inspected.
− The types of problems that may be observed with each BMP component.
− The appropriate remedy for any problems that may occur.
Sample Inspection and Maintenance Agreement provisions are included at the end of
each BMP chapter. The most effective Inspection and Maintenance Agreements are site-
specific for the particular BMP components that are used on the site as well as any
conditions that are unique to the site (for example, the presence of steep slopes that
should be inspected for soil stability).
Table 7-1
Required Inspection Frequency for BMPs
To summarize Table 7-1, devices that include vegetation in a highly engineered system
require inspection monthly and after large storm events to catch any problems with flow
conveyance or vegetative health before they become serious. All other BMPs should be
inspected quarterly and after large storm events.
The signed and notarized Inspection and Maintenance Agreement should be filed with
the appropriate Register of Deeds. The responsible party should keep a copy of the
Inspection and Maintenance Agreement along with a current set of BMP plans at a
known set location.
All inspection and maintenance activities should be recorded. One easy way to do this
is to create an Inspection and Maintenance checklist based on the Inspection and
Maintenance Agreement. The checklist, at a minimum, should include the following:
− Date of inspection.
− Condition of each of the BMP elements.
− Any maintenance work that was performed (as well as who performed the
− Any issues noted for future maintenance (sediment accumulating,
vegetation needing pruning or replacement, etc.).
Each project should have a maintenance record. Records should be kept in a log in a
known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection should be
corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity
of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP.
Major repairs or maintenance work should include the same level of inspection and
documentation as original installations. Inspection checklists and record logs should be
kept in a known set location.
As stated in the section above, maintenance is usually the responsibility of the owner,
which in most cases is a private individual, corporation, or homeowners association.
Simple maintenance items such as minor landscaping tasks, litter removal, and mowing
can be done by the owner, or can be incorporated in conventional grounds maintenance
contracts for the overall property.
(e.g. BMP maintenance specialists, professional engineers, aquatic plant specialists, etc.)
should be hired for specialized tasks such as inspections of vegetation and structures.
The expenses associated with maintaining a BMP are highly dependent on the BMP type
and design. However, the most important factor that determines the cost of BMP
maintenance is the condition of the drainage area upstream of the BMP. If a drainage
area conveys a high load of sediment and other pollutants to a BMP, the cost of
maintaining the BMP will increase dramatically. Preventing pollution in the drainage
area as much as possible will reduce the cost of BMP maintenance.
A funding mechanism should be created and regularly funded with an amount that
provides enough money to pay for the maintenance expenses over the lifetime of the
BMP. One option is to establish an escrow account, which can be spent solely for
sediment removal, structural, biological or vegetative replacement, major repair, or
reconstruction of the BMPs. In the case of a residential subdivision, the escrow account
could be funded by a combination of an initial payment by the developer and regular
contributions by the homeowners’ association. For an example of how to legally
structure such an account, please see the Phase II model stormwater ordinance at the
Division of Water Quality’s web site:
Routine maintenance costs are relatively easy to estimate, and include the expenses
associated with the following activities:
− Conducting BMP inspections at the intervals shown in Table 7-1.
− Maintaining site safety, including any perimeter fences and other access
inhibitors (trash racks or pipe grates).
− Removing trash.
− Removing sediment that has accumulated in any components of the BMP.
− For infiltration-type systems, maintaining the filtering media and cleaning or
replacing it when necessary.
− Restoring soils to assure performance.
− Pruning woody vegetation pruning.
− Replacing dead vegetation.
− Stabilizing any eroding side slopes.
− Repairing damaged or eroded outlet devices and conveyance systems.
− Repairing embankments, dams, and channels due to erosion or rodents.
Emergency maintenance costs are more difficult to estimate. They depend on the
frequency of occurrence and the nature of the problem, which could vary from storm
erosion repairs to complete failure of a structure.
Maintenance after floods and other emergencies requires immediate mobilization. It can
include replanting and repairs to structures. Living systems are likely to need at least
minor repairs after emergencies. Following an emergency such as a flood, standing
water may pose health risks because of mosquitoes. Mosquito control should be
considered if this becomes a problem.
For all installations obstructions and debris deposited during storm events should be
removed immediately. Exceptions include debris that provides habitat and does not
damage vegetation or divert currents to, from, or in the BMP. In fact, because of the high
quality habitat that can be found in woody debris, careful re-positioning rather than
complete removal may be desirable. There may be instances where debris is even added.
Such locations should be noted so that this debris is not accidentally removed.
Educating adjacent property owners about the habitat benefits of debris and vegetation
can decrease requests for removal.
Regularly removing debris and litter is well worth the effort and can be expected to help
in the following ways:
− Reduce the chance of clogging in outlet structures, trash racks, and other
facility components.
− Prevent damage to vegetated areas.
− Reduce mosquito breeding habitats.
− Maintain facility appearance.
− Reduce conditions for excessive surface algae.
− Reduce the likelihood of stagnant pool formation.
Special attention should be given to removing floating debris, which can clog the outlet
device or riser.
Sediment gradually accumulates in many BMPs. For most BMPs, accumulated sediment
must eventually be removed. However, removal intervals vary so dramatically among
facilities that no “rules of thumb” are applicable. The specific setting of a BMP is
important in determining how often sediment must be removed. Important factors that
determine rates of sedimentation include the current and future land uses upstream and
the presence of other sediment-trapping BMPs upstream.
Before installing a BMP, designers should estimate the lifetime sediment accumulation
that the BMP will have to handle. Several time periods may be considered, representing
expected changes in land use in the watershed. To estimate sediment accumulation, first,
an estimate of the long term sediment load from upstream is needed, then an estimate of
BMP sediment removal efficiency (see Sections 3.0 and 4.0). The analysis of watershed
sediment loss and BMP efficiency can be expedited by using a sediment delivery
computer model.
The frequency of sediment removal is then based on the sediment accumulation rate
described above versus the amount of sediment storage volume that is inherently
provided in the BMP without affecting treatment efficiency or stormwater storage
volume. Again, the frequency of sediment removal is BMP and site specific, and could
be as frequent as every couple years, or as long as 15-25 years. The volume of sediment
needing to be removed and disposed of per dredging cycle is the volume calculated
above multiplied by any density or dewatering factors, as appropriate.
Wet sediment is more difficult and expensive to remove than dry sediment. Ideally, the
entire facility can be drained and allowed to dry sufficiently so that heavy equipment
can operate on the bottom. Provisions for draining permanent pools should be
incorporated in the design of water impoundments where feasible. Also, low flow
channels and outlets should be included in all BMPs to bypass stormwater flow during
maintenance. However, in many impoundments periodic rainfall keeps the sediment
soft, preventing access by heavy equipment. In these cases, sediment may have to be
removed from the shoreline by using backhoes, grade-alls, or similar equipment.
Proper disposal of the sediment removed from a BMP is required. It is least expensive if
an onsite area or a nearby site has been set aside for the sediment. This area must be
located outside of the floodplain. If such a disposal area is not set aside, transportation
and landfill tipping fees can greatly increase the cost of the BMP, especially where
disposal of wet sediment is not allowed in the local landfill., Often, the material must be
dewatered before disposal, which again adds more cost and requires land area where
wet material can be temporarily placed to dry.
Sediment removal is usually the largest single cost of maintaining a BMP facility, so the
necessary funds should be allocated in advance. Since sediment removal costs are so
site specific and dependent on disposal plans, it is difficult to provide good estimates.
Actual estimates should be obtained during the design phase of the BMP from sediment
removal contractors based on the planned situation. The estimates should include:
mobilization expenses, sediment removal expenses, material transport expenses (if
applicable), and disposal expenses (if applicable).
The best way to promote soil stability and erosion control is to maintain a healthy
ground cover in and around BMPs. Areas of bare soil quickly erode, potentially clogging
the facility with soil and threatening its integrity. Therefore, bare areas must be re-
stabilized as quickly as possible. Newly seeded areas should be protected with mulch
and/or an erosion mat that is securely staked. For BMP’s that rely on filtration, such as
bioretention facilities, it is critical that adjacent soils do not contaminate the selected
media during or after construction. If the site is not permanently stabilized with
vegetation when the filter media is installed, the best design practice is to specify sod or
other robust erosion control practices for all slopes in and immediately around the BMP.
Erosion is quite common in or around the inlet and outlet of the BMP facility and should
be repaired as soon as possible. Erosion control activities should also extend to areas
immediately downstream of the BMP.
The roots of woody growth such as young trees and bushes in embankments are
destabilizing. Consistent mowing of the embankment controls stray seedlings that take
root. Woody growth, such as trees and bushes, further away from the embankment
should not pose a threat to the stability of the embankment and can provide important
runoff filtering benefits. Trees and bushes should be planted outside maintenance and
access areas.
Each type of BMP may have mechanical components that need periodic attention. For
example, valves, sluice gates, fence gates, locks, and access hatches should be functional
at all times. The routine inspection, exercising, and preventive maintenance on such
mechanical components should be included on a routine inspection/maintenance
The soil in vegetated areas should be tested every other year and adjustments made to
sustain vigorous plant growth with deep, well-developed root systems. Aeration of soils
is recommended for filter strips and grassed swales where sediment accumulation rates
are high. Ideally, vegetative covers should be mown infrequently, allowing them to
develop thick stands of tall grass and other plant vegetation. Also, trampling from
pedestrian traffic should be prevented.
Areas immediately up- and downstream of some BMP plant installations often
experience increased erosion. Although properly designed, located, and transitioned
installations experience this effect to only a minor degree, all erosion should be repaired
immediately to prevent spreading. Live stakes, live fascines, and other soil
bioengineering techniques, possibly in combination with 3-D geotextiles, can be applied
to erosion in natural drainage ways with minor grading.
Table 7-2 below describes some specific vegetation maintenance activities at various
types of BMPs. It is important to note that DWQ has some specific requirements related
to some management practices, such as those performed within buffers, that must be
followed. In addition, any vegetation that poses threats to human safety, buildings,
fences, and other important structures should be removed. Finally, vegetation
maintenance activities naturally change as the project ages from construction, when the
vegetation is still getting established, to a mature state.
Ponded water can function as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other insects.
Mosquito problems can be minimized through proper design and maintenance. The best
control technique for BMPs that maintain a permanent pool of water is to ensure that it
does not develop stagnant areas. BMPs with permanent pools should include a source of
steady dry-weather flow. Promptly removing floatable debris helps eliminate areas
where water can collect and then stagnate. In larger basins, fish, which feed on mosquito
larvae, can be stocked. Additionally, splash aerators can be employed to prevent
stagnant water, however, this requires electricity at the site, increases maintenance costs,
and must be properly designed so as to not decrease the settling efficiency of the BMP.
Table 7-2
Vegetation Maintenance for BMPs
Replacement of All dead plants should be removed and disposed of. Before vegetation that
Dead Plants has failed on a large scale is replaced, the cause of such failure should be
investigated. If the cause can be determined, it should be eliminated before
any reinstallation.
Fertilization The objective of fertilizing at a BMP is to secure optimum vegetative growth
rather than yield (often the objective with other activities such as farming).
Infertile soils should be amended before installation and then fertilized
periodically thereafter. Fertilizer can be composed of minerals, organic
matter (manure), compost, green crops, or other materials.
Irrigation/ Watering of the vegetation can often be required during the germination
Watering and establishment of the vegetation, as well as occasionally to preserve the
vegetation through drought conditions. This can typically be accomplished
by pumping water retained in the BMP or from the stream, installing a
permanent irrigation system or frost-proof hose bib, or using portable water
Mulching Mulching should be used to maintain soil temperature and moisture, as
well as site aesthetics. A half-inch layer is typically adequate. Ideally, mulch
should be removed before winter to prevent an infestation of rodents.
Weeding Weeding is often necessary in the first growing season, particularly if
herbaceous grasses are out-competing the young woody vegetation growth.
The need for weeding may be largely eliminated by minimizing the amount
of seed used for temporary erosion control. Weeding may also be required
if, over time, invasive or undesirable species are entering the site and out-
competing plants that are specifically involved in the treatment of the
Cultivating/ Hoeing is often required to loosen overly compacted soil and eliminate
Hoeing weeds that compete with the desirable vegetation.
Pruning Pruning is used to trim to shape and remove dead wood. It can force single-
shoot shrubs and trees to assume a bushier configuration.
Thinning Thinning dense brush may be necessary for particular species to thrive,
increase the vigor of individual specimens, to reduce flow obstructions, and
to increase the ability of maintenance staff to access the entire BMP. Tall
maturing trees, for the most part, have no place in a BMP (except for
buffers) and should be removed as soon as possible.
Staking Saplings of tall trees planted in or near the BMP may require staking. Care
should be taken not to damage the tree’s roots with stakes. Stakes should be
kept in place for 6 to 18 months, and the condition of stakes and ties should
be checked periodically.
Wound Dressing The wounds on any trees found broken off or damaged should be dressed
following recommendations from a trained arborist.
Disease Based on monitoring observations, either insecticides or (preferably) organic
Control means of pest and fungal control should be used.
Protection Fencing and signage should be installed to warn pedestrians and to prevent
from Animals damage due to trampling. These measures are often most necessary during the
and Human early phases of installation but may be required at any time. Measures for
Foot Traffic controlling human foot traffic include signs, fencing, floating log barriers,
impenetrable bushes, ditches, paths, and piled brush. Wildlife damage is
caused by the animals browsing, grazing, and rubbing the plants. The use of
chemical wildlife repellents should be avoided. Fences and meshes can be used
to deter entry to the BMP. Tree tubes can be used to prevent damage to
individual specimens.
Mowing Mowing of perennial herbaceous grasses and wildflowers, especially once seed
heads have set, promotes redistribution of seed for this self-sustaining system.
Mowing should be carefully controlled, however, especially when performed
for aesthetics. As adjacent property owners and customers in general learn
more about BMPs, their vision of what is aesthetically pleasing can change.
Grasses, in healthy herbaceous stands, should never be mown more than once
per year.
All other devices and features associated with the BMP should be monitored and
maintained appropriately. These additional items could affect the safety or aesthetics of
the facility, which can be as important if not more important than the operational
efficiency of the facility. Such items could include:
− Fences
− Access roads
− Trails
− Lighting
− Signage (e.g. no trespassing, emergency notification contact information, etc.)
− Nest boxes
− Platforms
− Watering systems
Advantages Disadvantages
− Meets diffuse flow requirements under the − Only receives credit for 40 percent TSS
buffer and stormwater programs. removal.
− Can reduce particulate pollutants such as − Does not provide a significant amount of
sediment, organic matter, and trace metals. runoff storage to significantly reduce
− Slows down the water and promotes peak discharge.
infiltration. − Typically functions as only a component
in a stormwater management system.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what the
DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated pollutant removal efficiencies and other
design objectives.
5. The LS shall be constructed with a uniform slope of zero percent (or level).
6. The LS must be constructed of concrete (or other permanently stable material), with a
blind swale immediately upslope for stormwater distribution and aggregate stone not
exceeding one inch in diameter immediately downslope for stormwater dissipation.
7. The length of the LS-VFS shall be determined based on the flow rate that is directed to
it. Please see Table 8-1 for details.
8. The minimum length of a LS shall be 10 feet and the maximum length shall be 100 feet.
9. The LS must be straight or convex.
10. The minimum width of the VFS shall be 30 feet except when the LS-VFS is being used to
meet stormwater rule requirements in SA waters, in which case the minimum width of the
VFS shall be of 50 feet in width. Please see Table 8-1 for details.
11. A flow bypass system shall be provided when the flow rates from a drainage area or a
BMP exceed the capacity of the LS-VFS. Please see Table 8-1 for more details.
12. When the LS-VFS is receiving flow directly from the drainage area, a forebay shall be
provided. The forebay shall be designed so that its surface area is 0.2% of the
contributing area’s impervious surface. The recommended depth is three feet at the
inlet of the forebay and sloping upward to one foot at the outlet (see Figure 8-3). The
forebay can be omitted if the swale is lined with rip rap.
13. When the LS-VFS is receiving flow from a BMP, an energy dissipation device shall be
provided before the flow is directed to the LS.
14. If the blind swale is lined with grass, then the stormwater shall be discharged parallel to
the swale. If the blind swale is lined with rip rap, then there are no requirements for the
entrance angle.
15. If the slope in the VFS exceeds that given in Table 8-1, then a LS-VFS may not be used
in that location.
16. If a natural riparian buffer, herbaceous stormwater setback/buffer, or wooded
stormwater setback/buffer contains draws or channels, then a LS-VFS may not be used
in that location.
17. For engineered filter strips, the filter strip and any adjacent cut slopes must be covered
with at least 6 inches of loose topsoil with appropriate soil amendments and an
appropriate turf grass species. The engineered filter strip must be constructed with a
uniform transverse slope.
18. In the VFS, the topsoil must be amended with lime and organic matter and an
appropriate species of grass must be selected for the applicable climatic zone.
Note: The 2H .1000 rules designate the length of the VFS as parallel to flow and the
width as perpendicular to flow. However, the buffer rules designate the length
of the VFS as perpendicular to flow and the width as parallel to flow. This
manual observes the more prevalent buffer rule convention to avoid confusion.
As its name implies, a level spreader - vegetative filter strip (LS-VFS) consists of two
primary components that are used together: a LS and a vegetative filter strip.
Depending on the application of the LS-VFS, the design may also include a high flow
bypass system, a forebay and an underdrain. See Figures 8-1, 8-2 and 8-3 for photos and
diagrams of LS-VFS systems. The purpose of the LS-VFS is to disperse concentrated
stormwater flows to achieve and maintain diffuse flow. “Diffuse flow” means the
overland flow of water occurring in a disperse and non-erosive manner.
Figure 8-1:
Photos of a LS and a LS-VFS System
A LS (LS) is a poured concrete linear constructed with a uniform slope of zero percent.
The length of the LS is based on the discharge rate of the stormwater that is directed to
it, the purpose of the LS and the vegetation in the VFS (see Table 8-1). The LS does not
remove a significant amount of pollutants by itself; however, it is an indispensible
engineering device needed to bring about pollutant removal in the VFS. The minimum
lengths per flow for the LS are based on achieving non-erosive velocities throughout the VFS and
an overland flow depth of approximately 1.2 inches across the VFS.
A vegetative filter strip (VFS) is a vegetated area immediately down slope of the LS. The
length of the LS-VFS is determined based on the flow rate directed to the system. The
width of the VFS is either 30 or 50 feet based on the purpose of the system and the water
quality classification of the receiving stream (see Table 8-1). The vegetation and soils in
the VFS remove pollutants primarily via filtration and infiltration.
Other elements that may be part of the LS-VFS include a flow bypass system, a forebay
and an underdrain. This chapter describes when these elements are needed and how
they should be designed.
Figure 8-2:
Plan View of a LS with Engineered Filter Strip Adjacent to a Riparian Buffer
(from Winston and Hunt 2010)
Figure 8-3:
Profile View of a LS-VFS with Engineered Filter Strip (from Winston and Hunt 2010)
Table 8-1:
Summary of LS Purposes and Design Requirements
50 ft
Protected 1 in/hr storm
Drainage (entire
riparian 50 ft/cfs 5%
area riparian
buffer (bypass larger flows)
Diffuse Flow buffer)
per Buffer
Rule1 10-yr storm discharge 50 ft
Protected up to 2 cfs (entire
BMP riparian 50 ft/cfs 5%
(bypass flows riparian
exceeding 2 cfs) buffer)
Important Notes:
1 If the slope in the riparian buffer exceeds 5% or the 1 in/hr storm from the drainage area exceeds 2
cfs, then an LS may not be used adjacent to the buffer. Instead of diffuse flow, a BMP that removes
at least 30% TN and 30% TP must be provided. A BMP that removes 30% TN and 30% TP may
discharge through the buffer with a buffer authorization from the DWQ 401 program.
2 Wet detention ponds designed to remove 90% of TSS do not require the use of an LS-VFS per
Chapter 10 of the BMP Manual. Infiltration basins designed per Section 16.3.9 do not require the
use of an LS-VFS.
3 If the herbaceous setback/buffer is located east of I-95 and the slope is less than 2%, then the LS lip
may be sized based on the design standards for the engineered filter strip (10 ft/cfs).
1. Diffuse Flow per Buffer Rule: The “Diffuse Flow Requirement” in Item (5) of the
buffer rules (Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Randleman, Catawba and Jordan Lake) states that
“concentrated runoff from new ditches or manmade conveyances shall be converted
to diffuse flow before the runoff enters Zone 2 [the outer 20 feet] of the riparian
buffer” and that “periodic corrective action to restore diffuse flow shall be taken if
necessary to impede the formation of erosion gullies” (15A NCAC 2B .0200 rules).
The LS-VFS is the approved technology for achieving diffuse flow. If the slopes in
the buffer exceed five percent, then an LS-VFS may NOT be used. If the flow from
the 1 inch/hour storm exceeds 2 cfs, then an LS-VFS may NOT be used. Instead, a
BMP that removes at least 30% TN and 30% TP must be installed outside the buffer.
2. SW Rule Provisions: Stormwater rule 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c)(4) and Session Law
2008-211 (for Coastal Counties) require the use of a vegetative filter to handle the
overflow of infiltration systems and the discharge from wet detention ponds. A
“vegetative filter” is defined as “an area of natural or planted vegetation through
which stormwater flows in a diffuse manner so that runoff does not become
channelized and which provides for control of stormwater runoff through
infiltration of runoff and filtering of pollutants” (15A NCAC 2H .1002(23).
The slopes in a VFS that is used to meet stormwater rule provisions may NOT
exceed five percent for wooded vegetation or eight percent for herbaceous
vegetation. If the vegetated filter strip cannot be graded to an appropriate slope,
then a BMP that does not require the use of an LS-VFS should be used.
3. Pollutant Removal: A LS-VFS does not remove a sufficient amount of TSS (40%) to
be used as a stand-alone BMP. However, an LS-VFS that is designed for pollutant
removal can be a useful component of s stormwater treatment train. In order to
achieve pollutant removal, an engineered filter strip must be used.
The four types of vegetated filter strips listed in Table 8-1 are:
Every LS-VFS must meet the major common design requirements presented on the first
two pages of this chapter. Table 8-1 describes additional design requirements for LS-
VFS that vary based on whether the system stands alone or is used with a BMP and the
purpose of the system (diffuse flow, pollutant removal or at the bypass from an
infiltration system/outlet of a wet detention pond).
The pollutant removal credits for a LS-VFS that is designed in accordance with the
standards for pollutant removal (LS length of 10 ft/cfs, 50-foot wide VFS, maximum
slope of 8 percent) are:
− 40 percent for total suspended solids (TSS)
− 30 percent for total nitrogen (TN)
− 35 percent for total phosphorus (TP)
A LS-VFS does not have the capability for stormwater detention; however, it does
provide some volume control for smaller storms via infiltration in the VFS.
8.3 Design
Required distances for the LS-VFS from surface waters depend on the applicable rules:
– The entire LS must be placed outside of riparian buffers and stormwater
– An engineered filter strip may not be placed within either zone of a riparian
buffer. However, it may be placed within a stormwater setback/buffer.
– If a riparian buffer or stormwater setback/buffer exceeds the allowable slope
(five or eight percent depending on the vegetation) then an LS may not be used.
– Wetlands will be allowed within the VFS only on a case-by-case basis.
Please refer to the figures below for graphical depictions of LS-VFS siting requirements.
Figure 8-4:
Siting for LS with a Riparian Buffer VFS (Winston 2010)
Figure 8-5:
Siting for LS-Engineered Filter Strip Adjacent to a Riparian Buffer (Winston 2010)
Figure 8-6:
Siting for LS with a Stormwater Setback VFS (Winston 2010)
As explained previously, a LS-VFS can receive stormwater directly from the drainage
area or be placed down slope of another BMP. The size of the contributing drainage
area will vary based on the application of the LS-VFS:
1. Diffuse Flow per Buffer Rule: The maximum flow that can be handled by an LS
installed adjacent to a riparian buffer is 2 cfs. If stormwater is discharged directly
from the drainage area that exceeds 2 cfs during the 1 inch/hour storm, then a LS
may not be used. Instead, a BMP that removes at least 30% TN and 30% TP must be
installed outside the buffer. If stormwater is discharged from a BMP, then the first 2
cfs of the 10-year storm outflow from the BMP should be directed to the LS and the
rest should be bypassed to the stream.
3. Pollutant Removal: A LS-VFS system designed for pollutant removal will always
have an engineered VFS. Up to 10 cfs can be directed to the LS-VFS and the flows
exceeding 10 cfs must be bypassed..
Any flows exceeding the capacity of the VFS must be bypassed through the use of a flow
splitter device. See Section 5.3 for more information on designing flow splitters.
This bypass channel must convey excess flow from the flow splitter to the stream
without causing erosion to either the channel itself or to the stream. One option for
bypassing flows is to convey the high flows to an existing drainage ditch located near
the LS-VFS. Channel calculations should be performed to determine whether rip rap is
needed to stabilize the drainage ditch. Another option is to grade a bypass channel to
the stream. In either scenario, the designer should compute the flow velocity in the
channel and provide appropriate reinforcement if needed. Turf reinforcement is
preferred where velocities and erosive forces are not excessive (as on mild slopes) and
where sufficient light is available to support turf. However, often these conditions will
not exist within a riparian buffer and rip rap will be necessary.
Another option is to use a bypass pipe instead of a bypass channel. This option will
eliminate the concern about erosion within the bypass channel.
The outlet of the bypass channel or pipe must be designed to reduce the impacts to the
receiving stream. The bypass channel must enter the stream at an angle rather than in a
perpendicular manner. Perpendicular entry points are likely to cause erosion on the
opposite stream bank. The bypass channel should discharge into a pool (deep section)
of the stream. At the point of entry, stream banks may need to be protected with riprap
or other engineered solution. If a bypass pipe is being used, it can be discharged to a
culvert rather than directly to the stream to minimize erosion issues.
On the “YES” side of Figure 8-7, the bypass channel discharges to a pool section of the
stream and the discharge occurs at an angle. This will reduce erosion at the discharge
point. It may be necessary to provide some riprap. Please note that bypass channels
through protected riparian buffers will require a buffer authorization from the DWQ 401
Permitting Unit. On the “NO” side, both of the bypass channels are poorly designed.
One option enters the stream at a right angle, which may cause erosion to the opposite
stream bank. In the other option, the bypass channel cuts through the VFS, creating
channelized flow and reducing the effectiveness of the VFS.
Figure 8-7:
Bypass Channel Design (Winston 2010)
8.3.4. Forebay
After passing through the flow bypass system, stormwater should be directed to a
forebay (unless the LS-VFS is receiving flow from another BMP, in which case a forebay
may not be necessary). The forebay is an excavated, bowl-shaped feature that slows the
stormwater and allows sediment and debris to settle out. It is typically lined with Class
B riprap.
It is recommended that the forebay be designed so that its surface area is 0.2% of the
contributing area’s impervious surface. The recommended depth is three feet where the
stormwater enters the forebay with the depth sloping up to one foot where the
stormwater leaves the forebay. This design promotes settling of sediment and flow
dissipation. Figure 8-7 shows a schematic of a forebay specifically designed for use with
a LS.
If the entire blind swale is lined with rip rap, then a forebay is not required. This option
may be more cost-effective for relatively short level spreaders.
Figure 8-8:
Schematic of a Forebay for Use with a Level Spreader (Hathaway and Hunt 2006)
Immediately upslope of the LS, stormwater is discharged into a “blind swale” (the term
“blind” is used because the swale terminates at either end). Within the blind swale,
water rises and falls evenly over the lip of the LS, which distributes the flow evenly over
its length. Whenever practical, stormwater should be conveyed to the blind swale
parallel to the LS to avoid short-circuiting the LS.
The blind swale will most commonly be constructed from earth and will be covered
with turf or possibly lined with rip rap. If the LS-VFS is being installed in soils with a
low infiltration rate (less than 2 in/hr), then an underdrain should be provided. The
underdrain will drain the blind swale between storms to provide capacity for the next
storm, prevent turf from dying and avoid mosquito risk. The underdrain should
discharge into the bypass channel.
Another option is to construct the blind swale as a linear wetland. This option is
especially useful in areas with Triassic Basin soils that have extremely low infiltration
rates that are not conducive to proper functioning of an underdrain.
The LS consists of a poured concrete weir. Level spreaders may not be constructed from
lumber, PVC pipe or earth. The lip of the LS should be 3 inches higher than the existing
ground (downslope side) and anchored into the soil with an appropriately-sized
concrete footer. Earthen or concrete berms may be placed at each end of the LS to
prevent bypass of runoff.
Immediately downslope of the LS, there should be a three-foot wide area for flow
dissipation. The DWQ recommends this area be covered with a geotextile fabric that is
overlain with a 3-4 inch layer of aggregate stone (with average diameter not exceeding
one inch). The geotextile fabric should be selected based on the soil type (sand, silt or
The LS must be straight or convex in plan view. Level spreaders may not be concave in
plan view because this concentrates flow downslope of the LS. This is illustrated in
Figure 8-10 below. To minimize the grading needed to install the LS, it should be sited
such that it is approximately parallel to contour lines.
Figure 8-11:
Level Spreader Configurations
The LS length must comply with the standards in Table 8-1 depending on the purpose of
the LS-VFS and the type of vegetation in the VFS.
If the VFS is an engineered filter strip, then it will be required to be graded so that it has
a uniform slope of less than eight percent slope (in accordance with NCSU’s design
protocol). Filter strips that are located down slope of BMPs are required to have a
uniform slope of less than five percent (in accordance with state stormwater rules).
A VFS with uniform slope will have equal elevations at A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. In
addition, the elevations at B1-B5 will be equal and the elevations at C1-C5 will be equal.
Furthermore, the slope between the LS and the end of the filter strip will be uniform and
constant. Any cut slopes that are created by the grading may not exceed 3:1 and 4:1 is
preferred. All grading must be clearly depicted on plan sheets that tie proposed
topographical contours with existing ones.
Figure 8-12:
VFS with Uniform Slope (Plan and Profile Views)
For an effective VFS, it is essential to prepare the soils properly and plant and maintain a
dense, vigorous stand of turf. The side slopes created by any grading should receive the
same attention to soils and vegetation as the VFS.
At a minimum, the VFS and any side slopes should be covered with six inches of topsoil.
It can be stockpiled topsoil, imported topsoil or a combination of the two. The soil can be
tested and amended accordingly or the general amendment requirements given below
can be followed. If possible, mix 1 to 2 cubic yards of peat moss or compost per 1,000 sq
ft into the topsoil to increase soil fertility. In addition, a one-time fertilizer application to
the topsoil should be specified. See Table 8-4 for guidance on the start-up fertilization of
VFS topsoil.
Table 8-4:
Start-up Fertilizer Application to the Engineered Filter Strip Topsoil
(from NCSU Cooperative Extension Service 2008)
Send approximately 1 cup of the air-dried soil Apply the following for grasses other than
sample to the NCDA & CS Agronomic centipede1:
Division Soil Testing Services, 1040 Mail
• 75 lbs of ground limestone per 1,000 sq ft.
Service Center, Raleigh NC 27607. Boxes and
• A starter type fertilizer (one that is high in
forms can be obtained at your county
phosphorus) based on the type of grass and
Cooperative Extension center or at the
the planting method. Fertilizer bags have a
Agronomic Division office in Raleigh. Allow
three-number system indicating the primary
several weeks for the results to be returned.
nutrients, such as 8-8-8 or 5-10-10. These
numbers denote the N-P-K ratio—the
Apply the amount of lime and fertilizer
percentage of each nutrient in a fertilizer. The
recommended for your soil by the soil testing
percentages are noted in the following order:
laboratory. For additional information about
interpreting a soil test, visit this Web site: N Nitrogen for green color and growth. P2O5 Phosphorus for good rooting.
K2O Potassium to enhance pest and
environmental stress tolerance.
1 For centipede grass, apply ½ lb of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Too much fertilizer
will kill centipede.
Table 8-5:
Appropriate Grasses for Engineered Filter Strips by Region (Winston and Hunt 2009)
8.4 Construction
Immediately before the LS is constructed, the designer should verify that proposed
ground contours are approximately parallel to the LS location called for in the plans. If
not, the LS should be re-oriented to minimize grading. The designer should also verify
in the field that the appropriate width (30 or 50 feet) is available for the VFS and that the
LS-VFS is fully 50 feet away from the stream if an Engineered Filter Strip is being
installed in an area covered by a buffer rule.
During the pre-construction site visit, the designer should also verify that the VFS does
not include any unaccounted for wetland areas. Wetland areas may not be graded
without an appropriate permit. If the VFS is intended to include a wetland, then the
designer should verify that 0.5 to 5.0 percent slopes and a dense stand of primarily
herbaceous vegetation is present. If not, the location of the LS-VFS should be relocated
to an area that can be graded and vegetated appropriately.
Proper construction sequencing will ensure that the LS-VFS is functioning as designed to
improve water quality. The LS-VFS must be protected from sediment and stormwater
flows during construction. A temporary stormwater diversion will likely be necessary
until the drainage area and the LS-VFS have fully stabilized.
The remainder of this section has been excerpted from Winston and Hunt 2009.
Grading of the Engineered Filter Strip (if required) should be the first step in the
construction sequence. Grade the site to the design slope using a box blade or similar
equipment. Care should be taken to avoid driving heavy equipment through the
Engineered Filter Strip to prevent compaction. After the Engineered Filter Strip is
graded, then proceed with constructing the blind swale and LS as shown in Figures 8-13
through 8-17 below.
Following construction of the LS and blind swale, the forebay should be constructed
using a small excavator. The forebay should be lined with riprap to dissipate flows and
protect against erosion. Consider placing an underdrain under the forebay if the
underlying soils are high in clay or silt content. Construct an overflow swale adjoining
the VFS using a small excavator. Sod should be used to vegetate the swale if low
velocities and high sunlight are expected. If stormwater is expected to reach highly
erosive velocities or if sunlight penetration is not expected, class B rip-rap should be
used to line the swale. A diversion box may then be installed. This structure should be
installed at the outlet of the watershed, to split flow between the forebay and the
overflow swale as determined by the engineering designs.
Engineered Filter Strip soils must be left “loose” – this can be achieved by raking, tilling
or using a field cultivator. After the VFS soils have been loosened, six inches of topsoil
should be added to the VFS and any adjacent side slopes created by grading. The
topsoil can be obtained from a stockpile, off-site area or a combination of the two. Based
on the soil test report recommendations or the fertilization guidelines in Section 8.3.6,
incorporate lime and fertilizer into the topsoil using a disk or rototiller. Regardless of the
region, a deeper root system is able to extract more moisture and nutrients from the soil,
improving drought tolerance and overall health of the plant.
An appropriate species of grass should be planted at the correct planting time per
Section 8.3.6. Before planting, water the area to enhance settling. Fill areas that settle
unevenly to avoid standing water.
Follow these steps to install the sod in an Engineered Filter Strip (NCSU Cooperative
Extension Service 2008):
1. Make sure the soil is moist (but not overly wet) before laying sod. Irrigating the
soil several days before delivery is often adequate.
2. Install the sod within 24 hours of delivery. Plan to unstack and unroll the sod if it
cannot be laid within 48 hours.
3. While installing, keep sod in the shade to lessen the chance of heat buildup.
4. Start sodding from a straight edge (driveway or sidewalk), and butt strips
together, staggering them in a bricklike pattern (See Figure 5).
5. Avoid stretching sod. Use a knife or sharp spade for trimming to fit irregularly
shaped areas.
6. Lay sod lengthwise across the face of slopes, and peg or stake the pieces to
prevent slippage.
7. After the sod has been placed, roll the lawn to ensure good sod-to-soil contact.
Then begin watering.
For a complete list of North Carolina sod producers and the varieties they carry, visit the
North Carolina Sod Producers Association Web site: Again, to
ensure high quality and better chance for success, it is highly recommended that
certified sod be used. A list of producers growing certified sod can be found on the
NCCIA Web site:
After the sod is planted, keep the top 1.5 inches of the soil moist. This may require light
watering several times a week for 7 to 21 days.
8.5 Maintenance
A LS-VFS that is not maintained properly may become a source of pollution rather than
a pollutant removal mechanism. During the first two years after construction, LS-VFS
should be inspected after every moderate to major storm event for proper distribution of
flows and signs of erosion. After the first two years, the LS-VFS may be inspected
quarterly. If evidence of erosion exists, the eroded areas should be filled in and reseeded.
The cause of the erosion should then be determined and eliminated.
Maintenance of an Engineered Filter Strip involves routine mowing and replanting grass
when necessary. Strips that receive excessive sediment may require periodic regrading
and reseeding of their upslope edge because deposited sediment can kill grass and
prevent the LS-VFS from achieving diffuse flow.
Figures 8-18 through 8-21 below show a number of common maintenance issues with
LS-VFS systems.
For the first two years after the LS-VFS is established, it will be inspected quarterly and
within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a
Coastal County). After two years of successful performance, the LS-VFS will be
inspected quarterly. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set
location and will be available upon request.
If the soil in the Engineered Filter Strip becomes compacted, consider coring to alleviate
this condition. Use a device that removes soil cores. Coring should be accomplished
when the lawn is actively growing so that it can recover from any injury. Core cool-
season grasses in fall or early spring. Core warm-season grasses in late spring or early
summer. Some lawn care and landscape companies offer coring service if rental
equipment is not available.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 8-6:
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for LS-VFS
2. The types of VFS were categorized as follows: Riparian Buffer, Wooded Stormwater
Buffer/Setback, Herbaceous Stormwater Buffer/Setback, and Engineered Filter
3. The regulatory credits awarded to LS-VFS have been increased based on recent
research done by NCSU. The VFS now must be an Engineered Filter Strip in order
for the system to be awarded pollutant removal credit.
4. A definition of “diffuse flow” was added.
5. The term “blind swale” has been coined to describe the swale immediately upslope
of the level lip.
6. A requirement to include an underdrain beneath the blind swale in clayey soils has
been added. This increases capacity of the swale, protects the swale vegetation and
reduces the mosquito risk.
7. The length requirement for the LS has been modified based on hydraulic calculations
associated with the various ground covers.
8. LS length and slope requirements have been tiered based on the vegetation in the
9. The maximum LS length has been reduced from 130 to 100 feet to reduce the chance
of an unlevel LS lip. The minimum length has been reduced from 13 to 10 feet.
10. LS are no longer allowed to be “concave” because of the tendency of this design to
concentrate flow.
11. A requirement for a bypass around the level lip downslope of BMPs that discharge
more than the allowable flow based on the vegetation in the VFS during the 10-year
storm has been added.
12. A new requirement to discharge to the blind swale in a manner parallel with the LS
has been added.
13. A requirement for uniform transverse slope has been added.
14. For the Engineered Filter Strip, a requirement to cover the VFS and adjacent cut
slopes with six inches of topsoil before vegetating has been added. A requirement to
amend this topsoil appropriately has also been added.
15. Scour holes are no longer allowed on shallow slopes as a means of achieving diffuse
16. Many photos and diagrams have been added to assist in understanding this device.
17. The construction and maintenance section has been enhanced.
9. Stormwater Wetlands
Stormwater wetlands are constructed systems that mimic the functions of natural wetlands and
use physical, chemical, and biological processes to treat stormwater pollution.
Stormwater Wetlands
Regulatory Credits* Feasibility Considerations
Pollutant Removal
85% Total Suspended Solids High Land Requirement
40% Total Nitrogen Med Cost of Construction
40% Total Phosphorus Med Maintenance Burden
Water Quantity Med-High Treatable Basin Size
yes Peak Runoff Attenuation Med Possible Site Constraints
yes Runoff Volume Reduction Med Community Acceptance
* Stormwater wetlands that are designed as part of a pond/wetland system will receive variable
credit. See Section 9.2.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Creates a shallow matrix of sediment, − Occupies more land than other
plants, water, and detritus that collectively stormwater BMPs such as detention
removes multiple pollutants through a basins.
series of complementary physical, − Needs to meet critical water balance
chemical, and biological processes. requirements to stay healthy and
− Best BMP design for maximum TSS, properly functioning.
nitrogen, and phosphorus removal while − Poorly maintained stormwater wetlands
also providing stormwater volume control. can be colonized by invasive species that
− Aesthetically pleasing when properly out-compete native wetlands plants.
maintained and can be sited in both low- Removal of invasive plants is difficult
and high-visibility areas. and labor intensive and may need to be
− Can provide an excellent habitat for done repeatedly.
wildlife and waterfowl.
