Ulfgangr Sinfjotli Satanara: Tag: ONA
Ulfgangr Sinfjotli Satanara: Tag: ONA
Ulfgangr Sinfjotli Satanara: Tag: ONA
Tag: ONA
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June 14, 2018 · ulfgangrsinfjotlisatanara · Leave a comment
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The word Azoth is an Alchemical term that can be found in almost all cultures and systems under some name
many are tied etymologically to the word itself but all are similar in basic meaning. Azoth seems to originally
come from the Arabic word Za’Buq which means basically “The Mercury”. In the Medieval Latin it was an
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alteration of the word Azoc. In French Assogue, In Spanish Azogue, In Portuguese Azougue, In the Spanish-
Arabic Az-Zaouga, and In Persian as Ziywah.
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Azoth is a term that appears in early Alchemical texts as an essential agent of transformation, later to be abused
as so many other concepts are in Kabbalah and was said to be related to the Ain Soph. Eliphas Levi described
Azoth as “The Azoth or Universal medecine is, for the soul, is supreme reason and absolute justice; for the mind,
it is mathematical and practical truth; for the body, it is the quintessence, which is a combination of gold and
light”. One can read so many more explanations throughout the ages from Paracelsus, to Newton, to John Dee.
Crowley, A.e. Waite and others have misunderstood Azoth as Mercurius and falsely connected it to the
Kabbalah. Azoth has been described as the fth element and can be seen as the Acausal chemical that is
created when the 4 earthly elements and the 3 alchemical modes (Salt, Mercury, Sulphur) line up and
circumstances provide a fertile place for manifestation, this can be seen as the intrusion of Acausal energies in
the Causal. This force is seen as the Universal Force, an inspirational evolutionary force that pushes us to
explore what is spiritual or Acausal. This alchemical substance has also been described as the universal solvent
or the Elixir of Life (Elixir Vitae), also as the animating energy (Spiritus Animatus), but is also connected to the
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Azoth is the same as the Sanskrit Kundalini force and can be described as our spiritual lifes-blood or our overall
Acausal charge that is within, but without Azoth can be seen as the source of the Azothic blood pool or as
alchemists describe it “The one in the all”. In the 7FW Atazoth is a Pathway and a being that lies in the tunnel
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between Sun (Shams) and Jupiter (Mushtari), this is very telling as Jupiter is the Sphere of Azoth on the TOW.
Atazoth is tied to the alchemical equation known as Ata-Azoth or to increase Azoth. Atazoth is also tied to the
Master tarot card and is the pathway that represents the seat of power or the throne of Theos (Acausal) that
represents the collective pool of Azoth that exists in the cosmos, Atazoth represents the intrusion of Acausal
energies into the Causal this is Vindexian by nature meaning it grounds into the causal. Atazoth or Ata-Azoth is
said to be more a description of this being and this pathway rather than a name or title, this seems to be the case
with several Nekhala. In the 7FW Azoth is also linked to the 7+2=9 and the 9 possible equations of the 3
alchemical modes or elements (Salt, Mercury, Sulphur), we see in the Star-Game and the 7FW alchemy. In one
text Azoth is described as “The living water, Azoth, which falls upon the Earth nurturing it, and from which the
seed owers brighter than the Sun”. Evola points out that Azoth is also connected to “the Living Water”, and the
later myths of the fountain of youth. Typically Azoth is seen as a sort of revitalizing medicine that restores,
completes. or re nes.
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“The secret of the Magus/Mousa who lies beyond the Grade of Master/LadyMaster is a
simple unity of two common things. This unity is greater than but built upon the double pelican being inward yet
like the stage of Sol, outward though in a lesser degree. Here is the living water, azoth, which falls upon Earth
nurturing it, and from which the seed owers brighter than the sun. The ower, properly prepared, splits the
Heavens – it is the great elixir which comes from this which when taken into the body dissolves both
Sol and Luna bringing Exaltation. Whomever takes this Elixir will live immortal among
the ery stars…”
Ulfgangr Satanara
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The Pentagram is of course seen today in many traditions claiming different exact meanings and using slightly
different forms of this geometrical shape. One of the early sources for the pentagram seems to be in Sumerian
script, and seems to mean corner, nook, angle, cavity, or a hole. The word pentagram comes from the Greek and
basically means ve or 5 lines. This symbol can be seen in the Pythagorean tradition as well as other Hellenic
cults. Its easy to guess at what this sigil means or nd later explanations but its a bit harder nding the exact
origins and meaning of this sigil.
