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Prepared by: The American Council of Life Insurers

Submitted to: The National Association of Insurance Commissioners

August 2, 2010
(Revision of May 1, 2009 Report)

Page No.

Executive Summary 3

I. Background 5

II. RBC Credit for Hedging – Recommendations 5

III. Implementation 10

Appendix 1: Development of the Hedging Credit Formula 12

Appendix 2: Intermediate Hedges 18

Appendix 3: Advanced Hedging 21

Appendix 4: Background on Indexed Credit Default Swap Hedges 22

Appendix 5: How Insurers Use Derivatives 23

Appendix 6: Recent Changes in the Derivatives Market 27

Appendix 7: Derivative Use Management Including Counterparty Risk 29

Appendix 8: The Relationship Between Bond and CDS Market Value 31

Appendix 9: Industry Impact 33

Appendix 10: Statutory Accounting and Hedges 35

Appendix 11: Glossary 36

Appendix 12: ACLI Team 38


Many insurers use derivatives to hedge asset risk (C-1), specifically either default risk or
the risk of adverse changes in fair value. The risk-based capital (RBC) formula does
not currently reflect this risk reductive activity. As a result, not only are company risk
levels misstated, but also the RBC framework fails to provide an incentive for insurers to
mitigate risk in this manner.

For several years various technical groups within the NAIC have recognized this
shortcoming. The task of finding a remedy has been referred to the Life RBC Working
Group, which has made this a top priority project in 2009 and 2010. ACLI has worked
with Life RBC to develop recommended modifications to the RBC framework to reflect
such derivatives.

The following is a summary of ACLI’s recommendations:

• The proposal is limited to the hedging of C-1 asset risk of fixed income securities
and common stocks. Hedges which are already considered in the determination
of RBC (e.g. in C-3 modeling) are excluded from the scope of this report and the
related recommendations.

• The objective is to determine RBC credit as an offset to the C-1 asset charge in
proportion to the risk reduction for each basic hedge and in proportion to each
individual element of an intermediate hedge.

• We categorize hedges as basic, intermediate, or advanced, making it is easier to

determine the degree to which risk is mitigated, to identify the implications for the
current RBC framework, and to deliberate recommendations.
o Basic hedging pairs single assets and derivatives.
o Intermediate hedging pairs a portfolio of assets with a very closely
matched basket or index-based derivative containing the same or very
similar components as the asset portfolio.
o Advanced hedging involves hedging strategies which cannot be measured
using the Basic or Intermediate methodology, including tranched
transactions, equity options and first to default baskets. ACLI is not
making recommendations concerning advanced hedging at this time.

• For basic and intermediate hedges, our proposal limits RBC credit to a fraction of
the C-1 RBC Asset charge in order to make provision for residual risks created
by the hedging program.

• For credit hedges (credit default swaps), we propose C-1 credit based on the
following formula:

RBC Credit as a percent of C-1 Asset Charge = ((Time to maturity of

CDS/Time to maturity of Bond) X (94%-10%)) + 10%

• For complete hedges on specific common stocks, we propose RBC credit of 94%
of the C-1 asset charge.

• The proposal treats an intermediate hedge as a group of basic hedges. For any
credit to be granted, intermediate hedges must have sufficient overlap with the
hedged portfolio to be considered for purposes of this proposal.

• In order to maximize transparency, we recommend calculating credit on an

asset-by-asset basis and reporting the calculation in the RBC blank. NAIC
Annual Statement schedules DB and D are the primary sources of data.

• The recommendation includes draft instructions, examples and spreadsheets.

The changes proposed will recognize the reduced risk achieved by prudent asset risk
hedging and will permit regulators to more accurately evaluate the degree of risk an
insurer faces. Adoption of the proposal will also provide insurers with a regulatory
incentive to mitigate C-1 risk, thus enhancing policyholder protection.


I. Background

In 2007 the NAIC Derivative Market Study (E) Working Group of the Valuation of
Securities (E) Task Force was charged with studying the derivative marketplace as a
basis for recommending whether NAIC Model Regulation 282 (Derivatives) should be
retained and updated or replaced.1 As part of its study, the Working Group noted areas
where regulation of the derivative activity of insurance companies could be made more
effective. One of those areas concerned the mitigation of asset risk achieved by
insurers through the use of derivatives and the implications of such risk reduction for
risk based capital (RBC). Specifically, the Derivative Market Study (E) Working Group
recommended that the Capital Adequacy (E) Task Force consider implementing an
RBC credit for derivative hedges, to the extent such hedges reduce an insurer’s risk
exposure. The development of such a proposal was referred to the Life Risk Based
Capital (E) Working Group and was included in its charges for 2009 and 2010. This
ACLI report is intended to aid in addressing that charge.

II. RBC Credit for Hedging – Recommendations

Hedging strategies currently employed by insurers range from straightforward one-to-

one relationships between the derivative and the hedged item to more sophisticated
relationships. In order to better understand the amount of risk mitigation achieved and
the implications for the current RBC framework, we organized the hedging strategies
into the general categories of basic, intermediate and advanced.

In this report we make distinct recommendations for basic and intermediate categories
of hedges. Advanced hedges are discussed in Appendix 3 and will be reserved for
future consideration.

These recommendations only apply to hedges in effect on the statutory balance sheet
date used for the RBC calculation. Any hedges that are part of a Clearly Defined
Hedging Strategy (CDHS) required for C-3 cash flow testing or any other hedges which
are otherwise considered in the determination of RBC are excluded from these

A. Recommended Treatment of Basic Hedges

Basic hedges are typified by using a credit default swap on a single issuer name to
hedge the credit risk of a specific bond owned by the insurer. The risk mitigation in this
The Working Group determined that NAIC Model Regulation 282 should be retained and updated. It was updated
in 2009.

situation is typically high, provided that the terms of the bond and the CDS are closely

The use of a hedging strategy, while broadly similar to a strategy of selling risky assets
and purchasing risk-free assets, introduces certain forms of risk to the insurer.
Accordingly, our proposal reduces the RBC credit for these risks:

• Counterparty credit risk: At present, this risk is only partially reflected in RBC.
Our analysis suggests that a haircut of 1.3% is more than sufficient to cover this

• Credit spread mismatch risk: Spread risk is not currently part of the RBC
framework. Nonetheless, our economic analysis supports a haircut to reflect this
risk at a level of 0% (perfect matching) to 85%. This haircut applies to credit risk
mitigation only.

• General business risk: This is an “everything else” provision that is intended to

cover additional administrative, legal, and operational risks that result from
hedging. Our analysis supports a haircut of 5%, consistent with the general level
of RBC.

Combining these risks into a simple formula that uses annual statement data, we
propose the following formula:

 Time to Maturity of CDS 

Credit Factor = Min1,  × (MaxCredit − MinCredit ) + MinCredit
 Time to Maturity of Bond 
RBC Credit = RBC C-1 Charge for the Hedged Asset x Credit Factor
Maximum Credit is recommended to be 94%
Minimum Credit is recommended to be 10%

This formula has the following characteristics:

• The RBC credit is proportionate to the extent of maturity mismatch.
• The proportionate credit protection cannot exceed 94% in the event that the CDS
maturity is longer than the maturity of the bond.
• The maximum RBC credit is limited to reflect counterparty credit and general
business (C-4a) risk associated with the derivative.
• Because the maturity of the bond typically exceeds that of the hedge, as the
hedge approaches maturity, the amount of RBC credit declines.

In Appendix 1 we describe in detail the development of this formula and how we

arrived at the recommended 94% and 10% range.

We also recommend a provision that requires that credit protection must have more
than one year remaining to maturity in order to receive RBC credit unless the maturity of
the hedged bond is less than one year. Although the provision for mismatch would
already significantly limit the RBC credit, this additional provision is intended to further
discourage insurers from purchasing short term credit protection prior to year-end
simply to influence the year-end RBC calculation.

Hedging the asset risk associated with a specific common stock within an insurer’s
portfolio is also a basic hedge. A common stock paired with a short futures position in
theory committing the insurer to sell the stock in the future serves as an effective asset
hedge. Since the common stock has no maturity and the futures contracts are exchange
traded we are recommending a simple fixed maximum RBC credit as an offset to the C-
1 RBC charge applied to the common stock. For consistency, we recommend the same
maximum credit as for credit derivatives (94%).

Examples showing how credit would be determined for basic hedges

Example 1: The insurance company owns $50 million (statement value) of a seasoned
10-year Boeing Corporation senior unsecured note (NAIC 1-rated security) with 5 years
left to maturity and hedges $50 million using a five-year CDS on Boeing Corporation.

• The Credit Factor would be calculated as ((5 year CDS tenor / 5 year bond tenor)
x (94% - 10%)) + 10% = 94%.
• The C-1 RBC charge is $50,000,000 x 0.4% (the NAIC 1 rate) = $200,000.
• The RBC credit would be 94% of the C-1 charge applicable to the statement
value hedged or 94% x 0.4% x $50 million = $188,000.

Example 2: The insurance company owns $80 million (statement value) of 15-year
AT&T Broadband senior unsecured NAIC 2 rated bonds with 10 years left to maturity
and hedges $80 million using a five-year CDS on AT&T Broadband.

• The RBC credit percentage would be calculated as (5 year CDS tenor / 10 year
bond tenor) x (94% - 10%) + 10% = 52%
• The C-1 RBC charge is $80 million x 1.3% (the NAIC 2 rate) = $1,040,000
• The RBC credit would be 52% of the C-1 charge applicable to the statement
value hedged or 52% x 1.3% x $80 million = $540,800.

Example 3: The insurance company owns $320 million (statement value) of 15-year
AT&T Broadband senior unsecured NAIC 2 rated bonds with 10 years to maturity and
hedges $160 million using five-year CDS on AT&T Broadband.

• The RBC credit percentage would be calculated as (5 year CDS tenor / 10 year
bond tenor) x (94%-10%) + 10% = 52%
• The C-1 RBC charge is $320 million x 1.3% (the NAIC 2 rate) = $4,160,000

• The RBC credit would be 52% of the C-1 charge applicable to the amount of the
statement value hedged or 52% x 1.3% x $160 million = $1,081,600.

Example 4: The insurance company owns $30 million of Exxon Mobil common shares
and decides to reduce its exposure to Exxon Mobil by purchasing short futures
contracts on 50% of the portfolio ($15 million notional).

• The RBC credit percentage would be 94%.

• The C-1 RBC charge is $30 million x 30% (the NAIC rate for common stock) = $9
• The RBC credit would be 94% of the C-1 charge applicable to the amount of the
statement value hedged or 94% x 30% x $15 million = $4.23 million.

