Cse101:Computer Programming: Page:1/2 Print Date: 8/6/2016 9:28:50 AM
Cse101:Computer Programming: Page:1/2 Print Date: 8/6/2016 9:28:50 AM
Cse101:Computer Programming: Page:1/2 Print Date: 8/6/2016 9:28:50 AM
• Design and formulate procedures which will lay the foundation for real world problem
• Interpret the programs written by fellow developers for the purposes of modification or
• Evaluate their own programs or the programs written by fellow developers in terms of
most relevant and effective approaches
Unit I
Introduction to computer organization, Evolution of Operating Systems,
Data types and Operators : Introduction to computer organization, Evolution of
Operating Systems, Program development in C, structured programming including
algorithm and flow chart, The C character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types,
Constants and variables, Expressions, Arithmetic operators, Unary, Relational,
Logical, Assignment and Conditional operator, Bitwise operators, The C standard
Unit II
Control structures and User defined functions : If, If else, Switch case
statements, While, For, Do-while loops, Break and continue statements, Goto,
Return, Type conversion and type modifiers, Designing structured programs in C, Top
down design and stepwise refinement, Formatted and unformatted Input/Output
functions like printf(), Scanf(), Puts(), Gets() etc, Function prototypes, Function
definition, Function call including passing arguments by value and passing arguments
by reference, Math library functions, Recursive functions
Unit III
Storage classes and Arrays : Scope rules (local and global scope), Storage classes
in C namely auto, Extern, Register, Static storage classes, Declaring and initializing
arrays in C, Defining and processing 1D and 2D arrays, Array applications, Passing
arrays to functions, Searching including linear and binary search methods, Sorting of
array using bubble sort
Unit IV
Strings and Pointers in C : Defining and initializing strings, Reading and writing a
string, Processing of string, Character arithmetic, String manipulation functions and
library functions of string, Pointer declaration and initialization, Types of pointers -
dangling , wild, null, generic (void), Pointer expressions and arithmetic, Pointer
operators, Operations on pointers, Passing pointer to a function, Pointer and one
dimensional array, Pointer to a group of one dimensional arrays, Array of pointers
Unit V
Derived types including structures and unions : Declaration of a structure,
Definition and initialization of structures, Accessing structures, Structures and
pointers, Nested structures, Declaration of a union, Definition and initialization of
Unit VI
Dynamic memory management and Introduction to File Handling : Dynamic
memory management functions (malloc, Calloc, Realloc and Free), Memory leak, The
FILE structure, Categories of files, Text and binary files, Reading, Writing and
Appending files
Text Books: