"A Healthy Outside Starts From Inside": Academic Staff College

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“A Healthy Outside Starts from Inside”

1-Day Program on “A Healthy outside Starts from Inside “was Organized by Academic Staff College on 08.01.2018 by Shri
Atukuri Venkateswarlu(Shri Venkateswara Yogi Guruji) and Lecturer & Yoga Acharya, VTJM & IVTR Govt. Degree College,
Mangalagiri for Non teaching Staff of KLEF.

The outcomes of the Program are

1. Able to experience the Refreshed feeling
2. Understood how to be Relaxed from Stress
3. Comprehended the uses of Healthy Diet
4. Got awareness on Prevention of diseases through Yogic Exercise
5. Understood how to Improve Concentration on Work

The session began with the Resource person explaining that the Health is wealth with an analogy of Bicycle i.e how
different components of the bicycle represents various components of our health that front wheel represents Health,
back wheel represents Money, handle represents Mind and pedal represents Strength.

He also explained that general Health depends on 40% -Diet, 40%-Exercise and 20% -Mind in detail:

40% -Diet:
Also explained three types of yoga food – they are Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik. Satvik food is absolutely yoga diet.
Like Yoga, it clams, cools and relaxes our body and mind. Satvik food helps to detoxify the body ensures purification.
Satvik food promotes health, happiness, harmony, longevity and purity. These foods are smooth, non stimulating,
soothing Lubricant, Non-constipating.
Ex: Fruits, Nuts, All Vegetables, Millets, Less Polished Rice, Sprouts

Tamasik food is Negative in nature and not good for health and happy life. Tamasik foods are poor in cellulose,
roughage, water, Vitamins and Miners. Ex: Bakery Products, Spices, Milk and Milk Products

Rajasik food is bitter and sour. It Lack of Minerals. It may cause Acidity, hyperacidity and anxiety and depression. Ex:
Fried Food Products, Pickles EGG and Meats, tea, Coffee, Tobacco and Alcohol.
Yogic Exercises are primarily Plays an important role for the overall health of an individual. The following are the
asanas that mainly work on Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys and other inner parts in human body and resolves heart
diseases, Swasa Problems and Thyroid Problems.
1. Pradhamika Sadana 2.Pachimotahasana 3. Padahastasana 4. Dhanurasana 5.Sarvangasana 6. Chakrasana

20%-Mental Peace:
Biggest brain damaging habits
Missing breakfast
Sleeping late
High sugar consumption
More sleeping at morning
Eating meal while watching TV or Computer
Wearing Cap/Scarf of socks while sleeping
Habits of blocking/Stopping Urine

Finally , Shri Venkateswara Yogi Guruji were given the blessings to Non Teaching Staff.

Some Glimpses of the Guruji’s profile:

Shri Venkateswara Yogi Guruji profile

Shri Venkateswara Yogi Guruji was born in Guntur District, Piduguralla Village. He is only son of Veeraiah Stresti and
Kotamma. He completed M.A., M.Phil as top ranker from Central University, Hyderabad. He submitted thesis on Yoga, in
1994 and awarded with Doctorate. He is Millinium Best Yoga Teacher Awardee, Yoga Rajendra and Rushi Ratna awardee.

Opening Remarks by Ms.Lakshmi Prasuna, Assist. Registrar, KLEF

Sri A.Venkateswarlu (Sri Venkateswara Yogi Guruji) addressing the staff
ogic Exe
Group Photo of the Participants

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