Final Demo Last-Jeane
Final Demo Last-Jeane
Final Demo Last-Jeane
Final Demo
(February 11, 2013)
1. Explain the message of the poem through guide questions.
2. Cite figures of speech found in the selection.
3. Make a poster about a thing that corresponds to one’s happiness.
4. Realize the beauty and the importance of our nature by performing the assigned tasks.
II-Subject Matter
Topic: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth
Reference: English Expressway IV
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Task Cards, Word Cards, and Visual Aids
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Classroom Management
B. Motivation
1. Let the teacher choose five students who are good in public speaking.
2. Let the representatives discuss the picture shown in the Power Point Presentation.
2.1. One student should only utter one word until they can create a sentence.
1. Let the teacher choose five students who are good in public speaking.
2. Let the representatives discuss the picture shown in the Power Point Presentation.
2.1. One student should only utter one word until they can create a sentence.
Illegal Logging
C. Pre-Activity
“Unlocking of Difficult Words”
1. Let the students look under their chair.
1.1. If they find a word, they are going to post the assigned word to the appropriate meaning
posted on the board.
Vales valley
Jocund cheerful
Oft often
D. Procedure
1. Show to the class the picture of William Wordsworth.
2. Let the students tell something about their assignment, William Wordsworth.
3. Present the first picture of the daffodils to the class.
4. Present the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth to the class.
*Create at least two tableaus (Paint *Make a jingle that conveys all the
Me a Picture) on how we appreciate people to use our nature as an
the beauty of our Mother Nature. important source of our life.
Content – 50%
Delivery – 30%
Total – 100%
1. Make a poster in a short bond paper about a particular thing that corresponds to your
2. Write a descriptive paragraph about that using figure of speech.
Prepared by:
Dagatan, Jeane S.
USeP Student Teacher