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ISSN: 2249-7196

IJMRR/June 2015/ Volume 5/Issue 6/Article No-2/341-350

Bhagyashree S. Kunte et. al. / International Journal of Management Research & Review


Bhagyashree S. Kunte*1, Prof. Sanjay Patankar2
Assistant Professor, IIMS chinchwad, Hinjewadi IT Park, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Director, AISSMS Institute of Management, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
The Basic intent of the study is to undersand the current scenario of dairy industry in India
and various issues of the stakeholders of the industry. This is a review of research articles
related to dairy industry. 24 research articles referring data for different states of India are
randomly selected.14 out of 24 papers were based on primary data collected from dairy
famrers (members/ non membersof cooperative societies). The major issues revealed were
related to lack of fodder and concentrates, scarcity of veterinary and diagnostic services, lack
of information and technological awareness. These were common issues faced by dairy
farmers in most of the regions of India. Some of the issues were area specific like in Assam
milk and milk products were not the components of daily consumption basket of people in
the state which is not the scenario in otherstates of the country. The reaming 10 studies were
either related to cooperative and private dairy plants, cooperative federations or general dairy
scenario of the relevant state. Procurement cost was found to be the major component of total
costs followed by processing cost. These studies evaluated the economic viability of
concerned dairy units.
The wilful efforts of people and government, reflected through successful implementation of
programmes like “Operation Flood”, transformed India from its deficit state in milk
production to the world’s largest milk producing country. India has the largest cattle and
buffalo population in the world. Cows and buffaloes are the main miltch animals,
contributing 96% of the total milk production of the country. However the average yield of
Indian cows is among the lowest, though the yield of Indian buffaloes is modest. The average
milk yield of buffaloes and cows put together is much less than the global average. There are
significant regional variations in the structure of dairying in the country. There are different
issues faced by dairy industry in India, some are area specific while some are common.The
present study is intended to understand these issues and Challenges faced by dairy
The basic intent of the study is to have an overview of Indian Dairy Industry. To understand
the problems faced by the dairy sector units, the prose and corns of various issues. The study
is carried out to understand the magnitude of the research work carried out in the field and
understand the unresolved issued if any that can pave the path for further research in the field.
*Corresponding Author 341
Bhagyashree S. Kunte et. al. / International Journal of Management Research & Review

The study is based on available literature extracted from different databases. This is a
qualitative study intended to understand the issues related to Indian dairy industry, the
structure, different players in the sector; the role played by different government institutions,
the programmes run by the government and the success or failure of these programmes in
dairy development.
The articles are gathered from different databases like J- gatePlus, Ebsco and
Google. The basic purpose is to understand the evolution of dairy industry in India, the
progress achieved so far, the programmes, efforts and activities responsible to achieve the
progress. The study is based on total 24 articles bi-fergatedasfollows:
S. No. Region State Total of the Region
1 Southern Region Tamil Nadu(3), Karnataka(2), Andhra 6
2 Western Region Maharashtra (4), Gujarat (3) 7
3 Northern Region Haryana(2), Rajasthan(1) 3
4 North Central Region Bihar(1), Utterakhand(1) 2
5 Eastern Region West Bengal(2) 2
6 North East Region Assam (1),Nagaland(1), NE States (2) 4
Total 24

The review is arranged in the sequence as given below
 The authors analysed the value chains of milk and milk products in the co-operative and
private dairy plants in the Salem district of Tamil Nadu, based on primary data that they have
collected form one cooperative and one private dairy plant, five transport routes and six
chilling plants. The authors have observed that the procurement cost per litre of milk was
higher for the co-operative dairy plant than the private plant due to increase in the
transportation, chilling and reception costs. The value chain analysis revealed that the
products such as peda, khoa and SMP could earn a higher value after passing through the
value chain in the co-operative plant while ice- cream, Mysore and ghee in the private plant.
The marketing margins and marketing efficiency was found higher in toned milk,
standardized milk and butter for the private plant and in full cream milk, ghee and SMP for
the co-operative plant [1].
 The study was conducted to analyse the marketing efficiency of cooperative and privet
dairy plants in Tamil Nadu. To evaluate the marketing efficiency, primary data was collected
from 20 milk producers’ cooperativesocieties, 20 milk collection centres, 20 transportation
routes (from cooperative and private each). The marketing efficiency of cooperative dairy
plant for all dairy products has been observed relatively less than that of private dairy plant,
except toned milk [2].
 The study was intended to develop a price determination model for milk. In developing the
price determination model different factors like input prices, non-price factors like
technology were considered. The authors through the study developed a price model based on
cost of production. According to them the model can be used to project the future price of
milk. The authors revealed that the elasticity of cost of production with respect to prices of