B. Recommended Treatment of Intermediate Hedges

This category of hedging is typified by a portfolio of insurer assets paired with a basket
or index based derivative with the same or very similar components as the portfolio.
Fixed income hedging can be implemented using liquid and tradable credit default swap
indices (e.g. the CDX family of indices). Hedging common stock portfolios can be
accomplished with futures contracts based on the S&P 500 or other common stock
based indices.

For the intermediate category of hedging, we recommend that the risk mitigation and
resulting RBC credit be determined as if each specific security common to both the
index/basket hedge and the portfolio is a basic hedge with the entire basic hedge
methodology applied to each matching name. This includes the application of the
maturity mismatch formula and the maximum RBC credit of the C-1 asset charge for
both fixed income and common stock hedges.

Examples showing how credit would be determined for intermediate hedges:

Example 5: This example illustrates a calculation of RBC credit when an insurance

company hedges a portfolio using an index CDS. Assume the insurance company
owns $255 million of bonds of various NAIC ratings.

Insurance company buys a $200 million notional portfolio CDS hedge maturing in 5
years, which consists of 20 credits of equal weight. Each credit represents a notional of
$10 million.

To develop the RBC C-1 credit we apply the “basic” approach to each common holding
of the portfolio and CDS to yield the analysis and RBC credits in Table 2.

Table 1: Insurer Bond Portfolio
Years to Lesser of Statutory
Insurer Bond NAIC RBC C-1 RBC
Maturity Statement Value or
Portfolio Rating Factors ($millions)
(Tenor) Par ($millions)
Bond 1 7 1 10 0.40% 0.040
Bond 2 9 2 20 1.30% 0.260
Bond 3 3 3 10 4.60% 0.460
Bond 4 2 1 15 0.40% 0.060
Bond 5 6 1 24 0.40% 0.096
Bond 6 5 2 7 1.30% 0.091
Bond 7 11 1 23 0.40% 0.092
Bond 8 14 2 10 1.30% 0.130
Bond 9 12 3 16 4.60% 0.736
Bond 10 9 1 45 0.40% 0.180
Bond 11 9 2 23 1.30% 0.299
Bond 12 6 1 12 0.40% 0.048
Bond 13 10 3 5 4.60% 0.230
Bond 14 7 1 14 0.40% 0.056
Bond 15 10 1 21 0.40% 0.084
Total 255.0 2.862

Table 2: Calculation of RBC Credit

Overlap with
Credit Default CDS CDS
NAIC Insurer's Bond RBC RBC Credit
Swap Portfolio Notional tenor/bond
Rating Portfolio Factors ($millions)
or Index Hedge ($millions) tenor
Bond 1 1 10 10 0.40% 5/7 0.028
Bond 2 2 10 10 1.30% 5/9 0.074
Bond 3 3 10 10 4.60% 5/3 limit 1 0.432
Bond 4 1 10 10 0.40% 5/2 limit 1 0.038
Bond 5 1 10 10 0.40% 5/6 0.032
Bond 6 2 10 7 1.30% 5/5 0.086
Bond 7 1 10 10 0.40% 5/11 0.019
Bond 8 2 10 10 1.30% 5/14 0.052
Bond 9 3 10 10 4.60% 5/12 0.207
Bond 10 1 10 10 0.40% 5/9 0.023
Bond 11 2 10 10 1.30% 5/9 0.074
Bond 12 1 10 10 0.40% 5/6 0.032
Bond 13 3 10 5 4.60% 5/10 0.120
Bond 14 1 10 10 0.40% 5/7 0.028
Bond 15 1 10 10 0.40% 5/10 0.021
Bond 16 3 10 0 4.60% 0 0
Bond 17 1 10 0 0.40% 0 0
Bond 18 1 10 0 0.40% 0 0
Bond 19 2 10 0 1.30% 0 0
Bond 20 1 10 0 0.40% 0 0
Total 200 142 1.264

Example 6: An insurance company owns a $1 billion equity portfolio benchmarked to
the S&P 500. Due to market conditions, a reduction of 10% in the insurer’s exposure to
equities is needed to meet overall investment objectives. Selling a small fraction of each
name of the S&P 500 is cumbersome and may not be accomplished in the time frame
desired. Short S&P 500 futures contracts are purchased totaling $100 million, and this
short position will be maintained until it is determined that more equity exposure is
needed or the reduction is to be made permanent and the shares sold, at which point
the short futures contracts will be sold. For reducing the exposure to equities, the
insurance company would receive RBC credit that reflects the risk reduction applicable
to the $100 million hedge.

Since listing all issues of the S&P 500 is impractical, we will simply describe the steps
needed to determine the amount of RBC credit. Much like the prior example involving
bonds, each name in the index-based hedge would be compared to the statement value
for that name in the portfolio. The RBC credit applicable to each common name would
then be then limited to 94% of the amount of the C-1 asset charge attributable to the
statement value of that common stock held in the insurer’s portfolio. In the extreme, if
the insurer’s portfolio were matched exactly to the S&P 500 on a dollar weighted basis,
the total RBC credit would be $100 million x 30% (C-1 RBC charge for common stock) x
94% = $28.2 million.

III. Implementation

We recommend that the determination and reporting of the RBC credits arising from C-
1 asset risk hedging be accomplished with maximum transparency. Annual statement
schedules D and DB should be the primary sources of the data needed to provide the
inputs for credit computation in the RBC formula.2

Within the RBC formula we recommend that the RBC credits be computed in a new
detailed section situated next to Replication Synthetic Asset Transactions (RSAT). The
credits should be computed hedge-by-hedge with all pertinent data listed in a
spreadsheet with the credits then totaled and cross-referenced to lines inserted into the
applicable asset sections of the RBC formula where they will offset the RBC asset
charges as appropriate.

Reflected in this new table should be the following information from its respective

Asset hedged – Schedule D paired with hedge from Schedule DB

Asset statement value – Schedule D

See Appendix 10 for a discussion of statutory accounting and hedging.

Hedge notional amount – Scheduled DB

Maturity of hedge and bond – Schedule DB and D respectively

C-1 asset charge – RBC calculation

RBC credit – computed on new table in RBC calculation investment-by-


The ACLI stands ready to participate with NAIC Staff and Regulators in the
implementation in whatever capacity the Life RBC Working Group determines is
most helpful.

Appendix 1: Development of the Hedging Credit Formula

The effect of using derivatives to mitigate default or equity market risk should be broadly
similar to a strategy of selling risky assets and purchasing risk-free assets. With each
strategy, the insurer forfeits the potential up-side of collecting a risk premium and
instead reduces its balance sheet risk. A correctly calibrated RBC system should show
a similar RBC effect for the selling strategy and the hedging strategy.

From a holistic risk standpoint, however, the hedging strategy is “not quite” as effective
as the selling strategy. Hedging in and of itself introduces some types of residual risk,
and therefore our proposal includes haircuts to the C-1 hedging credit to account for
these risks.

Our analysis, assisted by regulator input, has identified three categories of risk: (A)
counterparty credit risk, (B) credit spread mismatch risk, and (C) general business risk.

A. Counterparty Credit Risk (i.e. “C-1o risk”)

Counterparty credit risk is the risk that the hedging counterparty will be imperiled
financially and be unable to meet its obligations. This risk materializes into a loss after
the hedged bond defaults, the counterparty defaults, and there is a lack of collateral on
deposit for some amount of the counter party obligation to the CDS holder. While the
likelihood of all three events happening in combination may seem remote, the history of
the recent recession serves as a reminder that remotely probable events still happen.

For hedging derivatives, the RBC formula only partially reflects counterparty credit risk.
For hedging derivatives that are in the money, LR012 (Miscellaneous Assets) applies a
risk charge to the statement value (net of collateral). On the other hand, RBC currently
makes no provision for the potential future exposure of purchased protection, i.e. the
risk that the derivative increases in value and then the counterparty defaults. In theory,
we believe a provision for this risk should be made in LR015 the RBC blank (Off
Balance Sheet Items).

Two courses of action exist for handling this missing risk charge. The most obvious
approach would be to modify Schedule DB Part E, and in the long term, this may be the
better answer. For the time being, we propose to include a haircut of 1.3% in the
hedging credit formula. This charge is the NAIC’s Class 2 corporate bond factor.
Because most counterparties engaged by insurers would typically have an investment
grade credit rating (the significant majority are NAIC 1, while most others are NAIC 2),
our recommendation represents a conservative estimate of the creditworthiness of the
typical hedging counterparty. Moreover, our approach effectively applies the risk
charge to the full notional amount, ignoring the possibility of collateral and the fact that
the typical recovery on defaulted bonds has historically been about 40%. It also results
in double-counting the LR012 counterparty credit risk charge on “in the money”
derivatives. In summary, although approximate and conservative, we think the 1.3%
haircut represents a reasonable provision for counterparty credit risk.
B. Credit Spread Mismatch Risk (currently not in RBC)

Due to market dynamics, the liquidity and availability of longer dated CDS that match
10, 20 or 30 year bonds is scarce or non-existent. As a result, a mismatch commonly
exists between the tenor (maturity) of a bond and the tenor of the hedging derivative.
For instance, a five year CDS may be used to hedge a 30 year bond.

The situation can be analogized to term life insurance. As long as the default (death)
occurs while the CDS (insurance) coverage is in place, the buyer of protection is
compensated for the loss. Coverage is complete, but temporary. Therefore a risk
remains that the CDS would be insufficient to make the insurer whole in the event of a
long-term deterioration in credit quality. This risk is commonly known as spread risk.

Spread risk is not currently part of the RBC formula. In an attempt to quantify an
appropriate haircut, we used economic risk concepts employed by the Solvency II
framework. We then made some simplifying adjustments and approximations to fit the
results within the RBC system.

Table A1.1 shows the ratio of spread durations for a model bond and credit default
swap. Spread durations are analogous to interest rate durations. Interest rate duration
is the percentage price change resulting from a change in interest rates. Similarly,
spread duration is the percentage price change resulting from a change in credit
spreads. Table A1.1 tells us that, for example, a 5 year CDS would hedge 75% of the
economic credit spread risk of a 7 year bond.

Table A1.1: Economic Hedging Efficiency with Mismatched Maturities

Years to Maturity of
1 3 5 7 10 15 20 30
Years to Duration of
Maturity Duration Bond
of CDS of CDS 1 2.9 4.7 6.3 8.3 11 13 15.5
1 1 100% 34% 21% 16% 12% 9% 8% 6%
2 2 69% 43% 32% 24% 18% 15% 13%
3 2.9 100% 62% 46% 35% 26% 22% 19%
4 3.8 81% 60% 46% 35% 29% 25%
5 4.7 100% 75% 57% 43% 36% 30%

Although table A1.1 is close to a theoretically correct answer, it presents some practical
difficulties. First, durations are not currently reported in statutory annual statements.

