PP Vs Gernale Cta 3d
PP Vs Gernale Cta 3d
PP Vs Gernale Cta 3d
Accused. Promulgated:
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The Case
with business address at 1384 Gomez St., Paco, in said City, having
ftled her internal revenue tax of the latter for the year 2003 and after
examination and audit of the same, it has been found that there is
due collectibles from said Gernale Electrical Contractor
Corporation the following, to wit:
for the said year under BIR Assessment/Demand Notice No. 34-
2003, did then and there willfully and unlawfully fail and refuse and
neglect to pay said taxes and without formally appealing the same,
despite due assessment, notice and demand to do so, to the damage
and prejudice of the Republic of the Philippines, in the total
amount of [Php]9,663,855.53, Philippine Currency.
Contrary to law."
On June 25, 2013, this Court issued a Resolution 1 ordering the issuance
of warrant of arrest for accused Gernale. On June 28,2013, the Court issued the
Warrant of Arrest2 for accused.
The said Warrant of Arrest returned for the reason that accused cannot
be located at the given address despite diligent efforts exerted by the warrant
server, this Court issued another Resolution 3 on September 24, 2013 ordering
the issuance of an alias warrant of arrest for accused Gernale.
On the same day, the Court issued the Alias Warrant of Arrest 4 for
Docket, pp.52-53.
Id., p.46.
Id., pp.60-61.
4 Id., p.59.
5 Id., p.63.
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Trial ensued and, to prove its case, plaintiff presented five (5) witnesses,
namely: Anita T. Marinas, Gloria S. Maliwanag, Ma. Paz Arcilla, Armando C.
Macatangay and Zaldy A. Dancel.
She and the representative of GECC had the informal conference on April
14, 2005 where she discussed the matter contained in the Letter Notice. Based
on the computerized matching conducted by the BIR on the purchases of
G ECC' s customers against the sales declared by G ECC in the tax returns flied,
it was found out that there was an underdeclaration of sales amounting to
Php39,519,842.80, which resulted to an income tax deficiency of
6 Id., pp.99-101.
Testified on February 08, 2015.
8 Exhibits "P-3" and "P-4".
9 Exhibits "P-1" and "P-2".
10 Exhibit "P-5".
11 Exhibit "P-7".
12 Exhibit "P-6".
erA CRIM CASE NO. 0-336
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After the audit, she and her team prepared the Revenue Officer's Audit
Report on Income Tax (BIR Form No. 0500) 14 and Revenue Officer's Audit
Report on Value-Added Tax (BIRForm No. 0507) 15 regarding their findings.
Her team then endorsed the entire tax docket of GECC to the Assessment
Division of Revenue Region No. 6, for review and preparation of assessment
notices. Thereafter, the Assessment Division issued a Memorandum16 returning
to her office the report of investigation with comments. She then recomputed
the deficiency tax liabiltiies of GECC according to the recommendation of the
Assessment Division and made a revised Revenue Officer's Audit Report on
Income Tax (BIR Form No. 0500) 17 and Revenue Officer's Audit Report on
Value-Added Tax (BIR Form No. 0507) 18 . She also made a Post Reporting
Notice on August 18, 2005 with attached Revised Computation Sheets (BIR
Form No. 2112-A) 19 . A copy of the Post Reporting Notice was personally
received by Julio Basilio. 20 Lastly, her team prepared a Memorandum21 regarding
their findings and endorsed the entire tax docket of GECC to the Assessment
Division for the issuance of assessment notices.
On cross examination, she testified that the address indicated in the PAN
was 1384 Gomez St., Paco, Manila.
