Strategic Investment
Strategic Investment
Strategic Investment
In the last ten years, consumer regulation at the federal, state and local
levels has burgeoned. Of the eight federal agencies directly concerned
with consumer protection, three - the Office of Consumer Affairs, the
Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Consumer Product Infor-
mation Center - were created in the 1970’s. At the same time, the
emphasis placed by existing agencies on consumer regulations has
increased. These regulations have had, of course, important effects on
industry as well as on the consumers they may have intended to serve.
Early work investigating the effect of regulation on industry (see, for
example, Stigler, 1971), treated firms in the industry as a single coalition
- equally affected by the regulation, and therefore equally interested in
those regulations. In this paper, I focus on the groups of firms within
industries, and in particular examine the way particular regulations may
favor one group or another within an industry, and thus alter the competi-
tive balance within that industry.
The argument I will make is two-pronged. Firstly, I will argue that
new regulations often impose very different benefits and costs on groups of
firms within an industry, Secondly, and this is the more controversial link
in the argument, I will argue that groups within an industry often recog-
nize and indeed may promote new regulations which will be to their com-
parative advantage. In short, regulatory barriers created by firm conduct
may be used by groups in the industry as a competitive weapon against
other groups.
‘Yale University. The research on which this work is based was funded by the Federal Trade
Commission and the Small Business Administration; however, the ideas expressed herein are the
author’sand in no way are intended to express the views of the Federal Trade Commission. I would like
to thank Ray Fair, Richard Levin, Richard Nelson and Michael Spence for helpful comments.
Economic In uiry
Vol.xx.Oct%er 1982
not only in their size, but in their scope, type of product produced and
policies. (McKie, 1959). Similarly Peck in his study of the aluminum
industry also highlighted differences among firms. (Peck, 1961). In the
post-war period, the capacity expansion strategies of the three major pro-
ducers - Kaiser, Reynolds, and Alcoa - were quite different, and quite
important for the performance of the three companies.
Recent economics literature has focussed on what have been termed
strategic groups within an industry. The group here is defined by the com-
mon strategies followed by the members in setting key decision variables
- investment levels, R&D, etc. (Hunt, 1975; Caves and Porter, 1977;
Porter, 1979). Not only do groups have different strategies, they are, in
part because of these different strategies, differentially protected from the
market. From this central proposition about the particularity of entry bar-
riers to the group, the empirical literature has proceeded to examine the
effect that these differences in entry barriers have on the performance of
the firms in each group. What are the results of the different strategic
choices made by groups within an industry, both in terms of differences in
the height of the entry barriers facing potential entrants into that group,
and in terms of the performance of that group? Work along this line has
been done by Newman (1978), Hatten and Schindall (1977), Porter
(1979), Porter and Spence (1978), and Oster (1982).
Coincident with this literature on the existence of groups within an
industry, there has been new work on the strategic use by firms of entry
barriers. The early industrial organization literature characterized entry
barriers as being largely outside of the control of firms within an industry;
in Salop’s terms entry barriers were characterized as being “innocent”
(Salop, 1979). In part, this had to do with the focus on economies to scale
as the main source of entry barriers, coupled with the view that the tech-
nology creating these barriers was largely exogenous to the firm.
The earliest change in the treatment of entry barriers came in the dis-
cussion of advertising, where it was recognized that firms could through
advertising purposively change product differentiation and thus increase
barriers to entry in the industry. More recently, strategic use of research
and development as a way to increase the minimum efficient scale of an
industry and thus raise entry barriers has been treated (see, for example,
Levin, Southern Economic Journal, 1978). Salop (1979) discusses the
recent literature on the use of both innovation and advertising as strategic
entry deterrence. The connection between the literature on group-specific
entry barriers and the strategic use of entry barriers is clear. As long as
entry barriers were thought of as largely technological and independent of
firm conduct, it was hard to see firms in the industry actively manipulat-
ing these barriers. Once barriers to entry are seen to come in part from
firm conduct, the potential for using these barriers as competitive
weapons becomes clearer.
occur is that the firms in the industry must be fairly interdependent. That
is, we must be dealing with groups in an industry and not with truly sepa-
rate industries. The essence of rivalry in investments is that a firm will try
to exploit the differential effect of a regulation on itself versus its rivals; this
differential effect is only important if firms are interdependent, though
this interdependence can be either on the demand side or on the supply
Finally, if firms are to engage in strategic regulatory behavior there
must be some actual or potential barriers to entry to the industry, and some
barriers to mobility within the industry. Without barriers, any quasi-rents
created by the firm’s regulatory intervention will be dissipated. Barriers
protect the return associated with the change induced by the regulation.
This case is similar to the case of limit pricing. Without some entry bar-
riers, neither limit pricing nor rivalrous investments are profitable
If an industry meets these three requirements, then there is at least
some potential for rivalrous regulatory investments to occur. Firms with
different bundles of specific capital and hence different operating strate-
gies can try to influence the regulatory process to increase the pay-off to
the particular strategies they have adopted. In the discussion which fol-
lows, I sketch out the specific factors which will lead to a situation in
which some firms in an industry gain from a regulation, while others lose,
creating the potential for rivalrous investments. I consider regulations
affecting both supply and demand conditions facing the firm.
