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Foundation of Education

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Foundation of Education in a certain way because he might have come from

1. Anthropology is the study of mankind (anthropos). such and such cultural background.
Etymologically, anthropology comes from the word
anthropos meaning man and logos meaning Anthropology and Life Science: - Since anthropology
knowledge. Anthropology looks at humans as studies origin and biological characteristics of man,
something complex in terms of physical, emotional, that is why, anthropology is related to life science such
social, and cultural complexity. Anthropology also as zoology and botany. Botany studies how existing
refers to the science of humans and their culture. Since plants evolved from pre-existing plants and their
anthropology is one of the social sciences, of course it present functioning. Zoology studies how existing
is a necessity, and undoubtedly very important organism including man evolved from pre-existing
considering humans as social creatures cannot organism and their present functioning. Anthropology
possibly loose interacting with each other. Studying is mainly concerned with how present human evolved
anthropology will create tolerance and a peaceful life. from past human ancestors (Fossil men) such as
Being unable to understand each other has resulted in Ramapithecus, Australopithecus, Homo erectus and
prejudice, quarrel, brawl, and even war. Differences Neanderthal. Mendel’s Laws developed on Pea plant
are often considered a threat, but when managed (in Botany) are very useful in anthropology for
properly, they that could be a beauty, like a variety of understanding human similarities and differences.
colorful flowers in a garden. Biological advancement such as DNA finger printing,
Recombinant DNA technologies are useful in
Social Sciences: - Anthropology studies social, anthropology for the study of prevention and cure of
economic and political aspects of man, which is why human diseases.
anthropology is related to sociology, economics and
political science. Anthropology’s relationship with Anthropology and Medical Science: - Both medical
sociology is very close. Both the disciplines study anthropology and medical science are concerned with
social aspect of man such as marriage, family, kinship, the study of health and disease, however differently.
group, institution, association, community, band, Medical anthropology studies health and disease in
tribe, caste, peasants etc. Because of this commonness, primitive societies in socio-cultural dimension. It
social anthropology is regarded as comparative involves the study of sorcery, witchcraft, black magic,
sociology. However, the two disciplines differ in their ritual practices, and herbal medicine in order to
focus and approach. understand health and disease in tribal societies. On
1. Anthropology is more concerned with simple tribal the other hand, medical science studies health and
societies, whereas sociological preference is modern disease of modern societies in term of biological
societies. factors- bacteria, virus, protozoa etc.
2. Anthropology studies origin and biological
characteristic of man, whereas sociology ignores the Anthropology and Earth Science: - Anthropology is
study of biological aspect of man. related to earth science i.e. geography and geology.
Both anthropology and geography study man-
Anthropology and Economics: - Both the disciplines environment relationship. Geography studies
look into economic aspects of man, however environment and its impacts of man’s social, cultural,
differently. Anthropology studies economic aspect of economic, political and biological aspect. On the other
man in simple tribal societies from non-economic hand, anthropology studies man and his behavioral
(socio-cultural) point of view. On the other hand, impacts on environment in term of deforestation,
economics studies economic activities of modern pollution etc. which further damages the quality of
societies from economic point of view (demand and human life, longevity etc. by inflicting man with new
supply, profit and loss etc.) diseases.

Anthropology and Political Science: - Both the Anthropology and Humanities: - Science and
disciplines study political aspect of man, however in humanities, although have exclusive approaches, but
different ways; Anthropology studies political aspect both come together in anthropology. The humanistic
of man in simple tribal societies from non-political side of anthropology is evident in its concern with
(socio-cultural) point of view, on the other hand other culture’s language, values and achievement in
political science studies political activities of modern arts and literature (oral literature, among the people
societies from political point of view in terms of who lacks in writing). In those aspects, anthropology
legislative, executive, and judiciary. is close to humanistic disciplines such as literature,
history, fine arts etc., however anthropology differs
Anthropology and Behavioral Science: Anthropology from these disciplines in the way of studying the
is closely related to behavioral sciences especially aspects in scientific manner. Anthropologists try to
psychology. Anthropology and psychology, both study understand the humanistic aspects of other cultures
behavior of man, socialization process, culture and by observing them from their eyes, living throughout
personality etc. However, in the study and analysis of with them, sharing their joys and suffering their
behavior of man, both disciplines differ as follows. The deprivation including sickness. Anthropology has
focus of anthropological study is culture and from the amassed about human frailty and nobility – the study
study of culture, inference is drawn regarding of humanities as any other humanistic discipline.
behavior of man. On the other hand, psychology
studies behavior and from the study of behavior, 2. Civilization is the state of condition of persons living
inference is drawn regarding culture. A man behaves and functioning together, jointly, cooperatively so that
they produce and experience the benefits of so living historical development of the country, teach the rights
and functioning jointly and cooperatively. The word and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and
"civilization" derives from the Roman word for "city". spiritual values, develop moral character and personal
It implies a society involving cities, and cities involve discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking,
people living and acting together, jointly, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and
cooperatively, interactively. That as counter-posed to promote vocational efficiency.
people living singly or in very small units, on their (3) At the option expressed in writing by the parents
own, individually, independently. or guardians, religion shall be allowed to be taught to
Thus, civilization involves social cooperation, that is their children or wards in public elementary and high
the opposite of individualism's "rugged schools within the regular class hours by instructors
independence" with its competitive survival of the designated or approved by the religious authorities of
fittest. Civilization involves joint survival via joint the religion to which the children or wards belong,
action. Only civilization is capable of providing without additional cost to the Government.
improved quality of life: security, material abundance, Section 4. (1) The State recognizes the complementary
the arts, culture, the possibility of individual roles of public and private institutions in the
fulfillment and of happiness. educational system and shall exercise reasonable
Individualism pursues return to the original state, the supervision and regulation of all educational
opposite of civilization, the consequent survival institutions.
competition, the state of the animals unable to (2) Educational institutions, other than those
function in any mode other than the competition for established by religious groups and mission boards,
survival. shall be owned solely by citizens of the Philippines or
The future of mankind is civilization. Civilization corporations or associations at least sixty per centum
builds on our only real biological advantage -- of the capital of which is owned by such citizens. The
intelligence and rationality. Civilization implies, Congress may, however, require increased Filipino
means, requires: society, communal action, social equity participation in all educational institutions. The
sharing, "socialism" and, ultimately, communism, the control and administration of educational institutions
full cooperative sharing with our fellow persons. shall be vested in citizens of the Philippines.
