Elliptic Curves: Bstract
Elliptic Curves: Bstract
Elliptic Curves: Bstract
MSRI Publications
Volume 44, 2008
Elliptic curves
1. Plane curves 183
2. Projective geometry 185
3. Determining X.Q/: subdivision by degree 186
4. Elliptic curves 188
5. Structure of E.k/ for various fields k 190
6. Elliptic curves over the rational numbers 192
7. The elliptic curve factoring method 197
8. Curves of genus greater than 1 201
9. Further reading 204
References 205
1. Plane curves
Let k be a field. For instance, k could be the field Q of rational numbers,
the field R of real numbers, the field C of complex numbers, the field Qp of
p-adic numbers (see [Koblitz 1984] for an introduction), or the finite field Fq of
q elements (see Chapter I of [Serre 1973]). Let k be an algebraic closure of k.
A (geometrically integral, affine) plane curve X over k is defined by an equa-
tion f .x; y/ D 0 where f .x; y/ D aij x i y j 2 kŒx; y is irreducible over k.
The writing of this article was supported by NSF grant DMS-9801104, and a Packard Fellowship.
2. Projective geometry
2.1. The projective plane. The affine plane A2 is the usual plane, with A2 .k/ D
f.a; b/ W a; b 2 kg for any field k. One “compactifies” A2 by adjoining some
points “at infinity” to produce the projective plane P2 . One of the main reasons
for doing this is to make intersection theory work better: see Bézout’s Theorem
in Section 2.3.
The set of k-points on the projective plane P2 can be defined directly as
P2 .k/ WD .k 3 0/=k . In other words, a k-rational point on P2 is an equiva-
lence class of triples .a; b; c/ with a; b; c 2 k not all zero, under the equivalence
relation , where .a; b; c/ .a; b; c/ for any 2 k . The equivalence class
of .a; b; c/ is denoted .a W b W c/. One can also identify P2 .k/ with the set of
lines through 0 in .x; y; z/-space.
The injection A2 .k/ Œ P2 .k/ mapping .a; b/ to .a W b W 1/ is almost a bijec-
tion: the points of P2 .k/ not in the image, namely those of the form .a W b W 0/,
form a projective line P1 .k/ of “points at infinity”. Viewing P2 .k/ as lines
through 0 in .x; y; z/-space, A2 .k/ is the set of such lines passing through
.a; b; 1/ for some a; b 2 k, and the complement P1 .k/ is the set of (horizontal)
lines through 0 in the .x; y/-plane.
Also, P2 can be covered by three copies of A2 , namely f.x W y W z/ j x 6D 0g,
f.x W y W z/ j y 6D 0g, and f.x W y W z/ j z 6D 0g.
2.2. Projective closure of curves. The homogenization of a polynomial f .x; y/
of degree d is F.X; Y; Z/ WD Z d f .X=Z; Y =Z/. In other words, one changes
x to X , y to Y , and then appends enough factors of Z to each monomial to
bring the total degree of each monomial to d. One can recover f as f .x; y/ D
F.x; y; 1/.
If f .x; y/ D 0 is a plane curve C in A2 , its projective closure is the curve
C in P2 defined by the homogenized equation F.X; Y; Z/ D 0. The curve C
e e
equals C plus some points “at infinity”.
E XAMPLE . If f .x; y/ D y 2 x3 C x 7, then
F.X; Y; Z/ D Y 2 Z X 3 C XZ 2 7Z 3
e.Q/ D fzeros of F g
fzeros of F.X; Y; 0/g 0
D fzeros of F.X; Y; 1/g [
D C.Q/ [ fP g;
where P is the point .0 W 1 W 0/ “at infinity”.
4. Elliptic curves
4.1. Equivalent definitions. Let k be a perfect field. An elliptic curve over k
can be defined as any one of the following:
(i) The projective closure of a nonsingular curve defined by a “Weierstrass equa-
y 2 C a1 xy C a3 y D x 3 C a2 x 2 C a4 x C a6
with a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 ; a6 2 k. If the characteristic of k is not 2 or 3, one may
restrict attention to projective closures of curves
y 2 D x 3 C Ax C B:
One can show that this is nonsingular if and only if x 3 C Ax C B has distinct
roots in k, and that this holds if and only if the quantity WD 16.4A3 C
27B 2 / is nonzero.
(ii) A nonsingular projective genus 1 curve over k equipped with a k-rational
point O.
(iii) A one-dimensional projective group variety over k.
We need to define several of the terms occurring here. (Even then it will not be
obvious that the definitions above are equivalent.)
4.2. Singularities. If .0; 0/ is a point on the affine curve f .x; y/ D 0 over
k, then .0; 0/ is a singular point if @f =@x and @f =@y both vanish at .0; 0/.
