Isca Fos1

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Test Series: August, 2018


Total Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Question No.1 is compulsory.
Attempt any five questions from the remaining six questions.
1. LQM International University proposes to launch its own website to provide an interactive and easy to
navigate pages that incorporate some important features like Robust Search Engine, Mobile
compatibility, elaborate homepage, customization and personalization of individual pages for
employees and students etc.
(a) The development of the website must be a formalized, standardized, well organized and
documented set of activities used to manage a website development project. Though different
methodologies are available that are best suited to specific kinds of projects based on various
technical, organizational, project and team considerations; each methodology has certain
common characteristics. List them. (6 Marks)
(b) Discuss the System Development Controls that need to be placed while developing the System.
(10 Marks)
(c) What do you think can be the role of IT in enterprises? (4 Marks)
2. (a) Discuss major limitations of Management Information Systems (MIS). (6 Marks)
(b) Discuss various categories of Information Systems Audit. (6 Marks)
(c) Discuss the objectives of Information Technology Act, 2000. (4 Marks)
3. (a) While doing audit or self-assessment of the BCM Program of an enterprise, briefly describe the
matters to be verified. (6 Marks)
(b) Discuss the design principles that are applied to develop the Physical design of Information
Systems. (6 Marks)
(c) What are the major benefits of IT Governance in organizations? (4 Marks)
4. (a) In spite of the controls in an Information System on place, there could be a possibility that a
control might fail and a disaster occurs. When disaster strikes, it still must be possible to recover
operations and mitigate losses using the last resort controls - A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
and Insurance. Discuss about them in detail. (6 Marks)
(b) Discuss the key management practices, which are required for aligning IT strategy with
enterprise strategy. (6 Marks)
(c) Discuss the limitations of Mobile Computing. (4 Marks)
5. (a) Discuss the strategy of Risk Management. (6 Marks)
(b) Discuss the impact of Information Technology (IT) on Information Systems for Financial Service
Sector. (6 Marks)
(c) An important task for the auditor as a part of his/her preliminary evaluation is to gain a good
understanding of the technology environment and related control issues. Explain major aspects
that should be considered in this exercise? (4 Marks)

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6. (a) Discuss the critical audit considerations that an Information Systems (IS) auditor should take into
account while conducting his/her audit of Environmental Controls. (6 Marks)
(b) Discuss the activities involved in implementing Business Continuity in the Enterpr ise and
Maintenance. (6 Marks)
(c) Discuss the classification of Information Systems’ Controls based on their interactive behaviour.
(4 Marks)
7. Write short note on any four of the following:
(a) [Section 5] of Information Technology Act 2000
(b) Encryption
(c) Economic Feasibility
(d) Security Management Controls
(e) Different instances of Software as a Service (SaaS) Services (4 x 4 = 16 Marks)

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Test Series: August, 2018
1. (a) A System Development Methodology is characterized by the following:
• The project is divided into several identifiable processes, and each process has a starting
point and an ending point. Each process comprises several activities, one or more
deliverables and several management control points. The division of the project into these
small, manageable steps facilitates both project planning and project control.
• Specific reports and other documentation, called Deliverables must be produced periodically
during system development to make development personnel accountable for faithful
execution of system development tasks.
• Users, managers, and auditors are required to participate in the project, which generally
provide approvals, often called signoffs, at pre-established management control points.
Signoffs signify approval of the development process and the system being developed.
• The system must be tested thoroughly prior to implementation to ensure that it meets users ‟
needs as well as requisite functionalities.
• A training plan is developed for those who will operate and use the new system.
• Formal program change controls are established to preclude unauthorized changes to
computer programs.
• A post-implementation review of all developed systems must be performed to assess the
effectiveness and efficiency of the new system and of the development proce ss.
(b) Systems Development Management has responsibility for the functions concerned with
analyzing, designing, building, implementing, and maintaining information systems. System
development controls are targeted to ensure that proper documentations an d authorizations are
available for each phase of the system development process. It includes controls at controlling
new system development activities. The six activities discussed below deal with system
development controls in IT setup. These are given as follows:
• System Authorization Activities: All systems must be properly authorized to ensure their
economic justification and feasibility. As with any transaction, system’s authorization should
be formal. This requires that each new system request be submitted in written form by users
to systems professionals who have both the expertise and authority to evaluate and approve
(or reject) the request.
• User Specification Activities: Users must be actively involved in the systems development
process. User involvement should not be ignored because of a high degree of technical
complexity in the system. Regardless of the technology involved, the user can create a
detailed written description of the logical needs that must be satisfied by the system. The
creation of a user specification document often involves the joint efforts of the user and
systems professionals. However, it is most important that this document remains a
statement of user needs. It should describe the user's view of the problem, not that of the
systems professionals.

