Properties of The Real Numbers: Section

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44 (1-44) Chapter 1 Real Numbers and Their Properties


Everyone knows that the price of a hamburger plus the price of a Coke is the same
as the price of a Coke plus the price of a hamburger. But do you know that this ex-
In this ample illustrates the commutative property of addition? The properties of the real
numbers are commonly used by anyone who performs the operations of arithmetic.
section In algebra we must have a thorough understanding of these properties.
● The Commutative
The Commutative Properties
● The Associative Properties We get the same result whether we evaluate 3  5 or 5  3. This example illus-
● The Distributive Property trates the commutative property of addition. The fact that 4  6 and 6  4 are equal
● The Identity Properties
illustrates the commutative property of multiplication.
● The Inverse Properties
Commutative Properties
● Multiplication Property
of Zero For any real numbers a and b,
● Applications abba and ab  ba.

E X A M P L E 1 The commutative property of addition

Use the commutative property of addition to rewrite each expression.
a) 2  (10) b) 8  x 2 c) 2y  4x
a) 2  (10)  10  2
b) 8  x 2  x 2  8
c) 2y  4x  2y  (4x)  4x  2y ■

E X A M P L E 2 The commutative property of multiplication

Use the commutative property of multiplication to rewrite each expression.
a) n  3 b) (x  2)  3 c) 5  yx
a) n  3  3  n  3n b) (x  2)  3  3(x  2)
c) 5  yx  5  xy ■

Addition and multiplication are commutative operations, but what about sub-
helpful hint traction and division? Since 5  3  2 and 3  5  2, subtraction is not com-
In arithmetic we would proba-
mutative. To see that division is not commutative, try dividing $8 among 4 people
bly write (2  3)  7  12 and $4 among 8 people.
without thinking about the
associative property. In alge- The Associative Properties
bra, we need the associative
property to understand that Consider the computation of 2  3  6. Using the order of operations, we add 2
and 3 to get 5 and then add 5 and 6 to get 11. If we add 3 and 6 first to get 9 and then
(x  3)  7  x  (3  7)
add 2 and 9, we also get 11. So
 x  10.
(2  3)  6  2  (3  6).
1.7 Properties of the Real Numbers (1-45) 45

We get the same result for either order of addition. This property is called the asso-
ciative property of addition. The commutative and associative properties of addi-
tion are the reason that a hamburger, a Coke, and French fries cost the same as
French fries, a hamburger, and a Coke.
We also have an associative property of multiplication. Consider the follow-
ing two ways to find the product of 2, 3, and 4:
(2  3)4  6  4  24
2(3  4)  2  12  24
We get the same result for either arrangement.

Associative Properties
For any real numbers a, b, and c,
(a  b)  c  a  (b  c) and (ab)c  a(bc).

E X A M P L E 3 Using the properties of multiplication

Use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication and exponential
notation to rewrite each product.
a) (3x)(x) b) (xy)(5yx)
a) (3x)(x)  3(x  x)  3x 2
b) The commutative and associative properties of multiplication allow us to
rearrange the multiplication in any order. We generally write numbers before
variables, and we usually write variables in alphabetical order:
(xy)(5yx)  5xxyy  5x 2y 2 ■

Consider the expression

3  9  7  5  8  4  13.
According to the accepted order of operations, we could evaluate this by computing
from left to right. However, using the definition of subtraction, we can rewrite this
expression as addition:
3  (9)  7  (5)  (8)  4  (13)
The commutative and associative properties of addition allow us to add these num-
bers in any order we choose. It is usually faster to add the positive numbers, add the
negative numbers, and then combine those two totals:
3  7  4  (9)  (5)  (8)  (13)  14  (35)  21
Note that by performing the operations in this manner, we must subtract only once.
There is no need to rewrite this expression as we have done here. We can sum the
positive numbers and the negative numbers from the original expression and then
combine their totals.