1 Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site drainage.
Stormwater wetlands provide an efficient biological method for removing a wide variety
of pollutants, (e.g. suspended solids, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), heavy metals,
toxic organic pollutants, and petroleum compounds) in a managed environment.
Compared with wet ponds, sand filters, bio-retention areas, and other stormwater
BMPs, wetlands have the best median removal rate for total suspended solids, nitrate-
nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, total phosphorus, phosphate-phosphorus, and some
metals. Stormwater wetlands can also be used to reduce pollution associated with high
levels of fecal coliform and other pathogen contamination. Wetlands temporarily store
stormwater runoff in shallow pools that support emergent and riparian vegetation. The
storage, complex microtopography, and vegetative community in stormwater wetlands
combine to form an ideal matrix for the removal of many pollutants. Stormwater
wetlands can also effectively reduce peak runoff rates and stabilize flow to adjacent
natural wetlands and streams. Figure 9-1 shows examples of stormwater wetlands.
Wetlands are effective sedimentation devices and provide conditions that facilitate the
chemical and biological processes that cleanse water. Pollutants are taken up and
transformed by plants and microbes, immobilized in sediment, and released in reduced
concentrations in the wetland’s outflow as shown in Figure 9-2.
Plants improve water quality by slowing water flow and settling solids, transforming or
immobilizing pollutants, and supplying reduced carbon and attachment area for
microbes (bacteria and fungi). Dense strands of vegetation create the quiescent
conditions that facilitate the physical, chemical, and biological processes that cleanse the
stormwater. Many herbaceous wetland plants die annually. Because the dead plant
material requires months or years to decompose, a dense layer of plant litter
accumulates in the wetland. Like the living vegetation, the litter creates a substrate that
supports bacterial growth and physically traps solids.
The ability of the emergent plants to settle and stabilize suspended solids in sediments
and reduce resuspension is important. The settling characteristic allows the wetland to
remove pollutants such as phosphorus, trace metals, and hydrocarbons that are typically
adsorbed to the surfaces of suspended particles.
Figure 9-1
Stormwater Wetlands, Washington, DC & Raleigh, NC
Long-term data from stormwater wetlands indicate that treatment performance for
parameters such as 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids
(TSS), and total nitrogen (TN) typically does not deteriorate over the life of a stormwater
wetland. The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in wetland outflows may be below
1.0 mg/L. Higher DO concentrations can be achieved by incorporating aeration
techniques such as turbulent or cascading discharge zones, or mechanical mixing.
Figure 9-2
Wetland Microbes, Plants, and Soil Transform and Take Up Pollutants from Stormwater
Stormwater wetlands occupy somewhat more surface area than a wet detention pond,
but have the potential to be better integrated aesthetically into a site design because of
the abundance of aquatic vegetation. Stormwater wetlands require a drainage area
sufficiently large, or adequate groundwater or surface water supplies, to provide year-
round hydration. In sloping terrain, wetland cells can be arranged in series on terraces.
Stormwater wetlands are appropriately located at the lower parts of the development
site. Careful planning is needed to be sure that sufficient water will be retained to
sustain good wetland plant growth. Since water depths are shallower than in wet
detention ponds, water loss by evaporation is an important concern.
Stormwater wetlands are designed in such a way that the distance that the water flows
from the entrance to the exit is maximized. This allows for sufficient contact time for
pollutant removal. Figure 9-3 shows an example of how a wetland can be configured to
maximize the distance that the water flows.
Figure 9-3
Stormwater Wetland*
From Design of Stormwater Wetland Systems, Adapted from Schueler, 1992
Some wetlands can be constructed as a pond/wetland system. In these cases, part of the
BMP is a pond and part of it is a wetland. The nitrogen removal rate for a
pond/wetland system can range from 25-40%. The removal rate for a specific
pond/wetland system design is prorated, depending on the ratio of permanent
treatment volume that is allocated between the pond and the wetland. If 100% of the
volume is allocated to the pond, the removal rate is 25% (as in a wet detention basin
design). If 100% of the volume is allocated to the wetland, the removal rate is 40% (as in
a wetland design). The removal rate is linearly interpolated between these two values.
For instance, if the permanent treatment volume were allocated to be 33% a pond and
67% a wetland, the resulting removal rate would be 35%.
9.3 Design
1. Inlet: This is where water enters the wetland. The inlet can be a swale, a pipe, a
diverter box, sheet flow, or other method of transporting water to the wetland.
Some examples are provided in Figure 9-4.
2. Deep Pool: This zone consists of permanent deep pools of water that retain
water even during drought. Deep pools in a stormwater wetland are one of two
a. Forebay: The forebay is a deep pool that directly follows the inlet
provides two important functions: (1) dissipates runoff velocity and
energy and (2) collects gross solids and sediment to ease maintenance of
the BMP. The forebay essentially acts as a pretreatment device for the
stormwater wetland. The water flows out of the forebay and into the
wetland. The entrance to the forebay is deeper than the exit of the
forebay. This design will dissipate the energy of the water entering the
system, and will also ensure that large solids settle out.
b. Non-Forebay Deep Pools: Other deep pools in the wetland are always
full of water and are areas where rooted plants do not live. Submerged
and floating plants may be used in this area, except around the wetland
outlet device. The deep pool at the outlet should be non-vegetated to
prevent clogging. Deep pools provide additional pollutant removal and
storage volume as well as habitat for aquatic wildlife such as the
mosquito-eating fish. Include a deep pool next to the outlet structure in
order to allow for proper drawdown.
3. Shallow water, “low marsh”: Shallow water includes all areas inundated by the
permanent pool to a depth of 3”-6” with occasional drying during periods of
drought. The shallow water zone provides a constant hydraulic connection
between the inlet and outlet structure of the stormwater wetland. The top of the
shallow water zone represents the top of the permanent pool elevation (PPE).
Herbaceous plants, shown in Table 9-1 are recommended for this area because
they are more efficient in the pollutant removal process and less likely to
encourage mosquito growth.
5. Upland: These areas are never wet, are not a required element of wetland
design, and can be eliminated if space is of concern. They may serve as an
amenity or provide access for maintenance. Some wetlands have upland areas as
an island in the center of the wetland.
6. Outlet: The outlet structure consists of a drawdown orifice placed at the top of
the shallow water elevation so that stormwater accumulating in the shallow land
area will be able to slowly drawdown from the wetland. The outlet structure
may also be designed to pass larger storm events, which will have a higher flow
outlet at the proper elevation.
Figure 9-5
Failure to Maintain PPE at Design Elevation in Wetland (Garner, NC)
Figure 9-6
Algal Growth in Large Open Water Areas from High Nutrient Loading
Contributing Drainage
There is no minimum or maximum for the drainage area. Instead, any drainage area
that contributes a minimum volume of 3,630 cubic feet is allowed. Smaller volumes will
be allowed on a case-by-case basis, though supporting calculations such as a water
balance or other justification will be required.
Siting Issues
Stormwater wetlands should not be located within existing jurisdictional wetlands or
constructed as in-stream impoundments. If there are industrial or commercial land uses
in the drainage area, accumulated pollutants may eventually increase environmental
risk to wildlife (Figure 9-6). Typical pollutant loads found in residential and commercial
settings are unlikely to cause this problem.
Pretreatment Options
Wetlands and pond/wetland systems require the use of a forebay for pretreatment (see
Section 5.4 for forebay design).
9.3.3 Step 3: Determine Surface Area and Depth of Each Wetland Zone
Flow paths from inlet to outlet points within stormwater wetlands should be
maximized. Internal berms and irregular shapes are often used to achieve
recommended flow paths. The minimum length to width ratio shall be 1.5:1, however,
3:1 is highly recommended. Narrow, deep-water zones should be constructed at the
wetland inlet and outlet to evenly distribute flow. Inlets also may incorporate pipe
manifolds to enhance flow distribution. Deep-water zones perpendicular to the flow
direction, and internal berms parallel to the flow, can also be used to reduce the
potential for short-circuiting.
The total surface area of the deep pool topographic zone should be broken into several
micropools that are well dispersed throughout the wetland so that the distances for fish
to travel within the shallow water zone to reach the entire wetland is minimized. One
deep pool should be located at the entrance of the wetland and one should be located at
the exit. Other deep pools can be dispersed throughout the wetland.
The geometric calculations for wetlands are provided below. As opposed to many other types of
BMP designs, the permanent volume of water contained in the stormwater wetland is not part of
the design calculations, but is merely a result of the breakdown of natural or engineered
hydrologic zones and their respective depths.
a. Determine Required Surface Area of Entire Wetland and Each Wetland Zone: Two
factors determine the surface area, 1.) The watershed runoff volume that is to be
contained (QVolume), and 2.) The depth of water that plants can sustain for several
days in the shallow land area (DPlants), the depth of the temporary pool, up to 12
inches (Hunt, Doll, 2000). The total surface area of the wetland is determined by the
quotient of these variables. The surface area of each wetland zone is a percentage of
the total required surface area. Calculations for determining the surface areas of the
various wetland zones are provided below.
Q Volume (ft 3 )
• Surface Area: The total surface area of the wetland is = ___ (SF).
D Plants (ft)
(Note: DPlants can be up to 12 inches.) This surface area, in square feet (SF), is
distributed to the various wetland zones as outlined below:
o Deep Pools: Ideally several deep pools should be provided
throughout the wetland.
Non-Forebay: 5-10% of wetland surface
Forebay: 10% of wetland surface
o Shallow Water (low marsh): 40% of wetland surface.
o Shallow Land (high marsh): 30-40% of wetland surface (maximize if
pathogens are target pollutant).
o Upland: This is an optional design element. If upland area is
included, it will not replace any of the required calculated surface
b. Design Depth of Each Wetland Zone: Determine the appropriate depth for each
wetland zone. DWQ recommends the following depths for each wetland zone as
illustrated in Figure 9-7:
• Deep Pools:
o Non-Forebay: 18-36” (include one at the outlet structure for proper
o Forebay: 18-36” plus additional depth for sediment accumulation
(deepest near inlet to dissipate energy, more shallow near the exit).
• Shallow Water (low marsh): 3-6”. A primary cause of wetland failure is
designing this layer to be too deep.
• Shallow Land (high marsh): Up to 12”. This is the depth, DPlants, used in the
surface area calculation, and is also the depth of the temporary pool.
• Upland: Up to 4 feet above the shallow land zone.
c. Double Check the Volume: Ensure that the volume of the shallow land section can
accommodate the treatment volume necessary for the wetland (as was calculated in
Step 2). The shallow land zone acts as the temporary pool and contains the
treatment volume after a rain event.
Stormwater wetlands are appropriate for NRCS type C and D soils. A soil analysis
should be conducted within the stormwater facility area to determine the viability of
soils to assure healthy vegetation growth and to provide adequate infiltration rates
through the topsoil. For wetlands designed to utilize a clay or synthetic liner, at least
four (4) inches of quality topsoil shall be added to the top of the liner to support plant
growth. Imported or in-situ soils may be amended with organic material, depending on
soil analysis results, to enhance suitability as a planting media. See Section 6.5 of this
Manual for full details on soil media requirements, specifications and amendments.
The outlet design must be accessible to operators, easy to maintain, and resistant to
fouling by floating or submerged plant material or debris. Wetlands should have both
low- and high-capacity outlets. High-capacity outlets, such as weir boxes or broad-
crested spillways, should be provided unless bypasses are provided for storms in excess
of the first flush volume. The low-capacity outlet is typically a drawdown orifice and
should be able to draw down the temporary pool within 2-5 days. Multiple-outlet
structures are often used to balance the volume control requirements and maintenance
needs. Additionally, designers can choose to install manual drawdown valves or
flashboard risers (also called sliding weir plates) so that maintenance personnel can
drain the wetland for maintenance purposes. If installed, drawdown valves should be
secured so that only intended personnel can access them. Also, trash racks are
recommended on the outlet structure to keep floating plants from clogging the outlet.
Figure 9-8
Outlet Structures with Manual Drawdown Valve for Maintenance
Figure 9-9
Outlet Structures with Flashboard Riser for Maintenance
(Courtesy NC State Science House and BAE)
One method to help ensure that the drawdown orifice does not clog is to turn the orifice
downward below the normal pool as shown in Figure 9-10. This prevents floating
debris or vegetation from clogging the orifice. If the wetland is located in trout-sensitive
waters, consider extending the orifice to close to the bottom of the drawdown structure
among a pile of riprap. This will ensure that cooler water enters the stream in an effort
to protect trout, which thrive in cold water. The site in Figure 9-10 has been drained for
Figure 9-10
Outlet Structure With Down-Turned Drawdown Orifice
The overflow structure should be located near the edge of the wetland so that it can be
accessed easily for maintenance, as shown in Figure 9-11. Overflow structures that are
several feet into the wetland, as shown in Figure 9-12, are difficult to reach and likely
will not be maintained.
Figure 9-11
Outlet Structure Near Wetland Edge, Orifice Easily Accessible for Maintenance
Figure 9-12
Outlet Structure Not Near Wetland Edge, Orifice Not Easily Accessible for Maintenance
Shrubs and wetland plants should be designed to minimize solar exposure of open
water areas (particularly critical in mountain settings to prevent thermal pollution of
trout waters). A landscape plan prepared by a qualified design professional licensed in
North Carolina must be provided to document the methods to be used for establishing
and maintaining wetland plant coverage.
A stormwater wetland facility consists of the area of the wetland, including bottom and
side slopes, plus maintenance/access buffers around the wetland. Minimum elements
of a stormwater wetland landscape plan include:
− Minimum plant quantities and sizes per 200 ft2 of shallow water area:
50 herbaceous plants of at least 4 cubic-inch container (equivalent to 2 ft
on center minimum; 1.5 ft on center recommended)
− Minimum plant quantities and plant sizes per 200 ft2 of shallow land area:
50 herbaceous plants of at least 4 cubic-inch container, OR
8 shrubs of at least 1-gallon container (equivalent to 5 ft on center
minimum; 3 ft on center recommended), OR
1 tree of at least 3 gallon container and 40 grass-like herbaceous plants of
at least 4 cubic-inch container
− Source of plant materials (wetland seed mixes are not allowed);
− Planting layout;
− Sequence and timing for preparing wetland bed (including soil amendments,
initial fertilization, and watering, as needed);
− Growing medium specifications (soil specifications); and
− Specification of supplementary plantings to replenish losses.
Soil bioengineering techniques, such as the use of fascines, stumps or logs, and coconut
fiber rolls, can be used to create shallow land cells in areas of the stormwater wetland
that may be subject to high flow velocities. The landscape plan should also provide
elements that promote greater wildlife and waterfowl use within the wetland and
buffers, as well as aesthetic considerations. For instructions regarding landscape plan
requirements, please refer to Chapter 6 Landscape and Soil Specifications.
Five (5) or more species of emergent wetland plants should be selected in order to
optimize treatment processes as well as to promote ecological mosquito control (i.e.,
attract a variety of predator insects for natural mosquito control). Use of trees and
shrubs should be limited if mosquitoes are of concern, and are best planted around the
perimeter of the wetland. Cattails shall not be planted as they can quickly take over and
choke out other plants in the wetland which will limit biodiversity, and ultimately lead
to mosquito infestation.
Plant recommendations are listed in Table 9-1. The list of plant species is not exhaustive,
and additional wetland plant species may be suitable that are not shown below. There
are many excellent plant references in publication as well as recommendations from
wetland scientists and landscape architects.
Table 9-1
Stormwater Wetland Plant Recommendations
Botanical Name Common Name
Floating Aquatic Plants
Lemna spp. Duckweed
Nelumbo lutea American lotus
Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala Rocky Mtn Pond-lily
Nuphar lutea ssp. advena Yellow Pond-lily
Botanical Name Common Name
Herbaceous Plants
Acorus subcordatum Sweetflag
Alisma subcordatum Water plantain
Hydrolea quadrivalvis Waterpod
Iris virginica Blue flag iris
Juncus effusus var. pylaei or solutus Soft rush
Ludwigia spp. Primrose willow
Peltandra virginica Arrow arum
Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed
Sagittaria latifolia Duck Potato
Sagittaria lancifolia Bulltongue
Saururus cernuus Lizard’s tail
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Soft stem bulrush
Schoenoplectus americanus Three-square bulrush
Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens
Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass
Zizaniopsis miliacea Giant cutgrass
Botanical Name Common Name
Herbaceous Plants
Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed
Carex tenera Quill sedge
Chelone glabra White Turtlehead
Eupatoriadelphus dubius Dwarf Joe Pye Weed
Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus Joe Pye Weed
Eupatoriadelphus maculatus Spotted trumpetweed
Hibiscus coccineus Scarlet rose mallow
Hibiscus laevis Halberdleaf rosemallow
Kosteletzkya virginica Seashore Mallow
Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower
Lobelia elongata Longleaf lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica Great blue Lobelia
Rhynchospora colorata Starrush whitetop
Saccharum baldwinii Narrow plumegrass
Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry
Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush
Clethra alnifolia Sweet pepperbush
9.4 Construction
Inlet and outlet channels should be protected from scour that may occur during periods
of high flow. Standard erosion control measures should be used. The Land Quality
Section of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources and
the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) can
provide information on erosion and sediment control techniques.
The stormwater wetland should be staked at the onset of the planting season. Water
depths in the wetland should be measured to confirm the original planting zones. At
this time, it may be necessary to modify the planting plan to reflect altered depths or the
availability of wetland plant stock. Surveyed planting zones should be marked on an
“as-built” or record design plan and located in the field using stakes or flags.
The wetland drain should be fully opened for no more than 3 days prior to the planting
date (which should coincide with the delivery date for the wetland plant stock) to
preserve soil moisture and workability.
The most common and reliable technique for establishing an emergent wetland
community in a stormwater wetland is to transplant nursery stock obtained from local
aquatic plant nurseries. The optimal period for transplanting extends from early April to
mid-June so that the wetland plants will have a full growing season to build the root
reserves needed to survive the winter. However, some species may be planted
successfully in early fall. Contact your nursery well in advance of construction to ensure
that they will have the desired species available.
Post-nursery care of wetland plants is very important in the interval between delivery of
the plants and their subsequent installation because they are prone to desiccation. Stock
should be frequently watered and shaded.
Safety Considerations
The permanent pool of water presents an attractive play area to children and thus may
create safety problems. Engineering design features that discourage child access are
recommended. Trash racks and other debris-control structures should be sized to
prevent entry by children. Other safety considerations include using fences around the
spillway structure, embankment, and stormwater wetland slopes; using shallow safety
benches around the stormwater wetland; and posting warning signs.
9.5. Maintenance
Please refer to Section 7.0, General BMP Maintenance, for information on types of
maintenance activities, typical frequency, and specific maintenance tasks that are
common to all BMPs. The following information details maintenance specific to
stormwater wetlands.
The landscape professional managing the wetland must understand the biological
requirements of the plants and manage water levels appropriately to provide for their
needs. For example, growing conditions are most critical during seed germination and
early establishment. However, optimum conditions are not always required once the
vegetated community becomes established.
Although wetland plants require water for growth and reproduction, they can be killed
by drowning in excessively deep water. Usually, initial growth is best with transplanted
plants in wet, well-aerated soil. Occasional inundation followed by exposure to air of the
majority of the vegetation enables the plants to obtain oxygen and grow optimally.
Conversely, frequent soil saturation is important for wetland plant survival.
If a minimum coverage of 70 percent is not achieved in the planted wetland zones after
the second growing season, supplemental planting should be completed. Coverage of 90
to 95 percent is desirable.
Dramatic shifts can occur as plant succession proceeds. The plant community reflects
management and can indicate problems or the results of improvements. For example, a
requirement of submerged aquatic plants, such as pondweed (Potamogeton spp.), is light
penetration into the water column. The disappearance of these plants may indicate
inadequate water clarity. The appearance of invasive species or development of a
monoculture is also a sign of a problem with the aquatic/soil/vegetative requirements.
For instance, many invasive species can quickly spread and take over a wetland. If
cattails become invasive, they can be removed by a licensed aquatic pesticide applicator
by wiping aquatic glyphosate, a systemic herbicide, on the cattails.
Unlike maintenance requirements for wet or dry stormwater ponds, sediment should
only be selectively removed from stormwater wetlands, primarily from the forebay.
Sediment removal disturbs stable vegetation cover and disrupts flowpaths through the
wetland. The top few inches of sediment should be stockpiled so that it can be replaced
over the surface of the wetland after the completion of sediment removal to re-establish
the vegetative cover using its own seed bank. Accumulated sediment should be
removed from around inlet and outlet structures.
I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a
log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be
corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity
of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP.
After the stormwater wetland is established, I will inspect it monthly and within 24
hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal
County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location
and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 9-2
Sample Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater Wetlands
Advantages Disadvantages
− Can be aesthetically pleasing and can be − Sometimes create problems such as
sited in both low- and high-visibility areas. nuisance odors, algae blooms, and
− Can provide wildlife habitat and a focal rotting debris when not properly
point for recreation. maintained.
− Provides good water quantity control for − Local regulations may impose
reducing the frequency of flooding events unappealing features such as fencing
that cause bank erosion. around basins to reduce safety hazards.
. − May attract excessive waterfowl, which
can be a nuisance and can increase fecal
coliform levels.
− May contribute to thermal pollution so
may not be appropriate in areas where
sensitive aquatic species live.
1 Sizing shall take into account all runo ff at ultim ate b uild-o ut, including off-site drainage.
Basin discharge shall be ev enly distrib uted across a m inimum 30 feet long vegetative filter
strip unless it is designed to rem ove 90% TSS. (A 50-ft filter is required in some locations.)
If any portion is used for S&EC during construction must be cleaned out and returned to
design state.
6 The design storage shall b e above the permanent pool.
Discharge rate of the treatment volum e shall completely draw down between 2 and 5
The averag e depth of the permanent pool shall be a m inim um o f 3 feet. The average
depth shall b e calculated as described in Figure 10-2b .
9 Permanent pool surface area shall be determined using Tab les 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4.
10 The flow within the pond shall not short-circuit the pond.
11 BM P shall be designed with a forebay.
12 Basin side slo pes shall be stabilized with vegetation above the permanent pool level.
The pond shall be designed with side slopes belo w the 10ft shelf stabilized per what the
soils will support and per the PE’s judgment.
The b asin shall b e designed with sufficient sediment storag e to allow for proper operation
b etween scheduled cleanouts.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what DWQ
considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
15 BMP shall not be located to produce adverse impacts on water levels in adjacent wetlands.
A minimum 10-foot wide vegetated shelf shall be installed around the perimeter. The
16 inside edge of the shelf shall be 6” below the permanent pool elevation; the outside edge
of the shelf shall be 6” above the permanent pool elevation.
The forebay volume should be about 20% of the total permanent pool volume, leaving
about 80% of the design volume in the main pool.
18 Freeboard shall be a minimum of 1 foot above the maximum stage of the basin.
The permanent pool elevation shall be within 6 inches (plus or minus) of the SHWT
*For multiple pond permits, please specify the areas of the site (including the lot
numbers) draining to each pond.
In wet detention basins, a permanent pool of standing water is maintained by the riser—
the elevated outlet of the wet detention basin (see Figure 10-1). Water in the permanent
pool mixes with and dilutes the initial runoff from storm events. Wet detention basins
fill with stormwater and release most of the mixed flow over a period of a few days,
slowly returning the basin to its normal depth.
Runoff generated during the early phases of a storm usually has the highest
concentrations of sediment and dissolved pollutants. Because a wet detention basin
dilutes and settles pollutants in the initial runoff, the concentration of pollutants in the
runoff released downstream is reduced. Following storm events, pollutants are removed
from water retained in the wet detention basin. Two mechanisms that remove pollutants
in wet detention basins include settling of suspended particulates and biological uptake,
or consumption of pollutants by plants, algae, and bacteria in the water. However, if the
basin is not adequately maintained (e.g., by periodic excavation of the captured
sediment), storm flows may re-suspend sediments and deliver them to the stream.
Figure 10-1
Permanent Pool of Water in Wet Detention Basin
Figure 10-2a
Basic Wet Detention Basin Elements: Plan View
Main Pond
-80% Perm. Pool Volume Optional flow-path
-Avg. depth, 3+ft elongation baffles Emergency
Length, L -3:1 side slope to bottom Overflow
L:W=1.5:1, minimum
Width, W
Volume: Flow Path
-20% Permanent
(3:1+ recommended)
Pool Volume
-~2:1 side slopes
10-ft Vegetated Shelf Outlet
Forebay Vegetated Side (with channel)
-All sides of main pond, Structure
Berm -Side slope, 3:1
(option: excluding forebay berm)
-Vegetated above perm. pool Perm. Pool Level
-Side slopes, 10:1 -Mid-point of veg. shelf
Figure 10-2b
Basic Wet Detention Basin Elements: Cross-Section
North Carolina rules require that a wet detention basin must be designed by a licensed
professional. Further, the designer must subsequently certify that he inspected the
facility during construction, that the BMP was built in accordance with the approved
plans, and that the system complies with the requirements of the rules.
To obtain a permit to construct a wet detention basin in North Carolina, the wet
detention basin must meet all of the regulation-based Major Design Elements listed in
the beginning of this section.
To receive the pollutant removal rates listed in the front of this section, the wet detention
basin engineering design must, at a minimum, meet all of the Major Design Elements
listed in the beginning of this section. Additional regulation-based requirements, and
additional good engineering practice requirements, may be required by DWQ.
10.2.1 Pollutant Removal Rates
Standard pollutant rates are provided in Table 4-2 in Section 4.0. Construction of a wet
detention basin also passively lowers nutrient loading since it is counted as pervious
surface when calculating nutrient loading. Further enhancing the passive reduction of
nutrient loading is the fact that the surface area of any permanent water surface
contributes no nutrient runoff (an export coefficient of 0.0 lb/ac/yr).
10.2.2 Volume Control Calculations
Calculations for the temporary pool volume draw-down time are provided in Section
If this BMP comes close to meeting your regulatory requirements, but is not exactly
what is desired for your site, then these similar types of BMPs might be worth
considering: stormwater wetlands, dry extended detention basins.
If this BMP will not meet the regulatory requirements of the site by itself, but is desired
to be part of the stormwater treatment solution for the site for other reasons, the
following stormwater controls can be used in conjunction to provide enhanced pollution
removal rates or volume control capabilities: sand filters, bioretention, infiltration
devices, porous pavement, filter strips, grassed swales, and restored riparian buffers.
10.2.3 Irrigating from Wet Ponds
Permittees often want to irrigate from ponds, particularly during times of drought. This
raises questions about the viability of the plants on the vegetated littoral shelf. In times
of drought, the plants on the littoral shelf are already stressed, but evidence has shown
that they do recover once the drought ends. The minimum 3ft average depth is required
by 15A NCAC 02H .1008(e)(3), and is also controlled by outside factors such as the
seasonable high water table (SHWT). Ponds that are built with permanent pools well
above the SHWT will tend to dry out faster during a drought.
During drought or an extended dry spell, water in a wet pond may be pumped out and
used for irrigation with the following provisions:
10.3. Design
Wet detention basins are typically part of the initial site clearing and grading activities
and are often used as sediment basins during construction of the upstream
development. The NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual
contains design requirements for sediment basins required during construction. A
sediment basin typically does not include all the engineering features of a wet detention
basin, and the design engineer must insure that the wet detention basin includes all the
features identified in this section, including the full sizing as a wet detention basin. If the
wet detention basin is used as a sediment trap during construction, all sediment
deposited during construction must be removed, erosion features must be repaired, and
the vegetated shelf must be restored, before operation as a stormwater BMP begins.
Because large storage volumes are needed to achieve extended detention times, wet
detention basins require larger land areas than many other BMPs. Wet detention basins
may not be suitable for projects with very limited available land. Permanent retaining
walls may be used to obtain the required design volumes while reducing the footprint
that would otherwise be required for earthen construction. Retaining walls utilized to
contain the permanent pool must not reduce the required 10’ width of the vegetated
shelf, and must not extend to a top elevation above the lowest point of the vegetated
shelf. Retaining walls utilized to contain the temporary pool must not reduce the
required 10’ width of the vegetated shelf, and must not be in contact with the
stormwater stored up to the temporary pool elevation. Two retaining walls may be
used, as shown in Figure 10-3a. Or, the design may be altered to contain only one of the
two shown.
Figure 10-3a
Alternative Wet Pond Design: Retaining Wall Option
DWQ requires a soils report that includes a determination of the SHWT elevation for all
wet pond designs. The permanent pool elevation shall meet the following requirements:
1. The PPE must be no more than six inches above or below the SHWT.
2. If the design proposed does not meet the requirement of item 1 above, then the
following must be provided:
d. Evaluate the orifice size to effectively deal with the incoming groundwater
such that the water level is maintained at the design PPE and such that the
design storm volume is allowed to exit the pond in 2-5 days.
If site conditions do not allow the PPE to be designed within the preferred range for the
SHWT elevation, then (1) an analysis of the proposed wet pond design must demonstrate
it will not adversely affect wetlands, surface waters, and buffers; and holds water as
designed. One acceptable analysis includes using the Dupuit equation that models steady
unconfined flow between two canals or reservoirs. It is the responsibility of the designer
to satisfy DWQ that the proposed design will not adversely affect wetlands. 15A NCAC
02B .0231 requires that DWQ protect wetlands from being dewatered, filled, etc.; and
(2) Demonstrate that the downstream conveyances, including ditches and pipes from the
pond to the named receiving waters, will be able to function adequately and maintain a
free flow condition such that the treatment volume is released in 2-5 days under SHWT
conditions; and (3) Evaluate the orifice size to effectively deal with the incoming
groundwater such that the water level is maintained at the design PPE and such that the
design storm volume is allowed to exit the pond in 2-5 days.
Figure 10-3b
Seasonal High Water Table and Permanent Pool Level
The use of stormwater wet detention basins discharging to cold-water streams capable of
supporting trout may be prohibited. Stormwater wet detention basins located in such
watersheds should be augmented with engineering measures to significantly reduce or
eliminate thermal impacts.
Forebays are required on all inlets to a wet detention basin. Chapter 5 Common BMP
Design Elements addresses the engineering design requirements for forebays and the
forebay berms. A properly engineered forebay can concentrate large particle-size
sediment for easier removal, and can dissipate the incoming flow energy prior to the
stormwater entering the main part of the BMP. The dissipation of incoming flow energy
reduces re-suspension of settled material in the main pool, and it reduces the likelihood
of erosion features within the BMP. Also, the forebay itself should be configured for
energy dissipation within the forebay to avoid re-suspension of large-particle settled
material previously captured in the forebay. One of several engineering means of
energy dissipation is to have the inlet pipe submerged below the permanent forebay
pool level, provided that the inlet placement does not serve to re-suspend previously
captured sediment.
DWQ requires that the design volume for the forebay be approximately 20% of the total
calculated permanent pool volume. The main pool of the permanent pool would then
account for approximately 80% of the design volume. If the pond has more than one
forebay, the total volume of the forebays should equal 20% of the permanent pool
volume. In this case, each forebay should be sized as in Figure 10-3c.
Figure 10-3c
Forebay Sizing
DWQ uses Driscoll’s model (US EPA, 1986) to determine the appropriate surface area of
the permanent pool for wet detention basins to achieve the required TSS removal rate.
The surface area required can be determined using the permanent pool Surface Area to
Drainage Area ratio (SA/DA) for given levels of impervious cover and basin depths as
outlined in Tables 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4. The tabulated SA/DA ratios are reported
as percentages. Table 10-1 is based upon 85 percent TSS removal efficiency in the
Mountain and Piedmont regions of North Carolina, while Table 10-2 is based upon
85 percent removal efficiencies for the Coastal region. Table 10-3 presents the design
SA/DA ratio for 90 percent TSS removal efficiencies in the Mountain and Piedmont
regions, and Table 10-4 presents a similar table for the Coast.
Depth is an important engineering design criterion because most of the pollutants are
removed through settling. Very shallow basins may develop currents that can re-
suspend materials; on the other hand, very deep wet detention basins can become
thermally stratified and/or anoxic and release pollutants back into the water. North
Carolina regulations establish 3 feet as the minimum average depth. An average pool
depth of 3 feet to 7.5 feet is recommended as optimal. Further, DWQ requires that the
engineering design include a minimum freeboard of one foot above the maximum stage
of the basin. Freeboard should be designed as shown in Figures 10-2b, 10-3a, 10-3b and
10-3c. Also, DWQ requires that the engineering design incorporate a minimum
additional depth of one foot for sediment storage.
The Division has received stormwater applications for the use of existing mining pits or
other non-regulated existing natural or man-made water bodies for stormwater
treatment. Many times, these waters are deeper than the SA/DA tables allow. Having a
deep pond raises concerns about thermal inversion. Pond depths up to 20 feet will not
affect the function of the pond and thermal inversion will not create enough upward
velocity to adversely affect water quality. Pond depths up to 20’ may be permitted in
existing non-regulated water bodies. Construction of new ponds that exceed the 7.5’
average depth can also be considered. However, since the SA/DA tables only go up to
7.5’, use the 7.5’ average depth SA/DA ratio to determine the minimum required surface
Permanent pool average depth can be calculated in two ways:
Option 1: Permanent pool volume divided by the permanent pool surface
Option 2: Use the following equation (Also see Figure 10-2b)
Table 10-1
Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing to Achieve 85 Percent TSS
Pollutant Removal Efficiency in the Mountain and Piedmont Regions, Adapted from Driscoll, 1986
Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth (ft)
Cover 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
10% 0.59 0.49 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.26
20% 0.97 0.79 0.70 0.59 0.51 0.46 0.44
30% 1.34 1.08 0.97 0.83 0.70 0.64 0.62
40% 1.73 1.43 1.25 1.05 0.90 0.82 0.77
50% 2.06 1.73 1.50 1.30 1.09 1.00 0.92
60% 2.40 2.03 1.71 1.51 1.29 1.18 1.10
70% 2.88 2.40 2.07 1.79 1.54 1.35 1.26
80% 3.36 2.78 2.38 2.10 1.86 1.60 1.42
90% 3.74 3.10 2.66 2.34 2.11 1.83 1.67
Table 10-2
Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing to Achieve 85 Percent TSS
Pollutant Removal Efficiency in the Coastal Region, Adapted from Driscoll, 1986
Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth (ft)
Cover 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5’
10% 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 0 0 0 0
20% 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5
30% 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9
40% 3.4 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.0
50% 4.2 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.3
60% 5.0 4.5 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.0 1.6
70% 6.0 5.2 4.5 4.1 3.7 3.3 2.9 2.5 2.1 1.8
80% 6.8 6.0 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.7 3.2 2.7 2.2 2.0
90% 7.5 6.5 5.8 5.3 4.8 4.3 3.8 3.3 2.8 2.3
100% 8.2 7.4 6.8 6.2 5.6 5.0 4.4 3.8 3.2 2.6
Table 10-3
Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing to Achieve 90 Percent TSS
Pollutant Removal Efficiency in the Mountain and Piedmont Regions, Adapted from Driscoll, 1986
Percent Perm anent Pool A verage Depth (ft)
Im pervious
Cover 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
10% 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4
20% 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7
30% 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9
40% 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1
50% 3.0 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5
60% 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7
70% 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.1 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.9
80% 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0
90% 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4
Table 10-4
Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing to Achieve 90 Percent TSS
Pollutant Removal Efficiency in the Coastal Region, Adapted from Driscoll, 1986
Percent Permanent Pool Average Depth (ft)
Cover 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5’
10% 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
20% 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.6
30% 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.8
40% 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.4 1.1
50% 5.6 5.0 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.5
60% 7.0 6.0 5.3 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.4 1.9
70% 8.1 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.3
80% 9.4 8.0 7.0 6.4 5.7 5.2 4.6 4.0 3.4 2.8
90% 10.7 9.0 7.9 7.2 6.5 5.9 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.3
100% 12 10.0 8.8 8.1 7.3 6.6 5.8 5.1 4.3 3.6
The engineering design of a wet detention basin must include a 10-foot-wide (minimum)
vegetated shelf around the full perimeter of the basin. The inside edge of the shelf shall
be no deeper than 6” below the permanent pool level, and the outside edge shall be 6”
above the permanent pool level. For a 10’ wide shelf, the resulting slope is 10:1. With
half the required shelf below the water (maximum depth of 6 inches), and half the
required shelf above the water, the vegetated shelf will provide a location for a diverse
population of emergent wetland vegetation that enhances biological pollutant removal,
provides a habitat for wildlife, protects the shoreline from erosion, and improves
sediment trap efficiency. A 10’ wide shelf also provides a safety feature prior to the
deeper permanent pool.
natural and therefore may have increased aesthetic value. If local site conditions prohibit
a relatively long, narrow facility, baffles may be placed in the wet detention basin to
lengthen the stormwater flow path as much as possible. Baffles must extend to the
temporary pool elevation or higher. A minimum length-to-width ratio of 1.5:1 is
required, but a flow path of at least 3:1 is recommended. Basin shape should minimize
dead storage areas, and where possible the width should expand as it approaches the
Although larger wet detention basins typically remove more pollutants, a threshold size
seems to exist above which further improvement of water quality by sedimentation is
negligible. The permanent pool volume within a wet detention basin is calculated as the
total volume beneath the permanent pool water level, and above the sediment storage
volume, including any such volume within the forebay.
In addition to the permanent pool volume, the basin must also have temporary pool
storage to provide volume control during storm events. This temporary pool storage
volume is located above the permanent pool, and below the 1-foot minimum freeboard
requirement. The required temporary pool volume must be calculated as specified in
Section 3.3.1.
North Carolina rules require that the wet detention basin shall be sized with an
additional volume to account for sediment deposition between clean-out intervals
(typically 5 to 15 years). DWQ requires that engineering designs for wet detention
basins include at least one additional foot of depth for sediment storage in addition to
the permanent pool volume. This additional one foot of depth shall be provided in both
the main pond area and in the forebay. It is important that operation and maintenance
agreements specify that the forebay and the wet pond be cleaned out as soon as the extra
sediment storage depth is exhausted. A benchmark for sediment removal should be
established to assure timely maintenance. Calculations for volumes and sediment
accumulation are provided in Section 3.0.
10.3.7. Plant and Landscape Requirements
The design of a wet detention basin is not complete without a detailed landscaping plan.
The planting plan must be prepared by a qualified design professional licensed in North
Carolina (see Chapter 6 for landscape plan requirements). The landscaping plan for a
stormwater wet detention basin should provide specifications for the selection of
vegetation, its installation, and the post-installation care for the vegetated shelf, the 3:1
side slopes, the vegetative filter strip, and the immediately surrounding areas. Do not
plant weeping love grass on the vegetated side slopes because it does not provide
long-term slope stabilization. Also, trees and woody shrubs should not be planted on
the shelf or pond embankments. A wetland seed mix for the shelf is not acceptable.
Wet detention basins should incorporate several (minimum of three (3)) diverse species
of shallow water emergent and shallow land herbaceous vegetation on the vegetated
shelf. A minimum of 50 plants per 200 sf of shelf area shall be planted. Chapter 9
contains a list of appropriate plant species for the vegetated shelf. Diversity in species
increases the robustness of the vegetated shelf by increasing the chances that some
species will survive minor changes in the permanent pool water level. This vegetation
enhances pollutant removal, protects the shoreline from erosion, and increases safety by
discouraging people from entering the basin. A wide range of potential plant species is
available for this purpose. Planting density is dependant on the targeted time to full
coverage, and on the individual selected species’ mature size. One general rule of
thumb that may be used is the spacing should be approximately 24” to 36” centers;
yielding coverage in approximately 1 – 2 years respectively.