Human society must, and it therefore will, so become No educational institution shall be established
or we will regress to the animals from which we came. exclusively for aliens and no group of aliens shall
comprise more than one-third of the enrollment in any
3. Legal Bases of Foundation of Education school. The provisions of this subsection shall not
1987 Philippine Constitution apply to schools established for foreign diplomatic
ARTICLE XIV personnel and their dependents and, unless otherwise
EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, provided by law, for other foreign temporary
Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the (3) All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit
right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, educational institutions used actually, directly, and
and shall take appropriate steps to make such exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt
education accessible to all. from taxes and duties. Upon the dissolution or
Section 2. The State shall: cessation of the corporate existence of such
(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete, institutions, their assets shall be disposed of in the
adequate, and integrated system of education relevant manner provided by law. Proprietary educational
to the needs of the people and society; institutions, including those cooperatively owned,
(2) Establish and maintain, a system of free public may likewise be entitled to such exemptions, subject
education in the elementary and high school levels. to the limitations provided by law, including
Without limiting the natural rights of parents to rear restrictions on dividends and provisions for
their children, elementary education is compulsory reinvestment.
for all children of school age; (4) Subject to conditions prescribed by law, all grants,
(3) Establish and maintain a system of scholarship endowments, donations, or contributions used
grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and other actually, directly, and exclusively for educational
incentives which shall be available to deserving purposes shall be exempt from tax.
students in both public and private schools, especially Section 5. (1) the State shall take into account regional
to the under-privileged; and sectoral needs and conditions and
(4) Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous shall encourage local planning in the development of
learning systems, as well as self-learning, educational policies and programs.
independent, and out-of-school study programs (2) Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all
particularly those that respond to community needs; institutions of higher learning.
and (3) Every citizen has a right to select a profession or
(5) Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of- course of study, subject to fair, reasonable, and
school youth with training in civics, vocational equitable admission and academic requirements.
efficiency, and other skills. (4) The State shall enhance the right of teachers to
Section 3. (1) All educational institutions shall include professional advancement. Non-teaching academic
the study of the Constitution as part of the curricula. and non-academic personnel shall enjoy the
(2) They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, protection of the State.
foster love of humanity, respect for human rights, (5) The State shall assign the highest budgetary
appreciation of the role of national heroes in the priority to education and ensure that teaching will
attract and retain its rightful share of the best principles and geared towards excellence, the
available talents through adequate remuneration and foundations for learning throughout life, the
other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment. competence to engage in work and be productive, the
Section 6. The national language of the Philippines is ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and
Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be further developed and global communities, the capability to engage in
enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the
languages. capacity and willingness to transform others and one's
Section 10. Science and technology are essential for self.
national development and progress. The State shall For this purpose, the State shall create a functional
give priority to research and development, invention, basic education system that will develop productive
innovation, and their utilization; and to science and and responsible citizens equipped with the essential
technology education, training, and services. It shall competencies, skills and values for both life-long
support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant learning and employment. In order to achieve this, the
scientific and technological capabilities, and their State shall:
application to the country's productive systems and (a) Give every student an opportunity to receive
national life. quality education that is globally competitive based on
Section 11. The Congress may provide for incentives, a pedagogically sound curriculum that is at par with
including tax deductions, to encourage private international standards;
participation in programs of basic and applied (b) Broaden the goals of high school education for
scientific research. Scholarships, grants-in-aid, or college preparation, vocational and technical career
other forms of incentives shall be provided to opportunities as well as creative arts, sports and
deserving science students, researchers, scientists, entrepreneurial employment in a rapidly changing
inventors, technologists, and specially gifted citizens. and increasingly globalized environment; and
Section 12. The State shall regulate the transfer and (c) Make education learner-oriented and responsive,
promote the adaptation of technology from all sources to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, the
for the national benefit. It shall encourage the widest circumstances
participation of private groups, local governments, and diversity of learners, schools and communities
and community-based organizations in the generation through the appropriate languages of teaching and
and utilization of science and technology. learning, including mother tongue as a learning
Section 13. The State shall protect and secure the resource.
exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists, and
other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and SEC. 3. Basic Education. - Basic education is intended
creations, particularly when beneficial to the people, to meet basic learning needs which provides the
for such period as may be provided by law. foundation on which subsequent learning can be
Section 14. The State shall foster the preservation, based. It encompasses kindergarten, elementary and
enrichment, and dynamic evolution of a Filipino secondary education as well as alternative learning
national culture based on the principle of unity in systems for out-of-school learners and those
diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual with special needs. '
expression. SEC. 4. Enhanced Basic Education Program. - The
Section 18. (1) The State shall ensure equal access to enhanced basic education program encompasses at
cultural opportunities through the educational least one
system, public or private cultural entities, (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of
scholarships, grants and other incentives, and elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary
community cultural centers, and other public venues. education, in that sequence. Secondary education
(2) The State shall encourage and support researches includes four (4) years of junior high school and two
and studies on the arts and culture. (2) years of senior high school education.
Section 19. (1) The State shall promote physical Kindergarten education shall mean one (1) year of
education and encourage sports programs, league preparatory education for children at least f,ve (5)
competitions, and amateur sports, including training years old as a prerequisite for Grade 1. Elementary
for international competitions, to foster self- education refers to the second stage of compulsory
discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the basic education which is composed of six (6) years.
development of a healthy and alert citizenry. The entrant age to this level is typically six (6) years
(2) All educational institutions shall undertake old. Secondary education refers to the third stage of
regular sports activities throughout the country in compulsory basic education. It consists of four (4)
cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors. years of junior high school education and two (2)
years of senior high school education. The entrant age
4. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 to the junior and senior high school levels are typically
AN ACT ENHANCING THE PHILIPPINE BASIC twelve (12) and sixteen (16) years old, respectively.
