C8 Migration Guide

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COGNOS(R) 8 Business Intelligence


Cognos(R) 8 Business Intelligence Migration and

Upgrade Readme
Cognos 8 Migration and Upgrade User Guide


Product Information
This document applies to Cognos 8 Version 8.1.2 MR2 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this
document, visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site (http://support.cognos.com).

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Table of Contents

Introduction 7
PART 1: Migration Planning 9
Chapter 1: Where Do I Start? 11
What to Expect When You Move Content from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8 12
Cognos Series 7 Products and Components Migrated With Tools 13
Cognos Series 7 Products and Components Not Migrated With Tools 15
Chapter 2: The Migration and Upgrade Process 17
PART 2: Migrating and Upgrading Cognos Series 7 Content to Cognos 8 21
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata 23
Common Pre-migration Tasks 24
Export Architect Models 25
arch2xml 26
Export Impromptu Catalogs 27
impcat2xml 28
Create Data Source Connections in Cognos 8 31
Import Metadata into Framework Manager 31
Common Post-migration Tasks 31
Testing the Imported Metadata 32
Publishing a Framework Manager Package 32
Synchronize a Framework Manager Project with Updated Cognos Series 7 Metadata 33
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications 35
Preparing the Application for Migration 37
Preparing the Migration Source 37
Create the Migration Source Using a Deployment Manager Package 37
Create the Migration Source Using a Directory Structure 38
Create a Migration Package 38
migratetoc8 39
Migration Package 42
Move the Migration Package to Cognos 8 42
Check Package Mapping 43
Deploy the Migration Package 43
deploytoc8 44
Migration Deployment Archive 46
Import a Deployment Archive 46
Review the Migration and Upgrade Log File 47
Test the Migration 47
Provide Users With Access to the Migrated Application 47
Chapter 5: Upgrading PowerPlay Reports Published to Cognos 8 49
Configure Cognos 8 to Support PowerPlay Report Upgrade 49
Upgrade a Published PowerPlay Report to Analysis Studio or Report Studio 50
PART 3: Mapping Cognos Series 7 Objects to Cognos 8 Objects 51
Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping 53
Report Functionality Mapping 53
Functions Mapping 55
Impromptu Report Formatting Mappings 56

User Guide 3
Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping 59
Mapping Objects in the Physical View 60
The Catalog 60
Tables 61
Table Aliases 61
Table Columns 61
Joins 61
Mapping Objects in the Business View 62
Folders 62
Simple Folder Items 63
Calculations 63
Conditions 63
Prompts 63
Migrating Expressions 64
User Defined Functions 64
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping 67
Report Structure Mappings 67
Report Functionality Mappings 68
Zero Suppression 69
Custom Subsets 71
Report Formatting Mappings 72
Graphical Display Mappings 74
Mappings of Other PowerPlay Objects 78
Differences Between PowerPlay and Analysis Studio 78
Chapter 9: Upfront Mapping 83
Content Mapping 83
NewsBox Mapping 83
NewsBox Shortcut Mapping 84
NewsItem Mapping 84
NewsItem Shortcut Mapping 85
Mappings of Other Upfront Objects 85
Security 85
Chapter 10: Impromptu Web Reports Mapping 87
Report Set Mappings 87
Report Mappings 87
Schedule Mappings 88
Event Mappings 89
Mappings of Other Impromptu Web Reports Objects 89
Chapter 11: Architect Mapping 91
Architect Model Security 91
Security by Value 92
Migrating Expressions 92
Mapping Architect Business Layer Metadata 93
Entities Folders 93
Entities 94
Attributes 95
Attribute Proxies 95
Filters Folders 96
Filters 97
Relationships 98
Subtype Relationships 98
Prompts 99
Mapping Architect Data Access Layer Metadata 100
Database Folders 100
Databases 101

4 Migration and Upgrade

Catalogs 101
Schemas 102
Tables 103
Views 104
SynonymViews 105
Synonyms 106
Columns 107
Keys 108
SQL Query Folders 108
SQL Queries 109
Stored Procedures 110
Stored Procedure Parameters 111
Stored Procedure Return Parameters 111
Indexes 112
Physical Joins 113
Mapping Architect Package Layer Metadata 114
Package Folders 114
Packages 115
Subject Folders 116
Subject Filters 116
Subject Prompts 117
Subject Entities 117
Subject Attributes 118
Chapter 12: Functions Mapping 119
PART 4: Troubleshooting 121
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 123
Log Files 123
Problems with the Command Line Tools 124
Command Fails to Run with Special Character in File Path 124
Problems Migrating Metadata 124
Metadata Objects Are Missing After Migration 124
Exception Raised 124
Prompted to Log On During Metadata Export 124
Failed to Open Model, Terminating XML Generation 124
Logon Prompts While Migrating Catalogs 125
Problems Migrating a Non-English Impromptu Catalog 125
Unable to Start the Impromptu Automation Server 125
Unable to Open an Impromptu Catalog 125
You Cannot Open Catalog as Creator When Running User Version of Impromptu 125
Problems Importing Metadata into Framework Manager 126
XML Validation Error Occurs When Importing XML Files into Framework
Manager 126
Query Items in an Impromptu Subfolder Are Represented by Calculation Icons in
Framework Manager 126
Unexpected Results with Filters After Migrating Architect Models 126
Incorrect Decimal Separators After Importing Architect Model Metadata 126
Problems Migrating Applications 126
Unable to Open the Catalog for the Following Impromptu Report 126
Errors Migrating Large Applications 127
Unable to Find the Source Folder Containing the Images to be Migrated 127
An Impromptu Report Cannot Be Accessed 127
Packlets Cannot Be Found 127
Problems Deploying Migrated Applications 127
Login to Cognos 8 Failed. Please Verify Credential Information 127
CM-REQ-4024 Name Conflict 127

User Guide 5
JRE Not Found. Cannot Run the Migration Tool 128
None of the Packages Listed in the nameMap.xml file Were Found in the Content
Store 128
Problems Running Migrated or Upgraded Reports 129
Migrated Impromptu Report Fails to Run or Runs with Errors 129
Report Was Not Migrated 129
Missing Images in Migrated Reports 129
Using Generic Mapping for Function Error for Migrated Impromptu Report 129
The Following Function is Mapped as an Expression Using the Cast Operation Error for
Migrated Impromptu Report 130
The Following Function is Mapped as a No-Operation Error for Migrated Impromptu
Report 130
The Following Function is Mapped as a No-Operation on the First Argument Error for
Migrated Impromptu Report 130
The Following Function is Mapped as a Constant Value of Zero Error for Migrated
Impromptu Report 130
The Following Function is Mapped as a Constant Number Error for Migrated
Impromptu Report 130
Unable to Open the Catalog Error for Migrated Impromptu Report 130
Report Objects Not Found When Running Reports 130
Parsing Error Message When Migrated Impromptu Report Fails to Run 131
Incorrect Results from Date/Time Functions for Migrated Impromptu Report 131
Report Fails to Run with Function Expression Errors for Migrated Impromptu
Report 131
Missing Information in Cognos 8 Error Messages 131
The Following Package Was Not Found in the Content Store 132
Referenced Data Item is Not Found in the Query 132
Run-time Error in Conditional Formatting Expression for Migrated Impromptu
Report 132
An Unhandled Application Error Has Occurred 132
The Report Server is Not Responding 133
Unexpected Sorting of Grouped Items for Migrated Impromptu Report 133
Unable to Run a Report Against a Migrated Architect Model 133
QFS-ERR-0140 Referenced data item 'Not Found' Error for Migrated Impromptu
Report 133
Migrated Impromptu Report Takes Longer Than Expected 133
Invalid Operands in Calculation for Upgraded PowerPlay Report 134
Report Cells Contain -- or #!Error for Upgraded PowerPlay Report 134
Upgraded PowerPlay Report Has Extra or Missing Rows and Columns 134
Problems with Report Formatting 134
A Report Looks Different in Cognos 8 Than in Impromptu 134
Missing Headers or Footers 134
Charts or Images Do Not Appear Correctly 134
Incorrect Page Breaks or Blank Pages for Migrated Impromptu Report 135
Pie Chart Does Not Show Any Segments in Upgraded PowerPlay Report 135
Duplicate Categories in Upgraded PowerPlay Reports That Contained Custom
Subsets 135
Row of Data Missing in Analysis Studio for Upgraded PowerPlay Report 135
Charts Do Not Display Correctly 135
An Extra Column Appears in the Upgraded PowerPlay Report 135
Problems with Security 136
Access Control List is Not Migrated as Expected 136
PART 5: Worksheets 137
Migration and Upgrade Worksheet 139
Index 141

6 Migration and Upgrade


This document provides background information and step-by-step procedures to help you move
metadata and applications from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8.
For information about upgrading Cognos ReportNet 1.1, Cognos Metrics Manager, or Cognos
DecisionStream to Cognos 8, see the Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.
To use this guide, you should have background knowledge in report authoring, metadata
modeling, and security and server administration. You should also know how to use the Cognos
Series 7 product you are migrating or upgrading, and the Cognos 8 product you are migrating or
upgrading to. We recommend that you learn how to use Cognos 8 before starting migration. You
should not use migration as a way to learn Cognos 8.
The following documents contain related information, and may be referred to in this document.
To view these documents, either consult your administrator to determine the online location of
Cognos documentation or search the Knowledge Base of the Cognos Global Customer Services
Web site (http://support.cognos.com/kb-app/knowledgebase). If you require logon credentials,
either consult with your administrator or send an email to [email protected].

Document Description
Cognos Series 7 Deployment Manager User Packaging Cognos Series 7 business intelligence
Guide data

Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Installing, upgrading, configuring, and testing

Guide Cognos 8, changing application servers, and
setting up samples

Cognos 8 Administration and Security Managing servers, security, reports, and Portal
Guide Services; setting up Cognos samples; and
customizing Cognos 8

Cognos Connection User Guide Using Cognos Connection to publish, find,

manage, organize, and view Cognos content, such
as scorecards, reports, analyses, and agents

Report Studio User Guide Authoring reports that analyze corporate data
according to specific needs

Analysis Studio User Guide Exploring, analyzing, and comparing dimensional


Framework Manager User Guide Creating and publishing models using Framework

Framework Manager Guidelines for Recommendations for modeling metadata to use

Modeling Metadataa in business reporting and analysis

Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide Helping administrators to quickly identify and

solve problems

Cognos 8 Software Development Kit Managing Cognos 8 processes and implementing

Developer Guide custom reporting solutions by using a collection
of cross-platform Web services, libraries, and
programming interfaces provided with the
Cognos 8 SDK

User Guide 7

For more information about using this product, visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web
site (http://support.cognos.com). For information about education and training, click the Training
link from this site.
This document is available as online help and as an online book.
From within the online help, you can click the following link to open a printable version of this
document (PDF).
Our documentation includes user guides, tutorial guides, reference books, and other materials to
meet the needs of our varied audience.

Online Help
All information is available in online help. Online help is available from the help button in a Web
browser, or the Help menu and help button in Windows products. You can also download the
online help from the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site (http://support.cognos.com).

Books for Printing

The information in each online help system is available in online book format (PDF). However,
the information from a given help system may be divided into more than one online book. Use
online books when you want to print a document or when you want to search the whole
You can print selected pages, a section, or the whole book. Cognos grants you a non-exclusive,
non-transferable license to use, copy, and reproduce the copyright materials, in printed or
electronic format, solely for the purpose of providing internal training on, operating, and
maintaining the Cognos software.
You can also read the product readme files and the installation guides directly from Cognos
product CDs.

8 Migration and Upgrade

PART 1: Migration Planning

User Guide 9
10 Migration and Upgrade
Chapter 1: Where Do I Start?

You made the decision to adopt Cognos 8 after working with your Cognos representative to
understand the benefits of Cognos 8 and where it fits in your long-term business intelligence
plans. Even after adopting Cognos 8, you do not have to migrate existing applications. Cognos
will continue to support Cognos Series 7 for several years and flexible licensing options provide
time for you to determine when and how migration is beneficial for you. For some customers, the
best option is to not migrate their existing applications. These customers can continue to maintain
the existing Cognos Series 7 applications and use Cognos 8 for new applications.
If you decide to migrate your existing applications, a migration project requires a significant
commitment of time and resources. A small migration project will take several weeks. For a large
Cognos Series 7 deployment, a migration project can last several months. Thorough planning,
including identifying specific goals for the migration project, ensures that the migration meets
expectations and adds value to your business intelligence environment.
A migration project may be part of your initial Cognos 8 deployment plans, or you may start
migration planning after deploying Cognos 8. We recommend that you take the time necessary to
learn about Cognos 8 and to evaluate your current Cognos Series 7 applications before you start
to plan a migration.
Cognos Global Professional Services can help you assess and understand the best way to proceed
with your migration to Cognos 8, with tools
• to assess your needs
• to assess your existing Cognos Series 7 environment
• to design the Cognos 8 environment that best meets your future needs

Understand How Cognos 8 is Different From Cognos Series 7

We recommend that you become familiar with Cognos 8 before you develop a migration plan.
Cognos 8 is different from Cognos Series 7. You should not use migration as a tool to educate you
on Cognos 8. If you do, your migration may simply re-create the same application in Cognos 8,
without taking advantage of new features and functionality.
Cognos 8 is built on the proven and scalable Web services architecture introduced with Cognos
ReportNet. This architecture supports a truly unified product suite, and it is the basis for future
development efforts at Cognos. Compared with Cognos Series 7, business users work differently
with Cognos 8:
• A single product provides all business intelligence capabilities: reporting, analysis, scorecards,
dashboards, business event management, and data integration. Users chose the capabilities
they need.
• Because metadata is defined once, users have a complete and consistent view of corporate
data. Users do not have to go to different products or locations to see different data.
• Individual users can choose the tools and information they need. They do not have to learn
generic tools designed for highly technical users. This flexible business intelligence meets the
needs of a greater variety of roles in the organization.
In addition to understanding the high-level concepts and benefits of Cognos 8, you should
understand the differences in features between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8. A direct mapping
for some features does not exist between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8. For example, in
PowerPlay, you can apply 80/20 suppression to data. Analysis Studio does not include this option.
However, the top and bottom filtering options in Analysis Studio provide greater control for
suppressing data and allow you to achieve similar results to 80/20 suppression in PowerPlay.

User Guide 11
Chapter 1: Where Do I Start?

Assess the Size and Complexity of Your Cognos Series 7 Application

We recommend that you complete a detailed assessment of your Cognos Series 7 applications
before migration. The size and complexity of your Cognos Series 7 applications are important
factors to consider when planning the migration. The total size of the applications has a
significant impact on the time required to complete the migration. You must understand the
complexity of your applications to set appropriate and accurate expectations for the migration. A
detailed assessment can take several weeks to complete for large applications.
You likely will not want to migrate Cognos Series 7 content that is rarely or never used. You can
use the auditing tools included with Cognos Series 7 to identify how often content is used. The
audits provide an objective view of the applications. Assessing and reducing the size of the
applications is a useful exercise even if you decide to not migrate. Do not rely only on user
feedback to determine which content is used.
The complexity of your applications determines how much work is required to refine the content
in Cognos 8. What proportion of the reports are basic list or crosstab reports? What proportion of
the reports use advanced features, such as drill-through to other applications, or complex
formatting? For some types of reports, a relatively minor amount of work is required to refine the
reports after migration. For more complex reports, you may want to recreate the content from
scratch, or make significant changes to migrated content, to take advantage of new features and
functionality in Cognos 8. Your experience with Cognos 8 will help you to understand
functionality mapping between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 and to decide if Cognos 8 offers a
better alternative for achieving the same results.

Identify How Cognos 8 Adds Value to Your Cognos Series 7 Application

We recommend that you work with your users to identify essential Cognos 8 functionality that
was not available in Cognos Series 7.
After you learn about Cognos 8 and assess your Cognos Series 7 applications, you will realize that
you do not want to use migration to simply replicate your Cognos Series 7 applications in Cognos
8. You want to take advantage of the benefits of Cognos 8 while leveraging the investment you
have in Cognos Series 7 applications.
• List the critical features in Cognos Series 7 applications. Are these features available in
Cognos 8? Do the migration tools map the feature to Cognos 8, or do you have to re-create
the feature after migration? If direct mapping in Cognos 8 does not exist, can you achieve
similar results in a different way in Cognos 8?
• List the essential Cognos 8 features that were unavailable in Cognos Series 7. Can you add
these features as enhancements to a migrated report? Should you create new reports that use
the features?
By comparing and listing important features with your users, you can start to identify which
Cognos Series 7 content is a good candidate for migration. You should migrate content if most
features map from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8, if the migration tools preserve all or most of the
feature, and if you find it easier to enhance the migrated report with Cognos 8 features than to
re-create the report.

What to Expect When You Move Content from Cognos Series

7 to Cognos 8
Because of differences in product architecture and functionality, it is not possible to simply reuse
Cognos Series 7 metadata or applications in Cognos 8. Cognos provides migration and upgrade
tools to help you take advantage of investments you have made in Cognos Series 7. However, to
successfully move to Cognos 8, in addition to using the migration and upgrade tools, there is
additional work required to prepare for the migration, and to test and refine the migrated content
in Cognos 8. For more information, see "The Migration and Upgrade Process" (p. 17).
As part of the migration planning process, we recommend that you move a subset of your
Cognos Series 7 content and then assess the results and the amount of work required to refine the
content in Cognos 8. Sometimes only minor updates, such as formatting changes, are required in
Cognos 8. In other cases you may find that a Cognos Series 7 feature that is important to you is
not available in Cognos 8.

12 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 1: Where Do I Start?

After testing the migration and upgrade process with a subset of your Cognos Series 7 content,
you can decide if reusing the content saves time when developing a Cognos 8 application or if it is
more efficient to re-create the application in Cognos 8.
There are some differences between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 that can affect how
Cognos Series 7 content appears after migration or upgrade to Cognos 8. Examples of these
differences include default settings, report formatting, and language support. General
considerations for various migration scenarios are described in the following sections.

Cognos Series 7 Products and Components Migrated With

You can migrate and upgrade the following products and components to Cognos 8 using the
migration and upgrade tools.

You can migrate Impromptu catalogs and reports to Cognos 8. You use migrated catalogs as a
metadata source for Framework Manager. After completing the catalog migration process, you
can migrate and deploy Impromptu reports.

You can upgrade PowerPlay Web Explorer reports to Cognos 8 using the migration and upgrade
tools. This release of the migration and upgrade tools is only for reports created with PowerPlay
Web Explorer. You cannot use the migration and upgrade tools to migrate PowerPlay for
Windows reports, or PowerPlay for Windows reports published to PowerPlay Web.
Cognos 8 supports the use of cubes as a data source. You do not have to migrate or upgrade cubes
used in Cognos Series 7. However, before deploying upgraded PowerPlay Web Explorer reports in
Cognos 8, you must do the following:
• Create data source connections for the cubes associated with the reports.
• Use the cube data sources in a Framework Manager model.
• Publish a separate Framework Manager package for each cube.
Use the cube name as the package name. For example, if the reports use a cube named Great
Outdoors, name the package Great Outdoors. By using the cube name for the package name,
you do not have to edit the nameMap.xml to ensure correct package mapping.
• Check package mapping.
Database signons are not migrated or upgraded. If required, you must add the database signons in
Cognos 8.
You can continue to use Cognos Series 7 Transformer to build and maintain the PowerCubes used
in Cognos 8. You can also use Cognos 8 OLAP Builder to create and maintain cubes for Cognos
For more information about using cubes in Cognos 8, see the Cognos 8 Administration and
Security Guide.
There are two methods for upgrading PowerPlay Web Explorer reports:
• You can use the migration and upgrade tools to upgrade a set of PowerPlay Web Explorer
reports from the Cognos Series 7 environment to the Cognos 8 environment.
• If you already published PowerPlay reports from Cognos Series 7 version 3 (7.3) MR3 to
Cognos 8, and the Cognos 8 migration tools are installed, you can upgrade individual reports
from Cognos 8 Cognos Connection. To use this option, in Cognos Connection, select either
Open with Analysis Studio or Open with Report Studio from the available actions, and then
save the report. The report is upgraded to the studio you used to open the report. The original
PowerPlay report is still available in Cognos Connection. You must enable PowerPlay report
upgrade capability in Cognos Connection before you can use this option.
The migration and upgrade tools attempt to preserve as much of the report structure,
functionality, and formatting as possible from the original report. However, there may be
differences between the original and upgraded versions of reports.

User Guide 13
Chapter 1: Where Do I Start?

The target Cognos 8 applications for PowerPlay Web Explorer reports are Analysis Studio and
Report Studio. By default, reports are migrated to Analysis Studio. Because equivalent report
features may be available in only one of the target studios, the deploytoc8 command includes
options for mapping reports to the most appropriate studio.
If after you upgrade reports to Analysis Studio you find that functionality is missing in some
reports, run the upgrade tools again to upgrade the reports to Report Studio. If Analysis Studio
was not the appropriate target studio, opening the report in Report Studio does not restore lost
functionality. You must repeat the upgrade process and specify Report Studio as the target studio.

You can migrate Upfront content to Cognos 8. The migration process maps the Upfront content
structure to a Cognos Connection folder structure. By preserving the existing Upfront
organization, it is easier to complete administrative tasks, such as applying security to the
migrated content.

Impromptu Web Reports

You can migrate Impromptu Web Reports to Cognos 8. You migrate Impromptu Web Reports
using a Cognos Series 7 Deployment Manager package as the migration source. Before you
migrate Impromptu Web Reports you must migrate the Impromptu catalog metadata used by the
Note: PowerPrompts are not migrated, but you can implement similar functionality using the
Cognos 8 Software Development Kit.

You can migrate Architect models for use as a metadata source for Framework Manager.

You can include Cognos Series 7 security information when you migrate Cognos Web-based
content in Upfront. The Cognos Series 7 migration tool has options for including access control
list (ACL) information from Upfront in the migration package.
By default, the migratetoc8 process generates an ACL report that shows the security settings by
user class for all Upfront objects. This report can help you replicate the Cognos Series 7 security in
Cognos 8. If Cognos 8 is configured to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7, another
option is to migrate ACL definitions. When you migrate ACL definitions, the migrated content
maintains the original security settings in Cognos 8.
The migration process supports Access Manager namespace schema version 15.2 or later.
If you configure Cognos 8 to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7, you maintain other
security settings:
• Impromptu catalog security such as table filters and access permissions, including when these
security settings are inherited in an Impromptu report. The user classes in the catalog must
exist in the Cognos Series 7 namespace.
• Architect model security
Migration does not include database signons.
If you decide to change authentication sources, we recommend that you use the Cognos 8
namespace groups and roles when applying application-level security. You then manage the
membership of these Cognos namespace groups and roles using the users, groups, and roles from
your authentication source.
This method ensures that you must redefine the memberships for the Cognos namespace groups
and roles only if the authentication source changes.
For more information, see the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.

14 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 1: Where Do I Start?

Cognos Series 7 Products and Components Not Migrated

With Tools
The following Cognos Series 7 products and components are not migrated by the migration and
upgrade tools. However, you can duplicate most content or functionality in Cognos 8.

Cognos Query
The migration and upgrade tools do not move Cognos Query objects to Cognos 8. The migration
log file identifies Cognos Query objects found in the migration source.
You can duplicate most Cognos Query functionality in Cognos 8. Foundation queries are
available in Cognos 8 when you migrate an Architect model. Also, you can manually replicate
saved queries using SQL components in Report Studio.

Cognos Visualizer
The migration and upgrade tools do not move Cognos Visualizer objects to Cognos 8. You can
duplicate most Cognos Visualizer functionality using the charting, layout, and formatting options
in Analysis Studio or Report Studio.

Cognos NoticeCast
The migration and upgrade tools do not move Cognos NoticeCast objects to Cognos 8. You can
duplicate most alert and notification functionality using Event Studio.

Cognos Web Services

The migration and upgrade tools do not move Cognos Web Services objects to Cognos 8. You can
duplicate most Cognos Web Services functionality using the Cognos 8 Software Development Kit.

The migration and upgrade tools do not move CognosScript objects to Cognos 8. You can
duplicate automation functionality using the Cognos 8 Software Development Kit.

Cognos Portal Services

The migration and upgrade tools do not move Cognos Portal Services objects to Cognos 8. You
can duplicate most Cognos Portal Services functionality using Cognos Connection.

User Guide 15
Chapter 1: Where Do I Start?

16 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 2: The Migration and Upgrade Process

To ensure that you achieve the expected results when you move metadata and applications from
Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8, complete a thorough initial research and planning before you use
the migration and upgrade tools. After you use the tools to move the Cognos Series 7 content to
the Cognos 8 environment, you need to test and refine the applications.
You can move content only from Cognos Series 7 version 2 (7.1) or version 3 (7.3) to Cognos 8. If
you are using an earlier version of Cognos Series 7, you must upgrade the software and data to
Cognos Series 7 version 2 or version 3 before the migration and upgrade to Cognos 8. Because
PowerPlay is part of Cognos 8, moving PowerPlay reports from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8 is
considered an upgrade. Moving other Cognos Series 7 content to Cognos 8 is considered a
Note: The report specification has changed between Cognos ReportNet 1.1 and Cognos 8. You
must use the Cognos ReportNet 1.1 version of the migration tools to move Cognos Series 7
content to Cognos ReportNet 1.1. You cannot use the migration tools described in this document
to migrate Architect models, Impromptu catalogs, or Impromptu reports to Cognos ReportNet
1.1. You cannot migrate Cognos Series 7 Web-based content (PowerPlay, Impromptu Web
Reports, Upfront) to Cognos ReportNet 1.1. The previous versions of the migration tools are
available from the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site.
The following table describes what tool you need to migrate different applications to Cognos

Migration source Migration tool

Architect models Cognos ReportNet 1.1 Architect
Metadata Migration Tool

Impromptu catalogs and Cognos ReportNet 1.1

reports Impromptu Migration Tools
(impcat2xml, migratetocrn,

PowerPlay Not supported. Cognos does not

provide migration tools to move
PowerPlay content to Cognos

Impromptu Web Not supported. Cognos does not

Reports provide migration tools to move
Impromptu Web Reports content
to Cognos ReportNet.

Upfront Not supported. Cognos does not

provide migration tools to move
Upfront content to Cognos

User Guide 17
Chapter 2: The Migration and Upgrade Process

The following table describes what tool you need to migrate different applications to Cognos 8
Business Intelligence.