On the tops of berms and on the exterior slopes of containment berms, maintain turf
grass in access areas; Centipede grass is recommended. Well-maintained grass stabilizes
the embankment, enhances access to the facility, and makes inspection and other
maintenance much easier. Because many plants release phosphorus in the winter when
they die off, wet detention ponds used for phosphorous control should be planted with
broad-leaf evergreen trees and shrubs.
Where trees and shrubs are part of the planting plan, they should be outside of the pond
and selected to maximize shading, primarily along the south, east, and west sides of the
basin. This has two benefits: it reduces thermal heating of the water, and it helps to
maintain a healthy and aesthetic pond by reducing algal blooms and the potential for
anaerobic conditions. Trees and woody shrubs should not be planted on embankments
since under some circumstances their presence can threaten the structural integrity of
the embankment. All trees and shrubs should be set back so that the branches will not
extend over the basin.
Wildflowers, native grasses, and ground covers should be selected to minimize mowing;
fertilizing will be allowed for initial establishment.
10.3.8. Surrounding Soils and Liners
The permanent pool elevation shall be at approximately the same elevation as the SHWT
elevation (See 10.3.2). When a wet detention basin is to be located in highly permeable
soils like gravelly sands or fractured bedrock, or when the permanent pool elevation
proposed is greater than six (6) inches above the SHWT, the designer may need to
incorporate a liner to sustain a permanent pool of water. A liner shall be constructed or
compacted such that the infiltration rate is no more than 0.01 in/hr. When wet
detention basins are near wetlands or other waters, additional engineering calculations
and engineering measures may be necessary to insure that these waters will not be
adversely affected by the location of the wet detention basin nor will the wet detention
basin be drained into the adjacent waters. The installation of additional engineering
features, such as slurry walls, liners, or other barriers may be required. When a liner is
proposed, topsoil for vegetation must be place on top of the liner.
The outlet device shall be designed to release the temporary pool volume (minimum
required treatment volume as calculated by the Simple Method) over a period of 48 to
120 hours (2 to 5 days). Longer detention times typically do not improve settling
efficiency significantly, and the temporary pool volume must be available for the next
storm. In addition, prolonged periods of inundation can adversely affect the wetland
vegetation growing on the vegetated shelf.
In addition to being designed to achieve the 2 to 5-day drawdown period, outlets also
must be functionally simple and easy to maintain. One possible configuration option of
the outlet piping that simplifies maintenance and reduces the potential for obstruction is
the submerged orifice arrangement shown in Figure 10-4.
Figure 10-4
Typical Submerged Orifice Outlet Configuration
Emergency overflow spillways must be designed with hardened materials at the points
where extreme conditions might compromise the integrity of the structure.
Under most circumstances North Carolina rules require a vegetative filter strip on the
discharge from a wet detention basin, along with a level spreader or other engineered
device to ensure even, non-erosive distribution of the flow. Wet detention ponds
designed for 85% TSS removal are required to discharge through a 30 foot vegetated
filter to minimize erosion and to provide additional pollutant removal. There may be
projects where it is difficult to construct a functional vegetated filter, and the outflow
must discharge to the watercourse. In these instances, additional storage should be
provided to compensate for the lack of a filter and the pond must be designed to remove
90% TSS instead of 85%. Chapter 13 Filter Strip contains information on the design
elements of the vegetative filter strip. Chapter 8 Level Spreader contains information on
the design elements of a level spreader.
Table 10-5
Fountain Pump Power Requirements
Minimum Pond Max
Volume Pump
(ft3) HP
30,000 1/8
40,000 1/6
60,000 1/4
80,000 1/3
125,000 1/2
175,000 3/4
250,000 1
450,000 2
675,000 3
The permanent pool of water presents an attractive play area to children and thus may
create safety problems. Engineering design features that discourage child access are
recommended. Trash racks and other debris-control structures should be sized to
prevent entry by children. Other safety considerations include using fences around the
spillway structure, embankment, and wet detention basin slopes; using shallow safety
benches around the wet detention basin; and posting warning signs.
Fencing of wet detention basins is not generally aesthetically pleasing but may be
required by the local review authority. A preferred method is to engineer the contours of
the wet detention basin to eliminate drop offs and other safety hazards as discussed
above. Riser openings must not permit unauthorized access. End walls above pipe
outfalls greater than 48 inches in diameter should be fenced to prevent falls.
10.4 Construction
Even moderate rainfall events during the construction of a wet detention basin can cause
extensive damage to it. Protective measures should be employed both in the
contributing drainage area, and at the wet detention basin itself. Temporary drainage or
erosion control measures should be used to reduce the potential for damage to the wet
detention basin before the site is stabilized. The control measures may include
stabilizing the surface with erosion mats, sediment traps, and diversions. Vegetative
cover and the emergency spillway also should be completed as quickly as possible
during construction.
The designer should address the potential for bedding erosion and catastrophic failure
of any buried outlet conduit. A filter diaphragm and drain system should be provided
along the barrel of the principal spillway to prevent piping. DWQ is aware of an
evolution in standard practice, and of accumulated evidence suggesting that in most
circumstances filter diaphragms are much superior to anti-seep collars in preventing
piping. DWQ strongly prefers filter diaphragms to the older design anti-seep collar.
If reinforced concrete pipe is used for the principal spillway, “O-ring” gaskets (ASTM
C361) should be used to create watertight joints and should be inspected during
10.5. Maintenance
Please refer to Section 7.0, General BMP Maintenance, for information on types of
maintenance, typical frequency, and specific maintenance tasks that are common to all
BMPs. The following information is maintenance that is specific to wet detention basins.
Specific items that require careful inspection for a wet detention basin include:
evaluation of the aquatic environment, vegetation, and sediment build–up.
After the wet detention pond is established, it should be inspected once a month and
within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a
Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance should be kept in a known set
location and must be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 10-6
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Wet Detention Basins
The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will
give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments.
When the permanent pool depth reads _ _ feet in the main pond, the sediment shall
be removed.
When the permanent pool depth reads _ _ feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be
(fill in the blanks)
7. Clarified design information when using existing non-regulated ponds and/or deep ponds.
8. Added guidance for using stormwater ponds for irrigation.
9. Clarified where around the pond the vegetated shelf is required.
10. Clarified that the SA/DA tables are shown in percentages.
11. Clarified freeboard requirement.
12. Clarified forebay sizing requirement.
13. Clarified what volume of water is to be released in the 2-5 day period.
14. Added guidance for setting the elevation for the forebay berm.
15. Clarified that wetland seed mix is not allowed to satisfy the vegetated shelf planting
16. Added additional guidance for plants on the vegetated shelf.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Highly effective at removing − If anoxic conditions develop in the sand filter due to
TSS, BOD and fecal coliform. poor drainage, phosphorus levels can increase as
− Require less space than other water passes through the sand filter.
BMPs and can be placed − May not be effective in controlling peak discharges.
underground where space is − Large sand filters without vegetation may not be
limited. attractive in residential areas.
− Perimeter sand filters useful for − Expensive.
small sites with flat terrain or
high water table.
Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site
2 Vegetated side slopes shall be no steeper than 3:1.
BMP shall be located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access
easement to a public ROW.
Seasonally high groundwater table must be at least 2 feet below the bottom of the
filter for open-bottom designs.
A diversion or bypass structure is an acceptable means for accommodating storm
flows in excess of the design flow for sand filters.
A vegetated filter strip is not required for overflows, bypass flows, or discharges
from a sand filter (except for within ½ mile of and draining to SA waters or
unnamed tributaries of to SA waters). For SA waters in Phase II areas, criteria in
S.L. 2006-246 Section 9(h) must still be met.
The design shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from surface waters, and 50 feet
from Class SA waters.
The design shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from water supply wells,
unless it is a closed desgin with underdrains installed.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent
what DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
Seasonally high groundwater table must be at least 1 foot below the bottom of
9 the filter for closed filter designs in order to prevent draining the water table and
floatation. Exceptions will be made if these concerns are mitigated.
10 Maximum contributing drainage basin is 5 acres.
Minimum width (parallel to flow) of a sedimentation chamber or forebay shall be
1.5 feet.
12 Sand filter must completely drain within 40 hours.
Sand media shall be as specified below and shall be a minimum of 18” deep
(minimum of 12” over the drainage pipes).
All sand filter designs must provide at sufficient access to both chambers to
facilitate maintenance activities.
Sand filters are designed primarily for water quality enhancement; flow volume control
is typically a secondary consideration. They are generally applied to land uses with a
large fraction of impervious surfaces. Although an individual sand filter can only handle
a small contributing drainage basin, multiple units can be dispersed throughout a large
Sand filters can be of open basin design, as shown in Figure 11-1a and Figure 11-1b, or of
buried trench design (a closed basin), as shown in Figures 11-2a and 11-2b. Sand filters
typically employ underdrain systems to collect and discharge treated stormwater but
can also be designed as infiltration type systems when located in soils with sufficient
permeability or infiltration rates.
Figure 11-1a
Surface Sand Filter (Open Basin Design)
A listing of the major design elements is provided on the first page of this chapter. At a
minimum, any sand filter must meet the major design elements indicated as being from
the North Carolina Administrative Code. To receive the pollutant removal rates listed
in the front of this Chapter, the sand filter must meet all of the major design elements
listed in the beginning of this Chapter.
Figure 11-1b
Open Basin Profile View
Figure 11-2a
Buried Trench (Closed-Basin) Sand Filter, 3-D View*
Derived from Shaver, 1992
Cover Grates
Weir Flow
Overland Flow
Concrete Chamber
Sand filter bed
*Exceptions to the 1ft SHWT separation will be made if the sand filter does not drain the water
table and it does not float. Special care should be used when proposing structures such as
concrete because joints may break down over time, causing the water table to leak into the sand
Figure 11-2b
Buried Trench (Closed Basin) Sand Filter
Derived from Shaver, 1992
Plan View
Sand Filter
Outlet Pipe
End View
Outlet Pipe
Slope to Drain
11.3. Design
A basin used for construction sediment and erosion control can be converted into an
open basin type sand filter if all sediment is removed from the basin prior to
construction of the sand filter and proper sand filter design is followed. Buried trench
type sand filters are typically newly constructed after site construction and not placed in
modified site construction sediment and erosion control basins. Sand filters are not to be
brought online until site construction activities are completed and groundcover is fully
Sand filters shall not be used in areas with the following characteristics:
− The seasonal high water table (SHWT) is less than 2 feet below the proposed
bottom of the facility for an open basin design. If a concrete bottom is used,
then the separation can be reduced to a minimum of 1 foot.
− If site restrictions such as bedrock or hydraulics prevent the facility from
being constructed to a depth that will allow for the required media thickness,
ponding depth, and other appurtenances.
The maximum contributing drainage area to an individual sand filter shall be less than 5
acres, however, 1 acre or less is recommended. Multiple sand filters can be used
throughout a development to provide treatment for larger sites.
Erosive velocities and high sediment loads are a concern with sand filters. Sediment can
quickly blind a sand filter and cause premature failure of the BMP. Two devices that
reduce the impact of these factors on the sand filter are flow splitter devices and
Flow beyond the design flow can overload the hydraulic capacity of a sand filter
(usually resulting in an overflow), cause erosion in open basin sand filters, and deliver
more sediment to the sand filter than is necessary. Because of these issues, sand filters
are required to be designed “off-line”, meaning only the design volume of the
stormwater flow is sent from the conveyance system into the treatment unit, and the
excess is diverted. Please see Section 5.3 for more information on the design and
regulatory compliance issues related to flow splitters/diversion structures and
designing systems off-line.
A forebay or sedimentation chamber is required on all sand filters to protect the sand
filter from clogging due to sediment, and to reduce the energy of the influent flow.
The forebay can be in the form of an open basin (typical with an open basin sand filter
design), or a subsurface concrete chamber (typical with a buried trench design). See
Section 5.5 for design information on forebays. The forebay must contain ponded water
(not be drained down with the sand filter). If a subsurface concrete chamber is
provided, appropriate means of removing accumulated sediment must be
demonstrated. Since individual sand filters treat relatively small volumes of stormwater
and the design of the forebay is a percent of the total design volume, the forebay can
also be very small. Besides the minimum requirements from Section 5.5, the minimum
width (measurement parallel to flow direction) of the sedimentation chamber or forebay
shall be 1.5 feet.
distributing flow onto sand filters, both open basin and buried trench type, is through
the use of a pipe distribution or weir system. Design of the pipe distribution system
could mimic the design of the underdrain system as presented in Section 5.7.
The area required for a sand filter device is calculated similar to many other BMP types.
The applicable regulation will determine whether the Runoff Capture Design Storm or
the Runoff Peak Attenuation Design Storm will be used to calculate the design volume
of the unit (see Chapters 2 and 3). Since a sand filter must be completely drained within
40 hours, the ponding depth is a function of the media’s infiltration rate. Once the
ponding depth is known, the surface area can be calculated based on the design volume.
No credit is given for storage within the media since the influent can come at such a rate
that all of the volume would need to be stored above the media since essentially no
infiltration will have taken place yet.
A sand filter consists of two parts, the sedimentation basin which serves as a sort of
forebay and the sand filter itself. These two parts are collectively referred to as the
“sand filter”. An open basin type sand filter can be rectangular, square, circular or
irregular. Buried trench systems (closed basin systems) are often very rectangular,
approaching linear. The important factor is that incoming stormwater is distributed
relatively evenly over the surface of the sand filter. The following series of steps are
used to determine the appropriate sand filter size.
Step 1: Compute the water quality volume (WQV) using Schueler’s Simple Method, as
described in Chapter 3 and summarized below, and the adjusted water quality volume
(WQVAdj) as defined below (Center for Watershed Protection, 1996). :
• WQV: Water Quality Volume (ft3). This is used to size the surface areas of
the sedimentation chamber and the sand filter.
• WQVAdj: Adjusted Water Quality Volume (ft3). This is used as the volume
that must be contained between the sedimentation chamber and the sand
filter (above the sand).
• AD: Drainage area to the sand filter (acres)
• Rv: Volumetric runoff coefficient (unitless)=0.05+0.009(%Imp)
o %Imp: Percent of impervious of land draining to the sand filter
Step 2: Determine the maximum and average head on the sand filter, and determine the
surface areas of the sand filter and the sedimentation chamber.
hMaxFilter ( ft )
h A ( ft ) =
• hA=Average head (ft). The average head on the sand filter is approximately
equal to the average head on the sedimentation basin.
A f ( ft 2 ) =
(WQV )(d F )
(k )(t )(h A + d F )
• dF: Depth of the sand filter bed, (ft). This should be a minimum of 1.5 ft.
• k: Coefficient of permeability for the sand filter bed=3.5 (ft/day).
• t: Time required to drain the WQV through the sand filter bed (day). This
time should be 40 hours (1.66 days). (Center for Watershed Protection, 1996.)
• hA: Average head (ft)
o Determine the average head of water above the sand filter. The
average head above the sand filter is half of the maximum head on
the filter (Center for Watershed Protection, 1996).
Example Calculation: Design a sand filter to treat the first inch of water from a 1 acre
site that is 100% impervious. There is 720 ft2 of space available for this underground
1. Step 1 – Compute water quality volume
o Rv=0.05+0.9(%Imp)=0.05+0.009(100)=0.95
0.95(unitless ) 1(acres) 43,560 ft 2 1inchRain ft
o WQV ( ft 3 ) = x x x x = 3,449 ft 3
1 1 1Acre 1 12in
o WQV Adj ( ft 3 ) = (0.75)(3,449) = 2,587( ft 3 )
2. Step 2 – Determine filter bed and sedimentation basin surface areas with
respect to water quality volume and maximum head
2,586( ft 3 )
o hMaxFilter ( ft ) = , for maximum heads between 0.5
AS ( ft 2 ) + A f ( ft 2 )
and 6 feet, the following combinations of variables will work:
• Af(ft2)=
(3,449( ft ))(1.5( ft )) = 270 ft2.
(3.5( ft / day) )(1.66(day) )(1.8( ft ) + 1.5( ft ))
This is the minimum value for the area of the sand filter.
Larger sand filters are acceptable, and therefore the chosen
combination of variables is acceptable for this design.
The sand filter chamber shall drain completely within 40 hours. The length of time that
it takes to drain the media of a filter is controlled by the infiltration rate of the media (or
possibly the infiltration rate of the in-situ soil if the system is designed as an infiltration
type system).
The media in the sand filter shall be cleaned, washed, course masonry sand such as
ASTM C33. The sand particles shall be less than 2 mm average diameter. The filter bed
shall have a minimum depth of 18 inches, with a minimum depth of sand above the
drainage pipe of 12 inches.
If the sand filter is designed as an infiltration type system, please refer to the in-situ soil
requirements and other applicable design and construction recommendations of
Chapter 16 Infiltration Devices. In general, sand filters constructed in the coastal areas
will have in-situ permeabilities that allow construction of infiltration type sand filters.
Note that infiltration type sand filters must be located at least 100 feet from a water
supply well.
In general, sand filter BMPs in the Mountain and Piedmont regions of North Carolina
will require underdrains unless located in areas with good soil permeability rates. The
underdrain system shall be designed as shown in Section 5.7. The underdrain system
may connect to another BMP or to the conveyance system.
Observation wells and/or clean-out pipes must be provided at a minimum one per
1,000 square feet of surface area. Observation wells, as well as the ends of underdrain
pipes that do not terminate in an observation well, must be capped.
11.4. Maintenance
Sand filters should be inspected at least once per month, and after any large storm
events to check for damage. They must be maintained as needed to remove visible
surface sediment accumulation, trash, debris, and leaf litter to prevent the filter from
clogging prematurely. Sediment should be cleaned out of the forebay/sedimentation
chamber when it accumulates to a depth of more than 6 inches. Any structures (outlets,
flow diversions, embankments, etc.) should be checked at least annually for damage or
degradation. Figures 11-3a and 11.3b show an example of a sand filter that is overdue
for maintenance.
Figure 11-3a
Sedimentation Chamber Overdue for Maintenance
Figure 11-3b
Sand Filter Chamber Overdue for Maintenance
When the filtering capacity diminishes substantially (e.g., when water ponds on the
surface for more than 40 hours), remedial actions must be taken. One possible cause of
this problem is that collection pipe systems have become clogged. Annual flushing of
pipe cleanouts is recommended to facilitate unclogging of the pipes without disturbing
the filter area. If the water still ponds above the sand filter bed for more than 40 hours,
the top few inches of media should be removed and replaced with fresh media. The
removed sediments should be disposed of in an acceptable manner (e.g., landfill). If the
problem still persists, more extensive rebuilding is required.
The sand filter will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event
greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and
maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 11-1
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Sand Filters
12 Bioretention
Bioretention is the use of plants and soils for removal of pollutants from stormwater runoff via
adsorption, filtration, sedimentation, volatilization, ion exchange, and biological decomposition.
In addition, bioretention provides landscaping and habitat enhancement benefits.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Efficient removal method for suspended − Surface soil layer may clog over time
solids, heavy metals, adsorbed pollutants, (though it can be restored).
nitrogen, phosphorus, pathogens, and − Frequent trash removal may be required,
temperature. especially in high traffic areas.
− If providing infiltration in appropriate soil − Vigilance in protecting the bioretention
conditions it can effectively reduce peak area during construction is essential.
runoff rates for relatively frequent storms, − Single unit can only serve a small
reduce runoff volumes, and recharge drainage area.
groundwater. − Requires frequent maintenance of plant
− Flexible adaptation to urban retrofits. material and mulch layer.
− Individual units are well suited for use in − IWS requires well-drained soils.
small areas, and multiple, distributed units
can provide treatment in large drainage
− Natural integration into landscaping for
urban landscape enhancement.
− Addition of upturned elbow in design can
increase N and P removal and be added as
an inexpensive retrofit.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what
DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
Bioretention facilities shall not be used where slopes greater than 20%, or in non-
permanently stabilized drainage areas.
Inflow must be sheet flow (1 ft/sec for mulch cells, 3 ft/sec for grass cells) or utilize
energy dissipating devices.
12 Ponding depth shall be 12 inches or less. Nine inches is preferred.
Media depth shall be specified for the vegetation used. For grassed cells, use 2 feet
minimum. For shrub/tree cells, or when using IWS, use 3 feet minimum.
The geometry of the cell shall be such that no dimension is less than 10 feet (width,
length, or radius).
15 Media should be specified as listed in this section.
The phosphorus index (P-index) for the soil must be low, between 10 and 30. This is
16 enough phosphorus to support plant growth without exporting phosphorus from the
Ponded water shall completely drain into the soil within 12 hours. It shall drain to a
level of 24 inches below the soil surface within 48 hours.
An underdrain shall typically be installed if in-situ soil drainage is less than 2 in/hr or
if there is in situ loamy soil (~12% or more of fines). This is usually the case for soil
tighter than sandy loam or if there has been significant soil compaction from
A bioretention cell consists of a depression in the ground filled with a soil media
mixture that supports various types of water-tolerant vegetation. The surface of the BMP
is depressed in bioretention facilities to allow for ponding of runoff that filters through
the BMP media. Water exits the bioretention area via exfiltration into the surrounding
soil, flow out an underdrain, and evapotranspiration. The surface of the cell is protected
from weeds, mechanical erosion, and desiccation by a layer of mulch. Bioretention is an
efficient method for removing a wide variety of pollutants, such as suspended solids,
heavy metals, nutrients, pathogens, and temperature (NC Cooperative Extension, 2006).
Bioretention areas provide some nutrient uptake in addition to physical filtration. If
located at a site with appropriate soil conditions to provide infiltration, bioretention can
also be effective in reducing peak runoff rates, reducing runoff volumes, and recharging
Bioretention units are ideal for distributing several units throughout a site to provide
treatment of larger areas. Developments that incorporate this decentralized approach to
stormwater management can achieve savings by: eliminating stormwater management
ponds; reducing pipes, inlet structures, curbs and gutters; and having less grading and
clearing. Depending on the type of development and site constraints, the costs for using
decentralized bioretention stormwater management methods can be reduced by 10 to
25 percent compared to stormwater and site development using other BMPs (Coffman et
al., 1998).
Bioretention facilities are generally most effective if they receive runoff as close as
possible to the source. Reasons for this include: minimizing the concentration of flow to
reduce entry velocity; reducing the need for inlets, pipes, and downstream controls; and
allowing for blending of the facilities with the site (e.g., parking median facilities). For
sites where infiltration is being utilized, it also avoids excessive groundwater mounding.
Where bioretention takes the place of required green space, the landscaping expenses
that would be required in the absence of bioretention should be subtracted when
determining the actual cost (Low Impact Development Center, 2003). Bioretention cells
may also address landscaping/green space requirements of some local governments
(Wossink and Hunt, 2003).
Figure 12-1
Bioretention in Parking Lot Island
To obtain a permit to construct a bioretention cell in North Carolina, the bioretention cell
must meet all of the Requirements specified in the Major Design Elements located at the
beginning of this Section.
12.3. Design
The layout of bioretention areas varies according to individual sites and to specific site
constraints such as underlying soils, existing vegetation, drainage, location of utilities,
sight distances for traffic, aesthetics, ease of maintenance, etc.
Figure 12-1 illustrates a concept for a bioretention traffic island. These types of
bioretention facilities typically take up no more space than what is required by typical
zoning rules, and they provide stormwater treatment as well as site aesthetics. The
following photographs are examples of existing bioretention cells that have been
designed using these techniques. These cells blend into the landscape and appear to be
typical flowerbeds or medians. Often, bioretention cells can be designed with flowering
plants to enhance the landscape.
Figure 12-2a
Bioretention Cell with Pretreatment: Gravel and Grass (Needs Maintenance)
Figure 12-2b shows a bioretention cell with a pretreatment forebay. Notice the sediment
that has settled onto the rocks. Without the forebay, this sediment would have collected
on the top of the bioretention cell, clogged the soil media, and would have become a
maintenance burden. Forebays that are located inside a cell should be lined in order to
ensure that the treatment volume drains through the media.
Figure 12-2b
Bioretention Cell with Pretreatment: Forebay
Figure 12-3a
Typical Bioretention Cell Using a Flow Splitting Device
Figure 12-3b
Typical Bioretention Cell Using an Overflow Device
There are several benefits to using upturned elbows and IWS. The IWS works for both
pollutant and peak flow reduction as anaerobic conditions can be created to increase
nitrogen removal. It also allows more water to infiltrate into the surrounding soils. If an
upturned elbow is installed correctly in sufficiently permeable soils, it may only rarely
generate outflows. The use of upturned elbows and an IWS is especially beneficial in
the Sandhills and Coastal Plain where surrounding sandy soils can be ideal for
infiltration, reducing outflows and surface water runoff. Additionally, upturned elbows
can also be used in the Piedmont and Mountain areas of North Carolina when
surrounding soils are of appropriate infiltration capacity. There can be a thermal benefit
to IWS use as water is pulled from the coolest zone at the bottom of the cell. This is
especially beneficial for temperature reductions in trout waters. Finally, there is often a
cost benefit for using upturned elbows, both for new installations and retrofits. In new
installations, there is a cost-savings associated with installation since the invert of the
outlet is not as deep. Often with IWS there can be less trenching and fewer materials
associated with using it. In retrofits, upturned elbows can be cheaply added to existing
Bioretention cells where increased N & P removal rates are needed. Additionally, cells
with IWS can be added as retrofits even in areas with restricted outlet depth.
In order for an internal water storage zone to work correctly, the underlying soils must
have some permeability. In general, if the underlying soils are Group A or B soils with a
low clay content, then the IWS will be effective. If soils are too compacted, water will
not infiltrate and may stagnate in the lower portion, causing problems for the BMP.
Media depth above the bottom gravel and underdrain layer must be at least 3 feet. The
top of IWS should be separated from the outlet and bowl surface by at least 12, but
ideally 18 inches. See Figure 12-3c.
Figure 12-3c
Bioretention Cell showing IWS Zones
Bioretention cells with a properly designed IWS and acceptable surrounding soils can
receive increased N and P removal rates in the Coastal Plain and Sandhills (60% N
reduction, 60% P reduction). In the Piedmont and Mountains, bioretention cells with a
properly designed IWS can receive an increased credit for N-reduction (40%).
heave” during winter months. Flow diversion by curb diversion structures may not
meet the volume attainment requirements.
A berm one foot in height separates the swale from the bioretention area. The
bioretention area should be at an elevation such that when the design ponding depth is
reached, additional flow continues down the swale and is diverted from the bioretention
cell. The flow diversion method shown is for conceptual purposes and may not meet
the volume attainment requirements. As for all bioretention designs, the diversion
method must meet all of the Major Design Elements.
Figure 12-3d
Parking Edge and Perimeter with Curb
Prince George’s County (2000a)
Figure 12-3e
Bioretention Terrace Suitable for Use on Slopes 10-20%
Pretreatment Options
Inflow must enter a bioretention cell via sheet flow (1ft/sec for cells with mulch, or 3.0
ft/sec for grassed cells) or alternative energy dissipating devices must be used. Sheet
flow provides for the most even distribution of flow and the least energy (minimizing
erosion). Sheet flow can be naturally provided as in the case of a gently sloping parking
lot with no curb and gutter or a vegetated buffer/filter strip, or it can be designed into
the device by the use of a level spreader. In some instances sheet flow is not attainable
and the inflow will enter from concentrated sources such as curb diversion structures,
drainage pipes, grassy swales, etc. In these cases a rip rap lined entrance, a forebay, or
other energy-dissipating device must be used.
The water treatment volume shall be calculated as specified in Section 3. The cell must
be designed to have a pretreatment area. The most commonly used pretreatment devices
1.) A grass and gravel combination: This should consist of 8 inches of gravel
followed by 3 to 5 feet of sod. In eastern and central North Carolina, centipede
has been used successfully. In the mountains, fescue and bluegrass are
2.) A grassed water quality swale: A water quality swale shall be designed as
specified in Chapter 14.
3.) A forebay: The forebay should be 18-30 inches deep, and used only in areas
where standing water is not considered a safety concern. The forebay should be
deepest where water enters, and more shallow where water exits in order to
dissipate hydraulic energy of the water flowing to the forebay. If there is a risk
that water in the forebay could flow into the underdrain without first flowing to
the cell, the forebay should also be lined.
Maintenance Considerations
When performing the following remaining steps of designing a bioretention cell,
consider how landscape professionals will later access the site for maintenance. Because
the soil must be able to accommodate fast water infiltration, it can not be compacted by
heavy equipment. Is the forebay accessible for heavy equipment to remove sediment
from it without driving onto the cell? Are the clean-out pipes accessible? All aspects of
design should consider future maintenance.
Construction Sequencing
The drainage area to the cell should be stabilized before cell construction begins in order
to prevent clogging. For roadways draining to the cell, the subbase course (crusher run)
and the base course layer of asphalt need to be in place prior to cell construction. If fines
get washed into the excavated cell, they must be removed before building the cell in
order to restore the in-situ soils permeability. It is recommended the cell media be
covered with impermeable plastic during construction.
Water Volume
An individual bioretention cell is intended to treat the first flush. Section 3, Stormwater
Calculations, details the volumetric calculation.
Siting Issues
Bioretention facilities shall not be used in areas with the following characteristics:
− The seasonal high water table is less than 2 feet below the bottom of the cell.
− Slopes are 20 percent or greater, unless bioretention terraces are planned.
− Further construction is planned on either the immediately surrounding site
or in outparcels that may drain to the bioretention site. (The upstream
contributing drainage area must be completely and permanently stabilized
(e.g. gravel base course driving surface (preferably paved), or a dense and
vigorous vegetative cover). The heavy sediment load from a bare earth
construction site will cause premature failure of a bioretention BMP.)
− The cell is inaccessible for maintenance.
− The cell will not comply with local landscape ordinances.
The cell can be designed to hold the first inch of rainfall from the entire drainage area.
The required surface area of the bioretention cell is equal to the required treatment
volume (as calculated using the Simple Method) divided by the ponding depth. No
dimension (width, length, or radius) can be less than 10 feet. This is to provide sufficient
space for plants.
The soil mix should be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar
material greater than 2 inches. It should be a homogenous soil mix of 85-88 percent by
volume sand (USDA Soil Textural Classification), 8 to 12 percent fines (silt and clay),
and 3 to 5 percent organic matter (such as peat moss) shall be used. Higher (12 percent)
fines content should be reserved for areas where TN is the target pollutant. In areas
where phosphorus is the target pollutant, lower (8 percent) fines should be used.
Additionally, the phosphorus content of the soil mix should be low. Soil media should
be sent to NC Department of Agriculture [NCDA] labs to be analyzed. The P-Index for
bioretention soil media should always range between 10 and 30, regardless of the target
pollutant (Hardy et. al., 2003 and Hunt et. al., 2006). The P-Index is an extremely
important design element. Cells that are constructed of high P-Index soils can export
The media should be tested to determine an actual drainage rate after placement. The
permeability should fall between 1 and 6 inches per hour, and 1-2 inches per hour is
preferred. As a rule of thumb, using the above-specified media, the infiltration rates
should be approximately 2 in/hr and 1 in/hr for 8% and 12% fines, respectively,
depending on the target pollutant. An estimated drainage rate for percent fines between
8 and 12 can be approximated during design by linear interpolation. If TSS or pathogens
is the target pollutant, the higher permeability can be used because these two pollutants
are removed on the surface of the bioretention cell rather than within the cell.
Different pollutants are removed in various zones of the Bioretention cell using several
mechanisms. TSS is removed both in pre-treatment and on the surface of the cell itself.
For that reason, TSS removal is not a major factor in depth of the cell design. Depth is,
however, an issue for other pollutants. Metals are removed in the top layer of mulch
and the soil as they are often bound to sediment. Additionally, two thirds of
phosphorus entering the cell is attached to soil particles. As a result, this portion is
removed on the surface. The remaining third is soluble and is removed 12 inches or
more below the surface. Bacterial, viral and protozoan pathogens can be killed on the
surface and removed throughout the cell by several mechaisms: sun-exposure, drying,
sedimentation, and filtration (Hathaway and Hunt, 2008). Temperature is reduced at
approximately 48 inches below the surface. Nitrogen is removed 30 inches below the
surface. Initial research at NC State shows that using an up-turned underdrain pipe
may increase nitrogen removal. The up-turned piped creates an anaerobic zone that
may facilitate nitrogen removal. Please see the Internal Water Storage (IWS) zone
section of this chapter for more information. Consider the types of pollutants to be
removed, and select an appropriate media depth.
The ponding depth above the media and mulch shall be 12 inches or less (9 inches or less
is preferred). This is based on both the typical inundation tolerance of the vegetation
used in bioretention facilities, as well as the ability of the ponded water to drain into the
soil within the required time.
The depth of the media in a bioretention cell should be between 2 and 4 feet. This range
reflects the fact that most of the pollutant removal occurs within the first 2 feet of soil
and those excavations deeper than 4 feet become more expensive. The depth should
accommodate the vegetation (shrubs or trees). If the minimum depth of 2 feet is used,
then only shallow-rooted plants can be planted. Grassed bioretention cells with no IWS
can be as shallow as 2 feet. However, if nitrogen is the target pollutant then the cell
should have at least 30 inches of media because, as previously discussed, nitrogen is
removed 30 inches below the surface. Bioretention facilities where shrubs or trees are
planted can be as shallow as 3 feet. If large trees are to be planted in deep fill media,
care should be taken to ensure that they would be stable and not fall over. As stated
above, if IWS is used, cells must have a minimum depth of 3 feet.
If underdrain piping is used (which is only for cases where the infiltration rate is less
than 2 in/hr), then the media is as shown in Figures 12-4.. This figure shows a cross-
sectional design. #57 stone shall be installed around the underdrain. Crusher run shall
not be used around the underdrain as it can form an impermeable layer (Amerson et al.,
1991). For pretreatment, the gravel and grass option is presented in this figure because it
is the most commonly used pretreatment in North Carolina. The design shown here is
for a bioretention cell in a non-developing area. Bioretention cells should only be used
in non-developing areas. If there is any concern that the surrounding area may be
developed in the future, then consider using an alternate BMP or protecting the BMP
from sediment. If this is only a nominal concern, then use 2 inches of #8 or #89 washed
choking stone in place of the filter fabric shown in Figure 12-4. For further information
on designing bioretention cells with choking stone layers, consult Hunt and Lord, 2006.
If an underdrain system is not used, the cross-sectional design of the cell will be the
same although the underdrain will be omitted. Figure 12-4 is shown using the gravel
and grass pretreatment option, though it could be modified to use any of the
pretreatment methods.
In Figure 12-4, the vertical sides of the bioretention cell do not have to be at a specified
angle. However, the surface area of the bottom of the cell should be maximized.
Figure 12-4
Bioretention Conceptual Layout: Cross-Section (Vegetation Shall Also be Included.)
Sediment Accumulation
There should be very little sediment accumulation, if any, in a bioretention cell, since the
upstream drainage basin must be stabilized prior to bringing the bioretention cell into
service, and since pretreatment is required prior to the BMP.
Drainage Considerations
Water shall pond above the cell for a maximum of 12 hours. Water must then drain to a
level 24 inches below the surface of the cell within 48 hours (maximum) in order to allow
the appropriate contact time for pollutant removal. This is requirement is demonstrated
in Figure 12-5. The time to drain the ponded volume is simply the depth of the ponding
in inches, divided by the limiting drainage rate. If the cell has an underdrain, the length
of time that it takes to drain the ponding volume of a bioretention cell is controlled by
the infiltration rate of the media. If the cell does not have an underdrain and is an
infiltration type system, it will be controlled by the lesser of the infiltration rate of the
media or the infiltration rate of the native soil..
Figure 12-5
Bioretention Drain Time
Section 5.7 discussed specific underdrain sizing requirements. The need for an
underdrain is driven by the permeability of the in-situ soil. If the in-situ soil has a high
permeability, the system can be designed as an infiltration type bioretention facility
with no underdrains. If in-situ soil permeability is less than 2 inches/hour the
bioretention facility will likely have an underdrain system. If the in-situ soil drains more
slowly than the planting media, then designer should include an explanation of how
how water will drain from the media. In general, bioretention BMPs in the Piedmont
region of North Carolina will require underdrains. The underdrain system will connect
to another BMP or to the conveyance system. Due to the risk of underdrain clogging,
designers are encouraged to install more than one underdrain of smaller diameter in
order to facilitate drainage. The minimum diameter of pipe for underdrain systems is
four inches. As previously discussed, an up-turned elbow may be used..
Clean-out pipes must be provided (minimum one per every 1,000 square feet of surface
area). Clean out pipes must be capped. An example of a clean out pipe is provided in
Figure 12-6. This design could be improved by increasing the height of the clean out
pipe to about eight inches so that it is less likely to be damaged by maintenance
Figure 12-6
Bioretention Cell Clean Out Pipe, Less than the 8” Recommended Height
The overflow structure should be sized to accommodate storm volumes in excess of the
first flush. The first available outlet on the outlet structure should therefore be placed at
the height of the first flush, which is the ponded level of the bioretention cell. Use the
weir equation to consider the height of the water above the weir during overflow from
large storm events. Typically, water can rise about 2 inches above the ponded water
level. But, this height can be higher, about 4-6” above the ponded water level, if
required by design restraints. A particular design storm is not specified for overflow
structure design. Professional judgment should be used when considering potential
flooding risks outside of the bioretention cell.
Plants are an integral element of the bioretention system’s pollutant removal and water
filtration process. Plant roots aid in the physical and chemical bonding of soil particles
necessary to form stable aggregates, improve soil structure, and increase infiltration
capacity. Vegetated soils are more capable of more effective degradation, removal, and
mineralization of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, chlorinated solvents, and surfactants than are non-
vegetated soils (US EPA 2000).
Planting design will vary with the surrounding landscape context and design objectives.
For example, the use of plants in bioretention areas could replicate a variety of native
terrestrial ecosystems including forests, ornamental gardens, meadows, hedgerows, and
wetlands, as well as wildlife habitats.
A minimum of one (1) tree, three (3) shrubs, and three (3) herbaceous species should be
incorporated in the bioretention planting plan unless it is a grassed cell. A diverse plant
community is necessary to avoid susceptibility to insects and disease. A recommended
minimum planting density is 400 stems/acre. Bacteria die-off occurs at the surface
where stormwater is exposed to sunlight and the soil can dry out. Therefore it is best for
bioretention cells to not be too densely vegetated in order to allow greater exposure to
sunlight and consequent die-off of bacteria (NC Cooperative Extension, 2006).
The plants selected should be able to tolerate typical stormwater pollutant loads,
variable (often very dry) soil moisture, temporary submergence, and extended wet
conditions. Bioretention facilities in the Piedmont and mountains tend to become wetter
over time; coastal bioretention facilities tend to be very dry (plants suitable for
xeriscapes may be more appropriate).
Plants suitable for North Carolina BMP sites are listed in Table 12-1. The list of plant
species is not exhaustive, and additional bioretention plant species may be suitable that
are not shown in the table. Landscape design can add aesthetic appeal to stormwater
treatment as shown in Figures 12-7a and 12-7b.
Figure 12-7a
Aesthetic Appeal, Street Side Project (Courtesy of Stuart Patton Echols, Pennsylvania
State University)
Figure 12-7b
Aesthetic Appeal, Courtyard Project (Courtesy of Stuart Patton Echols, Pennsylvania
State University)
To increase survival rates and ensure quality of plant materials, the following general
guidelines for plantings within bioretention facilities are recommended:
− All plant material should conform to the standards of the current edition of
American Standard for Nursery Stock as approved by the American
Standards Institute, Inc. All plant grades shall be those established by the
current edition of American Standards for Nursery Stock
− Optimum planting time is fall. Winter planting is acceptable (will vary for
western Piedmont and mountains of NC). Spring is acceptable but will
require more summer watering than fall planting. Summer planting is the
least desirable as it drastically increases plant mortality and requires regular
watering immediately following installation.