The plaintiff's third witness, Ma. Paz Arcilla25 Revenue Officer IV-Chief,
Billing Section at the Assessment Division, BIR, Manila, testified that among her
duties is to personally supervise in the preparation, issuance and monitoring of
demand letters and final assessment notices of tax cases. On June 28, 2006, her
office issued to GECC Final Assessment Notice No. 34-2003 for deficiency
income tax and VAT in the amounts of Php 7,317,380.55 26 and
Php2,346,474.98 27 , respectively, and the formal demand ofletters 28 ("assessment
notices and FLD"). The assessment notices and FLD were duly signed by their
Regional Director. 29 Thereafter, the originals thereof were transmitted to the
Administrative Division, BIR Manila, for mailing to G ECC.
Considering that GECC still failed to pay its tax liabilities despite the
notices/letters issued by the BIR, he prepared a Memorandum 41 dated
December 28, 2007 addressed to the Chief of Collection Division,
recommending that the records of GECC be forwarded to the Legal Division,
Revenue Region No.6 for further action.
On cross examination, he testified that the PCL, FNBS and WDL were
served to GECC at 1384 Gomez St., Paco, Manila.
On December 10, 2015,42 the plaintiff filed its Formal Offer of Evidence
then rested its case with the admission of all its documentary evidence in the
Resolutions dated April 13, 2016 43 and September 02, 2016 44 •
On December 07, 2016, the Court issued an Order45 setting the initial
presentation of evidence for the accused on February 01, 2017, at 1:30 p.m.
owned by her family with a few employees, the main business of which is general
electric contractor. Its principal place of business is 1331 Burgos St., Paco,
Manila. GECC was ran by his father Roger Gernale who oversaw almost all of
the operations of the corporation. She was a former employee of GECC but
even though she was in charge of purchasing in GECC, it was his father who
told him what to purchase. Moreover, even though she was GECC's corporate
secretary, she just signed all the needed Secretary's Certificate given to him by
his father. The treasury and accounting operations of GECC was ran by his
father and their accountant Julio Basilio, the latter handling all affairs with BIR.
Her mother, accused Gernale, was the Treasurer on paper and did not actively
participate with the management and operations of GECC. Instead she worked
as a housewife, a businesswoman and was also elected as a Barangay Chairman
and later as City Councilor. As such she was very busy and was not involved in
the affairs of GECC.
Accused Gernale47, the defense' last witness, testified that she is seventy-
seven (77) years old, presently residing at 1384 Gomez St., Paco, Manila. She
finished fourth year college. GECC is the family's business, the core business of
which is installing and maintaining electrical facilities of its clients. When his late
husband Roger Gernale incorporated GECC, she was designated as the
company's Treasurer. Her son Reo and daughter Gaye also worked at GECC,
the former in operations, the latter in logistics and purchasing. She insisted that
she did not have any actual participation in the company, being busy in the
running of his husband's office as Councilor of the Sth District of Manila. Julio
Basilio ran the accounting department of GECC and prepared the Financial
Statements of the company which was handed over her for signature. Julio
Basilio never consulted her on the Financial Statements, in the same way she
never inquired the documents given to her for signature for she fully trusted her
husband who reviews them firsy
Testified on July 05, 2017.
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Based on her personal knowledge, G ECC did not receive any notice from
BIR regarding its supposed tax liabilities. Her husband nor her family members
made no mention to her of such fact. It was only when her husband died that a
certain Noli Almazan, her husband's good friend and confidant, informed her of
the tax liability of GECC. They heeded his advice to avail of a tax amnesty, and
money was coursed to him monthly in payment of the said amnesty, totalling to
almost One Million Pesos (Php1,000,000.00). In exchange, Noli Almazan gave
her copies ofBIR forms and bank deposit slips. To her great surprise, a criminal
complaint was lodged against her for failure to pay taxes. She then consulted a
new lawyer and it was found out upon verification that Noli Almazan defrauded
her. He was not a lawyer nor a certified public accountant. There was no tax
amnesty application flied for and in behalf of GECC. There were no payments
made to BIR. Lastly, all the documents and receipts (i.e., tax amnesty return and
deposit slips) given to her in relation to the said tax amnesty application were all
On cross examination, she testified that she was aware of affixing her
signature in her capacity as Treasurer of the corporation in every document of
G ECC she signed; that upon knowing of the tax liability of G ECC, she instructed
Noli Almazan to transact with BIR on GECC's behalf without any written
authority; and that upon discovery that the tax amnesty was fake, the fact remains
that the tax deficiency with the BIR was not paid by G ECC.