Migration source Migration tool

Architect models Cognos 8 Architect Metadata
Migration Tool (arch2xml)

Impromptu catalogs and Cognos 8 Migration Tools

reports (impcat2xml, migratetoc8,

PowerPlay Cognos 8 Migration Tools

(migratetoc8, deploytoc8)

Impromptu Web Reports Cognos 8 Migration Tools

(migratetoc8, deploytoc8)

Upfront Cognos 8 Migration Tools

(migratetoc8, deploytoc8)

You can migrate or upgrade the following types of content to all supported Cognos 8 platforms
except Linux or Hewlett-Packard Itanium:
• Cognos Series 7 Web-based content, such as PowerPlay Web Explorer and Impromptu Web
Reports reports, from Windows and UNIX
• Impromptu reports and catalogs from Windows
• Architect models from Windows
Cognos Services offer a variety of support options for migration and upgrade, including both
planning and implementation services. For more information about migration and upgrade
services, visit the Cognos Global Customer Services Web site (http://support.cognos.com).
The migration and upgrade process consists of the following steps:
❑ Familiarize yourself with the overall migration and upgrade process and considerations.
Some steps in the migration and upgrade process are different from other tasks that you
perform in a Cognos environment. However, you will be familiar with many of the tasks you
perform before and after you use the migration and upgrade tools.
Some Cognos Series 7 content is not migrated or upgraded to Cognos 8 by the tools. Review
the migration and upgrade considerations (p. 13) to understand which products, components,
and functionality are covered by migration and upgrade.
❑ Recruit people with the appropriate knowledge to assist with the migration and upgrade
In addition to product knowledge of both Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8, you need
knowledge about other details of the Cognos environment such as data sources and security.
Cognos Consulting Services can help with your migration and upgrade. For more
information, contact your local services manager, visit http://support.cognos.com/consulting,
or send an email to [email protected].
❑ Set expectations about the migration and upgrade process (p. 12).
The migration and upgrade tools help you take advantage of investments in Cognos Series 7
applications. However, the use of these tools is only one part of the migration and upgrade
process. For all migrations and upgrades, there is additional work to prepare for the
migration. Also, you must test and refine the migrated content in Cognos 8 before you make
the content available to users.
❑ Review the Cognos Series 7 applications and identify the parts to migrate and upgrade.

18 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 2: The Migration and Upgrade Process

Work with data modelers, report authors, and report consumers to identify the content for
migration and upgrade to Cognos 8. If auditing is enabled for Cognos Series 7 products, you
can use the audit information to determine content use patterns. Do not migrate or upgrade
content unless you identified a need for the content to be available in Cognos 8. Do not
migrate or upgrade content that will be a duplicate of content already available in the
Cognos 8 environment. In some cases you can reduce the number of reports by using
Cognos 8 functionality such as bursting, prompts, and support for multiple languages.
Note: The migration and upgrade tools do not fix errors in the Cognos Series 7 content.
Ensure that metadata and reports do not include errors before migration or upgrade to
Cognos 8. For example,
• run the Cognos Series 7 user cleanup tool from Cognos Series 7 Upfront Server
Administration to identify and delete invalid resources from the Upfront content store.
This tool will delete Personal NewsBoxes and content related to users that were deleted
from Access Manager.
For more information, see the Upfront Server Administrator Guide.
• run the Cognos Series 7 PowerPlay administration tool ppserver -ppx to identify unused
or corrupt PowerPlay .ppx files. You can use errors in the command output to identify
content that cannot be found or read by the migration and upgrade tools. If you don’t
delete this invalid content, there will be errors when you create a Deployment Manager
For more information, see the Cognos Series 7 Solution Installation Guide.
• ensure that the Cognos Series 7 Deployment Manager package is free from errors before
using the package as a migration source. Deployment Manager errors will identify
problems such as NewsItems with invalid gateway URL references, or content providers
that were not available. These errors can cause problems if not corrected before
For more information, see the Deployment Manager User Guide.
❑ Using the appropriate migration and upgrade tools, move a representative subset of your
metadata and applications to a Cognos 8 test environment.
Test the migration and upgrade process to understand how the content will appear in
Cognos 8 and the amount of work required to refine the content. Migrate and test reports in
both Analysis Studio and Report Studio to determine which studio is the most appropriate
target for your application. Feedback from this testing stage provides the best time and
resource requirements for the migration and upgrade process and will help you develop your
project plan.
Another option for testing the migration and upgrade process is to use the samples installed
with Cognos Series 7. By default, the Cognos Series 7 samples are installed in C:\Program
❑ Develop a plan for completing the migration and upgrade.
Based on the review of the Cognos Series 7 applications and the results of the testing, develop
a detailed plan for moving metadata and applications to Cognos 8. One option is to move
subsets of the Cognos Series 7 content based on specific business requirements.
❑ Migrate metadata and applications to the Cognos 8 production environment.
❑ Test and refine the content.
Work with data modelers, report authors, and report consumers to test and refine the
migrated and upgraded content.
Instead of attempting to maintain the same metadata and applications in both Cognos Series 7
and Cognos 8 environments, consider the move to Cognos 8 as a one-time process. After you
move the Cognos Series 7 metadata and applications to Cognos 8, encourage modelers and users
to adopt Cognos 8. Otherwise, to synchronize Cognos 8 with changes in Cognos Series 7, you
must repeat the migration and upgrade process, including the work required to refine the
Cognos Series 7 content in Cognos 8.

User Guide 19
Chapter 2: The Migration and Upgrade Process

20 Migration and Upgrade

PART 2: Migrating and Upgrading
Cognos Series 7 Content to Cognos 8

User Guide 21
22 Migration and Upgrade
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

This chapter discusses migrating metadata from Architect and Impromptu. You can skip this
chapter if are only upgrading PowerPlay.
You can migrate Architect models and Impromptu catalogs for use as metadata sources in
Framework Manager. The metadata migration tools export the Cognos Series 7 metadata to an
XML format file. In Cognos 8, you can use the XML file as a metadata source in a Framework
Manager model.
For information about working with metadata in Cognos 8, see the Framework Manager
Guidelines for Modeling Metadata.
Cognos 8 supports the use of Cognos PowerCubes as a data source. Unlike Architect models or
Impromptu catalogs, you do not have to export PowerCubes to an XML format file to use the
metadata in Cognos 8. After you create a data source connection to the PowerCube in Cognos
Connection or Framework Manager, you can use the PowerCube as a metadata source for new or
existing Framework Manager projects. For more information about using cubes in Cognos 8, see
the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.
If Cognos 8 is configured to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7, and you select the
Cognos Series 7 namespace when you import the migrated metadata into Framework Manager,
security settings remain the same. Otherwise, you can still migrate and import the metadata.
However, the metadata does not include security which must be applied after importing the
migrated metadata into Cognos 8.
To migrate metadata from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8, complete the following steps:
❑ Ensure that supported versions of Cognos products are installed and working correctly on the
source and target computers.
For more information, see "The Migration and Upgrade Process" (p. 17).
❑ Test the Cognos Series 7 metadata to ensure that the Architect models and Impromptu
catalogs do not contain errors that may cause problems after migration to Cognos 8.
The migration tools do not correct errors in the Cognos Series 7 metadata. Exporting models
or catalogs that contain errors or functionality not supported in Cognos 8 can cause
unexpected results when you use the metadata in Framework Manager. Examples of tests that
you can use before migrating metadata include verifying the Architect models and generating
content overview reports for Impromptu catalogs.
❑ Ensure that Framework Manager and Architect use the same locale settings. Otherwise, locale
specific data formats, such as list and decimal separators, may be invalid.
To determine the locale settings for the Architect model, use Cognos Series 7 Access Manager
Administration to view the regional settings of the default namespace. The Architect model
uses the same settings. For more information, see the Access Manager Administrator Guide. If
the Framework Manager and Architect locale settings are different, you must temporarily
change the settings on the Architect computer to run the arch2xml tool (p. 25).
For more information about configuring the design language in Framework Manager and
troubleshooting expression syntax errors, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
❑ Install the required migration tools on the source computers.
For more information see the Migration and Upgrade Installation Guide.
❑ Export the Cognos Series 7 metadata to XML format.
Use the appropriate migration tool to export Architect models (p. 25) and Impromptu
catalogs (p. 27) to XML format files.
❑ Import the metadata into Framework Manager (p. 31).
❑ Create data source connections in Cognos 8 (p. 31).

User Guide 23
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

❑ Test the imported metadata (p. 32).

For more information, see the Framework Manager User Guide. If you are not familiar with
working with metadata in Cognos 8, see the Framework Manager Guidelines for Modeling
The following diagram shows the workflow for migrating Cognos Series 7 metadata to Cognos 8.








Common Pre-migration Tasks

To provide the most effective mapping to Cognos 8 functionality, and to reduce the amount of
work required to refine the Cognos Series 7 data after migration to Cognos 8, review the
following tasks and complete the tasks that apply to you.

Test the Cognos Series 7 Metadata

If you are not familiar with the Architect models and Impromptu catalogs, test the metadata and
correct errors before running the migration tools. The migration tools do not correct errors in the
Cognos Series 7 metadata.

Ensure That Impromptu Catalog Includes Appropriate Key Settings

If the Impromptu catalog does not include appropriate key settings, when you import the
metadata into Framework Manager, all numeric items without a key map to facts. This can cause
unexpected results such as summarizing instead of grouping a column in a report.
Before exporting the catalog, review tables to ensure that the appropriate keys are set.

24 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

For more information, see "Unexpected Sorting of Grouped Items for Migrated Impromptu
Report" (p. 133).

Temporarily Change the Locale Settings on the Architect Computer

If the Framework Manager design language is different from the locale settings on the Architect
computer, locale specific data formats, such as list and decimal separators, may be invalid after
you import the migrated metadata into Framework Manager. To prevent this problem, you must
temporarily change the locale settings on the Architect computer to use the same settings as the
Framework Manager computer before you run the arch2xml command.
1. On the Architect computer, open Configuration Manager and go to Architect.General
Properties.Locale Mode
2. The temporary configuration change depends on the Locale Mode setting:
• If the Standalone option is used, close Configuration Manager, and then change the locale
in the Windows Regional Settings.
• If the Suite option is used, change the setting to Standalone, apply the change, and then
change the locale in the Windows Regional Settings.
3. Run the arch2xml command to export the Architect models.
4. Reverse the temporary locale configuration changes on the Architect computer.

Export Architect Models

You can export Architect models for use as a metadata source in Framework Manager.
To export a single Architect model, run the arch2xml command specifying appropriate
parameters. You can export multiple models at the same time using a batch file. The output is an
XML format file that you can use as a metadata source in Framework Manager. We recommend
that you work from a backup copy of the model. If you use the original model, ensure that all
objects are checked in and that the model is not open.
To export models, a supported version of Cognos Series 7 Architect including ObjectStore, and
the arch2xml migration tool must be installed on the same computer. For information about
installing the arch2xml tool, see the Migration and Upgrade Installation Guide.
For more information about using the arch2xml tool and for command line examples, see
"arch2xml" (p. 26).
Before you use the arch2xml tool, print a copy of the migration worksheet (p. 139) and record the
information you need to complete the migration process, such as the values you use on the
command line.

Steps for One Model

1. Open a command prompt window and go to the bin directory of the Cognos Series 7
installation. For example, C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin.
2. Run the arch2xml command with the appropriate parameters (p. 26).
Ensure that the command line includes the appropriate parameters including authentication
3. When the export process is complete, confirm that the XML file is in the target location.

Steps for Multiple Models

1. Create a batch file that includes a command line for each model that you want to export.
Ensure that each command line includes the appropriate parameters including authentication
2. Save the batch file to the bin location where you installed the arch2xml migration tool. For
example, C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin.
To run the batch file from a different location each command line must include the full path
for the arch2xml tool.
3. Run the batch file.

User Guide 25
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

4. When the export process is complete, confirm that the XML files are in the target location.
The export of the Architect models is complete. Transfer the XML files to a Cognos 8 Framework
Manager computer for use as a metadata source. After you create the required data source
connections (p. 31), import the XML files into Framework Manager (p. 31).
For information about correcting common errors, see "Troubleshooting" (p. 123).

The arch2xml migration tool converts an Architect model to an XML format file that you can use
as a metadata source in Framework Manager. The migration tool does not change the .cem file.
You can run the arch2xml migration tool directly from a command prompt window to export a
single model (p. 25) or you can run the tool using a batch file to export multiple models (p. 25).

The syntax to run the arch2xml migration tool is:
arch2xml -options source_location target_location
All parameters are case sensitive.

Parameter Description
-h Shows a description of the parameters. To use this option, do
not specify source or target.
source_location Specifies the directory that contains the model to migrate.
You can specify a file path on the local file system or a UNC
file path to a directory or file on another server. You can use
slash (/) or backslash (\) as delimiters of path segments. Enclose
any path in double quotation marks (" ") if any file or
directory names in the path contain spaces.
target_location Specifies the output location and file name for the exported
XML file.
The target directory must be a directory path on the local file
system, or a UNC file path to a directory on another server.
The directory must already exist and you must have write
permissions to the directory.
Do not use the same directory for both source and target.
You can use slash (/) or backslash (\) as delimiters of path
segments in the command line. Enclose the path in double
quotation marks (" ") if any directory names contain spaces.
If an XML file that uses the same file name already exists in
the target location, the migration process replaces the existing
-U user ID Specifies the Access Manager user who has access rights to the
If you do not specify a user for a secured model, the migration
process will prompt you for a user ID and password.
If you are migrating several models, you can omit the
authentication information from the command line by logging
on to Architect before running the arch2xml command.
-P password Specifies the password for the Access Manager user who has
access to the model.

26 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

Parameter Description
-q Optional
Suppresses the display of progress messages during the export

Example: Display the arch2xml Command Help

Use the following command to display information about the arch2xml command syntax and
arch2xml -h

Example: Export an Unsecured Model

The following command example exports an unsecured model:
arch2xml C:\models\gomodel.cem C:\exported_models\gomodel.xml

Example: Export a Secured Model

The following command example exports a secured model:
arch2xml -U admin -P password C:\models\gomodel.cem

Example: Export Multiple Models

The following command example uses a batch file saved to the same location as the arch2xml
migration tool to export multiple models. The batch file includes a command line for each model
you want to export.
arch2xml -U admin -P password C:\models\gosalesregion1.cem
arch2xml -U admin -P password C:\models\gosalesregion2.cem
arch2xml -U admin -P password C:\models\gosalesregion3.cem

Example: Export Multiple Secured Models

The following command example exports multiple models using a batch file saved to a location
different from the arch2xml migration tool. The batch file includes a command line for each
model you want to export.
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\arch2xml
-U admin -P
password C:\models\gosalesregion1.cem C:\exported_models\gosalesregion1.xml
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\arch2xml
-U admin -P
password C:\models\gogosalesregion2.cem C:\exported_models\gosalesregion2.xml
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\arch2xml
-U admin -P
password C:\models\gosalesregion3.cem C:\exported_models\gosalesregion3.xml

Export Impromptu Catalogs

You can export Impromptu catalogs for use as a metadata source in Framework Manager.
If you are migrating Impromptu reports, you must migrate catalogs to support the report
migration. You can use a single tool to migrate both the Impromptu catalog and the reports. You
do not have to first run the impcat2xml tool to migrate the catalog. For more information, see
"Migrating Applications" (p. 35).
To export a single Impromptu catalog, you run the impcat2xml command specifying appropriate
parameters. You can export multiple catalogs at the same time using a batch file. The output is an
XML format file that you can use as a metadata source in Framework Manager. We recommend
that you work from a backup copy of the catalog. If you use the original catalog, ensure that the
catalog is not open.

User Guide 27
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

Review the Impromptu catalog mapping information (p. 59) to understand what to expect when
you export a catalog for use as metadata in Framework Manager. Also, identify the name and
location of the catalogs you want to migrate.
To export an Impromptu catalog:
• Cognos Series 7 version 2 (7.1) or version 3 (7.3) Impromptu Administrator or later and the
Cognos Series 7 migration tool must be installed on the same computer. For information
about installing the Cognos Series 7 migration tool, see the Migration and Upgrade
Installation Guide.
• Access Manager Runtime must be configured
For more information about using the impcat2xml tool, and command line examples, see
"impcat2xml" (p. 28).
Before you use the impcat2xml tool, print a copy of the migration worksheet (p. 139) and record
the information you need to complete the migration process, such as the values you will use on the
command line.

Steps for One Catalog

1. Open a command prompt window and go to the migs7 directory of the migration tool
installation. For example, if you installed the migration tool to the default Cognos Series 7
version 3 location, go to C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\migs7.
2. Run the impcat2xml command with the appropriate parameters (p. 28).
If the catalog is secured and you do not provide a user ID and password in the command, the
migration process prompts you for authentication information.
3. When the export process is complete, confirm that the XML file is in the target location and
review the log file for warnings and errors.

Steps for Multiple Catalogs

1. Create a batch file that includes a command line for each catalog that you want to export.
Ensure that each command line includes the appropriate parameters including authentication
2. Save the batch file to the migs7 directory where you installed the impcat2xml migration tool.
For example, if you installed the migration tool to the default Cognos Series 7 version 3
location, save the batch file in C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\migs7.
To run the batch file from a different location each command line must include the full path
for the impcat2xml migration tool.
3. Run the batch file.
4. When the export process is complete, confirm that the XML files are in the target location
and review the log file for warnings and errors.
The export of the Impromptu catalogs is complete. Transfer the XML files to a Framework
Manager computer for use as a metadata source. After you create the required data source
connections (p. 31), import the XML file into Framework Manager (p. 31).
For information about correcting common errors, see "Troubleshooting" (p. 123).

The impcat2xml migration tool converts an Impromptu catalog to an XML format file that you
can use as a metadata source in Framework Manager. The migration tool does not change the .cat

The syntax to run the impcat2xml migration tool is:
impcat2xml -options catalog_location output_location

28 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

All parameters are case sensitive.

Parameter Description
-h Shows a description of the parameters. To use this option, do
not specify source or target.
catalog_location Specifies the directory that contains the catalog to migrate.
You can specify a file path on the local file system or a UNC
file path to a directory or file on another server. You can use
slash (/) or backslash (\) as delimiters of path segments. Enclose
any path in double quotation marks (" ") if any file or
directory names in the path contain spaces.
output_location Specifies the output location and file name for the exported
XML file.
The target directory must be a directory path on the local file
system, or a UNC file path to a directory on another server.
The directory must already exist and you must have write
permissions to the directory.
Do not use the same directory for both source and target.
You can use slash (/) or backslash (\) as delimiters of path
segments in the command line. Enclose the path in double
quotation marks (" ") if any directory names contain spaces.
If an XML file that uses the same file name already exists in
the target location, the migration process replaces the existing
-n user_class Specifies the user class to use to log on to the catalog. If this
parameter is not specified, the Creator name is assumed. If you
use a localized version of Impromptu, ensure that you specify
the localized Creator name. For example, use Ersteller for
German and Auteur for French.
Specify either a Creator name and password, or an Access
Manager user and password. You do not have to specify both.
-p password Specifies the password for the Impromptu catalog user profile.
The default is no password. Errors occur if you do not provide
the password for a password-protected user profile.
-U user ID Specifies the Access Manager user name for the default
namespace. Specify either a Creator name and password, or an
Access Manager user name and password. You do not have to
specify both.
-P password Specifies the Access Manager user password for the default
-i Optional
Specifies which Impromptu Automation server to use when
there is more than one version on the computer.

-L location\file name Optional

Writes progress messages to the specified file.
-q Optional
Suppresses the display of progress messages during the export
process. Errors and warnings still appear in the log file.

User Guide 29
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

Parameter Description
-e Optional
Specifies the character set encoding to use when writing the
exported XML file.

Example: Display the impcat2xml Command Help

Use the following command to display information about the impcat2xml command syntax and
impcat2xml -h

Example: Export an Unsecured Catalog

The following command example exports an unsecured catalog:
impcat2xml C:\catalogs\gosales.cat

Example: Export a Secured Catalog

The following command example exports a catalog that is secured using Access Manager:
impcat2xml -U admin -P password C:\catalogs\gosales.cat

Example: Export a Secured Catalog from a Network Location

The following command example exports a secured catalog from a local location to a shared
network location:
impcat2xml -U admin -P password C:\catalogs\gosales.cat

Example: Export a Secured Catalog with User Profile Logon Information

The following command example exports a secured catalog using the authentication information
required for the Systems user profile:
impcat2xml -n Systems -p password C:\catalogs\gosales.cat

Example: Export a Catalog from a German Version of Impromptu

The following command example exports a catalog from a German version of Impromptu using
the authentication information required for the Ersteller user class (Creator user class):
impcat2xml -n Ersteller -p"" C:\catalogs\gosales.cat

Example: Export Multiple Catalogs Using a Batch File

The following command example exports multiple catalogs using a batch file saved to the same
location as the impcat2xml migration tool. The batch file includes a command line for each
catalog you want to export.
impcat2xml -U admin -P password C:\catalogs\gosalesregion1.cat
impcat2xml -U admin -P password C:\catalogs\gogosalesregion2.cat
impcat2xml -U admin -P password C:\catalogs\gosalesregion3.cat

Example: Export Multiple Secured Catalogs Using a Batch File

The following command example exports multiple catalogs using a batch file saved to a location
different from the impcat2xml migration tool. The batch file includes a command line, with the
path to the impcat2xml migration tool, for each catalog you want to export.
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\impcat2xml
-U admin
-P password C:\catalogs\gosalesregion1.cat C:\catalogs\gosalesregion1.xml

30 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\impcat2xml
-U admin
-P password C:\catalogs\gogosalesregion2.cat C:\catalogs\gosalesregion2.xml
C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin\impcat2xml
-U admin
-P password C:\catalogs\gosalesregion3.cat C:\catalogs\gosalesregion3.xml

Create Data Source Connections in Cognos 8

You must create data source connections in Cognos 8 for exported Architect models and
Impromptu catalogs.
You can create new data source connections in either Framework Manager or Cognos Connection
for the database. The data source connections must match the Cognos Series 7 connections. One
source for the Cognos Series 7 data source information is the cognos.ini file. By default, the
cognos.ini is created in the Cognos folder of the Cognos Series 7 installation location.
For instructions about creating data source connections in Cognos 8, see the Framework Manager
User Guide or the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.

Import Metadata into Framework Manager

You can import Cognos Series 7 metadata into a new project, or an existing project. You can
import more than one Architect or Impromptu metadata source into the same project.
To import an exported Architect model or Impromptu catalog into Framework Manager, the
XML format files you created with the arch2xml and impcat2xml tools must be in a location
accessible to the Framework Manager computer.
If Cognos 8 is configured to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7 and you want to maintain
security settings from Cognos Series 7, ensure that you select the Cognos Series 7 namespace when
importing the metadata.
For instructions about importing metadata, see the Framework Manager User Guide. If you are
not familiar with working with metadata in Cognos 8, see the Framework Manager Guidelines
for Modeling Metadata.

Common Post-migration Tasks

After importing the Cognos Series 7 metadata into Framework Manager you may have to
complete one or more tasks to prevent errors or unexpected results caused by differences in
functionality between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8.

Evaluate Filters in Imported Architect Metadata

You may have to update filter properties to achieve the expected results. For example, you want
the filter to be optional. Because Architect does not support optional filters, you must change the
filter properties in Framework Manager.

Review Cardinality in the Framework Manager Model

Examine and, if necessary, refine cardinality to ensure that the relationships correctly reflect your
users' reporting requirements. Cardinality in Framework Manager is inferred based on Cognos
Series 7 metadata relationships. You may be able to improve query processing time and
performance with further tuning.
You must recreate some relationships after you import the Cognos Series 7 metadata. We
recommend that you verify relationships when importing any type of metadata in Framework
Performance improvements may result from refining cardinalities related to databases that contain
the most frequently used tables and greatest row volumes.

User Guide 31
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

Support Reports Created Before Impromptu 6.0

Any report created with a version of Impromptu earlier than Impromptu 6.0 contains direct
references to the database table columns rather than the catalog folder item that the report author
selected in the query dialog. This behavior is different from the versions of Impromptu supported
for migration, Impromptu 7.1 and later. Opening the report in a later version of Impromptu does
not change this behavior in the report.
In the Framework Manager model created from the migrated catalog, the database table columns
are under the [Tables] namespace, and the catalog folder items are under the [Folders] namespace.
By default, the [Tables] namespace is hidden from report authors when the package is published.
This means that any direct references to the database table columns in the report created with a
version of Impromptu earlier than 6.0 do not resolve in package metadata. These references
display an error, for example "[Not Found: [db].[cat].[sch].[tbl].[col]]" in the migrated report.
The error is different depending upon the database architecture. To resolve this problem, unhide
the [Tables] namespace in package properties before publishing the package and deploying the
migrated reports.

Testing the Imported Metadata

After you import the metadata into Framework Manager, you must ensure that the metadata
migrated successfully.
The organization of the information in Framework Manager is similar to how it is organized in
the Architect model or Impromptu catalog. You can find most of the migrated information in the
Tables and Folders namespaces. Because some model and catalog features do not have equivalent
functionality in Framework Manager, you may see differences in the metadata.
For information about how Cognos Series 7 metadata objects are mapped to Framework
Manager, see "Architect Mapping" (p. 91) and "Impromptu Catalog Mapping" (p. 59).
For information about how to perform the following tests, see the Framework Manager User
❑ Test the data source connections.
❑ Verify the model to ensure that there are no invalid objects that can break queries in the
published package.
In Framework Manager, icons of broken objects indicate that an object has problems. If you
do not resolve these problems before report authors use the objects to create reports, they may
get unexpected results.
For more information, see "Problems Importing Metadata into Framework
Manager" (p. 126).
Continue to develop the project and then publish a Framework Manager package.

Publishing a Framework Manager Package

To make the migrated metadata available to report authors, and to support the migration of
Impromptu reports, you must publish a Framework Manager package to Cognos Connection.
To reduce the number of steps required to deploy migrated Impromptu reports, use the catalog file
name for the package you publish. For example, if the original Impromptu catalog is gosales.cat,
name the package gosales.cat.
For more information about publishing a package to Cognos 8, see the Framework Manager User
Test the published package by creating reports in the Cognos 8 studios.
After you complete the metadata migration and test the published package, you can migrate
Cognos Series 7 applications (p. 35).

32 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

Synchronize a Framework Manager Project with Updated

Cognos Series 7 Metadata
We recommend that you consider migration to Cognos 8 as a one-time process. After you migrate
Cognos Series 7 metadata to Cognos 8 you should only make changes to the metadata in Cognos
8 and freeze the Cognos Series 7 source. However, if you want to maintain the metadata in
Cognos Series 7 as well as Cognos 8, you can synchronize changes made in the original Architect
models and Impromptu catalogs with projects created from the migrated metadata. To do this you
must repeat the export process for the model or catalog and then synchronize the Framework
Manager project.
For information about copying projects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
Before you synchronize, ensure that you create a backup of the Framework Manager project and
the original exported XML file from your Architect model or Impromptu catalog.