Second, because it is a table it is subject to discrete jumps as bonds or hedges move
from one maturity bucket to the next.

To address these difficulties, we have developed a formula which relies on the maturity
of the hedged item and the hedging instrument:

 Time to Maturity of CDS 

Hedging Efficiency = 1 − Min1,  × (Max% − Min%) + Min%
 Time to Maturity of Bond 

We used a least-squares analysis to evaluate what values of Max% and Min% provide
the best “fit” to Table A1.1. Because the vast majority of the CDS market trades on the
five year, we heavily weighted our “fit” analysis to the five year CDS (bottom row).
Table A1.2 shows the results of our analysis: 100% is the “best fit” maximum credit (i.e.
no mismatch risk), and 15% is the “best fit” minimum credit.

Table A1.2: Hedging Efficiency provided by Formula with Parameters

Chosen to Minimize Average Differences (focus on 5 year CDS)

Max% 100%
Min% 15%

Years to Years to Maturity of

Maturity Bond
of CDS 1 3 5 7 10 15 20 30
1 100% 43% 32% 27% 24% 21% 19% 18%
2 72% 49% 39% 32% 26% 24% 21%
3 100% 66% 51% 41% 32% 28% 24%
4 83% 64% 49% 38% 32% 26%
5 100% 76% 58% 43% 36% 29%

Thus our analysis would support a credit spread risk haircut ranging from 0%
(perfectly matched) to 85%.

The inclusion of credit spread risk into this project creates some difficulties within the
RBC system. We think the economic approach described above represents the best
approach for evaluating credit spread risk, but the RBC framework is not an economic
framework. By including a credit spread risk haircut, an incentive will exist for insurers
to match hedges to “well matched” bonds in a manner that maximizes the hedging
credit and minimizes RBC. In organizations that have multiple statutory legal entities,
incentives could exist to pile hedges into one entity, leaving another unprotected. From
a purely economic standpoint, the insurer should be indifferent to the precise bonds to
which the hedge is matched.

We do not believe that a perfect solution exists. Arguably, the approach most
consistent with the RBC framework would be not to make any mismatch haircut at all.
Addressing the incentives via additional rules about assigning hedges to bonds would
introduce significant complication and would most likely leave unresolved issues.
Accordingly, we think that it is best to keep the framework simple and transparent while
recognizing the limitations of the RBC system.

For C-1 equity hedges, because there is no maturity, there would be no mismatch

C. General Business Risk (i.e. “C-4a risk”)

Like other business management activities, hedging is subject to the risk that it may be
adversely affected by events which cannot be anticipated. The RBC formula includes a
provision, general business risk, or C-4a risk, for such risks faced by insurers. The
NAIC’s 1994 publication on the RBC system, Raising the Safety Net, noted that “all
business firms are exposed to some risks, such as litigation, that are not contemplated
in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 sections of the RBC formula. However, the derivation of
appropriate risk factors for most of these risks is not possible.”

Most solvency systems would not increase general business risk charges due solely to
the introduction of a program of derivatives risk mitigation. These systems would
assume that the existing provisions cover hedging activities. However, an argument
can be made that, relative to the strategy of selling risky assets, the hedging program
involves some amount of additional C-4a risk (e.g. litigation and administration). It is
our understanding that the Life RBC Working Group would prefer to include a provision
for such “all other” risk as a haircut to the hedging credit.

As the NAIC itself acknowledged, C-4a risk is very difficult to quantify. In light of that
fact, we believe that it would be appropriate to use an amount that is consistent with the
overall RBC framework. We used NAIC data to assess the relative level of industry C-
4a risk relative to total risk charges, i.e. the sum of C-0…C-4 before covariance, on an
industry-wide basis. In Table A1.3 we show the level of C-4a risk charges for life
insurance companies since 2001.

These amounts average out to 4.99%. Accordingly, we believe that a 5.00% haircut
for general business risk would be appropriate.

Table A1.3

Year C-4a / Σ (C-0…C-4)

2009 5.39%
2008 5.49%
2007 4.50%
2006 4.87%
2005 4.85%
2004 4.85%
2003 4.98%
2002 5.07%
2001 4.96%

D. Putting it all together

In the above analysis, we have identified three different risk “charges” that could be
made to partially counter the proposed C-1 hedging credit:

• A counterparty credit risk charge (C-1o) of 1.3%

• A credit spread mismatch risk charge ranging between 0% and 85%
• A general business risk charge (C-4a) of 5.0%

In combining these risk charges into a single range of haircuts, we believe it would be
useful to employ the RBC’s own covariance calculation to the extent possible. The RBC
covariance formula is:

Required capital = C-0 + C-4a + [(C-1o + C-3a)2 +

(C-1cs + C-3c)2 + C-22 + C-3b2 + C-4b2](1/2)

If we assume that the credit spread risk (not part of RBC) is uncorrelated with
counterparty credit risk and that both risks are 100% correlated with general business
risk (consistent with RBC), we would have the following:

• Minimum haircut = 5% + [1.3%2 + 0%2](1/2) = 6%. Thus the maximum hedging

credit would be 94%.
• Maximum haircut = 5% + [1.3%2 + 85%2)](1/2) = 90%. Thus the minimum
hedging credit would be 10%.

E. Conclusion

For risk-reducing credit default swaps, we recommend the following formula:

RBC C-1 Hedging Credit = RBC C-1 Asset Charge

X Percentage of Asset Hedged
X Credit Factor, where:

 Time to Maturity of CDS 

Credit Factor = Min1,  × (MaxCredit − MinCredit ) + MinCredit
 Time to Maturity of Bond 


• “Time to Maturity of CDS” is measured in years and is the time from statement
date to maturity of the CDS hedge.
• “Time to Maturity of Bond” is measured in years and is the time from statement
date to the legal maturity of the hedged instrument.
• “MaxCredit” represents the Maximum RBC credit that a hedge could receive
even if all terms match. Our analysis supports a MaxCredit of 94%.
• “MinCredit” represents a floor, or minimum credit. Our analysis supports a
MinCredit of 10%.

For equity hedges, which lack mismatch considerations, our analysis supports a 94%

Our recommendation satisfies the following properties:

• For CDS, it differentiates between a complete and partial hedge. The greater the
maturity mismatch, the lower the credit provided;
• It avoids a sudden “pop up” in RBC as a CDS hedge matures. As the time to
maturity of a CDS gets smaller, the amount of hedging credit gets smaller;
• It is reasonably simple to understand;
• It can be implemented using information already available in the statutory
• It captures risks not captured elsewhere within RBC;
• It encourages prudent and efficient risk management; and
• It fosters auditability and transparency.

Appendix 2: Intermediate Hedges

Intermediate hedges are hedges in which a portfolio of assets is paired with a basket or
indexed-based derivative. For such hedges, ACLI proposes that RBC C-1 credit be
determined by dividing the index/basket into individual components and then granting
credit in the same manner as individual hedges. Therefore the considerations that are
involved with intermediate hedges are generally the same as the considerations
involved with basic hedges. Two new issues arise with intermediate hedges, however:

A. Should regulators require a minimum overlap between the insurer’s holdings and
the holdings of the index to receive any RBC credit? If so, how much overlap
should be required?
B. How should the overlap be determined?

A. Should a minimum overlap be required? If so, how much?

An insurer may choose to purchase an index hedge because an index can be more
cost-effective than purchasing individual hedges. It is rare, however, that an insurer
would hold each and every security covered by the index. Therefore, by purchasing an
index hedge, the insurer is effectively purchasing some amount of credit protection that
is excessive, although it is possible that partial mitigation could exist on the excess (e.g.
risk could be positively correlated within an industry, and the insurer could hold
securities in the same industry as the names in the index).

The excess protection is somewhat akin to buying unneeded insurance. The insurer’s
downside risk is limited to the “premium” paid, and it is possible that the insurer could
profit from credit events on securities that it does not hold. Nonetheless, the existence
of this excess protection creates a small amount of additional risk to the insurer.

Insurers are required to file a Derivatives Use Plan (DUP) with their state insurance
departments. In a DUP, the insurer details its derivative strategies and controls. The
strategic class to which this proposal relates is “Hedging,” and this generally requires
that the derivative be “net risk reducing.” An insurer might employ a derivative strategy
that is net risk reductive due to correlation with other components of their portfolio. The
reflection of such a strategy in RBC might eventually be incorporated in the advanced
phase of our proposal, but it is not a part of the intermediate section. Intermediate
hedging requires a clear and unambiguous relationship between the hedge and the
insurer’s holdings.

We think a case could be made not to include a minimum overlap provision. If an

intermediate hedge is deemed by regulators to be a valid hedging program following
review of the insurer’s DUP, it is not unreasonable to reflect such a program in
regulatory capital calculations no matter how small the name overlap is. Under our
proposal for intermediate hedges, there is no risk of providing too much credit as no
credit is provided for the non-overlapping portion of the trade.

Our recommendation, however, is that a minimum overlap of 50% be required in
order to receive any RBC credit via an indexed hedge. We believe that this would
provide an additional level of assurance that the index is net risk reductive from a
regulatory standpoint.

Although the 50% level is somewhat arbitrary, we believe that it is justifiable and
reasonable for two reasons:

1. A 50% level is the minimum level at which the hedge can be assumed to be net
risk reductive. Because the downside risk is limited on purchased protection, the
actual level of holdings needed to be net risk reductive may be significantly

2. A higher floor is more likely to disadvantage smaller insurers. To demonstrate

this, we took a sample of 2009 Statutory Statements to compare how much
overlap their corporate portfolio would have to the most recent US Investment
Grade Index (CDX.NA.IG.14), the most actively traded credit index currently
available. The companies chosen were selected to represent a sampling of
large, intermediate and small companies as representative of the larger
population. The results are shown in table A2.1

Table A2.1: Overlap Between Insurer Holdings and the IG14 Index

Assets Under Percentage of cash bond

Management holdings of various
($billions) insurance companies
relative to names in the
IG14 index
Large Company Average $458 (range from 80% (range from 75-89%)
(5 companies) $150-800)
Medium Company $95 (range from 73% (range from 59%-84%)
Average (6 companies) $35-150)
Small Company Average $21 (less than 59% (range from 37%-70%)
(5 companies) $35)

This data set demonstrates that the overlap percentage is positively correlated with the
size of the insurer. Although all but one of the smallest companies would meet the 50%
threshold, several of the smaller companies would be close and would likely be
excluded if the threshold were raised. No company in the sample had 100% overlap to
the index, highlighting the need for some flexibility.