E X A M P L E 4 Using the properties of addition

a) 3  7  9  5 b) 4  5  9  6  2  4  8
46 (1-46) Chapter 1 Real Numbers and Their Properties

a) First add the positive numbers and the negative numbers:
3  7  9  5  12  (12)
b) 4  5  9  6  2  4  8  14  (24)
 10 ■

It is certainly not essential that we evaluate the expressions of Example 4 as

shown. We get the same answer by adding and subtracting from left to right. How-
ever, in algebra, just getting the answer is not always the most important point.
Learning new methods often increases understanding.
Even though addition is associative, subtraction is not an associative operation.
For example, (8  4)  3  1 and 8  (4  3)  7. So
(8  4)  3  8  (4  3).
We can also use a numerical example to show that division is not associative. For
instance, (16  4)  2  2 and 16  (4  2)  8. So
(16  4)  2  16  (4  2).

The Distributive Property

helpful hint
If four men and five women pay $3 each for a movie, there are two ways to find the
To visualize the distributive total amount spent:
property, we can determine
the number of circles shown 3(4  5)  3  9  27
here in two ways: 3  4  3  5  12  15  27
ºººº ººººº
ºººº ººººº Since we get $27 either way, we can write
ºººº ººººº
There are 3  9 or 27 circles, or 3(4  5)  3  4  3  5.
there are 3  4 circles in the We say that the multiplication by 3 is distributed over the addition. This example
first group and 3  5 circles in illustrates the distributive property.
the second group for a total of
Consider the following expressions involving multiplication and subtraction:
27 circles.
5(6  4)  5  2  10
5  6  5  4  30  20  10
Since both expressions have the same value, we can write
5(6  4)  5  6  5  4.
Multiplication by 5 is distributed over each number in the parentheses. This exam-
ple illustrates that multiplication distributes over subtraction.

Distributive Property
For any real numbers a, b, and c,
a(b  c)  ab  ac and a(b  c)  ab  ac.

The distributive property is used in two ways. If we start with 4(x  3) and
4(x  3)  4x  4  3  4x  12,
1.7 Properties of the Real Numbers (1-47) 47

we are using it to multiply 4 and x  3 or to remove the parentheses. We wrote the

product 4(x  3) as the sum 4x  12. If we start with 3x  15 and write
3x  15  3x  3  5  3(x  5),
we are using it to write the sum 3x  15 as the product 3(x  5). When we write a
number or an expression as a product, we are factoring. In this case we factored out
the common factor 3.

E X A M P L E 5 Using the distributive property

Use the distributive property to rewrite each product as a sum or difference and each
sum or difference as a product.
a) 7x  21 b) a(3  b) c) 5a  5 d) 3(x  2)
a) 7x  21  7x  7  3 Write 21 as 7  3.
study tip  7(x  3) Distributive property
Don’t cram for a test. Some b) a(3  b)  a3  ab Distributive property
students try to cram weeks of  3a  ab a3  3a
work into one “all-nighter.”
c) 5a  5  5a  5  1 Write 5 as 5  1.
These same students are seen
frantically paging through the
 5(a  1) Factor out the common factor 5.
text up until the moment that d) 3(x  2)  3x  (3)(2) Distributive property
the test papers are handed  3x  (6) (3)(2)  6
out. These practices create a  3x  6 Simplify. ■
lot of test anxiety and will only
make you sick. Start studying The Identity Properties
for a test several days in ad-
The numbers 0 and 1 have special properties. Multiplication of a number by 1 does
vance, and get a good night’s
sleep before a test. If you keep
not change the number, and addition of 0 to a number does not change the num-
up with homework, then there ber. That is why 1 is called the multiplicative identity and 0 is called the additive
will be no need to cram. identity.

Identity Properties
For any real number a,
a11aa and a  0  0  a  a.