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Bhagyashree S. Kunte et. al. / International Journal of Management Research & Review

variable inputs was positive and less than one. The prices of dry fodder and concentrate had a
major impact in raising the cost of milk production for buffalo milk. Based on the primary
data, collected from 160 households in financial year 2002-03 the study explained that the
milk price should be adjusted within that range where net income elasticity floats between
zero and one [3].
 The study was aimed to find the impact of performance of dairy cooperatives on milk
production, income and employment. The primary data was collected from four milk
cooperatives from Kolar District of Karnataka. A trend analysis of physical indicators like
total membership, total employees and total milk production showed an increasing trend year
on year for the period 1995-96 to 2004-05. And for the same period financial performance
was analysed based on financial indicators like share capital, sales value, net profit net worth
etc. It was observed that all financial indicators showed a positive trend during the period.
The employment generation and income earned by the members of dairy cooperatives were
higher compared to the non members because the members of cooperative societies received
different services from the societies at low cost or free of cost [4].
 The paper assessed the impact of Karnataka Dairy development project on dairy
development in Karnataka.The Primary data was collected through survey of 21 villages with
cooperatives And 10 villegeswith non cooperative dairy units. The author found a positive
impact of the project on milk production, as the average production in villages with milk
cooperatives was twice the production in villages without cooperatives.The increase in milk
production was achieved through a shift in herd composition. The indigenous cows were
replaced by cross bred cows or bufellos. Project led to increase the herd size and investment
in cattle. The project had no impact on wage earnings and changes in labour pattern however
it had an impact on milk prices in cooperative villages [5].
 The study dealt with the concept of profitability, measurement of profitability in relation to
total investment, sales and shareholders’ funds in Dairy Industry in Andhra Pradesh during
2001 to 2011. It also dealt with the evaluation of earning power, analysis of operating
efficiency, Analysis of financial efficiency and measurement of financial health of Dairy
Industry in Andhra Pradesh, using Z score analysis. The data was collected from 5 dairy
enterprises of Andhra Pradesh for a period of 10 years (2000-01 to 2010-11). Four out of five
dairy units were found financially sound.While one was found in bankruptcy zone [6].
 It was a case study of “Gokul” cooperative union, western Maharashtra. A SWOT analysis
was carried out for the cooperative union. Through a pretested interview scheduled, data was
collected from 150 dairy farmers. The study explained about the 46 livestock services
delivered by “Gokul” and the feedback of 150 respondents about the services rendered. The
author expressed his opinion that the union had successfully strengthen the dairy production
and marketing by providing the livestock services. However the author found that the union
had to improve upon the quality of the services rendered and had to reduce the cost attached
to these services [7].
 The study was carried out to understand the issues faced by the dairy farmers and the staff
members of the cooperative union. With this purpose the data was collected through
interview method, from 150 farmers and the staff members.The constraints were divided into

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4 categories as Human Resource, Financial, Policy-Related and Administrative Constraints.