The defense flied its Formal Offer of Evidence via registered mail on
February 15, 2018 48 and rested its case with the admission of some of its
documentary evidence on March 21, 2018. 49
The defense submitted its Memorandum via registered mail on May 11,
2018, while the plaintiff flied its Memorandum on May 18, 2018 via registered
mailY The case was submitted for decision in the Resolution dated June 19,
2018. 52
The Issues
The Arguments
The prosecution claims that it was able to establish the guilt of the accused
beyond reasonable doubt on the crime charged:
3) Third, the failure to pay the tax was willful. GECC and
accused Gernale had knowledge of the assessment and/ or
unpaid taxes with the BIR when they availed of the tax
amnesty program, which was later on found to be
On the other hand, accused Gernale argue that the third element- willful
failure to pay the deficiency tax is lacking for her conviction. The plaintiff failed
to prove that she was aware of GECC's tax liability and intended to evade such
tax liability for the following reasons:
2) All the BIR notices were addressed and sent to 1384 Gomez
St., Paco, Manila which is not GECC's official place of
business. GECC's registered business address is 1331
Burgos St., Paco, Manila;
Accused Gernale was charged in the present case with violation of Section
255 of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, as follows:
For juridical entities however, penal liability for violations of Section 255
are imposed on the responsible officer of the corporation, to wit:
Following above, the plaintiff must prove beyond reasonable doubt the
following three (3) essential elements before a taxpayer can be held liable under
Section 255 of the NIRC of 1997, as amended:
2. The accused failed to ftle a return, to pay the tax and supply
correct and accurate information at the time required by law;
It is thus necessary for the plaintiff to prove that (1) GECC was a
registered taxpayer in 2003, (2) the BIR validly issued the subject assessment
notices pursuant to Section 228 of the NIRC and (3) the accused had knowledge
of such assessment and willfully failed to pay the same.
GECC was charged of violating Section 255 of the NIRC, as amended for
non-payment of income tax and VAT. Based on GECC's AITR for taxable
2003 56 , the corporation had gross sales amounting to Php4,805,280.90. However,
according to the BIR, GECC did not declare all of its sales nor paid the correct
taxes due. Through third-party matching, the BIR found out that GECC had a
total ofPhp43,825,123.70 in sales for taxable year 2003 based on the Summary
List of Purchases (SLP) submitted by GECC's customers. 57 Hence, GECC was
notified by the BIR through a Letter Notice giving it the opportunity to reconcile
the discrepancies.
In the case of Estate of the Late Juliana Diez V da. De Gabriel vs. Commissioner
ofInternal Revenue61, the Supreme Court held that it is a requirement of due process
that the taxpayer must actually receive the assessment.
Emphasis and underscoring supplied
61 G.R. No. 155541, January 27, 2004.
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To prove that GECC was properly assessed for deficiency taxes and that
notices were issued, sent and received by the company, the BIR presented the
following documents: Letter Notice L.N. No. 034-R-03-00-S00009 62 dated
October 27, 2004, Follow-up Letter63 , Notice of Informal Conference 64 , Post
Reporting Notice on August 18, 2005 with attached Revised Computation Sheets
(BIR Form No. 2112-A) 65 , PAN66 with Details of Discrepancy dated November
May 03,2006, assessment notices and FLD 67 , Transmittal Slip 68 with Post Office
Registry Receipt No. 220597 69 , registry return card70 , PCL71 dated November 23,
2006, FNBS 72 , and undated WDL73 .
