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Asphalt Inspectors Guide - Mat Problems

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Mat Problems

Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation Research Section

File D-10R P.O. Box 5051 Austin, TX 78763-5051 512-465-7682 TEX-AN 241-7682
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Inspectors' Guide: Mat Problems September 1988
(from Hot Mix Asphalt Construction Training •• P ......... o..-...... c..
•• p.,....... 0 ............ I.,.,. N_.
I. A . . . . ,'.I James A. Scherocman, Thomas W. Kennedy, T2_1
~aQhsoud Tahmoressi. and Richard Holmqreen
t. P ......... 0 ........... If. . . . . 10440... II. .... U."..... "1"'1'
Center for Transportation Research
Bureau of Engineering Research , •. c.-.............
University of Texas at Austin
IJ. ' ........... .."...., c.....4
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Texas State Department of Highways and Public
Transportation; Transportation Planning Division
P.O. Box 5051 N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'CMe
Austin Texas' 78763
IS• ."......... , ......
This guide is an edited version of "Chapter 15: Mat Problems," from a seminar ...
series jointly developed by SDHPT, CTR and the Texas Hot Mix Association.
It. , ....... .

Mat problems can be defined as defects that occur in the asphalt concrete
mixture during, or soon after, the laydown and compaction operations. The
problems are divided into two primary categories: (a) equipment-related prob1emsi
(b) mixture-related problems. Twelve types of mat deficiencies are discussed with
an emphasis on the description of the problem, the cause of the problem (equipment
or mix related). the cure, and the effect on pavement performance. The twelve
problems discussed are: surface waves, mat tearing, nonuniform mat texture, screed
marks, screed responsiveness, auger shadows, precompaction levels, joints, check-
ing, shoving, fat spots and bleeding, and roller marks •

U'. a., ....

Paving Operations, ACP Hat, Pavement
No restrictions. This document is
Performance, Construction Problems, available to the public through the
Mat Problems, Laydown, Compaction, National Technical Information Service
Screed, Auger
tt. ........ CI••• i" 1.1 ........, .. ....... ................,

5285 Port Royal Road
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This inspector's guide is an edited version of "Chapter 15: Mat Problems," from the
source book for the first training course, Plant and Paver Operations, of the two-part
seminar, Hot Mix Asphalt Construction Training Program. This seminar and source
book, by James A. Scherocman, Thomas W. Kennedy, Maghsoud Tahmoressi, and
Richard Holmgreen was prepared for the Texas State Department of Highways and Public
Transportation and the Texas Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Association by the Center for
Transportation Research, Bureau of Engineering Research, The University of Texas at
Austin, September 1988.
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for
the facts and accuracy of the data presented. The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official views or policies of the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not
constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
This version is reprinted by the Technology Transfer Branch of the Research Section
(Transportation Planning Division) with the consent of the Construction Division and of
the Materials and Tests Division, May 1989.

Surface Waves ........................................................................................................................... 1

Tearing of the Mat ................................................................................................................... 3

Nonuniform Mat Texture ......................................................................................................... 4

Screed Marks ........ ............................. ...................................................... ....... ........................... 5

Screed Responsiveness ............................................................................................................. 6

Auger Shadows ............................................... ... ...................................................... .................. 6

Precompaction Levels ....................... ............................................ ............................................ 7

Transverse and Longitudinal Joints ....................................................................................... 7

Checking ..................................................................................................................................... 8

Shoving ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Fat Spots and Bleeding ............................................................................................................ 9

Compaction and Roller Marks ................................................................................................ 10


Mat problems can be defined as defects that occur in the asphalt concrete mixture
during, or soon after, the laydown and compaction operations. These problems can be
divided into two primary categories: (a) equipment-related problems; and (b) mixture-
related problems. Several different types of mat deficiences will be discussed below,
with emphasis on the description of the problem, the cause of the problem (equipment
or mix related), the cure, and the effect on pavement performance.
Figure I summarizes the various kinds of problems that can occur in an asphalt
concrete layer during construction. Listed in the first column is a description of various
mat defects. Marked in the remaining columns are several possible causes for each
particular mat problem. The check marks indicate equipment-related causes and the X
marks indicated mix-related causes.