We conclude that minimum floors tend to disadvantage smaller insurers, and a floor
greater than 50% is likely to increase the imbalance. Accordingly, 50% seems to
represent a reasonable compromise: it offers increased protection from a regulatory
standpoint while minimizing the playing field concerns of smaller insurers.

B. How should the overlap be determined?

If a minimum overlap is deemed to be desirable, another question emerges: Should the

overlap be based on names or dollars? In other words, should the insurer be required
to have at least half of the names in the index, or should it hold names of at least half of
the dollar exposures in the index?

We believe that using dollars is more consistent with the economics of the risk. For
example, a basket with five names may be created where one of the names has 80% of
the exposure. If the insurer holds bonds for each of the four remaining names, it would
still have only 20% overlap relative to the total risk.

Standard indices are equal name weighted, and therefore this will not be an issue for
many index derivatives. It would be possible, however, to create a basket that is
weighted by market capitalization, an insurer’s actual portfolio weightings, or some other
factor. In such situations, we believe that an evaluation by dollars of exposure is the
preferable answer.

Appendix 3: Advanced Hedging

At times, insurers may determine that the cost of using basic or intermediate hedges is
prohibitive relative to the risk they want to protect against. When this occurs, more
structured derivatives including CDS Index Tranches and CDS Index Options can be
used. These instruments typically have a non-linear relationship with the hedged asset
which makes assessing the appropriate C-1 risk capital offset particularly challenging.
While advanced hedges provide economic risk reduction when used appropriately, we
are not proposing a RBC solution at this time.

In the case of an insurance company wishing to hedge against an unexpected decline in

a stock’s price, but wishing to benefit from anticipated price increases, a put option on
that particular stock could be used. The relationship between the value of the option and
the value of the stock is not linear. The price sensitivity of the option in relation to the
underlying stock, known as Delta, is an indicator of how effective the option is as a
hedge. This is not unlike using a short futures position to protect the insurer from future
declines in value. The risk reduction is in proportion to the amount that the current stock
value is protected; which would be the current market value of the stock position times
the applicable RBC factor, then adjusted for Delta.

Appendix 4: Indexed Credit Default Swap Hedges

A. What are indexed credit default swap hedges?

Indexed credit default swap hedges are portfolios of single name credit default swaps.
By buying protection based on an index, an insurer is protected against specific credit
events in the underlying portfolio. This type of hedge can be executed using
standardized liquid indices or a customized portfolio.

Standardized credit derivative indices were launched in the corporate credit markets in
2002. Today, standardized credit derivative indices cover corporate bonds, municipal
bonds, emerging market securities, European sovereign debt, and structured finance.
These liquid standardized indices are administered and managed by Markit
( The CDX Index is currently the single most liquid instrument traded
in the U.S. Credit markets today. For large institutions, the CDX Index frequently
provides the single most efficient way to hedge credit risk.

B. How do indexed hedges work in the event of default?

When an underlying single name in an index defaults, it is removed from the index and
settled separately, and then the notional amount of the index is adjusted to reflect the
defaulted security.

An example: Suppose an insurer buys protection on CDX.NA.IG.13, which has 125

equally weighted corporate names. If one of the underlying names were to default, the
protection seller would pay losses (typically in cash) incurred on 1/125th of the notional
amount. The loss amount would be determined by an auction facilitated by the
International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA). The insurer would therefore
be returned the full principal on the defaulted bond by virtue of the hedge and the
recovery of the underlying bond or loan. The notional of the remaining CDS index
hedge would be reduced to 124/125ths of the original notional, and the insurer would
pay 124/125ths of the original premium.

Appendix 5: How Insurers Use Derivatives

In recent years the hedging tools available to insurers have become more varied and,
when properly used, represent an opportunity to improve risk management practices.

A. Objectives of derivative usage

In the normal course of business insurers enter into derivative transactions in order to:

• Hedge or mitigate the risk to their assets, liabilities and surplus from fluctuations
in interest rates, credit quality, foreign currency exchange rates and equity
market valuation;

• Replicate an asset by pairing a cash market instrument with a derivative to create

an otherwise permissible investment;

• Generate and manage the timing of income when the cash market alternatives
are less available or flexible.

B. Common examples of derivative usage

Derivatives can facilitate efficient portfolio management in a manner that is not always
possible in the cash markets. Consider the following examples:

Example 1: An insurance company holds several of various maturities bonds from an

issuer in a number of portfolios. The bonds may have durations and other factors that
fit the underlying liabilities. If credit concerns require reducing the aggregate exposure
to that issuer, the company could consider either selling fractional parts of each issue
held, or selling from one portfolio, leaving an inequitable exposure to the remaining
portfolios. Alternately, the company could reduce its exposure by a purchasing credit
default swap on the issuer and allocating it across all of the portfolios, effectively
achieving risk reduction at both the portfolio and enterprise level.

Example 2: An insurance company may invest in some asset categories (bank loans,
private placements, revolver credit lines) which have a limited secondary market for
sales. The insurer is compensated by excess spread for being able to purchase and
hold this type of asset and will lose that excess spread if it is forced to find a buyer.
Purchasing credit default protection may allow for effective credit risk management
when disposition of the underlying asset would be costly or impractical.

Example 3: An insurer holds a bond in a company that is undergoing stresses that are
believed to be short term. In order to protect against the near-term risk, the insurer may
purchase a five-year CDS. If default should occur, the portfolio would be protected by

the swap counterparty, however, if default was avoided, the bond would remain in the
portfolio at the original purchase yield.

Example 4: Sometimes purchasing CDS protection is materially more economical than

selling a risky bond in the cash market. Sometimes the credit spread of a corporate
bond is wider than the spread required on a CDS (called the Basis). This differential
might be driven by bank balance sheet funding costs or illiquid bond issues. By
choosing to hold the bond and protect the credit risk with a credit default swap, the
insurance company can express the same credit view at a better price, maximizing
policyholder value.

C. Types of derivatives

Hedging techniques can be as diverse as the potential risks to be hedged. The

following is a summary of the major types of derivatives used by insurers (both those
encompassed by this proposal and elsewhere).

1. Derivatives encompassed by this proposal

Credit default swaps (CDS) are used to manage credit risk. In a CDS contract, the
buyer of protection makes a periodic payment and in return, receives a payment of par
less the recovery value of bonds if a credit event occurs. Unlike an interest rate swap,
one side of the CDS (the protection side), is a contingent payment. Bankruptcy and
failure to make required payments are the most common credit events, though others
(such as restructuring of obligations) can also be included. Single-name CDS are
written at the issuer and bond seniority (senior or subordinated) level. Single-name
CDS are also bundled through standardized transactions called CDS Indices. The most
liquid of these indices is the CDX, which consists of 125 investment-grade single-name
CDS. The construction of the CDX is meant to precisely replicate the economics of
doing 125 individual single name CDS trades.

Equity index futures are used to mitigate market risk for investments in portfolios of
common stock. Equity index futures obligate the company to pay to or receive from a
counterparty an amount based on a specified equity market index as of a future date
applied to the notional amount of the contract. A company that holds common stock
can sell equity index futures to reduce market value exposure to the price. Futures
provide a symmetric hedge, so the company limits both upside and downside price
changes. Equity futures are exchange traded derivatives and therefore contain highly
standardized terms and minimal counterparty exposure.

2. Other types of derivatives (not encompassed by this proposal)

Total return swaps are used to mitigate market risk for investment in portfolios of
common stocks or other securities. Total return swaps obligate the company and a
counterparty to exchange amounts based on the difference between a variable return
and a specified fixed rate applied to the notional amount of the contract. Total return
swaps provide a similar structure to exchange traded futures; however they are over-
the-counter derivatives which can be tailored by maturity, underlying securities, or other
features that might not be available in the exchange traded futures market.

Purchased put options are used to mitigate credit and market risk for investments in
debt and equity securities issued by specific entities. Purchased put options provide the
company an option to sell a specific security to a counterparty at a specified price at a
future date. A company can purchase a put to protect against a downward move in
stock value while retaining potential upside performance.

Equity collars are used to mitigate both upside and downside market risk for
investments in specific common stocks or other equity securities. Equity collars consist
of both a purchased put option and a written call option on a specific equity security
owned by the company. The company retains the price risk between the strike levels,
but is protected from moves outside the collar range.

Fixed income futures are used to mitigate interest rate risk for investment in portfolios of
fixed income securities. Short fixed income futures obligate the company to sell a
specified bond at a specified price to a counterparty at a future date. Futures are
exchange traded and therefore have very specific structures and minimal counterparty

Interest rate swaps are used to mitigate interest rate risk for investments in variable
interest rate and fixed interest rate bonds. Interest rate swaps obligate the Company
and a counterparty to exchange amounts based on the difference between a variable
interest rate index and a specified fixed rate of interest applied to the notional amount of
the contract. They can be used to convert fixed rate bonds to floating, or floating rate
bonds into fixed rate depending on the portfolio needs and the availability of assets.
Interest rate swaps are over-the-counter transactions that can hedge similar risks as
futures, but can also be customized to specific needs.

Interest rate floors and receiver swaptions are used to mitigate the risk of a significant
and sustained decrease in interest rates. Interest rate floors entitle the company to
receive payments from a counterparty if market interest rates decline below a specified
level. Receiver swaptions provide a company an option to enter into a receive fixed
swap with an above market coupon if rates decline. These products can be used to
hedge reinvestment risk or minimum rate guarantees.

Interest rate caps or payer swaptions are used to mitigate the risk of a significant and
sustained increase in interest rates. Interest rate caps entitle the company to receive

payments from a counterparty if market interest rates increase above a specified level.
Payer swaptions provide a company an option to enter into a pay fixed swap with an
above market coupon if rates increase. These products can help mitigate
disintermediation risk or hedge extension of an MBS portfolio.

Foreign currency swaps are used to mitigate the foreign exchange risk for investments
denominated in foreign currencies. Foreign currency swaps obligate the company and a
counterparty to exchange the currencies of two different countries at a specified
exchange rate. They can be used to effectively convert the payments of a bond from a
foreign currency into the local currency of the company.

Foreign currency forwards and futures are used to mitigate the foreign exchange risk for
investments in bonds denominated in foreign currencies or common stock or other
equity investments in companies operating in foreign countries. Foreign currency
forwards obligate the company to exchange with a counterparty a specified amount of a
foreign currency for a specified amount of local currency at a future date.