Equivalently, .0; 0/ is singular if f D f2 Cf3 C Cfd where each fi 2 kŒx; y
is a homogeneous polynomial of degree i . For instance .0; 0/ is singular on
y 2 D x 3 and on y 2 D x 3 Cx 2 , but not on y 2 D x 3 x. More generally, .a; b/ is
singular on f .x; y/ D 0 if and only if .0; 0/ is singular on f .X Ca; Y Cb/ D 0.
An affine curve is nonsingular if it has no singular points. A projective curve
F.X; Y; Z/ D 0 is nonsingular if its “affine pieces” F.x; y; 1/ D 0, F.x; 1; z/ D
0, F.1; y; z/ D 0 are nonsingular. (One can generalize these notions to curves
in higher dimensional affine or projective spaces. This is important because
although every plane curve X , singular or not, is birational to some nonsingular
projective curve Y , sometimes such a Y cannot be found in the plane.)
Smooth is a synonym for nonsingular, at least for curves over a perfect field k.
4.3. Genus. Let X be a nonsingular projective curve over a perfect field k. The
genus of X is a nonnegative integer g that measures the geometric complexity
of X . It has the following equivalent definitions:
(A) g D dimk ˝ where ˝ is the vector space of regular differentials on X .
(Regular means “no poles”. If k D C, then regular is equivalent to holomor-
Then one can prove the following: }.z/ is meromorphic on C with poles in
, }.z C !/ D }.z/ for all ! 2 , and z ‘ .}.z/; } 0 .z// defines an analytic
isomorphism C= ! E.C/ where E is the elliptic curve
y 2 D 4x 3 g2 x g3
over C. (The poles of }.z/ correspond under the isomorphism to the point
O 2 E.C/ at infinity.) The differential dx=y on E pulls back to dz on C=;
hence the inverse map E.C/ ! C= is given by
Z .a;b/ Z a
dx dx
.a; b/ ‘ D p
O y 1 4x 3 g2 x g3
(with suitable choice of path and branch).
More generally, Riemann proved that any compact Riemann surface is iso-
morphic as complex manifold to X.C/ for some nonsingular projective curve
X over C.
5.2. Elliptic curves over the real numbers. Let E be an elliptic curve y 2 D
f .x/ over R, where f .x/ D x 3 C Ax C B 2 RŒx is squarefree. This time E.R/
is a 1-dimensional compact commutative Lie group over R. Considering the
intervals where f is nonnegative, we find that E.R/ has one or two connected
components, according as f has one real root, or three real roots. Since the
circle group
R=Z ' fz 2 C W jzj D 1g
is the only connected 1-dimensional compact commutative Lie group over R, it
follows that
R=Z if f has 1 real root,
E.R/ '
R=Z Z=2Z if f has 3 real roots.
The group E.R/ can also be viewed as the subgroup of E.C/ fixed by com-
plex conjugation. If E is defined over R, one can choose of the previous
section to be stable under complex conjugation, and the coordinatewise action
of complex conjugation on E.C/ corresponds to the natural action on C=. If a
nonzero regular differential on E (defined over R) is fixed, then is determined,
and in this situation one defines the real period as the positive generator of the
infinite cyclic group \ R.
5.3. Elliptic curves over finite fields. Let E be an elliptic curve over the finite
field Fq of q elements. Since E.Fq / is a subset of P2 .Fq /, E.Fq / is a finite
abelian group. Hasse proved
#E.Fq / D q C 1 a;
where jaj 2 q. This is a special case of the “Weil conjectures” (now proved).
Moreover, an algorithm of Schoof [1985] computes #E.Fq / in time .log q/O.1/
as follows: an algorithm we will not explain determines #E.Fq / mod ` for each
prime ` up to about log q, and then the Chinese Remainder Theorem recovers
#E.Fq /.
E XAMPLE 1. Let E be the elliptic curve y 2 D x 3 x C 1 over F3 . Hasse’s
Theorem implies 1 #E.F3 / 7. In fact,
E.F3 / D f.0; 1/; .0; 2/; .1; 1/; .1; 2/; .2; 1/; .2; 2/; Og;
and E.F3 / ' Z=7Z. Here is an exercise for the reader, an instance of what is
called the elliptic discrete logarithm problem: which multiple of .0; 1/ equals
.1; 1/?
E XAMPLE 2. Let E be the elliptic curve y 2 D x 3 x over F3 . Then
E.F3 / D f.0; 0/; .1; 0/; .2; 0/; Og;
and E.F3 / ' Z=2Z Z=2Z.