Lack of veterans, lack of medical facilities, high cost of concentrates, complex insurance
procedure were the major constraints expressed by the farmers. Whereas lack of job
satisfaction, low payment, poor coordination among various agencies, lack of proper
diagnostic and cold storage facilities were the major issues related to cooperative staff [8].
 The author studied marketing and distribution strategies of different types of dairy units.
The study was based on the data collected from cooperative, private and public sector dairy
units of Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. It was found that all the dairy units advertised their
product only at local level. Local newspapers, local TV/radio channels, point of purchse
advertisement were the advertisement media selected.A few had their own out lets at various
places of Maharashtra. Majority of them did not have a wide distribution network [9].
 Agriculture and allied sectors like dairy are not commercialised in India. They are still
considered as source of livelihood for millions of small farmers. There is a need to
comercialise agriculture and dairy industry in order to face the world wide competition. The
study was intended to find the commercial viability of different size of dairy units. An
analysis of capital investment, cost, return and profitability was carried out, based on the data
collected from 40 dairy farms of Ahmednager district in Maharashtra.The selected farms
were of three types, large medium and small. The commercialisationindairy leads to increase
in production and income. The cattle productivity in terms of milk was found higher for small
dairy farms compared to medium and large farms. The authors concluded that the dairy
farming is highly capital intencive but the investment pattern was different for small and
large farms as large farms invested more in cattle while the major investment of small farms
was in development of infrastructure .Commercial dairy farms preferred to have their own
fodder cultivation instead of dependence on purchased fodder. As feed cost was the highest
contributor of the total cost [10].
 A trend analysis of composition of different spicies in total milch animals and the
productivity of these spicieswas carried out based on secondary data for 18 years: 1990-91 to
2008-09. The authors found that the local cows have consistently improved their performance
across the state(Gujrat). The increase in number of animals was found as the main driver of
the growth in milk production. However beyond a limit the incremental number was found
unfaverable.The authors have suggested that the milk yield of the milch animals needs to be
paid attention for sustainable growth of milk production [11].
 The performance of dairy industry of Gujrat was analysed and appraised through the
study. The study assessed financial health of 9 district milk porducer’s unions of Gujrat based
on the secondary data for 10 years (1993-94 to 2002-03). The cost components of sales were
analysed and the reasons of high costs were identified.It was revealed that the procurement
costs was about 75% to 80% of the total cost. Increase in transportation cost year after year
led to increase in procurement cost.The processing expenses were the second largest cost in
the total cost structure, followed by personnel expenses [12].
 The study was carried out to analyse the effectiveness of dairy cooperatives and the
economies of scale in milk production. The study included varying cost components (such as
fodder, shelter, cattle feed, labor cost) as well as varying costs of milk produced during the

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summer and winter.A survey was administered covering 300 milk producers. It was found
that though buffalo milk earned higher procurement price than cow milk, owing a buffalo
resulted in negative income.But still there were more farmers who own buffalos than cows.
Milking found to be the secondary source of earnings for most of the farmers. It was found
that the total costs including labor resulted in a negative income for both cow and buffalo
owners. The author commented that milking is an economic activity that generates wages
(similar to a job) rather than a business [13].
 An ISO-9002 dairy plant having installed capacity of 60,000 litres per day (LPD); situated
in the north-eastern area of the Haryana state was selected for the study. The costs and
revenue generation for the four products were analysed. It was observed that raw material
was the major cost component, contributing 90% of the total costs, followed by packaging
cost for the entire four products. The study has revealed that all the products, except the
double-toned milk were being produced above the calculated break-even levels.Ice-cream
manufacturing was found to be the most profitable proposition [14].
 The author has studied the operational performance of MILKFED (The Punjab State
Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited)and HDDCF (Haryana Dairy Development
Cooperative Federation Ltd) on the basis of various indicators; using 5 years financial data.It
has been observed that the MIKFED and HDDCF have set up their milk booths in urban and
semi-urban areas but they have no milk booth in the rural areas.It was found that societies of
HDDCF were reduced in the year 2009-10.The proportion of interest income to total income
of HDDCF was found higher as compare to MILKFED but Milkfedwasearning more from
other sources as compared to HDDCF. It has been found that the HDDCF spent larger
proportion of total expenses on its employees as compare to MILKFED but Milkfed had
utilized its resources more efficiently than HDDCF. HDDCF earned high rate of return on its
investments as compare to MILKFED. The author concluded that financialperformance of
HDDCFwas better than MILKFED [15].
 A comparative analysis of economic performance of members and non members was the
basic intent of the study. A comparison of cost and returns of milk production among
different herd size was also carried out. In order to serve these purposes, data from 75
members and 75 non members from Alwar District of Rajastan was collected. The Per day
net maintenance cost was found to be higher for membergroup than that of non-member
group. It was found to be higherin case of buffalo than that of cow and also observed more in
thesummer season.Per litre cost of buffalo and cow milk productionwas observed to be higher
for the non-member as compared tomember group. Per litre cost of buffalo milk
productiondecreased with increase in herd size across differentseasons while same trend was
not observed in case of cow milkproduction. Further, it was found higher in summer season.
Daily net return was found relatively higher in member group ascompared to non-member
group and also found higher in winter. Per litre cost of buffalo and cow milk productionwas
observed to be higher for the non-member as compared tomember group [16].
 In this study the miltch animals were categorised into crossbred cows, local cows and
buffaloes. It was found that the farmers with large herd size(10-12); preferred crossbred cows
against the local cows or buffaloes, while farmers with small herd size (6); preferred local