Appendix 6: Recent Changes in the Derivatives Market

Over the last few years, the credit derivatives market has been going through a number
of transformational changes. The efforts so far have focused on addressing three
primary goals: (1) reducing the counterparty risk; (2) improving operational efficiency;
and (3) increasing transparency. Additionally, the Dodd-Frank Act (the Act) was
recently signed into law and will potentially have a substantial impact on the processing
of credit derivatives trades. The Act requires eligible CDS to be cleared through a
central clearing house. Cleared CDS must be traded on an exchange or swap
execution facility. Finally, the Act mandates some CDS to be pushed out of the
institutions that receive federal assistance (e.g. deposit taking institutions). The Act
grants exclusive regulatory jurisdiction over the derivatives to either CFTC (Commodity
Futures Trading Commission) or SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
depending on the type of derivative. Significant rulemaking to implement the provisions
of the Act is currently underway.

A. Establishment of a central clearing platform for CDS contracts

The clearing of eligible credit derivatives contracts through a well-capitalized

clearinghouse can reduce counterparty and operational risks. While a few competing
platforms were launched in the United States, it appears that ICE’s clearing platform,
ICE Trust, is at the forefront. ICE Trust clearinghouse is a limited purpose bank that is
regulated by the Federal Reserve. It launched in March 2009 and has since cleared
trillions of dollars in notional. Per the Act, clearinghouses are to submit lists of proposed
categories of clearable swaps for review to the relevant regulator. Derivatives that are
cleared currently are already considered to be submitted for review. As of the
publication of this document in July 2010, at least 35 different CDX indices and over 70
single name CDS contracts have been cleared or are eligible for clearing. ISDA
(International Swaps and Derivatives Association) expects the approved list (eligible to
clear) to grow to 200 credits. Note that when an index or a single name CDS is cleared,
typically multiple tenors are eligible for clearing. The Act also requires the relevant
regulator to set initial and variation margin requirements for non-cleared derivatives.
For cleared trades, initial margin minimums will be set by each clearinghouse.

A central clearing platform for CDS will allow:

• The buyers and sellers of protection to face the clearinghouse, as opposed to

each other.
• Multilateral netting among various counterparties thereby reducing net notional
• Collateralization of open positions with all counterparties.
• Independent daily mark-to-market valuations and posting of variation margins.
• Operational efficiency and potential for straight-through processing.

The Act promotes more mandatory clearing and related reporting transparency for
eligible derivatives, particularly eligible CDS.

B. Standardization of CDS contracts

Standardization of CDS contracts is key to being able to clear CDS on the central
clearing platform. It allows ease of netting (portfolio compression) that lowers
outstanding notional. Two specific features of the CDS standardization have been
implemented in both the US and Europe:

(1) Trading CDS with fixed coupon, with accrual and a full first coupon. This brings
CDS trading closer to the way bonds trade. This standardization makes CDS
fungible between counterparties.
(2) The “Big Bang” and “Small Bang” protocols which formalized ad-hoc
processes used in the past. This involved:
(i) Creation of Determination Committee (DC) with participations from
both dealer and buy-side investors. The DC is responsible for
making all the legal determinations concerning credit derivatives.
These include the determination of credit events, the universe of
deliverable obligations for a given credit, and the timing of a credit
auction. The establishment of the DC was a key step in mitigating
the potential legal risk surrounding credit derivatives. As part of the
Big Bang, all participants agreed to adhere to DC determinations
(as an arbiter).
(ii) Hardwiring of the auction mechanism into the CDS contracts which
eliminated the inefficient process of having counterparties sign up
for an auction protocol for each credit event separately.
(iii) Fixed rolling look-back periods for credit and succession events,
which bring certainty to risk periods.
(iv) Standardized deal coupons (to 100bp and 500bp) which facilitates
the unwinding of transactions, and in turn helps to mitigate
outstanding notional and counterparty credit risk.

It should be noted that the auction settlement process, first established in mid 2005
(although ad-hoc prior to the “Big Bang” protocol) has functioned relatively smoothly
even prior to these changes.

In summary, these CDS market changes are expected to reduce systemic risk and
improve liquidity for eligible CDS.

Appendix 7: Derivative Use Management Including Counterparty Risk

The NAIC model investment laws and regulations have specific constraints on the use
of derivatives. There are two versions of the NAIC Model Investment Laws: the defined
limits version and the defined standards version. The latter follows modern portfolio
theory and measures an investment’s validity within the overall portfolio. This version
was designed for well capitalized, seasoned insurers. The former version (defined limits
version) regulates investments on an item-by-item basis, and was designed for less
seasoned, less well capitalized companies. Additionally, Derivative Model Regulation
282 was recently updated to include a requirement that before derivatives can be used
by an insurer a use plan must be approved by the domiciliary state.

Governance of derivative use starts with approved and documented authorities from the
Board of Directors to management. These authorities are coordinated with and
enhanced by limits established by the insurer’s domiciliary state and, where applicable,
the State of New York. Counterparty exposure limits and collateralization requirements
are a critical component of any well managed derivative use plan.

The standing authorities for derivatives and the overall investment standing authorities
should be monitored on a frequent basis by personnel in a position to understand the
importance of such work. The internal detailed authorities should be monitored using
systems that compare asset limits to actual activity and balances. In the event of any
overage, compliance personnel should immediately notify the investment manager and
pursue corrective action. The insurer’s domiciliary state and New York limits (if
applicable) should be monitored periodically along with the company’s internal limits.

Counterparty requirements must be set to assure the performance of all counterparties

including the prompt and accurate posting of collateral and monitoring of credit lines in
all required instances. Requirements should be dynamic to reflect changes in
counterparty credit ratings, and a minimum credit rating for counterparties should be
established and observed. Credit support agreements should be established and
monitored to promote prompt compliance.

In 2009 the RBC treatment of derivative balances and associated collateral was
updated by the WG. The calculation takes the derivative amount from the statutory
balance sheet and segregates it into exchange traded and over-the-counter. The
exchange traded balance is charged the NAIC 1 C-1 rate as is all derivative collateral
since it must meet the definition of “acceptable collateral” which means cash, cash
equivalents, securities issued or guaranteed by the United States or Canadian
governments or their government–sponsored enterprises, publicly traded obligations
rated 1 by the SVO, government money market mutual funds, and such other items as
may be defined as acceptable collateral in the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the
NAIC Securities Valuation Office.

The over-the-counter uncollateralized derivative balances are charged the NAIC 1-6
RBC rates based on the rating of the applicable counterparty.

Additionally, in LR015 of the RBC blank, there is a further charge for “Off-Balance
Sheet” derivatives counterparty exposure. This charge is based on notional, maturity
and trade types of the contracts and is determined at the counterparty level. RBC is
assessed based on the NAIC rating of the underlying counterparty and is based on a
formula meant to capture how a derivative contract could move against the insurance
company in the future.

With the exception of the counterparty risk charge on purchased CDS, which we intend
to address as part of this project, we feel the approach to counterparty risk currently in
place is reasonable.

Appendix 8: The Relationship between Bond and CDS Market Values

Fluctuations in the fair value of bonds arise from changes in the creditworthiness of the
issuer and from general changes in market interest rates.

A CDS is an instrument that provides protection against a default event. It does not,
however, provide a total return hedge, a hedge that protects against fluctuations in
value from interest rates, liquidity, and other non-credit circumstances that may impact
the bond. For a total return hedge one would need to enter into a total return swap.
Thus, under normal circumstances (that is, a non-distressed situation), the fair value of
CDS may not correlate closely with the fair value of the bond being hedged regardless
of how closely the maturities of the CDS and bond are matched. However, in a distress
situation or when the market perceives a credit event to be highly probable and
imminent, the CDS becomes a near perfect hedge of bonds irrespective of the maturity.

This can be best illustrated via an example. The chart below shows prices of a 5 year
and 40 year General Motors bond along with the implied recovery rate for GM CDS.

Figure A8.1

In October 2008, the markets viewed GM’s default as a highly probable event. The long
and short bonds converged in price and very closely tracked the recovery expectation of
the CDS. Prior to this period, the bonds traded on spread, rather than “jump to default”
and the expected disconnect in market value sensitivity is apparent. The CDS traded

around a 40% assumed recovery and regressions of market value change on the CDS
would have tracked poorly vs. the long dated bond. But as default approached, that
effectiveness clearly increased and by April 2009 was near 100%.

Below is a graph showing the CDS Par Spreads for GM in the months preceding their
default. Before the credit deteriorated, the 5 year CDS protection traded a few basis
points wider than the 3 year protection. As the condition of the company deteriorated
and the probability of default increased, the 3 year CDS spread widened faster than the
5 year CDS. Eventually, when default was perceived to be certain, the actual cost of
the protection became identical irrespective of the CDS maturity because the prices
were driven by the recovery at that point. But from a spread perspective, points of
upfront cost equate to a higher spread on short dated contracts than they will for long
dated contracts.

Figure A8.2

Appendix 9: Industry Impact

The intent of ACLI’s Derivatives Risk Mitigation Proposal is to improve the RBC
calculation and encourage appropriate risk mitigation. When adopted, the actual
change in RBC will not likely be large but may offer a sufficient incentive for companies
to increase effective use of this strategy.

Using annual statement data, this appendix estimates the number of companies that will
be immediately and directly affected by this regulatory change. Specifically, we provide
data on: (1) the number of life insurers that hold derivatives for hedging purposes; (2)
the size of companies that hold derivatives for hedging purposes; and (3) the
percentage of bond assets covered by credit default swaps (CDS). An analysis of the
effect of this proposal on the RBC requirements of the impacted insurers was not

Table A9.1 considers companies which used derivatives for hedging purposes in
reporting year 2009. Specifically, companies were ranked in descending order by total
assets, then grouped into the top 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 companies. The entire industry
was also considered. Table A9.1 reports the number of hedging companies in each
cohort, as well as percent of the cohort. It is important to note that table A9.1 does not
consider the amount of assets hedged, simply whether or not a company uses this tool.
Understandably, hedging is very strongly correlated with company size. At least to
some extent, all of the top 5 companies used this strategy in 2009; 90 percent of the top
10; 76 percent of the top 25; 76 percent of the top 50; and 65 percent of the top 100.
However, if all US life insurers are considered, only 11.6 percent use derivatives for
hedging. The likely reason smaller companies are less inclined to use hedging is
because their portfolios are simpler and may not require more sophisticated investment
techniques. Additionally, smaller companies may be less comfortable with hedging.

Credit default swaps (CDS) are the most common and perhaps best known form of
hedging. In 2009, 22 life insurance companies (representing 31 percent of industry
general account assets) held CDS for hedging purposes. In order to examine the extent
of CDS use, four variables were considered for each company: (1) CDS hedging
coverage of public corporate bonds; (2) CDS hedging coverage of public corporate
bonds, excluding ABS and MBS; (3) average bond rating; and (4) RBC ratio. From the
sample of 22 companies, the maximum, minimum and mean are reported in table A9.2.