EDUCATION SYSTEM BY STRENGTHENING ITS Basic education shall be delivered in languages
CURRlCULUM AND INCREASING THE NUMBER OF understood by the learners as the language plays a
YEARS FOR BASIC EDUCATION, APPROPRIATING strategic role in shaping the formative years of
FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES learners. For kindergarten and the first three (3) years
Likewise, it is hereby declared the policy of the State of elementary education, instruction, teaching
that every graduate of basic education shall be an materials and assessment shall be in the regional or
empowered individual who has learned, through a native language of the learners. The Department of
program that is rooted on sound educational Education (DepED) shall formulate a mother language
transition program from Grade 4 to Grade 6 so that achievement in Mathematics and their scores on
Filipino and English shall be gradually introduced as academic achievement in Science. This does not
languages of instruction until such time when these suggest that one of these variables is the cause and the
two (2) languages can become the primary languages other is the effect. In fact, a third variable, viz.,
of instruction at the secondary level. students’ intelligence could be the cause of students’
For purposes of this Act, mother language or first academic achievement in both, Mathematics and
Language (LI) refers to language or languages first Science.
learned by a child, which he/she identifies with, is
identified as a native language user of by others, which Causal-comparative research is a type of descriptive
he/she knows best, or uses most. This includes research since it describes conditions that already
Filipino sign language used by individuals with exist. It is a form of investigation in which the
pertinent disabilities. The regional or native researcher has no direct control over independent
language refers to the traditional speech variety or variable as its expression has already occurred or
variety of Filipino sign language existing in a region, because they are essentially nonmanipulable. It also
area or place. attempts to identify reasons or causes of preexisting
SEC. 5. Curriculum Development. - The DepED shall differences in groups of individuals i.e. if a researcher
formulate the design and details of the enhanced basic observes that two or more groups are different on a
education curriculum. It shall work with the variable, he tries to identify the main factor that has
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to craft led to this difference. Another name for this type of
harmonized basic and tertiary curricula for the global research is ex post facto research (which in Latin
competitiveness of Filipino. means “after the fact”) since both the hypothesized
cause and the effect have already occurred and must
METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH be studied in retrospect. Causal-comparative studies
Correlational research describes what exists at the attempt to identify cause-effect relationships,
moment (conditions, practices, processes, structures correlational studies do not. Causal-comparative
etc.) and is therefore, classified as a type of descriptive studies involve comparison, correlational studies
method. Nevertheless, these conditions, practices, involve relationship. However, neither method
processes or structures described are markedly provides researchers with true experimental data. On
different from the way they are usually described in a the other hand, causal-comparative and experimental
survey or an observational study. Correlational research both attempt to establish cause-and-effect
research comprises of collecting data to determine relationships and both involve comparisons. In an
whether, and to what extent, a relationship exists experimental study, the researcher selects a random
between two or more quantifiable variables. sample and then randomly divides the sample into
Correlational research uses numerical data to explore two or more groups. Groups are assigned to the
relationships between two or more variables. The treatments and the study is carried out. However, in
degree of relationship is expressed in terms of a causal-comparative research, individuals are not
coefficient of correlation. If the relationship exists randomly assigned to treatment groups because they
between variables, it implies that scores on one already were selected into groups before the research
variable are associated with or vary with the scores on began. In experimental research, the independent
another variable. The exploration of relationship of variable is manipulated by the researcher, whereas in
the relationship between variables provides insight causal-comparative research, the groups are already
into the nature of the variables themselves as well as formed and already different on the independent
an understanding of their relationships. If the variable. Inferences about cause-and-effect
relationships are substantial and consistent, they relationships are made without direct intervention, on
enable a researcher to make predictions about the the basis of concomitant variation of independent and
variables. Correlational research is aimed at dependent variables. The basic causal-comparative
determining the nature, degree and direction of method starts with an effect and seeks possible
relationships between variables or using these causes. For example, if a researcher observes that the
relationships to make predictions. Correlational academic achievement of students from different
studies typically investigate a number of variables schools. He may hypothesize the possible cause for
expected to be related to a major, complex variable. this as the type of management of schools, viz. private-
Those variables which are not found to be related to aided, private-unaided, or government schools (local
this major, complex variable are omitted from further or state or any other). He therefore decides to conduct
analysis. On the other hand, those variables which are a causal-comparative research in which academic
found to be related to this major, complex variable are achievement of students is the effect that has already
further analyzed in a causal-comparative or occurred and school types by management is the
experimental study so as to determine the exact possible hypothesized cause. This approach is known
nature of the relationship between them. In a as retrospective causal-comparative research since it
correlational study, hypotheses or research questions starts with the effects and investigates the causes. In
are stated at the beginning of the study. The null another variation of this type of research, the
hypotheses are often used in a correlational study. investigator starts with a cause and investigates its
Correlational study does not specify cause-and-effect effect on some other variable. i.e. such research is
relationships between variables under consideration. concerned with the question ‘what is the effect of X on
It merely specifies concomitant variations in the Y when X has already occurred?’ For example, what
scores on the variables. For example, there is a strong long term effect has occurred on the self-concept of
relationship between students’ scores on academic students who are grouped according to ability in
schools? Here, the investigator hypothesizes that and experiments. A hypothesis is a theory that seeks
students who are grouped according to ability in to explain a phenomenon or a set of phenomena.
schools are labelled ‘brilliant’, ‘average’ or ‘dull’ and Scientists or researchers make up hypothesis to see if
this over a period of time could lead to unduly high or they hold water. They conduct a number of
unduly poor self-concept in them. This approach is experiments and test this hypothesis, and if the
known as prospective causal-comparative research hypothesis indeed proves correct, it is deemed to have
since it starts with the causes and investigates the become a theory. There is another word called
effects. However, retrospective causal-comparative assumption that is similar in meaning and confuses
studies are far more common in educational research. readers. This article attempts to highlight the
Causal-comparative research involves two or more differences between hypothesis and assumption.
groups and one independent variable. The goal of
causal-comparative research is to establish cause- What is Hypothesis?