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I have found some pagan Northern European sources that say the pentagram comes from the center of an apple
when it is cut in half. In this way it is said to be an ancient fertility symbol. In the Simon Necronomicon the
inverted pentagram is said to be older and to be a symbol of the plow, but is also described as a symbol
representing in later times the human being or race. In the Necronomicon Gates by Simon these concepts are
described in depth and it is stated that the later Egyptians saw the inverted pentagram as an underworld or
“demonic” sigil. It talks about how the oldest spiritual formula is Gods = Stars. In Sumer the pentagram was a
sigil of this equation and always was a symbol of divinity. This symbol gained its life in Sumer as a plow sigil but
later a badge of the Aryans or people of the plow as the sigil was called AR, or ARRA and is without a doubt tied
in its oldest forms to agriculture. Later this sigil became known as a powerful symbol that held control over the
dead or “demons”, especially in these later garbled Abrahamic based Grimoire Traditions especially in the so
called Solomonic Traditions. later Christian doctrine the pentagram referred to the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ
and of course later we see this pentagram in grimoire traditions and places such as Freemasonry. The next
stage of evolution in using this symbol became the satanists and modern traditions today which relate it falsely
to the horned God. In the Greek examples we usually see a ve pointed pentagram that can be upright with a
point up but is usually tilted in some way sometimes even completely inverted. This symbol of the pentagram or
pentacle can also be seen later as a magical symbol that referred to the 5 elements of magic or the 4 directions
and up or down. In Daoism this pentagram was seen as 5 pearls that represented the 4 pillars of the
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watchtowers and or directions and a middle pillar. In Hostia it is stated that Baphomet may be tied to the
Pythagorean Pentagram as well as a Templar cult that worshiped her in the form of a cat. The 5 corners has also
been said to be tied to the 5 seeds of Chronos that are placed within the earth so that the cosmos may manifest.
In the Pythagorean cult the pentagram was also a symbol of recognition and health. The Pythagoreans called it
Hugieia which comes from the same Indo-European root as Living, Life, and full of Azoth which also come from
the same root as the word witch. The Pythagoreans would label the sides of the Pentagram with letters, ΥΓΙΕΙΑ
(UGIEIA), although we nd several different orders of placement representing slightly different alchemical
outcomes. Christians during the so called enlightenment began to have interest in rediscovering these shapes
and ideas of Pythagoras such as the pentagram or pentacle which also contained the golden ratio. These
searches are said to have gone beyond just mathematics and we know Pythagoras ascribed the elements and
directions to this shape in his time. We see this pentagram used later by the Freemasons and the Eastern Star.
My personal belief is that the pentagram was rst used in the way we consider inverted as an ancient plow
symbol later becoming a magical sigil that is usually tied to the human or magician the 2 arms, 2 legs, and head.
There are a lot more places around the world that we can nd this symbol that I did not cover and its impossible
to know where exactly it originated from, but with the evidence we have we can say it originated in the
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Sumerian culture as a plow symbol possibly originating as an Aryan symbol, and soon after ended up in Greece
where the symbol gained further meaning in the Hellenic cults and then was of course later abused in the
grimoire traditions and satanism. I will say now this sigil holds many different meanings and has even become
upright a symbol of the RHP and inverted a symbol of the LHP, I think this is to miss the point and misconstrue
the true meaning of this powerful sigil.