E.Q/ D f.0; 0/; .0; 1/; .1; 0/; .1; 1/; Og ' Z=5Z:
qD :
a D 120039822036992245303534619191166796374; and
b D 504224992484910670010801799168082726759443756222911415116:
Martin and McMillen [2000] showed that E.Q/ ' Zr , where r 24.
A folklore conjecture predicts that as E varies over all elliptic curves over Q,
the rank r can be arbitrarily large. But the present author does not believe this.
6.2. One-dimensional affine group varieties over k. One way to begin study-
ing an elliptic curve over Q or another number field is to reduce its coefficients
modulo a prime and to study the resulting curve over a finite field. Unfortunately,
the result can be singular even if the original curve was nonsingular. It turns out
that upon deleting the singularity, we obtain a one-dimensional group variety,
but it is no longer an elliptic curve: it is affine instead of projective due to the
The one-dimensional affine group varieties G over k can be classified. For
simplicity, we assume that k is a perfect field of characteristic not 2. The table
on the next page lists all possibilities.
singularity E ns terminology
none E good reduction
cusp Ga additive reduction
node Gm or Gm multiplicative reduction
This gives a slow algorithm to determine T . (It requires factoring the integer
4A3 C 27B 2 .)
T HEOREM (M AZUR ). If E is an elliptic curve over Q, then either T ' Z=N Z
for some N 12, N 6D 11, or T ' Z=2Z Z=2N ZZ for some N 4. In
particular, #T 16.
For each m 1, one can use the group law to compute the polynomial m .x/ 2
QŒx whose roots are the x-coordinates of the points of order m in E.Q/. Deter-
mining the points of order m in E.Q/ is then a matter of finding the rational roots
of m and checking which of these give a rational y-coordinate. By Mazur’s
Theorem, only finitely many m need be considered, so this gives a polynomial
time algorithm for computing T .
6.7. Height functions. We next describe some of the ingredients which go into
the proof of Mordell’s Theorem. If P D .a W b W c/ 2 P2 .Q/, we may scale to
assume a; b; c 2 Z and gcd.a; b; c/ D 1. Then define
One calls h.P / the (logarithmic) height of P . Roughly, h.P / is the width of a
sheet of paper needed to write down P .
It is easy to see that for any B > 0,
fP 2 P2 .Q/ W h.P / Bg is finite. (6-1)
The latter is a special case of Northcott’s Theorem [Serre 1989, ~ 2.4]. If E P2
is an elliptic curve over Q, then one can show that for P; Q 2 E.Q/,
choosing the x-coordinate first, would require taking a square root of an element
of Z=N , which is a problem known to be random polynomial time equivalent
to factoring N !
7.7. Partial analysis of the elliptic curve method. If #E.Z=p/ divides K,
then K P1 will reduce mod p to O. In this case, it is probable that K P1 is not
also O modulo N , or at least that at some point of the computation of K P1 ,
one reaches a subproduct K 0 of K such that K 0 P1 is O mod p but not O mod
N . (This can be made precise.) Hence it is essentially true that factoring N
requires only being lucky enough to choose E such that #E.Z=p/ divides K.
Suppose that N has a prime factor p such that p C 1 C 2 p P . Let s be
the probability that for a random E constructed by the algorithm, the order of
E.Z=p/ is y-smooth. If #E.Z=p/ is y-smooth, then #E.Z=p/ j K, by definition
of K and by Hasse’s Theorem (Section 5.3) that #E.Z=p/ p C 1 C 2 p.
Hence the number of elliptic curves that need to be tried during the algorithm
is O.1=s/. Each trial involves O.log K/ group law operations, each requiring
.log N /O.1/ bit operations, making the total running time
R D O.s .log K/.log N /O.1/ /:
Take y D L.P /a for some a > 0 to be optimized later. In order to express the
running time R in terms of the parameters of the algorithm, namely N , P , and
a, we first bound K:
K `blog` P c P P y;
`y `y
log K y log P D L.P / :
p p
This is optimized at a D 1= 2, which makes y D L.P /1= 2 and
R D L.P / .log N /O.1/ :
To factor N completely, we would take P D N , which yields a running time
of L.N /1Co.1/ . But one advantage of the elliptic curve method over most other
factoring methods is that its running time depends on the size of the factor to be
found: it is capable of finding small factors more quickly.
In practice, since the optimal choices of y and hence K depend on P , it
is reasonable to run the elliptic curve method with P small at first (to search
for small factors) and then if no factor is found, try again and again, with an
increasing sequence of values of P . Eventually, if no small factors are found,
one should switch to the number field sieve, which is faster asymptotically if
the factors are large.
7.8. Elliptic curve method records. The largest factor found by the elliptic
curve method as of April 2008 is the 67-digit prime factor
(by Bruce Dodson in August 2006; see [Zimmerman 2008]).
