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DELVAL FLOW CONTROLS PRIVATE LIMITED peiveat INSPECTION OFFER SHEET commer Nove “An ONEREHANCE (DA LANE. owe fama erates oes eateed nec eion net sees eesneconasn saad eon Eee) enn DESCRIPTION - Sse eecacoeres maleate C | ens fom emma esm ny [rw [om | Ty) waco >| ourun pemumgarenvncsarrasnrsenemy | raw | ow ds : exes re | ome 2 4 fLEVER OPERATED “ ° | ° _ 4 emer mca aol Delve Fo Contrat Private Lined Gat No. 25 At- Kavate, Post - ava, Tal Kanda, Shirwa12801 INDIA DelVal Phone: +91-9763720100/0763661000, Fox: 02169-241288 Enul [email protected] Website: TEST CERTIFICATE (31 As per EN 10204) NAME OF CUSTOMER, JON EXCHANGE (INDIA) LIMITED [CERTIFICATE NO. 20001548 /0D0050 [CUSTOMER ONO: fis-2019 101 /0127N (001297 OSS0001 70480 DATE + 16102018 OnaTe: o707 2018 [SONo, : 20001588 ITEM CODE: AS00SGICTOOISIAIO0 DESCRIPTION: _430,i'PNID{CLCFEMSSHIOEPDM ) SSDA ACT +SOV+4Si+MOR DELVALSRNO. SIZE (INCH) TAGNO. Qr¥ (Nos) 13001261 -01 0 OGCFILAAOOS ao 1 Valve.DTO-DoubleTripple Ose Valve SOV-SoleneidValve\LSB-Limt Swith Box AFR-Ale Fer 2" 061-12" 0Q2=12" 083-3" 0Q5=1- 18" Material Compliance [Legends BFV-Butterly valveL¥- Regulator, MOR-Manual Over Ride Sie ODYIEND CONNECTOR DISCAL sre SEAT. [ASTM AI26CLASS B/S 2105F026, [ASTM A351 GR.CFAM ASTM AGT9SS40 DM - _ - LGA, Denwing No. ‘Clas Hydrostatic Shell Test (ody) Hydrostatic Seat Text Pewnatc Sout Test, Result PNIOTISO Is mar, TiBAR 7 BAR ‘No wise eakage Psi | a 7 o observed during the est sind ‘Automation Sub- Assembly Components ‘ACTUATOR sov 1B are Pos: Mon | AsirSuppty [Air Fa Pressureto | Posi Actuator PLDA- 065.7 | ASOV.ARN- JAtsupiv-pr Tamora. |e par Min |Suy Pa SH.FOSFOTUSERRAT |9730010.3057028.00.. | WPAALUS.S40 - = fsa EDS.TRA natus.s | voc.tooman 1955 STD.DbO 19,FOSMaFO? ee ‘Open Close Funetional check mensional & Vieul cheeks carried oul andl found salictory. ‘Valves Testing as per Standard: APL 398 / APL GD /BS EN 12266-Part-t & Part Product Design Ref Standard: EN $93 / API 308 / API 6D / EN ISO 17292 “Tiss to cory that above valves are manufactured and hs been tesed at the pressure Indicated, They are cout ord besa na woes Nye) EnarTE0 opp) Division - Rebate Chwitnéssed Reviewed ning the purchase order spcientions and For, atoal Flow Controls Pot Lid Teil By mo | Aah 8p Bagneer 8 [Bate E2Sigmaters | sie ppd —— Mmaper 4 Format No. : F/QA/106/0005.01.2018 Daa ow Cots sats ited aN 8.1K Pst @m a aa, Shr 80 I ranean, Pax 6-24188 DelVal Pron Email; slesindia@ Website ena NAME OF CUSTOMER [ION EXCHANGE aWDIA) LIMITED [CERTIFICATE NO. 20001548 000010 CUSTOMER P.0.NO: 018-2019, 0/0124 N/ 001297 058000170350 DATE 104082018 PODATE fovo7 2018 [SO No, : 20001544 TTEM CODE :S002FAAOIO27LINOD DESCRIPTION: —50/8FV(WC)2"|S0PPNID.N163 BOLE.CLNDISS41G-L2,EPDM LEVER DEL. STD STD.STD NAME PLATE. DELVAL SR NO. ‘SIZE (INCH) ‘TAG NO. ‘ary N08) To004053 01 om DGCrISAAONR “~~ 00 Legends:BEV-BuiterilyvalvesBLV-Ball Valve.DTO-Double/Tripple Offset Valve SOV'Solnold Valvei.SB-Liit Switch ox AFR-A Fier Regulator: MOR Manual Over Ride Siz- 0152-12" 0Q6=1-/2"\0Q2°U2" OK3=N18" 0QS=1-18" “Materat Compliance ‘BODYIEND CONNECTOR DISCAL STEM. SEAT ‘ASTM A126 CLASS B/IS 210-626 ASTM AS36 65-4512 NDI ‘ASTM A198 410| EPDM = I ro LGA, Drawing Not Cass Hy drostate Shel Test (Body) Phewmate Seat Test Result pvt TSBAR 57 0AR, c eB e - observa ring thee io ‘Automaton Sub-Assemby Components ACTUATOR Sov, 1s APR Pos. Mor | Airsupply | aireat Presureto | Position Actuator Open Close Funtional check Dimensional & Visual eheks eargod out and foun saistactory ‘Valves Testing a per Standards APLSS8/ APL GD /BS EN 12266-Part-l & Part Product Design Ret Standard: EN $96 APL 69 APL DEN ISO 17292 “This isto eety thal above valves are manufactured wl sheen ese athe pressure dated. They are conirming to the purchase order speciation and found o be satisfactory respects. ION EXC! val Flow Contes Pvt Lid ANaG «In | Engineer QA Sanjay Deshpande Manager QA, Format No. : F/QA/106/00/05.01.2018

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