28th World Congress On Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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April 2018

28th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and

20-24 October 2018

We are very pleased to announce that we ISUOG has arranged special rates for its
received a record amount of abstracts for a participants at world famous The Marina Bay
World Congress outside Europe. Nearly 900 Sands hotel. The first block of rooms is
abstracts will contribute to continuing to make selling out fast, so book early to avoid
the 28th World Congress on Ultrasound in disappointment and enjoy discounted luxury
Obstetrics and Gynecology the essential accommodation exclusively for our delegates.
place to hear the latest research in the field. We now have over 25 societies endorsing our
Register to be part of the event before 20 28th World Congress on Ultrasound in
August to access the highly reduced early Obstetrics and Gynecology in Singapore!
bird fees. Members of local endorsing bodies will
Joining our already confirmed keynote receive a discounted registration fee. Please
speakers Dr Rex de Ryke (New Zealand) and view this list to see if your society is
Dr Ronald McCoy (Malaysia) will be the UOG supporting the ISUOG World Congress, and if
Editor in Chief Prof. Baskaran Thilaganathan so, contact them regarding your discount
(UK). We are also happy to highlight that we code before registering.
will be offering mandarin simultaneous For more information about the benefits of
translation on one day of the Congress and endorsement, please email
will be posting more information about this on [email protected].
the World Congress website. In the See you in Singapore!
meantime, check out our program and
confirmed faculty!

Register now

Highlights from the April Issue of Outreach and WHO: a perfect

UOG partnership

The April issue of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & ISUOG Outreach is proud to be an ally of the
Gynecology has a special focus on World Health Organisation and the
integrating genomics into obstetric care, with Partnership for Maternal and New born Child
articles on the role of first-trimester Health in its joint efforts to improve global
ultrasound and combined screening in the women’s health. This month, we are excited
cell-free DNA era and the impact of high- to announce one of our recent partnerships
resolution genetic technologies in with the WHO during the ACTION Trials, a
identification of atypical chromosomal multi-site randomized trial of antenatal
abnormalities. For more information on these corticosteroid use for women at risk of
articles, visit the April 2018 UOG highlights imminent preterm birth in hospitals in low-
page. resource countries. Our Outreach Volunteers
Articles on other topics in this issue include Dr. Sandy Maranna (Australia) and Dr. Lynn
an Original Article on home blood-pressure Coppola (USA) took part in both representing
monitoring in a hypertensive pregnant ISUOG Outreach and providing the vital
population. training for the project.
Coming up in the next issue is a series of Read our blog to understand more about the
papers reporting on preterm birth. work straight from the volunteers on the field.
Also to look out for in May is a Virtual Issue Phase I Trip II of the Oman Outreach
on preterm birth, containing a selection of program is taking place from the 8 - 12 April -
relevant articles from UOG. follow our blog to stay tuned!
Become a Journal member of ISUOG for full We are also celebrating the tenth year of
access to UOG, the field's leading peer- ISUOG Outreach! In this time, we’ve led 8
reviewed journal with an impact factor of programs in 9 countries. Support the
4.71! essential training provided by Outreach -
donate today!
UOG Highlights
More about Outreach

The 14th ISUOG International

Symposium Managing incidental ultrasound
20-22 April 2018 findings in gynecology
Athens, Greece 01 June 2018
London, UK onsite and live streamed

Join us at our International Symposium this

month - highlights from the program include a Our unique course ‘Managing incidental
particular focus on difficult to diagnose fetal ultrasound findings in gynecology' will present
brain and heart anomalies; and the integrated and discuss best practice procedures for the
IOTA course on the screening and optimum treatment of adnexal masses,
management of ovarian tumours, and other endometrium, myometrium and uterine
gynecological masses. malformations. The interactive case-based
The international faculty consists of discussions will be centred on the insight of
prominent experts in the field. In particular, ten leading clinicians and institutions but will
we are looking forward to hearing from Dr also give attendees opportunities to share
Julene Carvalho (UK) on screening for fetal their knowledge and experiences. For more
heart conditions; Prof Salomon (France) on information on the content, please see the
recognising Placenta Accreta; and Prof Lil provisional program for this course here.
Valentin (Sweden) on what to do when This course is also available for you to live
diagnosing endometrial pathology. stream. Reduced fees available to ISUOG
Choose from courses including ISUOG Basic members - so join online today!
Training (from €100) and our fetal anomalies You can also supplement your learning for
course (from £130), both of which are this course with other ISUOG educational
available to live stream! resources.
Registration for non members: €300 We hope you also enjoy this free virtual issue
Registration for ISUOG members: €250 on imaging in gynecological disease.
Become an ISUOG member to access
Register now
reduced fees to our educational events!

Register for the International

Symposium now

ISUOG in China: our new China

Task Force

Upcoming Educational
Opportunities for you

Last month saw the launch of the "ISUOG in

China Task force". This initiative, initially
proposed by Board Member Aris
Papageorghiou, will expand ISUOG's reach
14th ISUOG International Symposium
throughout mainland China. We are lucky to
20-22 April 2018
have an outstanding local leadership team
Athens, Greece
- Professors Yuxin Jiang, Jiawei Tian
ISUOG Fetal Anomalies 2018
and Qingqing Wu - who will work alongside
21 April 2018
an expert committee of over 35 senior
Live streamed from the International
clinicians throughout China on the Task
Managing Incidental Ultrasound
There is an urgent need to support ultrasound
Findings in Gynecology
provision in China, as the birth rate of around
01 June 2018
16 million per year is rising due to the
London, UK
changes in the one child policy. The project
28th ISUOG World Congress
will further ISUOG’s mission to improve
20-22 October 2018
women’s health through the provision,
advancement and dissemination of the
Pre Congress Courses: highest quality education, standards and
research information around ultrasound in
'From genetics to obstetric
obstetrics and gynecology.
management: essential genetics in
Basic Training Course: A Practical
Approach to the Ob/Gyn Ultrasound
Ultrasound for diagnosis and
presurgical staging of deep
endometriosis (DIE)

Become an ISUOG member to access

reduced fees to these events!

Visit the Events Calendar

Job opportunity: Ultrasound Content Specialist

Would you like to help shape and influence international ultrasound education at ISUOG? ISUOG
is looking for an ultrasound content specialist to work with our team to continue building our
comprehensive education programme offering for our members. Review the job specification
here. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 25 April 2018, 9AM.

More information

Help us send you information specific to your interests! Log in to your registered user
account and go to 'My ISUOG' to update details such as your specialty, so we can send you
the most specific content. Please also make sure your other details are up to date.

Update your details

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