Given Richard Brent’s 2000 extrapolation [2000, ~ 3.4] that
pthe elliptic curve
method record will be a D-digit factor in year Y .D/ WD 9:3 D C 1932:3, the
value Y .67/ D 2008:4 shows that the method performs well in practice.
lie in E.Q/. The divisor D WD 2.P / C 2.Q/ 7.R/ is stable under Gal.Q=Q/
even though P and Q individually are not fixed, so D 2 Div.E/. The degree of
D is 2 C 2 7 D 3.
8.4. Rational points on curves. We now turn briefly to the study of rational
points on curves of arbitrary genus. (Recall that elliptic curves were curves of
genus 1 equipped with a rational point.) A curve over Q of any genus can have
X.Q/ D ∅: for example, if X is birational to y 2 D .x 2gC2 C 1/, then X has
genus g and has no rational points. In the table below, assume X is a plane
curve over Q with X.Q/ 6D ∅, and define
The qualitative behavior of X.Q/, and in particular the rate of growth of the
function NX .B/, are roughly determined by the genus.
8.5. Jacobians: one tool for studying higher genus curves. Recall that for
elliptic curves E, we have a group isomorphism E.k/ ' Pic0 .k/. But if X is
a nonsingular projective curve of genus g > 1 over a field k, then there is no
natural bijection between X.k/ and Pic0 .X /, and in fact one can show that X
cannot be made into a group variety. (Here is one way to show this: if X is
a group variety, then one can create a global section of the tangent bundle of
X by choosing a nonzero tangent vector at the origin and moving it around by
translations. But on a curve of genus g > 1, any nonzero meromorphic section
of the tangent bundle has degree 2 2g < 0, so it cannot be regular everywhere.)
Define an abelian variety to be a projective group variety, so that an elliptic
curve is a one-dimensional abelian variety. Then for any X of genus g as above,
there is an abelian variety J of dimension g called the Jacobian of X , with the
property that J.k/ ' Pic0 .X /, (at least under the technical assumption that
X.k/ 6D ∅). It is only when X is an elliptic curve that J coincides with X .
If P0 2 X.k/, then there is an embedding of varieties X ! J mapping each
point P on X to the class of the divisor .P / .P0 / in Pic0 .X /.
9. Further reading
For the reader who wants more, we suggest a few other books and survey
articles. Within each topic, references assuming less background are listed first.
Of course, there are many other books on these topics; those listed here were
chosen partly because they are the ones the author is most familiar with.
9.1. Elliptic curves. The book [Silverman and Tate 1992] is an introduc-
tion to elliptic curves at the advanced undergraduate level; among other things,
it contains a treatment of the elliptic curve factoring method. The graduate
level textbook [Silverman 1986] uses more algebraic number theory and alge-
braic geometry, but most definitions and theorems are recalled as they are used,
so the book is readable even by those with minimal background. Cremona’s
book [1997] contains extensive tables of elliptic curves over Q, and discusses
many elliptic curve algorithms in detail.
[Bernstein 1998] D. J. Bernstein, “Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time”,
Math. Comp. 67:223 (1998), 1253–1283.
[Bombieri 1990] E. Bombieri, “The Mordell conjecture revisited”, Ann. Scuola Norm.
Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 17:4 (1990), 615–640. Errata in “The Mordell conjecture
revisited”, Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 18:3 (1991), 473.
[Brent 2000] R. P. Brent, “Recent progress and prospects for integer factorisation
algorithms”, pp. 3–22 in Computing and combinatorics (Sydney, 2000), edited by
D.-Z. Du et al., Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 1858, Springer, Berlin, 2000.
[Canfield et al. 1983] E. R. Canfield, P. Erdős, and C. Pomerance, “On a problem of
Oppenheim concerning “factorisatio numerorum””, J. Number Theory 17:1 (1983),
[Cremona 1997] J. E. Cremona, Algorithms for modular elliptic curves, 2nd ed.,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997.
[Elkies 1994] N. D. Elkies, “Heegner point computations”, pp. 122–133 in Algorithmic
number theory (Ithaca, NY, 1994), edited by L. M. Adleman and M.-D. Huang,
Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 877, Springer, Berlin, 1994.
[Faltings 1983] G. Faltings, “Endlichkeitssätze für abelsche Varietäten über Zahlkör-
pern”, Invent. Math. 73:3 (1983), 349–366. Translated in Arithmetic geometry, edited
by G. Cornell and J. Silverman, Springer, New York-Berlin, 1986, 9–27.
[Fulton 1969] W. Fulton, Algebraic curves: An introduction to algebraic geometry,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1969. With the collaboration of Richard Weiss.
[Hartshorne 1977] R. Hartshorne, Algebraic geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics
52, Springer, New York, 1977.
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