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cows and buffaloes. The author found that improved scientific dairy farming practices and
increase in proportion of crossbred cows in the total miltch animals, led to increase in average
daily milk production in the state. It was further observed that Increase in herd size led to
decrease in the productivity.The members of single family maintained dairy animals more
carefully than those of joint family. Herd size, period, season and type of animals had
significant effect on average daily milk contribution by dairy farmers to DCS milk pool. Herd
size did not differ with each other with respect to their share in consumer’s rupee. The study
further analysed that per litre milk production is one of the components for farm level
decision making and it was found that per litre cost of milk production was comparatively
low in case of crossbred cows (10.4) than local cows (13.99) and buffaloes (14.34). Per litre
cost of milk production in urban areas was found relatively high in comparison to rural and
semi-urban areas, probably due to higher feed, labour and fixed costs [17].
 This paper has explored the major constraints faced by cooperative and non cooperative
dairy farmers on the basis of primary data collected from 320 dairy farmers. The important
issues were included under 38 constraints under 5 groups —Infrastructural Constraints (11),
Economic Constraints (10), Marketing Constraints (6),Technical Constraints (5) and Socio-
Psychological Constraints (6). It was found that: The non-cooperative farms faced major
constraints and high severity compared with cooperative dairy farms in expanding milk
production. The financial problem was found to be the most significant constraint faced by
the cooperative farms. Among infrastructural constraints, unavailability and infrequent visit
of veterinary medical practitioners were the main constraints. Among marketing constraints,
not excercising proper management practices by cooperative societies in favour of their
attached farms was the major constraint. For technical constraints, lack of technical guidance
was severe for members of cooperative farms. As regards the sociopsychological constraints,
the lack of time due to busyin domestic / agricultural work and lack of cooperation and
coordination among members were major constraints [18].
 It was a comparative study of cost, return and profitability of cooperative and non
cooperative dairying in West Bengal. A survey of 320 household was conducted. The
analysis of costs revealed that the variable cost was the major component of total cost for
both cooperative and non cooperative dairy farms. Feed cost and Labour cost were found to
be the two major components of variable costs. Interest cost was found to be the major
component of fixed costs. NPV, IRR and Benefit cost ratios were the techniques used to
evaluate the financial performances of dairy farms. The authors found that some
cooperatives, named as good cooperatives showed better performance than rest of all dairy
farms which included bad cooperatives and non cooperative dairy farms [19].
 Assam initiated organised development of milk processing way back in the mid 1960s.
The total installedcapacity of pasteurisation and chilling plants in the State was 159 thousand
and 28.5 thousand litres per day, respectively.However the study found that the created
infrastructure was either largely defunct or grossly under-utilized.In the authors’ opinion the
poor performance of the plants was due to the establishment of milk processingunits without
an appropriate assessment of output demand and input supply and ascertainment of
economicviability of the plants. It was identified that the functional plants had a limited