Though one company reported hedging coverage of its public corporate bond holdings
at 5.15 percent, mean coverage was only 1.98 percent, and median coverage slightly
less at 1.53 percent. If asset-backed securities (ABS) and mortgage-backed securities
(MBS) are excluded from the analysis, the maximum reported coverage is 9.20 percent,
the mean is 3.26 percent, and the median 2.29 percent. Additionally, when ABS and
MBS are excluded, the minimum coverage increases from 0.04 to 0.06 percent. The
fact that the mean is greater than the median by approximately half a percentage point
in the first case and almost a full percentage point in the second suggests that in both

Table A9.1: Companies Using Derivatives for Hedging Purposes, 2009*

Number of
Companies that Percent of Cohort
Top 5 companies** 5 100
Top 10 companies 9 90
Top 25 companies 19 76
Top 50 companies 38 76
Top 100 companies 65 65
Total*** 108 11.6
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, 2009 reporting year. Schedule DB,
various parts.
By total assets.
The total number of companies is 935, including fraternal benefit societies.

scenarios the companies (or company) reporting the maximum value are (is) skewing
the results somewhat.

Table A9.2 further reports that, as expected, the mean and median average bond rating
are both high at 1.52, with a range from 1.71 to 1.37. However, there does appear to be
some variance in the RBC ratio, which ranges from 279 to 745, with a mean and
median of 443 and 442, respectively, suggesting that the RBC ratio is evenly distributed
among the 22 companies.

Table A9.2: Life Insurers’ Use of CDS for Hedging, 2009*

Maximum Minimum Mean Median

Hedging Coverage of Public
5.15% 0.04% 1.98% 1.53%
Corporate Bonds
Hedging Coverage Public
Corporate Bonds (without ABS 9.20% 0.06% 3.26% 2.29%
or MBS)

Average Bond Ratings 1.37 1.71 1.52 1.52

RBC Ratio 745 279 443 442

Number of Companies: 22
Percent of Industry General Account Assets: 31%
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data, 2009 reporting year. Public corporate
bonds include groups 6, 7, and 9 in Schedule D, Part 1A, Section 1. Public bonds excluding MBS and
ABS are from Schedule D, Part 1A, Section 2 (lines 6.1, 7.1, and 9.1).

Appendix 10: Statutory Accounting and Hedges

How does the statutory accounting model operate when there is a decline in the value
of a cash instrument and a corresponding increase in the value of a hedging

For cash market instruments carried at amortized cost, such as bonds (SSAP 26), the
decline in the value of the bond due to credit deterioration causes a periodic write down
as impairments are assessed on a quarterly or more frequent basis. The write downs
are recorded as realized losses which reduce net income, AVR and surplus. The credit
deterioration increases the value of the hedging instrument but the changes in value of
a bond and its hedge are not highly correlated unless default becomes imminent. If
hedge accounting is being used (SSAP 86), the hedging instrument is accounted for
using the same accounting method as the associated cash instrument (in this case
amortized cost). The increase in the value of the hedge would be realized when the
hedging instrument matures or is sold. If hedge accounting is not used (SSAP 86
requirements are not met) then the hedging instrument is marked to market with any
change in value reflected in unrealized gain or loss, AVR and surplus.

In or near default, the NAIC rating for the bond becomes 6 and the bond is marked-to-
market for life companies. For property-casualty companies, the bond is marked-to-
market when its credit standing deteriorates to NAIC 3. At this point the bond and its
hedge are both marked-to-market for statutory accounting purposes. Upon default, the
bondholder makes the bond available for auction through the clearinghouse. The holder
then can decide whether to sell the bond at auction and realize the remaining loss or
continue to hold it at market value. If the bond is held, the next impairment review will
require its write down to fair value which simply converts the unrealized loss arising
from the mark-to-market treatment to a realized loss, as if it had been sold. Since
marking the bond to market impacts surplus, there would be no further surplus impact at
this time. The hedge counter party pays to the bondholder the difference between par
and the auction price with the proceeds recorded as a realized gain.

For cash market instruments carried at fair value, such as common stocks (SSAP 30),
both the cash market instrument and the hedging instrument are marked to market with
any change in value reflected in unrealized gain or loss, AVR and surplus.

Appendix 11: Glossary

CDS: A credit default swap (CDS) is a financial contract in which one

counterparty (the protection buyer) pays a periodic fee to the
other counterparty (the protection seller), typically expressed in
basis points on the notional amount. If a credit default occurs,
the protection buyer is made whole by the protection seller.

CDX: Like the S&P 500 and other market benchmarks, the credit
default swap indices reflect the performance of a basket of
assets, namely, a basket of single-name credit default swaps
(credit default swaps on individual credits). Unlike a perpetual
index, such as the S&P 500, CDS indices have a fixed composition
and fixed maturities. A new series of indices is established
approximately every six months with a new underlying portfolio and
maturity date, to reflect changes in the credit market and to help
investors maintain a relatively constant duration if they wish. Equal
weight is given to each underlying credit in the CDX and iTraxx
portfolios. If there is a credit event in an underlying CDS, the credit
is effectively removed from the indices in which it is included.

Coverage: The proportion of the total risk inherent in the hedged item that is
nominally addressed by the hedging instrument. For example, in
the case of a $20 million Boeing bond portfolio holding – a CDS
purchased in a $10 million notional amount on Boeing bonds
intended to reduce default risk equates to 50% coverage.

correlation: Default correlation represents the likelihood of two (or more) credits
defaulting together over a given time period.

Delta: The price sensitivity of an option in relation to the underlying stock.

Derivative: A contract whose value is based on the performance of an

underlying financial asset, index, or other investment.

Duration: Commonly used to describe the weighted average term-to-maturity

of a bond or portfolio of bonds’ cash flows. When an insurer’s
duration of assets and liabilities are equivalent the insurer is
protected from the adverse effects of interest rate changes.

Effectiveness: In the context of hedging, this term is used to describe how well the
hedging instrument reduces a particular risk inherent in the hedged
item. Default and market value volatility are examples of risk that can
be hedged.

MBS portfolio: A group of mortgage backed securities.

Nth to default: A credit derivative in which the payout is linked to one in a series of
defaults (such as first-, second- or third-to-default), with the
contract terminating at that point.

yield: The expected total return on a fixed income instrument at the time
of acquisition that will be earned if held to maturity.

RSAT: Replication of (Synthetic Asset) Transaction. RSAT means a

derivative transaction entered into in conjunction with other
investments in order to reproduce the investment characteristics of
otherwise permissible investments.

Spread: For fixed income securities it is the difference in yields on

securities of the same quality but different maturities or the
difference between yields on securities of the same maturity but
different quality.

price/level: The amount at which a security or commodity underlying a call or
put option can be purchased or sold over a period stipulated in the
option contract.

Tranche: A tranche provides a hedge to risk slices by allocating the payouts on a

pool of assets to a collection of investors. Each investor will be
exposed to losses at different levels of subordination and will therefore
receive different levels of compensation for this risk. Just as a CDS
contract provides exposure to the credit risk of a reference company,
and a CDS index provides exposure to the risk of a portfolio of credits,
a tranche CDX provides exposure to the risk of a particular amount of
loss on a portfolio of companies. As such, a tranche references a
portfolio of companies and defines the amount of portfolio loss against
which to sell or buy protection. Similar to a CDS contract, the cost of
tranche protection is paid as a coupon measured in spread, upfront fee
or a combination of the two.

Appendix 12: ACLI Team

Primary contributors to this proposal:

• Walter Givler, (Chair-Subgroup), Northwestern Mutual

• Deborah Hayes, Lincoln

• Christopher Johnson, MetLife

• William Schwegler, Aegon

• Mark Anderson, MetLife

• Niraj Patel, Genworth

• Steven Lee, Thrivent

• John Mathews, Allstate

• Andrew Melnyk, ACLI

Company Name Cocode: 00000
(1) (2)
SVO Bond Book / Adjusted RBC
Rating Category Annual Statement Source Carrying Value Factor Requirement
Long Term Bonds
(1) Exempt Obligations AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 1 $0 X 0.000 = $0
(2) Asset Class 1 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 2 $0 X 0.004 = $0
(3) Asset Class 2 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 3 $0 X 0.013 = $0
(4) Asset Class 3 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 4 $0 X 0.046 = $0
(5) Asset Class 4 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 5 $0 X 0.100 = $0
(6) Asset Class 5 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 6 $0 X 0.230 = $0
(7) Asset Class 6 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 7 $0 X 0.300 = $0
(8) Total Long-Term Bonds Sum of Lines (1) through (7) $0 $0
(Column (1) should equal Page 2 Column 3 Line 1)
Short Term Bonds
(9) Exempt Obligations AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 18 $0 X 0.000 = $0
(10) Asset Class 1 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 19 $0 X 0.004 = $0
(11) Asset Class 2 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 20 $0 X 0.013 = $0
(12) Asset Class 3 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 21 $0 X 0.046 = $0
(13) Asset Class 4 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 22 $0 X 0.100 = $0
(14) Asset Class 5 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 23 $0 X 0.230 = $0
(15) Asset Class 6 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 24 $0 X 0.300 = $0
(16) Total Short-Term Bonds Sum of Lines (9) through (15) $0 $0
(Column (1) should equal Schedule DA Part 1 Column 7 Lines 6099999+7999999+8099999+
LR012 Miscellaneous Assets Column (1) Line (2.2) )
(17) Total Long-Term and Short-Term Bonds Line (8) + (16) $0 $0
(pre-MODCO/Funds Withheld)
(18) Credit for Hedging Hedged Asset Bonds Schedule $0
Column 13 Line 0199999
(19) Reduction in RBC for MODCO/Funds LR040 Modco or Funds Withheld Reinsurance
Withheld Reinsurance Ceded Agreements Ceded - Bonds C-1o Column (4) Line (9999999) $0
(20) Increase in RBC for MODCO/Funds LR041 Modco or Funds Withheld Reinsurance
Withheld Reinsurance Assumed Agreements Assumed - Bonds C-1o Column (4) Line (9999999) $0
(21) Total Long-Term and Short-Term Bonds Lines (17) - (18) - (19) + (20) $0 $0
(including MODCO/Funds Withheld and Credit for Hedging adjustments.)
(22) Non-exempt Asset Class 1 U.S. Schedule D Part 1 Class 1 Bonds and Schedule DA $0 X 0.004 = $0
Government Agency Bonds Part 1 Class 1 Bonds, in part†
(23) Bonds Subject to Size Factor Line (21) - Line (1) - Line (9) - Line (22) $0 $0
(24) Number of Issuers Company Records 0
(25) Size Factor for Bonds 2.500
(26) Bonds Subject to Size Factor after the Size Line (23) x Line (25) $0
Factor is Applied

