Impact Cycle - Teachers Form 10-5

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Name: Ashlynn Griffith School: Woods Grade Level: 3

Visible Learning into Action: IMPACT CYCLE

Documenting Results of Impact Cycle – TEACHERS
What are my students’ learning needs? (Steps 1-4)

Step 1: Evidence gathering

(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 49, 54, 59; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 60, 64, 68)
What did I want to find out? What is my current learning goal in math?

How did I gather evidence? I had my students fill out an index card with their name on the
back and their current learning goal on the front.

Step 2: Baseline evidence statements

(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 49, 54, 59; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 60, 64, 68)
The majority of my students can articulate that we are learning addition and subtraction, but they
do not provide any specific details about what they are learning with those operations. Many
students also included multiplication and division with those operations because we are reviewing
them on our daily morning work and some are on those operations during math facts.
- 11 students said addition and/or subtraction
- 8 students included multiplication and division
- 2 students were more specific with addition and subtraction and mentioned within 1,000 or
rounding and estimating
- 1 student said “getin all cerect”
- 5 students wrote the sentence stem that I provided, but did not have a response after

Able to describe what they were learning: 2

Described what they were doing: 19
Weren’t able to respond: 6

Step 3: Focus areas

From this evidence, I thought that I should focus on these things:
(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 50, 55, 60; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 60, 64, 68)
 Clarifying what we are LEARNING through our math operations, not just doing
 Teaching students specific language to use with our operations
 Helping students focus on our primary learning goals in math, even though we are always
reviewing and building on our previous and future goals
 Providing more opportunities to write about what we are learning in math to help students
reflect on our focus
 Creating learning goal posters as a class and writing them in math journals
Step 4: My learning needs
What are my learning needs in relation to these student needs?
(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 50, 56, 60; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 61, 65, 69)

What did I need to learn? How did I learn?

 Learning progression for subtraction  Standards PDF (make chart)
 Skills within each standards  District units have progressions for each
 Math writing activities/prompts week

Planning and implementation (Steps 5-7)

Step 5: Identifying the required changes

(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 50, 56, 60; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 61, 65, 69)

Me (the teacher) Students Families

Thinking about learning Think about learning, not just Discuss learning process with
intentions for the unit and doing. their children.
referencing back to them
throughout the day, instead of Persevere if the learning Accept that mastery does not
just focusing on one lesson at doesn’t show success right happen overnight. Failure
a time. away. should be expected
throughout the process.
Researching progressions Write about progress in the
before I start a unit. learning process.

Taking time to discuss

intentions with my class and
asking them to reflect on their

Step 6: SMART+ER target setting and monitoring

(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 50, 56, 61; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 61, 65, 69)

100% of my students will be able to show and explain where they are in their success criteria in
Unit 1 of math.
Step 7: Implementation
(Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers One: samples p. 51, 57, 61- not labeled; Vis. Learn. Into Action for Teachers Two: samples p. 62, 66, 70)

What I did Analysis/contribution to outcomes

Create a visual poster in the classroom for This has been very helpful. I have done this for
students to reference with our learning goal my addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
and success criteria (starting with math, then division math units. In the post-assessment with
language and reading) to post on the walls my focus question, my students did a much
for each subject. better job of articulating our current math
learning goals.
Have students copy the learning goal and This has been helpful when we have
success criteria into their notebooks for them introduced a unit. But, I need to do a better
to use to check off and monitor as they job of having the students re-visit this each
progress. week instead of just at the beginning and end
of a unit.
Create chart with all learning goals for each I have created the chart, but I need to do a
subject for students to reference. better job of regularly updating it.
Create learning goals and success criteria as In process
a PLC before we start the unit.

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