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• Technical Design Activities: The technical design activities in the SDLC translate the user
specifications into a set of detailed technical specifications of a system that meets the user's
needs. The scope of these activities includes systems analysis, general systems design,
feasibility analysis, and detailed systems design. The adequacy of these activities is
measured by the quality of the documentation that emerges from each phase.
Documentation is both a control and evidence of control and is critical to the system's long
term success.
• Internal Auditor’s Participation: The internal auditor plays an important role in the control
of systems development activities, particularly in organizations whose users lack technical
expertise. The auditor should become involved at the inception of the SDLC process to
make conceptual suggestions regarding system requirements and controls. Auditor’s
involvement should be continued throughout all phases of the development process and into
the maintenance phase.
• Program Testing: All program modules must be thoroughly tested before they are
implemented. The results of the tests are then compared against predetermined results to
identify programming and logic errors. Program testing is time-consuming, the principal task
being the creation of meaningful test data. To facilitate the efficient implementation of audit
objectives, test data prepared during the implementation phase must be preserved for future
use. This will give the auditor a frame of reference for designing and evaluating future audit
• User Test and Acceptance Procedures: Just before implementation, the individual
modules of the system must be tested as a unified whole. A test team comprising user
personnel, systems professionals, and internal audit personnel subjects the system to
rigorous testing. Once the test team is satisfied that the system meets its stated
requirements, the system is formally accepted by the user department(s). The formal test
and acceptance of the system should consider being the most important control over the
(c) Role of Information Technology (IT) in Enterprises are as follows:
• In an increasingly digitized world, enterprises are using IT not merely for data processing
but more for strategic and competitive advantage too. IT deployment has progressed from
data processing to MIS to decision support systems to online transactions/services. IT has
not only automated the business processes but also transformed the way business
processes are performed.
• The way in which business processes are performed/services rendered and how an
organization is structured could be transformed through right deployment of IT. It is
needless to emphasize that IT is used to perform business processes, activities and tasks
and it is important to ensure that IT deployment is oriented towards achievement of
business objectives.
• The extent of technology deployment also impacts the way internal controls are
implemented in an enterprise.
Further, extensive organization restructuring or business process re-engineering may be
facilitated through IT deployments. Implementing IT must consider not only implementation of IT
controls from conformance perspective but also IT could be a key enabler for providing strategic
and competitive advantage.

