Competence in Gypsum

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Competence in gypsum

P ro g ress i s o u r t ra d i t i o n .
Progress is our tradition

Gebr. Pfeiffer AG looks back on a long

and successful history that is based
on high-quality products, closeness
to the customer and an international
standing. Even in an environment
undergoing fast changes we remain
loyal to these standards. That is why
our company and its employees will
shape the future.

Since our foundation in 1864 we have

always participated in the develop-
ment of modern process technology
for grinding, separating, drying, hydrat-
ing and calcining.

With more than 200 employees, Our success is the result of a wide We regard the finding of innovative,
our center of competence in Kaisers- product range, a modern test station, customized systems that meet your
lautern as well as our subsidiaries in in-house workshops with a high verti- special requirements as our most
the United States and India are active cal capacity and an extensive store of important task.
all over the world, supported by an experience especially with the cement,
extensive network of cooperations lime, gypsum, and ceramic industries. We ensure a long service life for our
and representations. plants and machines by establishing
long-lasting cooperations in a spirit
of partnership to the benefit of a
high-quality finished product, safe
plant operation, economic viability
and technical progress.

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Our processes for
the gypsum industry

1 Single-stage calcining in the MPS 2 Single-stage calcining in the 3 Multi-stage calcining

vertical roller mill gypsum kettle Coarse natural gypsum and mixtures of
Coarse natural gypsum or mixtures of Fine natural gypsum, mixtures of natural natural gypsum and FGD gypsum are
natural gypsum and FGD gypsum are gypsum and FGD gypsum, as well as ground, dried, partially calcined, and
ground, dried, calcined, and classified FGD gypsum are dried and calcined in classified in the MPS vertical roller mill.
in the MPS vertical roller mill. Product the Pfeiffer gypsum kettle which can be Product fineness can be varied within
fineness and product characteristics run continuously or batchwise. Normally a wide range (0.063 to 0.5 mm). The
can be varied within a wide range the kettle is followed by a grinding- semi-finished product is calcined in the
(0.063 to 0.5 mm). separating plant comprising high-speed downstream gypsum kettle. Product
mill and air-swept separator. Product characteristics can be varied.
The ground and calcined products with fine-ness and product characteristics
their relatively short setting times are can be varied within a wide range The ground and calcined products with
used above all for the plasterboard pro- (0.063 to 0.5 mm). their medium to long setting times are
duction, the production of structural used above all for the plasterboard pro-
gypsum elements, and as basic plaster The ground and calcined products with duction, the production of structural
for the production of wall plaster. their relatively long setting times are gypsum elements, as basic plaster for
used above all as basic plaster for the the production of wall plaster, as plas-
production of wall plaster and as spe- ter of Paris for the ceramic industry,
cial products. and as special plaster.

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fine product

raw material

SLS high-efficiency
classifier for sharp

entirely closed
mill housing

oil circulating


liftable grinding rollers,

external statically determined
pull rods system

exchangeable hot gases

hot gas channel
vertical roller mill -
the optimum machine for
grinding and calcining
The solution to your problem Optimum utilization of process heat
Grinding-drying or grinding-calcining MPS vertical roller mills allow an opti-
of gypsum mum utilization of the thermal energy
throughput rates 1 - 150 t/h of low-temperature process gases.
target fineness 63 - 500 m
feed size 10 - 60 mm Maximum availability
feed moisture pit moisture Low specific wear rates, high-quality
wear materials and progressive repair
The working principle concepts reduce downtimes of MPS
Three stationary grinding rollers roll on vertical roller mills to a minimum.
a rotating grinding table. The material
is drawn in between grinding rollers Favorable control behavior
and grinding track and ground by pres- High drying and calcining capacity,
sure and shear. The compression force short retention times, and remote
required for the comminution of the control of the grinding pressure and
material is generated by a hydropneu- the speed of the separating wheel
matic tensioning system. allow MPS vertical roller mills to be
operated fully automatically even
The material is ground and conveyed The advantages with fluctuating raw material qualities.
by centrifugal force towards the sta- Low investment costs
tionary nozzle ring. Hot gases flowing MPS mills require few ancillary ma-
up through the nozzle ring mix with the chines, no or little walled-in space, they
material and carry it up to the classi- operate dust-free and have a low noise
fier. In the separating zone a rotating level.
separating wheel separates the ground
and dried material into fine finished Low electric power consumption
product and grits. The grits fall back The grinding principle and the high-
into the center of the grinding zone. efficiency classifier reduce the electric
The finished product leaves the classi- power consumption by up to 40 %
fier together with the gas stream and compared with conventional ball mills.
is separated in a downstream filter

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Our gypsum processing

The solution to your problem

Grinding of calcined FGD gypsum and
broken boards/plates
throughput rates 1 - 60 t/h
target fineness 0.02 - 2 mm
feed size up to 30 mm

Pfeiffer MRE ball mills

The solution to your problem

Drying of gypsum rock /alpha plaster
throughput rates 6 - 200 t/h
feed size up to 150 mm

Pfeiffer TRT Triplex dryer

The solution to your problem

Grinding of calcined gypsum
throughput rates 1 - 20 t/h
target fineness 0.06 - 1 mm
feed size up to 20 mm

Pfeiffer MSM Molekulator mills

material to be separated
The solution to your problem
material to be separated
Separation of ground gypsum
throughput rates 1 - 60 t/h
target fineness 0.02 - 0.2 mm
feed size up to 5 mm


grits fines

Pfeiffer SLV high-efficiency separators Pfeiffer SUV distribution table separators

The solution to your problem

Calcining of gypsum, either batchwise
drive of the
stirring device or continuously
inlet slide
throughput rates 10 - 300 t/d
kettle feed size < 0.2 - 2 mm

kettle shell stirring device

fibre mats hot gas pipes

air guide plate

kettle bottom

hot gas generator outlet slide

Pfeiffer GK gypsum kettles Pfeiffer GK gypsum kettles

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PFEIFFER machines
and industrial plants
PFEIFFER services
You can always count on us

Test station Spare parts service

In our test station raw materials are Original spare parts guarantee that
tested for their processing qualities, your plant will operate economically
and in our laboratories these raw ma- even many years after its erection.
terials are characterized by taking all Take advice from our experienced
the relevant norms/specifications and engineers. Our electronic wear analysis
standards into account. for the grinding elements of the MPS
mill records the actual wear progress
For these tests, pilot plants with ma- and allows a selective spare parts
chines from our manufacturing pro- inventory and maintenance.
gram are available for throughput
rates from 0.5 to 10 t/h. The results Erection and commissioning
of the tests serve as a basis for the Experienced engineers and supervisors
selection of the suitable process for a are available for erection and commis-
given application and for the machine sioning and for the training of your
and process dimensioning. operating and maintenance personnel.

We are competent in designing and
planning not only new plants but also
plant conversions, the upgrading and
modernization of existing plants, main-
tenance and repair, the selection of
suitable wear materials and in answer-
ing all process related questions.

We have our own mechanical work-
shops and foundry. All phases of our
product manufacture are carefully
planned. The quality of our products
is systematically supervised and docu-
mented pursuant to the quality man-
agement system of the DIN ISO 9001.

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Progress is our tradition.
D-67618 Kaiserslautern
P. O. Box 3080
Phone ++49 (0)631 - 4161 - 0
Fax ++49 (0)631 - 4161 - 191
E-mail: [email protected]

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