1. Export the Architect model or Impromptu catalog using the same target XML file name that
you used for the original export.
2. Copy the XML file to the location used for the Framework Manager project, replacing the
original XML file.
3. In Framework Manager, synchronize the project.
For instructions, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
4. Ensure that the updates are reflected in your Framework Manager project.
Complete the same tests and updates you used when you originally imported the Cognos
Series 7 metadata.
The Framework Manager project includes the updates to the Cognos Series 7 metadata. Republish
the project to make the updates available to report authors.

User Guide 33
Chapter 3: Migrating Metadata

34 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

You can migrate some components of a Cognos Series 7 application to Cognos 8. For more
information about what is included when you migrate a Cognos Series 7 application, see "The
Migration and Upgrade Process" (p. 17).
To migrate applications from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8, complete the following steps:
❑ Ensure that supported versions of Cognos products are installed and working correctly on the
source and target computers (p. 17).
❑ Test the Cognos Series 7 applications to ensure that the applications do not contain errors.
The migration tools do not correct existing errors in the Cognos Series 7 application.
Exporting applications that contain errors can cause unexpected results.
❑ Install the required migration tools on Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 computers.
For information about installing the migration tools, see the Migration and Upgrade
Installation Guide.
❑ Prepare the migration source files (p. 37).
❑ Export the Cognos Series 7 applications to a migration package using the migratetoc8 tool
(p. 38).
❑ Move the migration package to Cognos 8 (p. 42).
❑ Ensure that the metadata required by Cognos Series 7 reports is available in Cognos 8.
Each migrated report must map to an existing published Framework Manager package
created from Cognos Series 7 metadata (Impromptu catalog or cube).
To support Impromptu report migration, you must first complete metadata migration (p. 23).
Do not use a package created from a migrated Architect model as the metadata source for
migrated Impromptu reports.
To support PowerPlay Web Explorer report upgrade, you must create a data source
connection in Cognos 8 to the related cubes and use the data source to create and publish a
package from Framework Manager.
❑ Deploy the applications in Cognos 8 (p. 43).
You can deploy the content automatically when you run the Cognos 8 migration tool, or
import the content later from a deployment archive (p. 46).
❑ Complete the migration by testing the migrated application, applying security if required, and
enabling access to report authors.
For information about working with the deployed content and deployment archives, see the
Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.
The following diagram shows the workflow for migrating Cognos Series 7 applications to
Cognos 8.

User Guide 35
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications







36 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Preparing the Application for Migration

To provide the most effective mapping to Cognos 8 functionality, and to reduce the amount of
work required to refine the Cognos Series 7 data after migration to Cognos 8, review the
following tasks and complete the tasks that apply to your application.

Set Schedules for Impromptu Web Reports

The save the result option is not available in Cognos 8 if the original Impromptu Web Reports
NewsItem did not have schedule settings.
To ensure that the save the result option is available in Cognos 8, set a schedule for Impromptu
Web Reports before migration.

Migrating Applications from UNIX

To migrate Cognos Series 7 applications on UNIX, you must transfer the content to a Windows
computer using a binary file transfer method.

Preparing the Migration Source

You can use one or more directories as the migration source. The content of the migration source
depends on the Cognos components you want to migrate.
• To migrate Web-based content from Upfront, PowerPlay Enterprise Server, and Impromptu
Web Reports, the migration source is one or more Deployment Manager packages.
You can use a directory as an alternative source for upgrading PowerPlay Web Explorer
• To migrate Impromptu reports, the migration source is a directory that contains the reports
and associated files, such as catalogs and linked graphics. To support the migration
processing, the catalogs used by the Impromptu reports must be in the same directory as the
How the migratetoc8 tool processes the source files depends on the contents of the source location
and the parameters you use with the migratetoc8 command. For example, the source location can
contain a combination of Deployment Manager package files (.dmp) and reports. When exporting
the content, you can process a single package, all packages, or only the reports.

Create the Migration Source Using a Deployment Manager Package

To migrate Cognos Series 7 Web-based content, you use a Cognos Series 7 Deployment Manager
package as the migration source. You use Deployment Manager to create the package, which
defines the components and objects that you want to migrate. To create the package, select the
providers and NewsBoxes that you want to migrate.
We recommend that you create the Deployment Manager package on the same computer where
you installed the Cognos Series 7 migration tools. For instructions about creating a Deployment
Manager package, see the Deployment Manager User Guide.
After you create the Deployment Manager package, you run the migratetoc8 command against
the .dmp file.
The package and packlet files must be located on the computer where you are running the
migratetoc8 command. If you created a Deployment Manager package for a distributed Cognos
Series 7 environment, the package and packlet files may be on more than one computer. In this
case you must complete the following additional steps using the package file (.dmp) to prepare the
migration source before running the migratetoc8 command. The .dmp file is an XML format file
that you can open and edit in a text or XML editor.

1. Open the .dmp file in a text or XML editor and search for class="packlet" to identify the
location of all packlets.

User Guide 37
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

The following is an example of an Impromptu Web Reports (IWR) packet location in a .dmp
mappingID="IWR.Map.L.AdminMarketing" class="packlet"
Other packlet types used in migration are PowerPlay Enterprise Server (PPES), Upfront, and
Access Manager (ACCMAN).
2. Copy the packlets, preserving the folder structure, to the computer where you are running the
migratetoc8 command.
3. In the .dmp file, modify the <SourceValue> for the location of the packlets to show the
correct location on the local computer.
4. Save the .dmp file.

Create the Migration Source Using a Directory Structure

To migrate Impromptu reports, you use a directory structure as the migration source. You can also
use a directory structure instead of the Deployment Manager package for upgrading PowerPlay
Web Explorer reports. You can use a single directory as the migration source. However, you may
want to create a directory structure to provide an initial organization when you deploy the
content to Cognos 8. For some applications, you must duplicate the original working directory
structure to support the migration of features such as linked graphics.
The migration source should contain the following files:
• .ppx format files for the PowerPlay Web Explorer reports
• .imr and .cat files for the Impromptu reports
• associated images such as .bmp and .jpeg files

1. Create the directory structure.
When you deploy the migrated content to Cognos 8, the folder names from the migration
source are used in Cognos Connection. Do not use _SUPPORT or _LOG for folder names.
The migratetoc8 process creates directories with these names in the target location. Errors
occur if the name already exists in the source or target location.
2. Copy reports and other required files to the directories.
You can use the working directories as the migration source. However, the migration tool
processes all content in the directories. You cannot migrate a subset of the reports.
You can now run the migratetoc8 tool against the migration source.

Create a Migration Package

You use the migratetoc8 tool to create a migration package that is compatible with Cognos 8. This
tool processes the Cognos Series 7 migration source (p. 37) and creates two versions of the
migration package: a set of directories and files, and a .zip format version of all the directories and
files. The .zip format version makes it easier to transfer the migration package if Cognos 8 is
installed on a different computer than Cognos Series 7.
Review the information about the migratetoc8 tool (p. 39) and identify the command line
parameters required to process the migration source. For example, to migrate secured content you
must know the required Access Manager logon information.
Before you run the migratetoc8 command, print a copy of the migration worksheet (p. 139) and
record the information you need to complete the migration process, such as the values you use on
the command line.

1. Create the source (p. 37) and target locations.
Tip: To make it easier to type the required command, do not use complex paths or folder

38 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

2. Open a command prompt window and go to the migs7 directory of the migration tool
installation. For example, if you installed the migration tool with Cognos Series 7 version 3,
the default location is C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\migs7.
3. Run the migratetoc8 migration tool with the appropriate parameters (p. 39).
You can use Ctrl+c to stop the migratetoc8 process.
If errors occur, view the migration log file for more information about warnings and errors.
The migration log file, viewMigrationLog.html, is located in the _LOG folder in the target
4. Check that the migration package contains the expected directories and files (p. 42).
The export is complete. You must run the deploytoc8 tool to complete the processing of the
migration package before using the content in Cognos 8 (p. 43). You cannot import contents of
the migration package directly into Cognos 8.
If Cognos 8 is installed on a different computer, the next step is to transfer the migration package
to the Cognos 8 computer for deployment (p. 42). If Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 are installed
on the same computer, you do not need to transfer files and you can continue by verifying the
package mapping (p. 43).
For information about correcting common errors, see "Troubleshooting" (p. 123).

The migratetoc8 tool does the following to create a migration package:
• sets up the migration environment
• creates a hierarchy of directories and files that contain information about the migration
source, including an XML file for each report and catalog
• creates a directory that contains images used in the reports
• creates log files in the target location
• creates a zip file of all of the content in the target location
For more information about installing the tool, see the Migration and Upgrade Installation Guide.
You can install and run the migratetoc8 tool only on Windows.

The syntax used to run the migratetoc8 migration tool is
migratetoc8 [options] <source>... <target>
All parameters are case sensitive.
You can specify more than one source directory. The source and target keywords are optional. If
you do not include these keywords, the last directory is the target and all other directories are
source locations.
While it is possible to specify more than one source location, we recommend that you export one
source location at a time to make it easier to troubleshoot errors.

Parameter Description
-h Shows a description of the parameters. To use this option, do
not specify the source or target.
<source> Specifies the directory that contains reports to be migrated, or
a Cognos Series 7 Deployment Manager package that
describes content that was published to Upfront. You can
specify more than one source location. Each source location
must be a file path on the local file system or a UNC file path
to a directory or file on another server. You can use slash (/)
or backslash (\) as delimiters of path segments. Enclose any
path in double quotation marks if any file or directory names
in the path contain spaces.

User Guide 39
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Parameter Description
<target> Specifies the parent folder for the migration package created
by the migratetoc8 process. The migratetoc8 process creates a
new folder in the target location with the following name
Existing content in the target location is not deleted or
The target directory must be a directory path on the local file
system, or a UNC file path to a directory on another server.
You must have write permissions to an existing target
directory, or you must have permissions to create a new
directory if the specified target does not exist.
Do not use the same directory for both source and target. Do
not use _SUPPORT as the name of the target location. The
migratetoc8 tool creates a directory named _SUPPORT in the
target location. Errors occur if the name already exists.
You can use slash (/) or backslash (\) as delimiters of path
segments in the command line. Enclose the path in double
quotation marks if any directory names contain spaces.
-u Specifies the user class to use to log on to the catalog. If this
parameter is not specified, the Creator name is assumed. If
you use a localized version of Impromptu, ensure that you
specify the localized Creator name. For example, use Ersteller
for German and Auteur for French. If you specify a user class
other than Creator, some report objects may not be available
as expected in the migrated reports.
Specify either a user class and password, or an Access
Manager user and password. You do not have to specify
-p Specifies the password for the Impromptu catalog user
profile. The default is no password. Errors occur if you do
not provide the password for a password-protected user
-U user_ID Specifies a user name from the Cognos Series 7 namespace. If
you do not provide logon information on the command line
for secured content, you may be prompted for the
information during the migratetoc8 process.
For Impromptu catalogs, specify either a Creator name and
password, or an Access Manager user and password. You do
not have to specify both.
-P user_password Specifies the user password.
-d Specifies that Deployment Manager packages in the source
directories are not included in migratetoc8 processing.
-e encoding Specifies the character set encoding to use when writing the
exported XML file.
-i server_name Specifies which Impromptu Automation server to use when
there is more than one version installed on the computer.

40 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Parameter Description
-r rendition Specifies the Cognos rendition name to use when there is
more than one version of Impromptu installed on the
--acl strategy Specifies that access control list (ACL) information for
Upfront content is included in the migratetoc8 processing.
You can specify one of the following strategies:
• 0 = Do not generate ACL report or migrate ACL
• 1 (default) = Generate ACL report but do not migrate
ACL definitions.
• 2 = Generate ACL report and migrate ACL definitions.
To use this option, you must configure Cognos 8 to use
the same namespace as Cognos Series 7 and you must
provide the namespace ID on the command line.
For more information about the options for migrating ACL
information, see "Security" (p. 85).
-N namespace_ID Specifies the Cognos 8 namespace to use as the source of
contact user ID and security. You can obtain the namespace
ID from namespace properties in Cognos Configuration.
-q Optional
Suppresses the display of progress messages during the export
process. Errors and warnings still appear in the log file.

Example: Export a Deployment Manager Package

The following command exports a specific Deployment Manager package. The migration tool
does not process other content in the same location.
migratetoc8 -U admin -P password

Example: Export One or Multiple Deployment Manager Packages

If you do not specify a package definition, the migration tool processes all package definitions in
the source directory. The migration tool does not export reports in the same directory.
migratetoc8 -U admin -P password C:\Cognos\cer4\packages\migration

Example: Export the Contents of a Directory

Use the -d parameter to exclude Deployment Manager packages from the migratetoc8 processing.
The migration tool exports only reports.
migratetoc8 -d C:\Cognos\reports C:\Migration\output

Example: Export the Contents of Multiple Directories

Use the -d parameter to exclude Deployment Manager packages from the migratetoc8 processing.
migratetoc8 -d --source C:\Cognos\regionA_reports
C:\Cognos\regionB_reports C:\Cognos\regionC_reports
--target C:\Migration\output

Example: Export Using a Specific Rendition When More Than One Version of Cognos
Series 7 is Installed
Use the -r parameter to specify the version of Cognos Series 7 to use for the export process.
migratetoc8 -r cer3 --source C:\Cognos\regionA_reports
--target C:\Migration\output

User Guide 41
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Example: Export Using a Specific Encoding

Use the -e parameter to specify an encoding when the source content encoding is different from
the local computer.
migratetoc8 -e utf-8 C:\migration\DeployPkg.dmp

Migration Package
After you run the migratetoc8 command, the target location contains several directories and files.
You may need to work with the following content:
• target\deploytoc8.zip
The deploytoc8.zip file is a compressed format version of the entire migration package. The
.zip format makes it easier to transfer the migration package (p. 42) if Cognos 8 is installed on
a different computer than Cognos Series 7.
• target\_LOG\migratetoc8.xml
The migratetoc8.xml log file contains information about the migratetoc8 process. After you
run the deploytoc8 command, the deploytoc8 log file also includes the migratetoc8 log file
• target\target_name.dmp\ACL_Report\default.html
If you created an ACL report when you ran the migratetoc8 command, open default.html in a
Web browser to view the report.
• target\_SUPPORT\maps\nameMap.xml
The nameMap.xml file includes default names for Framework Manager packages based on
Impromptu catalogs. Before you deploy the migration package, check package mapping
(p. 43) to ensure that the deploytoc8 process is successful.
Do not change or delete any of the directories or files from the migration package.

Move the Migration Package to Cognos 8

If Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 are installed on different computers, move the migration package
to the Cognos 8 computer to create the source directory for the deploytoc8 migration tool. If
Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 are installed on the same computer, you do not have to complete
this task.

Steps for a Windows Computer

1. Copy the deploytoc8.zip file from the Cognos Series 7 migratetoc8 target location to the
Cognos 8 computer.
2. Extract the contents of the deploytoc8.zip file to a new directory.
Tip: To make it easier to type the required command, do not use complex paths or folder

Steps for a UNIX Computer

1. Transfer the compressed deploytoc8 file from the target location to the Cognos 8 UNIX
computer using a binary file transfer method.
2. Extract the contents of the compressed file to a new directory on the Cognos 8 computer.
Tip: To make it easier to type the required command, do not use complex paths or folder
3. If the encoding used on the UNIX computer does not support any of the non-ASCII characters
used in directory or file names, you must edit the names to use supported characters. Replace
non-ASCII characters in directory and files names with the equivalent character in the
encoding used on the UNIX computer.
Continue with the migration by checking package mapping.

42 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Check Package Mapping

Each report that you want to migrate must map to a published package in Cognos Connection.
• To support Impromptu report migration, migrate catalogs, import the migrated metadata into
a Framework Manager project, and then publish a package to Cognos Connection.
For more information, see "Migrating Metadata" (p. 23).
• To support PowerPlay Web Explorer report upgrade, create data source connections to the
required cubes using either Framework Manager or Cognos Connection. In Framework
Manager, use the cube data source in a Framework Manager project, and then publish a
package to Cognos Connection using the cube name for the package name. For example, if
reports use a cube named Great_Outdoors, create and publish a package named
If the report set uses more than one cube, you must create a separate package for each cube.
For more information, see the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide, and the
Framework Manager User Guide.
The migration process assumes the package name for the required metadata is the same as the file
name of the Series 7 metadata. For example, for Impromptu reports based on a catalog named
gosales.cat, the migration process assumes that a package named gosales.cat is available in
Cognos Connection. If you changed the name of the migrated metadata, you must edit the
nameMap.xml file or the migration process will not be able to map the migrated report to the
appropriate metadata.
Before deploying a migration package, check package mapping by comparing the default package
name in the nameMap.xml file to the name of the published package. If the names do not match,
you must change one of the names.

1. Open the nameMap.xml file in a text or XML editor.
The nameMap.xml file is in the _SUPPORT\maps directory in the target location you
specified when you ran the migratetoc8 command.
2. Check whether the names in <packageName>default_name</packageName> elements match
the name of a published package that represent the Cognos Series 7 metadata required by the
migrated reports.
3. If a name does not match, edit the nameMap.xml file to make the name the same as the
published package.
Do not edit any other parts of the nameMap.xml file.
4. Save and close the nameMap.xml file.
You can now deploy the migration package in Cognos 8 (p. 43).

Deploy the Migration Package

To make the migrated application available in Cognos 8, run the deploytoc8 command against the
Cognos 8 migration package. The deploytoc8 process creates a deployment archive. You can use a
deploytoc8 command line option to automatically import the content to Cognos 8, or you can
import the content from the deployment archive as a separate step at a later time.
Review the information about the deploytoc8 tool (p. 44) and identify the command line
parameters required to process the migration package. For example, namespace information is
required if Cognos 8 is configured to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7. Also, signon
information must be provided to access the packages referenced in the nameMap.xml file.
To test the migration and upgrade process, deploy a set of reports to both Analysis Studio and
Report Studio and then compare the results to determine which studio is the most appropriate
target. Use the -y option when you run the deploytoc8 command to specify which studio is used
for the target (p. 44). After you complete the testing, ensure that you delete duplicate content
before providing access to users.

User Guide 43
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Before you run the deploytoc8 command, ensure that the required Framework Manager packages
that represent the Cognos Series 7 metadata and cubes are published (p. 32), and check package
mapping (p. 43).
Before you run the deploytoc8 command, print a copy of the migration worksheet (p. 139) and
record the information you need to complete the migration process, such as the values you will use
on the command line.

1. Open a command prompt window and go to the c8\migdeploy directory.
For example, if you used the default location for Cognos 8, go to C:\Program
2. Run the deploytoc8 command with the appropriate parameters (p. 44).
You can use Ctrl+c to stop the deploytoc8 process.
If errors occur, view the migration log file for more information about errors and warnings.
The migration log file is in the _LOG folder in the target location.
3. Check that the expected directories and files appear in the target location (p. 46).
If you used the -a option to automatically import the content to Cognos 8, see "Migration
Deployment Archive" (p. 46) for more information about the directories and files added to
Cognos 8.

The deploytoc8 tool completes the following tasks to complete the migration to Cognos 8:
• maps reports to the package that represents the required metadata or cube. If metadata
mapping fails, the process writes the text [not found] to the report and continues based on the
default package name.
• saves the images used in the migrated reports to the images directory at the target location
• creates links in each of the XML reports to required images and drill picklist references
• transforms the XML reports generated by the migratetoc8 tool to Cognos 8 report
• encodes the report specifications into the string format required by Cognos 8 import
• creates the deployment archive and copies it to the deployment directory
• creates a log file in the _LOG directory at the target location. The log file contains details
about what happens during the deployment and links to troubleshooting topics in the
documentation to help you solve any problems.
• if you use the optional -a parameter, deploytoc8 imports the reports to Cognos 8. For Cognos
Series 7 Web-based content, the Upfront NewsIndex structure is preserved in Cognos
For information about installing the tool, see the Migration and Upgrade Installation Guide.

The syntax to run the deploytoc8 migration tool is
deploytoc8 -options --source location --target location
All parameters are case sensitive.
The source and target keywords are optional. If you do not include the keywords, the first
directory is the source and the second directory is the target.

Parameter Description
-h Shows a description of the parameters. To use this option, do
not specify source or target.

44 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Parameter Description
--source location Specifies the location of the migration deployment package.
The location of the package created by the migratetoc8
command has the following name format:
--target location Specifies the parent folder for the deployment package
created by the deploytoc8 process. To make it easier to
manually import the migrated content into Cognos 8, use the
deployment files location as specified in Cognos
Configuration as the target. The deploytoc8 process creates a
new folder in the target location with the following name
Existing content in the target location is not deleted or
-a Optional
Automatically deploy the reports to Cognos 8. If you do not
use this option, you must manually import from the
deployment archive later.
--user user_ID Specifies the user name to sign on to Cognos 8.
If anonymous access is disabled in Cognos 8, you must
provide user and namespace information with the deploytoc8
--password user_password Specifies the user password to sign on to Cognos 8.
If a password is not required for the user, do not add
--password to the command. For example, in the following
command, administrator does not require a password:
deploytoc8 C:\exported_reports C:\c8_reports
--user administrator --namespace "Series 7"
--namespace namespace_ID Specifies the namespace that contains the user information.
You can obtain the namespace ID from Cognos
-y strategy Specifies the target studio for migrated PowerPlay reports
For more information about how PowerPlay report features
map to Cognos 8 studios, see "PowerPlay Mapping" (p. 67).
This parameter has the following options:
• analysis - migrate all reports to Analysis Studio. This is
the default action if you do not use the y parameter.
• report - migrate all reports to Report Studio

User Guide 45
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

Parameter Description
-t time Optional
Specifies the number of seconds allowed by Cognos 8 for the
SDK calls used by the deploytoc8 process.
By default, the time-out limit is 60 seconds. Use this optional
parameter to specify a greater amount of time if the
deploytoc8 log file includes read timed-out exception errors.
These errors typically occur when migrating reports
associated with Framework Manager packages created from
large migrated Impromptu catalogs.
Values greater than 1000 specify time-out limits in
-q Optional
Suppresses the display of progress messages during the export
process. Errors and warnings still appear in the log file.

Example: Deploy a Migration Package to a Deployment Archive

The following command converts the migration package to a Cognos 8 deployment archive:
deploytoc8 C:\exported_reports C:\c8_reports --user administrator
--password admin1234 --namespace "Series 7"

Example: Automatically Deploy the Migrated Content

The following command converts the migration package to a Cognos 8 deployment archive and
automatically imports the migrated content to Cognos Connection:
deploytoc8 -a C:\exported_reports C:\c8_reports --user
administrator --password admin1234 --namespace "Series 7"

Example: Specify Report Studio as the Target for PowerPlay Reports

The following command converts PowerPlay reports for use in Report Studio:
deploytoc8 C:\exported_reports C:\c8_reports --user administrator
--password admin1234 --namespace "Series 7" -y report

Migration Deployment Archive

After you run the deploytoc8 command, the target directory contains several directories and files.
You may need to work with the following content:
• target\_LOG\viewMigrationLog.html
You can open viewMigrationLog.html in a Web browser. This log file contains information
about both the migratetoc8 and deploytoc8 processes.
• target\deployment\_DEPLOYMENT\
This directory contains the compressed deployment archive files (.zip) that you can import
into Cognos 8. For more information about importing deployment archives, see the Cognos 8
Administration and Security Guide.
Do not change or delete any of the directories or files from the migration deployment archive.

Import a Deployment Archive

If you do not use the option to automatically import content to Cognos 8 when you run the
deploytoc8 command, you must import the deployment archive in Cognos Connection to make
the content available to users.

46 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

If the deployment archive is not available in the New Import wizard, copy the .zip file from
target\_SUPPORT\deployment\_DEPLOYMENT to the Deployment files location specified in the
Environment section in Cognos Configuration. An example of the deployment archive name
format is 20060207T143105.zip. You can copy the file to a different location on the same
computer or to a different Windows or UNIX computer. If you are transferring the file from a
Windows computer to a UNIX computer, use a binary file transfer method.
For instructions about importing a deployment archive, see the Cognos 8 Administration and
Security Guide.

Review the Migration and Upgrade Log File

You should review the migration and upgrade log file to see details and results about the
migration processes. The log file, named viewMigrationLog.html, is located in the _LOG folder in
the target location used for the deploytoc8 process. The log file contains information about both
the migratetoc8 process and the deploytoc8 process.
The information in the log file helps you assess the results of the migration and determine the
amount of work required to refine the content in Cognos 8. Sometimes only minor updates are
required in Cognos 8 to correct errors and warnings in the log file. In other cases, you may find
that it is more efficient to continue to use the content in Cognos Series 7 and develop new
applications in Cognos 8.
For more information about correcting errors and warnings in the log file, see
"Troubleshooting" (p. 123).

Test the Migration

After the packages from the deployment archive are imported, check whether all the entries were
deployed successfully in the target environment by doing the following:

1. Review the run history for a deployment in Cognos Connection.
For information about run histories, see the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.
2. Ensure that the import process created the correct packages, folders, and folder contents.
3. Check the permissions for the imported entries.
4. Run imported reports to ensure that the reports work as expected.
You may see differences in functionality and appearance. Not all features in Cognos Series 7
have a direct or equivalent functionality in Cognos 8 (p. 12). For example, you must
reconfigure some drill-though options. For more information, see Part 3: Mapping Cognos
Series 7 Objects to Cognos 8 Objects.
If some migrated reports do not run, see "Troubleshooting" (p. 123).
When all your reports are able to run, provide users with access. You can also delete the source
and target directories specified in the deploytoc8 command.
Tip: We recommend that you first back up the log files in the target directory so you have a record
of the migration.

Provide Users With Access to the Migrated Application

You must enable the package so that users can access it.
By default, the package is disabled and none of the entries it contains are accessible in the target
environment after deployment. The package is disabled so that you can test it in the target
environment before you make it available to users.
You must have read and write permissions to enable a package.

User Guide 47
Chapter 4: Migrating Applications

For instructions about enabling entries in Cognos Connection, see the Cognos 8 Administration
and Security Guide.

48 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 5: Upgrading PowerPlay Reports
Published to Cognos 8

If you have PowerPlay reports published to Cognos Connection, you can upgrade those reports to
Analysis Studio or Report Studio directly from Cognos Connection. This option allows you to
upgrade reports one at a time.
For information about other options for upgrading PowerPlay Web Explorer reports (.ppx), see
"Migrating Applications" (p. 35).
To upgrade PowerPlay reports published to Cognos 8:
❑ Install the Cognos 8 migration tool.
For more information, see the Migration and Upgrade Installation Guide.
❑ Configure Cognos 8 to enable PowerPlay report upgrade (p. 49).
❑ Ensure that the reports can map to a package.
To support PowerPlay report (.ppx) upgrade, create data source connections to the required
cubes using either Framework Manager or Cognos Connection. In Framework Manager, use
the cube data source in a Framework Manager project, and then publish a package to Cognos
Connection using the cube name for the package name. For example, if reports use a cube
named Great_Outdoors, create and publish a package named Great_Outdoors. You must
create a separate package for each cube.
For more information, see the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide, and the
Framework Manager User Guide.
❑ Open and save a PowerPlay report in either Analysis Studio or Report Studio (p. 50).
After you open and save the PowerPlay report in either Analysis Studio or Report Studio, the
upgrade is complete. To prevent duplicate reports, you may want to delete the original PowerPlay
report from Cognos Connection. If you make changes to the PowerPlay report, you must repeat
the upgrade process to apply the changes to Analysis Studio or Report Studio.

