Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
Experiment No: 1
Experiment Name: Safety regulation of High Voltage Laboratory.
Date of Experiment: July 17, 2018.
Date of Submission: September 11 , 2018.
Submitted by
Nazmul Hasan
section: B
Group: B2
To have an idea of the required safety measures, in several High Voltage Laboratories.
Fundamental Rule:
Before entering a high-voltage setup area, participants must first ensure that all con-
ductors which can assume high potential and lye in the contact zone are earthed and that
all main leads are interrupted.
All high-voltage setups must be protected against unintentional entry to the danger
zone. This is appropriately done with the aid of metallic fences. When setting up the
fences for voltages up to 1 MV the following minimum clearances to the components at
high voltage should not be exceeded:
Alternating and direct voltages 50 cm for every 100 kV
Impulse voltages 20 cm for every 100 kV
The fences should be reliably connected conductively, earthed and provided with warn-
ing boards inscribed: “High Voltage! Caution! Highly Dangerous!”. It is forbidden to
introduce conductive objects through the fence while the setup is in use.
Safety locking:
In high-voltage setups each door must be provided with safety switches; these allow the
door to be opened only when all main leads to the setup are interrupted. Instead of direct
interruption, the safety switches may also operate the no-voltage relay of a power circuit
breaker, which on opening the door, interrupts all the main leads to the setup.These
power circuit breakers may also be switched on again when the door is closed. For direct
supply from a high-voltage network (e.g. 10 kV city network), the main leads must be
interrupted visibly before entry to the setup by an additional open isolating switch. The
switched condition of a setup must be indicated by a red lamp “Setup switched on” and
by a green lamp “Setup switched off”.
If the fence is interrupted for assembly and dismantling operations on the setup, or dur-
ing large-scale modifications, all the prescribed precautions for entry to the setup shall
be observed. Here, particular attention must be paid to the reliable interruption of the
main leads. On isolating switches or other disconnecting points and on the control desk
of the setup concerned, warning boards inscribed “Do not switch on! Danger!” must be
A high-voltage setup may be entered only when all the parts which can assume high-
voltage in the contact zone are earthed. Earthing may only be effected by a conductor
earthed inside the fence. Fixing the earthing leads onto the parts to be earthed should be
done with the aid of insulating rods. Earthing switches with a clearly visible operating
position are also permissible. In high-power setups with direct supply from the high-
voltage network, earthing is achieved by earthing isolators. Earthing may only follow
after switching the current source off and may be removed only when there is no longer
anyone present within the fence or if the setup is vacated after removal of the earth. All
metallic parts of the setup which do not carry potential during normal service must be
earthed reliably and with adequate crosssection of at least 1.5 mn2 Cu. In test setups
with direct supply from the high-voltage network, the earth connections must be made
with particular considerations of the dynamic forces which can arise.
In the case that the setup is not supplied from ready wired desks, clearly marked
isolating switches must be provided in all leads to the low-voltage circuits of high-voltage
transformers and arranged at an easily identifiable position outside the fence. These must
be opened before earthing and before entering the setup.
For all setups intended for research purposes, a circuit diagram shall be fixed outside the
fence in a clearly visible position. A test setup may be put into operation only after the
circuit has been checked and permission to begin work given by an authorized person.
Everyone carrying out experiments in the laboratory is personally responsible for the
setup placed at his disposal and for the experiments performed with it. For experiments
during working hours one should try, in the interest of personal safety, to make sure that
a second person is present in the testing room. If this is not possible, then at least the
times of the beginning and ending of an experiment should be communicated to a second
person. When working with high-voltages beyond working hours, a second person famil-
iar with the experimental setups must be present in the same room.
If several persons are working with the same setup, they must all know who is to perform
the switching operations for a particular experiment. Before switching on high-voltage
setups, warning should be given either by short horn signals or by the call “Attention!
Switching-on!”. This is especially important during loud experiments, so that people
standing-by may cover their ears. If necessary, switching off can be announced after com-
pletion either by a single long tone or by the call: “Swtiched off”.
In experiments with oil and other highly flammable materials, special care is nec-
essary owing to the danger of explosion and fire. In each room where work is carried
out with these materials, suitable fire extinguishers must be close to hand and ready for
use. Highly flammable waste products, e.g. paper or used cotton waste, should always
be disposed off immediately in metal bins. Special regulations must be observed when
radioactive sources are used.
Mode of action in case of an electrical accident:
1. Switch off the setup on all poles. So long as this has not been done, the victim of
the accident should not be touched under any circumstances.