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2. (a) Major limitations of Management Information Systems (MIS) are as follows:
• The quality of the outputs of MIS is basically governed by the quality of input and processes.
• MIS is not a substitute for effective management, which means that i t cannot replace
managerial judgment in making decisions in different functional areas. It is merely an
important tool in the hands of executives for decision making and problem solving.
• MIS may not have requisite flexibility to quickly update itself with the changing needs of
time, especially in fast changing and complex environment.
• MIS cannot provide tailor-made information packages suitable for every type of decision
made by executives.
• MIS considers mainly quantitative factors; thus, it ignores the non-quantitative factors like
morale and attitude of members of organization, which have an important bearing on the
decision-making process of executives or senior management.
• MIS is less useful for making non-programmed decisions. Such types of decisions are not of
the routine type and thus require information, which may not be available from existing MIS
to executives.
• The effectiveness of MIS is reduced in enterprises, where the culture of hoarding
information and not sharing with other holds.
• MIS effectiveness decreases due to frequent changes in top management, organizational
structure and operational team.
(b) Major types of Information Systems (IS) Audits are as follows:
(i) Systems and Application: An audit to verify that systems and applications are appropriate,
are efficient, and are adequately controlled to ensure valid, reliable, timely, and secure
input, processing, and output at all levels of a system's activity.
(ii) Information Processing Facilities: An audit to verify that the processing facility is
controlled to ensure timely, accurate, and efficient processing of applications under normal
and potentially disruptive conditions.
(iii) Systems Development: An audit to verify that the systems under development meet the
objectives of the organization and to ensure that the systems are developed in accordance
with generally accepted standards for systems development.
(iv) Management of IT and Enterprise Architecture: An audit to verify that IT management
has developed an organizational structure and procedures to ensure a controlled and
efficient environment for information processing.
(v) Telecommunications, Intranets, and Extranets: An audit to verify that controls are in
place on the client (end-point device), server, and on the network connecting the clients and
(c) Major objectives of the Information Technology Act 2000 are given as follows:
• To grant legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data
interchange and other means of electronic communication commonly referred to as
“electronic commerce” in place of paper based methods of communication;
• To give legal recognition to Digital signatures for authentication of any information or matter,
which requires authentication under any law;

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• To facilitate electronic filing of documents with Government departments;
• To facilitate electronic storage of data;
• To facilitate and give legal sanction to electronic fund transfers between banks and financial
• To give legal recognition for keeping of books of accounts by banker’s in electronic form;
• To amend the Indian Penal Code, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Banker’s Book
Evidence Act, 1891, and the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
3. (a) An audit or self-assessment of the enterprise’s BCM (Business Continuity Management) program
should verify that:
• All key products and services and their supporting critical activities and resources have
been identified and included in the enterprise’s BCM strategy;
• The enterprise’s BCM policy, strategies, framework and plans accurately reflect its priorities
and requirements;
• The enterprise’ BCM competence and its BCM capability are effective and fit -for-purpose
and will permit management, command, control and coordination of an incident;
• The enterprise’s BCM solutions are effective, up-to-date and fit-for-purpose, and appropriate
to the level of risk faced by the enterprise;
• The enterprise’s BCM maintenance and exercising programs have been effectively
• BCM strategies and plans incorporate improvements identified during incidents and
exercises and in the maintenance program;
• The enterprise has an ongoing program for BCM training and awareness;
• BCM procedures have been effectively communicated to relevant staff, and that those staff
understand their roles and responsibilities; and
• Change control processes are in place and operate effectively.
(b) For the physical design of an Information System; the logical design is transformed into units,
which in turn can be decomposed further into implementation units such as programs and
modules. During physical design, the primary concern of the auditor is effectiveness and
efficiency issues. The designers should follow some type of structured approach like CASE tools
to access their relative performance via simulations when they undertake physical design. Some
of the issues addressed here are type of hardware for client application and server application,
Operating systems to be used, type of networking, processing – batch – online, real – time;
frequency of input, output; and month-end cycles / periodical processing.
Some of the generic design principles being applied to develop the design of typical information
systems include the following:
• There is a tendency to develop merely one design and consider it the final product.
However, the recommended procedure is to design two or three alternatives and choose the
best one on pre-specified criteria.
• The design should be based on the analysis.