(27) Total Bonds Line (22) + Line (26) $0

† Only investments in asset Class 1 U.S. Government agency bonds previously reported in Lines (2) and (10), net of those included on Line (19), plus the
portion of Line (20) attributable to ceding companies' Lines (2) and (10) should be included on Line (22). No other class 1 bonds should be included on this
line. Exempt U.S. Government bonds shown on Lines (1) and (9) should not be included on Line (22). Refer to the bond section of the risk-based capital
instructions for more clarification.
Company Name Cocode: 00000
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Less Affiliated
Book / Adjusted Preferred Stock RBC
Annual Statement Source Carrying Value Without AVR RBC Subtotal Factor Requirement
Unaffiliated Preferred Stock
(1) Preferred Stock (excluding Hybrids) Asset Class 1 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 10, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.004 = $0
(2) Preferred Stock (excluding Hybrids) Asset Class 2 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 11, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.013 = $0
(3) Preferred Stock (excluding Hybrids) Asset Class 3 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 12, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.046 = $0
(4) Preferred Stock (excluding Hybrids) Asset Class 4 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 13, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.100 = $0
(5) Preferred Stock (excluding Hybrids) Asset Class 5 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 14, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.230 = $0
(6) Preferred Stock (excluding Hybrids) Asset Class 6 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 15, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.300 = $0
(7) Hybrids Reported as Preferred Stock Asset Class 1 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 10, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.004 = $0
(8) Hybrids Reported as Preferred Stock Asset Class 2 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 11, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.013 = $0
(9) Hybrids Reported as Preferred Stock Asset Class 3 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 12, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.046 = $0
(10) Hybrids Reported as Preferred Stock Asset Class 4 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 13, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.100 = $0
(11) Hybrids Reported as Preferred Stock Asset Class 5 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 14, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.230 = $0
(12) Hybrids Reported as Preferred Stock Asset Class 6 AVR Default Component Column 1 Line 15, in part $0 $0 $0 X 0.300 = $0
(13) Total Unaffiliated Preferred Stock Including Hybrids Sum of Lines (1) through (12) $0 $0 $0 $0
(pre-MODCO/Funds Withheld)
(Column (1) should equal Page 2 Column 3 Line 2.1 less Asset Valuation Reserve Default Component Column 1 Line 16.)
(Column (2) should equal Schedule D Summary Column 1 Line 39 less Asset Valuation Reserve Default Component Column 1 Line 16.)

(14) Reduction in RBC for MODCO/Funds Withheld

Reinsurance Ceded Agreements Company Records (enter a pre-tax amount) $0
(15) Increase in RBC for MODCO/Funds Withheld
Reinsurance Assumed Agreements Company Records (enter a pre-tax amount) $0

(16) Total Unaffiliated Preferred Stock Lines (13) - (14) + (15) $0

(including MODCO/Funds Withheld.)

Unaffiliated Common Stock

(17) Total Common Stock Schedule D Summary Column 1 Line 54 $0
(18) Less Affiliated Common Stock Schedule D Summary Column 1 Line 53 $0
(19) Less Non-Admitted Unaffiliated Common Stock Company Records $0
included in Line (17)
(20) Less Money Market Mutual Funds Schedule D Part 2 Section 2 Column 6 $0 $0 X 0.004 = $0
Line 7199999
(21) Less Federal Home Loan Bank Common Stock AVR Equity Component Column 1 Line 3 $0 $0 X 0.011 = $0
(22) Less Unaffiliated Private Common Stock AVR Equity Component Column 1 Line 2 $0 $0 X 0.300 = $0
(23) Net Other Unaffiliated Public Common Stock Lines (17) - (18) - (19) - (20) - (21) - (22) $0 $0 X 0.450 † = $0
(24) Total Admitted Unaffiliated Common Stock Lines (20) + (21) + (22) + (23) $0 $0 $0
(pre-MODCO/Funds Withheld)
(Column 1 should equal Schedule D Summary by Country Column 1 Line 54 less Line 53 less Line (19))
(25) Credit for Hedging Hedged Asset Common Stock Schedule $0
Column 10 Line 0299999
(26) Reduction in RBC for MODCO/Funds Withheld
Reinsurance Ceded Agreements Company Records (enter a pre-tax amount) $0
(27) Increase in RBC for MODCO/Funds Withheld
Reinsurance Assumed Agreements Company Records (enter a pre-tax amount) $0
(28) Total Admitted Unaffiliated Common Stock Lines (24) - (25) - (26) + (27) $0
(including MODCO/Funds Withheld and Credit for Hedging.)
As of 12/31/2009
Company Name
Columns are derived from Investment schedules.
Column is a calculation
Column is based on a table
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Type of
Hedged Asset Hedging Instruments
Type of the
Instrument and
Description Notional Amount Hedged Asset Maturity Date Description
Example #1 (0000001) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.0000] 50,000,000 Basic 12/31/14 Boeing Corporation Senior Unsecured
Example #2 (0000002) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.0000] 80,000,000 Basic 12/31/14 AT&T Broadband
Example #3 (0000003) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.0000] 160,000,000 Basic 12/31/14 AT&T Broadband

Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 1
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 2
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 3
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 4
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 5
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 6
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 7
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 8
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 9
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 10
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 11
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 12
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 13
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 14
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 15
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 16
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 17
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 18
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 19
Example #5 (0000004) Credit Default Swap - Rec 0.0000 [PAY 1.2500] 10,000,000 Intermediate 12/31/14 Bond 20
Example #5 (0000004) Subtotal for (0000004) 200,000,000 Intermediate
Example #5 (0000004) Percentage of Overlap with Insurer's Bond Portfolio for (0000004)

(0199999) Total 490,000,000 xxxxx

Note: For the intermediate category of hedging, we recommend that the risk mitigation and resulting RBC credit be determined as if each specific security common to both the index/basket hedge and
the portfolio is a basic hedge with the entire basic hedge methodology applied to each matching name. This includes the application of the maturity mismatch formula and the maximum RBC credit of
94% of the C-1 asset charge for fixed income hedges.
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

Hedged Asset - Bonds RBC Credit

RBC Credit for

Book Adjusted Overlap with Insurer's NAIC RBC Gross RBC Hedging Net RBC
CUSIP Identification Carrying Value Bond Portfolio Maturity Date Designation Factor Charge Instruments Charge

cusip $50,000,000 $50,000,000 12/31/14 1FE 0.004 $200,000 $188,000 $12,000 -

cusip $80,000,000 $80,000,000 12/31/19 2FE 0.013 $1,040,000 $540,800 $499,200
cusip $320,000,000 $160,000,000 12/31/19 2FE 0.013 $4,160,000 $1,081,600 $3,078,400

cusip $10,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/16 1FE 0.004 $40,000 $27,994 $12,006

cusip $20,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/18 2FE 0.013 $260,000 $73,663 $186,337
cusip $10,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/12 3FE 0.046 $460,000 $432,400 $27,600
cusip $15,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/11 1FE 0.004 $60,000 $37,600 $22,400
cusip $24,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/15 1FE 0.004 $96,000 $32,003 $63,997
cusip $7,000,000 $7,000,000 12/31/14 2FE 0.013 $91,000 $85,540 $5,460
cusip $23,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/20 1FE 0.004 $92,000 $19,270 $72,730
cusip $10,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/23 2FE 0.013 $130,000 $51,998 $78,002
cusip $16,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/21 3FE 0.046 $736,000 $206,978 $529,022
cusip $45,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/18 1FE 0.004 $180,000 $22,666 $157,334
cusip $23,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/18 2FE 0.013 $299,000 $73,663 $225,337
cusip $12,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/15 1FE 0.004 $48,000 $32,003 $15,997
cusip $5,000,000 $5,000,000 12/31/19 3FE 0.046 $230,000 $119,600 $110,400
cusip $14,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/16 1FE 0.004 $56,000 $27,994 $28,006
cusip $21,000,000 $10,000,000 12/31/19 1FE 0.004 $84,000 $20,800 $63,200
cusip $0 $0 12/31/14 3FE 0.046 $0 $0 $0
cusip $0 $0 12/31/14 1FE 0.004 $0 $0 $0
cusip $0 $0 12/31/14 1FE 0.004 $0 $0 $0
cusip $0 $0 12/31/14 2FE 0.013 $0 $0 $0
cusip $0 $0 12/31/14 1FE 0.004 $0 $0 $0
$255,000,000 $142,000,000 $2,862,000 $1,264,171 $1,597,829

Total $705,000,000 $432,000,000 xxxxx $8,262,000 $3,074,571 $5,187,429

As of 12/31/2009
Company Name
Columns are derived from Investment schedules.
Column is a calculation
Column is based on a table
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Hedging Instruments Hedged Asset -

Type of the
Instrument and CUSIP
Description Notional Amount Hedged Asset Description Identification
Common Stock
Example #4 (0000001) Short Exxon Mobil Futures 15,000,000 Basic Exxon Mobil Common Shares cusip
Example #6 (0000002) Short S&P 500 Futures 100,000,000 Intermediate Common Shares benchmarked to S&P 500 cusip
Example #6 (0000002) Subtotal for (0000002) 100,000,000 Intermediate

(0299999) Total 115,000,000 xxxxx Total

Note1: For Example #6, all 500 stocks in the S&P should be included in the schedule. For presentation purposes of this example it would be
impractical to list all issues in the S&P 500, therefore we summarized the 500 lines into one line above.

Note2: For the intermediate category of hedging, we recommend that the risk mitigation and resulting RBC credit be determined as if each specific
security common to both the index/basket hedge and the portfolio is a basic hedge with the entire basic hedge methodology applied to each matching
name. This includes the application of the maximum RBC credit of 94% of the C-1 asset charge for common stock hedges.
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

Common Stock RBC Credit

Overlap with RBC Credit for

Book Adjusted Insurer's Stock RBC Gross RBC Hedging
Carrying Value Portfolio Factor Charge Instruments Net RBC Charge

$30,000,000 $15,000,000 0.300 $9,000,000 $4,230,000 $4,770,000

$1,000,000,000 $100,000,000 0.300 $300,000,000 $28,200,000 $271,800,000
1,000,000,000 $100,000,000 $300,000,000 $28,200,000 $271,800,000

$1,030,000,000 $115,000,000 $309,000,000 $32,430,000 $276,570,000

Factors Table
As determined by the NAIC
NAIC Internal
Designation Designation Factor
1 1 0.0040
2 2 0.0130
3 3 0.0460
4 4 0.1000
5 5 0.2300
6 6 0.3000

1 RP1UFE 0.0040
1 RP1LFE 0.0040
1 P1U 0.0040
2 RP2LFE 0.0130
2 RP2UFE 0.0130
2 P2UFE 0.0130

1 1FE 0.0040
2 2FE 0.0130
3 3FE 0.0460
4 4FE 0.1000
5 5FE 0.2300
6 6FE 0.3000

1 1* 0.0040
2 2* 0.0130
3 3* 0.0460
4 4* 0.1000
5 5* 0.2300
6 6* 0.3000
August 2, 2010 LRBC Draft

Risk Mitigation through Hedging

LR0XX (adjacent to Replication Synthetic Asset Transactions (RSAT))

(Instructions related to intermediate hedges are in italics.)