and-effect relationships just like an experimental
research. However, in causal-comparative research, Something that has yet not been proved to classify as
the researcher is able to identify past experiences of a theory but believed to be true by the researcher is
the subjects that are consistent with a ‘treatment’ and labeled as a hypothesis. A hypothesis is merely a
compares them with those subjects who have had a proposition that is presented or put forward by a
different treatment or no treatment. The causal- scientist to explain a natural phenomenon. It does not
comparative research may also involve a pre-test and become a theory until it is proved and tested under
a post-test. For instance, a researcher wants to different conditions and circumstances. At best, it is an
compare the effect of “Environmental Education” in assumption that has been made working. It is rather
the B.Ed. syllabus on student-teachers’ awareness of correct to call a hypothesis a theory that needs
environmental issues and problems attitude towards verification and investigation. Any statement that is
environmental protection. Here, a researcher can put forward for the sake of argument to support an
develop and administer a pre-test before being taught occurrence or phenomenon is called a hypothesis.
the paper on “Environmental Education” and a post-
test after being taught the same. At the same time, the What is Assumption?
pre-test as well as the post-test are also administered
to a group which was not taught the paper on Making assumptions on the basis of looks and
“Environmental Education”. This is essentially a non- appearance of a person is common. We take for
experimental research as there is no manipulation granted the qualities in a person on the basis of his
of the treatment although it involves a pre-test and a skin color, hair color, and physique. We take for
post-test. In this type of research, the groups are not granted qualities that are mere assumption and no
randomly assigned to exposure to the paper on more. An assumption is any statement that is believed
“Environmental Education”. Thus, it is possible that to be true. Many times, people pay dearly when they
other variables could also affect the outcome jump to conclusions based upon their assumptions.
variables. Therefore, in a causal-comparative Thinking about the feelings of others is merely
research, it is important to think whether differences assumption as there is no way to tell what a person is
other than the independent variable could affect the thinking or feeling.
results. In order to establish cause-and-effect in a
causal-comparative research, it is essential to build a What is the difference between a Hypothesis and
convincing rational argument that the independent Assumption?
variable is influencing the dependent variable. It is • Hypothesis is an argument put forward to explain a
also essential to ensure that other uncontrolled phenomenon or sets of phenomena
variables do not have an effect on the dependent • Hypothesis is not a theory until it has been proved
variable. For this purpose, the researcher should try to and verified under different circumstances
draw a sample that minimizes the effects of other • Anything taken for granted is an assumption, and a
extraneous variables. According to Picciano, “In hypothesis is at best a working assumption
stating a hypothesis in a causal comparative study, the • Hypothesis is a theory in waiting as it can be called
word “effect” is frequently used”. theory only after verification
Experimental designs are said to be the approach for
obtaining information about causal relationships What is an Interview?
(Robson, 1993), allowing researchers to assess the An interview is a conversation for gathering
correlation (relationship) between one variable and information. A research interview involves an
another. A principle factor of such designs is that one interviewer, who coordinates the process of the
element is manipulated by the researcher to see conversation and asks questions, and an interviewee,
whether it has any impact upon another. The element who responds to those questions. Interviews can be
being manipulated by researchers (e.g. introducing a conducted face-to-face or over the telephone. The
teenage pregnancy preventative intervention) is internet is also emerging as a tool for interviewing.
known as the independent variable, whereas the
change (or outcome) resulting from the When is an Interview an Appropriate Research
implementation of the independent variable (e.g. Method?
teenage pregnancy rates) is the dependent variable. Interviews are an appropriate method when there is a
need to collect in-depth information on people’s
Hypothesis and assumption are concepts that are opinions, thoughts, experiences, and feelings.
similar in nature and are used commonly in research Interviews are useful when the topic of inquiry relates
to issues that require complex questioning and techniques for accommodating these four important
considerable probing. Face-to-face interviews are facts.
suitable when your target population can 1. Research Questions aren't Interview Questions
communicate through face-to-face conversations The first important fact of interviewing is that
better than they can communicate through writing or research questions are not the same as interview
phone conversations (e.g., children, elderly or questions. Your research question describes the issue
disabled individuals). you want to learn about, but you rarely can learn
about that issue by asking others that literal question.
Types of Interviews If you want to learn why students bully one another,
Interviews can be designed differently depending on you can't just ask them, "Why do you bully him," or
the needs being addressed and the information. They "Why do you think he bullies you?" Research
can be grouped into three types: questions are usually too broad to serve as productive
Structured interviews: In a structured interview, interview questions. Once you have a research
the interviewer asks a set of standards, question, you must devise a data collection plan that
predetermined questions about particular topics, in a will help you gather credible evidence, or clues, that
specific order. The respondents need to select their are relevant to your research question. Your interview
answers from a list of options. The interviewer may guide is your data collection plan. My human caretaker
provide clarification on some questions. Structured has posted a sample of an interview guide to show you
Interviews are typically used in surveys (see our how you move from research questions to interview
“Survey Research Methods” Tip Sheet for more questions.
Semi-structured interviews: In a semi-structured 2. If you ask a question, they will answer it
interview, the interviewer uses a set of predetermined The second important fact about interviewing is that
questions and the respondents answer in their own people will answer the questions you ask them, even
words. if they have never really thought much about your
Some interviewers use a topic guide that serves as a topic. If they agree to be interviewed, they will
checklist to ensure that all respondents provide continue to try to be helpful by offering whatever they
information on the same topics. The interviewer can can about your topic, even if it means inventing
probe areas based on the respondent’s answers or ask answers or exaggerating how much they have thought
supplementary questions for clarification. Semi- about your question. This means that the "evidence"
structured interviews are useful when there is a need you are gathering may not very accurately reflect real
to collect in-depth information views. So you need to think about ways to pose
in a systematic manner from a number of respondents questions that don't elicit overly-helpful responses.
or interviewees (e.g., teachers, community leaders). One strategy that helps a lot is to have a collection of
Unstructured interviews: In an unstructured probes ready to use as needed. A probe is a follow-up
interview, the interviewer has no specific guidelines, question, designed to get the interviewee to clarify or
restrictions, predetermined questions, or list of elaborate what he or she has just said. I have another
options. The interviewer asks a few broad questions page that gives several ideas about types and formats
to engage the respondent in an open, informal, and of probes.
spontaneous discussion. The interviewer also probes
with further questions and/or explores Approach your question from the side
inconsistencies to gather more in-depth information One way around this is to approach your topic
on the topic. Unstructured interviews are particularly sideways. For instance, suppose you are interested in
useful for getting the stories behind respondents’ whether or how teachers use research. If you ask them
experiences or when there is little information about to speak specifically about this issue, they will try their
a topic. best to come up with some uses, refer to studies they
have read and talk about how they have responded to
Interview Guide those studies. These responses will give you an
Before conducting interviews, you need an interview inflated notion of the degree of reliance on research.
