Explain Lesson
Explain Lesson
Explain Lesson
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
• To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
• Formative assessment
(include Learner Diversity)
Physical Science As a result of this FORMATIVE Introduction: From the objects we Student iPads
3 Science lesson students will ASSESSMENT – § Students have now grasped the concept of objects that can be looked at last week, what
Understanding: be able to: Peer Assessment identified as hot, students will recap on some of the objects objects produce heat on
Heat can be produced discussed in the previous lesson their own? Household Objects:
in many ways and can 1.Explain how heat is Students will § Student are going to explore whether objects produce heat on their Hot water bottle
move from one object produced on its own complete a peer- own or whether it is heated by something else, e.g. electricity, What objects require Kettle
to another or whether it is assessment to friction or burning. other sources to heat Lightbulb
(ACSSU049) heated by something reflect on the them? Cup of tea
else collaboration of the Procedure:
Science as a Human group and the § From the objects identified in the previous lesson, students will be Worksheet:
Endeavour: 2.Recognise the contribution of the required to complete a worksheet that identifies the objects What other source’s may Primary
Science involves difference between other students discussed. be used to cause an Connections –
making predictions and insulators and within their group. § Students are to identify how hot the object is and whether it object to be hot? What’s Hot?
describing patterns and conductors produces heat on its own or whether it is heated by something else.
relationships Student will be § Worksheet: Primary Connections – What’s Hot?
(ACSHE050) 3. Design a brief assessed on their § In a group of five, create a short presentation identifying the What can we as humans PowerPoint
presentation using ability to select two difference between and object that produces its own heat or an do to heat up? Presentation on
Science Inquiry Skills: their iPads to identify objects, one that object that relies on an external force to create heat. iPads
With guidance, identify the difference produces its own
questions between insulators heat and a second Learner Diversity:
in familiar contexts and conductors that uses another § Extension: Allow students to identify how the objects either
that can be source to create produce its own heat or whether it is heated by something else and
investigated heat. what that something else might be?
scientifically and make § Enabling: Allow the students to look at some of the objects from the Complete a peer-
predictions based on previous lesson see if they are able to identify how the objects are assessment form
prior knowledge hot and whether its self-produced or produced by something else
Represent and § Students will present their group presentation to the rest of the
communicate class and explain how the objects either produce heat on its own or
observations, ideas and whether it is produced by an external source.
findings using formal § Students will complete a peer assessment of the students in their
and informal group and their contribution to the presentation