Demand differentiation: sub-groups produce different but substitutable
In order to make the problem simpler, I will work with an industry
with two firms and linear demand functions. The demand system can be
derived from a quadratic utility function (see Dixit, 1979).We have:
Pz = a , - B,Q2 - V Q 1
Firm 1produces only good 1, and so faces demand function 1, and firm
2 produces only good 2 . “V” is a measure of cross-product substitution.
Equality of V’sin equations (1)and (2) assures us of symmetry in the cross-
product elasticities. This is a one-period model, so that we have not
allowed for any entry across product classes.
This is a simple case of a differentiated duopoly. We are interested in
the context of this model in considering the effect on firm profits of
In the context of this model, we can consider the effects on firm’s profits
of two different broad types of demand-side regulations: a regulation
which affects the intercepts of the firm’s demand curves, or, alternatively
one which affects V, the cross-goodsubstitution parameter.
The most straightforward case in which rivalrous investments can be
expected is the case of a regulation which directly affects only the demand
for one of the two goods. For example, we might have a regulation which
reveals some adverse information about the characteristics of good 2 . One
way to think of this regulation is that it reduces u 2 , or shifts the demand
curve to the left. Firm 2 obviously will oppose such a regulation. I n this
case, however, the industry will not be in agreement. In particular, given
This result follows Dixit (1979), who is primarily concerned with analyz-
ing optimal firm behavior with and without entry. First, of course, the
larger the shift in a , the greater the loss to firm 2 and gain to firm 1. The
lower is B,, the more elastic the own demand for good 2, the larger the
potential gain to firm 1. A more elastic demand implies that any shift in a,
will have a large effect on Q,, and this, of course, benefits firm 1 through
the substitution factor. Finally, a large “V,” implying strong substitution
between goods, increases the potential gain available to firm 1 from
firm 2’s misfortune. In the extreme, if V is zero (no substitution), rivalrous
investments will not occur. In sum, rivalrous investments are likely in this
case if the regulation has a large effect, rival’s demand is price elastic, and
cross-good substitution is large.
Consider now a second, more complicated case. In particular, consider
a regulation which reduces demand for both good 1 and good 2, but does
so unevenly, firm 2 being more heavily affected. In this case, we may or
may not have regulatory rivalry, depending on the particular structure of
the problem. The effect of reducing a , is to decrease firm 1’sprofits. In the
case at hand, the effect on profits can be represented as:
The rivalry effect varies with the substitution parameter, the initial cost
change, and demand elasticity. Marvel (1977) provides an excellent early
example of this situation, in his discussion of the effect of child labor laws
on 19th Century British textiles. At the time, textiles were produced in two
types of mills: steam-powered and water-powered mills. The former
employed few children, the latter many. Marvel interprets the evidence to
suggest that child labor laws were passed at the behest of the steam mills to
encourage higher costs in their rivals, the water mills.
In the case discussed above, only one firm was influenced by the regu-
lation. A more interesting case occurs when the anticipated regulation
raises costs of both firms, but unevenly. An increase in own costs decreases
own profits as:
So, the firm will calculate the effect of a regulation which increases every-
one’s costs by comparing 10 and 11. As in the demand-side cases, three
factors are critical in setting the groundwork for rivalrous investments: the
size of the cost differential, the substitutability between products, and the
own elasticity of goods. Indeed, an increase in per unit costs is equivalent
in the model to a reduction in the intercept of the demand curve.
particular FTC rule and trace its evolution under the influence of various
industry groups. This material is intended as a case study in the creation of
a new barrier to mobility through the use of a government regulatory
1. States not allowing substitution were: Alabama, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming.
the industry is divided into two sub-groups: large firms which specialize in
the production of patented brand-name drugs, and generally smaller
firms which specialize in generic drugs. The former group, consisting of
about 130 firms, account for about 90 % of domestic pharmaceutical sales
(Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Fact Book, 1976). Many
firms, however, produce both brand-name and generic drugs, and there is
clearly substitution both in consumption and in production in the two
drug types. Thus, one would consider the two firm types to be in the same
industry using standard industrial organization industry criteria; they are
clearly sub-groups in the industry. The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’
Association - an industry trade association - stresses the existence of
sub-groups in the industry:
Indeed the PMA represents only the large innovative firms; the smaller
generic houses have their own trade association - the National Associa-
tion of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.
Since the FTC Act is still only a proposal, it is not yet possible to docu-
ment its effect on the various sub-groups within the industry. At the
present time, almost 90 % of all prescriptions are written by brand-name
(FTC, 1979, p. 4). Approximately 45% of the ethical drug market is no
longer protected by patents. (Business Week, October 29, 1979). So, the
potential effect of eliminating anti-substitution laws is large. While state
substitution laws of one sort or another have been in effect for several
years, evidence on these laws is also quite limited. Evidence from Califor-
nia and Florida suggests that the law is, as one would expect, tilting con-
sumption in favor of the output of the smaller generic firms: early evi-
dence indicates that in 60 % of the cases the drug substitution laws were
used, products of firms other than the 125 large research-oriented firms
were used. (FTC, 1979, 47). In general, firms other than the 125 large
firms control only 5-10 % of the market. The generics’share of the market
rose from 8 % in 1970 to 12% today (BusinessWeek, Nov. 12,1979).