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• The software functions designed should be directly relevant to business activities.
• The design should follow standards laid down. For instance, the user interface should have
consistent color scheme, menu structure, location of error message and the like.
• The design should be modular, with high cohesion and low coupling.
(c) Benefits of IT Governance are as follows:
• Increased value delivered through enterprise IT;
• Increased user satisfaction with IT services;
• Improved agility in supporting business needs;
• Better cost performance of IT;
• Improved management and mitigation of IT-related business risk;
• IT becoming an enabler for change rather than an inhibitor;
• Improved transparency and understanding of IT’s contribution to the business;
• Improved compliance with relevant laws, regulations and policies; and
• More optimal utilization of IT resources.
4. (a) Despite of the controls on place, there could be a possibility that a control might fail. When
disaster strikes, it still must be possible to recover operations and mitigate losses using the last
resort controls - A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and Insurance.
• Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP): A comprehensive DRP comprise four parts – an
Emergency Plan, a Backup Plan, a Recovery Plan and a Test Plan. The plan lays down the
policies, guidelines, and procedures for all Information System personnel. BCP (Business
Continuity Planning) Controls are related to having an operational and tested IT continuity
plan, which is in line with the overall business continuity plan, and its related business
requirements to make sure IT services are available as required and to ensure a minimum
impact on business in the event of a major disruption. The controls include Critical
Classification, alternative procedures, Back-up and Recovery, Systematic and Regular
Testing and Training, Monitoring and Escalation Processes, Internal and External
Organizational Responsibilities, Business Continuity Activation, Fall-back and Resumption
plans, Risk Management Activities, Assessment of Single Points of Failure and Problem
• Insurance: Adequate insurance must be able to replace Information Systems assets and to
cover the extra costs associated with restoring normal operations. Policies usually can be
obtained to cover the resources like – Equipment, Facilities, Storage Media, Valuable
Papers and Records etc.
(b) The key management practices which are required for aligning IT strategy with enterprise
strategy are highlighted here:
• Understand enterprise direction: Consider the current enterprise environment and
business processes, as well as the enterprise strategy and future objectives. Consider also
the external environment of the enterprise (industry drivers, relevant regulations, basis for

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• Assess the current environment, capabilities and performance: Assess the
performance of current internal business and IT capabilities and external IT services, and
develop an understanding of the enterprise architecture in relation to IT. Identify issues
currently being experienced and develop recommendations in areas that co uld benefit from
improvement. Consider service provider differentiators and options and the financial impact
and potential costs and benefits of using external services.
• Define the target IT capabilities: Define the target business and IT capabilities and
required IT services. This should be based on the understanding of the enterprise
environment and requirements; the assessment of the current business process and IT
environment and issues; and consideration of reference standards, best practices and
validated emerging technologies or innovation proposals.
• Conduct a gap analysis: Identify the gaps between the current and target environments
and consider the alignment of assets (the capabilities that support services) with business
outcomes to optimize investment in and utilization of the internal and external asset base.
Consider the critical success factors to support strategy execution.
• Define the strategic plan and road map: Create a strategic plan that defines, in co-
operation with relevant stakeholders, how IT- related goals will contribute to the enterprise’s
strategic goals. Include how IT will support IT-enabled investment programs, business
processes, IT services and IT assets. IT should define the initiatives that will be required to
close the gaps, the sourcing strategy, and the measurements to be used to monitor
achievement of goals, then prioritize the initiatives and combine them in a high -level road
• Communicate the IT strategy and direction: Create awareness and understanding of the
business and IT objectives and direction, as captured in the IT strategy, through
communication to appropriate stakeholders and users throughout the enterprise.
(c) Limitations of Mobile Computing are as follows:
• Insufficient Bandwidth: Mobile Internet access is generally slower than direct cable
connections using technologies such as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and
Enhanced Data for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Evolution (EDGE), and
more recently 3G networks. These networks are usually available within range of
commercial cell phone towers. Higher speed wireless LANs are inexpensive but have very
limited range.
• Security Standards: When working mobile, one is dependent on public networks, requiring
careful use of Virtual Private Network (VPN). Security is a major concern while concerning
the mobile computing standards on the fleet. One can easily attack the VPN through a huge
number of networks interconnected through the line.
• Power consumption: When a power outlet or portable generator is not available, mobile
computers must rely entirely on battery power. Combined with the compact size of many
mobile devices, this often means unusually expensive batteries must be used to obtain the
necessary battery life. Mobile computing should also look into Greener IT in such a way that
it saves the power or increases the battery life.
• Transmission interferences: Weather, terrain, and the range from the nearest signal point
can all interfere with signal reception. Reception in tunnels, some buildin gs, and rural areas
is often poor.