A wavy asphalt concrete surface can be of two types: short waves or (ripples) and
long waves. Short waves are generally 1 to 3 feet apart, with 1-1/2 to 2 feet being the
most common distance. Long waves are considerably farther apart and may correspond
to the distance between truckloads of mix.
The primary cause of ripples or short waves is a fluctuating head of material in front
of the paver screed. This variation in the amount of mix being carried back to the augers
by the slat conveyors and deposited in front of the screed causes the screed to rise and
fall as the pressure against it changes. To much (the mix at the top of the augers) and
then too little (the mix at the bottom of the augers) asphalt concrete material being
carried in the auger chamber in front of the screed causes the wavy surface as the screed
reacts to the variable forces on it.
A secondary cause of ripples can be a screed that is in poor mechanical condition-
one which has loose screed plates or has excessive play in the screed control connections.
Ripples can also be formed in the mat by improper mounting or setting of the automatic
grade control on the paver or by use of an inadequate grade reference device. In the
latter case, the problem might be related to a mobile reference (floating beam) that is
bouncing for some reason.
Short waves can also be a function of the mix design, particularly in regard to a
tender mix or one that varies in stiffness caused by changes in mix temperature or in mix
composition. As the stiffness of the mix varies, the forces of the mix pushing on the
screed also vary, causing the screed to rise and fall and place a mat with ripples in it.
Finally, ripples can be formed in the asphalt concrete mat by compaction equipment,
especially with a tender mix. If the mix design is improper-either in aggregate
gradation, asphalt content, moisture content, or mix temperature-the rollers may shove
and displace the mix during the compaction process. Normally, however, the ripples are
placed in the mat by the paver, either because of its operation or because of changes in
mix stiffness, rather than by the compaction equipment.
Long waves are caused by many of the same variables that cause shorr waves. A
fluctuation in the amount of material in front of the screed and mix stiffness variation
causes the screed to react to the change in the pressure on it. If the distance between the
wave peaks, however, corresponds to the length of pavement between truckloads of mix,
then the waves may have been caused by incorrectly set hopper flow gates on the paver
or by emptying the paver hopper and slat conveyor between loads of mix. Mechanical
condition and improper operation of the screed-continually changing the manual



Wavy Surface - Short Waves (Ripples) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x x x x x x
Wavy Surface - Long Waves ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... X X X X X X x
Tearing of Mat - Full Width ... ... ... X X X X X X X
Tearing of Mat - Center Streak ... ... ... ... ... X
Tearing of Mat - Outside Streaks ... ... ... ... ... ... X
Mat Texture - Nonuniform ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... X X X X X X X
Screed Marks ... X X
Screed Not Responding to Correction ... ... ... ... ... X I I XI x
Auger Shadows ... X X X
Poor Precompaction ... ... ... X X X

Poor Longitudinal Joint ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... X x
Poor Transverse Joint ... ... ... ... ... ... X X
Transverse Cracking (Checking) X X X X X X
Mat Shoving Under Roller X X X X X X x
Bleeding or Fat Spots in Mat X X X X
Roller Marks X X X X x
Poor Mix Compaction X X X X X X X xl X

1. Find problem above. NOTE: Many times a problem can be caused by more than one
2. Checks indicate causes related to the paver. Item, therefore, It Is Important thaI each cause listed Is
X's Indicate other problems to be Investigated. eliminated to assure solving the problem.
thickness control cranks, for example-as well as incorrectly mounted automatic grade
controls can cause a long wave type of surface problem in the mat. If a stringline is
being used as a grade reference, a sag in that line between support posts can easily be
a cause of long waves. Delivery of the mix to the paver can also be a factor in long wave
roughness, particularly if the haul truck bumps into the paver or if the truck driver rides
his brakes while the truck is being pushed by the paver.
In terms of mix design, long waves can be caused by segregation of the mix and by
changes in mix temperature. Both of these deficiences cause the forces on the screed to
vary, causing, in tum, a wavy surface. Compaction equipment can also create a wavy
mat if the roller operator turns or reverses the machine too abruptly or parks the roller
on the hot mat while waiting for additional mix to be placed.
Ripples can be cured only by preventing their formation. The most important factor
for short waves is to keep the amount of mix (head of material) in front of the screed
as consistent as possible. In addition, the stiffness of the mix, which is related to both
its temperature and its composition, should be maintained as constant as feasible. The
amount of mix is controlled by the proper setting of the hopper flow gates and by
keeping the slat conveyors and augers operating as much of the time (close to 100
percent) as possible while the machine is moving forward. Mix stiffness is controlled at
the asphalt concrete batch or drum mix plant by keeping the mix temperature, aggregate
gradation, and fluids content (asphalt content plus moisture content) within normal
specification limits. Any factors that cause either the volume or the stiffness of the mix
at the screed to change will cause ripples in the asphalt concret mat.
Surface waves caused by automatic grade control problems can be detected by
shutting off the grade controls and measuring whether or not the long or short waves
continue to be formed. If the controls are at fault, the operation and maintenance manual
supplied with the controls should be consulted to determine the proper corrective action
to take. Sags in a stringline reference, if one is being used, can be found by sighting
down the line. Short or long waves caused by the mechanical condition or operation of
the paver screed can usually be detected by careful observation of the paver during mat
laydown. The long waves formed by incorrect haul truck operation and/or incorrect
compaction equipment operation also can be easily detected by spending a few minutes
watching each of these processes.
Long term pavement performance is affected by surface waves (short and long) in
two primary ways. First, the waves cause a decrease in the smoothness of the pavement.
This in tum lowers the pavement condition rating or present severiceability index for a
stretch or highway. Structural performance of the pavement may be changed, however,
only if the waves are severe enough to increase the dynamic or impact loading of the
pavement under heavy truck traffic. Second, ripples, or factors that cause the ripples, can
affect pavement density levels. A tender mix generally cannot be compacted to the same
density value as can a stable mix. The resulting decrease in density and the corresponding
increase in air void content can cause a significant decrease in the fatigue life of the
asphalt concrete mat.


