Ae 6701

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svzore [AE 6701 Avieries, Final year, Department of Asronausical Engineering, Model Exam Questions - Noles Anna Univ Pertal Disclaimer Journals Today Employes ort General Knowledge Portal Notes Anna Univ Portal Search This Blog Home> Aero Quesions 2018-2017 > ‘uestons AE 6701 Avionics, Final year, Department of fal ear, Deparment of Aeronautical Jncering Model Exam Aeronautical Engineering, Model Exam Questions ‘ha yearsago & Aero Questions 201 ‘AE 6701 Avionics, Final year, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Model Exam Questions. Answer ALL questions. PART A (1032=20 marks) What ae the major drivers for Aviones systems in atypical civ wanspor a Whats digital computer? Distinguish between pave pace and pave pillar architecture ‘What ae the digital data ransmisson inks sel in data bs conFiguration? What HOTAS? Distinguish LCD and LED. Whats meant by OMEGA? What san ier sensor? ‘What is vetal speed i ir data quantities? Whats Ato pilot? PART B ($116-80 marks) 11. (a () Desoibe the role of Avionics in ivi, military aera and space systems 6 (GDiscuss the design considerations in Avioniesystems ao) or (With neat sketch explain a sypicl Avionics sh system, a6) 12. (a) With a nou sketch explain the ARINC-429 daa us 9 or (©) Discuss the world format of MIL-STD-1SSS Bin ea “6 13,@) Explain te flowing: woe o into io (i) Pla paet 6 (0) pin flowing Mis © tmp g 14. (0) Eni the flowing: (LORAN © toMeGa, 6 tay as o ©) Expat foto tons, « (ays o tu ars & 15.(a) (Discuss the Mach warning and abide warning ® (GExplia the ai speed indicate 6 (Gs) Explain the verte speed indicator ® or (Discs the longitudinal and lta ato plot (8) (GjExplan the indiestore of Mach number an teal air emperature o share This: fr . GeGoepler © hnips:tinotesannaunivblogspatcon/2016/ ae-8701-avericsna-yoar-department. hn MF6s05 CNC Machining Tecnology “otal Quality Mangement GEE7S7 (£6017 Ar Polaion Managent Ann mark Question Asner 6007 Wer cro Mecnancal Seer ceso10 Pavement EnginerngFnalyea of wl Engnerng First ana second Un (i6704 Estimation and quay suey (Questions Fret Internal Medel Question papers (Cu Department Modal | Inert Ex Second internal Woe Question pape Model Examination Question papers Anna University Announcement Compute Science Engineering {ivermation technology Engineering Est Year Model Queston Paper Gol engineering Mechanical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engr ‘eronaueal Engineering Robatis and auiomaton Engineering Career in eronautcalengnesrng, Home syabus Bb Manual ‘na Univers Notes | Unversity Qt Model Questons | ab Manuals General knowlege Universty Questions Model Queston Paper Journal ur? NIT > 2017 40) ¥ 20161375), » December 2016 24 November 201624) 405 Contral Systems, Third Department of (62022 Total Quality Managem Depa, [ME70" PowerPlant Engneerin Depart. a svzore [AE 6701 Avieries, Final year, Departmen of Asronausical Engineering, Model Exam Question - Noles Anna Univ Pertal — sternly ane ] conse manne: + = sin Congr ed ee oe E5306 Strength of Materials. S (ee) rete etsy me Depart. (ME 6307 ENGINEERING THERM Second year, 56351 Elecriea Drives & Cont ‘year (5 uid Meenanes ana Ma Second yest, -Me6302 Manufacturing Technol: yor, Do (62021 Environmental Science Engineering A [MS 9008 HYDRAULIC AND PNEU ‘Syste ith yer ‘Ms 9006 Automobile Engineerin Search This Blog Depart seach 'Mcs70% POWER PLANT ENGINE! eat Depa (ME6701 MECHATRONICS * 1% Fourth year. (M2251 Heat and Mass Tansfe Deper. 1Mes302 Finite lement Anas, Depa. .Mess0% Desig of transmission Fourth yea (ME 6503 METROLOGY AND QUA "ASSURANCE Third yea ‘M6202 Manulacaring Technol: "eat, Dep. _MS220) Ezonomic for busiest Thea yea Ms 6502 Applied Thermedyram Deport. -ROSTO3 TOTALLY INTEGRATED A al yer, ROSDDE Renewable Energy sour Depar. £05701 Precision Equipment De ‘yest Dep. ROS00? InusialRobotes Mi Handling Sys RO 6702 FIELD AND SERVICE RO year, De (6076 Ati Iteligence, 7 Depa, ‘05501 Programmable Logie Ce Tha year 5 6502 MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER Tira ye 208503 Mechanical Design, Tht Department, 5.6303 Computer architecture, Depart £05502 Bases of Robotics, Thi Department 1206301 Sensors And Instrumen year. (GEG351 Environmental Science Engineering eco £6356 ELECTRICAL MACHINES. SYSTEMS Seco 6202 Electronic Devices and ¢ yea S202 DISTAL ELECTRONICS, parte (cE 6702 PRESTRESSED CONCRET STRUCTURES, Fra ye (CE 6010 PAVEMENT ENGE, Final Department ofc hnips:inotesannaunivblogspatcon/2016/ ae-B701-avericsna-year-department. hn 20 svzore [AE 6701 Avieries, Final year, Department of Asronausical Engineering, Model Exam Questions - Noles Anna Univ Pertal ENGINEERING. (CE6012 GROUND IMPROVE al year, De (E6713 ESTIMATION AND QUAL SURVEYING, Final. (CE 6701 STRUCTURAL DYNAMIC ELEMENTS, T : CE 6508 GAY ENG, Tes Department ofc (CE 6502 FOUNDATION ENGINE year, Depart. (CE 6503 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGL Third year, 0. EQUIPHIENTS AND PRA, Deporte (CE 6203 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS Departme (GE €251 Environmental Science ‘engineering Sec year Departve (6£5757 total Qualty Managem Depo, ‘AE6OOS HELICOPTER THEORY, Deparment. [AE 6702 Experimental Sess An year 928014 Compuratonal lid Dy year. A 0 Ras, Fe yes, AEGOTO iframe Maine > + al yea [AE 6504 Propulsion 1, Tir ye Department of [AE 6501 Fight Oynamis, Thi Department of (GE E251 Environmental Slence engineering Th (6.6351 Environmental Science Engineering Th (66351 Environmental Seience Engineering Th ‘AESSOS Contrl Engineering. Thi Department Depar. [AE 6503 Aerodynamics =I, Tie Department (AS2 Sos Meenas, Secone Department (cEe452 Solis Mechanics, Secone Department a Me 6352 Manufacuring Technol year, Dep (cE64S1 Fi Mechaics and M. ‘Second year (E5451 Fu Mechanics and Mt ‘Second year, ‘AE6202 Elements of aeronautics Depar [AE 6201 Aero engineering There ‘Second ye, [AE 6307 Aevo engineering There second ye, ‘AE 6307 Aero engineering There second ye, ‘AE 5201 Aero engineering There seconde October 2016 56) September 2016 7) ‘August 2016 2) July2016 25), June 2036 13) Nay 2016 (19) Aprilz016 21) February 20167) January 2016 26) » 2015400) » 01800) vevvvevyy hnips:inotesannaunivblogspatcon/2016/ ae-B701-avericsna-year-department. hn 3a

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