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• Potential health hazards: People who use mobile devices while driving is often distracted
from driving are thus assumed more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. Cell phones
may interfere with sensitive medical devices. There are allegations that cell phone signals
may cause health problems.
• Human interface with device: Screens and keyboards tend to be small, which may make
them hard to use. Alternate input methods such as speech or handwriting recognition
require training.
5. (a) When risks are identified and analyzed, it is not always appropriate to implement controls to
counter them. Some risks may be minor, and it may not be cost effective to implement expensive
control processes for them. Risk management strategy is explained and illustrated below:
• Tolerate/Accept the risk. One of the primary functions of management is managing risk.
Some risks may be considered minor because their impact and probability of occurrence is
low. In this case, consciously accepting the risk as a cost of doing business is appropriate,
as well as periodically reviewing the risk to ensure its impact remains low.
• Terminate/Eliminate the risk. It is possible for a risk to be associated with the use of a
particular technology, supplier, or vendor. The risk can be eliminated by replacing the
technology with more robust products and by seeking more capable suppliers and vendors.
• Transfer/Share the risk. Risk mitigation approaches can be shared with trading partners
and suppliers. A good example is outsourcing infrastructure management. In such a case,
the supplier mitigates the risks associated with managing the IT infrastructure by being more
capable and having access to more highly skilled staff than the primary organization. Risk
also may be mitigated by transferring the cost of realized risk to an insurance provider.
• Treat/mitigate the risk. Where other options have been eliminated, suitable controls must
be devised and implemented to prevent the risk from manifesting itself or to minimi ze its
• Turn back. Where the probability or impact of the risk is very low, then management may
decide to ignore the risk.
(b) Financial Service Sector – The financial services sector (banks, building societies, life
insurance companies and short term insurers) manages large amounts of data and processes
enormous numbers of transactions every day. Owing to application of IT, all the major financial
institutions operate nationally and have wide networks of regional offices and associated
electronic networks. The associated substantial client databases are handled via large central
mainframe systems that characterize the industry. IT has changed the working style of financial
services and makes them easier and simpler for customers also. Now-a-days most of the
services are offered by the financial services on internet, which can be accessed from anywhere
and anytime that makes it more convenient to the customers. It also reduces their cost in terms of
office staff and office building. It has been observed that automated and IT enabled service
sectors reduces cost effectively. Through the use of internet and mobile phones financial service
sectors are in direct touch with their customers and with adequate databases it will be easier for
service sectors to manage customer relationships. For example, through emails or SMS the
customers can be made aware of launch of new policies; they can be informed on time the day of
maturity of their policies etc.

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In traditional banking system, the customer has to visit bank branch to deposit or withdraw money
and get updated passbook from the respective counter. With the advancement of IT, the customer
can do transactions by using internet banking, phone banking and the deposit or withdraw of money
can also be done by using ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), internet or mobile banking. Banks also
offers most of direct banking services free of charge to the customers. The customers can check
the status of their accounts in different banks by using of direct banking. Retail banking in India has
assured great importance recently with a number of retail banking products available to the
consumer like real time account status, transfer of funds, bill payments and so on e.g. HDFC, SBI
and ICICI are the banks in India that offer real time online transactions etc.
(c) Major aspects to be considered in the afore mention exercise are given as follows:
• Analysis of business processes and level of automation;
• Assessing the extent of dependence of the enterprise on Information Technolo gy to carry on
its businesses i.e. Role of IT in the success and survival of business ;
• Understanding technology architecture which could be quite diverse such as a distributed
architecture or a centralized architecture or a hybrid architecture;
• Studying network diagrams to understand physical and logical network connectivity;
• Understanding extended enterprise architecture wherein the organization systems connect
seamlessly with other stakeholders such as vendors (SCM), customers (CRM), employees
and the government;
• Knowledge of various technologies and their advantages and limitations is a critical
competence requirement for the auditor. For example, authentication risks relating to e -mail
systems; and
• Finally, studying Information Technology policies, standards, guidelines and procedures.
6. (a) Audit of Environmental Controls: Audit of environmental controls requires the IS auditor to
conduct physical inspections and observe practices. The Auditor should verify:
• The IPF (Infrastructure Planning and Facilities) and the construction about the type of
materials used for construction;
• The presence of water and smoke detectors, power supply arrangements to such devices,
and testing logs;
• The location of fire extinguishers, firefighting equipment and refilling da te of fire
• Emergency procedures, evacuation plans and marking of fire exists. There should be half -
yearly Fire drill to test the preparedness;
• Documents for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements with regards to fire safety
equipment, external inspection certificate and shortcomings pointed out by other
• Power sources and conduct tests to assure the quality of power, effectiveness of the power
conditioning equipment, and generators. Also, the power supply interruptions must be
checked to test the effectiveness of the back-up power;
• Environmental control equipment such as air-conditioning, dehumidifiers, heaters, ionizers

