1.1 Minimum Academic Requirement: A candidate seeking admission to
the degree of B.Sc. (Hons)./ BS (4 years) / Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)/
Bachelor of Fashion Design (BFD)/ Bachelor of Textile Design (BTD)/
Bachelor of Graphic Design (BGD) / Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA)/ Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) / LLB ( 5 years program) must
have passed FA / F.Sc./ ICS / A level or equivalent (to be determined by
the Equivalence Committee) from a recognized institution with at least
45% marks or 2nd division on the basis of the respective category of
admission, excluding 20 marks of Hafiz-e-Quran. For the subjects of
Engineering and Pharmacy etc., the minimum admission requirement is 1st
1.2 Domicile: The candidate should submit the domicile of Punjab
Province. The candidate with domicile other than the Punjab province has
to produce a nomination letter from his/her respective provincial
government against reserved seats if any. Foreign students and overseas
can also apply through the relevant Federal Ministry.
1.3 Medical Certificate: The candidate must produce at the time of the first
enrollment, a certificate from the University Resident Medical Officer to the
effect that the student is free from any communicable (contagious) disease
or mental or physical disability which is likely to stand in the way of his/her
pursuing the chosen field of study.
1.4 Age/Gender: There shall be no gender discrimination for admission to
all the Bachelor degree programs. The maximum age limit is 22 years,
which may be relaxed up to 2 years by the competent authority in hardship
2.1 The medium of instruction and examination shall be English (except
faculty of Islamic and Oriental Learning, which will be Urdu or their relevant
subject languages).
5.1 The subjects of study for the various degree program are given in the
Prospectus which may be amended from time to time.
9.1 The admission to a Bachelor degree programs shall be made by
Directorate of Under graduate studies on the basis of merit list prepared by
the said directorate
11.4 During the semester freeze, bonafide status of the student shall
remain suspended. The student will not be entitled to avail any privilege as
that of a regular student. Student has to submit the complete fee dues for
the freeze semester and Rs,.5000 for the gap semester also along with
Under Graduate Course Registration (UG-1) form to maintain his/her
11.5 A candidate shall not ordinarily be allowed to discontinue his/her
studies during 1st semester.
12.1 An application for enrollment on the prescribed Course Registration
Form (UG-1) accompanied by proof of fee paid (bank receipt) shall be
presented to the office of the Director Undergraduate Studies on the
day(s) notified for enrollment.
12.2 The office of the Dean/Coordinator under special circumstances and
on payment of late fee of Rs. 500/- may permit a student to enroll within 5
working days after the commencement of the classes.
12.3 The Vice Chancellor may allow a student to enroll till the last day of
the 4th week after the commencement of classes, with double late fee of
Rs. 1000/-
12.4 Enrollment in absentia is not allowed. Student is required to be
present in person with a proof of identification (University Identity Card or
Computerized National Identity Card etc.) for enrollment.
12.5 Enrollment will only be considered complete when Course
Registration Form (UG-1) is submitted to the office of the Director
Undergraduate Studies (DUS) and it is mandatory for the completion of
the enrollment process.
12.6 A candidate admitted to a degree program shall, far so long as the
student has not submitted thesis / Research report / Research
paper/internship report (whichever is applicable), have to enroll for each
12.7 The maximum duration for completion of various degree programs
shall be as under
Normal Stipulated Period for the program Maximum Duration
FAQ’s GCU Degree Program
The students who will enroll in the first additional semester beyond the
normal tenure of the program will have to pay an additional tuition fee of
50% and for rest of the additional semesters will have to pay 100%,
additional tuition fee over and above the regular fee.
13.1 If a student fails to enroll in any semester(s) without permission of the
competent authority, the student shall cease to be on the rolls of the
University and in case the student desires re-admission, the student shall
have to apply for the same in the next coming admissions.
13.2 The office of the Director, DUS on the recommendation of
Dean/Coordinator may re-admit such a candidate subject to the payment of
Rs. 2,000/- as re-admission fee and Rs. 5,000/- as per semester gap fee, if
13.3 The Dean/Coordinator may refuse the re-admission if the reasons
presented are not convincing.
Note: The period of gap semester will not be counted towards residential
15.3 Credit earned for a course shall laps on the expiry of five years for
regular student and seven years for part time student from the end of the
semester in which the course was qualified. The Dean/Coordinator may
revalidate the lapsed courses for special reasons to be recorded.
15.4 No course shall carry more than 4 credits.
16.1 Examination Fee: University examination fee shall be charged at the
time of enrollment of each semester.
16.2 Tests and Examinations:
FAQ’s GCU Degree Program
16.3 Final examination: The final examination for a semester shall be held
on a date and time and place to be notified by the teacher in advance.
16.4 The scripts of each examination shall be discussed with the students.
Total 100%
(Fraction in total marks of a course will be rounded to the nearest whole number)
A 4 80-100 Excellent
B 3 65 – 79.99 Good
C 2 50 – 64.99 Satisfactory
D 1 40 – 49.99 Pass
FAQ’s GCU Degree Program
17.2 If a student fails to obtain CGPA of 1.75 at the end of each academic
year (after two consecutive Fall and Spring semesters) his/her admission
shall stand cancelled. However the student may seek fresh admission.
17.3 A student, who obtains CGPA of 1.75 or more but less than 2.50 upon
the completion of entire approved course work, may be allowed to repeat
once the courses of the previous semesters in which the student had
obtained the lowest grades in order to improve the CGPA so as to obtain
the minimum of 2.50, failing which the student shall cease to be on the rolls
provided that he/she has availed the maximum permissible repetitions.
17.4 CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 is required to qualify for the award of degree.
20. General
20.1 The student who will enroll beyond their minimum limit of the
semesters will be have to pay an additional tuition fee of 50% and for rest
FAQ’s GCU Degree Program
of the additional semesters will have to pay 100%, additional tuition fee
over and above the regular fee.
20.2 After submission of the thesis, the students will not be allowed to stay
in the University hostels.
20.3 Office of the Dean/Coordinator will maintain student record for 3 years
after the declaration of final result. After that period, the record may be
disposed off with the permission of the Vice Chancellor.
20.4 Office of the Controller of Examinations shall keep scripts of student’s
examinations for two semesters (one year).