SL Basis Materials en PDF
SL Basis Materials en PDF
SL Basis Materials en PDF
alloy no. material no. DIN material chemistry analysis ASTM standard mechanical material properties Rp 0,2 min. hard- corr.- max. Application
description N/mm2 ness (HB) resistance appl.-
DIN% ASTM % standard alloy density min. E- therm. expansion of mating temp.°C
kg/dm³ hard- modulus α x 10-6 material
ness HB x10³
SL-1 2.0598.01 1709 G-CuZn25Al5 Cu 60-67 Cu 60-66 B 584 C 863 00 8,2 180 115 19,0 20°C-400°C 450 >300 not so 430 material with highest load capacity
Al 3-7 Al 5-7,5 B 22 863 good very good abrasion and wear-
2.0598.02 Gk-CuZn25Al5 Fe 1,5-4 Fe 2-4 180 480
Mn 2,5-5 Mn 2,5-5 environment-friendly, suitable for
2.0598.03 GZ-CuZn25Al5 Zn rest Zn 22-28 B 271 863 190 480 foodstuffs industry
max. allow- Ni <1 B 22 863
able Ni 3
SL-2 2.0975.01 1714 G-CuAl10Ni Cu min.76 Cu >78 B 584 C 955 00 7,6 140 122 18,8 20°C-400°C 270 >300 very good 400 material with very high load
Al 8,5-11,0 Al 10-11,5 capacity, high cavitation, erosion
resistance unaffected by impact,
2.0975.02 GK-CuAl10Ni Ni 4-6,5 Ni 3-5,5 B 271 955 150 300 stress
very good abrasion and wear-
2.0975.03 GZ-CuAl10Ni Fe 3,5-5,5 Fe 3-5 160 300 restitance
max. allow- Mn <3,5 durable in cold and hot sea water
able environment-friendly, suitable for
foodstuff industry
*) GC-CuAl10Ni Mn 3,0 B 505 955 160 300 environment-friendly for use in
2.0975.04 *) ≈ UA 10 N water
SL-3 2.1061.01 1705 G-CuSn12Pb Cu 84-87 Cu 85-88 8,7 80 112 18,5 20°C-300°C 140 >220 very good 280 Material with high load capacity
Sn 11-13 Sn 10-12 durable in sea water
Pb 1-2 Pb 1-1,5
2.1061.03 GZ-CuSn12Pb max. allow- Ni 0,8-1,5 90 150
Ni 2,0
2.1061.04 GC-CuSn12Pb Sb 0,2 B 505 925 85 140
P 0,2
SL-4 2.1052.01 1705 G-CuSn12 Cu 84-88,5 - - - 8,6 80 112 18,5 20°C-300°C 140 >220 very good 280 material with high load capacity
Sn 11-13 and for impact stress
Ni max.2 durable in sea water
suitable for foodstuff industry
2.1052.03 GZ-CuSn12 95 150 environment-friendly for use in
SL-5 2.1090.01 1705 G-CuSn7ZnPb Cu 81-85 Cu 81-85 B 584 C 932 00 8,8 65 106 18,5 20°C-300°C 120 >220 good 250 standard material for general use
Sn 6-8 Sn 6,3-7,5 and average load
Zn 3-5 Zn 2-4 durable in sea water
not very sensitive against edge
2.1090.03 GZ-CuSn7ZnPb Pb 5-7 Pb 6-8 B 271 932 75 130 pressure
max. allow- Ni <1
SL Gleitlagertechnik GmbH
2.1090.04 GC-CuSn7ZnPb Ni 2,0 Sb <0,35 B 505 932 70 120 All rights reserved for contents listed
Sb 0,3