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product profile, high returns of marketed milk, substantial handling and curdling losses, low
productivity of capital and labour and huge operationallosses.The study also found that the
supporting institutional and infrastructural mechanism had not beenput in place and a
systematic business and management plan to run the system had not been formulated. The
factors identified by the authors for the poor performance were: Low procurement of milk,
Lack of effective milk collection network, absence of non price incentives etc.Moreover the
overall demand in the state was found less than national average [20].
 The study was intended to identify the issues of milk production and marketing in
Nagaland. The analysis of data collected from 120 households revealed that lowavailability
and high price of concentrate and lack of green fodder availability were the major production
constraints. Low price of liquid milk was the major constraint faced by cooperative members
and the delay in payments was the major constraint for non-cooperative members. It was
found that the net returns were positive for cross-bred cows while net returns were negative
for local cows.The net returns were highest for small farms as compared to the other two
 The authors found that Assam, Tripura and Manipur were the highest milk producing
states and with highest cross bred naimales, of north east region. Hence these states were
slected for the study. Total 90 house holds were interviewed to find out the factors affecting
the milk yield of cross bred animals.The major factors affecting the milk yield of crossbred
animals in the N-E states were the technological and socio-economic constraints, which could
be addressed by adopting improved management practices, better feeding practices,
controlling of diseases and improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the farmers
through training, education and enhancing access to the funds. Authors opinioned that
addressal of these constraints will increase actual milk yield by about 66 per cent which will
be sufficient enough to meet the deficit of milk requirement in the region. The authors have
conducted a categorywise (small, medium and large) yield gap analysis and found that the
highest increase in milk yield will be obtained on medium category households. The factors
significantly affecting the milk yield at the household level according to the authors and as
per the study were: allocation of humandays per animal, expenditure on concentrate,
economic status of the farmer and availability of the green fodder in the surroundings. While
no major breakthrough was expected immediately, improvement in these factors would meet
the milk deficit in the region [22].
 The study was based on secondary data. The authors found slow growth of livestock sector
in north east region. However they identified several factors influencing the households’
decision to rear livestock like availability of labour, occupation, caste, farm-size, availability
of irrigation, and access to information sources. The assured irrigation ensured the
availability of fodder and further induced farmers to keep livestock. The study recommended
that that the NE states should take technical, institutional and policy initiatives for the
improvement of breeds, feed availability, and disease control and food safety of livestock.A
comparative analysis of number of vaternary institutions, land under fodder cultivation,
average milk productivity of different types of animals, statewise was also a part of the study

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24 research papers are studied to understand various issues related to India dairy industry.
Each of these papers is related to a specific geographical region of India. These papers are for
6 geographical regions of IndiavizSouthern region, Western region, Northen region, North-
Eastern region, North – Central region and Eastern region.
14 out of 24 studies were based on primary data collected from dairy farmers (members of
cooperative societies and non members). The major issues reflected in these studies were
relalted to the scarcity and high cost of fodder and concentrates, irregular and lack of
veterinary and diagnostic services and lack of coordination among different government
agencies. The Common findings of majority of the 14 research papers were as follows:
• Small herd size. The herd size on an average is found to be below 10-15 animals.
• Dairy farming is still in the form of a source of livelihood and not commercialised.
• Fodder and concentrate together contributes the highest proportion of the total costs.
• Cattles and Infrastructure are the two major contributors of total dairy farm investment.
• Imputed labour costs and cost of land used for fodder are many times not considered by
the farmers, in deriving the earnigs from the dairy farming.
• The members of cooperatives receive the livestock services either free of cost or at a
reasonably low cost. Hence the non members incurred more costs compared to members of
the cooperatives.
• Cooperatives have positive impact on milk production and income generation.
• There is a shift to corssbredcattles from local cows and buffaloes.
• Though buffalo milk earns higher procurement price, owing a buffalo resulted in negative
• Per litre cost of milk decreases with increase in herd size.
The remaining 10 studies were either related to the performance analysis of cooperative or
private dairy plants or federations or the general dairy scenario in the region selected. For the
milk processing plants, the procurement cost was found the major component of the total
costs, followed by the processing cost. For some dairy products; cooperative dairy plants
were found cost effective while for some other products, private dairy plants were found cost
effective. Some of the papers studied the economic viability of dairy plants or cooperative
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