Plant size should be no less than 2.5” dbh for trees; 3-gallon for shrubs; and 1-quart for
herbaceous plants.
The mulch layer plays an important function in the performance of the bioretention
system by: reducing weed establishment; regulating soil temperatures and moisture;
reducing soil compaction from rainfall, preventing erosion, and promote an
environment suitable for soil microorganisms at the mulch/soil interface (important for
filtering nutrients and other pollutants). Mulches prevent soil and possible fungi from
splashing on the foliage, reducing the likelihood of soil-borne diseases (Evans, 2000).
Mulch serves as a pretreatment layer by trapping the finer sediments that remain
suspended after the primary pretreatment. Additionally, most attenuation of heavy
metals in bioretention facilities occurs in the first 1-2 inches of the mulch layer (Hinman,
2005). Mulch should be:
− Free of weed seeds, soil, roots, and other material that is not bole or branch
wood or bark.
− Commercially available double or triple-shredded hardwood mulch should
be used. This mulch has been found to be less likely to wash away than other
forms of mulch (such as pine).
− Mulch depths depend on the type of material used and the drainage and
moisture holding -capacity of the soil. A 2-4 inch layer (after settling) is
adequate for most applications. Excessive application of mulch can result in
a situation where the plants are growing in the mulch and not the soil. Over-
Table 12-1
Latin Name Common Name Comments
Amelanchier arborea Common serviceberry Mountains/piedmont/inner coastal plain; (ht:
Amelanchier laevis Allegheny serviceberry Mountains only; (ht: 30-40ft)
Betula nigra River Birch Entire state. Bioretention soil must be sandy
loam. Intolerant to coarse soils (loamy sand);
(ht: 50-75ft)
Chionanthus virginicus White Fringetree Entire state; (ht: 25-50ft)
Pinus palustris Longleaf pine Eastern piedmont/coast; soil pH 6-7; (ht: 75-
Pinus taeda Loblolly pine Entire state; high anaerobic tolerance
Rhododendron maximum Great laurel Western piedmont/mountains; hi drought
resistance; Low soil pH (4-5.5) required; (ht:
Taxodium distichum Bald cypress Piedmont to Coast; wet-moist soils; low
drought resistance; not salt tolerant; (ht: 25-
Betula lenta Cherry Birch Piedmont-coast; med. drought resistance; no
anaerobic tolerance
Callicarpa americana American Beautyberry Entire state; no anaerobic tolerance
Ceanothus americanus Jerseytea Ceanothus Entire state; no anaerobic tolerance; hi
drought tolerance; low N fixing
Clethra alnifolia Summersweet Clethra Piedmont-Coastal Plain; flood and salt
Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Entire state; Flood tolerant
Cyrilla racemiflora Swamp Cyrilla (ti-ti) Entire state; medium anaerobic tolerance;
medium drought tolerance, some salt
Hamamelis virginiana Witchhazel Entire state; bioretention soil must be sandy
loam - intolerant to coarse soils (loamy sand)
Hypericum densiflorum Dense Hypericum Entire state; flood & salt tolerant
Hypericum prolificum Shrubby St. Johnswort Entire state; flood & salt tolerant
Ilex decidua Possumhaw Piedmont-coast; flood tolerant; salt resistant;
slight toxicity
Ilex glabra Inkberry Piedmont; hi anaerobic tolerance
Ilex opaca American holly Entire state; medium drought tolerance;
bioretention soil must be sandy loam -
intolerant to coarse soils (loamy sand)
Ilex verticillata Winterberry Piedmont; bioretention soil must be sandy
loam - intolerant to coarse soils (loamy sand)
Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Holly Coastal plain; High drought tolerance, No
anaerobic tolerance
Itea virginica Virginia Sweetspire Piedmont-coast; hi anaerobic tolerance;
bioretention soil must be sandy loam -
intolerant to coarse soils (loamy sand)
Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar Entire state; hi drought tolerance; slight
Morella cerifera (formerly Wax Myrtle Piedmont-coast; med. drought resistance;
Myrica cerifera) med anaerobic tolerance; med N fixing
Photinia pyrifolia (formerly Red Chokeberry Entire state; bioretention soil must be sandy
Aronia arbutifolia) loam - intolerant to coarse soils (loamy sand)
Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Azalea Entire state; medium drought tolerance;
medium anaerobic tolerance; pH 4-7
Rosa carolina Carolina Rose Entire state; hi drought resistance; no
anaerobic tolerance; pH 4-7
Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood Viburnum Entire state; flood tolerant & drought tolerant;
salt resistant
Viburnum nudum Possumhaw Viburnum Entire state; flood tolerant & drought tolerant;
salt resistant
Note: Grass should never be seeded, use sod instead. When using sod, avoid sod that is grown
in soil that has an impermeable layer (such as clay). Hybrid bermuda grass and centipede have
been successfully tested as grassed bioretention cells in North Carolina. Centipede is
recommended for warm climates. Fescue/bluegrass mix is recommended for colder climates.
Bioretention facilities require plant, soil, mulch, and under-drain maintenance to ensure
optimal infiltration, storage, and pollutant removal capabilities. Bioretention
maintenance requirements are typical landscape care procedures and include:
When the filtering capacity diminishes substantially (e.g., when water ponds on the
surface for more than 12 hours), remedial actions must be taken. One possible problem
is that underdrain pipe systems can become clogged. Annual flushing through pipe
cleanouts is recommended to facilitate unclogging of the pipes without disturbing the
bioretention areas. If the water still ponds for more than 12 hours, the top few inches of
material should be removed and replaced with fresh material. The removed sediments
should be disposed of in an acceptable manner (e.g., landfill). If that does not solve the
problem, more extensive rebuilding is required.
Figure 12-8a
Gravel Pretreatment is Clogged with Sediment
Figure 12-8b
Thin Mulch in the Bioretention Cell
• Remove top layer of fill media when the pool does not drain quickly. The pool is
designed to drain within 12 hours.
After the bioretention cell is established, I will inspect it once a month and within 24
hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal
County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location
and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 12-2
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Bioretention Areas
13. 12.3.8: Noted that hybrid bermudagrass and centipede sod have been successfully tested
in bioretention cells in North Carolina.
14. Figure 12-2c: Altered for clarification. (A portion of this figure was deleted.)
15. Figure 12-3a: Altered for clarification. This is the flow-splitter option. (Renumbered.
Previously 12-3c).
16. Figure 12-3b: Added for clarification. This is the overflow device option.
17. Figure 12-3c: Deleted for clarification.
18. Figure 12-3d: Renumbered. Previously 12-3b. This is the steep slopes option.
19. Figures 12-4a, 12-4b, and 12-4c: Deleted.
20. Figure 12-4: Altered for clarification. (Renumbered. Previously 12-5).
21. Figure 12-5: Replaced “minimum” with “maximum” in the 48-hour requirement.
Renumbered. Previously 12-6.
22. Figure 12-6: Renumbered. Previously 12-7.
23. Figures 12-7a and 12-7b: Renumbered. Previously 12-8a and 12-8b.
24. Figures 12-8a and 12-8b: Renumbered. Previously 12-9a and 12-9b.
25. Table 12-1: Added recommended planting density.
26. Table 12-2: Renumbered. Previously Table 12-1.
*May include roadside swales, lot line swales, and primary outlet swales
- Roadside swales: These swales are usually on both sides of a road. They are typically
interconnected with cross pipes, and empty into a primary outlet swale(s) carrying runoff off
site. These swales often collect runoff from lot line swales, and therefore carry heavy
hydraulic and pollutant loads.
- Lot line swales: These swales are usually located between houses and run the length of the
lot. They typically receive sheet flow from lots, and flow directed from gutters.
- Primary outlet swales: These swales usually collect drainage from roadside swales and lot
line swales, though they are sometimes located along lot lines. Because of the heavy
hydraulic load, they are usually deeper, wider, and longer than roadside or lot line swales.
These swales usually serve the same function as low-density curb outlet swales.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Can reduce the use of costly − Could be subject to standing water and
development infrastructure, e.g., curb mosquito infestations.
and gutter. − May be subject to channelization due to
− Can be aesthetically pleasing. concentrated flows.
− Low-slope swales can create wetland − Low pollutant removal rates and
areas. essentially no volume control. Must be
− Unmowed systems not adjacent to used with other BMPs to meet most
roadways can provide valuable “wet stormwater rule requirements.
meadow” habitat.
Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site
BMP shall be located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access
easement to a public ROW.
3 The design must non-erosively pass the peak runoff rate for the 10-year storm.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what
DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
Swales shall convey the design discharge while maintaining a 0.5-foot freeboard and
without exceeding the maximum permissible velocity.
The maximum velocity shall be as specified in the NC Erosion and Sediment Control
Manual (and replicated in this document, Table 14-2).
2 Side slopes shall be no steeper than 5:1.
3 Swale length shall be 100 ft or greater.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what
DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
4 A maintenance agreement is required.
Curb outlet swales shall have a 1-ft minimum distance from the bottom of the swale to
the seasonal high water table (SHWT).
The maximum velocity shall be as specified in the NC Erosion and Sediment Control
Manual (and replicated in this document, Table 14-2).
The majority of the bottom of the conveyance swale shall be above the seasonal high
water table (SHWT), but not necessarily 1-ft of separation.
Grassed swales are typically long open drainage channels integrated into the
surrounding development or landscape that are lined with grass or other vegetation.
They are often used in residential and commercial developments as well as along
highway medians as alternatives or enhancements to conventional storm sewers (see
Figure 14-1). Swales are suitable for many types of development, but are most practical
for campus-type developments and single-family residential sites.
Figure 14-1
Grassed Swale in Residential Area, Pembroke Woods Subdivision in Emmittsburg, MD
(Courtesy of Mike Clar, Ecosite, Inc., Columbia, MD)
The effectiveness of a swale in both reducing the flow rates and volume of runoff, and
removing pollutants, is a function of the size and composition of the drainage area, the
slope and cross section of the channel, the permeability of the soil, the density and type
of vegetation in the swales, and the swale dimensions. Broad swales on flat slopes with
dense vegetation are the most effective. Removal efficiencies are highest for sediment-
bound pollutants.
Figures 14-2 through 14-4 show examples of grassed swales used for primary drainage
of residential subdivisions, parking lots, and commercial developments, respectively.
Figure 14-5 shows a more detailed sketch of swales in a parking lot, as well as optional
raised storm sewer inlets.
Figure 14-2
Schematic of Plan for Retrofit of Grassed Swales in Residential Subdivision
Figure 14-3
Example of Grassed Swale Used for Parking Lot
Figure 14-4
Schematic Showing Use of Grassed Swale for Primary Drainage of Commercial
Figure 14-5
Parking Lot Swale Drainage (from NIPC, 1993).
A listing of the major design elements is provided on the first page of this section.
• Conveyance Swales Not Seeking Pollutant Credit: These swales are not intended
to be mechanisms for pollutant removal. They may include roadside swales, lot
line swales, and primary outlet swales. Water in swales meeting the
requirements for this design is allowed to travel through the swale faster and the
side slopes are allowed to be steeper than for swales that seek pollutant removal
14.2. Design
The design of a grassed swale must comply with the requirements outlined in this
section, and appropriate local channel design provisions. A diagram of the grassed
swale requirements is provided in Figure 14-6. If a swale is trapezoidal, having the
bottom of the swale two or more feet wide is recommended for maintenance purposes.
Swales are often used as part of the site construction sediment and erosion control plan.
The same swales can be later used as grassed swale BMPs, however, all of the sediment
must be removed, the channel configuration and slope must be re-established (if
necessary), and the proper vegetation must be established.
The location of swales should be based on site topography and natural features. Where
possible, natural drainage ways on the site should be maintained and integrated into the
swale drainage system.
With the exception of conveyance swales, swales should always be sited in areas where
the seasonal high water table (SHWT) is at least 1 foot below the bottom of the swale. If
the SHWT is less than 1 foot below the bottom of the swale, the swale will likely be
chronically wet. Swales should not carry dry-weather flows or constant flows. Note
that even for conveyance swales, the majority of the bottom of the swale should be
above the SHWT.
Sites with steep slopes can be can be difficult to design due resulting high velocities of
flow. Roadside swales may pose traffic hazards in residential subdivisions. Shallow
swales and curbs with diversion devices can help alleviate this problem.
Figure 14-6
Diagram of Water Quality Grassed Swale Requirements
There are no minimum or maximum size requirements on the drainage basin for a grassed
swale. A swale serving a tributary area more than 10 or 20 acres, or with very high
impermeable surface percentages, can be difficult to design due to high volumes of flow
and/or high velocities of flow.
Table 14-1
Summary of Swale Design Requirements
Where necessary, particularly for curb outlet systems for low-density projects, include a
supplement sheet containing pertinent design information when applying for a State
Stormwater permit. Such a supplement may be necessary in other instances as well. If
the design uses check dams, elevated drop inlets, elevated culverts, underdrains, or
other advanced design options include this information in the supplement.
The treatment volume shall be calculated as specified in Section 3. The swale is typically
parabolic or trapezoidal in cross section for ease of construction and maintenance and
for reducing the potential for scour. However, V-shaped swales are also allowed for
curb and gutter systems for low-density projects. To reduce maintenance and prevent
scour, the bottom width should be no less than 2 feet. The maximum bottom width
should be 6 feet to prevent erosion making a smaller, better-defined flow path.
Table 14-2
Curb Outlet Systems for Low Density Projects: Maximum Allowable Velocities (Slopes
0-5%) (Derived from the NC E&SC Manual)1
The longitudinal slope of the swale shall be as flat as possible to minimize velocities and
improve pollutant filtering. The maximum slope shall be 5 percent; however, if slopes
are less than 1 percent, ponding may occur in minor depressions, which may be
objectionable to some residents. If slopes are flatter than 1 percent, an underdrain below
the bottom of the swale can help to drain the swale. If ponding is not a concern to
residents, vegetation that is suited to wetter conditions should be used. If land surface
slopes are too steep for grassed swales, the slopes can be modified with check dams (see
Figure 14-6) to reduce the slope and velocities or to enhance detention.
The designer also should evaluate the potential for transitioning from supercritical flow
to subcritical flow at grade transitions. When evaluating the flow regime, the designer
should consider the range of discharge rates up to and including the design rate. At
grade transitions, hydraulic jumps may cause scouring of the channel and flooding of
the banks. For locations where hydraulic jumps are anticipated, the designer should
consider using turf reinforcement, energy dissipaters, or lined channel segments.
The methodology for channel liner design is presented in the DENR Erosion and Sediment
Control Planning and Design Manual. If this procedure is used, a channel geometry must
be selected that does not exceed either the maximum permissible velocity or the
maximum allowable flow depth for the design flow rate.
The capacity of the swale must also be checked to ensure that it will be adequate after
vegetation is fully established. The resistance to flow should be evaluated using the
NRCS retardance factor for the vegetation selected (consult the DENR Erosion and
Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual).
The flow depth of the design event should be evaluated using Manning’s equation for
the swale type used (parabolic, trapezoidal, or V-shaped). The design requirement is
that the swales convey the design discharge while maintaining a 0.5-foot freeboard and
without exceeding the maximum permissible velocity.
If driveways or roads cross the swale, the capacity of the culvert crossing the road or
driveway may determine the depth of flow for the design event. In these instances, the
culverts should be checked to establish that the backwater elevation does not exceed the
banks of the swale. If the culvert discharges to a minimum tailwater condition, the exit
velocity for the culvert should be evaluated for design conditions. If the maximum
permissible velocity is exceeded at the culvert outlet, riprap or another measure to
prevent scour must be used.
Landscape design is based on specific site, soils, and hydric conditions along the
channel. A dense grass cover is the best vegetation to maximize the performance of a
grass swale.
Standard turf grasses may be used if a lawn appearance is desired. The turf grasses
include standard mixtures such as those recommended in the DENR Erosion and
Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual and the recommended vegetation tables in
Section 6 of this document. The recommendation is to use taller growing grasses to
improve the filtering capability of the swale. Bluegrass should be avoided for areas
where salt loading is high.
Soil with a high infiltration rate is typically most appropriate for grassed swale BMPs.
Topsoil should be suitable for healthy turf growth. Where the existing soil is unsuitable
for growth (such as clayey or rocky soil), applying about 12 inches of loamy or sandy
soil is beneficial.
modifying the typical swale hydrology. The retained water will infiltrate, be lost
through evapotranspiration, or slowly released downstream. It should be noted that the
maximum allowable ponding time within a channel is 48 hours and an underdrain
system must be provided if that requirement cannot be met.
Check Dams
A check dam is constructed of earth, stone, or timber 3 to 6 inches high to retain runoff
from routine events. A weep hole may be added to enable the area behind an earthen or
timber dam to drain slowly. However, the weep hole may be subject to clogging. Shorter
check dams can act as level spreaders to help distribute the flow along the swale's cross
section. See Figure 14-6.
Elevated Culverts
Elevated culverts are used for the same purpose as check dams and elevated drop inlets,
to retain runoff from routine events. As with elevated drop inlets, wetland vegetation
may develop in the ponded areas if the underlying soils are poorly drained.
Depression storage
Small depressions along the bottom of the swale will trap and store stormwater for later
infiltration into the soils. These depressions will also likely accumulate sediment at a
quicker pace than other parts of the swale, and will also probably develop wetland
Figure 14-7
Schematic of Grassed Swale with Check Dam (from NIPC, 1993 and Schueler, 1987)*.
Underdrains can enhance the performance of swales by providing additional filtration
through soil similar to the process that takes place in bioretention facilities. These
"bioretention" swales have a layer of engineered soil underlain by a gravel layer
surrounding a perforated pipe. This configuration also reduces ponding time where
standing water may be a concern. No additional removal credit is given for the addition
of underdrains. If a system is designed with an underdrain and operates similar to a
bioretention system and higher removal rates are desired, the system must meet the
requirements of a bioretention BMP as described in Section 8.
14.3. Construction
To maximize the infiltration capacity of the swale, compaction of the soil underlying the
swale should be avoided. For example, equipment for excavating or grading should
operate from the side of the swale instead of the bottom of the swale.
Temporary erosion-resistant channel linings should be used to stabilize the swale until
the vegetation becomes established. The vendor’s instructions for installing channel
linings should be followed. If velocities will be high, designers should consider sodding
the swale or diverting runoff until vegetation is established.
14.4. Maintenance
The grassed swale will be inspected once a quarter. Records of inspection and
maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 14-3
Sample Inspection and Maintenance Provisions
BMP element: Potential problems: How to remediate the problem:
The entire length of the Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris.
Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to
erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then re-sod
(or plant with other appropriate
species) and water until established.
Provide lime and a one-time
fertilizer application.
Sediment covers the grass at Remove sediment and dispose in an
the bottom of the swale. area that will not impact streams or
BMPs. Re-sod if necessary.
Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of
long. approximately six inches.
The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water
damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919-
outlet. 733-1786.
*May include roadside swales, lot line swales, and primary outlet swales
- Roadside swales: These swales are usually on both sides of a road. They are typically
interconnected with cross pipes, and empty into a primary outlet swale(s) carrying runoff off
site. These swales often collect runoff from lot line swales, and therefore carry heavy
hydraulic and pollutant loads.
- Lot line swales: These swales are usually located between houses and run the length of the
lot. They typically receive sheet flow from lots, and flow directed from gutters.
- Primary outlet swales: These swales usually collect drainage from roadside swales and lot
line swales, though they are sometimes located along lot lines. Because of the heavy
hydraulic load, they are usually deeper, wider, and longer than roadside or lot line swales.
These swales usually serve the same function as low-density curb outlet swales.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Can reduce the use of costly − Could be subject to standing water and
development infrastructure, e.g., curb mosquito infestations.
and gutter. − May be subject to channelization due to
− Can be aesthetically pleasing. concentrated flows.
− Low-slope swales can create wetland − Low pollutant removal rates and
areas. essentially no volume control. Must be
− Unmowed systems not adjacent to used with other BMPs to meet most
roadways can provide valuable “wet stormwater rule requirements.
meadow” habitat.
Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site
BMP shall be located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access
easement to a public ROW.
3 The design must non-erosively pass the peak runoff rate for the 10-year storm.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what
DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
Swales shall convey the design discharge while maintaining a 0.5-foot freeboard and
without exceeding the maximum permissible velocity.
The maximum velocity shall be as specified in the NC Erosion and Sediment Control
Manual (and replicated in this document, Table 14-2).
2 Side slopes shall be no steeper than 5:1.
3 Swale length shall be 100 ft or greater.
Required by DWQ policy. These are based on available research, and represent what
DWQ considers necessary to achieve the stated removal efficiencies.
4 A maintenance agreement is required.
Curb outlet swales shall have a 1-ft minimum distance from the bottom of the swale to
the seasonal high water table (SHWT).
The maximum velocity shall be as specified in the NC Erosion and Sediment Control
Manual (and replicated in this document, Table 14-2).
The majority of the bottom of the conveyance swale shall be above the seasonal high
water table (SHWT), but not necessarily 1-ft of separation.
Grassed swales are typically long open drainage channels integrated into the
surrounding development or landscape that are lined with grass or other vegetation.
They are often used in residential and commercial developments as well as along
highway medians as alternatives or enhancements to conventional storm sewers (see
Figure 14-1). Swales are suitable for many types of development, but are most practical
for campus-type developments and single-family residential sites.
Figure 14-1
Grassed Swale in Residential Area, Pembroke Woods Subdivision in Emmittsburg, MD
(Courtesy of Mike Clar, Ecosite, Inc., Columbia, MD)
The effectiveness of a swale in both reducing the flow rates and volume of runoff, and
removing pollutants, is a function of the size and composition of the drainage area, the
slope and cross section of the channel, the permeability of the soil, the density and type
of vegetation in the swales, and the swale dimensions. Broad swales on flat slopes with
dense vegetation are the most effective. Removal efficiencies are highest for sediment-
bound pollutants.
Figures 14-2 through 14-4 show examples of grassed swales used for primary drainage
of residential subdivisions, parking lots, and commercial developments, respectively.
Figure 14-5 shows a more detailed sketch of swales in a parking lot, as well as optional
raised storm sewer inlets.
Figure 14-2
Schematic of Plan for Retrofit of Grassed Swales in Residential Subdivision
Figure 14-3
Example of Grassed Swale Used for Parking Lot
Figure 14-4
Schematic Showing Use of Grassed Swale for Primary Drainage of Commercial
Figure 14-5
Parking Lot Swale Drainage (from NIPC, 1993).
A listing of the major design elements is provided on the first page of this section.
• Conveyance Swales Not Seeking Pollutant Credit: These swales are not intended
to be mechanisms for pollutant removal. They may include roadside swales, lot
line swales, and primary outlet swales. Water in swales meeting the
requirements for this design is allowed to travel through the swale faster and the
side slopes are allowed to be steeper than for swales that seek pollutant removal
14.2. Design
The design of a grassed swale must comply with the requirements outlined in this
section, and appropriate local channel design provisions. A diagram of the grassed
swale requirements is provided in Figure 14-6. If a swale is trapezoidal, having the
bottom of the swale two or more feet wide is recommended for maintenance purposes.
Swales are often used as part of the site construction sediment and erosion control plan.
The same swales can be later used as grassed swale BMPs, however, all of the sediment
must be removed, the channel configuration and slope must be re-established (if
necessary), and the proper vegetation must be established.
The location of swales should be based on site topography and natural features. Where
possible, natural drainage ways on the site should be maintained and integrated into the
swale drainage system.
With the exception of conveyance swales, swales should always be sited in areas where
the seasonal high water table (SHWT) is at least 1 foot below the bottom of the swale. If
the SHWT is less than 1 foot below the bottom of the swale, the swale will likely be
chronically wet. Swales should not carry dry-weather flows or constant flows. Note
that even for conveyance swales, the majority of the bottom of the swale should be
above the SHWT.
Sites with steep slopes can be can be difficult to design due resulting high velocities of
flow. Roadside swales may pose traffic hazards in residential subdivisions. Shallow
swales and curbs with diversion devices can help alleviate this problem.
Figure 14-6
Diagram of Water Quality Grassed Swale Requirements
There are no minimum or maximum size requirements on the drainage basin for a grassed
swale. A swale serving a tributary area more than 10 or 20 acres, or with very high
impermeable surface percentages, can be difficult to design due to high volumes of flow
and/or high velocities of flow.
Table 14-1
Summary of Swale Design Requirements
Where necessary, particularly for curb outlet systems for low-density projects, include a
supplement sheet containing pertinent design information when applying for a State
Stormwater permit. Such a supplement may be necessary in other instances as well. If
the design uses check dams, elevated drop inlets, elevated culverts, underdrains, or
other advanced design options include this information in the supplement.
The treatment volume shall be calculated as specified in Section 3. The swale is typically
parabolic or trapezoidal in cross section for ease of construction and maintenance and
for reducing the potential for scour. However, V-shaped swales are also allowed for
curb and gutter systems for low-density projects. To reduce maintenance and prevent
scour, the bottom width should be no less than 2 feet. The maximum bottom width
should be 6 feet to prevent erosion making a smaller, better-defined flow path.
Table 14-2
Curb Outlet Systems for Low Density Projects: Maximum Allowable Velocities (Slopes
0-5%) (Derived from the NC E&SC Manual)1
The longitudinal slope of the swale shall be as flat as possible to minimize velocities and
improve pollutant filtering. The maximum slope shall be 5 percent; however, if slopes
are less than 1 percent, ponding may occur in minor depressions, which may be
objectionable to some residents. If slopes are flatter than 1 percent, an underdrain below
the bottom of the swale can help to drain the swale. If ponding is not a concern to
residents, vegetation that is suited to wetter conditions should be used. If land surface
slopes are too steep for grassed swales, the slopes can be modified with check dams (see
Figure 14-6) to reduce the slope and velocities or to enhance detention.
The designer also should evaluate the potential for transitioning from supercritical flow
to subcritical flow at grade transitions. When evaluating the flow regime, the designer
should consider the range of discharge rates up to and including the design rate. At
grade transitions, hydraulic jumps may cause scouring of the channel and flooding of
the banks. For locations where hydraulic jumps are anticipated, the designer should
consider using turf reinforcement, energy dissipaters, or lined channel segments.
The methodology for channel liner design is presented in the DENR Erosion and Sediment
Control Planning and Design Manual. If this procedure is used, a channel geometry must
be selected that does not exceed either the maximum permissible velocity or the
maximum allowable flow depth for the design flow rate.
The capacity of the swale must also be checked to ensure that it will be adequate after
vegetation is fully established. The resistance to flow should be evaluated using the
NRCS retardance factor for the vegetation selected (consult the DENR Erosion and
Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual).
The flow depth of the design event should be evaluated using Manning’s equation for
the swale type used (parabolic, trapezoidal, or V-shaped). The design requirement is
that the swales convey the design discharge while maintaining a 0.5-foot freeboard and
without exceeding the maximum permissible velocity.
If driveways or roads cross the swale, the capacity of the culvert crossing the road or
driveway may determine the depth of flow for the design event. In these instances, the
culverts should be checked to establish that the backwater elevation does not exceed the
banks of the swale. If the culvert discharges to a minimum tailwater condition, the exit
velocity for the culvert should be evaluated for design conditions. If the maximum
permissible velocity is exceeded at the culvert outlet, riprap or another measure to
prevent scour must be used.
Landscape design is based on specific site, soils, and hydric conditions along the
channel. A dense grass cover is the best vegetation to maximize the performance of a
grass swale.
Standard turf grasses may be used if a lawn appearance is desired. The turf grasses
include standard mixtures such as those recommended in the DENR Erosion and
Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual and the recommended vegetation tables in
Section 6 of this document. The recommendation is to use taller growing grasses to
improve the filtering capability of the swale. Bluegrass should be avoided for areas
where salt loading is high.
Soil with a high infiltration rate is typically most appropriate for grassed swale BMPs.
Topsoil should be suitable for healthy turf growth. Where the existing soil is unsuitable
for growth (such as clayey or rocky soil), applying about 12 inches of loamy or sandy
soil is beneficial.
modifying the typical swale hydrology. The retained water will infiltrate, be lost
through evapotranspiration, or slowly released downstream. It should be noted that the
maximum allowable ponding time within a channel is 48 hours and an underdrain
system must be provided if that requirement cannot be met.
Check Dams
A check dam is constructed of earth, stone, or timber 3 to 6 inches high to retain runoff
from routine events. A weep hole may be added to enable the area behind an earthen or
timber dam to drain slowly. However, the weep hole may be subject to clogging. Shorter
check dams can act as level spreaders to help distribute the flow along the swale's cross
section. See Figure 14-6.
Elevated Culverts
Elevated culverts are used for the same purpose as check dams and elevated drop inlets,
to retain runoff from routine events. As with elevated drop inlets, wetland vegetation
may develop in the ponded areas if the underlying soils are poorly drained.
Depression storage
Small depressions along the bottom of the swale will trap and store stormwater for later
infiltration into the soils. These depressions will also likely accumulate sediment at a
quicker pace than other parts of the swale, and will also probably develop wetland
Figure 14-7
Schematic of Grassed Swale with Check Dam (from NIPC, 1993 and Schueler, 1987)*.
Underdrains can enhance the performance of swales by providing additional filtration
through soil similar to the process that takes place in bioretention facilities. These
"bioretention" swales have a layer of engineered soil underlain by a gravel layer
surrounding a perforated pipe. This configuration also reduces ponding time where
standing water may be a concern. No additional removal credit is given for the addition
of underdrains. If a system is designed with an underdrain and operates similar to a
bioretention system and higher removal rates are desired, the system must meet the
requirements of a bioretention BMP as described in Section 8.
14.3. Construction
To maximize the infiltration capacity of the swale, compaction of the soil underlying the
swale should be avoided. For example, equipment for excavating or grading should
operate from the side of the swale instead of the bottom of the swale.
Temporary erosion-resistant channel linings should be used to stabilize the swale until
the vegetation becomes established. The vendor’s instructions for installing channel
linings should be followed. If velocities will be high, designers should consider sodding
the swale or diverting runoff until vegetation is established.
14.4. Maintenance
The grassed swale will be inspected once a quarter. Records of inspection and
maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 14-3
Sample Inspection and Maintenance Provisions
BMP element: Potential problems: How to remediate the problem:
The entire length of the Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris.
Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to
erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then re-sod
(or plant with other appropriate
species) and water until established.
Provide lime and a one-time
fertilizer application.
Sediment covers the grass at Remove sediment and dispose in an
the bottom of the swale. area that will not impact streams or
BMPs. Re-sod if necessary.
Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of
long. approximately six inches.
The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water
damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919-
outlet. 733-1786.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Offers numerous aesthetic and passive − Sometimes seen as unkempt public areas.
recreational benefits. − Can be perceived as interfering with
− Provides water quality treatment, views of streams, especially with
erosion control, and water temperature shrubby bank-side vegetation.
benefits. − In the worst cases, can be abused as
− Maintaining trails that are constructed, places for dumping trash and litter.
marked, and signed well can build
support for greenways within riparian
buffers in urban and suburban
1 Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site drainage.
BMP shall be located in a recorded drainage easement with a recorded access easement to
a public ROW.
The restored riparian buffer must be used only when the flow to the level spreader is less
5 than 3 cfs. This flow could be coming directly from the drainage area during the one inch
per hour storm or the drawdown flow from another BMP.
Level spreaders (designed in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Manual) are required if it
cannot be proven that the stormwater entering the riparian buffer is sheet flow.
The width shall be 50 feet, which must be divided into two zones. The 30 feet closest to
the stream (Zone 1) must be wooded and the outer 20 feet (Zone 2) must be grassed.
The buffer must be a minimum of 13 feet and a maximum of 130 feet in length, and is set
by the level spreader length requirements.
9 The slope of a riparian buffer must not be greater than 6%.
Riparian buffers are natural vegetated areas along a streambank (see Figure 15-1). They
improve riparian habitat by:
− Providing food and cover for wildlife and aquatic organisms,
− Stabilizing stream banks,
− Filtering pollutants from stormwater,
− Attenuating the rate of runoff into streams, and
− Increasing infiltration and recharge to groundwater and surface water bodies.
Figure 15-1
Forested Riparian Buffer with Well-Developed Streambank Vegetation.
To receive the pollutant removal rates listed in the front of this Section, the restored
riparian buffer must meet all of the major design requirements listed in the beginning of
this Section. If restored riparian buffer will not meet the regulatory requirements of the
site by itself, other BMPs can be used in conjunction to provide enhanced pollution
removal rates or volume control capabilities.
Construction of a restored riparian buffer also passively lowers nutrient loading since it
is counted as pervious surface when calculating nutrient loading.
15.3. Design
All of the following siting requirements must be met in order for a restored riparian
buffer to be constructed and receive the stated pollutant removal efficiencies:
3. The slope of the riparian buffer must not be greater than 6 percent.
4. The restored riparian buffer must be used only when the flow to the level
spreader is less than 3 cfs. This flow could be coming directly from the drainage
area during the one inch per hour storm or the drawdown flow from another
All restored riparian buffers must be placed in permanent easement so it will not later be
decreased or removed from the site.
The restored riparian buffer must a total of 50 feet in width and it must be composed of
a zone of grass (20 feet wide) and a zone of forest vegetation (30 feet wide) as described
in Section 15.3.3 below.
The length of level spreader is determined by calculating the weighted average of the
lengths required for each vegetation type as shown below.
(20/50) x (13 ft/1cfs) + (30/50) x (65 ft/1 cfs) = 44.2 or 44 feet per cfs of flow
Since the maximum length of a level spreader is 130 feet, this means that each restored
riparian buffer is able to treat 3 cfs of flow. The level spreader may be designed to treat
the one inch per hour storm with a bypass channel or the 10-year, 24-hour storm without
a bypass channel. See chapter 8 for information about properly designing level
spreaders. A restored riparian buffer will not receive approval from DWQ unless it is
accompanied by a properly designed level spreader or it is proven that the flow entering
the restored riparian buffer is already diffuse.
Figure 15-2
Restored Riparian Buffer Diagram
Level Stream
Length of Buffer =
30’ to 130’
Designers have the option of placing two or more restored riparian buffers adjacent to
one another along a stream channel in order to treat higher flows of stormwater.
Restored riparian buffers can be used downslope of a detention/retention BMP, which
will attenuate the flow from a larger drainage area and allow the drawdown flow to
receive additional treatment without overwhelming the level spreader and restored
riparian buffer.
Restored riparian buffers must be 50 feet wide and include two zones of vegetation.
Zone 1 starts from the top of bank for streams (and from mean high water for other
waterbodies) and extends landward a distance of 30 feet perpendicular to the stream.
Zone 1 consists primarily of wooded vegetation that may not be disturbed except for
removal of nuisance vegetation (see Section 15.3.6). Zone 2 extends a minimum of 20
additional feet beyond Zone 1. Zone 2 is intended to diffuse and infiltrate runoff and
filtering of pollutants. It may be grassed, and other vegetation and periodic
maintenance are allowed.
Figure 15-3
Two Zone Buffer (modified from Lowrance et al., 1995)
The riparian area to be restored should be evaluated with respect to these factors that
control the viability of riparian plants:
− Soil moisture
− Soil pH
− Soil texture
− Seasonal high water table depth
− Flooding potential
− Aspect, topography, and microtopographic relief
Based on the site assessment, the designer should choose 10-12 species of native trees
and shrubs appropriate for site based on site assessment and reference conditions.
Typically, there should be at least three or four understory trees for every canopy tree to
provide structural diversity similar to mature forests. Where shrub species are
incorporated into the planting plan, they should be distributed more densely at outer
edge of riparian buffer to reduce light penetration and recolonization by invasive exotic
Please refer to Table 15-1 below for plant lists broken down by plant type,
physiographic region, and hydrologic zone. Most plants for the buffer should be
compatible with Zone 4, Upland Area, with some plants, depending on the site, from
Zone 3, Shallow Land. Please note that these lists are alphabetical and do not take into
account the assemblages of plants found in nature.
Trees should be planted approximately at a density sufficient to provide 320 trees per
acre and shrubs should be planted at a spacing to provide 1,200 shrubs per acre. To
achieve this density, trees should be planted at a spacing of 8x8 to 10x10 feet. Shrubs
should be planted at a spacing of 3x3 to 5x5 feet.
The minimum size for trees that are planted in the restored riparian buffer is 2.5 inches
dbh (diameter breast height). Trees should be bare root or balled and burlapped (not
containerized stock). The minimum size for shrubs planted in the restored riparian
buffer is a one-gallon container.
Table 15-1
Planting List for Zone 1 (Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2004)
Zone 2 must be planted as a dense cover of grasses. Fescue and bluegrass should not be
used because they are invasive species and will compete with native vegetation for
nutrients. Do not work under frozen, muddy or saturated conditions. There are a
number of acceptable ways to establish grass in Zone 2.
Centipede and Zoysia grasses should be planted in mid-May until late August. If
Centipede is being planted, it is ideal to use sod. If plugs are used, they should be 6-12”
apart (closer to a 6-inch separation for Zoysia since it doesn’t spread as well as
Centipede), in a grid or checkerboard pattern. Plugs should be placed at a depth of one
15.4. Construction
Buffer restoration may include stabilization of the stream channel, site preparation, and
planting the vegetation. Streambank stabilization involves a combination of vegetative
and structural techniques. Vegetative techniques create a natural appearance and
provide habitat to aquatic organisms and wildlife. These options include live stakes, tree
revetments, live fascines, and brush mattresses. Other features such as boulders, logs,
sandbags, or gabions can be combined for additional stability. Structural measures such
as riprap and concrete structures are not as desirable but may be needed in some
situations to protect infrastructure such as roads and buildings. If streambank
stabilization is proposed as part of the project, please contact the North Carolina
Division of Water Quality 401 Unit for permitting information at (919) 733-1786.
After the streambank has been stabilized, site preparation, including treatment of
existing vegetation and soil preparation, is usually required before planting begins. The
degree of site preparation needed depends on the existing vegetation and whether the
site is being completely redone or if the existing buffer is merely being “enhanced”.
They may require mechanical and chemical treatment (proposals for pesticide use
should always be reviewed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality staff to
insure compliance with the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules). In addition
to controlling invasive species, sod-forming grasses such as fescue and Kentucky
bluegrass that will compete with plantings for nutrients need to be controlled.
Soil disturbance within the buffer should be minimized (preferably done by hand).
Operation of land disturbing equipment within the buffer should be limited to light
machinery. If complete reconstruction is being performed, the site should be plowed or
ripped to improve compacted soil and/or eliminate areas where channelized flow has
developed. After soil disturbance activities, areas of bare soil must be stabilized as
quickly as possible using the grass species listed in Table 15-2. Please note that fescue
grasses should not be used for soil stabilization. Fescue grasses, particularly tall fescue,
are competitive and will inhibit the eventual re-establishment of native species.
When planting seedlings, it is helpful to mark the plants with colored flagging to make
them easier to locate during maintenance tasks. The flagging can also be color-coded to
mark plants that have died for replacement at a later date.
Tree protectors are also helpful for locating plants. Tree seedlings should be kept moist
and should not be exposed for extended periods of time. A correctly planted tree should
have the following general characteristics:
− Planted so that the root collar is slightly below the soil surface.
− Have the main roots nearly straight or spread out.
− Have soil firm around the roots.
− Have the tree in an upright position and have it nearly even with the general
ground level, not sunk in a hole or raised on a mound.
When planting in Zone 2, scarify native soil to a minimum depth of 4”. If required, add
additional imported topsoil. All areas for sodding or grass plugs shall be raked to a
uniformly fine texture. Moisten prepared lawn areas before planting if soil is dry.
Water thoroughly and allow surfaces to dry before planting.
Please note that the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules allow for a one-time
fertilizer application to establish newly planted vegetation. Ongoing fertilizer
application is prohibited.