The Inverse Properties

The idea of additive inverses was introduced in Section 1.3. Every real number a
has an additive inverse or opposite, a, such that a  (a)  0. Every nonzero
real number a also has a multiplicative inverse or reciprocal, written 1, such that
study tip a
a  1  1. Note that the sum of additive inverses is the additive identity and that the
When you get a test back, do product of multiplicative inverses is the multiplicative identity.
not simply file it in your note-
book or the waste basket. Inverse Properties
While the material is fresh in
your mind, rework all prob- For any real number a there is a number a, such that
lems that you missed. Ask a  (a)  0.
questions about anything that
you don’t understand and For any nonzero real number a there is a number 1 such that
save your test for future refer- 1
a    1.
48 (1-48) Chapter 1 Real Numbers and Their Properties

We are already familiar with multiplicative inverses for rational numbers. For
example, the multiplicative inverse of 2 is 3 because
3 2
2 3 6
3 2 6

E X A M P L E 6 Multiplicative inverses
Find the multiplicative inverse of each number.
a) 5 b) 0.3 c)  d) 1.7
a) The multiplicative inverse of 5 is 1 because
calculator 5
5    1.
close-up b) To find the reciprocal of 0.3, we first write 0.3 as a ratio of integers:
You can find multiplicative in- 0.3  
verses with a calculator as 10
shown here. The multiplicative inverse of 0.3 is 10 because
3 10
10 3
c) The reciprocal of 3 is 4 because
4 3

43  1.
3 4

When the divisor is a fraction, d) First convert 1.7 to a ratio of integers:

it must be in parentheses.
7 17
1.7  1  
10 10
The multiplicative inverse is 10.
17 ■
Multiplication Property of Zero
Zero has a property that no other number has. Multiplication involving zero always
results in zero.

Multiplication Property of Zero

For any real number a,
0a0 and a  0  0.

E X A M P L E 7 Identifying the properties

Name the property that justifies each equation.
a) 5  7  7  5 b) 4    1
c) 1  864  864 d) 6  (5  x)  (6  5)  x
1.7 Properties of the Real Numbers (1-49) 49

e) 3x  5x  (3  5)x f) 6  (x  5)  6  (5  x)
g) x 2  y 2  (x 2  y 2) h) 325  0  325
i) 3  3  0 j) 455  0  0
a) Commutative b) Multiplicative inverse
c) Multiplicative identity d) Associative
e) Distributive f) Commutative
g) Distributive h) Additive identity
i) Additive inverse j) Multiplication property of 0 ■

Reciprocals are important in problems involving work. For example, if you wax one
car in 3 hours, then your rate is 1 of a car per hour. If you can wash one car in
12 minutes 1 of an hour, then you are washing cars at the rate of 5 cars per hour.
In general, if you can complete a task in x hours, then your rate is 1 tasks per hour.

E X A M P L E 8 Washing rates
A car wash has two machines. The old machine washes one car in 0.1 hour, while
the new machine washes one car in 0.08 hour. If both machines are operating, then
helpful hint at what rate (in cars per hour) are the cars being washed?
When machines or people are Solution
working together, we can add
The old machine is working at the rate of 1 cars per hour, and the new machine is
their rates provided they do 0.1
not interfere with each other’s working at the rate of 1 cars per hour. Their rate working together is the sum of
work. If operating both car their individual rates:
wash machines causes a traffic
jam, then the rate together 1 1
might not be 22.5 cars per
    10  12.5  22.5
0.1 0.08
So working together, the machines are washing 22.5 cars per hour. ■

True or false? Explain your answer.
1. 24  (4  2)  (24  4)  2 False
2. 1  2  2  1 False
3. 6  5  5  6 True
4. 9  (4  3)  (9  4)  3 False
5. Multiplication is a commutative operation. True
6. 5x  5  5(x  1) for any value of x. True
7. The multiplicative inverse of 0.02 is 50. True
8. 3(x  2)  3x  6 for any value of x. True
9. 3x  2x  (3  2)x for any value of x. True
10. The additive inverse of 0 is 0. True
50 (1-50) Chapter 1 Real Numbers and Their Properties