Configure Cognos 8 to Support PowerPlay Report Upgrade

After you install the Cognos 8 migration tool, you must enable PowerPlay report upgrade using
the Server Administration.

1. In Cognos Connection, click Tools, Server Administration.
2. In Server Administration, click the Configure tab.
3. Click the set properties button.
4. Click the Settings tab and then click Edit for environment advanced settings.
5. Type the following parameter and value to add a new parameter to the advanced
configuration settings.
Parameter = MIGR.EnablePPUpgrade
Value = true
6. Click OK to save the configuration change.
7. Click OK to return to Server Configuration.
PowerPlay report upgrade from Cognos Connection is now enabled.

User Guide 49
Chapter 5: Upgrading PowerPlay Reports Published to Cognos 8

Upgrade a Published PowerPlay Report to Analysis Studio or

Report Studio
To upgrade a PowerPlay report published to Cognos Connection, you open and then save the
report in either Analysis Studio or Report Studio.
You must enable PowerPlay report upgrade (p. 49) before completing the following steps.

1. In Cognos Connection, click the More option for a PowerPlay report.
2. Select the target studio to use for the upgrade.
• To upgrade the report to Analysis Studio, click Open with Analysis Studio.
• To upgrade the report to Report Studio, click Open with Report Studio.
The report opens in the studio you selected.
3. Save the report.
The PowerPlay report is upgraded to the studio you selected. You may want to delete the original
PowerPlay report from Cognos Connection and use only the upgraded version of the report. If
you make changes to the PowerPlay report, you must complete the upgrade steps again to see the
changes in Analysis Studio or Report Studio.

50 Migration and Upgrade

PART 3: Mapping Cognos Series 7 Objects to
Cognos 8 Objects

User Guide 51
52 Migration and Upgrade
Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping

The information in this section will help you understand the mapping of objects when migrating
Impromptu reports from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8.

Report Functionality Mapping

Report functionality Mapping

Calculated columns in a Not migrated

Catalog and report paths Instead of a catalog path, Cognos 8 uses a model path. The
ModelPath() function returns the search path to the model.
The ReportPath() function returns the search path to a
A search path uses expressions to specify a path through the
content store hierarchy to find objects. The search path is
similar to a path in an operating system such as DOS or
UNIX in that the search path is constructed through
parent-child relationships from the root object.

Prompts Migration includes the following types of prompts:

• type-in prompts
The data type in the prompt value determines the
mapping for type-in prompts. Possible Cognos 8
mappings are date prompt, time prompt, date and time
prompt, interval prompt, or text box prompt.
• catalog picklist prompts map to value prompts
• report picklist prompts map to value prompts
• picklist prompts map to value prompts

Chart formats Migration does not support the following chart formats:
• Gantt
• log line
• stock
• spider

Chart legends Legends do not appear in Impromptu reports migrated to

Cognos 8 unless the chart associated with the legend is a bar

Client-server balancing options Although the limited local and database-only processing
options are supported in Cognos 8, the flexible processing
option is not. Use the limited local processing option instead.

User Guide 53
Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping

Report functionality Mapping

Drill-through access Drill-through setting between Impromptu reports are
migrated to Cognos 8 if you migrate all related reports at the
same time.
Migration does not include drill-through settings from
Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8. However, you can set up
drill-through access in Cognos Connection after you deploy
the migrated reports.
For more information, see the Cognos Connection User

Formats Cognos 8 does not support the following formatting:

• string formatting
For example, if a report uses the format Aa* for a string,
the string appears as unformatted in Cognos 8.
• mixed-type formatting
For example, if a number is formatted as a date in a
report, the number appears as unformatted in Cognos 8.

Governors The following governor settings are not supported in Cognos

• sorting on non-indexed columns
• direct entry SQL
• warning when a specified number of report tables are
• warning when a specified number of rows of data are
• warning when an executing query exceeds a specified
number of minutes

Overall headers and footers for Not migrated

crosstab reports

Page count Page count in HTML report output is replaced with a

question mark (?). However, page count is provided in PDF
report output.

Placeholders Not migrated

Report objects Migration does not include the following report objects:
• OLE objects
• rectangles
• column spacers
• running page totals
• catalog file name
• database name
• database user ID
• snapshot timestamp
• filter text (detail, summary, and drill-through)
• catalog user profile
• user classes
• user name

54 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping

Report functionality Mapping

Save as HTML options Not migrated
Similar functionality is available in Cognos 8 studios.

Snapshots Not migrated

Summary filters in crosstab Not migrated


Suppression of zero values Not migrated

You can use filters in Report Studio to achieve similar results.

Table of contents for HTML Not migrated


Templates Not migrated

Impromptu macros Migration does not process Impromptu macros. Similar

functionality can be implemented in Cognos 8 using the
Software Development Kit.

Impromptu query definition Not migrated

(.iqd) files

Functions Mapping

Function Mapping
Function _age(date_exp) Cognos 8 does not process this
function the same way as Impromptu.
We recommend that you open the
report in Report Studio and replace
instances of this function with the
expression: current_date -
(date_exp), and then format the
result as interval to show the value in

Function first-of-month(date_expdatetime_exp) This function does not exist in Cognos


Function moving-average(numeric_exp, For this function, if the user specifies

integer_exp) more preceding rows than available,
Impromptu returns null.
Cognos 8 returns the average of the
preceding rows that exist.

User Guide 55
Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping

Function Mapping
Function round-down(numeric_exp,integer_exp) Because this function is mapped to
_round ( numeric_exp,
integer_exp ) in Cognos 8, values
calculated using the round-down
function in Impromptu may be
different in reports migrated to
Cognos 8. For example, the expression
round-down ( 157.25, 1 ) returns
157.2 , while the expression _round
( 157.25, 1 ) returns 157.3.
Also, for the Impromptu function, if
the value of the integer_exp
parameter is negative, the function
rounds the digits to the left of the
decimal point. Because a negative
integer is not a valid value for the
integer_exp parameter of the
Cognos 8 function, an error message
appears when the report runs.

Function spread(string_exp) This function does not exist in Cognos

8. The value of the parameter
string_exp replaces the call to the

Function substitute (string_exp1, string_exp2) This function does not exist in Cognos
8. The value of the parameter
string_exp1 replaces the call to the

Function Cognos 8 does not process this

ymdint-between(date_exp1datetime_exp1, function the same way as Impromptu.
date_exp2datetime_exp2 ) We recommend that you open the
report in Report Studio and replace
instances of this function with the
expression: datetime_exp1 -
(datetime_exp2), and then format
the result as interval to show the value
in days.

Impromptu Report Formatting Mappings

When you view your reports in Cognos 8, you may see differences in the appearance of reports.
The way that reports are formatted for presentation differs between Impromptu, a
Windows-based product, and Cognos 8, a Web-based product. For example, layout elements such
as the lines used in headers and footers, may appear differently in Cognos 8.
If a report uses Impromptu default formatting, the report may appear different because
Impromptu and Cognos 8 formatting defaults are different. For example, the default format for
numeric values in a report column in Cognos 8 includes a comma and the default format in
Impromptu does not.
Use Report Studio to change the appearance of a migrated report. For more information, see the
Report Studio User Guide.

Default Formatting
In Impromptu, you can use default formatting in a report, such as the default format for column
titles and the list grid shown in the following example.

56 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping

In Cognos 8, the report uses the Cognos 8 default formatting as shown in the following example.

Number Formatting
In Impromptu, if you set the formatting for a numeric column to 0, the values appear as numbers
without a separator, such as 40102.
In Cognos 8, the values appear with a separator, such as 40,102.

Crosstab Headers
In Impromptu, a crosstab report can include a column header or report header.
In Cognos 8, the headers do not appear.
To update the migrated report to match the original format, open the report in Report Studio and
add the headers by inserting a text item.

In Impromptu, you can specify a border for a text frame, such as a column header.

User Guide 57
Chapter 6: Impromptu Reports Mapping

In Cognos 8, the default formatting may not provide enough space for the borders. This means
that the borders do not appear.
To make the borders appear, open Report Studio and change the height and width of the items in
the text frame.

Automatic Summary for the Entire Report

In Impromptu, when you use the total function in an expression and you select Automatic in the
Association box, the calculated total for the entire report appears, such as Total Sales for 2004:
In Cognos 8, the total is not calculated for the entire report because automatic association is not
To make the total appear for the entire report, open Report Studio and change the expression so
that it uses the report component as follows:
total (Sales04) for report

Justification of Text Frames

In Impromptu, when you specify justify for a text item, the text aligns with the text frame rather
than the page.
In Cognos 8, a text frame that is not as wide as the page in Impromptu expands to fill the full
width of the page. As a result, the text may have a different horizontal position on the page.
To make the text appear in the same location on the page as it does in Impromptu, open Report
Studio and change the properties of the text frame.

Page Width
In Impromptu, when you insert a text frame without specifying word wrap, the text appears as in
the first text frame in the following example.

In Cognos 8, the text causes the report to widen to show all of the text on one line.
To adjust the report width, change the size and overflow settings for the block that contains the
text frame. For instructions, see the Report Studio User Guide.

58 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

The information in this section will help you understand the mapping of objects when migrating
Impromptu catalogs from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8.
Migration does not include the following Impromptu catalog objects:
• external user-defined functions (UDFs)
• governors
There is no equivalent for Impromptu governors in Framework Manager. Framework
Manager governors are set at the project level and apply to all report consumers using a
published package.
• HotFiles and snapshots
• table weighting
• client-server settings
Client-server settings are not required. The settings are for Impromptu client and are not
applicable to a Web environment.

You apply user class filters at run time to give user classes access to specific data. Migration maps
these security filters to Framework Manager and you can view the filters in the corresponding
query subject.
You can create filter expressions using security metadata such as user classes, user roles, and user
Migration replaces the references in expressions to user-name() with references to the session
parameter #$account.defaultName#. Also, migration replaces the references in expressions to
user-classes() with #CSVIdentityName(%ImportedUserClasses)#, where ImportedUserClasses is a
hard-coded parameter map. During the import, the expression is loaded with the currently
available roles, both as map keys and as map values.
You can secure an Impromptu catalog using Access Manager, or define the security in the catalog
itself. If you secure the catalog using Access Manager, the user-name() and user-class() tokens are
exposed. If you secure the catalog using its internal security, the catalog-user-profile() tokens are
You must replicate security information stored directly in an Impromptu catalog in the namespace
that contains the security information used by Cognos 8.
The following are examples of the migration mapping for Impromptu filter expressions that use
internal catalog security.

Impromptu filter expression Framework Manager expression

user_name()=’Bob’ #$account.defaultName#=’Bob’

’Sales’ in catalog-user-profile() ’Sales’ in #CSVIdentityName(%ImportedUserClasses)#

In addition to these expressions, the migration process creates a parameter map named
ImportedUserClasses. It contains the user classes and user names from the current namespace in
Cognos Series 7 Access Manager.

User Guide 59
Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

Mapping Objects in the Physical View

Each object in the physical view of Impromptu is mapped to Framework Manager as a model
object. You can find these model objects in the Tables namespace. Child entries of the Tables
namespace are namespaces that have the same name as the logical database the catalog is based
When you expand the Tables namespace, you see tables, columns, aliases, and joins as you set
them up in Impromptu. Each of these objects has its own set of properties that you can view in the
properties pane.
To present a user experience consistent with Cognos Series 7, the physical layer of the catalog is
hidden from report authors in the Cognos 8 authoring tools.
The Impromptu objects are mapped to Framework Manager objects as follows.

Impromptu object Framework Manager object

Catalog Top-level namespace

Table Database query subject

Table alias Query subject

Security filters for table aliases are not migrated.

Table column Query item

Join Relationship between database query subjects

Unique ID Unique ID
This is a custom property.

The Catalog
The entire Impromptu catalog is shown in a top-level namespace in Framework Manager.
Migration creates an object-based package for each user profile or user class in this namespace.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Description Description

Access Manager namespace Access Manager namespace

This is a custom property.

Is distributed Is distributed
This is a custom property.

Path to the catalog Catalog path

This is a custom property.

Unique ID Unique ID
This is a custom property.

60 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

Migration maps Impromptu tables to Framework Manager as database query subjects.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Qualification level No longer required

Weight No longer required

Table Aliases
Migration maps both aliases and master tables to Framework Manager as query subjects.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Qualification level No longer required

Weight No longer required

Master table reference Not mapped

Table Columns
Migration maps Impromptu columns to Framework Manager as query items.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Data type Datatype

IsKey If the table has at least one column with IsKey set to
true, a determinant key is created in the query
subject. All columns with IsKey set are grouped
under the determinant key and the other columns
become the determinant attributes.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Migration maps Impromptu joins to Framework Manager as relationships between database
query subjects. The name of the relationship is as follows:
[LeftTableName] <--> [RightTableName]
Migration creates left and right cardinality based on the following rules:
• left.mincard is equal to 1 if the type is either inner or rightouter.
• left.mincard is equal to 0 if the type is either fullouter or leftouter.
• left.maxcard is always equal to 1.
• Right.mincard is equal to 1 if the type is either inner or leftouter.
• Right.mincard is equal to 0 if the type is either fullouter or rightouter.

User Guide 61
Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

• Right.maxcard is always equal to 1.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

L table reference left refobject

R table reference right refobject

Expression Expression
For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 64).

Type (Inner, RightOuter, FullOuter, or Not mapped


Mapping Objects in the Business View

Migration maps objects in the business view of Impromptu to Framework Manager as model
objects. You can find these model objects in the Folders namespace.
When you expand this namespace, you see folders, folder items, calculations, filters, and prompts
as you set them up in Impromptu. Each of these objects has its own set of properties that you can
view in the properties pane.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Folder Namespace or model query subject

Simple folder item Simple reference to a query item, calculation, or


Calculation Embedded calculation or stand-alone calculation

Condition Filter

Prompt Embedded calculation or stand-alone calculation

Migration maps Impromptu folders to Framework Manager as namespaces or model query
If all the children of the folder are simple folder items or calculations, the folder maps to
Framework Manager as a model query object. Otherwise, it maps to a Framework Manager
Empty folders and empty folder structures are not migrated.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

62 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

Duplicate Folder Names

An Impromptu catalog can contain duplicate folder names. Framework Manager does not allow
duplicate object names. When you migrate a catalog that contains duplicate folder names, the
migration process modifies duplicate names to ensure each object has a unique name. For
example, if Country was used as a folder name more than once in the catalog, the migration
process adds a unique identifier to the duplicate names: Country~1, Country~2, and so on. The
modified names do not affect report migration.
You can change the object names in Framework Manager after migrating the catalog. However,
you should make the changes before you publish the package and before you use the deploytoc8
tool to migrate reports that use the catalog. If you change the names after you migrate reports,
you must repeat the deploytoc8 part of the report migration process.

Simple Folder Items

Migration maps Impromptu simple folder items to Framework Manager as either model query
items or model calculations.
If the parent folder maps to Framework Manager as a namespace, the simple folder items map to
model calculations containing a simple reference to a query item. Otherwise, the folders map to
model query items.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Migration maps Impromptu calculations to Framework Manager as either embedded calculations
or model calculations.
If the parent folder maps to Framework Manager as a namespace, the calculation maps to a model
calculation. Otherwise, the folder maps to an embedded calculation.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Expression Expression
For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 64).

Migration maps Impromptu conditions to Framework Manager as model filters.

Impromptu property Framework Manager property

Name Name

Expression Expression
For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 64).

Migration maps Impromptu prompts to Framework Manager as stand-alone calculations.

User Guide 63
Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

When you expand the Impromptu Prompts namespace, a list of migrated prompts appears in the
Business Layer namespace. Each prompt has its own set of properties that you can view in the
properties pane.
Impromptu prompts map to a stand-alone calculation with the same name as the Impromptu
prompt object. The descriptive information is available and the expression becomes a macro
prompt with the following syntax, where ModelReference is set to nil:
All non-mappable properties become custom properties. In the Framework Manager expression, a
reference to the stand-alone calculation replaces the prompt reference in the Impromptu

Migrating Expressions
Migration maps Impromptu expressions to Framework Manager expressions. Impromptu
expressions use Cognos SQL syntax.

Impromptu catalog Framework Manager

Column and folder item references Query item references

Stored procedure references Model function references

Prompt references Model calculation references representing prompts

Condition references Migrated expressions

Security by value tokens Equivalent Framework Manager tokens

References to external UDFs Replicated literally in the Framework Manager

expressions. Expressions containing this type of
reference may require editing after the migration is

Calls to database built-in functions Calls to Cognos 8 database functions or constructs

using these functions. For more information, see
"Functions Mapping" (p. 119).

Database UDFs Model function references

Migration includes decimal and list separators.

After you migrate, check the functions and expressions in Framework Manager before publishing
the model. If an expression is not working in Framework Manager, check whether the expression
worked in the original Impromptu catalog.
Calculations in metadata import sources, such as an Impromptu catalog source or third-party
import source, may contain constructs that are not supported in Framework Manager. You must
manually edit the expressions using the Framework Manager Expression Editor to achieve the
expected results.
You can also test the expressions in Framework Manager. For more information, see the
Framework Manager User Guide.

User Defined Functions

Migration does not include external user defined functions (UDFs). If an Impromptu expression
references an external UDF, the Framework Manager expression includes a literal reference to the

64 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

Migration maps database UDFs to Framework Manager as model functions in the Folders
namespace. As long as the function still exists in the database schema, the expressions referencing
the database UDF are valid.
For more information about expressions, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

User Guide 65
Chapter 7: Impromptu Catalog Mapping

66 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

The information in this section will help you understand the mapping of objects when upgrading
PowerPlay Web Explorer reports to Analysis Studio or Report Studio. If a feature or functionality
is not mentioned, an equivalent is available in Cognos 8.
This release of the migration and upgrade tools is only for reports created with PowerPlay Web
Explorer. You cannot use the migration and upgrade tools to migrate PowerPlay for Windows
reports, or PowerPlay for Windows reports published to PowerPlay Web Viewer.
Analysis Studio and Report Studio are different from PowerPlay. To ensure a successful upgrade,
take the time necessary to learn Analysis Studio and Report Studio before upgrading PowerPlay

Report Structure Mappings

Most report structure features are preserved or mapped to an equivalent element.
The following table includes information about report structures that are and are not upgraded.
Some upgraded report structures may cause unexpected results. The migration and upgrade log
file includes information about any changes or errors in the report structure.

Report structure Report Studio Analysis Studio

Indented layout for crosstab Not upgraded Not upgraded
Upgraded reports that used indented Upgraded reports that used indented
layout display as a standard layout display as a standard
crosstab. You can reproduce the crosstab.
indented layout in Report Studio.

Layers Not upgraded including related Not upgraded including related

settings such as Show Value As % of settings such as Show Value As % of
Layer Total Layer Total

Nested charts Upgraded Not upgraded

Alternate hierarchies of the same Not upgraded Not upgraded

dimension on different axes
Upgraded reports use the primary Upgraded reports use the primary
hierarchy. hierarchy.

User Guide 67
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Report Functionality Mappings

PowerPlay Web Explorer report functionality is preserved when equivalent or similar functionality
is available in Cognos 8. The following table includes information about how report functionality
is mapped to Cognos 8. If report functionality does not map to Cognos 8, the specific
functionality is dropped from the upgraded report. Depending on the structure of the report,
dropping a feature can have a significant impact on how the report appears in Report Studio or
Analysis Studio. You may be able to recreate the same or similar functionality in Cognos 8. The
migration and upgrade log file will include information about changes or errors in report

Report functionality Report Studio Analysis Studio

80/20 suppression Not upgraded Not upgraded
Open the upgraded report in
Analysis Studio and use top or
bottom filtering to achieve similar

Bookmarks Not upgraded Not upgraded

To upgrade the bookmarked content To upgrade the bookmarked content
to Report Studio, open the to Analysis Studio, open the
bookmark, save the target as a bookmark, save the target as a
PowerPlay Web report, and then PowerPlay Web report, and then
upgrade the .ppx file to Report upgrade the .ppx file to Analysis
Studio. Studio.

Automatic exception highlighting Not upgraded Not upgraded

Custom exception definitions Not upgraded Not upgraded

Zero suppression Upgraded Upgraded

Advanced subsets Not upgraded Not upgraded

Custom subsets Upgraded Partially upgraded

Parentage subsets Parentage subsets based on the Not upgraded

lowest level children are not
upgraded. Other types of parentage
subsets are upgraded.

Find subsets Find subsets that search in one Not upgraded

dimension are upgraded. Other
types of find subsets are dropped
from the upgraded report.

Forecasts Not upgraded Not upgraded

Cumulative percent of base Not upgraded Not upgraded


Accumulate calculation Not upgraded Not upgraded

68 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Report functionality Report Studio Analysis Studio

Calculations across dimensions or Not upgraded Not upgraded
hierarchies You cannot create calculations You cannot create calculations
In PowerPlay, you can create a between hierarchies or dimensions between hierarchies or dimensions
calculation based on categories from in Report Studio. You may be able in Analysis Studio. You may be able
different dimensions, or from to achieve the desired results using to achieve the desired results using
different hierarchies of the same an alternate hierarchy. an alternate hierarchy.

Ranking across dimensions or Not upgraded Not upgraded


Calculations based on hidden Upgraded Upgraded

categories For more information about
In PowerPlay, a report can show the exceptions, see "Position of
results of a calculation based on Calculated Categories" (p. 78).
categories that are hidden.

Calculations in lower levels of single Upgraded Not upgraded

dimension nesting The calculation will appear nested
In PowerPlay, you can create a at the same level in all dimensions.
calculation using nested levels in the
same dimension. The calculation
will appear in the same dimension.

Show Value As % settings Upgraded except for the following: Upgraded except for the following:
• Show Value as % of Layer Total • Show Value as % of Layer Total
• Save Value as % setting applied • Save Value as % setting applied
to measures used in row or to measures used in row or
column axis column axis

Prompting for alternate drill paths Not upgraded Not upgraded

Zero Suppression
Zero suppression in PowerPlay is upgraded in both Report Studio and Analysis Studio. However,
PowerPlay, Report Studio, and Analysis Studio implement zero suppression differently.

In PowerPlay, all values in a row or column must be zero or null for zero suppression to be
applied. For example, if zero suppression is applied to the rows and columns in the following
crosstab, there is no change.

Camping Equipment Outdoor Protection Products

2004 10000 -10000 0

2005 -10000 32000 12000

Years 0 12000 12000

In addition, PowerPlay applies zero suppression to summaries as well as to calculated columns

and rows.

User Guide 69
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Report Studio
Report Studio does not automatically suppress zeros. You use expressions to filter data, and you
can create expressions to filter zero or null values. When upgrading a PowerPlay report to Report
Studio, the upgrade process creates expressions that replicate the way that Analysis Studio applies
zero or null suppression, which is based on summary values. In addition, reports upgraded to
Report Studio will have zero suppression applied to calculated columns and rows, but not to
summaries rows and columns.
For each data item that can have zero suppression applied in the upgraded report, three
expressions are created. For example, the following is the first expression created for the data item
Quarter, which is a row item in a crosstab.

Tip: To access this expression, double-click Quarter.

zero-suppressed on row indicates that zero suppression is on for a row item, and when you
run the report, it calls an expression with a unique name such as
Quarter_N10127(zero-suppressed on row). Alternatively, zero suppression for a column item is
indicated by zero-suppressed on col. If you want to turn off zero suppression, change the
clause to non zero-suppressed on row. When you run the report, an expression with a unique
name such as Quarter_N10127(non zero-suppression on row) is called. Do not modify these two
After you upgrade a PowerPlay report to Report Studio, verify that the data is filtered as expected.
If necessary, modify the expressions to achieve the required results. Note that you can turn zero
suppression off or on in Report Studio only if zero suppression was turned on in the PowerPlay
report before it was upgraded. Otherwise, zero suppression filters are not added during the report
Zero suppression cannot be applied in a crosstab if either of the following is true:
• The default measure is non-aggregating.
A message in the migration and upgrade log file explains why zero suppression was not
• There is a measure on the opposite axis.
For example, a PowerPlay report has zero suppression on both the rows and columns of a
crosstab, and the rows contain a measure. When the report is migrated to Report Studio, row
suppression is applied because the columns do not contain a measure. However, column
suppression cannot be applied because the rows contain a measure. A message in the
migration and upgrade log file explains why zero suppression was not applied to the columns.
Tip: If you want to turn off zero suppression in a large report or for many columns, use the Copy
To Clipboard command to copy the report specification to the clipboard, and then paste it in a
text or XML editor. You can then do a search and replace to quickly turn off zero suppression for
the columns you want. When you are finished, copy the modified report specification to the
clipboard, open it in Report Studio with the Open Report From Clipboard command, and save it.
For more information, see the Report Studio User Guide.

70 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Analysis Studio
Analysis Studio applies zero or null suppression based on summary values. For example, if zero
suppression is applied to the rows in the following crosstab, the 2004 row will be suppressed. If
zero suppression is applied to the columns, the Camping Equipment column will be suppressed.

Camping Equipment Outdoor Protection Products

2004 10000 -10000 0

2005 -10000 32000 12000

Years 0 12000 12000

In addition, reports migrated to Analysis Studio will not have zero suppression applied to
summaries rows and columns and calculated rows and columns.
If you upgrade a PowerPlay report to Analysis Studio, ensure that the zero and null suppression
meets expectations. If necessary, use the zero and null value suppression options in Analysis Studio
to achieve the required results. Note that in Analysis Studio, you can turn zero suppression on or
off regardless of whether zero suppression was on or off in the original PowerPlay report.
Zero suppression cannot be applied in a crosstab if either of the following is true:
• The default measure is non-aggregating.
• There is a measure on the opposite axis.
For more information, see the Analysis Studio User Guide.

Custom Subsets
Support for custom subset upgrade is different between Report Studio and Analysis Studio. In
general, upgrading to Report Studio will preserve a greater variety of custom subset functionality.
However, depending on the conditions used in your custom subsets, upgrade to Analysis Studio
may provide acceptable results.
After you upgrade reports with custom subsets, review the migration and upgrade log file for
errors and warnings related to the upgrade of custom subset features. Also, review the upgraded
reports to ensure you achieve the expected results.

Report Studio
The migration process maps all conditions from a custom subset definition to equivalent data
items in Report Studio.
For more information about working with data items, see the Report Studio User Guide.

