Foreign Body in The Eye: Unit No. 3A
Foreign Body in The Eye: Unit No. 3A
Foreign Body in The Eye: Unit No. 3A
Dr Vivien Lim Sin Yi
ABSTRACT evert the eyelid to look for any foreign body embedded on the
One of the most common eye conditions that is seen in the underside of the lid.
outpatient setting is that of a foreign body in the eye. It is
important to recognise the red flags and know when to refer to
an ophthalmologist for further management.
How To Remove a Corneal Foreign Body
Seat the patient comfortably. Apply topical anaesthetic to the
Keywords: Cornea, Foreign Body, Infection, Intraocular eye and, using a 27g needle, bend the tip and approach the eye
from the side.2 Most corneal foreign bodies can be removed by
SFP2015; 41(3): 18-19 the general practitioner or emergency doctors. Referral to the
ophthalmologist is necessary when there is/are:
1) More than three days’ history of foreign body in the eye as
there is high likelihood of secondary infection;
A foreign body in the eye (metal shard, sand, glass, etc.) is
2) White opacity on the cornea: suggestive of corneal ulcer;
something that enters the eye from outside and cause
3) Decreased visual acuity;
discomfort and pain to the eye. It can be superficially adherent
4) Hyphema (blood in the anterior chamber);
to the cornea or the conjunctiva or a high-velocity injury can
5) An abnormally shaped pupil;
cause the foreign body to enter the globe and be embedded in
6) Possible penetration of the eye with an intraocular foreign
the lens or on the retina. Foreign bodies in the eye need to be
removed in a timely manner to prevent secondary infections
7) An extremely uncooperative patient;
from setting in.
8) Multiple foreign bodies; or
9) Diffuse subconjunctival haemorrhage.
History Taking
It is very important to take a detailed history from the patient
regarding the circumstances of the injury. If the patient reports REFERENCES
a high-velocity injury, e.g. during hammering or grinding, a 1. Wong TY. The ophthalmology examinations review. Singapore:
thorough workup—including imaging studies such as an X-ray World Scientific, 2011.
of the orbits or a CT scan—is necessary to exclude an 2. Gerstenblith AT, Rabinowitz MP, editors. The Wills eye manual:
intraocular foreign body. A plain X-ray is only useful for office and emergency room diagnosis and treatment of eye disease,
radio-opaque foreign bodies and will not detect radiolucent Sixth edition. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2012.
intraocular foreign bodies such as wood or glass. An MRI scan
is contraindicated if a metal foreign body is suspected.1
Ask the patient when the injury occurred and if the patient
reports an injury that is a few days old, look out especially for
any secondary infection in the eye. If the offending object is
rusty or vegetative material, consider giving an anti-tetanus shot
and start broad-spectrum topical antibiotics such gutt.
ciprofloxacin or gutt. tobramycin.2
Slit lamp examination is very important. It is also important to
T H E S I N G A P O R E F A M I L Y P H Y S I C I A N V O L 4 1(3) J UL -S EP 2 0 1 5 : 18
• History taking is essential in patients who present with a foreign body in the eye.
• It is important to exclude any intraocular foreign body when the examination shows suspicious
findings by doing a CT orbit.
• After removing a corneal foreign body, it is often important to start a broad-spectrum antibiotic
eyedrop to treat any secondary infection.
T H E S I N G A P O R E F A M I L Y P H Y S I C I A N V O L 4 1(3) J UL -S EP 2 0 1 5 : 19