15.5. Maintenance
Riparian buffers require maintenance to fill gullies, remove weeds, repair streambank
erosion, and protect against wildlife damage and insect and disease problems.
Maintenance must be carried out with minimal impact in Zone 1.
Removal of natural leaf litter from the buffer is strongly discouraged. Where this natural
material is not present, organic mulch such as wood chips, tree bark, and pine needles
should be maintained at a minimum depth of 2 inches over the entire buffer.
Watering may be necessary in the initial year or during periods of drought, especially if
bare root material is installed. Some seedling mortality is expected but replanting may
be necessary to maintain the stand density.
After the trees are established, periodic thinning and harvesting of mature trees is
recommended to maintain health and growth. Thinning of trees within the buffer can be
allowed provided that the minimum tree density requirement specified above is fulfilled
and no trees larger than 2-inch diameter are removed except when dead or diseased.
The thinning of vines and thick undergrowth to provide a better view or a more
aesthetically pleasing natural landscape is allowed.
In the early stages of riparian buffer establishment, competition for nutrients by adjacent
grasses and herbs will substantially inhibit seedling growth. Release from herbaceous
competition has been demonstrated as the most cost-effective method to accelerate the
growth of seedlings. The plan for buffer establishment should incorporate control of the
herbaceous layer. Options for weed control include four to six inches of well-aged
hardwood mulch, weed control fabrics, or pre-emergent herbicide. Typically, mowing to
control weeds will be impractical based on the random distribution of plantings. Weed
control should be continued for three years from the time of planting, at which time it
should be somewhat self-controlling.
It is also necessary to control of invasive, exotic plants that would hinder the re-
establishment of woody vegetation. Division of Water Quality staff should review
proposals for pesticide use within the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules if
applicable. Common invasive plants for North Carolina are listed in Table 15-2.
Table 15-2
Common Invasive Plants (Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2004)
Scientific Name Common Name
Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven
Albizia julibrissin Mimosa
Elaeagnus umbellata Autumn Olive
Hedera helix English Ivy
Lespedeza cuneata Korean or Sericea Lespedeza
Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet
Lonisera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle
Microstegium vimineum Japanese Grass
Paulownia tomentosa Princess Tree
Pueraria lobata Kudzu
Rosa multiflora Multiflora Rose
Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria
In suburban and urban areas, maintenance personnel may require additional training to
ensure that riparian buffers are not reduced by aggressive mowing, pruning, or
herbicide regimes.
After the restored riparian buffer is established, it will be inspected quarterly and
within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a
Coastal County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set
location and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 15-3
Sample Inspection and Maintenance Provisions for Restored Riparian Buffers
The swale and the level The swale is clogged with Remove the sediment and dispose
lip sediment. of it off-site.
The level lip is cracked, Repair or replace lip.
settled, undercut, eroded or
otherwise damaged.
There is erosion around the Regrade the soil to create a berm
end of the level spreader that that is higher than the level lip, and
shows stormwater has then plant a ground cover and
bypassed it. water until it is established. Provide
lime and a one-time fertilizer
Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them.
to grow on the swale or just
downslope of the level lip.
The bypass channel Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to
erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then
reestablish proper erosion control.
Turf reinforcement is Study the site to see if a larger
damaged or ripap is rolling bypass channel is needed (enlarge if
downhill. necessary). After this, reestablish
the erosion control material.
The filter strip Grass is too short or too long Maintain grass at a height of
(if applicable). approximately three to six inches.
Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to
erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a
ground cover and water until it is
established. Provide lime and a
one-time fertilizer application.
Sediment is building up on Remove the sediment and
the filter strip. restabilize the soil with vegetation if
necessary. Provide lime and a one-
time fertilizer application.
Plants are desiccated. Provide additional irrigation and
fertilizer are needed.
Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the
dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease,
etc. Remedy the problem and
replace plants. Provide a one-time
fertilizer application.
Nuisance vegetation is Remove vegetation by hand if
choking out desirable species. possible. If pesticide is used, do not
allow it to get into the receiving
The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the NC Division of Water
damage have occurred at the Quality 401 Oversight Unit at 919-
outlet. 733-1786.
1 Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site drainage.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Reduce frequency of flooding by reducing − Often fail relatively quickly compared to
the amount of water flowing to surface other types of BMPs if not maintained.
waters. − Restricted to areas with permeable soils.
− Help recharge groundwater, which − May cause undesirable groundwater
supports dry-weather flows in streams. seepage into basements and foundations
− Particulate pollutant removal efficiencies if not properly sited.
generally as good as other BMPs. − Infiltration of contaminated stormwater
may contaminate groundwater.
“Infiltration,” in the context of BMPs, refers to the process of stormwater soaking into
the soil. Infiltration devices enhance percolation to groundwater by directing surface
runoff to locations where it can come into contact with pervious underlying soils and
then detaining that runoff until it can soak into the underlying soil. Infiltration devices
reduce runoff volume, recharge groundwater, and have high removal efficiencies for
sediment and for pollutants adsorbed onto sediment particles. A number of infiltration
devices with differing designs have been used in various locations throughout the
country, and are appropriate in the majority of the coastal counties of North Carolina
and as an alternative practice in other areas with suitable soils.
Infiltration devices transfer more stormwater to the soil than any other type of BMP, and
they more closely mimic the natural hydrology of the area by taking a portion of
concentrated flow and allowing it to infiltrate into the soil. They work best in relatively
Infiltration devices are frequently used to infiltrate runoff from adjacent impervious
surfaces, such as parking lots. In these cases, a filter strip should be installed between
the pavement and the device to trap sediment and litter before it is washed into the
device. Another approach is to construct infiltration devices at the downgradient edges
of areas with permeable pavement. In this case, the permeable pavement is the inlet to
the device. Because water also will infiltrate through the base of the pavement, the size
of the infiltration devices can be reduced significantly.
This section discusses two types of infiltration devices: infiltration trenches (see
Figure 16-1) and infiltration basins (see Figure 16-2).
Infiltration Trenches
Infiltration trenches are filled with large crushed stone or other media to create storage
for the stormwater in the voids between the media. Other versions use precast concrete
vaults with open bottoms to provide a large storage volume to hold stormwater for
infiltration into the soil. Infiltration trenches are usually used to manage the runoff from
parking lots and buildings.
Figure 16-1a
Typical Infiltration Trench
(Adapted from Schueler et al., 1992)
Infiltration Basins
Infiltration basins are normally dry basins, much like extended dry detention basins,
with the exception that the stormwater does not flow out into a receiving stream. Rather,
the stormwater is only allowed to infiltrate into the soils and eventually to the
Figure 16-2
Typical Infiltration Basin: Cross-Section
*Retaining walls may be used in place of the 3:1 vegetated side slopes.
To receive the pollutant removal rates listed in the front of this Section, the infiltration
device must meet all of the Major Design Elements listed in the beginning of this Section.
16.3. Design
Often, the same basin can be used during construction as a sediment and erosion control
device and later converted to an infiltration basin. Before conversion, all accumulated
sediment must be removed and properly disposed of, then the appropriate
modifications to the basin depth, geometry, and hydrology, as well as inlet and outlet
structures, etc., must be made. A minimum of 6 inches of bottom material (below the
design bottom of the original sediment and erosion control device) must be removed
prior to conversion to a stormwater BMP, so appropriate design bottom depth changes
must be considered. Infiltration trenches shall not be used as sediment and erosion
control devices. It is essential that the site be completely stabilized before the erosion
and control devises are removed or converted.
Potential mounding of the water table caused by the infiltration of the BMP is also a
potential problem. If the mounded water table encroaches above the bottom of the
infiltration device the hydraulic gradient is greatly reduced. Designing infiltration
devices according to the requirements and guidelines presented in this manual should
avoid this condition.
Infiltration devices should not be placed in locations that cause water problems to
downgradient properties. They must be a minimum of 15 feet downgradient from
structures. On a case-by-case basis, infiltration devices may be allowed to be located
closer than the 15 feet minimum from structures. The structure and BMP must be
sufficiently designed such that the structure is safeguarded and is not damaged or
undermined. The facilities must also be located a minimum of 100 feet horizontally
from any water supply well, 50 feet from Class SA waters, and 30 feet from surface
water, as required by applicable North Carolina regulations (15A NCAC 2H .1008 (d)
Infiltration System Requirements).
The potential erosion or device overflow created by a large inflow is a concern in the
design of infiltration devices. An individual infiltration device shall not receive more
than 2.0 acre-inches of runoff, and less than 1.0 acre-inches of runoff is recommended. A
general guidance is that the contributing area to an individual infiltration device will
often be in the range of 5 acres or less. Also, infiltration devices must be off-line, that is,
runoff in excess of the water quality volume should bypass the system.
Pretreatment devices for removing sediment and solids must be used to protect
infiltration devices from clogging. A few options for pretreatment include filter strips,
grassed swales with check dams, concrete sumps, and forebays (sediment traps).
Consideration should be given to the inlet when infiltration facilities are designed. The
type of inlet will depend on whether the upgradient source of runoff is overland flow or
a concentrated source of discharge. Infiltration trenches require relatively even
distribution over their length. An infiltration basin can be designed to accommodate a
concentrated influent flow; however, an energy dissipater and/or level spreader may be
Infiltration devices that are interconnected with roof downspouts or patio drains must
include measures to strain out entrained leaves and other litter.
A = ____V____
2 * (K * T)
The hydraulic conductivity of the soil (K) is the resultant value from the field testing
performed on the site. The dewatering time (T) for infiltration devices must be 5 days or
less. A value of less than 3 days is recommended for use in the formula.
Once the effective infiltrating area (A) is obtained from the formula, it can still be
somewhat difficult to translate that into actual infiltration device dimensions. The value
for A used in the formula is actually the larger of either the bottom surface area or one-
half of the total (wetted) wall area. The determination of the length, width, and depth
dimensions is therefore often an iterative process using the effective infiltrating area (A),
the correction factor for true surface areas of the in-situ soil interface, and typical length,
width, and depth recommendations. Injection well regulations in 15A NCAC 2C
prohibit stormwater drainage wells. In order to avoid falling within the regulatory
definition of “injection Well,” infiltration trenches must be constructed such that their
depth is less than their greatest surface dimension (length or width).
Trench depths shall be no more than 8 feet. It is recommended that the width of a trench
(perpendicular to influent flow direction) be less than 25 feet. Broad, shallow trenches
reduce the risk of clogging by spreading the runoff over a larger area for infiltration.
Infiltration basins, on the other hand, may appear in many different geometries. Runoff
frequently is piped to these devices from stormwater inlets on patios, parking areas,
roofs, and other impervious areas. These devices may also receive runoff via sheet flow.
To increase the runoff capture storage volume of trenches, plastic, aluminum or concrete
gallery frames can be inserted. The gallery frames introduce open space inside the
trench and help distribute flow. Adequate maintenance access must be provided to the
gallery frames.
The bottom of infiltration basins and trenches must be lined with a layer of clean sand
with a depth of 4 inches or greater, unless the native soil is equivalent (1-2% fines or
Infiltration devices, by their very nature, do not have regular outlet devices (the
stormwater entering the BMP leaves through the soils). They should, however, be
designed with dewatering provisions in the event of failure. It can be dewatered by
pumping out or allowed to gravity drain through a pipe. If a dewatering outlet pipe is
installed to facilitate emergency draining, a lockable watertight valve must be installed
and kept closed at all times.
Properly designed vegetated filters are required from the overflow of all infiltration
systems. However, this requirement may be difficult to meet on some sites due to
topographic or space constraints. For sites that have difficulty meeting this requirement,
the following options are available for waiving of the offline bypass and vegetated filter
strip by permitting the system under the alternative design criteria in NCAC 2H .1008(h).
The system must demonstrate equal or better stormwater control and equal or better
protection of waters of the State and not result in an increased potential for nuisance
1. To waive the offline bypass requirement alone, the applicant must provide
active storage volume in the system for 2 times the regulated design storm and
infiltrate that volume within 5 days using a infiltration rate of one-half the
infiltration rate reported in the soils report.
2. To waive the vegetated filter strip requirement alone, the applicant must
provide active storage volume in the system for 2 times the regulated design
storm and infiltrate that volume within 5 days using an infiltration rate of one-
half the infiltration rate reported in the soils report.
3. To waive both the offline bypass and vegetated filter strip requirements in a
single infiltration system, the applicant must provide active storage volume in
the system for 2.5 times the regulated design storm and infiltrate that volume
within 5 days using a soils infiltration rate of one-half the infiltration rate
reported in the soils report.
4. If the applicant can demonstrate that the 10 year, 24 hour storm event can be
infiltrated without discharging the system using an infiltration rate of one-half
of the infiltration rate reported in the soils report, no bypass, no vegetated
filter strip and no additional storage volume is required.
16.3.10.Pumped Infiltration
Where sites have small areas of good soils for infiltration, the system proposed usually
involves the design of a separate storage basin in the low area with the runoff being
pumped up to the infiltration area. This is referred to as “pumped infiltration”.
The Division intends to give some credit for a reasonable amount of runoff volume that
can infiltrate during the design storm event, so that the storage requirement in the basin
can be reduced. Credit for the volume of runoff that is pumped to the infiltration area
and is infiltrated during the storm event will ONLY apply to infiltration systems where
a pump is being utilized to pump the runoff to a separate infiltration area, and will not
apply to normal infiltration trenches and basins where storage and infiltration are
occurring in the same facility. The pumped infiltration system will be considered on a
case-by-case basis, and will take into consideration the basin location, soils, water table
and other site-specific factors and requires prior approval of the Division.
16.4. Construction
Care should be used during installation to minimize compaction of soil on the bottom
and walls of infiltration devices since this will reduce the permeability at the soil
interface. To avoid compacting the drainage media, light equipment and construction
techniques that minimize compaction should be used.
Runoff shall not be directed into an infiltration device until the drainage area is
stabilized. A construction sequence must be followed that reflects the need to stabilize
the infiltration device. The longevity of infiltration devices is strongly influenced by the
care taken during construction.
16.5. Maintenance
Please refer to Section 7.0, General BMP Maintenance, for information on types of
maintenance, typical frequency, and specific maintenance tasks that are common to all
BMPs. The following information is maintenance that is specific to infiltration devices.
For the first year of operation, installations should be inspected monthly and after each
major storm. After the first year, quarterly inspections, preferably conducted after a
storm, are recommended.
The surface of infiltration systems must be kept in good condition. Colonization by grass
or other plants should be discouraged, since this can lead to reduced surface infiltration
rates. In many instances, it is convenient to cover infiltration trenches with concrete grid
pavers or similar permeable paving systems that can be removed easily and replaced as
necessary to service the trench.
The top several inches of drainage media and the filter cloth along the top of the
drainage media should be replaced annually or at least when the dewatering time is
longer than 5 days. If after replacing the top media the infiltration rate is still not in the
acceptable range, the entire facility must be dismantled and reconstructed.
Proper disposal of the materials removed is necessary; the aggregate and cloth should be
appropriately packaged and delivered to the local landfill, if the operating authority
approves the disposal.
The infiltration trench will be inspected once a quarter and within 24 hours after every
storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of
operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available
upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 16-1
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Infiltration Trenches
BMP element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem:
The entire BMP Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris.
The grass filter strip or Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to
other pretreatment area erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a
ground cover and water until it is
established. Provide lime and a
one-time fertilizer application.
Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the
a depth of greater than six sediment and remedy the problem if
inches. possible. Remove the sediment and
dispose of it in a location where it
will not cause impacts to streams or
the BMP.
The flow diversion The structure is clogged. Unclog the conveyance and dispose
structure (if applicable) of any sediment off-site.
The structure is damaged. Make any necessary repairs or
replace if damage is too large for
The trench Water is ponding on the Remove the accumulated sediment
surface for more than 24 from the infiltration system and
hours after a storm. dispose in a location that will not
impact a stream or the BMP.
The depth in the trench is Remove the accumulated sediment
reduced to 75% of the original from the infiltration system and
design depth. dispose in a location that will not
impact a stream or the BMP.
Grass or other plants are Remove the plants, preferably by
growing on the surface of the hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on
trench. the plants rather than spraying.
After the infiltration basin is established, it will be inspected once a quarter and within
24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal
County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location
and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 16-2
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Infiltration Basins
Advantages Disadvantages
− Can effectively control peak runoff − Poor or nonexistent maintenance of dry
discharge rates from both small and large extended detention basins is common
drainage areas. problem throughout the state.
− Moderately effective at removing − Limited effectiveness in removing
suspended solids and particulate matter. dissolved substances.
− May allow for recreational and other − Tends to develop a soggy bottom or
open-space uses between storms. standing water, which hinders facility
− Presents fewer hazards to the public than maintenance and the growth of effective
wet basins because of the absence of a vegetative cover, as well as becoming a
permanent pool of water. perceived eyesore.
− Debris can accumulate and not only be an
eyesore, but also clog the outlets and
cause overflows during large rainfall
− Can attract children and become a safety
hazard. Fencing is typically considered
1 Sizing shall take into account all runoff at ultimate build-out including off-site drainage.
7 Seasonally high groundwater table must be at least 2 feet below the bottom of the basin.
As the name of this BMP implies, these basins are typically dry between storm events. A
low-flow outlet slowly releases water retained over a period of days. This BMP can be
applied in residential, industrial, and commercial developments where sufficient space
is available. The primary purpose of dry extended detention basins is to attenuate and
delay stormwater runoff peaks. They are appropriate where water quality issues are
secondary to managing peak runoff, since the overall pollutant removal efficiency of dry
extended detention basins is low. Dry extended detention basins are not intended as
infiltration or groundwater recharge measures. See Figure 17-1 for an example of a dry
detention basin located in a commercial/industrial development.
Figure 17-1
Dry Extended Detention Basin with Shallow Marsh
A listing of the major design requirements is provided on the first page of this section.
At a minimum, any dry extended detention basin must meet the major design
requirements indicated as being from the North Carolina Administrative Code. To
receive the pollutant removal rates listed in the front of this Section, the dry extended
detention basin must meet all of the major design requirements listed in the beginning of
this Section.
17.3. Design
Sediment basins that are used during construction can be converted into dry extended
detention basins after the construction is completed. If used during construction as a
sediment basin, the basin must be completely cleaned out, graded, and vegetated within
14 days of completion of construction.
The seasonally high groundwater table must be at least 2 feet below the bottom of the
basin. Less separation distance makes the dry extended detention basin vulnerable to
developing ephemeral pools of standing water during wet-weather periods. If the 2-foot
minimum separation distance cannot be met, the design of a stormwater wetland or wet
detention basin should be considered.
Dry extended detention basins can be utilized on very large sites, but often reach
limitations around 25 acres or more. The most common limitation is the bottom of the
basin approaching groundwater.
A forebay is required at the inlet of a dry extended detention basin to trap incoming
sediment if the design flow to the facility is over 10 acre-inches. The forebay must
contain ponded water and be designed as described in Section 5.0 Common Design
Elements. A forebay is recommended on all other dry detention basins. With heavy,
coarse sediment confined to the forebay area, maintenance is made simpler and less
costly and the life of the BMP is extended.
To prevent resuspension of trapped sediment and scour during high flows, the energy
of the influent flow must be controlled. This can be in the form of a forebay as
mentioned above, a plunge pool, rip-rap, or other energy-dissipating and erosion control
The volume of a dry extended detention basin is driven exclusively by the volume of
stormwater that is required to be captured. Once that volume is calculated, the
dimensional aspect of the basin is mostly site driven. Below are some dimensional and
layout requirements:
By causing turbulence and eddies in the flow, flow short-circuiting can interfere with the
function of the basin outlet system and should therefore be minimized. The most direct
way of minimizing short-circuiting is to maximize the distance between the riser and the
inlet. Larger length to width ratios should be used if sedimentation of particulates
during low flows is desirable. Irregularly shaped basins appear more natural. If a
relatively long, narrow facility is not suitable at a given site, baffles constructed from
gabions or other materials can be placed in the basin to lengthen the flowpath.
A sinuous low-flow channel should be constructed through the basin to transport dry-
weather flows and minor storm flows. Preferably, the channel would be grass-lined and
sloped at approximately 2 percent to promote drainage of the basin between storms. The
entire bottom of the basin should drain toward the low-flow channel.
A sediment depth indicator must be provided in the dry extended detention basin, and
the forebay if there is one. Sediment will accumulate more quickly in the main detention
basin if there is no forebay and also if the upstream drainage basin is not properly
stabilized. Sediment shall be removed from the dry extended basin (and forebay if
applicable) when the sediment depth indicator shows that the sediment has
accumulated to the design sediment accumulation depth of the basin.
When choosing vegetation for a dry extended detention basin, consideration must be
given to the wildflowers or grasses specified because of the frequent inundations, warm
and cold seasons, as well as salt, and oil loading. Additionally, the plants should not be
fertilized except for a one-time application after seeding. Mowing should be minimal. It
has been found that a wet meadow mix or Bermudagrass typically performs well in
those locations with the climate able to support it.
The dry extended detention basin must be stabilized within 14 days after the end of
construction. The stabilization might be the final vegetation or a temporary stabilization
measure until the vegetation becomes established.
In addition to meeting specific hydraulic requirements for runoff detention and peak
attenuation, outlets also must be functionally simple and easy to maintain. Below are
design requirements and guidelines for dry extended detention basin outlets:
− Basin design should include a small permanent pool near the outlet orifice to
reduce clogging and keep floating debris away from the outlet.
− Basin design must include a drain that will completely empty the basin for
clean out.
− Durable materials such as reinforced concrete or plastic are preferable to
corrugated metal in most instances.
− The riser should be placed in or at the face of the embankment to make
maintenance easier and prevent flotation problems.
− Erosion protection measures should be used at the basin discharge point.
− To prevent piping and internal erosion problems around the spillway/outlet
conduit through an embankment system, a filter diaphragm and drainage
system is recommended.
17.4. Maintenance
The facility should be inspected annually to verify that the facility is operating as
designed and to schedule any required maintenance. If possible, inspections should
occur during wet weather to verify that the facility is maintaining desirable retention
times. In addition to regularly scheduled inspections, maintenance personnel should
note deficiencies during any visits. One important purpose of inspections is to ascertain
the operational condition and safety of the facility, particularly the condition of
embankments, outlet structures, and other safety-related features. Other general
objectives are to prevent clogging of the outlets, development of standing water, and
growth of weeds and noxious plants.
Maintaining turf grass on the tops of berms and on the exterior slopes of embankments
is advisable to facilitate access to the facility and inspection of the embankment, as well
as stability of the slopes. The frequency of mowing may need to be greater if the facility
is in an area of high visibility. However, if possible, the facility should be managed as an
upland meadow with cold season grasses maintained no shorter than 4 inches and
warm season grasses maintained no shorter than 3 inches. Cutting grass shorter than the
minimum lengths can cause areas of the turf to die off or can require a much higher level
of maintenance.
When the sediment depth indicator shows that the sediment has filled the design
storage volume, the accumulated sediment, mud, sand, and debris must be cleaned out
with earth-moving equipment and disposed of properly. If the facility supports open-
space uses during dry weather, the removal may have to take place frequently. Once
these materials are removed, the disturbed areas should be stabilized and revegetated
immediately, otherwise sediment will move to downstream areas. Freshly seeded areas
should be protected with an erosion mat that has been securely staked in place to
prevent flotation. In many cases, sodding offers the best approach to stabilization after
removal of sediment and debris.
After the dry extended detention basin is established, it will be inspected once a quarter
and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in
a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set
location and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Table 17-1
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Dry Detention Basins
Figure 17-4
Profile of a Dry Detention Basin
Pollutant Removal Credit: Receives the regulatory credits listed below for treating its own
footprint as well as any other BUA from the site which drains to the pavement (the ratio of
additional BUA to permeable pavement area shall not exceed 1:1).
* Please note that in D soils, the ponding time may be too long to design permeable pavement for
infiltration; in this case, the pavement shall be designed for detention.
** The nutrient regulatory credits are in annual mass load reduction (not concentration).
*** 70% TSS removal if a geomembrane barrier is used above the subsoil.
85% TSS removal if a geomembrane barrier is not used above the subsoil.
Throughout the table below and the chapter, three different imperatives are used with
the following intended meanings:
“Shall” is used for items that are required to receive straightforward approval of
the design as well as the regulatory credits summarized on page 18-1.
“Should” is used for items that are recommended for good design practice and
optimum performance.
“May” is used for items that are options to consider in the context of the specific
permeable pavement application.
The “shalls” in this chapter are not based on NC stormwater rules (15A NCAC 2H
.1000), which do not contain any requirements specific to permeable pavement (a
technology not commonly used at the time of rule development). The required design
in this chapter is based on current research and the experience and best professional
judgment of experts in the field of pavement design and stormwater management.
Design professionals desiring to deviate from this chapter shall provide technical
justification that their design is equally or more protective of water quality (vague,
anecdotal or isolated evidence is not acceptable). Review staff shall consider deviations
from the required items in this chapter on a case-by-case basis. Alternative designs may
receive lower regulatory credits.
1. An NC licensed professional with appropriate expertise shall investigate the soils and
determine their suitability as a subgrade for permeable pavement.
2. Permeable pavement shall not be installed in the portions of hotspot areas where toxic
pollutants are stored or handled (some examples of hotspots are listed in Section 18.3).
3. The seasonal high water table (SHWT) shall be at least two feet below the base of the
aggregate storage layer. This requirement may be relaxed to one foot if additional
borings and investigation can firmly establish the elevation of the SHWT.
4. All manufacturer requirements, product standards, and industry guidelines shall be
followed to ensure lasting effectiveness (in addition to meeting the requirements of
this chapter).
5. The surface of the permeable pavement shall have a slope of ≤ 6%. The surface of the
soil subgrade shall have a slope of ≤ 0.5%. Terraces and baffles may be installed to
achieve flat subgrades under sloping pavement surfaces.
6. Washed aggregate base materials shall be used.
7. In HSG B, C and D, the surface of the soil subgrade under infiltrating permeable
pavement should be scarified, ripped or trenched immediately prior to aggregate base
placement to maintain the pre-construction subgrade infiltration rate.
8. Permeable pavement (regardless of whether it is designed for infiltration or detention)
shall be designed to treat the water quality storm and to provide safe conveyance of
the 10-year, 24-hour storm event via infiltration, bypass or detention and release.
9. Permeable pavement may be designed to receive runoff from adjacent BUAs such as
roofs and conventional pavement (if the soils under the permeable pavement have
adequate capacity to infiltrate the additional runoff). The design shall provide storage
for the entire runoff volume as explained in this chapter. In addition, there shall be a
well-designed system to convey the runoff from the BUA to the permeable pavement.
10. Runoff from adjoining pervious areas, such as grassed slopes and landscaping, shall
be prevented by grading the landscape away from the permeable pavement.
Exceptions such as site restrictions on redevelopment projects shall be reviewed on a
case-by-case basis.
11. Permeable pavement shall not be installed until the upslope and adjoining areas are
stabilized. After installations, barriers shall be installed to prevent construction traffic
from driving on the pavement.
12. The soil subgrade for the permeable pavement shall be graded when dry. The
aggregate base and permeable surface course should be completed as quickly as
possible to reduce risk of soil subgrade compaction.
13. Permeable pavement may be placed on fill material as long as the material is at least
as permeable as the in-situ soil after it is placed and prepared. Fill material comprised
of HSG A or B shall not be placed on top of an in-situ HSG C or D to receive
additional BUA credit.
14. A minimum of one observation well shall be provided at the low point in the system
unless the subgrade is terraced; in that case, there shall be one well for each terrace.
15. Edge restraints shall be provided around the perimeter of permeable interlocking grid
pavers as well as anywhere permeable pavement (of any type) is adjacent to
conventional asphalt.
16. Permeable pavement shall be maintained as specified in Section 18.6 of this chapter.
17. Permeable pavement signage shall be clearly and permanently posted to prevent use
by inappropriate vehicles, and the deposition and storage of particulate matter (except
for single family residences, where signage is optional).
Permeable pavement can receive two types of stormwater management credits: BUA
(built-upon area) and pollutant removal. BUA credit is given to permeable pavements
designed to infiltrate the design storm. This credit varies based on the type of soil over
which the pavement is installed. Detention systems do not receive a BUA credit because
they are not designed to infiltrate a significant amount of stormwater. Pollutant removal
credit is given for the surface of the pavement as well as any other BUA from the site
treated by the pavement. All of these credits are based on designing, constructing and
maintaining the permeable pavement in accordance with this chapter.
Like the other BMPs in this manual, permeable pavements shall be designed based on
storing and treating the design storm volume and providing for safe bypass or treatment
of the 10-year, 24-hour storm.
This chapter focuses on the most successfully applied types of permeable pavement:
permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP), porous asphalt (PA) and pervious
concrete (PC). Other permeable pavements surfaces are discussed, i.e., concrete grid
pavers, and plastic reinforcing grid pavers. See Figure 18-2 below for a primer on the
permeable pavement terminology.
In order to receive the regulatory credits described in this section, permeable pavement
systems shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with this chapter.
Permeable pavement can be used to treat stormwater throughout North Carolina. The
design of the pavement system is customized based on the soil type at the site. The
regulatory credit is also customized based on the type of design. Like other BMPs,
permeable pavement receives credit for pollutant removal and can also be designed for
volume control. In addition, permeable pavement designed for infiltration can receive
credit for built-upon area (BUA) reduction.
BUA Credit. Permeable pavement designed to infiltrate the design storm receives credit
for a reduction in its built-upon area (BUA) footprint based on its location over the
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Hydrologic Soil Groups as follows:
A and B soils: 75% pervious and 25% BUA
C and D soils: 50% pervious and 50% BUA
The soil groups indicate the potential for infiltration. A soils have the greatest capacity
to infiltrate while D soils have the least (see Table 18-1 below). When there is a mix of
soils on site or a C or D soil type exhibits a higher than expected infiltration rate,
determinations of BUA credit may be made on a case-by-case basis. Fill material
comprised of HSG A or B shall not be placed on top of an in-situ HSG C or D to
receive additional BUA credit.
The BUA credit will apply only to the pavement permeable pavement and not to any
additional BUA that drains to it.
A Sand, loamy sand or sandy loam. These soils have low runoff potential with high infiltration
rates when saturated and consist chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sands or gravels.
B Silt loam or loam. These soils have a moderate infiltration rate when saturated and consist
chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately
fine to moderately coarse textures.
C Sandy clay loam. These soils have low infiltration rates when saturated and consist chiefly of
soils with a layer that substantially impedes downward movement of water and soils with
moderately fine to fine structure.
D Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay or clay. These soils have very low infiltration
rates when saturated and consist chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, a
permanent high water table, a clay layer or other nearly impervious material at or near the
Permeable pavement can be used in low or high density development. A high density
site with conventional pavement can use the BUA credit associated with infiltrating
permeable pavement and be considered low density when soils are suitable for
infiltration. Please note that all other requirements associated with low density
development such as the use of vegetated stormwater conveyances and the absence of a
piped storm drainage system still apply. For a low density site, the runoff from other
BUA such as roofs and conventional pavement would not require treatment by a
stormwater BMP (as long as their stormwater is conveyed into a correctly designed
vegetated conveyance or sheet flow over vegetated areas).
Some sites are high density even after receiving the BUA credit associated with
infiltrating permeable pavement. Those sites shall have stormwater treatment for all of
the BUA on the site. This treatment can be provided within the permeable pavement
system or by another BMP.
The only purpose of the BUA credit associated with permeable pavement is to
determine the overall BUA percentage of the site. Permeable pavement used to meet a
BUA threshold is designed identically to permeable pavement used as a BMP to treat a
high density site. Additional explanation and examples of the application of the BUA
credit are available at the DWQ web site for permeable pavement.
Pollutant removal. Permeable pavement designed for infiltration also receives credit
for treating runoff from the BUA directed to it. This includes the BUA portion of its own
footprint (as discussed above) as well as any other BUA from the site draining into it.
The following regulatory credits apply:
85% Total Suspended Solids
30% Total Nitrogen
60% Total Phosphorus
The pollutant removal credit is in terms of the mass of each pollutant delivered to the
receiving water per year. This concept can be illustrated by the following equation:
Lu ‐ Lp
PR 100 *
where: PR = Pollutant removal (% reduction in mass pollutant load delivered to
the surface water per year)
Lu = Load of pollutant delivered from untreated BUA to the receiving
water (mass/year)
Lp = Load of pollutant delivered from an equal area of permeable
pavement to the receiving water (mass/year)
The Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Jordan and Falls Lake Nutrient Loading Models for New
Development include options for implementing permeable pavements designed for
infiltration to treat its own footprint as well as to treat the runoff from other BUA that is
directed toward it. [Beginning in December 2012.]
Volume control. Per this chapter’s design section, permeable pavement can be designed
with sufficient infiltrative capacity or storage to provide volume control. The
mechanism for achieving volume control depends on the soil infiltration rate.
BUA – No Credit: Permeable pavement designed for detention does not receive a
reduced BUA credit because the pavement system does not infiltrate a significant
amount of stormwater.
Pollutant Removal Credit: Permeable pavement designed for detention receives the
regulatory credits listed below for treating its own footprint as well as any other BUA
from the site which drains to the pavement:
70% Total Suspended Solids with an impermeable liner above the soil subgrade,
OR 85% Total Suspended Solids with no liner above the subgrade
10% Total Nitrogen
10% Total Phosphorus
The amount of TSS removal credit earned by the pavement depends on whether an
impermeable liner is placed between the soil subgrade and the aggregate base. As
described below, the designer may choose to use the permeable pavement detention
system when ponding time of the design storm exceeds five days. However, if there is
no impermeable liner between the aggregate base and the subgrade, then some
infiltration occurs even over low permeability soils. There are some cases, however,
where a liner is required such as over soils with high shrink-swell when the soils have
high shrink-swell potential or where there is a risk of groundwater or soil
The Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Jordan and Falls Lake Nutrient Loading Models for New
Development include options for implementing permeable pavements designed for
detention to treat its own footprint as well as to treat the runoff from other BUA directed
toward it. [Beginning in December 2012.]
18.3. Design
This BMP Manual chapter does not provide structural design guidance of permeable
pavements subject to vehicular traffic. This section only presents the requirements that
achieve stormwater credits. The designer shall ensure that the pavement meets its
hydrologic and structural goals by involving an NC licensed design professional with
appropriate expertise in pavement design.
The key stormwater standards for permeable pavements mirror those required for other
BMPs: treatment of the water quality volume (typically the 1 in. or 1.5 in. design storm)
and safe conveyance of the 10-year, 24-hour storm through infiltration, bypass or
There are many concerns when determining if and how permeable pavement should be
used at a specific site. These are listed in Table 18-2 below.
Proximity to For infiltration designs, the designer shall consider the impact of
building infiltration on building foundations and utilities. The design may
foundations & include transitions to conventional pavement if utilities shall cross a
utilities permeable pavement installation.
Proximity to water For infiltration designs, there shall be a 100 ft setback from water
supply wells supply wells. This distance may be reduced on a case-by-case basis if
the design professional can justify to the permitting authority that the
groundwater will be protected from stormwater pollution.
Status of the site This determines whether the runoff from all of the BUA on the site
as high or low (including roofs and conventional pavement) requires treatment by a
density stormwater BMP. The permeable pavement may be designed to treat
other BUAs on the site.
Soil type When properly designed, permeable pavements may be used on any
soil type, although soil conditions dictate many aspects of the design;
for example, whether an underdrain is needed, the depth of the
aggregate base, and whether an infiltration or a detention system is
Site slopes Permeable pavement designs are more challenging on sites with steep
topography. It may not be cost-effective to meet the requirement for
gently sloping pavement surface and almost flat subgrade on a steep
site. On steep sites, it may be impractical to divert runoff from
pervious areas away from permeable pavement.
Seasonal high The seasonal high water table shall be at least 2 ft below the bottom of
water table the aggregate base. If the water table exceeds this level, the pavement
shall not allow water to exfiltrate. High water tables also compromise
the capacity of the in-situ soils to remove pollutants from stormwater
prior to its entry into the shallow groundwater table. This requirement
can be relaxed to one ft if additional borings can firmly establish the
elevation of the SHWT.
Use of permeable Permeable pavement is typically placed in parking lot stalls and drive
pavement lanes, driveways and plazas and is typically avoided in areas with
traffic or heavy truck loading. However, permeable pavement can be
designed for more intensive uses, although this often requires thicker
aggregate bases for flexible pavements such as PICP and PA.
The pavement course should be selected based on the project’s budget and desired
appearance as well as the types of applied loads on the permeable pavement. Currently,
the most widely used types of pavement courses applied in North Carolina are
Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP), Pervious Concrete (PC) and Porous
Asphalt (PA). Please note that PA and PICP are flexible pavement and rely on structural
support from the aggregate base.
Designers may propose other types of pavement surface and base courses but shall
demonstrate that the proposed design functions adequately hydraulically and
structurally in the long term. See Table 18-3 below for a summary of the most
commonly used pavement courses and some pros and cons of each.
Permeable PICPs are a type of unit paving system that drains water through joints
Interlocking between the pavers filled with small, highly permeable aggregates. The
Concrete Pavers pavers are placed on a thin aggregate bedding layer over a thicker choker
(PICP) course and base beneath. The choker course and aggregate base provide
uniform support, water storage and drainage.
Pros: Well suited for plazas, patios, small parking areas and stalls,
parking lots and residential streets. PICP can be designed for a
significant amount of heavy vehicles and does not require curing
time. As compared to PC and PA, PICP is easier and less costly to
renovate if it becomes clogged. The Interlocking Concrete
Pavement Institute offers a design guide, construction
specifications, design software, and a Certified PICP Specialist
Course for contractors.
Cons: PICP often has the highest initial cost for materials and
installation. Regular maintenance of PICP may be higher than PC
and PA because of the need to refill the joints with aggregate after
cleaning and the greater occurrence of weeds.
Pervious Concrete PC is produced by reducing the fines in a conventional concrete mix with
(PC) other changes to create interconnected void spaces for drainage. Pervious
concrete has a coarser appearance than standard concrete although
mixtures can be designed to provide a denser, smoother surface profile
than traditional pervious concrete mixtures.
Porous Asphalt PA is similar to conventional (impervious) asphalt except that less fine
(PA) material is used in the mixture in order to provide for drainage. A
modified asphalt binder as specified by the Carolina Asphalt Pavement
Association (CAPA) shall be used to ensure long term durability and
permeability. PA has a courser appearance than conventional asphalt.
Concrete Grid CGPs are an “older cousin” to PICPs and have significantly larger
Pavers (CGP) openings filled with aggregates, sand, or topsoil and turf grass for
infiltration. CGPs are intended for very limited vehicular traffic such as
overflow parking (e.g., intermittent stadium parking), emergency access
fire lanes around buildings, and median crossovers. CGP is not
recommended for regularly used parking areas and for roads intended for
Pros: CGP is less expensive than PICP and GCP can provide a grassed
surface. Design, construction and maintenance guidance is
available from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute.
Plastic Turf PTRG, also called geocells, consists of flexible plastic interlocking units
Reinforcing Grid that infiltrate water through large openings filled with aggregate or topsoil
(PTRG) and turf grass. PTRG is well suited for emergency vehicle access over lawn
areas or overflow parking. PTRG is not approved for regularly used
vehicular areas such as parking lots or roadways where PICP or PC should
be used.
Cons: PTRG has less structural strength than the other pavement course
options, especially when used under saturated conditions. Like
CGP with grass, it shall be mowed, sometimes fertilized and
watered. Overuse can kill the turf grass or create ruts from
displaced aggregates. Also, sediment from adjacent sources can
damage the grass and accelerate clogging.