Analysis Studio
When upgrading PowerPlay reports that use custom subsets to Analysis Studio, you should expect
differences in the upgraded report. The migration process maps conditions from a custom subset
definition to equivalent functionality in Analysis Studio where possible. For example, custom
subsets with only one search condition, or based on only selected categories, will map to
equivalent functionality in Analysis Studio.
The custom subset definition describes all conditions in the custom subset. Custom sets in
Analysis Studio are a similar concept to custom subsets in PowerPlay. However, to address
differences in implementation between Analysis Studio and PowerPlay, PowerPlay custom subset
definitions are not mapped directly to Analysis Studio custom sets. Instead, the migration process
maps some individual conditions from the PowerPlay custom subset to Analysis Studio.
The following custom subset features are not upgraded, or may return different results.
• Some custom subset filters.
Because some filters are not upgraded, values in the upgraded report may be different.

User Guide 71
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

• Custom subset with a search condition where the search scope is set to either search all
descendants, search leaves only, or search all descendants except leaves are not upgraded.
Only search immediate children is supported for upgrade to Analysis Studio.
If the custom subset was used on the report axis, the corresponding row or column will not
appear in the upgraded report. If the custom subset was used as a filter, the filter is not applied
to the data in the upgraded report and the values will be different.
• Custom subset with multiple search conditions based on different parent categories, and an
excluded item list.
If the custom subset was used on the report axis, the corresponding row or column will not
appear in the upgraded report. If the custom subset was used as a filter, the filter is not applied
to the data in the upgraded report and the values will be different.
• Custom subset by measure value with filtering applied.
The report is upgraded. However, the values may be different.
• Custom subsets by name search.
In PowerPlay, searches are not case-sensitive. In Analysis Studio, search is case-sensitive.
Depending on your data, the upgraded report may have fewer rows or columns.
• Custom subsets by selected category.
If there are hidden categories defined in a category included in a selected category condition,
the hidden categories do not appear in PowerPlay. If you upgrade the report the Analysis
Studio, the hidden categories do appear.
• Calculated column that includes custom subset categories.
If a custom subset definition returns calculated categories, the conditions are not upgraded to
Analysis Studio, and rows or columns may be missing when compared to the original report.

Report Formatting Mappings

Report formatting is not available in Analysis Studio. To preserve report formatting, specify
Report Studio as the target application. Report Studio supports many of the report formats used
in PowerPlay Web Explorer reports. The migration and upgrade log file includes information
about any changes or errors in report formatting.

Fonts and Colors

Font and color information not upgrade to Report Studio or Analysis Studio.

Long and Short Names

Only long names are upgraded to Report Studio and Analysis Studio.

Titles, Headers, and Footers

Report Studio supports most title, header, and footer formats, including font, alignment, and
color options. If Analysis Studio is the target application, titles appear in plain text and other
formatting is dropped.
When possible, upgrade processing maps a variable to an equivalent Report Studio report

PowerPlay variable Report Studio report expression

report file name ReportName()

report file date ReportSaveDate()

report file time AsOfTime()

MDC file name ModelPath()

MDC file date no equivalent report expression

72 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

PowerPlay variable Report Studio report expression

MDC file time no equivalent report expression

MDC description ReportDescription()

current default measure no equivalent report expression

current default period no equivalent report expression

current default row RowNumber()

current default column no equivalent report expression

current default layer no equivalent report expression

user name upgraded as text

company name upgraded as text

current date Today()

current time Now()

page number PageNumber()

layer display reference no equivalent report expression

report layer reference no equivalent report expression

dimension line no equivalent report expression

individual dimensions no equivalent report expression

If a variable is not upgraded, when you open the report, the report may include text that indicates
a title, header, or footer object was not upgraded. For example, the following report originally
used the MDC file date variable.

Pictures (Linked or Embedded)

Because of differences between source and target applications, pictures are not upgraded.
Report Studio supports the use of pictures in reports. You can add pictures to the upgraded report
in Report Studio.
Analysis Studio does not support the use of pictures in reports.

Background Patterns
Neither Report Studio nor Analysis Studio support background patterns.
Background patterns are not upgraded or mapped to similar formats in the target applications.

User Guide 73
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Row and Column Sizes

Because of differences between the source and target applications, specific row and column sizes
are not upgraded. If necessary, you can adjust row and column sizes in the target applications after
the upgrade.

PowerPlay for Windows Display Options

The display options available from the Format, Display Options, and General tabs in PowerPlay
for Windows are not upgraded. This includes settings for summary options, gridline options, and
word wrap.

Graphical Display Mappings

If customized graphical displays are an important component of your PowerPlay Web Explorer
report set, we recommend that you upgrade the reports to Report Studio. Report Studio is
designed to help you create standard and complex reports and includes more report formatting
options compared to Analysis Studio. Analysis Studio is designed to help you explore and analyze
data. You will not be able to replicate many graphical display formatting options if you upgrade
the reports to Analysis Studio.
All types of PowerPlay Web graphical displays map to Cognos 8 charts. Because Cognos 8
supports a larger variety of chart types, there are some differences in terminology for the same
chart between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8. For example, a Cognos Series 7 bar chart maps to a
Cognos 8 column chart. Both charts use vertical data markers. In Cognos 8, a bar chart refers to a
chart with horizontal data markers.
After you upgrade reports that include charts, you may have to adjust some objects in the report.
Common adjustments include chart size and font size for labels.
For more information, see "Differences Between PowerPlay and Analysis Studio" (p. 78).
The following table describes how graphical display options map from PowerPlay to Report
Studio or Analysis Studio. If a graphical display option does not map to Cognos 8, the option is
dropped from the upgraded report.

PowerPlay display type Report Studio Analysis Studio

Pie Upgraded Upgraded
All display options except the Display options are not upgraded.
following are upgraded:
• tilt angle
• rotation direction and angle

3D bar Upgraded Upgraded

All display options except the Display options are not upgraded.
following are upgraded:
• 3D View Tool settings
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• picture background style and
related settings
• Autofit labels settings for axis

74 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

PowerPlay display type Report Studio Analysis Studio

Simple bar Upgraded Upgraded
All display options except the The Horizontal orientation setting,
following are upgraded: Depth setting, and the Show setting
• Autofit labels setting for axis for Values on bars are upgraded.
titles Other display options are not
• Autofit labels setting for values
on bars
• font settings for values on bars
• Bar spacing setting
• picture background style and
related settings
• Show ties setting. You cannot
hide ties in Report Studio.
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• Word wrap setting for column
• all scrolling options
• standard deviation, logarithmic
regression, and linear regression
statistical lines

Clustered bar Upgraded Upgraded

All display options except the The Depth setting and the Show
following are upgraded: setting for Values on bars are
• Word wrap setting for column upgraded. Other display options are
labels not upgraded.
• Autofit labels settings for axis
• font settings for values on bars
• picture background style and
related settings
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• spacing setting for bars and
• all scrolling options
• Show ties setting. You cannot
hide ties in Report Studio.
• standard deviation, logarithmic
regression, and linear regression
statistical lines

User Guide 75
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

PowerPlay display type Report Studio Analysis Studio

Stacked bar Upgraded Upgraded
All display options except the The Depth setting are upgraded.
following are upgraded: Other display options are not
• Show ties setting. You cannot upgraded.
hide ties in Report Studio.
• all scrolling options
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• Word wrap setting for column
• picture background style and
related settings
• Autofit labels settings for axis

Single line Upgraded Upgraded

All display options except the Display options are not upgraded.
following are upgraded:
• Show ties setting. You cannot
hide ties in Report Studio.
• picture background style and
related settings
• font settings for values above
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• Autofit labels settings for axis
• font settings for values above
• Word wrap setting for column
• all scrolling options
• standard deviation, logarithmic
regression, and linear regression
statistical lines

76 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

PowerPlay display type Report Studio Analysis Studio

Multiline Upgraded Upgraded
All display options except the Display options are not upgraded.
following are upgraded:
• Show ties setting. You cannot
hide ties in Report Studio.
• Autofit labels settings for axis
• picture background style and
related settings
• font settings for labels
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• Word wrap setting for column
• all scrolling options
• standard deviation, logarithmic
regression, and linear regression
statistical lines

Scatter Upgraded Upgraded to single line chart

All display options except the Display options are not upgraded.
following are upgraded:
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• Autofit labels settings
• font settings for labels
• picture background style and
related settings
• standard deviation and
logarithmic regression statistical

User Guide 77
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

PowerPlay display type Report Studio Analysis Studio

Correlation Upgraded Upgraded to single line chart
All display options except the Display options are not upgraded.
following are upgraded:
• there may be slight differences
in the primary axis if the axis
scale is set to From the lowest
• Show ties setting. You cannot
hide ties in Report Studio.
• Bar spacing setting
• picture background style and
related settings
• Word wrap setting for column
• all scrolling options
• Autofit labels settings for axis
• Autofit labels settings for values
on bars
• font settings for values on bar
• standard deviation, logarithmic
regression, and linear regression
statistical lines

Mappings of Other PowerPlay Objects

In addition to cubes and reports, a PowerPlay Web application includes related objects and
information, such as style sheets and configuration information.
The following objects are not upgraded to Cognos 8:
• cascading style sheets used by PowerPlay Enterprise Server
Cognos 8 includes customization options that you can use to achieve similar results.
• PowerPlay for Windows styles
• performance settings related to PowerPlay Enterprise Server, such as mirroring, failover, and
load balancing
• drill-through settings in PowerPlay Enterprise Server
Drill-through options must be reconfigured in Cognos 8 after the upgrade. For more
information, see the Administration and Security Guide.
• page size and page orientation settings for reports
• namespace information for cubes

Differences Between PowerPlay and Analysis Studio

Position of Calculated Categories
If a report contains calculated categories, the relative position of the rows or columns that show
the calculated categories may be different between PowerPlay Web and Analysis Studio. This
formatting difference does not affect the data.
The following examples show the difference in the position of a calculated column, 2004 + 2005.
The first image shows the original PowerPlay report. The second image shows the same report
after upgrade to Analysis Studio.

78 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Charting of Summary Data

Analysis Studio does not show summary values in charts. If the original PowerPlay report
included charts that showed summary values, this level of detail will not appear in the charts in
Analysis Studio.

Default Display Format for Bar Charts

In PowerPlay Web, a simple bar chart can combine the components of a summary in one bar.
Analysis Studio always shows a bar for each component of the summary.
The following examples show the differences in the display of bar charts. The first image shows
the original PowerPlay report. The second image shows the same report after upgrade to Analysis

User Guide 79
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

Default Display Format for Pie Charts

In PowerPlay Web, a pie chart can combine the components of a summary in one chart. Analysis
Studio always shows a separate chart for each component of the summary. If there is no data for a
component of the summary, an empty pie chart is included for that component.

80 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

The following examples show the differences in the display of pies charts. The first image shows
the original PowerPlay Web report. The second image shows the same report after upgrade to
Analysis Studio.

Reports with Calculated Columns

In PowerPlay, a report can show only calculated columns. In Analysis Studio, a report must show
at least one measure. If the original PowerPlay report shows only calculated columns, an
additional column containing a measure will appear in the Analysis Studio report.
In the following Analysis Studio report, which was upgraded from PowerPlay, the revenue column
did not appear in the original report.

User Guide 81
Chapter 8: PowerPlay Mapping

You may notice other differences between PowerPlay and Analysis Studio related to calculated
columns. For example, if the PowerPlay report includes a calculated column in a nested category,
the column will not appear in Analysis Studio. Analysis Studio does not support calculated
columns in a nested level.

Default View in Analysis Studio

You can change the default view for an analysis by changing the package configuration properties.
This allows you to create a default view similar to PowerPlay, where the order of dimensions and
measures determines the default rows, columns, and measure when you open the cube.
For more information about administering packages, see the Cognos 8 Administration and
Security Guide.

82 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 9: Upfront Mapping

The information in this section will help you understand the mapping of objects when migrating
Upfront content from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8.

Content Mapping
The Upfront portal can contain a variety of content, including both content created by Cognos
products such as Impromptu Web Reports, and non-Cognos content. Only some Upfront content
is included in a migration.
You can migrate Upfront content created by PowerPlay Web Explorer, Impromptu, and
Impromptu Web Reports. Migration also includes URL NewsItems. For more information, see
Part 3: Mapping Cognos Series 7 Objects to Cognos 8 Objects.
The following types of Upfront content are not included in migration:
• Cognos Query
• Cognos Visualizer
• Cognos NoticeCast
• non-Cognos content
For more information, see "The Migration and Upgrade Process" (p. 17).

NewsBox Mapping
Migration maps NewsBoxes to Cognos Connection folders. Migration includes both public and
personal NewsBoxes.
In Upfront, personal NewsBoxes are subfolders that give users read access so that they can get to
their own NewsBox. Each user's personal NewsBox has an access control list that prevents
anyone other than a NewsIndex administrator from accessing it. After migration, a folder is
created in Public Folders that contains all personal NewsBoxes.
The following table shows the mapping for NewsBox properties.

NewsBox property Mapping

Name Folder name

Description Folder description

Hide this entry Disable entry

When disable this entry is selected, only users with write
access see the object.
For more information about disabling entries, see the Cognos
8 Administration and Security Guide.

Migration does not include the following NewsBox properties:

• duplicate NewsBox names at the same level
To prevent unexpected migration results, ensure that NewsBoxes at the same level use unique

User Guide 83
Chapter 9: Upfront Mapping

• creation date

NewsBox Shortcut Mapping

A NewsBox shortcut is mapped to a Cognos Connection folder shortcut. The following table
shows the NewsBox shortcut properties that are mapped.

NewsBox shortcut property Mapping

Name Folder shortcut name

Description Folder shortcut description

Source NewsBox ID Source folder search path

NewsItem Mapping
A NewsItem is mapped to a Cognos Connection entry. The following table shows the NewsItem
properties that are mapped.

NewsItem property Mapping

Name Entry name

Description Entry description

Hide this entry Disable entry

When disable this entry is selected, only users with write
access see the object.
For more information about disabling entries, see the Cognos
8 Administration and Security Guide.

Default run action and default See "Impromptu Web Reports Mapping" (p. 87) for details
show action settings (not about default run action mapping.
applicable to all types of

Contact information If you configure Cognos 8 to use the same namespace as

Cognos Series 7, and you use the acl option with the
migratetoc8 command to migrate access control list (ACL)
definitions, the user profile is the source of contact
information. If the user does not exist in the namespace, the
email address from the NewsItem is the contact in Cognos 8.

The following NewsItem properties are not migrated:

• duplicate NewsItem names
duplicate entry names at the same level are not supported in Cognos 8. To prevent unexpected
migration results, ensure that NewsItems at the same level use unique names.
• security settings
The migratetoc8 tool includes options for taking advantage of existing security information
(p. 85).
• create and update dates

84 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 9: Upfront Mapping

NewsItem Shortcut Mapping

Migration maps NewsItem shortcuts to Cognos Connection entry shortcuts. The following table
shows the mapping for NewsItem shortcut properties.

NewsItem shortcut property Mapping

Name Entry shortcut name

Description Entry shortcut description

Source NewsItem ID Source entry search path

Mappings of Other Upfront Objects

Migration does not include the following objects:
• user settings, such as Personalize settings
• themes
Standard and custom themes are not migrated. Cognos 8 includes customization options that
you can use to achieve similar results.

In Upfront, the access control list (ACL) contains information about which users or user classes
can read or write to a particular object, such as a report or a URL. To help you implement security
when you migrate Cognos Series 7 Web-based content to Cognos 8, the migratetoc8 command
(p. 39) includes three processing options for ACL information when you create a migration
deployment package.

Generate ACL Report

By default, the migratetoc8 process generates an ACL report that shows the security settings by
user class for all Upfront objects. This report can help you replicate the Cognos Series 7 security in
Cognos 8.

Generate ACL Report and Migrate ACL Definitions

If Cognos 8 is configured to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7, you can migrate ACL
definitions to maintain the Cognos Series 7 security settings in Cognos 8. You must include the
namespace ID as recorded in Cognos Configuration in the migratetoc8 command.
Changes to security settings in Upfront after migration are not applied to the migrated Upfront
objects in Cognos 8. You must manage Upfront and Cognos 8 security settings separately.

Exclude ACL Information

If you plan to apply security settings manually in Cognos 8, or you don’t want to use the Series 7
namespace in Cognos 8, you can choose to not generate an ACL report or migrate ACL

User Guide 85
Chapter 9: Upfront Mapping

86 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 10: Impromptu Web Reports Mapping

The information in this section will help you understand the mapping of objects when migrating
Impromptu Web Reports applications from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8.
The source for an Impromptu Web Reports migration is a Deployment Manager package.
You must migrate Impromptu catalogs before migrating Impromptu Web Reports (p. 23).
For related information, see "Impromptu Reports Mapping" (p. 53).

Report Set Mappings

Creating and managing a report set does not have equivalent functionality in Cognos 8. However,
the migration tools preserve the report set concept by grouping reports in a Cognos Connection
folder that uses the original report set name in the Impromptu Web Reports package.
Many report set properties in Impromptu Web Reports are mapped to equivalent Cognos 8

Report set property Mapping

Report set name Name of the Cognos Connection folder that contains the
reports from the report set

Description Folder description

Contact email address Folder email contact

Report list Determines the reports that appear in the Cognos Connection
folder that represents the report set

Migration does not include report set security settings. For more information, see
"Security" (p. 85).

Report Mappings
The following table shows report properties in Impromptu Web Reports that are mapped to
equivalent or similar features in Cognos 8.

Report property Mapping

NewsItem name Entry name in Cognos Connection

NewsItem description Entry description

Contact information If you configure Cognos 8 to use the same namespace as

Cognos Series 7, and you specify the namespace using the -N
parameter with the migratetoc8 command, contact
information from the user profile migrates if the user exists in
the namespace. Otherwise, the email address from the
NewsItem migrates as the contact email address.

User Guide 87
Chapter 10: Impromptu Web Reports Mapping

Report property Mapping

Prompt settings Saved prompt values

Report format settings Report output formats

Number of versions setting Number of report output versions to be maintained in

Content Manager

Default show action setting Default report output format settings

Default run action setting Saved prompt value settings

Custom view Report view

Migration does not include the following report features in Impromptu Web Reports:
• report versions
Cognos 8 includes similar functionality called report output versions.
• burst settings
You can implement similar functionality using Cognos 8 bursting options. For more
information, see the Report Studio User Guide.
• report dependency settings
• governor settings
• priority setting
• security settings
For more information about the options for migration security settings, see "Security" (p. 85).

Schedule Mappings
Cognos 8 includes schedule features similar to report and event schedules. Most schedule settings
are fully supported. The following table shows schedule properties in Impromptu Web Reports
that are mapped to Cognos 8.

Schedule property Mapping

Schedule type Compared to Impromptu Web Reports, the daily schedule
type in Cognos 8 includes more options, including the ability
to specify frequency by hours. Therefore, mapping hourly
schedules to daily schedules provides equivalent functionality.
The last day of the month schedule type is not supported in
Cognos 8.

End date In Impromptu Web Reports, an end date setting includes year,
month, and day. In Cognos 8, an end date setting also
includes hours and minutes. When mapping end dates, hours
and minutes are set to the time used in the start date.

If the Impromptu Web Reports environment and the Cognos 8 environment use different date and
time settings, you must update schedules after migration to use the Cognos 8 settings.
Migration does not include cleanup and audit data collection schedules.

88 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 10: Impromptu Web Reports Mapping

Event Mappings
Events map to equivalent functionality in Cognos 8. The migration tool creates a Cognos
Connection folder named Events to contain the migrated events. Many event properties are
mapped to equivalent Cognos 8 properties.

Event property Mapping

Event Job

Event name Job name

Schedule Job schedule

Dependant reports jobStepDefinition

Event list Determines the contents of the Events folder in Cognos


Mappings of Other Impromptu Web Reports Objects

Impromptu Web Reports applications include related objects and information.
Migration does not include the following objects:
• PowerPrompts
You can implement similar functionality using the Cognos 8 Software Development Kit.
• Impromptu Web Reports data store
Cognos 8 uses a single content store. A separate data store is not required for migrated
Impromptu Web Reports objects.
• configuration information, such as server performance settings
Similar functionality is available in Cognos Connection.
• HotFiles

User Guide 89
Chapter 10: Impromptu Web Reports Mapping

90 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

The information in this section will help you understand the mapping of objects when migrating
Architect models from Cognos Series 7 to Cognos 8. If a feature or functionality is not mentioned,
an equivalent is available in Cognos 8.

Architect Model Security

To migrate secured models and retain the access controls applied in Architect, you must configure
Cognos 8 to use the Cognos Series 7 namespace. If Cognos 8 is not configured to use the Cognos
Series 7 namespace, the model or catalog migrates but does not include security.
For information about configuring an authentication source in Cognos 8, see the Cognos 8
Administration and Security Guide.

Database Access
In an Architect model, you can specify the databases and database components that your users can
access. This information is included in the Architect metadata file (.xml) you import into the
Framework Manager project. After migration, the Framework Manager project contains a
package for each user class that has model security applied to it.
Tip: To view the specific objects in a user class package, double-click the package you want. The
unselected objects should match the components that the user class did not have access to in the
Architect model.

Access to Entities
In an Architect model, you can specify which entities user classes can access. This information is
included in the Architect metadata file you import into the Framework Manager project. After
migration, the Framework Manager project contains a package for each user class that has model
security applied to it.
Tip: To view the specific objects in a user class package, double-click the package you want. The
unselected objects should match the components that the user class did not have access to in the
Architect model.

User Class Filters

You apply user class filters at run time to give user classes access to specific data. These security
filters are included in the Architect metadata file you import into the Framework Manager project
and can be found in the corresponding query subject.

Package Access
In an Architect model, you can specify which packages and package components user classes have
access to. The migration process creates a package for each package object in the Package Layer
namespace and one role-based security package for each user class. The security package reflects
the exclusion list of the user class access in Architect. After migration, Architect packages appear
in the Framework Manager project in the Package Layer namespace and the Packages folder.
You use a package in Framework Manager to publish a subset of the metadata in a project to
report authors.
Tip: To view the specific objects in a package, double-click the package you want. The unselected
objects should match the components that the user class did not have access to in the Architect

User Guide 91
Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Security by Value
You can create filter expressions using security metadata such as user classes, user roles, and user
The references in expressions to user-name() map to references to the session parameter
The references in expressions to user-classes() map to
#CSVIdentityName(%ImportedUserClasses)#, where ImportedUserClasses is a hard-coded
parameter map. During the import, the parameter map loads with the currently available roles,
both as map keys and as map values.
Here are examples of filter expressions using Cognos Series 7 security tokens and their mappings
into Framework Manager.

Architect filter expression Framework Manager expression

user_name()='Bob' #$account.defaultName#='Bob'

’Sales’ in user_classes() ’Sales’ in #CSVIdentityName(%ImportedUserClasses)#

In addition to these expressions, the migration process creates a parameter map named
ImportedUserClasses. It contains the user classes and user names from the current namespace in
Cognos Series 7 Access Manager.

Migrating Expressions
Migration includes expressions in Architect, which use Cognos SQL syntax.
The expressions are reproduced in Framework Manager with the following mappings.

Architect Framework Manager

Column and attribute references Query item references

Stored procedure references Model function references

Prompt references Model calculation references representing prompts

Filter references Migrated expressions

Security by value tokens Equivalent Framework Manager tokens

References to external user defined Replicated literally in the Framework Manager

functions (UDF) expressions. Expressions containing this type of
reference may require editing after the migration is

Calls to database built-in functions Calls to Cognos 8 database functions or constructs

using these functions. For more information, see
"Functions Mapping" (p. 119).

After you migrate, check the functions and expressions in Framework Manager before publishing
the model.

92 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Expressions in Architect Models Spanning Multiple Database Types

The migration process does not convert Architect expressions that connect to multiple database
types. This type of expression appears in Framework Manager in the original format. This
mapping only applies to built-in or vendor specific function calls. Expressions that already exist in
Framework Manager and do not require conversion will continue to work in Cognos 8.

User Defined Functions

Migration does not include external UDFs. References to external UDFs are replicated literally in
migrated expressions in Framework Manager.
Database UDFs are mapped to model functions in the Folders namespace of the Framework
Manager project. As long as the function still exists in the database schema, the expressions
referencing the database UDF are valid.
For more information about expressions, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Mapping Architect Business Layer Metadata

After you import an Architect XML file to Framework Manager, the following namespaces that
correspond to layers in an Architect model appear in the Project Viewer:
• Data Access Layer (p. 100)
• Business Layer
• Package Layer (p. 114)
These namespaces contain the migrated metadata from each of the corresponding layers in
Architect. The namespaces are organized hierarchically in the Project Viewer. For information
about namespaces, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
Migration includes object properties that are set in Architect unless the properties do not apply to
Framework Manager objects. Some objects, such as steward and lineage, are migrated for
informational purposes.
Objects created in Framework Manager do not contain these properties.
For information about object properties, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Entities Folders
Migration maps an Architect Entities folder to Framework Manager as an Entities namespace.
The parent of an Architect Entities folder is the Business Layer folder or another Entity folder. The
children of the Architect Entities folder are other Entity folders or entity objects. The entities are
mapped to Framework Manager as model query subjects (p. 94).
For information about model query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the Entities namespace properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, and click the Entities namespace. A list of the properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

Entities folder name Name

Entities folder description text Description

Entities folder imported description text Imported description text

Entities folder import source No longer required

Entities folder external ID No longer required

Entities folder lineage Lineage

User Guide 93
Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Entities folder imported lineage Imported lineage

Entities folder import exclusion list No longer required

Entities folder help text Help text

Entities folder imported help text No longer required

Entities folder steward Steward

Migration maps Architect entities to Framework Manager as model query subjects.
The parent of an Architect entity is an Entity folder. An Entity folder is migrated to Framework
Manager as an Entities namespace (p. 93).
The children of an Architect entity are attributes, keys, or proxies of attributes or keys. Both
attributes (p. 95) and attribute proxies (p. 95) map to Framework Manager as query items.
Migration does not include keys and key proxies. For information about relationships, see the
Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the properties for a specific entity, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, expand Entities, and click the entity you want. A list of the properties appears in the
Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Entity name Name

Entity description text Description

Entity imported description text Imported description text

Entity import source No longer required

Entity external ID No longer required

Entity lineage Lineage

Entity imported lineage Imported lineage

Entity import exclusion list No longer required

Entity help text Help text

Entity imported help text No longer required

Entity steward Steward

Entity merge duplicates Not applicable

Entity supertype Not applicable

Entity filter Embedded filter

For more information, see the Framework
Manager User Guide.