The concept of hedging credit, equity and other risks is widely accepted and understood among insurers and their
regulators. In order for regulators to distinguish between insurers that have effectively reduced their risks from those
insurers that have not, the risk based capital computation should be sensitive to such differences. Increasing or
decreasing exposure to different asset classes in relation to a benchmark asset allocation tailored to meet the long
term obligations to policy owners is critical to successfully managing an insurance company. Hedging is the process
of using derivative instruments to most efficiently limit risk associated with a particular asset in a manner consistent
with the insurer’s long term objectives. The relative advantage of using cash market transactions versus derivative
market transactions depends upon market conditions.

The NAIC model investment laws and regulations establish specific constraints on the use of derivatives.
Governance of derivative use starts with approved and documented authorities from the insurer’s Board of Directors
to management. These authorities are coordinated with and enhanced by limits established by the insurer’s
domiciliary state.

Hedging strategies currently employed by insurers range from straightforward relationships between the hedged
asset and the derivative instrument (the hedge) to more complex relationships. The purpose of this section of the
RBC calculation is to measure and reflect in RBC the risk reduction achieved by an insurer’s use of the most
straightforward types of hedges involving credit default and equity C-1 risks.

To avoid the possible double counting of RBC credits, excluded from this section are any RBC credits arising from
hedges that are part of the Clearly Defined Hedging Strategy (CDHS) required for C-3 cash flow testing or other risk
mitigation techniques (e.g. reinsurance) which produce reduced levels of RBC by operation of other parts of the
RBC formula.

RBC and Measuring the Risk Reduced by Hedging

To measure the risks reduced by hedging and reflect the effects in RBC it is important to understand the
characteristics and purpose of the hedge. A portfolio manager seeking to hedge a particular asset or portfolio risk
must determine if the derivative instruments available will do a suitable job of risk mitigation.

Default risk - A portfolio manager may determine that the default risk of a particular debt security which matures in
8 years needs to be hedged because of a near term credit concern which may resolve before the debt matures. A
credit default swap (CDS) would be the most effective hedging instrument. In some circumstances the manager may
purchase a CDS with 8 years to maturity which fully mitigates the default risk and shall result in an RBC credit
which fully offsets the C-1 default risk charge on the debt security. However, seeking the most liquid and cost
efficient market for the purchase of such an instrument may lead to the purchase of a 5 year CDS which the manager
plans to renew (roll) as the credit circumstances evolve in the coming years. In this case there is a 3 year maturity
mismatch between the debt security and the hedging instrument. To account for the difference between insurers that
have hedged the debt security to full maturity versus those with a mismatched position, the determination of the
RBC credit shall be made in accordance with the following formula which limits the results to a fraction of the C-1
charge for the hedged asset.

This accounts for mismatched maturities and provides a regulatory margin of safety within a range of 94%-10% of
the C-1 asset charge.
 Time to Maturity of CDS 
RBC Credit As % of C1 Asset Charge = Min1,  × (94% − 10% ) + 10%
 Time to Maturity of Bond 

There may also be circumstances where default risk is reduced by hedging specific portfolios using a basket or
index based derivative (e.g. CDX family of derivatives) with the same or very similar components as the portfolio.
For these hedges the risk reduction shall be measured based on the number of issuers common to the both the
insurer’s portfolio and the index/basket CDS. A minimum of 50% overlap of the derivative instrument notional
amount and the book adjusted carrying value of the hedged bonds shall be required to qualify for any RBC credit.
Additionally, if the Insurer hedges an index, each bond must be listed (e. g. if the insurer acquires a CDX that
hedges 125 names equally, then the insurer must list all 125 names on the schedule), regardless if the insurer owns
all the bonds in the index.

As RBC is currently measured and reported annually and to an extent provides a regulator with an indicator of
capital sufficiency for the near term future; default risk protection as provided by CDS (based on a specific security
or an index of securities) shall have more than 1 year remaining to maturity in order to receive any RBC credit,
provided that the remaining maturity of the hedged debt security or average maturity of the hedged portfolio is
greater than 1 year. When both the default risk protection and the hedged debt security have less than one year to
maturity, full RBC credit shall be allowed provided that the maturity of the protection is later than the maturity of
the debt security; otherwise no RBC credit is allowed.

Equity market risk - A portfolio manager may determine that the market risk of holding a particular common stock
needs to be reduced. Because an outright sale at that point in time might be disadvantageous to the insurer and/or
policy owners, a short futures contract may be purchased to eliminate the current market risk by establishing a sale
price in the future. The C-1 RBC equity risk credit shall be limited to 94%.

There may also be circumstances where equity market risk is reduced by hedging equity portfolios using derivatives
based on equity market indices (e.g. S&P 500 futures contracts). Unless the equity portfolio is exactly matched to
the index, the hedge will not provide precise one-to-one protection from fluctuations in value. The insurer must list
all positions in the equity index individually (e. g. all 500 common stocks that are part of the S&P 500), regardless if
the insurer owns all the stocks in the index.

Definitions and Instructions for the Spreadsheet Computation of Risk Reduction

(Numeric references represent spreadsheet columns)


(1) Description - Reported on Schedule DB.

(2) Notional Amount - Amount reported on Schedule DB.

(3) Relationship Type of the Hedging Instrument and Hedged Asset. There are two categories; Basic and
Intermediate relationships. Basic relationship = Single issuer credit default swap on a single issuer name to hedge
the credit risk of a specific hedged asset. Intermediate relationship = A portfolio of insurer assets paired with a
basket or index based hedging instrument with the same or very similar components as the portfolio. For
intermediate relationships, a minimum of 50% overlap of the derivative instrument notional amount and the book
adjusted carrying value of the hedged bonds shall be required to qualify for any RBC credit.

(4) Maturity Date - Date reported on Schedule DB.

(5) Description - Bond description found in Schedule D. For intermediate relationships, each bond must be
listed (e. g. if the insurer acquires a credit default index that hedges 125 names equally, then the insurer must list all
125 names on the schedule.

(6) CUSIP Identification - Bond unique identifier found in Schedule D.

(7) Book Adjusted Carrying Value - Value found on Schedule D.

(8) Overlap with Insurer’s Bond Portfolio – The portion of Column (2) Notional Amount of the Hedging
Instrument that hedges Column (7) Book Adjusted Carrying Value. This amount cannot exceed Column (7) Book
Adjusted Carrying Value.

(9) Maturity Date - The date is found in Schedule D.

(10) NAIC Designation - Designation found in Schedule D. Necessary to determine correct RBC Factor for the

(11) RBC Factor - Factor based on Column (10) NAIC Designation and NAIC C-1 RBC factors table.

(12) Gross RBC Charge – This is the C-1 RBC charge based on holdings at the end of the year. Calculation:
Columns (7) Book Adjusted Carrying Value multiplied by (11) RBC Factor.

(13) RBC Credit for Hedging Instruments – If Column (8) Overlap with Insurer’s Bond Portfolio is zero; the
RBC Credit would also be zero. The Hedging Instrument must have more than 1 year remaining to maturity in order
to receive any RBC credit provided that the remaining time to maturity of the Hedged Asset - Bonds is greater than
1 year. If both the Hedging Instrument and the Hedged Asset - Bonds maturity dates are in less than 1 year, the
maximum RBC credit determined using the formula below shall be allowed provided that the maturity of the
hedging instrument is equal to or later than the maturity of the bond. Calculation is Column (8) Overlap with
Insurer’s Bond Portfolio multiplied by RBC Credit as % of C-1 Asset Charge formula (formula listed below)
multiplied by (11) RBC Factor.

 Time to Maturity of Hedging Instrument 

RBC Credit as % of C1 Asset Charge = Min 1,  × (94% − 10% ) + 10%
 Time to Maturity of Bond 

Time to Maturity of Hedging Instrument divided by Time to Maturity of Bond cannot exceed 1.

(14) Net RBC Charge – Column (12) Gross RBC Charge minus (13) RBC Credit for Hedging Instruments.
Common Stocks

(1) Description - Reported on Schedule DB.

(2) Notional Amount - Amount reported on Schedule DB.

(3) Relationship Type of the Hedging Instrument and Hedged Asset. There are two categories; Basic
relationships or Intermediate relationships. Basic relationship = Single name equity Hedging Instrument paired with
a specific common stock. Intermediate relationship = A portfolio of common stocks paired with a basket or index
based Hedging Instrument with the same or very similar components as the portfolio. For intermediate
relationships, a minimum of 50% overlap of the derivative instrument notional amount and the book adjusted
carrying value of the hedged common stocks shall be required to qualify for any RBC credit.

(4) Description - Common Stock description found in Schedule D Part 2 Section 2. For intermediate
relationships, each common stock must be listed (e. g. if the insurer acquires a short futures contract that hedges the
S&P 500, then the insurer must list all 500 stocks on the schedule).

(5) CUSIP Identification - Common Stock unique identifier found in Schedule D Part 2 Section 2.

(6) Book Adjusted Carrying Value - Value found on Schedule D Part 2 Section 2.

(7) Overlap with Insurer’s Stock Portfolio – The portion of Column (2) Notional Amount of the Hedging
Instrument that hedges Column (6) Book Adjusted Carrying Value. This amount cannot exceed the Column (6)
Book Adjusted Carrying Value.

(8) RBC Factor - Factor based on NAIC C-1 RBC factors table.

(9) Gross RBC Charge - The C-1 RBC charge based on holdings at the end of the year. Calculation: Columns
(6) Book Adjusted Carrying Value multiplied by (8) RBC Factor.

(10) RBC Credit for Hedging Instruments - RBC credit for equity market risk reduction is limited to 94% of the
C-1 Asset charge. Calculation: Column (7) Overlap with Insurer’s Stock Portfolio multiplied by (8) RBC Factor
multiplied by 94%.

(11) Net RBC Charge - Column (9) Gross RBC Charge minus (10) RBC Credit for Hedging Instruments.

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