Spreadsheet For Calculation of Hoek-Brown and Equivalent Mohr-Coulomb Parameters For Excavations Deeper Than 30 M
Spreadsheet For Calculation of Hoek-Brown and Equivalent Mohr-Coulomb Parameters For Excavations Deeper Than 30 M
Spreadsheet For Calculation of Hoek-Brown and Equivalent Mohr-Coulomb Parameters For Excavations Deeper Than 30 M
sig3 1E-10 2.14 4.29 6.4 8.57 10.71 12.86 15.00 60.00
sig1 3.73 22.72 33.15 41.68 49.22 56.12 62.57 68.68 337.88
ds1ds3 26.62 5.64 4.31 3.71 3.35 3.10 2.92 2.78 52.45
sign 0.14 5.24 9.72 13.91 17.91 21.78 25.53 29.20 123.43
tau 0.70 7.36 11.28 14.42 17.10 19.49 21.67 23.68 115.69
x -2.46 -1.05 -0.79 -0.63 -0.52 -0.44 -0.37 -0.31 -6.58
y -1.93 -0.91 -0.73 -0.62 -0.55 -0.49 -0.44 -0.40 -6.07
xy 4.76 0.96 0.57 0.39 0.29 0.21 0.16 0.13 7.47
xsq 6.05 1.11 0.62 0.40 0.27 0.19 0.14 0.10 8.88
sig3sig1 0.00 48.69 142.07 267.95 421.89 601.32 804.50 1030.15 3317
sig3sq 0.00 4.59 18.37 41.33 73.47 114.80 165.31 225.00 643
taucalc 0.71 7.15 11.07 14.28 17.09 19.63 21.99 24.19
sig1sig3fit 11.80 20.50 29.19 37.89 46.58 55.28 63.97 72.67
signtaufit 3.03 6.91 10.31 13.49 16.53 19.46 22.31 25.09
Cell formulae:
mb = mi*EXP((GSI-100)/28)
s = IF(GSI>25,EXP((GSI-100)/9),0)
a = IF(GSI>25,0.5,0.65-GSI/200)
sigtm = 0.5*sigci*(mb-SQRT(mb^2+4*s))
sig3 = Start at 1E-10 (to avoid zero errors) and increment in 7 steps of sigci/28 to 0.25*sigci
sig1 = sig3+sigci*(((mb*sig3)/sigci)+s)^a
ds1ds3 = IF(GSI>25,(1+(mb*sigci)/(2*(sig1-sig3))),1+(a*mb^a)*(sig3/sigci)^(a-1))
sign = sig3+(sig1-sig3)/(1+ds1ds3)
tau = (sign-sig3)*SQRT(ds1ds3)
x = LOG((sign-sigtm)/sigci)
y = LOG(tau/sigci)
xy = x*y x sq = x^2
A = acalc = 10^(sumy/8 - bcalc*sumx/8)
B = bcalc = (sumxy - (sumx*sumy)/8)/(sumxsq - (sumx^2)/8)
k = (sumsig3sig1 - (sumsig3*sumsig1)/8)/(sumsig3sq-(sumsig3^2)/8)
phi = ASIN((k-1)/(k+1))*180/PI()
coh = sigcm/(2*SQRT(k))
sigcm = sumsig1/8 - k*sumsig3/8
E = IF(sigci>100,1000*10^((GSI-10)/40),SQRT(sigci/100)*1000*10^((GSI-10)/40))
phit = (ATAN(acalc*bcalc*((signt-sigtm)/sigci)^(bcalc-1)))*180/PI()
coht = acalc*sigci*((signt-sigtm)/sigci)^bcalc-signt*TAN(phit*PI()/180)
sig3sig1= sig3*sig1 sig3sq = sig3^2
taucalc = acalc*sigci*((sign-sigtm)/sigci)^bcalc
s3sifit = sigcm+k*sig3
sntaufit = coh+sign*TAN(phi*PI()/180)