94 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

An Architect attribute is migrated to Framework Manager as a query item. Attribute usage is
mapped to a property of the query item.
The parent of an attribute is an entity. Entities are migrated to Framework Manager as model
query subjects (p. 94).
To view the properties for a specific attribute, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, expand Entities, expand a specific entity, and click the attribute you want. A list of the
properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Attribute name Name

Attribute description text Description

Attribute imported description text Imported description text

Attribute import source No longer required

Attribute external ID No longer required

Attribute lineage Lineage

Attribute imported lineage Imported lineage

Attribute import exclusion list No longer required

Attribute help text Help text

Attribute imported help text No longer required

Attribute steward Steward

Attribute data type Datatype

Attribute expression Query item or a calculated attribute

For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 92).

Attribute default style No longer required

For information about formatting columns, see the
Report Studio User Guide.

Attribute list of model prompts No longer required

Attribute enumeration values No longer required because enumeration values are

not migrated for use with Cognos 8

Attribute usage Usage

Attribute Proxies
Migration maps Architect attribute proxies to Framework Manager as query items.
The parent of an attribute proxy is an entity. During migration, entities are mapped to Framework
Manager as model query subjects (p. 94).
The properties of the proxy are derived from the attribute it references.

User Guide 95
Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

To view the attribute proxy properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, and click an attribute you want. A list of the properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Attribute proxy name Name

Attribute proxy description text Description

Attribute proxy imported description text Imported description text

Attribute proxy import source No longer required

Attribute proxy external ID No longer required

Attribute proxy lineage Lineage

Attribute proxy imported lineage Imported lineage

Attribute proxy import exclusion list No longer required

Attribute proxy help text Help text

Attribute proxy imported help text No longer required

Attribute proxy steward Steward

Attribute proxy data type Datatype

Attribute proxy expression Expression

For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 92).

Attribute proxy default style Not applicable

For information about formatting columns, see the
Report Studio User Guide.

Attribute proxy list of model prompts No longer required

Attribute proxy enumeration values No longer required because enumeration values are
not migrated for use with Cognos 8.

Attribute proxy usage Usage

Filters Folders
Migration maps an Architect Filters folder to a Filters namespace in Framework Manager.
The parent of an Architect Filters folder is the Business Layer folder or another Filter folder. The
children of the Architect Filters folder are other Filter folders or filter objects.
To view the Filters namespace properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, and click the Filters namespace. A list of the properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Filters folder name Name

Filters folder description text Description

Filters folder imported description text Imported description text

96 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Filters folder import source No longer required

Filters folder external ID No longer required

Filters folder lineage Lineage

Filters folder imported lineage Imported lineage

Filters folder import exclusion list No longer required

Filters folder help text Help text

Filters folder imported help text No longer required

Filters folder steward Steward

Migration maps an Architect filter to Framework Manager as a Framework Manager filter.
The parent of an Architect filter is a Filter folder. Filter folders map to Framework Manager as a
Filters namespace (p. 96).
To view the properties for a specific filter, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, expand Filters, and click the filter you want. A list of the properties appears in the
Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Filter name Name

Filter description text Description

Filter imported description text Imported description text

Filter import source No longer required

Filter external ID No longer required

Filter lineage Lineage

Filter imported lineage Imported lineage

Filter import exclusion list No longer required

Filter help text Help text

Filter imported help text No longer required

Filter steward Steward

Filter expression Expression

For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 92).

Filter expression list of references No longer required

User Guide 97
Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Migration maps Architect relationships to Framework Manager as relationships between model
query subjects.
The parent of an Architect relationship is the model root.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Relationship name Name

Relationship description text Description

Relationship imported description text Imported description text

Relationship import source No longer required

Relationship external ID No longer required

Relationship lineage Lineage

Relationship imported lineage Imported lineage

Relationship import exclusion list No longer required

Relationship help text Help text

Relationship imported help text No longer required

Relationship steward Steward

Relationship reference to left entity Left refobject

Relationship reference to right entity Right refobject

Relationship left cardinality Left mincard, maxcard

Relationship right cardinality Right mincard, maxcard

Relationship left type No longer required

Relationship right type No longer required

Relationship left role Left description property

Relationship right role Right description property

Relationship expression Expression

For more information, see "Migrating
Expressions" (p. 92).

Subtype Relationships
Migration maps a subtype relationship to Framework Manager as a model query with a
generateSQL property set to asView.
Architect entities can have subtypes with or without their own attributes. You can migrate both

98 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Subtypes Without Attributes

When you migrate an Architect entity with a subtype that has no attributes of its own, the
migrated entity appears in Framework Manager, as well as a shortcut to the entity. This shortcut
to the entity represents the subtype.
Migration includes existing relationships between the entity and other entities. For each of these
relationships, a new relationship is created between the shortcut representing the subtype and one
of the other entities.

Subtypes Attributes
When you migrate an Architect entity with a subtype that has attributes of its own, the migrated
entity appears in Framework Manager as a query item that represents the mapping of the attribute
that the proxy points to. A new model query subject representing the subtype also appears in
Framework Manager.
Migration includes any existing relationships between the entity and other entities. For each of
these relationships, a new relationship is created between the new model query subject
representing the subtype and one of the other entities.

Joins Between Supertypes and Other Entities

Joins between an Architect supertype and any other entity maps to Framework Manager as a
relationship between the model query representing the subtype and the model query representing
the other entity.
A filter applied to a supertype is not inherited by its subtypes.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Subtype relationship name Name

Subtype relationship description text Description

Subtype relationship imported description Imported description text


Subtype relationship import source No longer required

Subtype relationship external ID No longer required

Subtype relationship lineage Lineage

Subtype relationship imported lineage Imported lineage

Subtype relationship import exclusion list No longer required

Subtype relationship help text Help text

Subtype relationship imported help text No longer required

Subtype relationship steward Steward

Subtype relationship mapping No longer required

Migration maps Architect prompts from the Business Layer in Architect to stand-alone
calculations in Framework Manager.
File prompts are not migrated.
To view the properties for a specific prompt, in the Project Viewer, expand the Business Layer
namespace, expand Architect Prompts, and click the prompt you want. A list of the properties
appears in the Properties pane.

User Guide 99
Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect prompts map to a stand-alone calculation with the same name as the Architect prompt
object. The descriptive information is available and the expression becomes a macro prompt with
the following syntax, where ModelReference is set to Nil:
#prompt(’promptName’[,’datatype’[,’defaultValue’ [,’Text’
[,’ModelReference’] ] ] ] )#,
All the non-mappable properties migrate to custom properties. Migration converts prompt
references in the Architect expression to a reference to the stand-alone calculation in the
Framework Manager expression.

Mapping Architect Data Access Layer Metadata

After you import an Architect XML file to Framework Manager, the following namespaces that
correspond to layers in an Architect model appear in the Project Viewer:
• Data Access Layer
• Business Layer (p. 93)
• Package Layer (p. 114)
These namespaces contain the migrated metadata from each of the corresponding layers in
Architect. The namespaces are organized hierarchically in the Project Viewer. For information
about namespaces, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
Migration maps Architect object properties to Framework Manager, unless they do not apply to
Framework Manager objects. Some objects, such as steward and lineage, migrate for
informational purposes.
For information about object properties, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Database Folders
Migration maps Architect database folders to Framework Manager as Databases namespaces.
The parent of an Architect database folder is the Data Access Layer folder. The children of an
Architect database folder map to Framework Manager as database objects.
To view the Database namespace properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Data Access Layer
namespace, and click the Databases namespace. A list of the properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

Databases folder name Name

Databases folder description text Description

Databases folder imported description Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Databases folder import source No longer required

Databases folder external ID No longer required

Databases folder lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Databases folder imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Databases folder import exclusion list No longer required

100 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Databases folder help text Help text
This is a custom property.

Databases imported help text No longer required

Databases folder steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Migration maps Architect databases to Framework Manager as Framework Manager databases.
When you expand the Databases namespace, in the Data Access Layer namespace, a list of the
migrated databases appears.
The parent of an Architect database is the Databases folder. During migration, the Databases
folder maps to Framework Manager as a Databases namespace (p. 100).
The children of an Architect database are catalog objects. During migration, the catalogs map to
Framework Manager as catalog namespaces (p. 101).
To view the properties for a specific database, in the Project Viewer, expand the Data Access
Layer namespace, expand Databases, and click the database you want. A list of the properties
appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Database name Name

Database description text Description

Database imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Database import source No longer required

Database external ID No longer required

Database lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Database imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Database import exclusion list No longer required

Database help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Database imported help text No longer required

Database steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Migration maps Architect catalogs to Framework Manager as catalog namespaces.

User Guide 101

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

If a catalog is defined in the database, a corresponding namespace for that catalog in the specific
database namespace appears. For example, if you expand the gosales_oracle namespace, the
catalog appears. The catalog has its own set of properties that you can view in the Properties
If the catalog name was added in Architect, the namespace has the same name. Otherwise, it
appears as _Default Catalog.
The parent of an Architect catalog is a database. The database maps to Framework Manager as a
namespace (p. 101).
The children of an Architect catalog are schemas. A schema maps to Framework Manager as a
schema namespace (p. 102).
To view the Catalog properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Data Access Layer namespace,
expand Databases, expand the specific database namespace you want, and click the catalog
namespace. A list of the properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Catalog name Name

Catalog description text Description

Catalog imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Catalog import source No longer required

Catalog external ID No longer required

Catalog lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Catalog imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Catalog import exclusion list No longer required

Catalog help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Catalog imported help text No longer required

Catalog steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Migration maps Architect schemas to Framework Manager as schema namespaces.
If a schema is defined in the database, a corresponding namespace for that schema in the specific
database namespace appears. For example, if you expand the Catalog namespace in the
gosales_oracle namespace, the schema appears. The schema has its own set of properties that you
can view in the Properties pane.
If you added the schema name in Architect, the Framework Manager schema namespace has the
same name. Otherwise, it appears as _Default Schema.
The parent of an Architect schema is a catalog. The catalog maps to Framework Manager as a
namespace (p. 101).

102 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

The children of an Architect schema are tables, views, stored procedures, or synonym objects. A
table maps to a database query (p. 103), a view maps to a database query (p. 104), a stored
procedure maps to a model function (p. 110), and a synonym object maps to a shortcut (p. 105).
To view the schema properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Data Access Layer namespace,
expand Databases, expand the specific database namespace you want, expand Catalog, and click
the Schema namespace. A list of the properties appears in the Properties pane.
To view the data source properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Data Sources folder, and
click the data source you want. A list of the data source properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Schema name Name

Schema description text Description

Schema imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Schema import source No longer required

Schema external ID No longer required

Schema lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Schema imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Schema import exclusion list No longer required

Schema help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Schema imported help text No longer required

Schema steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Migration maps Architect tables to Framework Manager as database query subjects.
The parent of an Architect table is a schema object. The mapping of an Architect schema (p. 102)
into Framework Manager is a schema namespace.
The children of an Architect table are column, index, or key objects. A column maps to a query
item (p. 107), an index maps to a Framework Manager index (p. 112), and a key maps to a
Framework Manager key (p. 108).
For information about query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the query subject properties, in the Project Viewer, in the Data Access Layer namespace,
click the query subject you want. A list of the query subject properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

Table name Name

User Guide 103

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Table description text Description

Table imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Table import source No longer required

Table external ID No longer required

Table lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Table imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Table import exclusion list No longer required

Table help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Table imported help text No longer required

Table steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Table estimated record count No longer required

Table last update date time No longer required

Table weight (Impromptu) No longer required

Migration maps Architect views to Framework Manager as database query subjects.
The parent of an Architect view is a schema object. An Architect schema (p. 102) maps to
Framework Manager as a schema namespace.
The children of an Architect view are column, index, or key objects. A column maps to a query
item (p. 107), an index maps to a Framework Manager index (p. 112), and a key maps to a
Framework Manager key (p. 108).
For information about query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the query subject properties, in the Project Viewer, in the Data Access Layer namespace,
click the query subject you want. A list of the query subject properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

View name Name

View description Text Description

View imported description Text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

View import source No longer required

104 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

View external ID No longer required

View lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

View imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

View import exclusion List No longer required

View help text Help text

This is a custom property.

View imported help text No longer required

View steward Steward

This is a custom property.

View estimated record count No longer required

View last update date time No longer required

View weight (Impromptu) No longer required

Migration maps Architect SynonymViews to Framework Manager as database query subject
The parent of an Architect SynonymView is a schema object. An Architect schema (p. 102) maps
to Framework Manager as a schema namespace.
For information about query subjects and shortcuts, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the query subject properties, in the Project Viewer, in the Data Access Layer namespace,
click the query subject you want. A list of the query subject properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

SynonymView name Name

SynonymView description text Description

SynonymView imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

SynonymView import source No longer required

SynonymView external ID No longer required

SynonymView lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

SynonymView imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

SynonymView import exclusion list No longer required

User Guide 105

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

SynonymView help text Help text
This is a custom property.

SynonymView imported help text No longer required

SynonymView steward Steward

This is a custom property.

SynonymView estimated record count No longer required

SynonymView last update date time No longer required

SynonymView weight (Impromptu) No longer required

Migration maps Architect SynonymTables to Framework Manager as database query subject
The parent of an ArchitecttTable is a schema object. An Architect schema (p. 102) maps to
Framework Manager as a schema namespace.
For information about query subjects and shortcuts, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the query subject properties, in the Project Viewer, in the Data Access Layer namespace,
click the query subject you want. A list of the query subject properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

SynonymTable name Name

SynonymTable description text Description

SynonymTable imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

SynonymTable import source No longer required

SynonymTable external ID No longer required

SynonymTable lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

SynonymTable imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

SynonymTable import exclusion list No longer required

SynonymTable help text Help text

SynonymTable imported help text No longer required

SynonymTable steward Steward

This is a custom property.

SynonymTable estimated record count No longer required

106 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

SynonymTable last update date time No longer required

SynonymTable weight (Impromptu) No longer required

Migration maps Architect columns to Framework Manager as query items.
The parent of an Architect column is a table, view, SQL query, or an Impromptu HotFile. Tables
(p. 103), views (p. 104), and SQL queries (p. 102) map to Framework Manager as database query
subjects. Migration does not include Impromptu HotFiles.
To view the query subject properties, in the Project Viewer, in the Data Access Layer namespace,
click the query subject you want. A list of the query subject properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

Column name Name

Column description text Description

Column imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Column import source No longer required

Column external ID No longer required

Column lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Column imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Column help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Column imported help text No longer required

Column steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Column null allowed Nullable

Column data type Datatype

Column size Size

Column scale Scale

Column leading precision No longer required

Column trailing precision No longer required

Column MIME type MIMEType

Column language No longer required

User Guide 107

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Column character set Original encoding name

Column collating sequence Original collation sequence name

Column expression editor tip Screen tip

Migration maps Architect keys to Framework Manager as determinant keys.
The parent of an Architect determinant key is a table. A table maps to a database query subject
(p. 103).
Architect determinants are used to infer usage and create relationships, and their properties are
visible in Framework Manager from the Determinants tab.
Information on the determinant keys that are used to create joins can be found by editing the
definition of the query subject and viewing Determinants tab.
For information about relationships, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Key name Determinant key name

Key description Text description

Key imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Key import source No longer required

Key external ID No longer required

Key lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Key imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Key import exclusion list No longer required

Key help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Key imported help text No longer required

Key steward Steward

This is a custom property.

SQL Query Folders

Migration maps SQL query folders to Framework Manager as SQL queries namespaces.
The parent of an Architect SQL query folder is the Data Access Layer folder. The children of an
Architect SQL Query folder map to Framework Manager as database query subjects.
For information about database query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

108 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

To view the SQL queries namespace properties, in the Project Viewer, expand the Data Access
Layer namespace and click the SQL Queries namespace. A list of the properties appears in the
Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

SQL query folder name Name

SQL query folder description text Description

SQL query folder imported description Imported description text

text This is a custom property.

SQL query folder import source No longer required

SQL query folder external ID No longer required

SQL query folder lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

SQL query folder imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

SQL query folder import exclusion list No longer required

SQL query folder help text Help text

This is a custom property.

SQL query folder imported help text No longer required

SQL query folder steward Steward

This is a custom property.

SQL Queries
Migration maps SQL queries to Framework Manager as database query subjects.
The parent of an Architect SQL query is the SQL query folder. The SQL query folder (p. 108)
maps to Framework Manager as an SQL query namespace.
The child of an SQL query is a column. A column maps to Framework Manager as a query item
(p. 107).
For information about database query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Architect property Framework Manager property

SQL query name Name

SQL query description text Description

SQL query imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

SQL query import source No longer required

SQL query external ID No longer required

User Guide 109

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

SQL query lineage Lineage
This is a custom property.

SQL query imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

SQL query import exclusion list No longer required

SQL query help text Help text

This is a custom property.

SQL query imported help text No longer required

SQL query steward Steward

SQL Query subject SQL property

SQL query estimated record count Not applicable

Stored Procedures
Migration maps Architect stored procedures to Framework Manager as model functions. Stored
procedures are visible only in the Object Explorer view in Framework Manager.
The parent of an Architect stored procedure is a schema object. An Architect schema (p. 102)
maps to Framework Manager as a schema namespace.
For information about stored procedure query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the stored procedure properties, in the Object Explorer View, under the database schema
folder in the Data Access namespace, click the stored procedure. A list of the stored procedure
properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Stored procedure name Name

Stored procedure description text Description

Stored procedure imported description Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure import source No longer required

Stored procedure external ID No longer required

Stored procedure lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure import exclusion list No longer required

Stored procedure help text Help text

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure imported help text No longer required

110 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Stored procedure steward Steward
This is a custom property.

Stored procedure SQL label canonicalName

Stored procedure expression editor tip syntaxTip

Stored procedure parameters tab + procParameters

Stored procedure results tab + result

Stored Procedure Parameters

Migration maps Architect stored procedure parameters to Framework Manager as stored
procedure parameters. Stored procedure parameters are visible only in the Object Explorer view in
Framework Manager.
For information about stored procedure query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the stored procedure parameter properties, in the Object Explorer View, click the stored
procedure. Expand the +procParameters tab in the Properties pane to view the parameters.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Stored procedure parameter name Name

Stored procedure parameter description Description


Stored procedure parameter data type Datatype

Stored procedure parameter size Size

Stored procedure parameter null allowed Nullable

Stored Procedure Return Parameters

Migration maps Architect stored procedure return parameters to Framework Manager as model
function results. Stored procedures are visible only in the Object Explorer view in Framework
For information about stored procedure query subjects, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
To view the stored procedure parameter properties, in the Object Explorer View, click the stored
procedure. Expand the +result tab in the Properties pane to view the properties.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Stored procedure return parameter name Name

Stored procedure return parameter Description

description text

Stored procedure return parameter Imported description text

imported description text
This is a custom property.

Stored procedure return parameter import No longer required


User Guide 111

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Stored procedure return parameter No longer required
external ID

Stored procedure return parameter Lineage

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure return parameter Imported lineage

imported lineage
This is a custom property.

Stored procedure return parameter import No longer required

exclusion list

Stored procedure return parameter help Help text

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure return parameter No longer required

imported help text

Stored procedure return parameter Steward

This is a custom property.

Stored procedure return parameter data DataType


Stored procedure return parameter size Size

Stored procedure return parameter scale Scale

Stored procedure return parameter null Nullable


Stored procedure return parameter No longer required

leading precision

Stored procedure return parameter No longer required

trailing precision

Stored procedure return parameter No longer required


Stored procedure return parameter No longer required

character set

The migration process uses Architect indexes to infer usage and create relationships.
The parent of an Architect index is a table. Tables map to Framework Manager as a database
query subject (p. 103).

Architect property Framework Manager property

Index name Name

Index description text Description

112 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Index imported description text Imported description text
This is a custom property.

Index import source No longer required

Index external ID No longer required

Index lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Index imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Index import exclusion list No longer required

Index help text Help text

Index imported help text No longer required

Index steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Index null allowed No longer required

Index type Unique

Physical Joins
Migration maps Architect physical joins to Framework Manager as relationships between
database query subjects.
The parent of an Architect physical join is the model root.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Physical join name Name

Physical join description text Description

Physical join imported description text Imported description text

This is a custom property.

Physical join import source No longer required

Physical join external ID No longer required

Physical join lineage Lineage

This is a custom property.

Physical join imported lineage Imported lineage

This is a custom property.

Physical join import exclusion list No longer required

Physical join help text Help text

This is a custom property.

User Guide 113

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Physical join imported help text No longer required

Physical join steward Steward

This is a custom property.

Physical join reference to left table Left refobject

Physical join reference to right table Right refobject

Physical join left cardinality Left mincard, maxcard

Physical join right cardinality Right mincard, maxcard

Physical join left role Left description property

Physical join right role Right description property

Physical join expression Expression

Mapping Architect Package Layer Metadata

After you import an Architect XML file to Framework Manager, the following namespaces that
correspond to layers in an Architect model appear in the Project Viewer:
• Data Access Layer (p. 100)
• Business Layer (p. 93)
• Package Layer
These namespaces contain the migrated metadata from each of the corresponding layers in
Architect. The namespaces are organized hierarchically in the Project Viewer. For information
about namespaces, see the Framework Manager User Guide.
Migration maps Architect packages to the Packages Layer namespace and the Packages folder in
Framework Manager. The packages in the Package Layer namespace are shortcuts to the objects
in the Business Layer namespace. If you delete the Package Layer namespace, you invalidate the
packages in the Packages folder.
We recommend that you create a new package using the objects from the Business Layer or Data
Access Layer namespaces. For information about packages, see the Framework Manager User
Migration maps object properties that are set in Architect, unless the properties do not apply to
Framework Manager objects. The migration process uses some objects, such as steward and
lineage, for informational purposes.
For information about object properties, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Package Folders
Migration maps a user-defined Architect package folder to Framework Manager as a Package
Layer namespace.
The parent of an Architect package folder is the root package folder. The root package folder is
not migrated to Framework Manager. Children of a user defined Architect package folder are
other package folders or packages. Architect packages map to Framework Manager as two
objects, a package namespace and a package (p. 115).

114 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

To view the Package Layer namespace properties, in the Project Viewer, click the Package Layer
namespace. A list of the properties appears in the Properties pane.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Package folder name Name

Package folder description text Description

Package folder imported description text Imported description text

Package folder import source No longer required

Package folder external ID No longer required

Package folder lineage Lineage

Package folder imported lineage Imported lineage

Package folder import exclusion list No longer required

Package folder help text Help text

Package folder imported help text No longer required

Package folder steward Steward

Migration maps Architect packages to Framework Manager as two objects, a package namespace
and a package object.
A package is also created for each Architect user class. For more information, see "Architect
Model Security" (p. 91).
The parent of an Architect package is the package folder. The package folder maps to Framework
Manager as a Package Layer namespace (p. 114).
The children of an Architect package are subject folders, subject entities, subject attributes, subject
filters, or subject prompts.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Subject folder Namespace

Subject entity Shortcut or model query subject (p. 117)

Subject attribute Query item (p. 118)

Subject filter Embedded filter or filter shortcut (p. 118)

Subject prompt Query item or a shortcut to a calculation (p. 117)

When you expand the Package Layer namespace, a list of the migrated packages appears. Each
package has its own set of properties that can be viewed in the Properties pane.

User Guide 115

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

To view the properties for a specific package, in the Project Viewer, expand the Package Layer
namespace, and click the package you want. A list of the properties appears in the Properties

Architect property Framework Manager property

Package name Name

Package description text Description

Package imported description text Imported description text

Package import source No longer required

Package external ID No longer required

Package lineage Lineage

Package imported lineage Imported lineage

Package import exclusion list No longer required

Package help text Help text

Package imported help text No longer required

Package steward Steward

Package target application Target applications

This is a custom property.

Package Cognos Query limits No longer required

Subject Folders
Migration maps Architect subject folders to Framework Manager as model query subjects or
If the children of the Architect subject folder are all subject attributes, subject filters, or subject
prompts, the subject folder maps to Framework Manager as a model query subject. Otherwise,
the subject folder maps to Framework Manager as a namespace.
If the Architect subject folder maps to Framework Manager as a namespace, the following
mappings occur:
• all children subject attributes map as embedded calculations
• all children subject filters map as filter shortcuts pointing to corresponding model filters in the
Business Layer namespace
• all subject prompts map as model calculation shortcuts

Subject Filters
Migration maps Architect subject filters to Framework Manager as embedded filters or filter
If the parent of the subject filter maps to Framework Manager as a query subject, the subject filter
maps as an embedded filter that references the corresponding model filter in the Business Layer
If the parent of the subject filter maps to Framework Manager as a namespace, the subject filter
maps as a filter shortcut that points to the corresponding model filter in the Business Layer

116 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Subject Prompts
Migration maps Architect subject prompts to Framework Manager as query items or shortcuts to
model calculations.
If the parent of the subject prompt maps to Framework Manager as a query subject, the subject
prompt maps as a query item referencing the corresponding model calculation in the Business
Layer namespace.
If the parent of the subject prompt maps to Framework Manager as a namespace, the subject
prompt maps as a model calculation pointing to the corresponding model calculation in the
Business Layer namespace.

Subject Entities
Migration maps Architect subject entities to Framework Manager as a shortcut or model query
subject. The subject entity is a copy of an entity in the Business Layer.
The subject entity maps as a query subject shortcut if all children of the subject entity reference the
attributes of the entity specified in the Based On property. Otherwise, the subject entity maps as a
model query subject.
The parent of a subject entity is a package folder, package, or subject folder. A package folder
maps as a Package Layer namespace (p. 114). A package maps as both a Framework Manager
namespace and a Framework Manager package (p. 115). A subject folder maps as either a model
query subject or a namespace (p. 116).
The children of an Architect subject entity are subject attributes, subject filters, or subject

Architect property Framework Manager property

Subject attribute Query item (p. 118) or model calculation,
depending on its parent

Subject filter Embedded filter or filter shortcut (p. 116)

Subject prompt Query item or a shortcut to a calculation (p. 117)

To view the properties for a specific subject, in the Project Viewer, expand the Package Layer
namespace, expand a package, and click the subject you want. A list of the properties appears in
the Properties pane.
The following are the mapped properties if the subject entity maps to Framework Manager as a
model query subject. Otherwise, the subject entity has the properties of a shortcut.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Subject entity name Name

Subject entity description text Description

Subject entity imported description text Imported description text

Subject entity import source No longer required

Subject entity external ID No longer required

Subject entity lineage Lineage

Subject entity imported lineage Imported lineage

Subject entity import exclusion list No longer required

User Guide 117

Chapter 11: Architect Mapping

Architect property Framework Manager property

Subject entity help text Help text

Subject entity imported help text No longer required

Subject entity steward Steward

Subject entity list of references No longer required

Subject Attributes
Migration maps Architect subject attributes to Framework Manager as query items or model
The parent of a subject attribute is a package folder, subject folder, package, or a subject entity.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Package folder Package namespace (p. 114)

Subject folder Model query subjects or namespaces (p. 116)

Package Package namespace and a package object (p. 115)

Subject entity Shortcut or a model query subject (p. 117)

To ensure that migration was successful, in Framework Manager, in the Package Layer
namespace, right-click a subject name, and click Go To Target. The equivalent Business Layer
object appears in the Object Explorer view.