guide that you can use to help you direct the An alternative approach would be to ask how they
conversation toward the topics and issues you want to make decisions about particular things-things where
learn about. Interview guides vary from highly research could have been useful--say, deciding
scripted to relatively loose, but they all share certain whether to promote a student or retain him in grade,
features: They help you know what to ask about, in or whether to use cooperative groups or not, and then
what sequence, how to pose your questions, and how probe extensively for where they got their ideas when
to pose follow-ups. They provide guidance about what they made that decision. If you are lucky, they will
to do or say next, after your interviewee has answered refer to research studies when they answer these
the last question. A good interview guide also probes.
acknowledges four important facts of human social
interactions that influence what people are likely to 3. Espoused Theories Differ from Theories in Use
say to you. These four facts are: (1) Research The third important fact pertinent to interviewing is
questions are not the same as interview questions; (2) that people hold two sets of ideas about the world:
People's espoused theories differ from their theories- Their espoused theories and their theories-in-use.
in-use; (3) Interviews are social occasions; and (4) Espouses theories are the things they believe they
Testimony by itself is relatively weak form of believe, though they may not always act on those
evidence. This guide to interview guides offers some beliefs. Theories-in-use are the ideas that actually
guide their daily actions. Think of the person who more details of what they were thinking and what they
loves mankind but can't stand his neighbor, or the were trying to do at any given moment. Ask them to
teacher who believes all children can learn except two explain what was going on, what they thought about it.
particular students in her classroom. Ask them why they responded as they did.

This fact creates a problem for your interview. Your 4. Interviews are Social Occasions
task is to learn their theories in use, but they may be The fourth important fact about interviews is that they
unaware of those. Instead, they will offer you their are social occasions, and you cannot avoid the social
espoused theories. The best way to learn theories in interaction that occurs during an interview. There are
use is to ask about concrete examples rather than two sides to this. On one side, the interviewee will
about general principles. Here are some ways to do want to put his best foot forward. He or she will want
this. to be perceived as caring, thoughtful, reasonable, or
justified. Even if your interviewee is willing to discuss
Ask about Hypothetical examples or vignettes sensitive areas, there will be a tendency to put them in
Suppose you are interested in how students respond the best light possible.
to teachers' disciplinary actions. Instead of asking
them to tell their general philosophy about discipline, On the other side, virtually everything about you
give them two or three specific examples of conveys a social message to your interviewee. Your
disciplinary moves and ask how they would respond clothing and mannerisms convey your position in life
to each one, and why. Vary your hypotheticals to and perhaps your social attitudes as well. Regardless
capture the variety of disciplinary actions you are of whether they perceive you as an educator, a liberal,
interested in. a child advocate, or a stuffy academic, they will tailor
what they say to be more acceptable to the person
This general strategy, by the way, works for surveys as they see as their audience.
well as interviews. Here is a survey of teachers done a
few years back on how teachers think about You can add to or reduce these tendencies by your
technology. Note the way the authors get at the kind of mannerisms. Your facial expressions, head nods, and
pedagogy that teachers’ value. verbal "um-hmm's" convey approval or disapproval of
what the interviewee is saying. If you respond
Ask about specific things they have done effusively to some of the things they say, you will
Suppose you are interested in learning what kind of encourage more of those things in their responses. If
homework teachers normally assign. Instead of asking you furrow your brow, express sympathy with their
teachers what kind of homework they normally plight, you encourage them to adopt that posture.
assign, ask them to bring you three specific instances
of homework they have assigned this week. Then This doesn't mean that every interviewee is purposely
organize your interview questions around these deceptive or devious. In fact, just the opposite. These
specific instances. things occur naturally in every human conversation as
people reach out to one another and try to find
Or, suppose you are interested in knowing how often common ground. But the tendency to reach out and to
teachers ask their students to work in groups during find common ground can create problems in an
math class. If you ask them about their average or interview, for the purpose of an interview is to learn
typical use of groups, they may over- or underestimate what the other person would think if you weren't
how frequently they do this because the practice may there asking him.
be part of their espoused theories of teaching. Instead, The best defense against social processes is not to
ask them whether they used groups during any math accept people's initial answers to your questions.
classes this week, and then ask why, or why not, and Don't take their first answers as a final answer. Design
probe for the details of what motivated them to your interview to challenge their claims. You don't
engage in or avoid this practice at these particular have to be hostile to do this, but you do need to think
times. about it how to do it without being hostile. Here are
some strategies:
Or, suppose you are interested in how teachers use
technology in their teaching. Instead of asking them Ask for Elaboration
about their general use, ask them when the most When a person says he wants to accomplish X, push
recent use was and then interrogate them about that for more detail on about why. Ask things like "Why
specific event. was that important to you? What would happen if you
didn't do X? Or, conversely, if they say they were afraid
Use Stimulated Recall to do Z, or wanted to avoid Z, ask what would be wrong
There may be times when you suspect that teachers with Z, why would Z be a problem, what would happen
may not be completely aware of their own actions, or if they did do Z.
that students may not recall all the details of even a
recent experience. You can stimulate their recall by Ask about Opposing Ideas
showing them a videotape of the event you want to When your interviewee says she wanted to do X, or to
discuss in the interview. This is called "stimulated avoid Z, you can also challenge her thinking by posing
recall." The videotape stimulates their memory and the opposite idea. Say, for instance, "Some people
helps you get more detail. The idea is that, by think it is important to do Y. What do you think about
reviewing the tape, teachers and students will recall that?" Or say, "Last week I interviewed a teacher who
said she thought Y was more important than X. What policy into that line, and a third line of questions about
do you think about that?" practices that are relevant to the policy as well.