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• Compliant logs and maintenance logs to assess if MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and
MTTR (Mean Time To repair) are within acceptable levels; and
• Identify undesired activities such as smoking, consumption of eatables etc.
(b) The activities involved in implementing Business Continuity in the Enterprise and Maintenance.
• Defining the scope and context;
• Defining roles and responsibilities;
• Engaging and involving all stakeholders;
• Testing of program on regular basis;
• Maintaining the currency and appropriateness of business continuity program;
• Reviewing, reworking and updating the business continuity capability, Risk Assessments
(RA) and Business Impact Analysis (BIAs);
• Managing costs and benefits associated; and
• Convert policies and strategies into action.
(c) On the basis of Interactive behavior: Systems may be classified as Open Systems or Closed
System based on ‘how the system interacts with environment’.
• An Open System interacts with other systems in its environment. For example; Information
system is an open system because it takes input from the environment and produces output to
the environment, which changes as per the changes in the environment.
• Closed System does not interact with the environment and does not change with the changes in
environment. Consider a throw-away type sealed digital watch, which is a system, composed of
a number of components that work in a cooperative fashion designed to perform some specific
task. This watch is a closed system as it is completely isolated from its environment for its
7. (a) [Section 5] of Information Technology Act, 2000 is as follows:
[Section 5] Legal recognition of Electronic Signatures
Where any law requires that any information or matter shall be authenticated b y affixing the
signature or any document shall be signed or bear the signature of any person, then,
notwithstanding anything contained in such law, such requirement shall be deemed to have been
satisfied if such information or matter is authenticated by means of electronic signature affixed in
such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government.
Explanation –
For the purposes of this section, “signed”, with its grammatical variations and cognate
expressions, shall, with reference to a person, mean affixing of his hand-written signature or any
mark on any document and the expression “signature” shall be construed accordingly.
(b) Encryption: Encryption is the conversion of data into a secret code for storage in databases and
transmission over networks. The sender uses an encryption algorithm and the original message
called the clear text is converted into cipher text. This is decrypted at the receiving end. The
encryption algorithm uses a key. The more bits in the key, the stronger are the encryptio n
algorithms. Two general approaches are used for encryption viz. private key and public key

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(c) Economic Feasibility: It includes an evaluation of all the incremental costs and benefits
expected if the proposed system is implemented. After problems or opportunities are identified,
the analysts must determine the scale of response needed to meet the user's requests for a new
system as well as the approximate amount of time and money that will be required in the effort.
The financial and economic questions raised by analysts during the preliminary investigation are
for estimating the following:
• The cost of conducting a full systems investigation;
• The cost of hardware and software for the class of applications being considered;
• The benefits in the form of reduced costs or fewer costly errors; and
• The cost if nothing changes (i.e. the proposed system is not developed).
After possible solution options are identified, an analyst should make a primary estimate of each
solution's costs and benefits.
(d) Security Management Controls
• Auditors must evaluate whether security administrators are conducting ongoing, high -quality
security reviews or not;
• Auditors check whether the organizations audited have appropriate, high-quality disaster
recovery plan in place; and
• Auditors check whether the organizations have opted for an appropriate insurance plan or
(e) The different instances of SaaS are as follows:
• Testing as a Service (TaaS): This provides users with software testing capabilities such as
generation of test data, generation of test cases, execution of test cases and test result
evaluation on a pay-per-use basis.
• API as a Service (APIaaS): This allows users to explore functionality of Web services such
as Google Maps, Payroll processing, and credit card processing services etc.
• Email as a Service (EaaS): This provides users with an integrated system of emailing,
office automation, records management, migration, and integration services with archiving,
spam blocking, malware.


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