Architect property Framework Manager property

Subject attribute name Name

Subject attribute description text Description

Subject attribute imported description Imported description text


Subject attribute import source No longer required

Subject attribute external ID No longer required

Subject attribute lineage Lineage

Subject attribute imported lineage Imported lineage

Subject attribute import exclusion list No longer required

Subject attribute help text Help text

Subject attribute imported help text No longer required

Subject attribute steward Steward

Subject attribute list of references No longer required

118 Migration and Upgrade

Chapter 12: Functions Mapping

Functions are predefined calculations you use to define an expression to do one of the following:
• Create a calculation.
• Create a condition to filter report data or conditionally format a report.
• Create a condition or calculation to store in the catalog.
The migratetoc8 process maps Cognos Series 7 functions to a syntax supported by Framework
Manager. If errors occur for functions mapping, view the log file to see details about the error and
identify changes required to correct the error. For more information about the log file, see
"Troubleshooting" (p. 123).
Function mapping for migration is controlled by the impimr2xml-translate-functions-map.xml
file. If you receive errors about functions, the information in this file may help you to troubleshoot
the function mapping for your environment.
The impimr2xml-translate-functions-map.xml file is in the migs7 directory where you installed the
Cognos Series 7 migration tools. For example, if you installed the migration tools to the default
Cognos Series 7 version 3 installation location, the file is in C:\Program Files\cognos\cer4\migs7.

User Guide 119

Chapter 12: Functions Mapping

120 Migration and Upgrade

PART 4: Troubleshooting

User Guide 121

122 Migration and Upgrade
Appendix A: Troubleshooting

The information in this section will help you locate sources of troubleshooting information, such
as log files, and identify and troubleshoot the following specific problems:
• "Problems Migrating Metadata" (p. 124)
• "Problems Importing Metadata into Framework Manager" (p. 126)
• "Problems Migrating Applications" (p. 126)
• "Problems Deploying Migrated Applications" (p. 127)
• "Problems Running Migrated or Upgraded Reports" (p. 129)
• "Problems with Report Formatting" (p. 134)
• "Problems with Security" (p. 136)
Where appropriate, the error message is used as the title of the troubleshooting topic.

Log Files
Log files include information that can help you to troubleshoot problems with the installation and
use of the migration tools.
Note: We recommend that you regularly monitor the log files and maintain the folders in which
they are created. For example, if you are upgrading many reports, the size of the folders may grow

Installation Log Files

The installation wizard creates two log files in the installation_location\instlog directory. The log
file names include the product name, version, build number, and time stamp.
The transfer log file records the activities that the installation wizard performed while transferring
files. The transfer log file is in the installation_location\instlog directory. The file name identifies
the product name, version, and build number, and includes a time stamp. The following is an
example of the file name format: tl-SERIES8-8-0-0-0-20021104_0942.txt
The transfer summary-error log file records the components you installed, disk space information,
the selections you made in the transfer dialogs, and any errors the installation wizard encountered
while transferring components. The transfer summary-error log file is in the
installation_location/instlog directory. The file name identifies the product name, version, and
build number, and includes a time stamp. The following is an example of the file name format:

Cognos Series 7 Migration and Upgrade Log File

The migratetoc8 process creates a log file named migratetoc8.xml in target\_LOG.

Cognos 8 Migration and Upgrade Log File

The deploytoc8 process creates a log file named viewMigrationLog.html in target\_LOG. This log
file includes information about the deploytoc8 process and the content from the migratetoc8 log

Published PowerPlay Reports Upgraded to Cognos 8 Log Files

Any errors encountered when upgrading PowerPlay reports published to Cognos 8 Cognos
Connection are logged in Cognos 8 installation_location\temp\migrsvp.

User Guide 123

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Problems with the Command Line Tools

Command Fails to Run with Special Character in File Path
If the source or target file path includes the special characters ampersand (&), pipe (), or
parentheses ( ), the migration command will fail to run.
To use these special characters in a file path, the characters must be preceded by the escape
character (^) or quotation marks. For example, the following commands will run properly:
migratetoc8 "e:\IS&T\reports" "e:\IS&T\migrate"
migratetoc8 e:\IS^&T e:\IS^&T\migrate

Problems Migrating Metadata

Metadata Objects Are Missing After Migration
Objects may not appear as expected or may be missing after you migrate an Architect model or
Impromptu catalog to Framework Manager. You can probably determine why by answering the
following questions in the given order:
• Does the object exist in the Architect model or Impromptu catalog that you migrated?
• Do you have access to the object that did not migrate?
You must have appropriate privileges to access the metadata to perform the migration. For
example, you must have Creator access to export a catalog using the impcat2xml tool.
• Does the object exist in the Framework Manager project?
If you cannot find the object, check the migration log file for information about how the
migration process handled the object.
Some objects may be hidden by default in Framework Manager. For example, check the
package definition to determine if an object is selected or not.
If the Framework Manager import did not include the object, you can achieve similar
functionality using Framework Manager. For more information, see the Framework Manager
User Guide.

Exception Raised
This error occurs if the command line syntax is incorrect.
Ensure that you specified the appropriate parameters on the command line. If you still encounter
the error, test the parameters individually. For example, enter only mandatory parameters and see
if the problem still occurs. If the migration is successful, gradually add the optional parameters

Prompted to Log On During Metadata Export

If an Architect model or Impromptu catalog is secured and you do not provide namespace
authentication information in the command line, the migration process prompts you for the user
ID and password. You can still export the model if you log on interactively.
If you want to do a silent or batch export, ensure that you include the user ID and password on
the command line.

Failed to Open Model, Terminating XML Generation

This error can occur if the Architect model is open or if the ObjectStore services are not running
when you run the arch2xml command.
Ensure that the model is not currently open in Architect, and that the ObjectStore services are

124 Migration and Upgrade

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

If you still encounter the migration error, open the model in Architect and ensure that the model
does not include errors.

Logon Prompts While Migrating Catalogs

The migration process prompts you to log on when you attempt to export an Impromptu catalog.
This can occur if you changed the password for the Creator user name and you did not enter the
new password properly. The default authentication credentials are a user name of Creator, and no

Problems Migrating a Non-English Impromptu Catalog

If you export catalogs using a non-English version of Impromptu, you must specify the Creator
name for the language of Impromptu that you use. If you do not specify the localized Creator
name, the tool defaults to the English name Creator.
For example, if you use the German version of Impromptu, type the following:
impcat2xml -n Ersteller c:\testcatalogs\gosales.cat c:\xmlcats\gosales.xml
If you use the French version of Impromptu, type the following:
impcat2xml -n Auteur c:\testcatalogs\gosales.cat c:\xmlcats\gosales.xml

Unable to Start the Impromptu Automation Server

You attempt to migrate a catalog, and the Impromptu automation server does not start.
This error can occur if the impadmin server is not registered, possibly because Impromptu was
installed without applying the configuration using Configuration Manager. This error can also
occur when you uninstall a previous version of Impromptu after installing a more recent version.
To correct this error you need to reapply the configuration settings for Impromptu Administrator.
In Cognos Series 7 Configuration Manager, select Cognos Impromptu.Impromptu Administrator,
and then from the Actions menu, click Apply Selection. Close Configuration Manager and then
run the impcat2xml command.

Unable to Open an Impromptu Catalog

When you run the impcat2xml command, you get an error message indicating that the migration
process was unable to find a catalog.
To fix this problem, ensure that the following statements are true:
• The catalog path is correct.
• You can open the catalog interactively using the version of Impromptu Administrator that the
commands use during migration.
Tip: If Impromptu is open, and a dialog box is waiting for input, the impcat2xml command
may not run successfully.
• You have sufficient security credentials to open the catalog.
If all the statements are true, open the Cognos Series 7 Configuration Manager, reapply the
settings for Impromptu Administrator, and run the command again.
This error can also occur when you use the migratetoc8 tool for Impromptu report migration. For
more information, see "Unable to Open the Catalog for the Following Impromptu
Report" (p. 126).

You Cannot Open Catalog as Creator When Running User Version of

If you have both Impromptu User and Impromptu Administrator installed on the computer where
you run the impcat2xml command, you may receive an error stating that you cannot open a
catalog as Creator when running Impromptu User.

User Guide 125

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

To correct this error you need to reapply the configuration settings for Impromptu Administrator.
In Cognos Series 7 Configuration Manager, select Cognos Impromptu.Impromptu Administrator,
and then from the Actions menu, click Apply Selection. Close Configuration Manager and then
run the impcat2xml command.

Problems Importing Metadata into Framework Manager

XML Validation Error Occurs When Importing XML Files into Framework
In Framework Manager, if you import an XML file that is not of the metadata type that you
selected, the XML validation error message appears. For example, you try to import the XML file
for an exported Architect model using the Cognos Impromptu XML option.
Try the import again, specifying the correct metadata type.
This error can also occur if the XML file was modified after export. If this is the case, delete the
file and run the appropriate migration tool again to create a new XML file.

Query Items in an Impromptu Subfolder Are Represented by Calculation Icons

in Framework Manager
You migrate an Impromptu folder that has a subfolder and subfolder items. The subfolder items
appear as calculations in Framework Manager. This does not affect the functionality of the object.

Unexpected Results with Filters After Migrating Architect Models

Because Architect and Framework Manager support different filter types, you may have to update
filter properties to achieve the expected results.
For example, you want to use an optional filter. Because Architect does not support optional
filters, you must change the filter properties in Framework Manager. For more information about
working with filters, see the Framework Manager User Guide.

Incorrect Decimal Separators After Importing Architect Model Metadata

After importing Architect model metadata into Framework Manager, the decimal separators do
not match the format in the original Architect model. This can be caused by differences between
regional settings on the Cognos Series 7 computer and the Framework Manger design language.
To correct the problem, change the regional settings on the Architect computer to use the same
decimal separator as the Framework Manager design language and then repeat the export process
using the arch2xml tool. When you import the metadata, the correct decimal separator should
appear. After exporting the model, change the regional settings back to the original format. For
more information, see "Temporarily Change the Locale Settings on the Architect
Computer" (p. 25).

Problems Migrating Applications

Unable to Open the Catalog for the Following Impromptu Report
A message appears during export indicating that the migration process was unable to find a
Because each report is opened in the background during migratetoc8 processing, the catalog must
be accessible, either by preserving the report and catalog folder structure from the original
working location, or by placing a copy of the catalog in the migration source folder with the

126 Migration and Upgrade

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Try the following to correct the error:

• Check the command line syntax for errors.
• Open a report from the migration source location to ensure that the catalog is available.
• Move the catalog to the same location as the reports and repeat the export.

Errors Migrating Large Applications

It can be difficult to troubleshoot errors when migrating large applications.
If possible, migrate the application in parts. Export, deploy, and test each part before completing
the migration process for the remainder of the application.

Unable to Find the Source Folder Containing the Images to be Migrated

If you know that the reports do not use any images, you can ignore this message. Otherwise, see
"Missing Images in Migrated Reports" (p. 129) for information about resolving this problem.

An Impromptu Report Cannot Be Accessed

Migration fails because the migratetoc8 process cannot access a report.
This can occur if the Impromptu report generates errors or interactive messages, other than
prompts, when run in Impromptu.
Check whether you can open the Impromptu report without any errors or interactive messages. If
there are errors, fix them and run the migratetoc8 command again.

Packlets Cannot Be Found

If you use a Deployment Manager package created in a distributed Cognos Series 7 environment,
the package and packlet files you want to use as the migration source may be on different
computers. For example, the Deployment Manager package file (.dmp) can be on a Windows
computer and the packlets can be on one or more UNIX computers. If the package and packlet
files are not on the same computer, you get an error when you run the migratetoc8 command
indicating the migration process cannot find a packlet.
Before running the migratetoc8 command, the package and packlet files must be located on the
computer where you will run the migratetoc8 command. Also, you must modify the .dmp file to
show the correct location of the packlet files.
For more information, see "Create the Migration Source Using a Deployment Manager
Package" (p. 37).

Problems Deploying Migrated Applications

Login to Cognos 8 Failed. Please Verify Credential Information
If anonymous access is disabled in Cognos 8 and you do not provide the correct user and
namespace information with the deploytoc8 command, the deploytoc8 process fails. The
migration log file includes the following error:
Login to Cognos 8 failed. Please verify credential information.
To correct the error, run the deploytoc8 command again providing the correct user and namespace

CM-REQ-4024 Name Conflict

You attempt to deploy a migrated report set, but Cognos 8 returns an error message similar to the

User Guide 127

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

The name [time_date_stamp] conflicts with the names of existing object(s)

/[Import/time_date_stamp]. Your application may not display all objects that exist at this location.
This occurs when you attempt to deploy a migrated report set that was previously deployed.
The specification that was created by the original migration was named according to the time and
date stamp of the migratetoc8 command. If you run the deploytoc8 command on the same
migrated report set, Cognos 8 attempts to create a new import specification using the same time
stamp. You will get an error message indicating a name conflict. You cannot deploy a migrated
report set twice.
To update a report set that was already deployed, do one of the following:
• Run the migratetoc8 command on the report set again, and run the deploytoc8 command on
the newly migrated report set.
• In Cognos Connection, from the Tools menu, click Deployment. Click the Import tab, find the
import specification, and click Update Import.
• In Cognos Connection, from the Tools menu, click Deployment. Click the Import tab, delete
the old import specification, and run the deploytoc8 command.

JRE Not Found. Cannot Run the Migration Tool

When you run the deploytoc8 command, you receive a JRE error. This can happen if you have
installed the Cognos 8 migration tool in a different location than where Cognos 8 is installed.
The Cognos 8 migration tool must be installed in the installation_location\Cognos\c8 directory.
For more information, see the Migration and Upgrade Installation Guide.

None of the Packages Listed in the nameMap.xml file Were Found in the
Content Store
When you run the deploytoc8 command, you receive an error indicating the deploy process did
not find a required package in the Cognos 8 content store. Review the following possible causes
for this error to identify a solution that applies to your situation.

Package Name in Namemap.xml File Does Not Match Name of Published Package
The migratetoc8 process creates a nameMap.xml file that contains a default package name for
each package expected in Cognos 8. The nameMap.xml file is located in _SUPPORT\maps in the
migratetoc8 target location.
Open the nameMap.xml file in an XML or text editor and verify that the name in each
<packageName> element matches a published package in Cognos 8. If the package names do not
match, edit the nameMap.xml to make the package name the same as the name of the published
package and then run the deploytoc8 command again.
For more information, see "Check Package Mapping" (p. 43).

Package Does Not Exist in Cognos Connection

Verify that the required metadata is available. Each migrated report must map to an existing
package in Cognos 8. For Impromptu reports you must create and publish a package using a
migrated catalog (p. 32). For PowerPlay reports you must create a data source connection in
Cognos 8 to required cubes and then create and publish a package. For more information about
using cubes in Cognos 8, see the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.
If the package was not available when you ran the deploytoc8 tool, you must create and publish a
package from Framework Manager to Cognos Connection and then run the deploytoc8 command

Wrong Namespace ID Specified in the Deploytoc8 Command

Verify that you specified the correct namespace ID, and that there wasn’t a typing error in the
namespace ID, in the deploytoc8 command.
If there was a problem with the namespace ID, run the deploytoc8 command again specifying the
correct namespace ID.

128 Migration and Upgrade

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Problems Running Migrated or Upgraded Reports

Migrated Impromptu Report Fails to Run or Runs with Errors
When you attempt to run a migrated report, the report fails to run or runs with errors. These
errors may be caused by problems that existed before migration. For example, the following error
is related to a problem that existed in the original report and is not caused by an error in the
migration process or an incompatibility between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8.
Error: UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "identifier" was not found in the dictionary.
The first step in troubleshooting errors in migrated reports is to ensure that the original report
works correctly in Impromptu. Open the original report in Cognos Series 7 Impromptu. If there
are errors, complete the changes necessary to make the report run successfully and then repeat the
migration process.

Report Was Not Migrated

When you try to open a migrated report in Report Studio, an error message appears stating that
the report was not migrated.
This can occur if your reports use encoding rules that are different than those of the operating
system. The migration tool uses the operating system settings to determine which encoding rules
to use. If you need different settings, use -e encoding_name as an optional parameter with the
migratetoc8 command to specify the correct encoding name.
For example, to set the encoding value to UTF-8, use the following optional parameter in your
migratetoc8 command:
migratetoc8 -e utf_8 source_location target_location

Missing Images in Migrated Reports

Images are not rendered after you migrate and deploy a report to Cognos 8.
This can occur for the following reasons:
• The image files are in a different location than the report files.
When you run the migratetoc8 command, all graphic files used by reports must be present in
the source directory or subdirectory. Otherwise, the images are not included in the
deployment package. For images to be properly referenced in migrated reports, you must
migrate the images with their respective reports. You cannot migrate the images using a
different migratetoc8 command.
• In the Impromptu report, the image loads using the file name in column, and the value of the
associated data item has trailing spaces.
Switch the data item's datatype to varchar, and update the values so that there are no trailing
• You deploy reports to UNIX, and there are type case differences between the database image
reference and the actual file name.
Ensure that the database image reference and the file name are exactly the same, including
type case.

Using Generic Mapping for Function Error for Migrated Impromptu Report
This message indicates that a function in a migrated report may not conserve its original objective
because of generic mapping. As a result, the results may not be correct. This can occur if the
Impromptu function cannot map directly to a Cognos 8 function.
To ensure that the function provides correct results, use Report Studio to review the function in
the Cognos 8 report specification, and make changes if appropriate.

User Guide 129

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

The Following Function is Mapped as an Expression Using the Cast Operation

Error for Migrated Impromptu Report
This message indicates that a function in a migrated report may not conserve its original objective
because it maps to Cognos 8 as a cast operation. As a result, the results may not be correct. This
can happen if the Impromptu function cannot map directly to a Cognos 8 function.
To ensure that the function provides correct results, use Report Studio to review the function in
the Cognos 8 report specification, and make changes if appropriate.

The Following Function is Mapped as a No-Operation Error for Migrated

Impromptu Report
This message indicates that a function in a migrated report may not conserve its original objective
because it maps to Cognos 8 as a no-operation. As a result, the results may not be correct. This
can happen if the Impromptu function cannot map directly to a Cognos 8 function.
To ensure that the function provides correct results, use Report Studio to review the function in
the Cognos 8 report specification, and make changes if appropriate.

The Following Function is Mapped as a No-Operation on the First Argument

Error for Migrated Impromptu Report
This message indicates that a function in a migrated report may not conserve its original objective
because it maps to Cognos 8 as a no-operation on the first argument. As a result, the results may
not be correct. This can happen if the Impromptu function cannot map directly to a Cognos 8
To ensure that the function provides correct results, use Report Studio to review the function in
the Cognos 8 report specification, and make changes if appropriate.

The Following Function is Mapped as a Constant Value of Zero Error for

Migrated Impromptu Report
This message indicates that a function in a migrated report may not conserve its original objective
because it maps to Cognos 8 as a constant value of zero. As a result, the results may not be
correct. This can happen if the Impromptu function cannot map directly to a Cognos 8 function.
To ensure that the function provides correct results, use Report Studio to review the function in
the Cognos 8 report specification, and make changes if appropriate.

The Following Function is Mapped as a Constant Number Error for Migrated

Impromptu Report
This message indicates that a function in a migrated report may not conserve its original objective
because it maps to Cognos 8 as a constant number. As a result, the results may not be correct. This
can happen if the Impromptu function cannot map directly to a Cognos 8 function.
To ensure that the function provides correct results, use Report Studio to review the function in
the Cognos 8 report specification, and make changes if appropriate.

Unable to Open the Catalog Error for Migrated Impromptu Report

For more information about resolving this problem, see "Unable to Open the Catalog for the
Following Impromptu Report" (p. 126).

Report Objects Not Found When Running Reports

When you try to run a report, an error message indicates that report objects were not found.

130 Migration and Upgrade

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

This situation can occur for the following reasons:

• The package name does not match the catalog name.
Change the package name so that it is exactly the same as the catalog name, including the
extension. For example, if the catalog name is catalog_name.cat, then ensure that the package
name is also catalog_name.cat.
• You ran the deploytoc8 command before you published a package.
Ensure that the package is published before you run the deploytoc8 command.

Parsing Error Message When Migrated Impromptu Report Fails to Run

After you import a report into Cognos 8, it fails to run, and you receive a parsing error.
This situation can happen for the following reasons:
• You used the same location as a source and target directory when you ran the deploytoc8
command. Use a different source and target directory (p. 44).
• You did not use the correct -target parameter syntax (p. 44).
• You are using reports initially created in a pre-6.0 version of Impromptu.
If the report was upgraded from a version of Impromptu earlier than 6.0, you must unhide the
tables in the Framework Manager package that supports the migrated reports. Also, use the
Verify Selected Object tool to ensure that there are no invalid objects that can break queries in
the published package. If necessary, correct errors, republish the package, and run the report
For more information, see "Support Reports Created Before Impromptu 6.0" (p. 32).

Steps to Unhide Tables

1. In Framework Manager, right-click the package, and then click Edit Definition.
2. If the hide icon appears beside any component, click the menu for the model, and then click
Select Component and Children.
3. If any components were hidden, republish the package and run the report again.

Incorrect Results from Date/Time Functions for Migrated Impromptu Report

After you migrate and deploy a report to Cognos 8, date/time functions return incorrect results.
For example, the _age function returns 40,214 when it should return 4 years, 02 months, 14 days.
This is an example of a function that does not migrate properly to Cognos 8. For more
information, see "Functions Mapping" (p. 119).
To fix this problem, open Report Studio and modify the function directly in the report

Report Fails to Run with Function Expression Errors for Migrated Impromptu
If a report fails to run because of function expression errors, it is possible that the migration
process did not correctly identify the expression. Open the report in Report Studio, correct the
expression syntax or create an equivalent expression, and run the report again.

Missing Information in Cognos 8 Error Messages

Cognos 8 fails when you try to run migrated reports, but the error message does not contain any
This happens if Cognos Application Firewall (CAF) in Cognos 8 is enabled, which is the default
setting. In this case, you can obtain error message details by accessing crnserver.log, the Cognos 8
server log file. For more information about the Cognos 8 server log file, see the Cognos
Configuration User Guide.

User Guide 131

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

If you are in a test environment, and you need to view error details without going to the log file,
you must disable CAF validation in Cognos 8.
The Cognos Application Firewall is an essential component of Cognos 8 security helping to
provide protection against penetration vulnerabilities. Disabling the Cognos Application Firewall
removes this protection.
For information about changing the Cognos 8 CAF setting, see the Cognos 8 Installation and
Configuration Guide.

The Following Package Was Not Found in the Content Store

For information about resolving this problem, see "Report Objects Not Found When Running
Reports" (p. 130).

Referenced Data Item is Not Found in the Query

When you try to run a migrated report, the following run-time error appears:
Referenced data item <name> is not found in the query Master_Section_Query_5

Steps to manually edit the report specification

1. Open the report specification in Report Studio.
2. Copy the missing data items from the detail query (Query5) to the master query
3. Validate the report.
4. If additional errors appear, continue to modify the queries until the report validates without
For information about correcting the problems with page layout, see "Incorrect Page Breaks or
Blank Pages for Migrated Impromptu Report" (p. 135).

Run-time Error in Conditional Formatting Expression for Migrated Impromptu

When you try to run a migrated report, the following run-time error appears:
An error on or around the position <position>. The variable named <name> is invalid.

Steps to manually edit the report specification

1. Open the report specification in Report Studio.
2. Create a new query.
3. Associate the new query with the layout element that contains the invalid expression.
The layout element is usually Page Body.
4. Add the query items reported in the run-time error message to the new query.
5. Validate the report.
6. If additional errors appear, continue to modify the queries until the report validates without

An Unhandled Application Error Has Occurred

When you try to run a migrated report, the following run-time error appears if a query item is
missing or invalid:
An unhandled application error has occurred. Please contact your Administrator.
CCLAssertError:0:Fatal: CCL_ASSERT(pRDINode);

Steps to manually edit the report specification

1. Open the report specification in Report Studio.

132 Migration and Upgrade

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

2. Copy the missing data items from the detail query (Query5) to the master query
3. If the data items do not appear in the layout, add them to the Properties property of the list.
4. Validate the report.
5. If additional errors appear, continue to modify the queries until the report validates without
For information about correcting the problems with page layout, see "Incorrect Page Breaks or
Blank Pages for Migrated Impromptu Report" (p. 135).

The Report Server is Not Responding

After attempting to run a report, you receive an error message that states the report server is not
To correct the problem, validate the report and correct errors. For example, you may have to
update unresolved query references. If necessary, verify the model in Framework Manager and
correct errors in the model and package used by the report.
For more information, see the Cognos 8 Troubleshooting Guide.

Unexpected Sorting of Grouped Items for Migrated Impromptu Report

There are differences in the default sorting methods between Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8. After
migration, a grouped item that was not sorted in Cognos Series 7 may be sorted in Cognos 8. The
sorting differences are most common in summary level reports.
For more information about how sorting is controlled and how to change the sorting in Cognos 8,
see the Framework Manager User Guide and the Report Studio User Guide.

Unable to Run a Report Against a Migrated Architect Model

You cannot run migrated reports against a package that was created in Framework Manager from
a migrated Architect model. This is because you cannot author Impromptu reports directly against
an Architect model.
To author Impromptu reports against an Architect model, you must first export the Architect
model to an Impromptu catalog. This catalog must then be migrated using the Impromptu catalog
migration tool. For more information, see "Migrating Metadata" (p. 23).

QFS-ERR-0140 Referenced data item 'Not Found' Error for Migrated

Impromptu Report
If you migrate an Impromptu report that uses a catalog prompt, you may get an error when you
attempt to run the migrated report in Cognos 8. Catalog prompts cannot be migrated using the
migration and upgrade tools.
Before migrating Impromptu reports, review catalog prompts from the reports and create report
prompts to duplicate the same functionality.

Migrated Impromptu Report Takes Longer Than Expected

When you attempt to run a migrated report, the report takes significantly longer to run than the
original Impromptu report, or the report does not return any results and there is no error to
indicate the report failed to run.
Changing the Auto Group & Summarize property to no for the Query5 object may reduce the
amount of time it takes to run the report.

User Guide 133

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Invalid Operands in Calculation for Upgraded PowerPlay Report

The following log message can indicate that an operand for a calculation was not found in the
The category with the code <parameter> was not found in the package named <parameter>.
The calculation is still upgraded. However, you have to modify or recreate the calculation in
Report Studio or Analysis Studio to achieve the same results as the original report.