Ask if their Rationale is All-encompassing Many of the suggestions offered above, in regard to
Often interviewee explain their actions by saying they other basic truths of interviewing, will also help here.
were required to do something. For instance, a teacher For instance, if you ask people about two or three
may say she taught this content because it would be vignettes, or about two or three specific experiences,
on the test, or a student may say he did something you can treat each of these events as one source of
because the teacher told him to. These explanations evidence and you can compare them. If you ask people
move responsibility for actions to some other location. about opposing ideas, or what would happen if they
They give the impression that the person's actions are didn't do what they thought they should, you are
entirely determined by the demands of the situation obtaining multiple sources of evidence.
or the demands of another person. You can learn more
about how they decide what to do by asking them if Sometimes you can obtain multiple sources of
they always do whatever the requirements are. Does evidence simply by rephrasing the same question so
the teacher always teach whatever is on the test, does that you emphasize a different aspect of it.
the student always do whatever the teacher says to Researchers have found, for instance, that people
do? Chances are, your interviewee will say no to this respond differently to questions about probability
question, so that you can then ask why they followed depending on whether the odds are described in
the rule in this specific situation. You can ask about the positive or negative terms: One question asks if they
situations when they don't do what is required, or how would bet when the odds were one in ten that they
this situation differs from others. would win, another asks if they would bet if the odds
were nine in ten that they would lose. The odds are the
Ask your interviewee if he or she would respond same in each question, but responses differ because of
differently, or act differently, under specific other the emphasis. It doesn't hurt to re-ask the same
conditions. Ask, for instance, how they would have question with different phrases or from different
responded at some earlier point in their career, or perspectives.
how they would have responded if another teacher
had done this, or how they would have responded if
they were teaching at another grade level.

These questions are all called "probes." You begin with Questionnaire
a stem question about a particular event--what A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of
happened, why, how did you respond, etc., and then a series of questions (or other types of prompts) for
you probe further. The idea of all these probes is to get the purpose of gathering information from
past their espoused theories and their notions of what respondents. Although questionnaires are often
will sound good to you, and into the real details of their designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this
thoughts and practices. You want to get your is not always the case. Questionnaires have
interviewees away from gross generalities and learn advantages over some other types of surveys in that
the exceptions to their own rules, the nuances, the they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the
counterpoints and the "other hands." questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often
have standardized answers that make it simple to
5. Testimony alone is weak evidence compile data. However, such standardized answers
The fifth important fact about interviewing is that may frustrate users. Questionnaires are also sharply
testimony from interviews is perceived by others to be limited by the fact that respondents must be able to
a relatively weak source of evidence. Advocates of read the questions and respond to them. Thus, for
qualitative research generally argue that you need some demographic groups conducting a survey by
multiple sources of evidence in order to make a claim. questionnaire may not be concrete.
For instance, you can't conclude that teachers were Question type
skeptical about a new policy if the only evidence you Usually, a questionnaire consists of a number of
have is their word for it. The best solution to this questions that the respondent has to answer in a set
problem is to rely on multiple sources of evidence. For format. A distinction is made between open-ended
instance, look at what they say to you in the and closed-ended questions. An open-ended question
interviews, what they say to peers in staff meetings, asks the respondent to formulate his own answer,
and what they do in their classrooms. The process of whereas a closed-ended question has the respondent
reconciling these various sources of evidence is called pick an answer from a given number of options. The
triangulation. response options for a closed-ended question should
be exhaustive and mutually exclusive. Four types of
If your study is based entirely on interviews, you can't response scales for closed-ended questions are
triangulate among multiple sources of evidence in the distinguished:
way that qualitative researchers advocate. However,  Dichotomous, where the respondent has two
you can try to get multiple "takes" on the same issue options
through an interview. For instance, to learn teachers'  Nominal-polytomous, where the respondent
views on a new policy, ask one line of questions has more than two unordered options
directly about the policy, another line of questions  Ordinal-polytomous, where the respondent
about a related issue, slipping some references to the has more than two ordered options
 (Bounded)Continuous, where the respondent in the development of the New Leadership School,
is presented with a continuous scale (Conger, 1999; Hunt, 1999), on the recent emergence
A respondent's answer to an open-ended question is of an approach to leadership that views it as a
coded into a response scale afterwards. An example of relational phenomenon (Fletcher, 2002), and on the
an open-ended question is a question where the testee increased recognition of the strengths of qualitative
has to complete a sentence (sentence completion inquiry generally.
item) Shank (2002) defines qualitative research as “a form
of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning” (p. 5).
Statement of the Problem By systematic he means “planned, ordered and
Research is a systematic investigative process public”, following rules agreed upon by members of
employed to increase or revise current knowledge by the qualitative research community. By empirical, he
discovering new facts. It can be divided into two means that this type of inquiry is grounded in the
general categories: (1) Basic research, which is world of experience. Inquiry into meaning says
inquiry aimed at increasing scientific knowledge, and researchers try to understand how others make sense
(2) Applied research, which is effort aimed at using of their experience. Denzin and Lincoln (2000) claim
basic research for solving problems or developing that qualitative research involves an interpretive and
new processes, products, or techniques. naturalistic approach: “This means that qualitative
researchers study things in their natural settings,
The first and most important step in any research is to attempting to make sense of, or to interpret,
identify and delineate the research problem: that is, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to
what the researcher wants to solve and what them” (p. 3).
questions he/she wishes to answer. A research The advantages of doing qualitative research on
problem may be defined as an area of concern, a gap leadership include (Conger, 1998; Bryman et al, 1988;
in the existing knowledge, or a deviation in the norm Alvesson, 1996):
or standard that points to the need for further  flexibility to follow unexpected ideas during
understanding and investigation. Although many research and explore processes effectively;
problems turn out to have several solutions (the  sensitivity to contextual factors;
means to close the gap or correct the deviation),  ability to study symbolic dimensions and
difficulties arise where such means are either not social meaning;
obvious or are not immediately available. This then  increased opportunities
necessitates some research to reach a viable solution. o to develop empirically supported new
ideas and theories;
A statement of the problem is used in research work o for in-depth and longitudinal
as a claim that outlines the problem addressed by a explorations of leadership
study. The statement of the problem briefly addresses phenomena; and
the question: What is the problem that the research o for more relevance and interest for
will address? practitioners.