Reading and Writing After reading this section write out the 29. 4  11  7  8  15  20 21
answers to these questions. Use complete sentences. 30. 8  13  9  15  7  22  5 29
1. What is the difference between the commutative property 31. 3.2  2.4  2.8  5.8  1.6 0.6
of addition and the associative property of addition? 32. 5.4  5.1  6.6  2.3  9.1 13.7
The commutative property says that a  b  b  a and
the associative property says that (a  b)  c  a  33. 3.26  13.41  5.1  12.35  5 22.4
(b  c).
34. 5.89  6.1  8.58  6.06  2.34 0.03
2. Which property involves two different operations?
Use the distributive property to rewrite each product as a sum
The distributive property involves multiplication and
or difference and each sum or difference as a product. See
Example 5.
3. What is factoring?
35. 3(x  5) 3x  15 36. 4(b  1) 4b  4
Factoring is the process of writing an expression or number
as a product. 37. 2m  12 2(m  6) 38. 3y  6 3(y  2)
4. Which two numbers play a prominent role in the properties 39. a(2  t) 2a  at 40. b(a  w) ab  bw
studied here? 41. 3(w  6) 3w  18 42. 3(m  5) 3m  15
The number 0 is the additive identity and the number 1 is 43. 4(5  y) 20  4y 44. 3(6  p) 18  3p
the multiplicative identity. 45. 4x  4 4(x  1) 46. 6y  6 6(y  1)
5. What is the purpose of studying the properties of real 47. 1(a  7) a  7 48. 1(c  8) c  8
numbers? 49. 1(t  4) t  4 50. 1(x  7) x  7
The properties help us to understand the operations and
51. 4y  16 4(y  4) 52. 5x  15 5(x  3)
how they are related to each other.
53. 4a  8 4(a  2) 54. 7a  35 7(a  5)
6. What is the relationship between rate and time?
If one task is completed in x hours, then the rate is 1x tasks Find the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of each number. See
per hour. Example 6.
1 1 1
Use the commutative property of addition to rewrite each 55.  2 56.  3 57. 5 
expression. See Example 1. 2 3 5
7. 9  r 8. t  6 9. 3(2  x) 1 1 1
58. 6  59. 7  60. 8 
r9 6t 3(x  2) 6 7 8
10. P(1  rt) 11. 4  5x 12. b  2a 61. 1 1 62. 1 1 63. 0.25 4
P(rt  1) 5x  4 2a  b 4 2 2
64. 0.75  65. 2.5  66. 3.5 
3 5 7
Use the commutative property of multiplication to rewrite each
Name the property that justifies each equation. See Example 7.
expression. See Example 2.
67. 3  x  x  3 Commutative property of multiplication
13. x  6 14. y  (9) 15. (x  4)(2)
6x 9y 2(x  4) 68. x  5  5  x Commutative property of addition
69. 2(x  3)  2x  6 Distributive property
16. a(b  c) 17. 4  y  8 18. z  9  2
(b  c)a 4  8y 9z  2 70. a(bc)  (ab)c Associative property of multiplication
71. 3(xy)  (3x)y Associative property of multiplication
Use the commutative and associative properties of multiplica-
tion and exponential notation to rewrite each product. See 72. 3(x  1)  3x  3 Distributive property
Example 3. 73. 4  (4)  0 Inverse properties
19. (4w)(w) 20. (y)(2y) 21. 3a(ba) 74. 1.3  9  9  1.3 Commutative property of addition
4w 2 2y 2 3a 2b 75. x 2  5  5x 2 Commutative property of multiplication
22. (x  x)(7x) 23. (x)(9x)(xz) 24. y( y  5)(wy) 76. 0    0 Multiplication property of 0
7x 3 9x 3z 5y 3w 77. 1  3y  3y Identity property
Evaluate by finding first the sum of the positive numbers and 78. (0.1)(10)  1 Inverse property
then the sum of the negative numbers. See Example 4. 79. 2a  5a  (2  5)a Distributive property
25. 8  4  3  10 3 80. 3  0  3 Identity property
26. 3  5  12  10 0 81. 7  7  0 Inverse property
27. 8  10  7  8  7 10 82. 1  b  b Identity property
28. 6  11  7  9  13  2 4 83. (2346)0  0 Multiplication property of 0
1.7 Properties of the Real Numbers (1-51) 51