For PC and PA, it is crucial to specify the proper mix design. For PC, the mix design
shall be in accordance with the latest version of ACI 522.1 Specification for Pervious
Concrete. For PA, the mix design shall be in accordance with NAPA’s Porous Asphalt
Pavements for Stormwater Management and CAPA’s Porous Asphalt Guide Specification. For
PICP, PA and PC, the use of certified and qualified contractors in accordance with
industry standard documents shall be required and noted on both project plans and
18.3.3 Design Step 3: Discuss Surface Type, Maintenance and Site Use with Owner
Before pursuing a permeable pavement design beyond the conceptual stage, the
designer shall verify site feasibility and meet with the owner to explain the installation,
construction and maintenance requirements of the proposed permeable pavement
system. The pavement’s maintenance needs may require the owner to purchase new
equipment or contract with a new service provider. The required frequency of the
maintenance may be greater than conventional pavement in the same location. These
costs are likely the same or lower than other BMPs, but it is important to integrate
maintenance requirements into the owner’s planning for site operations.
During the discussion with the owner, the designer shall confirm assumptions about the
site use and vehicle loading. For example, a parking lot primarily used by passenger
cars may also see bus traffic or a pedestrian area may also be driven on by service
vehicles. These situations require attention to structural design, specifically base,
materials, thicknesses, soil strengths, axle loads and repetitions.
To avoid pavement clogging, pervious areas such as lawns and landscaping shall not
drain to permeable pavement. Exceptions such as site restrictions on redevelopment
projects will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The site plan shall show pervious
areas graded to flow away from the pavement or include conveyances to route pervious
surface runoff elsewhere. These conveyances shall be designed for non-erosive flow
during the 10-year, 24-hour storm event, or the local conveyance design standard,
whichever is larger.
Figure 18-4 outlines how to direct pervious surface runoff away from permeable
pavement. Impervious areas are allowed to drain to the permeable pavement with
proper design of the pavement system per this chapter. Examples of areas that may be
easily diverted onto the permeable pavement include: travel lanes in parking lots,
sidewalks, and roof drains.
Roof downspouts may be directed to the permeable pavement surface, but it is the
designer’s responsibility to ensure that downspouts are of a sufficient number and
spacing to prevent nuisance flooding. The downspouts may also drain directly into the
permeable pavement base. Designers who plan to insert a downspout through the
pavement surface should consult the DWQ-Groundwater Section’s stormwater injection
web site for guidance on reporting requirements per the Underground Injection Control
Program. Downspout outlets or ground level impervious surfaces shall not drain more
than 1,000 sf to a single point onto the permeable pavement. The area of additional BUA
draining to the pavement shall not exceed the area of the pavement itself (in other
words, a maximum 1:1 ratio of additional BUA to pavement area).
Runoff from pervious surface Runoff from pervious surface
directed away from pavement directed toward pavement.
with a vegetated conveyance
and berm.
The designer shall provide for safe conveyance of all storms in addition to the safe
conveyance of the 10-year, 24-hour storm (or other local requirements). In the event of
large storms and high intensity rainfall, the flow shall have a means to exit the
permeable pavement surface such as via sheet flow, curb cuts and swales, or perimeter
catch basins tied to a storm drain system.
Determining the infiltration rate of the in-situ soil subgrade and the elevation of the
seasonal high water table (SHWT) are the most important steps of the hydrologic design
process. The soil’s infiltration rate determines the type of permeable pavement design
(infiltration or detention) and the pavement’s capacity to treat stormwater from
additional BUA. A final measurement of the subgrade infiltration rate occurs when the
site has been graded, just prior to installation of the aggregate base or geotechnical liner.
All soil test pits, soil borings, soil permeability tests and associated documentation shall
be conducted under the direct supervision of an appropriately licensed North Carolina
design professional. During all subsurface investigations and soil test procedures,
adequate measures shall be taken to ensure personnel safety and prohibit unauthorized
access to the excavations at all times. Entering a soil pit excavated below the water table
can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided. Soil pits beneath the water table
typically indicate that the site is unsuitable for permeable pavement. Therefore, no
further soil study is needed.
Soil test pits shall be dug to the expected subgrade elevation (see Figure 18-5 below).
The number of soil test pits for a permeable pavement application shall be as follows:
Under 2,000 sf: 1 soil test pit
2,000 – 20,000 sf: 2 soil test pits
Over 20,000 sf: 1 soil test pit per 10,000 sf
Placement of the test pits shall be such that it provides adequate characterization of the
infiltration area. The total number of required soil profile pits shall be placed equidistant
from each other to provide adequate characterization of the infiltration area.
One of the most widely accepted methods for in-situ soil infiltration testing is ASTM D
3385 Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate in Field Soils Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer.
A double-ring infiltrometer consists of two concentric metal rings driven into the soil
and filled with water as shown in Figure 18-6a. The outer ring helps prevent divergent
flow within the soil. The drop in water level or volume within the inner ring is used to
calculate an infiltration rate. The infiltration rate is the depth of water per surface area
over time. The diameter of the inner ring should be approximately 50% to 70% of the
diameter of the outer ring, with a minimum inner ring size of 4 in. Double-ring
infiltrometer testing equipment designed specifically for that purpose may be
purchased. Other constant head permeability tests that utilize in-situ conditions and
accompanied by an independent published source reference can be used for establishing
the permeability rates.
In addition to an in-situ soil infiltration rate test, a soil boring shall be conducted within
each test pit. See Figure 18-6b. The boring shall extend to a depth of three feet below
the subgrade elevation or to the water table, whichever occurs first. The borings shall be
performed and reported in accordance with ASTM D 1452 Practice for Soil Investigation
and Sampling Auger Borings and ASTM D 1586 Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-
Barrel Sampling of Soils. Soil permeability tests shall be conducted on the most
hydraulically restrictive horizon or substratum below the subgrade. If the permeability
of the most restrictive soil horizon varies greatly from the results of the in-situ
infiltration test, then the licensed professional shall consider decreasing the design soil
infiltration rate accordingly.
There are some compelling reasons to design a permeable pavement system for
infiltration; it will receive credit for BUA reduction plus a higher pollutant removal
credit than a comparably sized detention system. In addition, infiltrating systems are
more compatible with a Low Impact Development (LID) approach to stormwater
because they can help maintain pre-development hydrology. However, an infiltrating
system will not work in all situations.
The first step in deciding to use an infiltration or detention system is to determine if the
proposed site is appropriate for infiltration. Detention systems with an impermeable
liner over the subgrade are required when in-situ soils become unstable when saturated
or have high shrink-swell tendencies or the site has contaminated groundwater or soils.
The second step is calculating the ponding time. Like other infiltration BMPs in North
Carolina, an infiltrating permeable pavement system shall be capable of infiltrating the
rainfall depth associated with the water quality design storm within five days. The
equation for estimating ponding time is provided below.
If the ponding time exceeds five days, then the designer can reduce the amount of
additional BUA (if any) that drains to the permeable pavement and see if this decreases
ponding time to less than five days. Otherwise, the site requires a detention system. It
shall be designed to detain the stormwater for a two to five day period. If the designer
chooses not to place an impermeable liner on the subgrade, then the system receives 85%
TSS removal credit. If an impermeable liner is needed, then the TSS credit is 70%. The
higher credit for an unlined system accounts for the enhanced exfiltration.
For any site where the stormwater is not predicted to infiltrate within 48 hours, the
DWQ advises consulting a geotechnical engineer to insure that structural pavement
design issues are properly addressed.
The subgrade bears pavement and traffic loads. In an infiltration design, the subgrade
also infiltrates the stormwater that passes through the pavement course and its
aggregate base. Whether is the pavement is designed for infiltration or detention, it is
crucial that the subgrade be almost flat, i.e., less than 0.5% slope. Besides maximizing
infiltration, a flat subgrade provides the most storage capacity within the aggregate
Terraces and baffles or graded berms can be used in the subgrade design to store
stormwater at different elevations for treatment. See Figure 18-7 below for a schematic
configuration of terraces and baffles in the subgrade. The plan drawing set shall include
a separate subsurface (subgrade) grading plan, especially for sites with baffles, berms or
Figure 18-7. Terraces and baffles under permeable pavement. Source: NCSU-BAE
18.3.8 Design Step 8: Design the Aggregate Base for the Design Storm
In addition to supporting the pavement system, the aggregate base stores the design
storm within its void spaces for infiltration or detention and release. The size of the
aggregate base stone is selected by the designer based on the needs for structural
strength and porosity. The aggregate shall be washed and have 2% or less passing the
ASTM No. 200 sieve. Fine particles from unwashed stone can clog the soil subgrade
and compromise the ability of the pavement system to store and infiltrate water. The
aggregate supplier can likely provide the percentage of voids using ASTM C29 Standard
Test Method for Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate.
The first step in designing the aggregate base is to set the aggregate depth needed for the
water quality storm. Even for an infiltrating system, the aggregate depth shall be
determined based on the assumption that no infiltration occurs during the water quality
storm. The formula for Dwq (aggregate depth for the water quality storm) is as follows:
Please note that the bedding layer of aggregated in a PICP system may not be used to
provide storage for the water quality storm.
18.3.9 Design Step 9: Design for Safe Conveyance of the 10-year, 24-hour Storm
Permeable pavement designs shall include a mechanism for safely conveying the 10-
year, 24-hour storm, which may be accomplished through infiltration, bypass, or
detention. The permeable pavement can also be designed to meet local requirements for
peak attenuation and volume control for larger storms using the same design process
described below for the 10-year, 24-hour storm.
Infiltration Design Option 1: Infiltrate requires calculation of the D10 aggregate depth
per the formula below. This formula accounts for infiltration during the storm event.
Because of this, the aggregate depth for the D10 computed using this formula may be less
than the Dwq and it may possibly be less than zero in soils with high infiltration rates. If
that is the case, then set the aggregate depth equal to Dwq. The ponding time (T) should
also be calculated per the equation shown on page 8-17. If the ponding time exceeds 10
days, then the infiltration option will not be a feasible option and another method of
bypassing the 10-year, 24-hour storm shall be used.
P10(1 R) ‐ d * i * SF
where: D10 = Aggregate depth to infiltrate the 10-year, 24-hour storm (inches)
P10 = Rainfall depth for the 10-year, 24-hour storm (inches)
R = Aa/Ap, the ratio of the additional BUA to the permeable pavement
area (between 0 and 1)
d = Storm duration (24 hours)
i = Soil infiltration rate (in./hr)
SF = Safety factor (0.2)
n = Percent voids, unitless decimal
Figure 18-8 shows suggested options for conveying the 10-year, 24-hour storm.
Infiltration Design
Suggested Options for 10‐year, 24‐hour Storm Conveyance
Infiltration Design (continued)
Suggested Options for 10‐year, 24‐hour Storm Conveyance (NCSU‐BAE 2012)
Infiltration Design (continued)
Suggested Options for 10‐year, 24‐hour Storm Conveyance (NCSU‐BAE 2012)
Figure 18-8. Infiltration design options for conveying the 10-year, 24-hour storm for
infiltration pavement designs Source: NCSU-BAE
For a detention permeable pavement system, all of the options for conveying the 10-
year, 24 hour storm require an underdrain because the stormwater does not infiltrate as
a primary means of treatment. The underdrain shall be placed on the subgrade with an
outlet equipped with a small orifice that drains the water quality storm over a period of
two to five days (minimum orifice diameter = 1 in. to prevent clogging). Provide a
parallel underdrain at the Dwq for larger storms. The routing calculations are similar to
the procedures used for wet detention basins except that the depth and head are
adjusted for the porosity of the aggregate. In addition, the weir equation is adjusted for
the flow and head losses through the underdrains.
Figure 18-9 shows suggested options for conveyance of the 10-year, 24-hour storm for
detention pavement designs.
Detention Design
Suggested Options for 10‐year, 24‐hour Storm Conveyance
Detention Design (continued)
Suggested Options for 10‐year, 24‐hour Storm Conveyance
Figure 18-9. Options for conveying the 10-year, 24-hour storm for detention pavement
designs Source: NCSU-BAE
Geogrids may be used at the top of the soil subgrade to provide additional structural
support especially in very weak, saturated soils. All manufacturer requirements shall be
followed in the design and installation.
Geotextiles consisting of permeable materials should line the sides of the aggregate base
to prevent migration of adjacent soils into it and subsequent permeability and storage
capacity reduction. This problem is more likely in sandy or loamy soils. Geotextiles are
not recommended under the aggregate base in an infiltration design because they can
accumulate fines and inhibit infiltration.
Provide a barrier on the sides and bottom of the aggregate base in a detention
design to prevent infiltration into the subgrade typically due to soil instability,
the presence of stormwater hotspots, or potential for groundwater
contamination. Geomembrane barriers reduce the credit for TSS removal from
85% to 70%.
Line the sides of the aggregate base whenever structure foundations or
conventional pavement are 20 ft or less from the permeable pavement (to avoid
the risk of structural damage due to seepage). The isolated use of geomembranes
for this purpose will not reduce the credit for TSS removal in the system.
18.3.12 Design Step 12: Edge Restraints and Intersections of Permeable and
Impermeable Pavements
18.4. Construction
18.4.2 Construction Step 2: Excavate the Pavement Area and Prepare Subgrade
Clear and excavate the area for pavement and base courses while protecting and
maintaining subgrade infiltration rates using following these steps:
Excavate in dry subgrade conditions and avoid excavating immediately after
storms without a sufficient drying period.
Do not allow equipment to cross the pavement area after excavation has begun.
Operate excavation equipment from
outside the pavement area or from
unexcavated portions of the area
using an excavation staging plan.
See Figure 18-15.
Use equipment with tracks rather
than tires to minimize soil
compaction when equipment on the
subgrade surface is unavoidable.
Dig the final 9 to 12 in. by using the
teeth of the excavator bucket to
loosen soil and do not smear the
subgrade soil surface. Final grading
or smoothing of the subgrade should
be done by hand if possible. Figure 18-15. Where possible, excavate soil
from the sides of the pavement area to
Minimize the time between
minimize subgrade compaction from
excavation and placement of the
equipment. Source: NCSU-BAE
The final subgrade slope shall not exceed 0.5%. See Design Step 6: Subgrade Grading
for more information on achieving flat subgrades. The slope of the subgrade shall be
checked before proceeding.
18.4.3 Construction Step 3: Test the Subgrade Soil Infiltration Rate (Infiltration
Systems Only)
Conduct a direct measurement of the soil’s infiltration rate immediately after excavation
and before the aggregate is placed. Infiltration rate testing shall be conducted by an
appropriately-qualified professional. See Design Step 5: Conduct In-situ Soil Testing
for soil testing methods. Depending on the contract documents, this testing might be
done by the contractor (or a subcontractor), the designer (or designer’s subcontractor), or
a third-party hired by the owner. The results of the testing shall be given to the designer
of record for review.
If the soil test shows an infiltration rate(s) that are lower than the rate(s) used in the final
design, then the designer shall check the calculations and may need to adjust the design.
First, recalculate the ponding time (T) to insure that it is still less than five days.
If the recalculated T exceeds five days, set T equal to five days and calculate the
maximum depth, Pmax, which can be infiltrated in five days as follows:
24 * 5 * i
(1 R)
where: Pmax = Depth of the storm that can be infiltrated in five days (inches)
i = Soil infiltration rate (in/hr)
R = Aa/Ap, the ratio of the additional BUA to the permeable pavement
area (between 0 and 1)
Next, calculate the added depth of aggregate that will need to be added in order to
provide adequate storage for subsequent storms:
P(1 R) ‐ Pmax
where: Dadd = Additional depth of aggregate base needed (inches)
P = Depth of the design storm (inches)
R = Aa/Ap, the ratio of the additional BUA to the permeable pavement
area (between 0 and 1)
Pmax = Depth of the storm that can be infiltrated in five days (inches)
n = Porosity (unitless decimal)
Revise the construction documents as needed to account for these changes. The DWQ
recommends that any changes to the design be discussed with the pavement design
Place the catch basins and observation wells according to the design plans and verify
that the elevations are correct.
Inspect all aggregates to insure they are clean, free of fines and conform to the plans and
specifications. If aggregates delivered to the site cannot be immediately placed into the
excavation, they should be stockpiled on an impervious surface, geotextile, or on an
impervious material to keep the aggregate free of sediment. If aggregate becomes
contaminated with sediment, then it shall be replaced with clean materials.
Before placing the aggregate base, remove any accumulation of sediments on the
finished soil subgrade. Use light, tracked equipment. If the excavated subgrade surface
is subjected to rainfall before placement of the aggregate base, the resulting surface crust
must be excavated to at least an additional 2 in. depth, raked or scarified to break up the
crust. For sites with an impermeable liner or geotextiles, remove any accumulated
sediments and check placement. Slopes and elevations shall be checked on the soil
subgrade and the finished elevation of base (after compaction) or bedding materials to
assure they conform to the plans and specifications.
All aggregate shall be spread (not dumped) by a front-end loader or from dump trucks
depositing from near the edge of the excavated area or resting directly on deposited
aggregate piles. See Figure 18-19. Moisten and spread the washed stone without driving
on the soil subgrade. Be careful not to damage underdrains and their fittings, catch
basins, or observation wells during compaction. Follow compaction recommendations
by the permeable pavement manufacturer or that from industry guidelines. See Figure
18-20. Be sure that corners, areas around utility structures and observation wells, and
transition areas to other pavements are adequately compacted. Do not crush aggregates
during compaction as this generates additional fines that may clog the soil subgrade.
Figure 18-19. A dump truck deposits Figure 18-20. Compacting the open-graded
aggregate directly into excavated area aggregate base Source: NCSU-BAE
for spreading. Source: NCSU-BAE
Edge restraints and barriers between permeable and impervious pavement shall be
installed per design. Before moving on to Construction Step 9, be certain that the design
and installation are consistent.
The bedding and pavement course installation procedures depend on the permeable
pavement surface. It is important to follow the specifications and manufacturer’s
installation instructions.
If constructing a PICP pavement, use a contractor that holds a PICP Specialist Certificate
from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute. A list of contractors can be obtained
from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute.
PC pavements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest version of ACI 522.1
Specification for Pervious Concrete. Installation of PC may be accomplished using the One-
Step or the Two-Step method. The Two-Step method is more commonly used and it
separates the steps of strike-off from pervious concrete compaction. In this method, the
pervious concrete usually requires a more traditional, stiffer mix. The One-Step method
uses a counter-rotating roller screed to simultaneously strike-off and compact the
pervious concrete. This method requires pervious concrete with a more flowable mix so
that the screed can more adequately compact the mixture. Both methods require dense-
paste pervious concrete mixtures. These mixes are defined by chemical admixtures that
reduce the viscosity of the cement paste so that it will stick to and not run off the
aggregates. The mixes provide greater cohesion that increases strength and durability.
Figure 18-22. The One-step method levels, Figure 18-23. Pervious concrete paving
strikes off and compacts the pervious lane filled between cured lanes forms a
concrete. Source: NCSU-BAE parking lot. Source: NCSU-BAE
18.4.9 Construction Step 10: Protect the Pavement through Project Completion
If is preferable to have the permeable pavement installed at the end of the site
construction timeline. If that is not possible, protect the permeable pavement until
project completion. This shall be done by:
Route construction access through other portions of the site so that no
construction traffic passes through the permeable pavement site. Install barriers
or fences as needed.
If this is not possible, protect the pavement per the construction documents.
Protection techniques that may be specified include mats, plastic sheeting,
barriers to limit access, or moving the stabilized construction entrance
Schedule street sweeping during and after construction to prevent sediment from
accumulating on the pavement.
Any deficiencies found during the as-built inspection shall be promptly addressed and
18.5. Cost
The initial cost of permeable pavement structure is usually higher than the cost of
traditional pavement structure. The additional costs are from the surfacing and the
underlying aggregate bed which is generally thicker than a conventional pavement
base. Project costs vary due to the availability of materials, transport costs, project size,
installation methods, site conditions and design goals.
When conducting a cost analysis for the site, consider savings from eliminating or
reducing cost from traditional conveyance systems, such as, curbs, gutters, and storm
drains. In addition, since permeable pavement can be used as a BMP, it can reduce or
eliminate the need for other stormwater BMPs and provide land normally designated
for stormwater management. Long-term maintenance costs should also be considered.
Overall, permeable pavement as a stormwater management measure may yield
significant long-term savings. However, construction and maintenance costs vary with
each project and should be considered for each site.
18.6. Maintenance
After the weeds are removed from paver joints, the pavement shall be swept (with a
vacuum sweeper if possible) to remove the sediment and discourage future weed
If not properly managed, future construction projects on a permeable pavement site can
convey sediment to its surface. In order to prevent pavement clogging from future
construction projects, the owner or prime contractor shall insure that the contractors on
the site:
Route construction traffic away from the permeable pavement. Sediment from
muddy tire tracks can be deposited on the pavement and sometimes the
equipment may exceed the loading pavement loading capacity.
Install and frequently inspect erosion and sediment controls.
Inspect the site to insure new grading patterns do not result in the pavement
receiving run-on from landscaped areas especially with bare soil. If this occurs,
then the site requires regrading. After re-grading, disturbed areas shall be
promptly stabilized with vegetation.
Schedule cleaning with a regenerative air or vacuum street sweeper during and
after construction.
Permeable pavement can be more effective at melting snow and ice than conventional
pavements. When snow and ice melts, the water infiltrates into the aggregate base rather
than staying on the pavement surface and refreezing. Therefore, light snow and ice
accumulation generally do not require removal. The base and soil act as a heat sink
which helps drain water before it freezes and slows the rate of surface freezing.
PICP, PC and PA can be plowed like conventional pavements. For CGP and PTRG, the
blade should be set about 1 in. higher than usual to avoid damaging them. A rubber
strip can also be applied to the blade to protect them. Piles of plowed snow shall not be
placed upon permeable pavement surfaces to avoid concentrations of dirt and sediment
when the snow eventually melts.
The simplest way to see if permeable pavement is infiltrating rain is to look for puddles
during and after a storm. Permeable pavement should not have puddles; puddles are a
sure sign of surface clogging.
Because inspection and maintenance activities may not always coincide with rain events,
NCSU developed a simple infiltration test to evaluate pavement surface clogging
severity and extent. Simple Infiltration Test procedures are available at the DWQ’s web
site for permeable pavement.
The Simple Infiltration Test shall be done on all permeable pavement applications at
least one time a year, except for single family residential lots with a total permeable
pavement area of under 2,000 sf. Whenever the Simple Infiltration Test indicates that
maintenance is needed, the design professional shall work with the owner to:
Determine the cause of the permeable pavement clogging and correct it. Previous
sections with instructions for maintenance staff, future construction projects, and
snow and ice management may assist in evaluating the cause of clogging. Efforts
to renovate the clogged pavement are short lived unless the underlying problems
are addressed.
Vacuum the pavement in accordance with the next section.
Check the observation wells to insure that the pavement is not clogging beneath
the surface.
Surface cleaning is required whenever puddles are present or surface infiltration testing
indicates that one or more areas on a permeable pavement application are clogged. The
DWQ recommends vacuum cleaning the entire pavement area rather than only the
clogged portion since the majority of the expense is equipment mobilization. Owners
are encouraged to clean PC and PA on an annual, or more frequent basis, because
surface infiltration is very difficult to restore after it has become clogged, and the surface
replacement is expensive.
The three main types of street cleaners are described below: mechanical, regenerative
air and vacuum. Vacuum or regenerative air street sweepers are required because they
are effective at cleaning the pore spaces in the pavement surface.
Regular PICP cleaning requires operator adjustment of the vacuum force from
regenerative air equipment to minimize uptake of aggregate jointing materials. In some
cases, the paver joints may require refilling. In contrast, vacuum street cleaners have
demonstrated their ability in removing as much as 3 to 4 in. of aggregates from clogged
PICP joints that have not received any cleaning for years. This cleaning can restore
surface infiltration for PICP as well for other grossly neglected permeable pavement
surfaces (Hunt NCSU-BAE).
The observation well allows the owner to determine how well the aggregate base and
underdrains are functioning. Follow these steps to inspect the observation wells:
Wait five days after a rainfall exceeding 1 in. or 1.5 in. if in a Coastal County. If no
additional rain occurs in the five days, open each observation well.
Visually assess whether water is present. If visual assessment isn’t possible, use a
yard stick or other water-level measurement method.
If water is present, the soil subgrade is clogged and/or underdrains are not
functioning. Note the locations of the observation wells with water present.
The owner (or site manager) should consult the designer or other appropriate
professional regarding possible remedies.
The designer or other appropriate design professional determines the actions needed to
restore the BMP so that it functions and achieves regulatory credit. For a detention
system, this may require repair of underdrains or other infrastructure. For an
infiltration system, this shall require subgrade infiltration rate investigation and may
lead to redesign or replacement.
Once a year, the Simple Infiltration Test shall be performed and any deficiencies in
surface permeability shall be addressed as described in Sections 18.6.4 and 18.6.5.
Table 18-4
Inspection Process and Required Remedies
18.7. Resources
Brown, R.A., Hunt, W.F., Urban Waterways: Improving Exfiltration from BMPs,
North Carolina Cooperative Extension, AG-588-17W, 2009
Hansen, K., Porous Asphalt Pavements for Stormwater Management, National Asphalt
Pavement Association, Information Series 131, Lanham, Maryland, 2008.
Leming, M. L., Malcom, H. R., and Tennis, P. D., Hydrologic Design of Pervious Concrete,
EB303, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed
Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2007.
Tyner, J. S., W. C. Wright, and P. A. Dobbs. 2009. Increasing exfiltration from pervious
concrete and temperature monitoring. J. Environ. Manage. 90(8): 2636-2641.
The chapter has been completely re-written to allow permeable pavements to be used
throughout the state over a wide array of soil types. The BUA (Built-Upon Area) reduction
credit for permeable pavements has been revised and, for the first time, permeable
pavements can be used to receive pollutant removal credit. With these changes, there is a
greater responsibility for designing, installing, and maintaining permeable pavements for
successful long-term operation. The document includes considerably more technical
guidance than in the previous chapter. The chapter now:
1. Allows permeable pavement to be used throughout the state and receive stormwater
credit. (Credit for permeable pavement was previously limited to the Coastal
Plain/Sandhills areas and soils with a minimum of 0.52 inches/hour infiltration
2. Provides a design option for pavement that detains (rather than infiltrates)
stormwater for soils with very low permeability or where other extenuating
circumstances exist (such as contaminated soils/groundwater). Permeable
pavements receive customized stormwater credits depending on whether they are
designed for infiltration or detention of stormwater.
3. Expands BUA reduction credit from 60% maximum to 75% maximum. Permeable
pavement designed to infiltrate stormwater in Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSGs) A and
B now receives credit as 75% pervious and 25% impervious. Permeable pavement
designed to infiltrate stormwater in HSGs C and D now receives credit as 50%
pervious and 50% impervious.
4. Allows permeable pavement to treat other BUA from the site that drains to it (the
ratio of additional BUA to permeable pavement area may not exceed a 1:1 ratio).
Most pavement systems receive credit for 85% TSS removal.
5. Requires a site-specific soil infiltration rate test for design purposes.
6. Maintains the requirement for 2’ separation between the bottom of the pavement
system and the seasonal high water table but added methods to reduce that
separation requirement if additional soils data is available.
7. Recommends that designers use Pervious Concrete (PC), Porous Asphalt (PA) or
Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers (PICP) as a surface course for permeable
pavement (based on field observations of permeable pavement applications in North
Carolina). Other surface courses may be used but the designer is responsible for
showing that they will work effectively.
8. Adds several design equations for calculating parameters such as ponding time and
aggregate depths for both the Water Quality Storm and the 10-year, 24-hour storm.
9. Requires observation well(s) on all sites except for single family residential lots with
a total permeable pavement area under 2,000 sf to enable monitoring of performance.
10. Requires that permeable pavements shall be designed to provide safe bypass of the
10-year, 24-hour storm. The 10-year, 24-hour storm may also be infiltrated or
11. Includes a detailed section on construction.
12. Requires signs for permeable pavement sites (except single family residential) to
emphasize the importance of proper management.
13. Requires maintenance inspections on all permeable pavement systems after
construction and periodically throughout the life of the pavement.
14. Requires a surface infiltration rate test to be performed annually to assure pavement
is infiltrating.
15. Revises the requirement for annual street sweeping and now requires sweeping only
when maintenance activities indicate problems with surface clogging.
16. Includes many additional photos and diagrams throughout the chapter to assist in
the design and construction process.
* Green roofs shall receive peak attenuation credit. A Rational C Coefficient of 0.65 shall
be used for the green roof peak runoff calculation.
** Green roofs shall receive volume reduction credit. The Simple Method shall be used to
calculate volume. The impervious fraction for the green roof will be 50% of the impervious
fraction for a standard roof. The SCS Method can not be used because a curve number has not
been specified.
*** Green roofs shall not receive nutrient credit. When using the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico
nutrient export models, the green roof shall be entered as “roof impervious”.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Useful in wide range of applications. • Can be difficult to retrofit.
• Provides effective stormwater • Main disadvantage is the potential need
management for small to mid-size events. to provide additional structural
• Conserves space. strengthening.
• Thought to extend life expectancies of • Normal garden maintenance is required
roofs, primarily by shielding from UV for roof gardens, but the location may
and temperature. make it more difficult to inspect and
• Insulates sound; 5 inches of green roof correct problems.
medium can reduce sound by 40 decibels • Rooftop detention may lead to leaks
(dB). through the roof.
• Reduces heat island effects caused by • Sediment can accumulate near the outlet
impervious surfaces, and reduces heating and cause clogging if not cleaned out
and cooling costs of the building covered. periodically.
• Proven track record in Europe and • Cost - These are among the most
numerous applications in North America. expensive practices per square foot of
• Adds aesthetic value to residential and treated area.
commercial property; provides attractive
textures and colors and creates habitat for
birds and insects.
On a roof slope greater than 20 degrees, horizontal strapping or other support systems
must be installed to avoid slippage and slumping of the growing medium and plants.
Roofs are an important source of concentrated runoff from developed sites; therefore,
rooftop runoff management can provide substantial benefits in highly urbanized
settings where space for other BMPs is limited. Rooftop runoff management BMPs are
typically applied on flat or gently sloping roofs (see Figure 19-1); however, this BMP can
also be applied with steep roofs. The techniques can be retrofitted to many
conventionally constructed buildings. If roof runoff is at least partly controlled at the
source, the size of other BMPs throughout the site can be reduced. Although rooftop
runoff management is generally more effective in controlling small storms, since the vast
majority of rain events are in this category, rooftop runoff management can be important
in planning for comprehensive stormwater management. By retaining this rainfall for
evaporation or plant transpiration, some rooftop runoff management measures, such as
vegetated roof covers, can achieve significant reductions in total annual runoff.
Although rooftop runoff management BMPs are currently not extensively used in the
United States, they do have a proven track record in Europe. In an effort to reduce
overloading of sewer systems, several German cities (including Stuttgart, Berlin,
Cologne, Dusseldorf, and Hamburg) provide incentives for homeowners to install
vegetated roof covers or roof gardens. In addition, numerous applications do exist in
North America including Vancouver, BC; Portland, OR; Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA, and
several locations in North Carolina.
The location of the green roof is very important in the design, which is influenced by
factors such as height above ground, wind exposure, and sunlight and shade by
surrounding buildings. Climate of the area and the expected microclimate created by the
roof have a bearing on plant species. For roofs with public access, visual appearance is
also important.
The main drawback is it can sometimes be very costly for the amount of stormwater
quality and quantity improvements it provides. This is because of the possibly small
fraction of overall site stormwater that can be treated by the rooftop runoff management
BMP, as well as the additional cost to the building for construction of the BMP and
possible reinforcement of the structure.
Figure 19-1
Rooftop Garden (Photo courtesy of Dr. Bill Hunt, NCSU BAE Dept.)
It should also be noted that safety is a big concern with rooftop runoff management
BMPs. Construction and maintenance are obviously performed in a location with
potential for dangerous falls. In addition, some rooftop runoff management BMPs, most
often roof gardens, are designed to have public access. Other safety concerns include
high temperatures, becoming trapped on the roof, and the possibility of the roof
structure becoming unsound and causing a fall. Designs should take all safety issues
related to the BMP being constructed on a roof into consideration and attempt to reduce
as much as possible the level of risk and exposure.
This Section discusses three techniques of rooftop runoff management: vegetated roof
covers, roof gardens, and roof ponding areas. Each of these is described briefly below.
Figure 19-2
Comparison Between Vegetative Roof Cover and Conventional Roof System
Roof Gardens
Roof gardens (which are also called intensive green roofs and can be walked on) are
landscaped environments that may include planters and potted shrubs and trees. Roof
gardens can be custom-made naturalized areas, designed for outdoor recreation, and
perched above congested city streets. Because of the special requirements for access,
structural support, and drainage, roof gardens are found most frequently in new
construction. The services of a professional engineer are required to evaluate the
structural and drainage constraints associated with roof garden design.
A listing of the major design elements is provided on the first page of this section. At a
minimum, any rooftop runoff management system must meet the major design elements
indicated as being from the North Carolina Administrative Code. To receive credit for
reduction of volume or peak flow listed in the front of this Section, the rooftop runoff
management system must meet all of the major design elements listed in the beginning
of this Section. Runoff volume and peak flow calculation methods are discussed in
Chapter 3. Green roofs seeking runoff volume reduction credit will use the Simple
Method to quantify the credit. Designers shall use an impervious fraction for a green
roof equal to half the impervious fraction for a standard roof. Green roofs seeking peak
flow reduction shall use a Rational C Coefficient equal to 0.65. Green roofs shall not
receive nutrient reduction credit. When using the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico nutrient
export models, the BMP designer will enter one of the following land uses into the
model; transportation impervious, roof impervious, managed pervious, wooded
pervious, or area taken up by the BMP. Each of these land uses has an associated
nutrient loading value associated with it. Impervious areas have higher nutrient export
values than pervious areas. Because green roofs do not receive nutrient credit, their
areas shall be entered into the model as “roof impervious”. If they were entered as one
of the other land uses with a lower nutrient export value, then they would indirectly
receive nutrient credit. This is not permissible.
19.3. Design
Because of recent advances in synthetic drainage materials, vegetated roof covers are
now feasible on most conventional flat and gently sloping roofs. A lightweight, efficient
drainage layer is placed between the growth medium and the impermeable membrane
protecting the roof surface. This layer rapidly conveys water off the roof surface and
prevents it from ponding on the roof. Vegetated roof covers also serve to protect roof
materials and prolong their life, primarily by shielding from UV and temperature
extremes. European data show that green roofs can double the life span of a roof.
Although vegetative roof covers are most effective during the growing season, they are
also beneficial during the winter months if the vegetative matter from the dead or
dormant plants is left in place and intact.
The emphasis of the design should be to promote rapid roof drainage and minimize the
weight of the system. It is advisable to obtain the services of specialized installers
because of the many factors that may influence the design.
In some instances, the impermeable lining can be the watertight tar surface, which is
conventional in flat-roof construction. However, where added protection is desired, a
layer of plastic or a rubber membrane can be installed immediately beneath the drainage
net or sheet drain.
The drainage net or sheet drain is a continuous layer that underlies the entire cover
system. A variety of lightweight, high-performance drainage products function well in
this environment. The product selected should be capable of conveying the discharge
associated with the design storm without ponding water on top of the roof cover. The
drainage layer must have a good hydraulic connection to the roof gutters, drains, and
downspouts. To prevent the growth medium from clogging the drainage layer and to
prevent roots from penetrating the roof surface, a geotextile should be installed
immediately over the drainage net or sheet drain. Some products have the geotextile
bonded to the upper surface of the drainage material. A root retardant (such as copper
sulfate) is typically included in this geotextile.
The depth of the growth medium should be as small as the cover vegetation will allow,
which is typically 3 to 6 inches. Low-density substrate materials with good water-
retention capacity (e.g., mixtures containing expanded slate, expanded shale, expanded
clay, and terra cotta) should be specified. Media appropriate for this application will
retain 40 to 60 percent water by weight and have bulk dry densities between 35 and
50 lb/ft3. The make up of the media will vary depending on the types of plants used, but
an example media make up would be 55% expanded Slate, 30% root zone sand, and 15%
compost. Care should be taken when specifying compost because it will eventually break
down over time and the depth of the media will therefore decrease. A photograph of
expanded slate is provided in Figure 19-3. Earth and topsoil are too heavy for most
applications, as well as being too wet for succulent and other recommended vegetation
and too dry for grasses.
Figure 19-3
Expanded Slate Vegetation
A limited number of plants can thrive in the roof environment where periodic rainfall
alternates with periods that are hot and dry. Effective plant species must: tolerate mildly
acidic conditions and poor soil, prefer very well-drained conditions and full sun, tolerate
dry soil, and be vigorous colonizers. It should also be noted that conditions can be much
wetter for longer periods near a gutter or drain and dryer near the peaks. Succulents
have shown to be very successful in vegetative roof covers, and are preferred to grasses.
Both annual and perennial plants can be used. Vegetative roof covers may need
provisions for occasional watering (e.g., conventional lawn sprinklers) during extended
dry periods. A vegetation plan prepared by a horticulturalist versed in green roof
vegetation is required. Hydraulics
Vegetative roof covers influence the runoff hydrograph in two ways: intercepting
rainfall during the early part of a storm, and limiting the release rate. Hydrologic
properties are specific to the growth medium. If information is not provided by the
supplier, prospective media should be laboratory-tested to establish:
− Porosity
− Moisture content at field capacity
− Moisture content at the wilting point
− Saturated hydraulic conductivity
Rainfall retention properties are related to field capacity and wilting point. Appropriate
media for this application should be capable of retaining water at the rate of 40 percent
by weight, or greater. The medium must be uniformly screened and blended to achieve
its rainfall retention potential. During the early phases of a storm, the media and root
systems of the cover intercept and retain most of the rainfall, up to the retention
capacity. For instance, a 3-inch cover with 40 percent retention potential effectively
controls the first 1.2-inch of rainfall. Although some water percolates through the cover
during this period, this quantity is generally negligible compared to the direct runoff
rate without the cover in place. Studies on several green roofs in North Carolina show
capture volumes ranging from 0.5” to 1.2” (Moran et al, 2005). Capture rates are
dependent on rainfall intensity, antecedent rainfall, time of year, evapotranspiration,
and roof pitch. Green roofs on pitches steeper than 1:12 do not function as well as for
water quality and quantity control. Vegetated roof covers should be kept on slopes of 8
percent or less, if they are being used to mitigate water quality or quantity.
Once the field capacity of the cover is attained, water drains freely through the medium
at a rate that is approximately equal to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the
medium. The maximum release rate from the roof can be controlled by selecting the
appropriate medium. The medium is a mechanism for “buffering” or attenuating the
peak runoff rates from roofed areas. The attenuation can be important even for large
storms. By using specific information about the hydraulic properties of the cover
medium, the effect of the roof cover system on the runoff hydrograph can be
Drainage nets or sheet drains with transmissivities of 15 gallons per minute per foot or
higher are recommended. When assessing a drainage layer design, designers should
evaluate the roof topography to establish the longest travel distances to a roof gutter,
drain, or downspout. If flow converges near drains and gutters, the design unit flow rate
should be increased accordingly. The drainage layer should be able to convey the design
unit flow rate at the roof grade without water ponding on top of the cover medium.
For storms larger than the design storm, direct roof runoff will occur. The design flow
rates should be based on the largest runoff peak attenuation considered in the design of
the vegetated roof cover.
Roof designs are dictated by state and local building codes and standards. They must
account for maximum design loads contributed by dead loads, live loads, and snow or
water accumulation. The design of a vegetative roof cover can alter the dead loads to
the system and it should therefore be closely coordinated with the structural design of
the building. Dead loads for vegetated roof covers include the planting medium,
vegetation, drainage system, and water in the pore space. However, the additional
weight is partly offset by the removal of the gravel ballast.
By using appropriate materials, the total weight of fully saturated vegetated roof covers
can readily be maintained below 35 pounds per square foot (psf). Vegetative roof covers
in North Carolina tend to weigh between 30 and 35 psf in addition to other dead, live
and/or snow loads.