What are the goals of a statement of the problem? THE NATURE OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH
While quantitative and qualitative inquiry represent
The ultimate goal of a statement of the problem is to two legitimate ways to investigate leadership,
transform a generalized problem (something that researchers using one or the other tackle empirical
bothers you; a perceived lack) into a targeted, well- research differently. Everet and Louis (1981) clarify
defined problem; one that can be resolved through the assumptions that ground each by distinguishing
focused research and careful decision-making. two research stances: “inquiry from the outside”, often
implemented via quantitative studies and “inquiry
Writing a statement of the problem should help you from the inside” via qualitative studies.
clearly identify the purpose of the research project These approaches differ in the degree of the
you will propose. Often, the statement of the problem researcher’s immersion in terms of experiential
will also serve as the basis for the introductory section engagement, direct contact with the subjects, and
of your final proposal, directing your reader’s physical involvement in the setting. In the “inside” or
attention quickly to the issues that your proposed qualitative approach, the researcher aims for a holistic
project will address and providing the reader with a picture from historically unique situations, where
concise statement of the proposed project itself. idiosyncrasies are important for meaning. The
researcher uses an inductive mode, letting the data
A statement of problem need not be long and speak. In contrast, traditional “outside” or quantitative
elaborate: one page is more than enough for a good researchers aim to isolate the phenomenon, to reduce
statement of problem. the level of complexity in the analysis and to test
hypotheses derived previously.
Qualitative Research Shank uses two metaphors to differentiate these ways
Leadership scholars seeking to answer questions of ‘seeing’ in research. One metaphor is the ‘window’,
about culture and meaning have found experimental to look through to get an accurate view of a subject.
and quantitative methods to be insufficient on their Microscopes are windows that help to do inquiry from
own in explaining the phenomenon they wish to study. the outside. The researcher tries to correct for
As a result, qualitative research has gained smudges (to avoid bias) or to clarify in what ways the
momentum as a mode of inquiry. This trend has roots window is flawed (to identify error). This image
corresponds to mainstream leadership research, and phenomenon, particular questions seem immediately
requires simplification and standardization of suited to being answered using quantitative methods:
complex observations. In contrast to the window, the ■ How many males get a first-class degree at
‘lantern’ metaphor helps “shed light in dark corners” university compared to females?
(Shank, p.11). This image characterizes qualitative ■ What percentage of teachers and school leaders
researchers as “discoverers and reconcilers of belong to ethnic minority groups?
meaning where no meaning has been clearly ■ Has pupil achievement in English improved in our
understood before” (Shank p. 11). school district over time?
The approaches to inquiry described with the These are all questions we can look at quantitatively,
window, inquiry from the outside, and by extension, as the data we need to collect are already available to
quantitative research, are best known as logical us in numerical form. However, does this not severely
positivism and post-positivism. limit the usefulness of quantitative research? There
The lantern, inquiry from the inside and qualitative are many phenomena we might want to look at, but
research, represent an approach known as which don’t seem to produce any quantitative data. In
interpretivism (Crotty, 1998; Denzin and Lincoln, fact, relatively few phenomena in education actually
2000). Historically, the strong hold of quantitative occur in the form of ‘naturally’ quantitative data.
methodologies in leadership studies can be explained Luckily, we are far less limited than might appear from
by the dominance of the fields of social psychology and the above. Many data that do not naturally appear in
organizational behavior which have been highly quantitative form can be collected in a quantitative
influenced by positivism (House and Adytay, 1996; way. We do this by designing research instruments
Parry, 1998; Podsakoff, 1994). aimed specifically at converting phenomena that don’t
naturally exist in quantitative form into quantitative
Quantitative Research data, which we can analyze statistically. Examples of
Research methods in education (and the other social this are attitudes and beliefs. We might want to collect
sciences) are often divided into two main types: data on pupils’ attitudes to their school and their
quantitative and qualitative methods. This book will teachers.
discuss one of these two main strands: quantitative These attitudes obviously do not naturally exist in
methods. In this chapter we will have a look at what is quantitative form (we don’t form our attitudes in the
meant by the term quantitative methods, and what shape of numerical scales!). Yet we can develop a
distinguishes quantitative from qualitative methods. questionnaire that asks pupils to rate a number of
When you think of quantitative methods, you will statements (for example, ‘I think school is boring’) as
probably have specific things in mind. You will either agree strongly, agree, disagree or disagree
probably be thinking of statistics, numbers – many of strongly, and give the answers a number (e.g. 1 for
you may be feeling somewhat apprehensive because disagree strongly, 4 for agree strongly). Now we have
you think quantitative methods are difficult. Apart quantitative data on pupil attitudes to school. In the
from the last, all these thoughts capture some of the same way, we can collect data on a wide number of
essence of quantitative methods. phenomena, and make them quantitative through data
The following definition, taken from Aliaga and collection instruments like questionnaires or tests. In
Gunderson (2002), describes what we mean by the next three chapters we will look at how we can
quantitative research methods very well: Quantitative develop instruments to do just that.
research is ‘Explaining phenomena by collecting The number of phenomena we can study in this way is
numerical data that are analysed using almost unlimited, making quantitative research quite
mathematically based methods (in particular flexible. However, not all phenomena are best studied
statistics).’ using quantitative methods. As we will see, while
Let’s go through this definition step by step. The first quantitative methods have some notable advantages,
element is explaining phenomena. This is a key they also have disadvantages, which means that some
element of all research, be it quantitative or phenomena are better studied using different
qualitative. When we set out do some research, we are (qualitative) methods.
always looking to explain something. In education this The last part of the definition refers to the use of
could be questions like ‘why do teachers leave mathematically based methods, in particular
teaching?’, ‘what factors influence pupil achievement?’ statistics, to analyze the data. This is what people
and so on. usually think about when they think of quantitative
The specificity of quantitative research lies in the next research, and is often seen as the most important part
part of the definition. In quantitative research we of quantitative studies. This is a bit of a misconception.
collect numerical data. This is closely connected to the While it is important to use the right data analysis
final part of the definition: analysis using tools, it is even more important to use the right
mathematically based methods. In order to be able to research design and data collection instruments.
use mathematically based methods our However, the use of statistics to analyze the data is the
data have to be in numerical form. This is not the case element that puts a lot of people off doing quantitative
for qualitative research, because the mathematics underlying the
research. Qualitative data are not necessarily or methods seem complicated and frightening.
usually numerical, and therefore cannot be analysed Nevertheless, as we will see later on in this book, most
using statistics. researchers do not really have to be particularly
Therefore, because quantitative research is essentially expert in the mathematics underlying the methods,
about collecting numerical data to explain a particular because computer software allows us to do the
analyses quickly and (relatively) easily.
secondary sources? Find similarities, differences,
Related Literature strengths, and weaknesses.