Report Cells Contain -- or #!Error for Upgraded PowerPlay Report

If a PowerPlay report uses an alternate hierarchy on both axes, and the Show Value As % of
Grand Total setting is applied to the data, the correct data may not appear in the cells after you
upgrade the report.
• -- may appear in the cells if you upgraded the reports to Report Studio
• #!Error may appear in the cells if you upgraded the report to Analysis Studio

Upgraded PowerPlay Report Has Extra or Missing Rows and Columns

If you migrate a PowerPlay report that has zero suppression turned on, you may see extra rows
and columns or, conversely, some rows and columns in the PowerPlay report do not appear in the
migrated report.
Zero suppression is implemented differently in PowerPlay and in Cognos 8. For more
information, see "Zero Suppression" (p. 69).

Problems with Report Formatting

A Report Looks Different in Cognos 8 Than in Impromptu
After you open a migrated report in Cognos 8, some style elements may be different from what
they were in Impromptu. This is because Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 have different default
style settings. For example, the list grid that was visible in Impromptu is not visible in Cognos 8.
For information about format differences between Impromptu and Cognos 8, see "Impromptu
Report Formatting Mappings" (p. 56) and "Impromptu Reports Mapping" (p. 53).
To set the styles to match default settings that existed in Impromptu, modify the report
specification in Report Studio. For more information, see the Report Studio User Guide.

Missing Headers or Footers

After you migrate and deploy a list report to Cognos 8, headers or footers that contain no text
seem to be missing. The header or footer object is still present in the report specification, but the
height is set to zero.
To make the header or footer visible in the report output, add a text value to the object in Report
Studio. For more information, see the Report Studio User Guide.

Charts or Images Do Not Appear Correctly

After you migrate a report that contains charts or images, the charts or images do not display
correctly. For example, a chart in a table cell may not appear. This display problem may be related
to incompatible sizing settings for the chart or image.
To correct the display, in Report Studio, check the Size and Overflow property for the chart or
image object and, if necessary, delete or change the migrated settings.

134 Migration and Upgrade

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Incorrect Page Breaks or Blank Pages for Migrated Impromptu Report

An Impromptu report may include filters to limit the data that is displayed on the report. The
same report may also include scope settings to break pages at a specific control break. For this
type of report, the migration tool must create two queries: a master query that manages the page
control breaks, and a detail query that renders the results as with the original Impromptu query.
When you run the report after migration, some of the pages are blank or incomplete.
The problem is incorrect filter settings in the master and detail queries. In the original Impromptu
report, there is usually a filter on the control break item. In the migrated report, the detail query
has this filter, but the master does not. Therefore, the master query returns results for control
break values that are filtered out by the detail query. For example, the master query would return
a row for Product X, the detail query would return no rows for Product X because it is filtered
out, resulting in a rendered page that is mostly blank.
To correct the problem, copy the portion of the detail query filter that affects the control break
item into the master query filter. This change means both queries are filtered the same way with
respect to the control break item.

Pie Chart Does Not Show Any Segments in Upgraded PowerPlay Report
Because of differences in the way Cognos Series 7 and Cognos 8 handle summaries when creating
pie charts, a pie chart in a migrated report may appear empty in Cognos 8.
To correct the display in Cognos 8, unhide the details rows or use a different chart type.

Duplicate Categories in Upgraded PowerPlay Reports That Contained Custom

A PowerPlay custom subset can include both a search condition and a picklist. When you upgrade
a report that includes this type of custom subset to Analysis Studio, the upgraded report may
contain duplicate categories. For example, if your custom subset includes a search condition that
adds children of years beginning with 2, and you explicitly include the year 2005, the upgrade
report will contain two instances of 2005.
This problem does not occur if you upgrade the report from PowerPlay to Report Studio.
To correct the duplication in Analysis Studio, delete the duplicate category.

Row of Data Missing in Analysis Studio for Upgraded PowerPlay Report

In PowerPlay, a report may use an unbalanced hierarchy. An unbalanced hierarchy is a
subdimension that provides different levels of detail for specific categories. For example, some
branch offices may report product sales down to the item level, whereas others may report only to
the product level. You can create a subdimension for those branches that report to the item level.
When you upgrade a report that uses an unbalanced hierarchy to Analysis Studio, one or more of
the original rows may not appear in the upgraded report.

Charts Do Not Display Correctly

After you upgrade a report that contains a chart, some objects may not display correctly. For
example, the chart may be larger than expected, or labels may overlap.
To correct the display, manually adjust the size of the chart or related objects, such as the font size
used in labels.

An Extra Column Appears in the Upgraded PowerPlay Report

Because of differences between PowerPlay for Windows and PowerPlay Web, there can be
differences in the display of the same report. For example, a ranking column that appears in
PowerPlay for Windows does not appear when you open the report in PowerPlay Web.

User Guide 135

Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Depending on where the report was originally authored, an upgraded report may show features
that appeared only in PowerPlay for Windows. For example, the ranking category that did not
appear in PowerPlay Web does appear in the report after upgrade.

Problems with Security

Access Control List is Not Migrated as Expected
After deploying Cognos Series 7 Web-based content from Upfront to Cognos 8, security settings
are not as expected.
Confirm that you completed the following tasks:
• Cognos 8 is configured to use the same namespace as Cognos Series 7.
• The migratetoc8 command included the --acl 2 parameter.
• The deploytoc8 command included the correct namespace ID.
This must be the namespace ID for the Series 7 namespace as it appears in Cognos
If you did not complete all of the tasks correctly, you must repeat the migration process, or
manually apply the required security in Cognos 8. For more information about configuring
security in Cognos 8, see the Cognos 8 Administration and Security Guide.

136 Migration and Upgrade

PART 5: Worksheets

User Guide 137

138 Migration and Upgrade
Migration and Upgrade Worksheet

Before you use the migration and upgrade tools, record the information you need for the
command lines and for other tasks such as checking package mapping. You may need to contact
your administrator for some of the information.

Information for the arch2xml Command

• Source location and name of the Architect models
• Target location for the XML output. Create the target location before you run the arch2xml
• Access Manager user ID
• User password
• Name of the published Framework Manager package

Information for the impcat2xml Command

• Source location and name of the Impromptu catalogs
• Target location for the XML output. Create the target location before you run the
impcat2xml command.
• User class ID
• User password
• Access Manager user ID
• User password
• Name of the published Framework Manager package. Use the catalog name for the package

User Guide 139

Migration and Upgrade Worksheet

Information for the migratetoc8 Command

• Source location of the reports
• Source location and name of the Deployment Manager package files (.dmp)
• Source location of the Deployment Manager packlets folders
• Target location for the migration package output. Create the target location before you run
the migratetoc8 command.
• User class ID for catalogs
• User password
• Access Manager user ID
• User password
• Name of the published Framework Manager package

Information for the deploytoc8 Command

• Source location of the migration package
• Target location for the deployment package
• User ID for the Cognos 8 namespace
• User password
• Namespace ID
• Data source connections

140 Migration and Upgrade


Symbols entities folders, 93

expressions, 92
.ppx files
filters, 97
migrating, 13
filters folders, 96
indexes, 112
Numerics keys, 108
80/20 suppression multiple database expressions, 93
mapping for PowerPlay reports, 68 multiple database functions, 93
package folders, 114
packages, 115
A physical joins, 113
access control list problems with filters after importing metadata, 126
migrating, 14 prompts, 99
migrating from Upfront, 85 publish Framework Manager package, 32
migration options, 85 relationships, 98
troubleshooting migration problems, 136 schemas, 102
Access Manager security by value, 92
namespace schema versions, 14 security mapping, 91
ACL report SQL queries, 109
location, 42 SQL query folders, 108
Analysis Studio stored procedure parameters, 111
selecting for PowerPlay report migration, 13 stored procedure return parameters, 111
applications stored procedures, 110
migrating, 35 subject attributes, 118
migrating from UNIX, 37 subject entities, 117
migration process diagram, 35 subject filters, 116
arch2xml command subject folders, 116
description, 26 subject prompts, 117
examples, 27 subtype relationships, 98
syntax, 26 synonym tables, 106
arch2xml tool SynonymViews, 105
migrating Architect models, 25 tables, 103
Architect unable to run report, 133
arch2xml command, 26 user classes, 92
migrating a single model, 25 views, 104
migrating models, 25 Architect security
migrating multiple models, 25 database access, 91
migration overview, 14 entity access, 91
objects missing after migration, 124 migration mapping, 91
Architect catalogs package access, 91
migration mapping, 101 user class filters, 91
Architect metadata attribute proxies
package layer, 114 mapping for Architect models, 95
Architect models attributes
attribute proxies, 95 mapping for Architect models, 95
attributes, 95
columns, 107
command line examples, 27
data access layer, 100 blank pages
database folders, 100 troubleshooting errors, 135
databases, 101 borders
decimal separators, 126 mapping for Impromptu reports, 57
entities, 94 business view

User Guide 141


mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 62 Cognos Visualizer

migration overview, 15
C Cognos Web Services
migration overview, 15
CAF CognosScript
configuration settings in Cognos 8, 131 migration overview, 15
calculated columns columns
mapping for Impromptu crosstab reports, 53 extra columns appear in a report, 135
calculations mapping for Architect models, 107
invalid operands, 134 commands
mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 63 arch2xml, 26
cardinality arch2xml examples, 27
testing for migrated metadata, 31 deploying to Cognos 8, 43
cast operation deploytoc8, 44
function mapping, 130 deploytoc8 examples, 46
catalog export impcat2xml, 28
logon prompt, 125 impcat2xml examples, 30
problems with non-English Impromptu catalog, 125 migratetoc8, 39, 41
unable to open catalog error, 125 migrating applications, 38
catalog prompts, 53 migrating Architect models, 26
catalogs migrating Impromptu catalogs, 28
unable to find, 126 migrating reports, 38
unable to open, 130 using special characters, 124
characters conditional formatting
unsupported, 129 run-time errors, 132
charts conditions
mapping for Impromptu reports, 53 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 63
mapping for legends in Impromptu reports, 53 configuring
mapping for PowerPlay reports, 74 location of deployment archives, 46
problems with display, 135 constant number
troubleshooting display errors, 134 function mapping, 130
client-server balancing constant value of zero
configuration options for Impromptu, 53 function mapping, 130
Cognos 8 contact email address
Cognos Application Firewall setting, 131 mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 87
deploying migration package, 43 contact information
enabling packages, 47 mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 87
importing deployment archive, 46 mapping for Upfront, 84
missing information in error messages, 131 copyright, 2
security, 131 creating
testing migration, 47 migration package, 38
upgrading from Cognos ReportNet 1.1, 7 crosstab headers
using cubes as a data source, 23 mapping for Impromptu reports, 57
using PowerCubes as a data source, 23 cubes
Cognos Application Firewall using in Cognos 8, 23
configuration settings in Cognos 8, 131 custom subsets
Cognos NoticeCast correcting duplicate categories after upgrade, 135
migration overview, 15
Cognos Portal Services
migration overview, 15 D
Cognos Query data
migration overview, 15 does not appear in report cells, 134
Cognos ReportNet 1.1 data access layer
upgrading to Cognos 8, 7 mapping for Architect models, 100
Cognos Series 7 data items
Deployment Manager, 37 troubleshooting errors, 132
migrating applications on UNIX, 37 data source connections
preparing source files, 37 creating for metadata, 31
what is migrated, 13 requirements for Cognos Series 7 metadata, 31
Cognos Services, 18 data sources
Cognos SQL cubes, 23
expressions in Impromptu catalogs, 64 PowerCubes, 23

142 Migration and Upgrade


database folders unable to find packlets, 127

mapping for Architect models, 100 unable to open catalog, 125, 130
database query subjects unable to start Impromptu automation server, 125
mapping for Impromptu catalog table aliases, 61 utility fails to run, 124
mapping for Impromptu catalog tables, 61 errors
databases log file, 47
mapping for Architect models, 101 events
date and time functions mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 89
incorrect results, 131 examples
deploying deploytoc8 command, 46
migration package, 43 migratetoc8 command, 41
deployment archive migrating Architect models, 27
importing, 46 migrating Impromptu catalogs, 30
location, 46 expressions
Deployment Manager mapping for Architect models, 92
preparing source files, 37 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 64
log file, 47 F
deploytoc8 command
deploying migration package, 43 files
description, 44 preparing migration source, 37
examples, 46 filter expressions
package not found error, 128 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 59
parameters, 44 filters
report not migrated error message, 129 mapping for Architect models, 97
syntax, 44 mapping for summary filters in Impromptu reports, 55
diagrams updating in Framework Manager, 126
metadata migration workflow, 24 filters folders
migrating applications, 35 mapping for Architect models, 96
displays folders
mapping for PowerPlay, 74 duplicate names in Impromptu catalogs, 62
drill-through settings mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 62
mapping for Impromptu reports, 54 footers
mapping for Impromtu reports, 54
missing after migration, 134
E formatting
enabling mapping for Impromptu reports, 56
packages, 47 Framework Manager
encoding calculations in Impromptu catalogs, 63
troubleshooting errors, 129 conditions in Impromptu catalogs, 63
entities duplicate folder names in Impromptu catalogs, 62
mapping for Architect models, 94 errors importing metadata, 126
entities folders errors with Impromptu subfolder query items, 126
mapping for Architect models, 93 expressions in Impromptu catalogs, 64
error messages folders in Impromptu catalogs, 62
cannot open catalog as creator, 125 importing Cognos Series 7 metadata, 31
CM-REQ-4024 name conflict, 127 Impromptu catalog business view, 62
exception raised, 124 incorrect decimal separators in Architect metadata, 126
failed to open model, 124 mapping joins to cardinality, 31
importing metadata into Framework Manager, 126 modifying projects, 93
incomplete, 131 package names, 43
JRE not found, 128 problems running reports against Architect model, 133
login failed, 127 prompts in Impromptu catalogs, 63
name conflict, 127 publish package, 32
objects not found, 130 simple folder items in Impromptu catalogs, 63
package not found, 128 testing Cognos Series 7 metadata, 32
parsing error, 131 user defined functions in Impromptu catalogs, 64
QRS-ERR-0140 referenced data item not found, 133 using Cognos Series 7 metadata, 23
report cannot be accessed, 127 Framework Manager namespace
report not migrated, 129 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 60
running Architect migration tool, 124 functions
unable to find catalog, 126 cast operation, 130

User Guide 143


constant number, 130 command line examples, 30

constant value of zero, 130 conditions, 63
date and time errors, 131 expressions, 64
expression errors, 131 filter expressions, 59
mapping, 129 folders, 62
mapping for Imprompt reports, 55 joins, 61
migration mapping, 119 mapping to Framework Manager namespace, 60
no-operation, 130 physical view, 60
no-operation on first argument, 130 prompts, 63
troubleshooting errors, 129 publish Framework Manager package, 32
security, 59
G simple folder items, 63
table aliases, 61
generic mapping for function, 129 table columns, 61
governors tables, 61
mapping for Impromptu reports, 54 user defined functions, 64
graphics Impromptu reports
not displaying in reports, 129 borders, 57
graphs calulated columns, 53
mapping for PowerPlay reports, 74 catalog and report paths, 53
catalog prompts, 53
H chart formats, 53
headers chart legends, 53
mapping for crosstabs in Impromptu reports, 57 crosstab headers, 57
mapping for Impromptu reports, 54 differences in formatting in Cognos 8, 134
missing after migration, 134 drill-through settings, 54
HotFiles footers, 54
mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 89 functions, 55
HTML reports governors, 54
mapping for page count in Impromptu reports, 54 headers, 54
migration mapping details, 53
number formatting, 57
I page count, 54
images page width, 58
mapping for PowerPlay reports, 73 placeholders, 54
missing in migrated reports, 129 report formatting, 56
unable to find source folder error, 127 save as HTML options, 55
impcat2xml command snapshots, 55
description, 28 string formats, 54
examples, 30 summary filters in crosstabs, 55
syntax, 28 summary values, 58
impcat2xml tool table of contents for HTML reports, 55
migrating Impromptu catalogs, 27 templates, 54, 55
impimr2xml-translate-functions-map.xml, 119 text frames, 58
importing unsupported report objects, 54
Architect xml file into Framework Manager, 126 zero suppression, 55
Cognos Series 7 metadata in Framework Manager, 31 Impromptu Web Reports
deployment archive, 46 data store, 89
Impromptu xml file into Framework Manager, 126 events, 89
Impromptu features not supported in Cognos 8, 88
client-server balancing options, 53 HotFiles, 89
errors migrating reports, 127 mapping for contact email address, 87
impcat2xml command, 28 mapping for contact information, 87
mapping for prompts, 53 mapping for prompt settings, 88
migrating a single catalog, 28 mapping for report list, 87
migrating catalogs, 27 mapping for report set name, 87
migrating multiple catalogs, 28 migration mapping, 87
migration overview, 13 migration overview, 14
unable to start automation server error, 125 ObjectStore, 89
Impromptu catalogs, 60 PowerPrompts, 14, 89
business view, 62 report properties, 87
calculations, 63 report sets, 87

144 Migration and Upgrade


schedules, 37, 88 migratetoc8 command

indexes creating migration package, 38
mapping for Architect models, 112 description, 39
introduction, 7 examples, 41
parameters, 39
J syntax, 39
joins access control list, 14
mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 61 applications, 35
mapping to cardinality in Framework Manager, 31 Architect models, 25
JRE Impromptu catalogs, 27
errors when running migration tool, 128 Impromptu macros, 55
metadata, 23
K multiple Architect models, 25
keys multiple Impromptu catalogs, 28
mapping for Architect models, 108 non-english data, 23
single Architect models, 25
single Impromptu catalog, 28
L supporting other languages, 23
log file migration
fixing errors and warnings, 47 testing, 47
migration and upgrade, 47 understanding the process, 17
log files migration deployment archive
deploytoc8 log, 46 description, 46
descripton, 123 migration package
installation log file, 123 creating, 38
migratetoc8 log, 42 deploying, 43
migration deployment log file, 123 description, 42
migration export log file, 123 moving to Cognos 8, 42
published PowerPlay reports upgraded to Cognos 8 log modifying
files, 123 Framework Manager projects, 93
login failed multiple database expressions
error messages, 127 mapping for Architect models, 93
multiple database functions
M mapping for Architect models, 93
migrating, 55 N
map files nameMap.xml file
impimr2xml-translate-functions-map.xml, 119 package names, 43
mapping names
functions, 129 mapping for PowerPlay reports, 72
functions as a constant number, 130 namespace schema
functions as a constant value of zero, 130 supported versions, 14
functions as no-operation on first argument, 130 NewsBox shortcuts
functions using cast operation, 130 mapping for Upfront, 84
functions using no-operation, 130 NewsBoxes
metadata from Impromptu catalogs to Framework mapping for Upfront, 83
Manager, 59 NewsItem shortcuts
metadata mapping for Upfront, 85
creating data source connections, 31 NewsItems
data access layer mapping for Architect models, 100 mapping for Upfront, 84
importing in Framework Manager, 31 non-english data
migration overview, 23 migrating, 23
migration workflow diagram, 24 no-operation
synchronizing, 33 function mapping, 130
testing before migration, 24 no-operation on first argument
testing in Framework Manager, 32 function mapping, 130
metadata mapping NoticeCast
Impromptu catalogs to Framework Manager, 59 migration overview, 15
migratetoc8 number formatting
log file, 47 mapping for Impromptu reports, 57

User Guide 145


O .ppx files, 13
mapping for charts, 74
mapping for graphical displays, 74
Impromptu Web Reports, 89
mapping for images, 73
mapping for long and short names, 72
models, 124
mapping for pictures, 73
mapping for report formatting, 72
migrating applications, 35
mapping for report functionality, 68
mapping for report structure, 67
P mapping for titles, headers, and footers, 72
package folders migration options, 13
mapping for Architect models, 114 selecting Cognos 8 studio for migration, 13
package layer metadata unsupported objects, 78
mapping for Architect models, 114 PowerPrompts
package names mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 89
check mapping, 43 process
nameMap.xml file, 43 migration planning, 17
packages prompt settings
enabling, 47 mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 88
error when running deploytoc8, 128 prompts
mapping for Architect models, 115 catalog, 53
troubleshooting errors, 132 mapping for Architect models, 99
packlets mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 63
not found, 127 mapping for Impromptu prompts, 53
page breaks picklist, 53
troubleshooting errors, 135 type-in, 53
page count publish
mapping for Impromptu reports, 54 Framework Manager package, 32
page width
mapping for Impromptu reports, 58 Q
arch2xml command, 26
referenced data item not found error, 132
deploytoc8 command, 44
query items
impcat2xml command, 28
mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 61
migratetoc8 command, 39
troubleshooting errors, 131 R
paths relationships
mapping for Impromptu catalogs and reports, 53 mapping for Architect models, 98
PDF reports mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 61
mapping for page count in Impromptu reports, 54 report formatting
physical joins troubleshooting, 134
mapping for Architect models, 113 report list
physical view mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 87
mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 60 report properties
picklist prompts, 53 mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 87
pictures report server
mapping for PowerPlay reports, 73 troubleshooting errors, 133
pie charts report set name
correcting display differences, 135 mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 87
placeholders report sets
mapping for Impromptu reports, 54 mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 87
planning Report Studio
understanding the migration process, 17 selecting for PowerPlay report migration, 13
PowerCubes reports
using in Cognos 8, 13, 23 correct data does not appear in cells, 134
PowerPlay extra columns appear, 135
migration mapping, 67 troubleshooting extra rows or columns, 134
migration overview, 13 troubleshooting missing rows or columns, 134
unbalanced hierarchy, 135 running reports
using cubes in Cognos 8, 13 problems, 129
PowerPlay reports takes longer than expected, 133

146 Migration and Upgrade


S summary values
mapping for Impromptu reports, 58
save as HTML
mapping for Impromptu report options, 55
metadata, 33
saved prompt values
synonym tables
mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 88
mapping for Architect models, 106
SynonymView properties
Impromptu Web Reports, 37
Architect models, 105
mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 88
arch2xml command, 26
mapping for Architect models, 102
deploytoc8 command, 44
impcat2xml command, 28
access control list, 14, 85
migratetoc8 command, 39
Cognos 8, 131
database access for Architect models, 91
enabling packages, 47 T
entity access for Architect models, 91 table aliases
mapping for Architect models, 91 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 61
mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 59 mapping in Framework Manager, 60
mapping for Upfront, 85 table columns
migration overview, 14 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 61
package access in Architect models, 91 table of contents
security by value settings in Architect models, 92 mapping for Impromptu HTML reports, 55
user class filters in Architect models, 91 tables
simple folder items mapping for Architect models, 103
mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 63 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 61
snapshots templates
mapping for Impromptu reports, 55 mapping for Impromptu reports, 55
sorting mapping for placeholders in Impromptu reports, 54
troubleshooting sorting methods, 133 testing
source files Cognos Series 7 metadata, 24
creating with Deployment Manager, 37 metadata in Framework Manager, 32
preparing, 37 migration, 47
preparing source directory, 38 text frames
special characters mapping for Impromptu reports, 58
using in file path, 124 themes
SQL queries mapping for Upfront, 85
mapping for Architect models, 109 troubleshooting
SQL query folders access control list migration, 136
mapping for Architect models, 108 Architect objects missing after migration, 124
stored procedure parameters blank pages in migrated reports, 135
mapping for Architect models, 111 borders in Impromptu reports, 57
stored procedure return parameters cannot open catalog as creator error, 125
mapping for Architect models, 111 chart display errors, 134
stored procedures charts not displaying correctly, 135
mapping for Architect models, 110 CM-REQ-4024 name conflict error, 127
string formats crosstab headers in Impromptu reports, 57
mapping for Impromptu reports, 54 date and time function errors, 131
subject attributes decimal separators in Architect models, 126
mapping for Architect models, 118 default formatting in Impromptu reports, 56
subject entities differences in report appearance between Impromptu and
mapping for Architect models, 117 Cognos 8, 134
subject filters display differences in pie charts, 135
mapping for Architect models, 116 duplicate categories, 135
subject folders encoding problems, 129
mapping for Architect models, 116 errors for functions, 119
subject prompts exception raised error message, 124
mapping for Architect models, 117 extra columns appear in a report, 135
subtype relationships extra rows or columns appear in report, 134
mapping for Architect models, 98 failed to open model error, 124
summary filters filters in Architect models, 126
mapping for Impromptu crosstab reports, 55 functions, 129

User Guide 147


headers and footers, 134 NewsBox shortcuts, 84

imported metadata into Framework Manager, 126 NewsBoxes, 83
incorrect page breaks, 135 NewsItem shortcuts, 85
invalid operands in calculations, 134 NewsItems, 84
JRE not found error, 128 security, 85
log files, 123 supported content for migration, 83
log on prompt during metadata export, 124 themes, 85
logon prompt on catalog migration, 125 unsupported content for migration, 83
migrating non-English catalog, 125 user settings, 85
missing images, 129 upgrading
missing rows, 135 Cognos ReportNet 1.1 to Cognos 8, 7
missing rows or columns appear in report, 134 user classes
number formatting in Impromptu reports, 57 Architect models, 92
objects not found error, 130 user defined functions
page width in Impromptu reports, 58 mapping for Impromptu catalogs, 64
parsing errors, 131 user settings
problems deploying migrated applications, 127 mapping for Upfront, 85
problems importing metadata into Framework Manager,
126 V
problems migrating applications, 126
problems migration metadata, 124 version of document, 2
problems running migrated reports, 129 views
problems with report cells, 134 mapping for Architect models, 104
problems with report formatting, 134
problems with security, 136 W
QRS-ERR-0140 error, 133 warnings
report cannot be accessed error, 127 log file, 47
report fails to run or runs with errors, 129 workflow
report server not responding error, 133 migrating metadata, 24
report takes longer than expected to run, 133
run-time errors in conditonal formatting expressions, 132
sorting of grouped items, 133 Z
subfolder query items in Framework Manager, 126 zero suppression
summary values in Impromptu reports, 58 mapping for Impromptu reports, 55
text frames in Impromptu reports, 58 mapping for PowerPlay reports, 69
unable to find catalog error, 126
unable to find images error, 127
unable to find package error, 132
unable to find packlets error, 127
unable to find referenced data item error, 132
unable to open catalog error, 125
unable to run report against Architect model, 133
unable to start Impromptu automation server error, 125
unhandled application errors, 132
unsupported characters, 129
type-in prompts, 53

UDFs, See user defined functions
unbalanced hierarchy
Analysis Studio, 135
PowerPlay, 135
unhandled application errors, 132
migrating applications, 37
unsupported features
mapping for Impromptu Web Reports, 88
mapping for contact information, 84
migration mapping, 83
migration overview, 14

148 Migration and Upgrade

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