Accused however, avers that she did not receive any notice issued by the
BIR. Plaintiff's witnesses 74 testified that all notices were served at 1384 Gomez
St., Paco, Manila despite the fact that GECC's principal place of business is in
1331 Burgos St., Paco, Manila, the address indicated in GECC's AITR for taxable
2003. 75
"In its Decision, the CTA resolved the issues raised by the
parties thus:
Meanwhile, in the case of Protector's Services, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,77 the
Supreme Court ruled that:
In other words, from the totality of the evidence presented by the plaintiff,
the two facts to be proved in order to raise the presumption in Section 3(v), Rule
131 of the Rules of Court (i.e. that the letter was properly addressed with postage
prepaid and was sent), were not properly proven in this case. Plaintiff was able
to establish that the BIR issued the PAN to GECC according to the testimony
of Revenue Officer-Reviewer Gloria S. Maliwanag. However, that the said PAN
was mailed to the registered address of GECC and the same was received by
GECC and/or accused was not proven by any testimonial or documentary
G.R. No. 118176. April 12, 2000.
Emphasis and underscoring supplied.
Exhibit "P-39".
8o Docket, pp. 395-363.
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The Supreme Court has already ruled that failure to strictly comply with
the notice requirements prescribed under Section 228 of the NIRC of 1997, as
amended, and RR No. 12-99, is a denial of due process. In the case of
Commissioner q[Internal Revenue v. Metro Star Superama, Inc. 8 \ it was held:
Applying the above Supreme Court ruling in the case at bar, this Court
finds that the evidence of the plaintiff failed to satisfactorily prove that GECC
or any of its authorized representatives actually received the PAN. The plaintiffs
s1 G.R. No. 185371, December 28, 2010.
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witnesses could not positively testify that the PAN was actually received by
GECC. Hence, the failure of the BIR to prove receipt of the PAN by GECC
leads to the conclusion that no assessment was validly issued.
And since the subject assessment is deemed null and void, it follows
therefore that the PCL, FNBS and WDL issued to GCC are void as well. As held
in Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Rryes, 82 a void assessment bears no fruit.
Considering that the plaintiff failed to prove the fact of mailing of the
PAN, and no evidence was presented to prove that GECC or any of its
authorized representative actually received the PAN, BIR Assessment/Demand
Notice No. 34-2003 (which is the basis of the criminal complaint and
Information for willful failure to pay tax under Section 255 of the 1997 NIRC,
as amended) cannot be considered a valid assessment which would give rise to
an obligation to pay the alleged assessed deficiency taxes of GECC.
An accused has in his favor the presumption of innocence which the Bill
of Rights guarantees. Unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt, he must
be acquitted. This reasonable doubt standard is demanded by the due process
G.R. No. 159694, January 27, 2006.
83 Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, p. 1599.
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clause of the Constitution which protects the accused from conviction except
upon proof beyond reasonable doubt of every fact necessary to constitute the
crime with which he is charged. 84
With regard to the civil aspect of this case, the same is deemed
simultaneously instituted pursuant to Section 7(b)(1) of Republic Act No. 9282,
which provides that "criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the
recovery of civil liability for taxes and penalties shall at all times be simultaneously
instituted with, and jointly determined in the same proceeding by the CTA, the
filing of the criminal action being deemed to necessarily carry with it the filing of
the civil action, and no right to reserve the filing of such civil action separately
from the criminal action will be recognized."
Boac, et al. v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 180597, November 07, 2008 citing People
of the Philippines v. Ganguso, G.R. No. 115430, November 23, 1995.
Leonila Batulanon v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 139857, September 16, 2006.
People of the Philippines v. Nenita B. Hu, G.R. No. 182232, October 06, 2008 citing People of
the Philippines v. Corpuz, G.R. No. 148198, October 01, 2003.
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Associate 1ustice
Associate 1ustice
Acting Chairperson