One of the first few parts in writing a research paper
is the review of related literature. When I was still a Developing your claim
student, this section just intimidates me as it sounded After analyzing and synthesizing your materials, you
like it requires a lot of reading and writing. True can now develop a claim about what you have
enough, it does. discovered. Your claim can be about a critical
However, the review of related literature anchors emerging pattern about the methodology being used
your research in the academic field that cradles your in the in studies with a similar research problem.
research topic. It reveals historical information, Make sure that you can logically defend this claim
trends, and research gaps. A literature review is not using the information you have derived from your
just a collection of summaries of published materials research.
that are related to your topic. It requires organization, Doing research and writing a review of related
analysis, and synthesis. literature requires scrutiny and critical thinking.
Furthermore, a review of related literature is still an That’s why it is advisable for you to select a topic that
essay. An essay declares a specific point. This holds genuinely interests you. With this, you will develop a
true in writing a literature review. You should have a natural curiosity about the topic. In effect, finding
claim with regards to the synthesis of topics, research more information about it will be enjoyable for you.
methodology, findings, and limitations of the
academic materials you have collated. Dependent Variables
If you will be writing a review of related literature for A dependent variable is also called an outcome or
your research paper, you most likely have clearly response variable and represents the outcome of a
defined your topic and research problem. With this, treatment. The dependent variable should be chosen
you can already begin your review. so that one can make a conclusion about the treatment
in relation to the professed goal. It is expected that this
Search, research, and read dependent variable will show different outcomes for
In searching for related literature, you should the different experimental conditions. If the goal is to
determine the scope of your review. What research develop an information system that helps people with
material will you include? How can you have access to weight loss, the dependent variable should reflect this
such materials? You should also identify the goal and allow the researchers to draw conclusions
publication date of your research materials. about losing weight with help from the information
Most research papers nowadays utilize contemporary system that is being evaluated. For example, the
research materials as to ensure the relevance of the weight lost after 1 month could be the dependent
data they present. However, you can still include variable. For the persuasive text messaging system
classic works if you wish to establish the historical described above, it is expected and hypothesized that
context of your topic. participants will lose more weight with the text
Still, you need to be realistic. Research paper writing messaging system than without.
is usually time bound. Collate research literature that A good evaluation will have complementary measures
you will be able to scan through within the given to assess the impact of a treatment. When the
period of writing your research paper. Also, consider outcomes of complementary measures point in the
the availability of the research material. same direction, for example, that a system is user
When you read a research material, be critical of its friendly, this provides a much stronger evaluation and
references as you can use this as a source of more the researcher can be much more confident about the
research materials. conclusion. Moreover, such additional measures often
are useful to help explain unexpected results of using
Take notes and annotate the system. Keep in mind that each analysis will
You should take note of the bibliographic information evaluate the impact of the conditions, the independent
of your research materials. If you already know the variable, on one outcome measure, the dependent
citation style to use for your paper, then it would help variable, at a time.
if you follow the citation style in your annotation. This When choosing a set of evaluation metrics, it is
will save you time when you need to list your important to include existing metrics decision makers
references. are already familiar with when possible. Regardless
Take note of crucial sections from your research whether the decision makers are the future users, the
materials such as historical facts, related concepts, buyers of the software or fellow researchers, metrics
theoretical framework, methodologies, findings, used for many years or in many evaluations are more
significance, limitations, and recommendations. You likely to be well understood and accepted as part of
can organize these pieces of information through a the decision-making process.
spreadsheet for easier analysis. Naturally, relying solely on metrics that have been
used historically is unwise. Evaluations should include
Analyze and synthesize the metrics that are most relevant to the study. For
In doing the analysis and synthesis of the information example, if one designed a system for online
you have gathered, look for patterns, gaps, and issues. appointment scheduling, the clinic where the system
If you see a certain author multiple times in various will be tested will most probably already keep track of
literature, then that author will be worth further the number of people who do not show up for
scrutiny. Why is the author recurring in different appointments. Obviously, they will be interested in
seeing the effects of the system on such a well-known
metric. In addition, it may be quite reasonable to
measure the number of changes in appointments and
the associated costs. A new system may not only affect
no-shows but also the time needed for rescheduling
existing appointments.

Independent Variable
The term independent variable means the same as
treatment or intervention and signifies a “causal event
that is under investigation”. The independent variable,
manipulated by the researcher, describes what is
expected to influence the outcomes.
A treatment is a specific condition of this independent
variable. The goal of a user study is to compare the
outcomes for different treatments. The independent
variable is connected to the dependent variable, which
measures the outcome, by means of the hypotheses. A
simple hypothesis is a prediction of a causal effect of
the independent variable on the dependent variable:
depending on the condition of the independent
variable a different outcome is predicted for the
dependent variable.
A user study can have one or more than one
independent variable and, in this case, each variable
represents a treatment that can be controlled and
systematically manipulated by the researcher. Studies
with more than one independent variable are more
complex to execute, analyze and interpret. The
number of variables also affects the number of
participants that need to be found for the study.
Usually, more independent variables will mean that
more subjects are needed. However, in some cases
subjects can participate in multiple conditions.
In medical informatics, many studies will evaluate the
impact of one independent variable only. This
independent variable includes a new or improved
information system that is to be compared with other,
older approaches. For example, assume a researcher
has designed a persuasive text messaging system that
uses text messaging to encourage obese people to lose
weight. The system sends messages a few times a day
about possible activities that are suitable given the
day of the week and the weather forecast. The goal is
to help people lose weight by encouraging them to
engage in physical activity. The study will test whether
the persuasive messaging system is more effective
than, for example, meetings with a dietician. However,
it is possible to consider other independent variables.
In this example, the researchers suspect that the
system will be more suitable for younger users
because most already love using their mobile phone.
So, the researchers also want to compare older and
younger people, which can be defined as a second
independent variable.

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