It is also possible that the minimum weight design focus for the vegetated roof cover
might be too light to satisfy the ballast requirements for flat tar roofs. As required,
deepening the medium can increase the weight of the cover system.
Roof gardens generally are designed to achieve specific architectural objectives. The load
and hydraulic requirements for roof gardens vary according to the intended use of the
space. Intensive roof gardens typically include design elements such as planters filled
with topsoil, decorative gravel or stone, and containers for trees and shrubs. Complete
designs also may detain runoff ponding in the form of water gardens or storage in
gravel beds. A wide range of hydrologic principles may be used to achieve stormwater
management objectives, including runoff peak attenuation and runoff volume control.
Effective designs ensure that all direct rainfall is cycled through one or more devices
before being discharged to downspouts as runoff. For instance, rainfall collected on a
raised tile patio can be directed to a medium-filled planter where some water is retained
in the root zone and some is detained and gradually discharged through an overflow to
the downspout.
Roof ponding measures can be designed for rainfall events of all sizes. However, the
structural loads associated with the impounded runoff may impose limitations on their
use. This is especially true if ponding areas must also accommodate runoff derived from
adjacent roof surfaces.
Flat roofs can be converted to ponding areas by restricting the flow to downspouts.
Figure 19-4 shows a simple device that can be used to modify downspout inlets. The
device features drain holes that retard outflow as the water level rises and a weir ring
that allows free drainage once the design ponding level is attained. It is essential that a
structural engineer verify that the existing roof can carry this extra weight. Some form of
emergency overflow is advisable and can be as simple as a free overflow through a
notch in the roof parapet wall.
Figure 19-4
Modification of Downspout Inlet (Adapted from Tourbier, 1974)
The inputs needed for analysis of roof ponding systems are similar to those needed for
design of dry ponds and other runoff peak attenuation facilities. The necessary inputs
− Input hydrograph
− Depth-storage function
− Depth-discharge function
Because the roof is impermeable, the runoff hydrograph is simply the rainfall
distribution for the design storm multiplied by the area of the roof.
The depth to storage relationship can be computed from the topography of the roof. For
perfectly flat roofs, the storage volume of a ponding level is equal to the roof area times
the ponding level.
The depth-discharge relationship is unique to the outlet device used. For simple
ponding rings, the following discharge equation can be used:
With this information, the attenuation effectiveness of the roof ponding system can be
predicted by using the Modified Puls or other storage-routing procedure. The
performance of the ponding area can be adjusted by changing the height or diameter of
the ponding ring.
19.3.4. Cisterns
Cisterns, or rainbarrels, are a method of collecting and storing rainwater for future use.
Uses include irrigation, vehicle washing, toilet flushing, and laundry operation.
Cisterns are effective for reducing runoff if they are used correctly. Cisterns must be
designed to capture an appropriate volume of water that will be re-used onsite on a
regular basis. Cisterns that are not used regularly will remain full, not collect rainfall
from future storms, and not reduce runoff. Cistern pumps can be included in a design
where an increase in water pressure is needed. Pumps should be designed to
accommodate the necessary pressure and flow for the system.
19.4. Construction
The main construction guideline is to engage professionals who are experienced with
rooftop runoff management BMP installation, and preferably who can undertake all
phases of the project from waterproofing to planting.
Additional loading is one of the main factors controlling the feasibility and cost of a
rooftop runoff management BMP. New extensive green roofs can be accommodated in
building design for a minor additional cost. Rooftop runoff management BMPs on an
existing building need to consider the bearing capacity of the structure. It is also possible
to use roof areas where point loading can be increased over columns or along a bearing
wall, to allow areas for deeper growing medium and larger plants. A structural engineer
must be consulted and verify roof and structure strength.
Access to the roof is required for inspection and maintenance. For example, materials
need to be carried to the roof for soil and plant replacements. Suitable exterior or interior
access or elevator stops need to be provided to allow this access. For 1 to 3 story
structures, blower trucks or shingle lifts may be used.
If the waterproof membrane contains organic material (e.g., bitumen) plant roots may
penetrate it. Also, the chemical composition of the membrane should be compatible with
the surfaces with which it will be in contact. Membranes developed specifically for
rooftop runoff management BMPs contain a root-deterring chemical or metal foil at the
seams to prevent root damage (Peck and Kuhn, 2004).
On a roof slope greater than 20 degrees, horizontal strapping or other support systems
must be installed to avoid slippage and slumping of the growing medium and plants.
The timing of planting depends on the local climate and season. Planting in the summer
may require additional irrigation. Fall planting depends on the availability of plants and
whether there is sufficient time to allow for the plants to become established before late
winter. Mid-spring planting (Feb – Apr) is recommended for much of North Carolina.
Rooftop runoff management BMPs constructed in the mountains are best planted Mar –
19.5. Maintenance
Please refer to Section 7.0, General BMP Maintenance, for information on types of
maintenance, typical frequency, and specific maintenance tasks that are common to all
BMPs. The following information is maintenance that is specific to rooftop runoff
management BMPs.
Two to three yearly inspections are recommended to check for weeds and damage. After
installation, weekly visits may be needed to ascertain the need for irrigation.
Both plant maintenance and maintenance of the waterproofing membrane are required.
All rooftop runoff management measures must be maintained periodically.
Furthermore, the vegetative measures require routine care and maintenance typical of
any planted area. The maintenance includes attention to plant nutritional needs,
irrigation as required during dry periods, and occasional weeding. The cost of
maintenance can be significantly reduced by judiciously selecting hardy plants that will
out-compete weeds. In general, fertilizers must be applied periodically. Fertilizing
usually is not a problem on flat or gently sloping roofs where access is unimpeded and
fertilizers can be uniformly broadcast. However fertilization is not recommended if the
roof is to be used for water quality improvement. Treading on the cover system should
not damage properly designed vegetated roof covers. Maintenance contracts for routine
care of the vegetative cover frequently can be negotiated with the installer.
Retrofits of existing roofs must incorporate easy access to gutters, drains, spouts, and
other components of the roof drainage system. Foreign matter, including leaves and
litter, should be removed promptly.
The rooftop runoff management system will be inspected once a quarter and within 24
hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal
County). Records of inspection and maintenance will be kept in a known set location
and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
Advantages Disadvantages
− Can be cheaper than traditional − Generally, performance in North Carolina
technologies for stormwater treatment. installations is not yet well documented.
− Typically requires less land surface than − Underground installations are not readily
traditional technologies. inspected, and typically lack provisions to
− May be engineered to target specific warn of impending failure.
pollutants. − Because of reduced size compared to
− May find applications where available traditional technologies, maintenance
land is extremely limited. actions may be more frequent.
− May allow dual use of the land surface, − The additional monitoring requirements
since some systems are underground. placed on proprietary systems can
discourage some potential owners.
− Projects featuring proprietary BMPs may
take longer to review and approve.
Due to the wide variety of potential design concepts and details, additional design, performance,
and monitoring requirements may be developed on a case-by-case, or project basis by DWQ.
Many different proprietary devices, or manufactured BMPs, are available for the treatment
of stormwater. Many, although not all, proprietary BMPs can be classified into two major
groups: separation devices and filtration devices. Typically separation devices can be
further subdivided into two types: chambered and hydrodynamic. In chambered BMPs,
runoff passes through several chambers where settling of sediment particles and flotation of
hydrocarbons takes place. Hydrodynamic devices typically impart a swirling motion to the
incoming flow that aids in settling of sediment particles. Filtration BMPs typically pass
runoff through filter cartridges or filter media, thereby removing some fraction of the solid
pollutants from the stormwater.
Regular inspection, maintenance, and clean out of proprietary systems is required. Because
many proprietary devices are smaller than traditional BMPs, more frequent maintenance
should be expected. As with all BMPs, proprietary systems should be inspected after large
storm events.
To obtain a DWQ permit for a project that includes the installation of a proprietary
stormwater treatment system, the proprietary system must meet all of the Major Design
Elements listed in the beginning of this section. Since individual proprietary systems are
extremely variable in design details, design concepts, and pollutant removal mechanisms, it
is not currently possible to provide a category-wide set of detailed design parameters for
proprietary systems. DWQ typically approaches permitting requirements on a case-by-case
basis, and determines additional requirements in accordance with the receiving water
classification, the site conditions, the specifics of the device, the target pollutants and
removal rates, and any other rule requirements of the DWQ-administered regulatory
In 1997 DWQ established the Preliminary Evaluation Period (PEP) program. The PEP
program is designed to allow DWQ to evaluate the performance of proprietary devices with
the goal of subsequently being able to qualify successful candidate technologies as satisfying
the requirements of DWQ-administered stormwater programs.
DWQ’s PEP program provides for the installation of the candidate technology at a small,
limited number of DWQ-permitted sites. For each candidate technology, DWQ will develop
the PEP requirements applicable to the technology. Further, DWQ requires an installation-
specific project plan, a monitoring plan, and an interpretation of the collected data from the
permitted site. In past PEP projects DWQ has required a year of data, with an established
minimum number of qualifying storm events. DWQ’s favorable interpretation of the first
data set allows the candidate technology to continue in the PEP program, but at another in-
state location. After a small number of data sets are in hand, DWQ will establish the
assigned removal rates, design loading limitations, and design particulars for the candidate
proprietary technology. The intent is that with the performance characterizations and
constraints derived from the test locations, DWQ can then provide qualified approval of the
equipment for use in DWQ-administered stormwater control programs.
Despite having the outline of the PEP program in place since 1997, there have been few
enrollees in the program. The program is slowly evolving, and it is likely that DWQ will
adjust the technical requirements and the procedural requirements as we gain additional
experience in the program. As currently implemented on a case-by-case basis, the PEP
process is highly collaborative, with necessary participation by the owner, the designer, the
equipment vendor, and DWQ. Because of this, DWQ’s time to review and approve projects
with proprietary BMPs should be expected to be protracted beyond the time typically
required to review and approve permit applications featuring traditional BMPs.
Two DWQ memoranda from 1997 and 2001 establishing the guidelines of the DWQ PEP
program are appended at the end of this chapter.
Caution: This BMP Manual lists proprietary technology that has been tested in North
Carolina. The performance has been evaluated based on the equipment specifications
below. In addition to conformity with the equipment specifications listed, any stormwater
control system must also meet the full requirements of the regulatory program under which
it is being installed. This BMP Manual listing does not supersede, replace, or otherwise invalidate
in any way the rule requirements of the governing regulatory program. See Section 20.2 of this
BMP Manual chapter for clarification; see also Chapter 2 of this BMP Manual. In every
particular, the selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of proprietary
devices by permittees, owners, operators, installers, contractors, and/or designers
must comply with the governing North Carolina Administrative Code rules of the
specific regulatory program under which any proprietary technologies are
The following proprietary systems are approved via the PEP program for use in DWQ-
administered programs. Any DWQ permit applications that use these systems must be
based on equipment with the same specifications that were tested for approval. Any future
changes to the configuration, design, or technology must be approved in writing by DWQ’s
Stormwater Permitting Unit.
DWQ is alert to mixed results from other states as to the success of other programs intended
to qualify proprietary devices. Should DWQ conclude that subsequent installations indicate
that a PEP-approved technology has not reliably achieved the required results in our
programs, we may revisit and revoke our PEP approval.
20.4.1 StormFilter by Contech. PEP trials conducted 2005-2006, and 2011. DWQ
approved 9/1/2012.
Regulatory Credits
Pollutant Removal
85% Total Suspended Solids
A StormFilter is a patented treatment BMP that filters water through granular media
cartridges. The StormFilter design is based on mass loading calculations that result in an
anticipated minimum 1 year maintenance cycle for the system. The systems typically are
configured as an underground vault containing cylindrical filter cartridges. The number of
cartridges is determined by the site-specific flow rate and flow volume to be treated in
accordance with the specific applicable DWQ regulations.
The 85% TSS removal credit is granted for StormFilter units designed and manufactured to
the following equipment specifications:
• 1 gpm/sf maximum annular media loading rate;
• Typically, upstream storage in the form of a forebay or other tankage is required to
capture the required water quality volume (WQV). For projects regulated under 15A
NCAC 2H .1008(h) the required storage is 75% WQV, similar to the sand filter storage
requirements reported in Chapter 11.
• Media: Perlite
• Cartridges shall be generally configured as shown in Figure 1. DWQ may interpret
individual proposed StormFilter installations as to significance and compliance with
this equipment specification on a case-by-case basis.
The designer must first understand what water quality rules his project is subject to. North
Carolina has several overlapping stormwater control regulatory programs, and the
designer’s misunderstanding on this point can significantly impede DWQ’s efficient turn-
around of his/her client’s permit application.
Review the approved equipment specifications and contact the manufacturer for specific
design assistance. Determine if, in addition to the approved proprietary technology BMP,
the whole stormwater control system requires any additional common stormwater
treatment system elements (found in Chapter 5). Evaluate the on-going operation and
maintenance burden placed on the owner or operator.
Most regulatory programs require the treatment and control of the runoff from a specific
size rainfall event, usually described in terms of a rainfall amount, or a rainfall return
frequency. Typically the design of the system must provide enough storage for the water
quality volume for the design storm (typically 1”, 1.5” or pre/post). Chapter 3, Stormwater
Calculations, generally presents the volumetric calculations for sizing BMPs.
Given the fact that approved systems will vary in pollutant removal methods and in
proprietary details of the equipment, this section does not provide detail design guidelines.
The project designer should rely on DWQ’s approved specs and the manufacturer’s
technical staff for correct equipment design and selection. The project designer should
develop construction contract documents establishing the construction sequencing
requirements needed to protect the system from overloading during construction. Again,
the project designer has the lead responsibility for meeting all regulatory requirements for
the jurisdiction and program that has regulatory authority.
Example design basis under 15A NCAC 2H .1008(h), Alternative Design Criteria:
The system design must take into account the runoff resulting from the 1” or 1.5”
design storm at the ultimate build-out potential.
The system must achieve 85% average annual removal of TSS from the stormwater
Either: the discharge rate of the treatment volume shall completely draw down
between 2 and 5 days;
Or: the discharge rate from the system must be controlled so that the post-
development rate is no greater than the pre-development rate for the 1-year, 24-hour
rain event.
Under 15A NCAC 2H .1000 rules: a site-specific Operation and Maintenance Plan must be
included in the permit application submittal to DWQ.
Under 15A NCAC 2H .1000 rules: The system designer must be licensed in North Carolina
for the design of the type of system proposed. And, the system designer must subsequently
certify that:
• The stormwater system was inspected during its construction;
• The stormwater system has been constructed in substantial conformity with the
approved plans and specs;
• The stormwater system complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .1000.
23. References
(This chapter is presently being updated and will be republished soon.)
ASCE. 1975.
Bean, E.Z. A field Study to Evaluate Permeable Pavement Surface Infiltration Rates
Runoff Quantity, runoff Quality and Exfiltrate Quality. Raleigh, North Carolina: MS
Thesis, North Carolina State University, 2005.
Brady, N.C., and R. Weil. The Nature and Property of Soils. 14th Edition. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007.
Driscoll, E. Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for Control of Urban Runoff
Quality. EPA440/5-87-001. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water,
Nonpoint Source Branch, Washington, DC: 1986.
Evans, Erv. Mulching Trees and Shrubs. Consumer Horticulture Fact Sheet. Raleigh,
NC: NC State University Cooperative Extension, 2000.
new/text/mulching.html. Accessed 10 May 2007.
French. 1985.
Hathaway. 2006.
Hinman, Curtis. Low Impact Development: Technical Guidance Manual for Pugent
Sound. Olympia, WA: Puget Sound Action Team, Washington State University, Pierce
County Extension, 2005.
Hunt, W.F. BAE 575 Course Materials. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State
University, BAE, Spring 2007.
Hunt, W.F., and Doll B.A. Designing Stormwater Wetlands for Small Watersheds.
Urban Waterways Series. AG-588-2. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State
University, 2000.
Hunt, W.F., and N.M. White. Designing Rain Gardens/Bioretention Areas. North
Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin. Urban Waterfronts Series. AG-588-3.
Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State University, 2001.
Hunt, W.F., and W.G. Lord. Bioretention Performance, Design, Construction and
Maintenance. Urban Waterways Series. AGW-588-05. Raleigh, North Carolina: North
Carolina State University, 2006.
Kadlec, R. H., and R. L. Knight. Treatment Wetlands. Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis
Publishers, 1996.
Kim, H., E.A. Seagren, and A.P. Davis. Engineered Bioretention for Removal of Nitrate
from Stormwater Runoff. Water Environment Research, 75:355-367, 2003
Malcom, H.R. Elements of Urban Stormwater Design. Raleigh, North Carolina: North
Carolina State University, 1989.
Malcom. 1999.
Millen, J.A., A.R. Jarrett, and J.W. Faircloth. Reducing Sediment Discharge from
Sediment Basins with Barriers and a Skimmer. ASAE Microfiche 96-2056, 1996.
Moran, A.C., W.F. Hunt, and G.D. Jennings. “A North Carolina Field Study to Evaluate
Green Roof Quantity, Runoff Quality, and Plant Growth.” Portland, Oregon: In
Proceedings of Green Roofs for Heathy Cities Conference, 2004.
NCDENR, DLR. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Raleigh,
North Carolina: 2006.
NCDENR, DWQ. Neuse River Basin: Model Stormwater Program for Nitrogen Control.
Raleigh, North Carolina: 1999. (July 18, 2005).
NCDENR, DWQ. Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Model Stormwater Program for Nutrient
Control. Raleigh, North Carolina: 2003. (July 18, 2005).
Reed. 1988.
Schueler, T.R. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and
Designing Urban BMPs. Department of Environmental Programs, Metropolitan
Washington Council of Governments: 1987.
Shaver. 1992.
Tourbier, 1974
U.S. Soil Conservation Service. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical
Release 55. Washington, DC: 1986.
Wossink, A., and W. Hunt. An Evaluation of Cost and Benefits of Structural Stormwater
Best Management Practices in North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina
Cooperative Extension Service, 2003.
Disconnected Impervious Surface (DIS)
is the practice of directing stormwater
runoff from built-upon areas to
properly sized, sloped and vegetated
pervious surfaces. Both roofs and
paved areas can be disconnected with
slightly differing designs. DIS is low
cost and has been proven to reduce the
volume and flows associated with
stormwater runoff.
Design Objective
DIS directs stormwater from impervious surfaces to a vegetated area for treatment via
infiltration and filtration. The loading ratio shall be at a minimum of 7:1 for (rooftop area :
vegetated area) or 10:1 for (pavement area : vegetated area).
Stormwater Credits
Runoff Reduction Varies from 30% to 100% reduction of the runoff volume from the
design storm based on the soil type and size of vegetated receiving
area. See Section 24.2.
TSS removal 30% to 85% reduction of the annual Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mass
load based on the soil type and size of vegetated receiving area. See
Section 24.2.
Nutrient removal 30% reduction of the annual Total Nitrogen (TN) mass load.
35% reduction of the annual Total Phosphorus (TP) mass load.
BUA Status For the purpose of high/low density calculations, the footprint of the
roof or paved area shall be considered impervious and the footprint of
the vegetated receiving area shall be considered pervious.
The photo shows a disconnected downspout on a residential lawn in Durham, NC (Carmen, NCSU)
Throughout the table below and the chapter, three different imperatives are used with
the following intended meanings:
“Shall” is used for items that are required to receive straightforward approval of
the design as well as the regulatory credits summarized on page 24-1.
“Should” is used for items that are recommended for good design practice and
optimum performance.
“May” is used for items that are options to consider in the context of the specific
DIS application.
Design professionals desiring to deviate from this chapter shall provide technical
justification that their design is equally or more protective of water quality (vague,
anecdotal or isolated evidence is not acceptable). Review staff shall consider deviations
from the required items in this chapter on a case-by-case basis. Alternative designs may
receive lower regulatory credits.
1. For disconnected roofs, a maximum of 300 square feet of roof shall drain to each
disconnected downspout unless a device (like a level spreader) is provided to spread the
flow evenly across the entire width of the vegetated receiving area. If there is a
spreading device, then the drainage area may be increased to 500 square feet. The
receiving vegetated area shall be a rectangle of either 6 by 12 feet or 12 by 24 feet (width
of vegetated area by length of run in direction of flow). The entire rectangle shall not
include any impervious surface to ensure that water released from the roof does not run
onto another impervious surface.
2. For disconnected pavement, the receiving vegetated area shall be either 10 or 15 feet
long. The maximum width of pavement run that may discharge to the vegetated area is
100 feet and the maximum slope of the pavement shall be 7 percent.
3. The vegetated area shall have a maximum slope of 7 percent with land graded to
promote sheet flow, except in A soils where the maximum slope is 15 percent.
4. If the vegetated area is established on fill soils that are less permeable than the in-situ
soils, then the soil type for crediting purposes shall be based on the fill soils. However, if
the fill soils are more permeable than the in-situ soils, then the soil type for crediting shall
reflect the in-situ soil type.
5. The vegetated receiving area shall not contain any impervious surface.
6. The vegetated cover shall be established dense lawn with no clumping species.
7. All sites built within the past fifty years shall be tilled to eight inches prior to vegetation
8. Recommended: A minimum separation of five feet should be provided between the
disconnected downspout and the foundation.
There are two types of DIS discussed in this chapter: downspout disconnection and
pavement disconnection. Design elements that apply to both are:
The vegetated receiving area shall not include any impervious surface.
The vegetated receiving area shall have a maximum slope of 7% for B, C and D
soils and 15% for A soils with land graded to promote diffuse flow in all
directions. Vegetative cover shall be established dense lawn with no clumping
All sites built within the past fifty years shall be tilled down to eight inches prior
to vegetation establishment.
Recommended: There should be a minimum 5-foot distance between building
foundation and vegetated area receiving runoff.
For downspout disconnection, the roof’s downspout is directed to a vegetated area that
is either 6 by 12 feet or 12 by 24 feet depending on the space available and credit sought.
The maximum roof surface area directed to any downspout disconnection is 300 square
feet. The red hatched areas around the perimeter of the built-upon areas on the lot show
the recommended five-foot setback from building foundations.
For disconnected paved areas, the vegetated area is either 10 or 15 feet in length
depending on the amount of space available and credit sought. A gravel verge or other
transition shall be provided between the edge of the paved surface and the vegetated
area. The maximum run of the flow on the pavement is 100 feet and the maximum slope
of the pavement is 7 percent.
DIS shall meet the minimum elements to receive credit for volume and nutrient
reduction. The credits listed below are based on the Hydrologic Soil Group. As
an alternative to the NRCS soil survey for determining soil type, on-site infiltration tests
may be conducted to prove higher infiltration rates than shown by the soils report and
subsequent higher volume reduction credit.
It is possible that soil amendments will improve the performance of DIS. In NCSU’s
downspout disconnection study being conducted in Durham, NC, soils were amended
in the fall of 2013 and the monitor period is January – September 2014. This study will
provide information on soil amendment's possible effect on DIS performance and the
associated possible increase in volume reduction credit of sites with amended soils.
DIS shall receive the following credits if designed, constructed and maintained in
accordance with this chapter. These credits are based on research conducted by
NCSU’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Please note that Type 3
DIS receives credit for 85% TSS removal reduction but its use is limited to sites with less
than 24% built-upon area overall.
If the vegetated area is established on fill soils that are less permeable than the in-situ
soils, then the soil type for crediting purposes shall be based on the fill soils. However,
if the fill soils are more permeable than the in-situ soils, then the soil type for crediting
shall reflect the in-situ soil type.
There are many concerns when determining if and how DIS can be used at a specific
site. These are listed in Table 24-3 below.
Installation Size The size of disconnected roof areas is limited to a maximum of 300 square
feet per downspout. Paved areas are limited to a 100-foot run of
pavement; however, there is no limit to the length of pavement that may
be disconnected. This will allow most standard roadway cross-sections to
be disconnected provided that there is an adequate width of vegetated
area in the right-of-way.
Buffers and The vegetated receiving area may be allowed within Zone 2 of protected
setbacks riparian buffers or the setbacks required under Phase II, WS, Coastal
Counties, HQW, ORW or other stormwater programs.
Proximity to water No setback from water supply wells is required for DIS.
supply wells
Status of the site DIS can be used on either high or low density sites. On high density sites,
as high or low DIS can reduce required BMP volumes. However, DIS may be impractical
density on highly built-out sites that do not have vegetated areas available to
receive stormwater runoff. On low density sites, as much impervious
surface as possible should be handled as DIS.
Soil type DIS may be used on any soil type, although the credit will vary.
Site slopes In B, C and D soils, the vegetated areas associated with DIS shall have a
slope of seven percent or less. In A soils, the slope may not exceed 15
percent. It may not be cost-effective to meet the requirement for gently
sloping vegetated surface on a steep site.
Seasonal high There are no seasonal high water table requirements associated with DIS.
water table
Stormwater DIS shall not be used to treat stormwater hotspots – areas where
hotspots concentrations of pollutants such as oils and grease, heavy metals and
toxic chemicals are likely to be significantly higher than in typical
stormwater runoff.
24.4. Design
The design standards for DIS are based on providing a minimum loading ratio of 7:1 for
(rooftop area : vegetated area) or 10:1 for (pavement area : vegetated area). Lower
loading ratios receive higher credits as explained above. These loading ratios ensure a
significant level of infiltration for stormwater and significant pollutant reductions.
Before pursuing a DIS beyond the conceptual stage, the designer shall verify site
feasibility and meet with the owner to explain the installation, construction and
maintenance requirements of the proposed DIS. These costs are likely lower than other
BMPs, but it is important to integrate maintenance requirements into the owner’s
planning for site operations.
For disconnected roofs, the gutter system shall be designed so that no more than 300
square feet of roof flows to each downspout if the downspout releases at a single point as
shown in Figure 24-3. If the flow is distributed evenly across the vegetated area via a
spreading device such as a level spreader, then up to 500 square feet of rooftop may flow
to the downspout. Most designs require the use of a converter joint as shown below.
Figure 24-3. Disconnected downspouts on the left and a converter joint on the right
(Carmen, NCSU)
Figure 24-4 shows two potential problems with downspout disconnection. In Figure 24-
4a, the converter joint was omitted and instead the four-inch corrugated plastic pipe was
split. This weakens the structure and the pipe will most likely continue to split over time.
In Figure 24-4b, the downspout releases onto a sidewalk instead of vegetated area.
Additionally the sidewalk is graded to collect water.
There are many possible outlet configurations for a disconnected downspout. Figure 24-5
shows a variety of possibilities. All outlet configurations should be designed with
maintenance in mind. As mentioned above, outlet configurations that are equipped with a
durable means of spreading the flow evenly across the vegetated filter strip shall be able
to serve a larger rooftop area.
For disconnected pavement, a stone verge or concrete edge restraint should be used
between contributing pavement and receiving vegetated area.
If appropriate vegetation is not already established on site, then seed blend application
is recommended. Seed blends should be selected based on shade/sun exposure of
vegetated area and regional climate within North Carolina. A non-clumping species
should be selected. Sod should not be grown in a clay base or otherwise should be
Forested areas are not recommended as vegetated receiving areas because uneven
micro-topography often causes channelization, which reduces surface area exposed to
24.5. Construction
For an existing home, downspouts can be disconnected easily with minimum effort and
expense if there is already an appropriately sized, sloped and vegetated area on the lot.
For a new construction project, a preconstruction meeting is highly recommended to
ensure contractors understand the locations and function of the DIS. Contractors will
need to understand the need to construct the site drainage system according to the
plans. Also, contractors shall grade and till the vegetated receiving areas as one of the
last steps in the site construction process. A preconstruction meeting is also an
opportunity to discuss other unique construction considerations for DIS.
The downspout system shall be installed per the plans. In the field, verify that the
downspout system has been installed correctly and that the drainage areas do not
exceed the allowable design standards.
24.5.3 Construction Step 3: Grade, Prepare and Plant the Vegetated Receiving Area
It is important to ensure that the vegetated receiving areas are uniformly graded with no
gullies, low spots or lateral slopes. Soils should be tilled to a depth of 8 inches unless
this is an existing site that was built more than 50 years ago.
When the sod is brought to the site, inspect it to be certain that it does not have a clay
base or has been washed. A one-time fertilizer application and regular watering should
be conducted to establish the vegetation in a DIS.
For a downspout disconnection system, the vegetated receiving area shall be kept off-
line until vegetation has been established. For disconnected pavement, soils should be
stabilized with temporary means such as straw or matting until the permanent
vegetative cover has taken root.
Any deficiencies found during the as-built inspection shall be promptly addressed and
24.6. Cost
The cost of designing, constructing and maintaining DIS is very low – in fact, negligible
in many cases. In fact, using DIS whenever possible can reduce or eliminate costs
associated with traditional conveyance systems, such as, curbs, gutters, and storm
drains. In addition, since DIS can be used to reduce runoff and pollutant loadings, it can
reduce or eliminate the need for other stormwater BMPs and open-up land normally
designated for stormwater management. Long-term maintenance of DIS is only slightly
greater than maintaining a typical grassed area. It will be important to inspect the
vegetated receiving area quarterly and address any erosion problems or other issues
If using DIS as a retrofit on existing developed sites, some basic supplies will be needed
including enough 4-inch HDPE corrugated pipe to route downspout to lawn, a
converter joint, screws and a splash block (the splash block is recommended, not
required). Based on Lowe’s Home Improvement prices, disconnecting a downspout can
be done for less than $37. Then each additional downspout can be disconnected for less
than $16 (these prices do not include the cost of splash blocks).
24.7. Maintenance
After DIS is constructed, it shall be inspected once a quarter. The inspector shall check
each component and address any deficiencies in accordance with Table 24-4 below. The
person responsible for maintaining the DIS shall keep a signed and notarized Operation
and Maintenance Agreement and inspection records. These records shall be available
upon request.
At all times, the roof area shall be maintained to reduce the debris and sediment load to
the system. Excess debris can clog the system and lead to bypass of the design storm
and reduced infiltration and pollutant removal.
Table 24-4
Inspection Process and Required Remedies for DIS
Roadways & parking lots Runoff flows to the pervious Remove any sediment or
(if applicable) area as concentrated flow obstructions at the pavement-
vegetate area interface.
The aggregate transition area Repair or replace the transition area
or concrete edge restraint is or concrete edge restraint.
cracked, settled, undercut,
eroded or otherwise
The pervious area Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to
erosive gullies have formed remove the gully and re-seed and
water until it is established. Provide
lime and a one-time fertilizer
Trees or shrubs have begun Remove them.
to grow
Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of
long. approximately three to four inches.
24.8. References
Carmen, N.B., Hunt, W.F., and Anderson, A.R. (2013). “Evaluating Residential
Disconnected Downspouts as Stormwater Control Measures”. 6th International Low
Impact Development Conference. August 19-22, 2013. St. Paul, MN. (Extended
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is a
method by which rainwater that falls
upon a surface (usually a rooftop) is
collected and routed to a storage
facility for later use. To achieve runoff
reduction credit, RWH systems must
include not only the cistern (and
needed components such as filters and
perhaps a pump), but also a reliable
means of using or releasing the
captured rainwater.
Design Objective
A RWH system shall be designed to capture and use or disperse a minimum of 86% of the total
annual runoff from its catchment as demonstrated through water balance equations. NCSU’s
Rainwater Harvester Model or another computation method must be used to confirm that the
cistern sizing and proposed use of the rainwater will meet the design objective.
Stormwater Credits
Runoff Reduction 100% reduction of the runoff volume from the design storm .
TSS removal 85% reduction of the annual Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mass load.
Nutrient removal 35% reduction of the annual Total Nitrogen (TN) mass load.
45% reduction of the annual Total Phosphorus (TP) mass load.
BUA Status For the purpose of high/low density calculations, the footprint of the
roof or paved catchment area shall be considered impervious and the
footprint of the vegetated receiving area shall be considered pervious.
Photo depicts a rainwater harvesting system at the Craven County Agricultural Center that was designed
and monitored by NC State University Deparment of Biological and Agricultural Engineering (photo courtesy
Rainwater Harvesting Systems 21-1 April 2014
NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
The two tables below list major design elements falling into two categories:
Required Design Elements
o These requirements must be addressed to receive regulatory credit without
submitting additional information.
o Meeting these requirements leads to a smooth, straightforward review.
o These requirements only address stormwater criteria. There are other
crucial aspects of design, but only those related to stormwater credit are
o Throughout this chapter the terminology “shall” will be used to refer to
these elements.
Recommended Design Elements
o These items are not required to receive regulatory credit but represent
good design practice and lead to optimum performance.
o The designer will determine if these elements should be included in the
o Throughout this chapter, the terminology “should” will be used refer to
these elements.
o Elsewhere in this chapter, other elements will be introduced using the
terminology such as “may” to refer to options.
Design professionals desiring to deviate from this chapter shall provide technical
justification that their design is equally or more protective of water quality (vague,
anecdotal or isolated evidence is not acceptable). Review staff shall consider deviations
from the required items in this chapter on a case-by-case basis. Alternative designs may
receive lower regulatory credits.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
5. The water balance shall be calculated using the NCSU Rainwater Harvester model or another
continuous-simulation hydrologic model that calculates the water balance on a daily or more
frequent time-step using a minimum of 5 representative years of actual rainfall records. The
model shall account for withdrawals from the cistern for usage and for the active or passive
drawdown as well as additions to the cistern by rainfall and runoff and by a make-up water
source (if applicable).
6. If a back-up water supply discharges into the cistern, this water volume shall be accounted for
in the design.
7. RWH systems shall include a functioning distribution system prior to be being considered
complete. The design of this system shall include testing protocols which shall be executed in
the prior to acceptance of the system at construction completion.
8. A pre-treatment device shall be included upstream of the cistern to minimize gross and course
solids collection in the tank.
9. Cisterns shall be constructed to prevent light from entering the cistern.
10. Safety measures appropriate to the cistern type shall be installed to address issues such as fall
protection and confined spaces. Safety measures shall comply with federal and state
occupational safety regulations.
11. All manufacturer requirements, product standards, and industry guidelines shall be followed
to ensure lasting effectiveness (in addition to meeting the requirements of this chapter).
12. All harvested rainwater outlets (e.g. spigots, hose bibs), storage facilities, and appurtenances
shall be labeled as “Non-Potable Water” to warn the public and others that the water is not
intended for drinking.
13. RWH systems shall be designed to provide safe, non-erosive conveyance of the 10-year, 24-
hour storm event via infiltration, bypass or detention and release.
14. Passive drawdown devices, when employed, shall be designed to prevent clogging.
15. Passive drawdown devices, when employed, shall be marked with identifying signage or labels
that is visible to owners and maintenance personnel.
16. Interior distribution piping for harvested rainwater shall comply with the NC Plumbing Code.
17. RWH systems shall be inspected and maintained as specified in Section 25.6.
18. Recommended: An indicator of water level should be visible to users and maintenance
19. Recommended: All spigots, hose bibs or other outlets for the harvested rainwater should be
of a type, or secured in a manner, that permits operation only by authorized personnel, such
as a locked below grade vault or a spigot that can only be operated by a tool.
20. Recommended: Exterior distribution piping for the harvested rainwater should be color-
coded, taped, or otherwise marked to identify the source of the water as non-potable.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Note that this chapter focuses on RWH systems for stormwater treatment, specifically for
regulatory credit in North Carolina. Those interested in RWH systems for solely water
conservation or water supply purposes may be better served by other design standards.
Required components of a RWH are listed in Table 25-2 below. Optional components of
an RWH include:
Water level indicator – This is especially useful for actively managed systems.
Secondary water supply – An automated secondary water supply may be
provided to supplement the rainwater captured.
Post-storage (point-of-use) treatment - Post-storage treatment is sometimes
included, depending upon the quality of water in the storage tank and the quality
needed for the designated non-potable water uses.
Usage meter – Meters on the distribution system may be required by local
jurisdictions. They may also be desired by owners of larger-scale systems who wish
to monitor their water use.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Catchment surface Usually the catchment surface is a rooftop; however, collecting runoff
from other surfaces, such as parking lots, sidewalks and landscaped
areas is allowed. The lower quality of runoff leaving these surfaces may
require greater treatment than runoff from roof surfaces.
Collection System When the catchment surface is a rooftop, the runoff is collected via
gutters then conveyed to the cistern by downspouts. For stormwater
harvesting systems, a storm drainage system may be involved.
Pre-cistern filtration Pre-cistern filtration prevents sediment, leaves and debris from entering
the cistern. It includes screens, gutter screens and filters, and first flush
diverters. For stormwater harvesting systems, this function may be
achieved with settling tanks, oil-grit separators, hydrodynamic
separators, sand filters, or proprietary devices.
Cistern The cistern is the above-ground or underground storage vessel that
holds the rainwater until it is used. This is also called a rainwater tank.
Overflow The overflow allows rainfall in excess of the designed storage volume of
the cistern to discharge.
Passive or active The drawdown drains the cistern between rainstorms so that cistern
drawdown capacity is available for stormwater treatment. A drawdown is required
on nearly all RWH systems that receive stormwater credit. For single
family homes, all RWH systems are anticipated to have a passive
Filtration or RWH systems using the passive drawdown – including nearly all single
infiltration family homes – require filtration or infiltration downstream of the
downstream of drawdown. The filtration or infiltration function shall be designed in
passive drawdown accordance with this chapter of this manual.
Non-potable water RWH systems are required to have a non-potable water use. Typical
use (if passive uses include irrigation, toilet flushing, and vehicle washing. Less
drawdown not common uses include cooling tower make-up, street sweeping tank
included) filling, laundry, flushing animal waste systems, washing kennels, etc.
Distribution system From the cistern, the water either drains via gravity or is pumped to the
point of use.
Signage Signage is required to indicate that the cistern water is not potable as
well as to indicate that the “dripping” from a passive drawdown system
is a part of the design and not a defect.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
RWH Systems with dedicated non-potable water uses reduce the runoff volume
and thereby reducing the size of other water quality treatment on site.
RWH Systems on one- and two-family homes can include a passive drawdown
that discharges to a filtration or infiltration device designed per this chapter. This
will reduce the size of other water quality treatment on site.
RWH Systems provide volume reduction and detention and can reduce the size of
stormwater BMPs designed to meet runoff reduction and pollutant removal
RWH systems shall receive the following credits if sited, designed, constructed and
maintained in accordance with this chapter. These credits are based on research
conducted by NCSU’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Please
note the credit applies to the entire system with all of its components, including a
correctly designed collection system, anti-clogging device, cistern material and capacity,
and year-round dedicated use and/or passive drawdown system with all the
appurtenances necessary for correct function.
The correct match between the volume of the cistern and the dedicated use or passive
drawdown device shall be verified by NCSU’s Rainwater Harvester Model or other
calculation method. The credits listed below are based on a RWH system that is designed
to capture and use or disperse a minimum of 86% of the total annual runoff from its
catchment as demonstrated through water balance equations.
For the purpose of high/low density calculations, the footprint of the roof or paved
catchment area shall be considered impervious and the footprint of the vegetated
receiving area shall be considered pervious.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
There are many considering when determining if and how RWH systems should be used
at a specific site. These are listed in Table 25-3 below.
Installation Size There is no required minimum or maximum size for a RWH installation.
However, small installations – such as rain barrels – may result in very little
regulatory credit.
Buffers and The infiltration or filtration area downstream of a passive drawdown may
setbacks be allowed within Zone 2 of protected riparian buffers or the setbacks
required under Phase II, Water Supply Watershed, Coastal Counties, HQW,
ORW or other stormwater programs.
Proximity to The designer shall consider the loading of the full cistern and the proximity
building to foundations, utilities, or other infrastructure. For infiltration
foundations & downstream of a passive drawdown, the designer shall consider the impact
utilities of infiltration on building foundations and utilities.
Proximity to water For infiltration designs, there shall be a 100 ft setback from water supply
supply wells wells. This distance may be reduced on a case-by-case basis if the design
professional can justify to the permitting authority that the groundwater
will be protected from stormwater pollution.
