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Basis-Materials Bronze

alloy no. material no. DIN material chemistry analysis ASTM standard mechanical material properties Rp 0,2 min. hard- corr.- max. Application
description N/mm2 ness (HB) resistance appl.-
DIN% ASTM % standard alloy density min. E- therm. expansion of mating temp.°C
kg/dm³ hard- modulus α x 10-6 material
ness HB x10³

SL-1 2.0598.01 1709 G-CuZn25Al5 Cu 60-67 Cu 60-66 B 584 C 863 00 8,2 180 115 19,0 20°C-400°C 450 >300 not so 430 material with highest load capacity
Al 3-7 Al 5-7,5 B 22 863 good very good abrasion and wear-
2.0598.02 Gk-CuZn25Al5 Fe 1,5-4 Fe 2-4 180 480
Mn 2,5-5 Mn 2,5-5 environment-friendly, suitable for
2.0598.03 GZ-CuZn25Al5 Zn rest Zn 22-28 B 271 863 190 480 foodstuffs industry
max. allow- Ni <1 B 22 863
able Ni 3
SL-2 2.0975.01 1714 G-CuAl10Ni Cu min.76 Cu >78 B 584 C 955 00 7,6 140 122 18,8 20°C-400°C 270 >300 very good 400 material with very high load
Al 8,5-11,0 Al 10-11,5 capacity, high cavitation, erosion
resistance unaffected by impact,
2.0975.02 GK-CuAl10Ni Ni 4-6,5 Ni 3-5,5 B 271 955 150 300 stress
very good abrasion and wear-
2.0975.03 GZ-CuAl10Ni Fe 3,5-5,5 Fe 3-5 160 300 restitance
max. allow- Mn <3,5 durable in cold and hot sea water
able environment-friendly, suitable for
foodstuff industry
*) GC-CuAl10Ni Mn 3,0 B 505 955 160 300 environment-friendly for use in
2.0975.04 *) ≈ UA 10 N water
SL-3 2.1061.01 1705 G-CuSn12Pb Cu 84-87 Cu 85-88 8,7 80 112 18,5 20°C-300°C 140 >220 very good 280 Material with high load capacity
Sn 11-13 Sn 10-12 durable in sea water
Pb 1-2 Pb 1-1,5
2.1061.03 GZ-CuSn12Pb max. allow- Ni 0,8-1,5 90 150
Ni 2,0
2.1061.04 GC-CuSn12Pb Sb 0,2 B 505 925 85 140
P 0,2
SL-4 2.1052.01 1705 G-CuSn12 Cu 84-88,5 - - - 8,6 80 112 18,5 20°C-300°C 140 >220 very good 280 material with high load capacity
Sn 11-13 and for impact stress
Ni max.2 durable in sea water
suitable for foodstuff industry
2.1052.03 GZ-CuSn12 95 150 environment-friendly for use in
SL-5 2.1090.01 1705 G-CuSn7ZnPb Cu 81-85 Cu 81-85 B 584 C 932 00 8,8 65 106 18,5 20°C-300°C 120 >220 good 250 standard material for general use
Sn 6-8 Sn 6,3-7,5 and average load
Zn 3-5 Zn 2-4 durable in sea water
not very sensitive against edge
2.1090.03 GZ-CuSn7ZnPb Pb 5-7 Pb 6-8 B 271 932 75 130 pressure
max. allow- Ni <1
SL Gleitlagertechnik GmbH
2.1090.04 GC-CuSn7ZnPb Ni 2,0 Sb <0,35 B 505 932 70 120 All rights reserved for contents listed
Sb 0,3

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