84. 4x  4  4(x  1) Distributive property 103. Population explosion. In 1998, the population of the
85. ay  y  y(a  1) Distributive property earth was increasing by one person every 0.3801 second
(World Population Data Sheet 1998,
86. ab  bc  b(a  c) Distributive property
a) At what rate in people per second is the population of
Complete each equation, using the property named. the earth increasing?
87. a  y  ____, commutative ya 2.63 people/second
88. 6x  6  ____, distributive 6(x  1) b) At what rate in people per week is the population of
the earth increasing?
89. 5(aw)  ____, associative (5a)w 1,591,160 people/week
90. x  3  ____, commutative 3x 104. Farmland conversion. The amount of farmland in the
1 1 1 United States is decreasing by one acre every 0.00876
91. x    ____, distributive  (x
2 2 hours as farmland is being converted to nonfarm use
92. 3(x  7)  ____, distributive 3x  21 (American Farmland Trust, At what
rate in acres per day is the farmland decreasing?
93. 6x  15  ____, distributive 3(2x  5)
2740 acres/day
94. (x  6)  1  ____, associative x  (6  1)
95. 4(0.25)  ____, inverse property 1

Farmland (millions of acres)

96. 1(5  y)  ____, distributive 5  y
97. 0  96(____), multiplication property of zero 0
98. 3  (____)  3, identity property 1 950
99. 0.33(____)  1, inverse property 
100. 8(1)  ____, identity property 8
Solve each problem. See Example 8. 1990 2000 2010
101. Laying bricks. A bricklayer lays one brick in 0.04 hour, Year
while his apprentice lays one brick in 0.05 hour. FIGURE FOR EXERCISE 104
a) If both are working, then at what combined rate (in
bricks per hour) are they laying bricks? GET TING MORE INVOLVED
45 bricks/hour
b) Which person is working faster? 105. Writing. The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of twice
Bricklayer the length and twice the width. Write in words another
way to find the perimeter that illustrates the distributive
The perimeter is twice the sum of the length and width.
200 106. Discussion. Eldrid bought a loaf of bread for $1.69 and
a gallon of milk for $2.29. Using a tax rate of 5%, he cor-
Number of bricks laid

150 Bricklayer rectly figured that the tax on the bread would be 8 cents
and the tax on the milk would be 11 cents, for a total of
100 $4.17. However, at the cash register he was correctly
Apprentice charged $4.18. How could this happen? Which property
50 of the real numbers is in question in this case?
Due to rounding off, the tax on each item seperately does
0 2 4 6 8 not equal the tax on the total. It looks like the distributive
Time (hours) property fails.
FIGURE FOR EXERCISE 101 107. Exploration. Determine whether each of the following
pairs of tasks are “commutative.” That is, does the order in
which they are performed produce the same result?
102. Recovering golf balls. Susan and Joan are diving for golf a) Put on your coat; put on your hat.
balls in a large water trap. Susan recovers a golf ball every Commutative
0.016 hour while Joan recovers a ball every 0.025 hour. If b) Put on your shirt; put on your coat.
both are working, then at what rate (in golf balls per hour) Not commutative
are they recovering golf balls? Find another pair of “commutative” tasks and another pair
102.5 balls/hour of “noncommutative” tasks.

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