Ulfgangr Satanara
129 YF
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April 11, 2017 · ulfgangrsinfjotlisatanara · 1 Comment
I have recently began a series of workings with Gaubni I think its important there be a post on the Great Demon
himself. I will rst examine Nythra which is the tunnel or pathway on the Tree of Wyrd (ToW) where Gaubni is
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said to dwell, I will not delve to deeply into Nythra the focus being more upon Gaubni. Nythra seems to be one
of the more delved into essences that appear in the 21 pathways of the ToW. I think this is generally because
the Moon is the rst sphere of initiation and seems to be the sphere that everyone has a lot to say about,
partially because they have not ascended the whole tree, and partially because this sphere is vital and has much
to teach. I have treaded the pathways and spheres a few times now myself and with other initiates and the
moon pathways are always challenging. With another initiate early on in my ascent we became seriously ill for a
couple of weeks in our rst attempts in the Moon sphere facing the horrible Shugara, as well as Noctulius, and
Nythra. Initiation can be rough but what is complete terror to the mundane or “Clayborn” is knowledge
or Gnosis to the Sorcerer. I felt that Nythra, and Gaubni brought almost identical feelings within me during
manifestation. I began to observe that in this situation Nythra seemed to be the place or zone of energy, and
Gaubni was the demonic form that lurked there. I nd it helpful to have initiates embody the Nythra tunnel
before I really even tell them about Gaubni, it seems to create more of an organic relationship with each of
them, because they are extremely similar in essence. I have my initiates work with the essences in more of a
pathworking setting and later work more with the demonic heads or masks that dwell within these pathways. It
is extremely important not to anticipate too much for any one entity let yourself learn the proper keys and ways
to embody these forces and perceive them as they are not as someone said they should be.
Nythra is the pathway leading from the Moon or Arabic Qamar to Venus or the Arabic Zohra. Nythra is related
to the death Sinister Tarot card or ATU XIII, and has been called the “Bloody void mother”. Seen as a kind of
meeting place of the Acausal and Causal, a void or physical gate. Said to be located within the star Archturus in
the constellation of Bootes, nearby to this is an empty area of starless space know as the “Bootes void”. Nythra
is described in Naos as an “Energy vortex in the abyss – nameless in itself but represented by vibration of word.
Works of terror and sinister destruction”. This pathway is also related to the Self aspect of the Moon or the
third stage in the process of Physis symbolized by alchemical symbol of alchemical Sulphur. In the D.C.A. we like
to see Nythra as more of the main Abyss or basically the representation of the place were the acausal and
causal meet or intersect. As well as in a big way seeing Nythra as the entrance to the abyss within ourselves. I in
pathworking Nythra came upon the concept in automatic writing that Nythra can be seen as the tunnel
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between life and death. In this way Nythra is the place, the void, the womb, where all springs forth from.
Meaning Gaubi as the lurker of this tunnel can be seen as extremely similar to Choronzon. This may not be the
only meeting place of the acausal and causal but it is the one I believe we use to pull forth the Nekhala. We can
see in the infamous ONA/O9A chant “Nythra Kthunae Atazoth” Nythra appears as a main essence in this
formula. This is because as this formula basically means open up the void, earth the energy, and one either
earths Atazoth for destructive workings, and Baphomet for more positive workings although one can add any
name at the end if they so choose. The invocation poem that is given in ONA/O9A MSS for Nythra is “A canal
route lined by white grif ns. A vortex of grey starless space. The chalice spills its white blood. And the
Herdsman’s light shines in the chamber of the sphinx”. And the Sinister Tarot description of this pathway is
“That which follows hubris; the consequences of trying to escape that which is ill-fated by destiny. Personal
destruction from self-delusion, and the cessation of self-evolution. Energy vortex in the abyss. The stripping
away of the self-image, that if successful will produce a genuine Master/Mistress. Confronting the chaos within
and without”. One must also understand Nythra is so much more than just a symbol of the abyss or the void
itself. In a post about Nythra called Void Mother, on Wordpress by the Drakon Covenant Nythra is said to be ”
The absolute source of all vampiric potency, the essential vampiric wraith whom all vampiric entities are mere
re ections of”. She is noted here to be the patron Dark Goddess of assassins and poisoners and may be offered
datura owers, and ingestion of toxic drugs especially datura brings one closer to her in a constant withering
away of the ego. She is the Dark Goddess of true vampiric initiation. I have chosen to add these descriptions of
the pathway of Nythra to help to understand where Gaubni is seen most within the ToW. Gaubni is attributed
to this tunnel and with good reason but he is also an entity that expands further than just this zone of energy. I
recommend referring to the Yorkshire Rounwytha Wordpress page for an excellent account of the Nythra
pathworking. The Drakon Covenant Wordpress as well is extremely helpful. Also V.K. Jehannum has a new
post on Wordpress for Nythra with a lot of the correspondences necessary for this pathworking, as well as
some further experience with the entity for a well rounded understanding. These forces are meant to be
experienced by you as they are, so be careful not to sway your organic experiences, but these mentioned pages
will help greatly with immersion into the essences at hand.
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