The record suggests that the large firms recognize the potential effect of
the FTC Act on the competitive structure of the industry. In a January 9,
1979 statement, C. J. Stetler, past president of the trade association repre-
senting the large drug firms, argues “Drug firms that specialize in cheaper
drugs and spend nothing on research may temporarily gain advantages
here and there from a market artificially restructured in their favor by
government.’’ (emphasis added) Similar comments were made by Eli Lilly,
oneof the largest firms in the industry:
Growth Rates of Major Drug Firms
The second strategy followed by the large research firms has been to
invest in anti-regulatory lobbying. This is precisely what we would expect
from the analysis in section I1 given industry characteristics. In this indus-
try, the potential effect of the regulatory change appears to be large, the
cross elasticity of demand is high, and demand for generic firms’ drugs is
price elastic. The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, represent-
ing the large drug firms, has been aggressively against the FTC Act. The
PMA argues that substitution laws reduce the pay-off to branded drugs
and thus reduce both the incentive for and ability to innovate. The PMA
position is put well by Armistead Lee, current president of the PMA, in a
The generic firms have been less vocal, though they too have behaved
as we predicted. The smaller drug companies are represented by their own
trade association - the National Association of Pharmaceutical Manufac-
turers (NAPM). The NAPM supported the various states’ repeal of anti-
substitution laws, and also supports the FTC position. In response to a
questionnaire which I sent, one of the major generic houses stated the
position of this segment of the market:
The positions taken by the brand drug companies versus the generics are
familiar ones: the brand drug companies have emphasized the carrot as a
way to encourage innovation; the generic firms instead place their faith in
the stick of competition.
The large drug companies have tried to change two provisions in the
FTC Act. In the original, physicians were required to write “medically
necessary” to prevent substitution. The large drug firms have suggested
that this provision be replaced by one similar to that used by Arizona and
Delaware, in which the physician must positively request generic
The attempt to use the regulatory environment strategically is most
clearlyseen in the PMAS response to the formularies. A formulary is simply
a listing of equivalent drugs; evidence from the states indicates that substi-
tution is increased substantially when the pharmacist is provided with a
formulary. (Federal Trade Commission, 1979, p. 282). In the FTC Act,
the Food and Drug Administration is primarily responsible for the devel-
opment of the formulary. The PMA has argued that “all drug products
with the same active chemical ingredients do not necessarily have the same
therapeutic effect on each patient.” (PMA Press Packet, 7); and further,
that the FDAk interpretation of therapeutic equivalence, as embodied
in the formularies “represents a radical departure from the past interpre-
tation.” (PMA Press Packet, 7). To counteract this change in policy the
PMA has proposed changing FDA regulations on drug testing.
Under existing FDA rules, all new drugs must hold a New Drug Appli-
cation (NDA) which requires a set of elaborate (and expensive) tests of the
drug in man (in vivo). Chemical equivalents made by other manufac-
turers after the patent lapses are only required to have an Abbreviated
New Drug Application (ANDA). In general, unless some problem exists
(i.e., documented therapeutic failure), an ANDA does not require tests in
man; cheaper in vitro (outside body) tests may be used instead. (Federal
Trade Commission, 1979,124-25).
In order to assure the therapeutic equivalence needed for a formulary,
the PMA has proposed that “each manufacturer of any multi-source prod-
uct should meet monograph standards and hold either a full NDA or an
ANDA that includes comparative bioavailability in man (in uiuo)” (PMA
Press Packet, 8). Should the FDA/FTC accept this proposal, two effects
would follow: our confidence inthe bioequivalence of drugs on the formu-
lary might be increased; and the testing costs to the generic houses would
rise substantially. In short, the PMA has proposed a new regulation which
would improve its comparative position vis-u-vis the encroaching
generics. It is a clear case in which one sub-group in the industry is
attempting to use the regulatory process to change the structure of the
industry - in this case to reestablish the old structure.2
The PMA has also been active in trying to use regulation to shore up its
position on the demand side. In particular, in early discussions of the var-
ious anti-substitution laws, the PMA argued that new regulations should
be passed requiring that the manufacturer be identified on the package
label for each drug product dispensed. The PMA firms, in addition to
being heavy innovators, are also heavy advertisers relative to the generic
houses. (Burack, 1976). Clearly the large advertised firms will gain more
from product identification than will the smaller drug houses. This PMA
proposal too can be seen as a way to reestablish barriers between the two
markets .
2. This is not to say the PMA proposal is not a “good one: this is in part a scientific question. The
industry evidence does suggest that products of brand-namefirms have a lower incidence of recall due
to poor quality than those of the generic houses (Lilly, 1979). FDA Commissioner, Donald Kennedy,
testifying before Con ess in 1977, reported, however, that the FDA “has found no evidence of
consistent differencesretween the products of large and small firms, or between brand name and
generic producers.”(Federal Trade Commission report, 1979).
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