Status of the site RWH can be used on either high or low density sites.
as high or low
Soil type RWH systems may be used on any soil type, although soil conditions will
dictate the design of infiltration areas downstream of a passive drawdown.
Site slopes RWH systems may be used on sites with any slope. However, the design of
filtration/infiltration downstream of a passive drawdown will vary based on
the side slope.
Seasonal high Seasonal high water table (SHWT) elevations will influence the design of
water table underground cisterns. Also, the SHWT elevation will impact the design of
some types of filtration/infiltration areas downstream of a passive
drawdown. The SHWT elevation will generally not be a concern at above-
ground installations on single family houses.
Stormwater RWH may be used at stormwater hotspots if the catchment area to the
hotspots cistern does not include hotspots. For example, the roof of a maintenance
building could be the catchment area to a cistern. The maintenance yard
should not be directed to a cistern due to water quality concerns.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Redevelopment RWH may be used at redevelopment sites. However, the design options
sites will be limited because stormwater shall not be infiltrated into
contaminated soils because this can cause dispersion of toxic substances to
other sites and to groundwater. If contaminated soils are present or
suspected, the state recommends that the designer consult with an
appropriately licensed NC professional. Also, homeowner’s Association
covenants and local zoning ordinances may dictate setbacks and aesthetics
that apply to RWH systems.
Maintenance Each element of the RWH system must be accessible for maintenance.
access Certain components must be accessible to the owner or site personnel on a
daily basis.
Operation RWH systems require more operational effort than other stormwater
control measures. While this effort needn’t be complex or costly, it does
need to be consistent. Before selecting a RWH system, the owner and
designer must understand the daily and weekly operational effort needed
and determine that this is feasible for the site.
25.4. Design
The designer should become familiar with the complete design, construction, and
operation & maintenance information before beginning the design process for a specific
site. The following design steps are roughly in chronological order, but some steps
should happen concurrently.
RWHs typically serve one or more non-potable water demands, so an early design step is
to identify these uses. Water designated “non-potable” has not been treated to or tested
for the standards applied to potable (drinking) water. Non-potable water is unsuitable for
drinking, hand washing, bathing, dishwashing, and pool/spa filling.
Table 25-4 highlights possible uses for harvested rainwater. The designer must
understand the pros and cons of the proposed use before speaking with the owner. The
designer and owner must also be aware that the use of RWH systems for stormwater
credit requires that these uses must continue. If the non-potable water demand ceases
because of a change to the site, the local government and/or NCDENR will require that
an alternative non-potable water use may be found or that a properly designed BMP
treatment system be installed on site to replace the RWH system.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Irrigation – Hand Pros: The water does not require additional treatment before use, there
watering is a simple distribution system (gravity or small pump), and a back-up to
the cistern is not necessary because the owner can hand water from a
separate spigot when needed.
Cons: This use depends on site owner/user to initiate use of the water
and much of storage will be dedicated to detention and will rarely be
available for irrigation.
Irrigation – Pros: Can significantly reduce the use of potable water. The pump
Automated Systems system is similar to systems used for irrigation ponds, on-site water and
wastewater systems, and building plumbing systems. Therefore,
maintenance personnel will have typically have applicable experience
with installation and maintenance.
Cons: There will be added cost to operate and maintain a pump instead
of relying on the system pressure from a domestic water system.
Considerations: Harvested water may require additional treatment
before entering the distribution system to prevent irrigation nozzles
from clogging. The distribution system may be controlled using a
“smart” irrigation controller. A potable water back-up to the cistern
may be necessary. Seasonal operation should be considered to optimize
Vehicle Washing Pros: Hand washing of vehicles a common use. Use in automated
systems also possible. No additional treatment is typically needed.
Cons: Vehicle washing must be done on year-round on a regular basis.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Cooling Tower Make- Pros: This use is present on many commercial, institutional, and
up industrial sites. Where present, this use typically represents the largest
water demand at the site.
Cons: Cooling towers require additional treatment for all waer sources,
including potable water (rainwater will require significantly more
treatment). Treating harvested rainwater will increase the cost versus
treating potable water. However, the payback time may be short due to
the high volume of consumption.
Considerations: When implemented, harvested rainwater for cooling
tower make-up is typically blended with other non-potable water
supplies because of the variability in the quantity and quality of
rainwater. The entity operating the cooling tower system will know the
specific water quality parameters and may choose to use a specialty
consultant for the treatment system design. In some cases, a small
reverse osmosis (RO) system is used.
Street Sweeper Tank Pros: There is potential for a large savings of potable water and a
Filling consistent, year round need for the water.
Cons: May require filtration to a specific particle size to prevent clogging
spray nozzles.
Considerations: May require a more powerful pump than other
applications because fittings for the water tanks are typically sized for
connection to a fire hydrant.
Animal Systems Pros: Flushing animal waste tanks/systems, washing kennels and pens,
etc. can provide a consistent, year-round use.
Cons: Additional treatment may be required, depending on the use,
catchment area, and any special water quality requirements for the
specific application.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
25.4.2. Design Step 2: Discuss Non-Potable Water Use and System Operation &
Maintenance with Owner
Before pursuing a RWH design beyond the conceptual stage, the designer shall meet with
the owner to explain the non-potable water use requirement and the operation and
maintenance requirements of the proposed system. RWH systems require more hands-on
operation and more frequent maintenance than other stormwater controls. The cost of
these requirements should be offset by savings during the construction phase and/or
during operation. This preliminary discussion should involve a subset of the following
people, as applicable to the site:
Table 25-5. Entities to Meet with Before Design of the RWH System
Owner and their For commercial, institutional, and industrial sites that are developed or
representatives renovated by the owner, the affected groups may include:
o Property manager or building engineer
o In-house maintenance staff responsible for the operation and
maintenance of plumbing, grounds and landscape, irrigation
systems, on-site water and wastewater treatment systems, control
systems, etc.
o Contracted maintenance staff (e.g. landscaping contractor)
Developer At sites where the post-construction owners are not involved in the
design, development team will be responsible for conveying information
about restrictive covenants, recorded maintenance agreements, and
similar information to buyers, including separate homebuilders in a
Design team The professionals involved will depend on the scale of the site and the
planned harvested rainwater uses, but may include:
o Architect
o Civil engineer
o Plumbing, mechanical, electrical (PME) engineer(s)
o Landscape architect
o Irrigation designer
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Before meeting, the designer should review the design, construction, and operation &
maintenance portion of this chapter and prepare a list of questions for the team. Key
objectives in the discussion include:
Selecting one or more uses for the harvested rainwater. (See Section 25.4.1.)
Explaining the level of operation and maintenance involvement needed and
determining if the owner will be capable of this effort. (See Section 25.5)
Clarifying the goals for the RWH system. This may range from exclusively
stormwater management to primarily water conservation. This information is
needed to optimize the sizing of the system. (See Section 25.1.1)
Soliciting information related to selecting quantifying the non-potable water
demand. (See Section 25.3.4)
Calculating the non-potable water demand to be met with harvested rainwater is a key
component of the stormwater design. In RWH design, demand estimates should not be
over or under estimated. If the designer significantly over-estimates the non-potable
water demand, the cistern will frequently be full and will provide less treatment than
intended. Municipalities may require submittal of documentation that the system is
functioning per design. If the designer significantly under-estimates the demand, then
the cistern may frequently be empty and the owner will not see the planned water savings
Figure 25-2. Harvested rainwater used in irrigation and vehicle washing. (NCSU-BAE)
The designer shall include documentation of the demand calculations and the
assumptions and data sources behind these calculations in the design submittal. The
demand estimates should be calculated using the best available information for the site.
Possible data sources include:
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Table 25-5. Possible Data Sources for Water Use from the Cistern
Metered water For existing sites being retrofitted with a RWH system, actual historic
consumption meter data can be used.
Irrigation design For sites where an irrigation design is prepared, this can be incorporated
calculations into the demand calculations.
o Detailed irrigation designs consider soil type, plant species and water
need, and local ET rates.
o Other designs may be less site-specific, but still provide helpful
estimates, such as the inches per week by month.
o Designers may choose to maximize irrigation as described in the box
below. This approach will further reduce the need for other BMPs
on-site, but will result in more complicated design and operation.
Specialty design For cooling tower make-up, animal systems, or other specialty uses
calculations where water use is integral to the site’s function, water demand
calculations will be part of the overall design.
Field Observations For some practices, field observations may be required to determine the
design demand. For example, a vehicle washing station may require
field observation of the time spent washing each vehicle.
Toilet Flushing For sites designing RWH systems for toilet flushing, the calculations can
Estimates be trickier than other uses.
o Good starting points include the plumbing design fixture counts,
gallons per flush, building occupancy information, and potable water
demand information.
o However, it is important to note that these other design calculations
typically over-estimate the demand for toilet and urinal flushing. In
particular, this is because estimation methods are often based on
historic data for buildings without low-flow fixtures. Therefore, this
demand should be calculated in multiple ways before selecting a
design demand.
o In addition to the volume, it is important to consider whether there
is seasonality to the demand. For example, a school would have
drastically lower demand during certain months while an office
building may see fairly even demand through the year.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Typical irrigation design is based on the minimum irrigation needed to maintain health and
quality in the vegetation. This conserves water, but limits the stormwater benefits in
irrigation-based RWH systems because cisterns remain full in the non-growing season.
The alternate approach maximizes the amount of irrigation by calculating the maximum
amount of water that can be applied while maintaining health and quality in the vegetation
and preventing runoff of the irrigated water. This is done by considering the soils, slopes,
vegetation, evapotranspiration rates, irrigation rates, and other factors. Designers may be
familiar with this concept from non-discharge wastewater systems that employ irrigation for
Irrigation control systems for sites employing maximized irrigation should be designed to
switch to minimum irrigation rates once a cistern runs dry and a make-up supply is
employed. The control may also be tiered so that at high cistern levels maximum irrigation
occurs and lower cistern levels minimum irrigation occurs.
25.4.4. Design Step 4: Determine Drainage Area
25.4.5. Design Step 5: Site the Cistern and Design Collection System
The cistern should be sited in a location where the catchment area can drain by gravity.
Also, consider the design of the downstream BMP when selecting a site. The collection
system may consist solely of gutters and downspouts. At larger sites it may also include
stormwater pipes and inlets. For sizing the collection systems on a single family home or
other small building, designers may refer to the NCSU Extension Publication Rainwater
Harvesting: Guidance for Homeowners, which includes tables for sizing gutters and
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Figure 25.4. Examples of Cistern Siting and Collection System Design (NCSU-BAE)
For sites where the only use is irrigation, the designer may choose not to include a make-
up water supply. If the cistern runs dry, the owner manually switches the hose to a spigot
fed by potable water. Some non-potable water uses require an automated make-up water
supply. For example, a toilet flushing system can’t be switched off during a drought.
Design considerations for an automated make-up supply include:
Figures 25.5 and 25.6 show possible configurations of automated make-up water supply.
Table 25-6 lists design considerations for automated make-up water supply
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Figure 25-5. Example configuration of Make-up Water and Air Gap in an Above-
ground Cistern (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Figure 25-6. Example of the use of wet wells with an underground cistern to eliminate
potable water storage in the cistern (UNC-Chapel Hill)
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Field For some practices, field observations may be required to determine the
Observations design demand. For example, a washing station may require field observation
of the time spent washing each vehicle.
Minimal make- If a secondary or makeup water supply is used, it shall be designed to place a
up water minimal amount of volume in the cistern at any one time. The design must
storage allow for adequate storage for the full volume of the next design storm.
Wet wells An option for larger, underground cisterns is to have a separate wet well at a
lower elevation. This eliminates the storage of make-up water in the cistern.
Other non- Well water is sometimes used as a make-up supply. Reclaimed water and
potable water greywater are also sometimes used, but this requires the entire RWH system
supplies to meet the more stringent regulations for reclaimed water or greywater.
Some RWH systems incorporate the use of condensate, foundation drainage, or other
supplementary water supplies. Including other sources is optional.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
systems, the flow rates for supplemental water supplies must be calculated and
incorporated into the water balance model.
When incorporating condensate from air handling units, confirm with the
Mechanical Engineer and the building owner that the system uses UV disinfection
rather than biocide tablets. Also check on site-specific practices for cleaning air
handling units.
When incorporating flows that originate inside the building, confirm that only the
desired source is included. In conventional systems, the condensate often
discharges to a floor drain before going to the sanitary sewer. Floor drains must
continue to discharge to the sanitary sewer, not to the cistern.
To meet water quality requirements cisterns shall be sized to capture a minimum of 86%
of the total runoff as demonstrated through water balance calculations. In many RWH
systems the required water captured in the cistern will exceed the non-potable water
demands at the site, so passive drawdown will be required. In any RWH system used
solely for seasonal irrigation, a passive drawdown will be needed.
Figure 25-7. Passive Release and Storage Zones. (UNC-CH and NCSU BAE)
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
area that would be required if a RWH system were not used. This discharge empties
space in the cistern that will be used to store runoff from the next rainfall event.
1. Calculate the Water Quality Runoff Volume per Section 3.3 of this Manual.
2. Calculate the average 5-day, year-round non-potable demand. For seasonal uses
such as irrigation, this will be zero. If the only non-potable water demand is
seasonal irrigation, then a passive drawdown is needed.
An animal shelter uses harvested rainwater to wash down kennels. This
occurs 7 days per week, year round, so V5day = 5 * Vdaily.
If an office building uses rainwater for toilet flushing and has a high
demand on weekdays (x gal/day) and a low demand on weekends (y
gal/day), the average 5 day demand would be calculated as V5day = 5 * (5x
+ 2y)/7.
3. If the Water Quality Runoff Volume is greater than the average 5-day, year-round
demand (V5day), then a passive drawdown is needed.
If a RWH System has active operational management, such as an on-site grounds manager who
cares for the irrigation system, then the passive release mechanism may be equipped with a
valve. This option is not recommend for sites without on-site operation and maintenance
In this situation, the designer bases the detention storage on the low-season demand, but the
cistern volume on the high-season demand. In the fall, as irrigation season concludes, the site
manager opens the valve to allow the detention volume to passively drain. In the spring, when
irrigation season begins and the full cistern volume can be drawn down in 5 days, the site
manager closes the valve to prevent the passive release.
If this alternative is used, the handle of the valve shall be removed or locked to prevent
tampering with the release mechanism.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
The detention storage above the passive drawdown can be approximated as the Water
Quality Runoff Volume, which is calculated per Section 3.3 of this Manual.
For systems with a consistent, year-round demand, such as toilet flushing, it is possible
that the detention volume required will be less than the water quality volume. This can
be determined through modeling or adjusted using the average 5-day demand as shown
below. Seasonal demand cannot be used to adjust the detention volume.
The detention volume can be further adjusted and optimized through iterative water
balance calculations.
2. The passive release orifice should be placed such that the detention storage
volume is equivalent to or greater than the design rainfall volume. Utilize volume
calculation based on the cistern’s shape to determine this height.
3. Choose the drawdown time for the detention storage volume. To receive
stormwater credit, the design rainfall/detention storage volume must drain from
the system within 2-5 days. A drawdown time of 2.5-3 days is recommended, as
this is slightly greater than the minimum but maximizes the capture of the water
quality volume by preparing the system for the next rain event quickly.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
4. Calculate the flow rate associated with the chosen drawdown time:
Q = passive release flow rate (gal/min)
Vd = detention storage volume (gal)
t = chosen drawdown time (days)
5. Determine the head on the passive release orifice when the tank is full. This is
equal to the distance from the center of the passive release orifice and to invert of
the overflow pipe.
A = cross-sectional area of the passive release orifice (in2)
h = head on the passive release orifice when cistern is full (ft)
A = cross-sectional area of the passive release orifice (in2)
d = diameter of the passive release orifice (in)
25.4.11. Design Step 11: Water Balance Calculations and Cistern Sizing
To receive stormwater credit, the cistern shall be sized to capture a minimum of 86% of
the total annual runoff as demonstrated through water balance calculations. Note that
this is 86% of runoff from all storms, not from a water quality storm. This 86% volume
capture is equivalent to the typical volume of water treated annually by a wet pond and
Rainwater Harvesting Systems 21-21 April 2014
NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
other non-infiltrating stormwater practices when designed to capture the water quality
volume and detaining the water volume for slightly more than 2 days (Smolek et al. 2012).
The cistern size will be optimized through iterative calculations. The NCSU Rainwater
Harvester Model will calculate a cistern size based on the above inputs. If using a model
that doesn’t perform this calculation, the iterative calculations can be started using a
capacity in gallons equal to the square feet of catchment area.
The key output from the water balance is the total annual runoff volume captured in the
cistern, which must be 86% or higher. In the NCSU Rainwater Harvester Model this
output is called the “Total Volume Captured.”
25.4.12. Design Step 12: Design Anti-Clogging Measures for the Passive Drawdown
Because the orifice for passive drawdown is often very small, the passive release
mechanism should be equipped with some type of filter, located on the inside of the tank,
to prevent clogging. An example low-flow orifice system is presented in a technical
memo by NC State University Biological & Agricultural Engineering.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
25.4.13. Design Step 13: Design the BMP Downstream of the Passive Drawdown (If
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
25.4.14. Design Step 14: Design the Cistern Overflow and Safe Conveyance of the 10-
year, 24-hour Storm
RWH systems shall include a mechanism for safely conveying the 10-year, 24-hour storm,
which may be accomplished through bypass or detention. The RWH system can also be
designed to meet local requirements for peak attenuation and volume control for larger
storms. First, the designer must determine if the flow in excess of the design storm will
enter the cistern or be bypassed before reaching the cistern.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
An automated release valve is placed at the outlet of the RWH system. Discharge from
the valve is initiated by a sophisticated control system with software that has been
programmed specifically for the site. The program retrieves the precipitation forecast
from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which predicts the
probability of rainfall occurrence and rainfall totals. The program calculates the needed
storage based on the predicted rainfall and evaluates the available storage based on an
automated reading of the cistern water level (e.g. by pressure transducer). If the needed
storage volume is available, the release valve stays shut. If the needed volume is not
available, the release valve is opened and stored water is released from the cistern until
the needed storage volume is available.
Design and construction of active release systems requires programming and testing of
the control system. Off-the-shelf software for incorporating passive release is not
available. However, existing control system software can be utilized. While the active
release systems are new to North Carolina, they have been developed in cities with
combined sewers where active release systems are used to prevent combined sewer
overflows. Therefore, it is possible to find designers and vendors who are familiar with
these systems.
Design of the active release systems also requires water balance calculations. These
calculations must meet the requirements of this chapter, but will be more complicated
than most models allow.
Active release RWH devices must treat the water quality volume. Options for treating the
water quality volume in conjunction with an active release include:
The designer may choose to provide full water quality treatment upstream of the
cistern. (e.g. sand filter sized per the Sand Filter chapter of this manual) In this
case, the primary objective of the cistern is potable water conservation and the
storage volume of the cistern can be determined independently of the water
quality volume by optimizing for the usage.
The active release could be used in conjunction with a passive drawdown, where
the passive drawdown discharges to a downstream vegetated infiltration area or
other downstream BMP.
All of the water discharged via the active release could be discharged to a
downstream BMP.
The active release mechanism addresses many of the disadvantages of the passive release
mechanism. The use of weather forecasting ensures that water is only released from the
system if it will be replaced by an imminent precipitation event. This eliminates the
‘wasting’ of needed water, as well as the decrease in the volume of usable storage within
the RWH system. Thus, when applied to an existing RWH system, the full system volume
is still available to the user to meet water demands. When applied to the design of a new
system, there is no need for including extra volume (and cost) to compensate for a loss in
storage. Finally, the program logic prevents the release of stored water during a
precipitation event, which is a primary goal of stormwater management.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Drawbacks to the active release mechanism include cost, complexity and resource
requirements. The installation of the equipment and program logic is typically expensive.
Furthermore, the complexity of the programming logic and the potential for technical
glitches requires oversight by a highly knowledgeable company or individual, which can
also be expensive. Finally, as the program is based upon the ability to access NOAA
forecasts, there must be uninterrupted power and internet accessibility at the site. At
large scale or actively managed sites, the advantages may outweigh these disadvantages.
One or more pre-treatment devices shall be included upstream of the cistern to minimize
gross and course solids collection in the tank. A pretreatment device helps to eliminate
debris such as leaves, roof shingle grit, pine straw, trash, etc. This may take the form of a
first flush diverter, screen, settling chamber, or other device appropriate to the system.
Figure 25.11. Fine filter used upstream of an underground cistern (left), gutter
screen (center), downspout screen (right) (NCSU BAE left and center and UNC-
CH right).
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Gutter screens Can prevent leaves and other debris from entering the system.
Downspout screens and Are placed inline with the downspout before it enters the cistern.
filters These can be purchased or constructed with a variety of mesh sizes.
They should be placed at a height and location that provides the best
access for maintenance, as they will need to be cleaned frequently.
Basket Filters and In- Include configurations suitable for underground systems.
Line Strainers
First flush diverters Hold and slowly discharge the first 0.04 inches of rainfall, preventing
the most polluted water from entering the cistern. The first flush
diverter should be discharged to the same downstream BMP as the
passive release mechanism. (Note that this first flush volume is not
equivalent to the water quality volume used in BMP design.) First
flush diverters should be installed at a height that can be accessed
without a ladder, as they require frequent cleaning.
Hydrodynamic Are sized by flow rate and may include integral screens. Though more
separators and vortex expensive and complex, they provide an option with a longer interval
filters between cleaning.
Settling tanks, oil-grit May be appropriate for stormwater harvesting systems that capture
separators, forebays surface runoff
Sand filters If designed per this manual, are acceptable as pre-treatment to the
cistern. They would typically be used only when higher water quality is
A wide variety of materials are available and acceptable for use as the cistern component
in RWH systems.
For single family homes and other small rooftop collection systems, above-ground tanks
are most common. Above-ground cisterns are commercially available in sizes ranging
from 50 gallon rain barrels to tanks with capacities well over 10,000 gallons. Below
ground cisterns are typically selected for systems over 50,000 gallons.
Table 25-8 provides guidance on specifying materials for above ground and below ground
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Above ground Above ground cisterns should be of a material or color that prevents light
cisterns from entering the cistern, which helps prevent algae growth within the
Materials for above ground tanks include plastics and metal tanks with
internal bladders. Sometimes wooden or stone facades are used for
aesthetic reasons.
Though most tanks are cylindrical, narrow width options are available.
Below ground For underground cisterns, the allowable leakage rate for must be
cisterns determined during design. The specified cistern materials and
construction methods shall be capable of providing a level of water-
tightness that reflects the allowable leakage rate.
In-situ testing for water-tightness is required. It is the designer’s
responsibility to determine the appropriate level of testing for the site and
the materials.
Materials for below-ground tanks include plastics and fiberglass. Other
materials may be used if they are lined with a water-tight membrane.
Non-proprietary systems include gravel and cast-in-place concrete.
Proprietary systems include pipes (plastic, concrete, and metal), vaults,
and modular proprietary products that provide more void space than
In addition to meeting the requirements of this chapter, all cisterns shall follow the
applicable manufacturer requirements, product standards, and industry guidelines to
ensure lasting effectiveness. A cistern level indicator is a recommended component. The
simplest level indicators attach to the exterior of the cistern and provide a quick visual
indicator of water level.
Figure 25-12. Metal cistern under construction (left), underground concrete vault
wrapped in an impermeable liner (center) and a series of plastic cisterns (right) (UNC-
CH left and NCSU BAE center and right)
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
The RWH system design must include maintenance access for each component. This will
vary by site and installation type, but key issues in the design are listed in Table 25-9
All cisterns Include a drawdown valve so that the cistern can be drained for
Cisterns must include a maintenance access that allow cleaning
If submerged pumps are used, there must be a mechanism to safely pull
the pumps for maintenance.
Collection systems should include cleanouts or manholes at bends in the
pipe to allow for cleaning.
Below ground Include manways that allow for the set-up of a tripod for confined space
cisterns entry. This requires level space surrounding the opening and vertical
A minimum of one access point per cistern tank and per treatment devices
should be located where they can be driven to by a pump truck. The
location must also have sufficient vertical clearance for the pump truck.
Underground cisterns should be a sufficient distance from building
foundations and other infrastructure to allow excavation to the cistern
structure in case repairs are needed.
25.4.19. Design Step 19: Buoyancy Calculations or Footing Design for Cisterns
A properly designed footing for the cistern must be designed if the load of the cistern at
full capacity is greater than that which underlying soils will support. If it is buried,
buoyancy calculations must be provided to show the cistern will not float when empty.
Buoyancy calculations and flotation constraints must be provided if any part of the buried
cistern is below the seasonal high water table, or if the area is subject to flooding.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
All RWH systems must include means to utilize the harvested water. Therefore, the plans
and specifications must include both the elements of functional distribution system
appropriate to the intended uses plus specifications for testing the system during
At the simplest level, a cistern to be used for hand watering will include a spigot at a low
elevation that is fed by gravity. However, a majority of cisterns will include pumps and
piping of some level of complexity to convey harvested water from the cistern to the
usage location.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Point-of-use treatment adds operation and maintenance and introduces more points for
the distribution systems to fail. Therefore, it is important to weigh the need for each
component and the appropriate level of technology. Filtration techniques range from
simple filters on pump intakes, to more complex systems like auto-backwashing disc
filters. Disinfection techniques typically involve chlorination or UV treatment.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Passive drawdown devices, when employed, shall be marked with signage or labels that
are visible to owners and maintenance personnel. This is to prevent the passive discharge
drawdown from being plugged or capped.
RWH projects may require reviews by agencies that typically do not review stormwater
designs. The primary conditions that would trigger these reviews are:
Local Water Supply: The local water supply has its own regulations that serve to
protect citizens and the public water supply system. These
Public water suppliers (may be
regulations may pertain to backflow prevention, metering,
the local government, a water
and/or billing, among other things.
and sewer authority, or a private
company) AND/OR local health
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Rainwater Harvesting systems collect runoff from roofs or other catchment surfaces during a
rainfall event. RWH systems are not regulated separately from stormwater in the NCAC.
However, indoor RWH systems are regulated in the NC Plumbing Code.
Greywater refers waste discharges from bathtubs/showers, sinks, and clothes washers – typically
domestic wastewater other than from toilets. Greywater harvesting typically occurs at a building
or site scale and includes treatment of treatment of the greywater for non-potable uses. The NC
Plumbing Code specifically defines and regulates greywater systems.
Reclaimed water refers to treated wastewater. Reclaimed water systems operate under permits
from NCDENR and meet specific water quality standards. These systems are used at the
municipal scale, with the treatment and distribution by the municipality or local water and sewer
authority, and at the site scale such as for a housing development or office complex. The terms
“recycled water” and “water reuse” are commonly used interchangeable with “reclaimed water”.
The NCAC contains a specific section that regulates reclaimed water.
25.5. Construction
Because cisterns are extremely heavy when full of water, the cistern base should be level
to avoid the loss of storage space and/or the cistern falling over. The occupied by the
cistern should be cleared of any vegetation or debris and a level depression excavated.
The depth of the depression should be at least 12-18 inches deep to avoid freezing of any
pipes entering or exiting the bottom of the cistern. However, the cistern should not be
buried more than 2 feet deep, to prevent the pressure of soil on the sides of the tank from
causing collapse. The area of excavation should be approximately 2 feet greater in
diameter than the cistern to allow for optimum positioning and room for plumbing.
For cisterns 1,500 gallons and smaller, an aggregate base 6-8 inches deep should be placed
in the depression and leveled. Typically crusher run or #57 stone is used but others types
are also acceptable. For cisterns greater than 1,500 gallons, a concrete pad 4-6 inches thick
should be poured into the depression and leveled for the base (Figure 25-15). In cases
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
where the excavation of a depression is not feasible (e.g., paved surfaces or foundations),
the cistern may be placed on ground surface; however, it is important that there still be a
gravel or concrete base of the appropriate thickness to support the cistern. Also, any
exposed piping that remains full of water between times of use should be well insulated
to prevent freezing.
A concrete footing should be provided for cisterns greater than 1,500 gallons.
Reinforcement of the concrete pad is not needed unless the cistern is larger than 10,000
All cistern installations must follow manufacturer’s recommendations and Appendix C-1
of the NC Plumbing Code. Please consult the NC Building Code Sections 1803.5.7 and
1804.1 to ensure that the requirements for footing depth, design and placement is correct
and will not compromise any adjacent structures. Make sure to call 811 and locate all
utilities prior to siting the cistern.
Check the footing to make sure that it is level and at the correct elevation before placing
the cistern structure and waterproofing.
Figure 25-15. Preparing a cistern footing of aggregate (left) and a concrete footing for a
cistern exceeding 1,500 gallons (right) (NCSU BAE)
Any entry into confined space such as a cistern must in accordance with local, state,
federal workplace safety requirements under OSHA. If possible, install the passive
drawdown, pump, and other components internal to the cistern before placement to
avoid the need to enter the system later.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
After placement of the cistern, the designer should check the elevations of the drainage
components (passive drawdown, pump, fittings, connectors and check valves) to ensure
that they are correct. If not, the designer should initiate field changes to ensure the correct
volumes are provided.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
The debris filter should be mounted on the wall and a pipe should be attached to the
bottom of the filter to convey water from the filter to the tank (Figure 25-19a). Again, be
sure the pipe is at least as big as the existing gutter downspout. A rubber gasket should be
used where the pipe enters the cistern to prevent leaking and ensure a tight fit (Figure 25-
19b). These gaskets come in multiple sizes and can be purchased from most cistern
First flush diverters are used in some cases. They may be needed on systems that do not
employ complex debris filters (i.e. vortex filters), or on systems that have a lot of
overhanging or nearby vegetation (especially pine trees). Pollen is the primary reason to
have them, as this will not be removed by a typical debris filter.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Figure 25-19. (a) Pipe leading from debris filter to the tank; (b) Rubber gasket used to
create leak-free seal when pipe enters the tank. (NCSU-BAE)
The overflow pipe should be inserted into the tank at a height at or below that of the
inflow pipe. A rubber gasket should be used to create a water-tight seal where the
overflow pipe enters the tank. The overflow pipe should be positioned such that water is
directed away from the tank and any building foundations. Ideally, the overflow water
should be piped or diverted to a BMP such as a rain garden. It is not necessary for the
overflow piping to be leak-proof (i.e. HDPE pipe may be used in lieu of PVC); however, it
is necessary to use PVC pipe when first exiting the tank due to its size (relative to the
gasket) and rigidity.
The last step in the construction process is to plumb any spigots or other distribution
apparatus. The extract point may be gravity-fed or controlled by a pump. Pumps should
be installed per manufacturer’s recommendation. Any exposed piping (i.e. connecting an
external pump to the cistern, or connecting a spigot to the pump) must be either buried at
least a foot or otherwise insulated to prevent freezing or bursting. It is recommended to
include a drain valve at the bottom of the tank to facilitate draining of the cistern for
maintenance or winterizing.
RWH systems shall be water tight and the distribution system shall be functioning prior
to being considered complete. For underground cisterns, test the cistern for water-
tightness per the specifications. As stated in the design steps, the designer must specify
the testing procedure for underground cisterns. Also, check with the manufacturer for
recommended testing about specific products. If an automated make-up water supply is
included, check the programming for the start and stop of the make-up water supply to
ensure that it is per design.
25.5.4. Construction Step 4: Install Downstream BMP or vegetated receiving area (if
For construction requirements for downstream BMPs, refer to those chapters. For
vegetated infiltration area construction, refer to the DIS chapter.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Any deficiencies found during the as-built inspection shall be promptly addressed and
25.6. Maintenance
Maintenance is crucial to RWH system performance. Most notably, the gutters and the
debris screen should be checked for leaves and other debris after every major storm event,
particularly when a tree canopy is near a roof top. Failure to do so will result in water
backing up into gutters and onto roofs due to clogging piping and filters. In-line pipe
filters, pump intake filters, and spigot filters should be checked annually to ensure they
don’t become clogged.
It is critical for first flush diverters to be maintained frequently to work correctly. The
drain port must be checked frequently, especially during high pollen times. If the port
isn't cleaned out, water will bypass the filter completely (rendering it useless) or, in the
winter, the water will freeze and burst the pipe on the filter.
Hose and pipe connections should be checked for leaks, especially after freezing
temperatures. The cistern should be checked for stability prior to high-wind events (such
as hurricanes or severe thunderstorms). If the cistern is consistently low on stormwater, it
may become light and require some sort of anchoring system to keep it in pace. The
owner of the cistern may want to fill it part way with potable water to prevent wind from
tipping the cistern. A list of maintenance activities and their associated frequency is
shown in Table 25-11.
If water within the cistern is not used for an extended period of time, it may become
stagnant and develop a strong odor. To correct this problem, one should drain the
stagnant water out of the cistern and add 2 fluid ounces (1/4 cup) of bleach to the tank for
every 1,000 gallons of storage. Be sure to allow the tank to fill up prior to using water;
otherwise the bleach will not be diluted enough to safely use the water. Debris filters are
often not fine enough to prevent pollen from entering the tank. While this is generally not
problematic, some people find pollen can also create an unpleasant odor. To correct this,
add bleach as described above.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
The designer and owner must also be aware that the use of RWH systems for stormwater
credit requires that these uses must continue. If the non-potable water demand ceases
because of a change to the site, the local government and/or NCDENR will require that
an alternative non-potable water use may be found or that a properly designed BMP
treatment system be installed on site to replace the RWH system.
Figure 25-20. Pumps need to be pulled periodically for cleaning and preventive
maintenance (left). Overhanging vegetation increases the needed frequency of
maintenance (right) (NCSU BAE)
Figure 25-21. Example of animal damage to cistern and patching of hole. (NCSU BAE)
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
The system will be inspected by the owner/operator at least monthly and within 24
hours after each rain event. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a
known set location and will be available upon request.
Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall
be repaired immediately.
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NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Table 25-11
Sample Operation and Maintenance Provisions for Water Harvesting Systems
Rainwater Harvesting Systems 21-41 April 2014
NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
debris/sediment from
screen or filter. Replace if it
cannot be cleaned.
The pump Pump is not operating 1. Check to see if the system
properly. is clogged and flush if
2. If it is still not operating,
then consult an expert.
The overflow pipe Erosion is evident at the Stabilize immediately.
overflow discharge point.
The overflow pipe is clogged. Unclog or replace if it cannot
be unclogged.
The outflow pipe is damaged. Repair or replace the pipe.
The secondary water supply Not operating properly. Consult an expert.
25.8. References
Rainwater Harvesting Systems 21-42 April 2014
NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Chapter Revised: 4-1-14
Brodie, I. M. 2008. Hydrological analysis of single and dual storage systems for
stormwater harvesting. Wat. Sci. Tech. 58(5): 1039-1046.
DeBusk, K.M., W.F. Hunt, and J.D. Wright. 2014. Characterization of Rainwater
Harvesting Performance in Humid Regions of the United States. Journal of the
American Water Resources Association. (in press – February issuevcc n ccn nvc
Fewkes, A. and P. Warm. 2000. Method of modelling the performance of rainwater
collection systems in the United Kingdom. Build. Serv. Eng. Res. T. 21(4): 257-265.
Guo, Y. and B. W. Baetz. 2007. Sizing of rainwater storage units for green building
applications. J. Hydrol. Eng. 12(2): 197-205.
Hermann, T. and U. Schmida. 1999. Rainwater utilisation in Germany: Efficiency,
dimensioning, hydraulic and environmental aspects. Urban Water J. 1307-316.
Jones, M. P. and Hunt, W. F. Rainwater Harvesting: Guidance for Homeowners. N.C.
Cooperative Extension publication AG-588-11. Raleigh: N.C. State University
Jones, M. P. and Hunt, W. F. (2006). Choosing a Pump for Rainwater Harvesting. N.C.
Cooperative Extension publication AG-588-08. Raleigh: N.C. State University
Kim, K. and C. Yoo. 2009. Hydrological modeling and evaluation of rainwater harvesting
facilities: Case study on several rainwater harvesting facilities in Korea. J. Hydrol.
Eng. 14(6): 545-561.
Kus, B., J. Kandasamy, S. Vigneswaran and H. K. Shon. 2010. Analysis of first flush to
improve the water quality in rainwater tanks. Wat. Sci. Tech. 61(2): 421-428.
NCSU BAE Stormwater Engineering Group
NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 2013. Community Conservation
Assistance Program Design Manual. Chapter 7: Rainwater Harvesting. 47-63.
Rainwater Harvesting at North Carolina State University
Reidy, P. C. 2010. Integrating rainwater harvesting for innovative stormwater control. In
conf proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, American Society of
Civil Engineers.
The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting (2005, 3rd Ed.), Texas Water Development
Board. Austin, Texas
Zhang, D., R. M. Gersberg, C. Wilhelm and M. Voigt. 2009. Decentralized water
management: Rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse in an urban area of
Beijing, China. Urban Water J. 6(5): 375-385.
Rainwater Harvesting Systems 21-43 April 2014
Stormwater Links
NC Stormwater–Related Rules and Statutes
W I T N E S S E T H:
WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee simple of certain real property, situated
in the Town of Cary, County of Wake, North Carolina and more particularly described as
It being the same land conveyed to the Grantor by deed recorded in Book 3a at
page 3a in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County (hereafter referred to as
“Property”); and
WHEREAS, the property is located within the planning jurisdiction of the Town of
Cary, and is subject to certain requirements set forth in the Land Development
Ordinance of the Town, (hereafter “Cary LDO”), as such may be amended from time to
time; and
1. The requirements pertaining to the SCS Easement are more fully set forth in Chapter
Chapter 4, Part 4.6 of Cary LDO and the ”Operation and Maintenance Manual for 5
(hereafter “Operations and Maintenance Manual”), Cary, NC, prepared by 5a, and dated
5b a copy of which is on file in the Town of Cary Engineering Department. Grantor
further agrees Grantor shall perform the following, all at its sole cost and expense:
a. Inspect the collection system (i.e., catch basin, piping, grassed swales) for
proper functioning. Clear accumulated trash from basin grates, and basin
bottoms, and check piping for obstructions.
b. Check pond inlet pipes for undercutting. Repair if necessary.
c. Repair any broken pipes.
d. Replace rip rap that is choked with sediment.
e. Reseed grassed swales twice yearly. Repair eroded areas immediately.
III. Semi-Annually
IV. General
3. If Grantor fails to comply with these requirements, or any other obligations imposed
herein, in Cary LDO or Operations and Maintenance Manual the Town of Cary may
perform such work as Grantor is responsible for and recover the costs thereof from
4. This Easement and Agreement gives the Grantee the following affirmative rights:
Grantee, its officers, employees, and agents may enter Stormwater Control Structure
and Access Easement whenever reasonably necessary for the purpose of inspecting
same to determine compliance herewith, to maintain same and make repairs or
The Grantor shall in all other respects remain the fee owner of Property and area
subject to these easements, and may make all lawful uses of Property not inconsistent
with these easements.
The Grantee does not waive or forfeit the right to take action to ensure
compliance with the terms, conditions and purposes of this Easement and Agreement
by a prior failure to act.
The Grantor agrees that the terms, conditions and restrictions of this easement
will be inserted by Grantor in any subsequent deed or other legal instrument by which
he divests himself of either the fee simple title to or possessory interests in the subject
property. The designation Grantor and Grantee shall include the parties, their heirs,
successors and assigns.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, privileges, and easements herein
granted to the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever and the same Grantor does
covenant and that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee and has the right to convey
the same, that except as set forth below the same are free from encumbrances and that
Grantor will warrant and defend the said title to the same against claims of all persons
The covenants agreed hereto and the conditions imposed herein shall be binding
upon the Grantor and its agents, personal representatives, heirs and assigns and all
other successors to Grantor in interest and shall continue as a servitude running in
perpetuity with the above described land.
7b President
I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that
personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the
foregoing instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal this day of , 19 .
My commission expires:
Notary Public
[Official Seal]