There are three types of mat tearing, or pulling, of the asphalt concrete mix under
the screed of the paver. Each of the types are described by the location of the tear marks
in the mat: (a) full width; (b) center streak; and (c) outside streaks. Tearing of the mat
is usually caused by improper paver condition or operation, or by a cold mix temperature.
The screed on a paver can be adjusted to provide the proper degree of crown to the
mix being placed. The crown of the whole screed can be changed, but the problem is

most likely with the relationship between the crown at the leading (front) edge and
trailing (back) edge of the screed, which can be adjusted. A streak up the center of the
mat is usually caused by a lack of lead crown in the paver screed. Conversely, streaks
up both outside edges of the asphalt concrete mixture are normally caused by an excess
of lead crown in the screed. For most mixers, the lead edge crown should be set slightly
greater than the tail edge crown.
Center streaks can also be caused by a lack of asphalt concrete material being tucked
under the auger gearbox area at the' center of the auger chamber. This is caused by both
improper flow gate settings and by worn or improperly set reverse augers or paddles on
the augers. Edge streaks can be formed by improper flow gate settings or by incorrect
installation of the screed extensions.
Full-width tearing of the mat can be attributed to a number of factors. If the paver
is operated at too fast a forward speed for a particular mix, tearing can occur. Tearing
can also take place, either full width, in the center, or along the edges of the mat,
because of warped or worn-out screed plates. Cold mix temperatures, particularly
combined with a cold paver screed, can significantly affect the amount of tearing that
will occur. Mix design factors that create tender mixes can cause tearing of the mat and
so can the use of oversized aggregate (compared to the thickenss of the layer being
placed) in the mixture.
Center or outside edge mat tearing can usually be eliminated by adjusting the
relationship between the lead and tail crown on the paver screed. If this change does not
solve the problem, the setting of the paver flow gates should be modified. Full-width
tearing is normally caused by a cold screed, cold mix temperature, or by worn screed
plates and can be cured by correcting the three primary causes of the problem.
Tearing of the mat affects the long term pavement performance by causing changes
in mixture density in areas where the tearing has occurred. Tom areas may appear
segregated and are usually deficient in mix quality resulting from pulling the mix under
the screed. Thus, pavement performance will be reduced somewhat, depending on the
severity of the tearing, in relation to the degree to which the tearing affects the density
and air void content of the mat. In addition, tom areas may be susceptible to raveling
caused by the rough texture of the mat in the area adjacent ot the tear.


Nonuniform mat texture can be described as differences in the appearance of the
asphalt concrete mixture, both transversely and longitudinally, as the mix is placed and
compacted. Normally, minor differences in surface texture will be apparent because of
differences in the alignment of the large coarse aggregates particles as the mix passes
out from beneath the paver screed. Additionally, a mix with a higher fine aggregate
(sand) content will have a more uniform surface texture than a mix containing a larger
percentage of coarse aggregate.
Many variables concerning the operation of the asphalt paver affect the uniformity
of the surface texture of the mix. A variable amount of mix against the screed, caused
by overloaded augers or running the hopper empty between truckloads, can cause
variations in the amount of mix tucked under the screed and thus can produce a
nonuniform texture. Improper screed maintenance, including screed plates being worn or
loose, the screed riding on the tow point cylinders, screed extensions incorrectly installed,
and low screed vibratory frequency, can signifcantly alter the mat texture and cause
nonuniformity. A low mix temperature, caused either by plant problems or by the paver
sitting too long between truckloads of mix, can also be a factor in obtaining uneven mat
texture, especially, if the paver screed is also cold.

A good rule of thumb for the relationship between maxiumum aggregate size used
in the mix and the minimum course thickness is that the depth of the layer should be at
least two times the largest coarse aggregate size. Thus a mix containing a 3/4 inch top
size aggregate should be placed at least 1-1/2 inches thick. If this relationship is violated,
the mat texture will be severely affected. When the layer placed is at least twice the
coarse aggregate size, the mat texture should be uniform. When the layer thickness is
less than two times the dimension of the largest aggregate particles, tearing of the mat
and nonuniform surface texture result.
A soft or yielding base under the course being constructed will cause a variable
surface texture for the new layer. Segregation of the mix, caused by poor mix design or
improper handling of the mix during the mixing, loading, hauling, unloading, or placing
operations, can obviously contribute to a nonuniform surface texture. The variability of
the texture will also be increased by any factors that cause nonuniformity in the mix,
such as deviations in aggregate gradation, asphalt content, or mix temperature.
The causes of nonuniform suface texture are many, and thus, the solutions to the
problems are many. Paver operation, particularly in regard to the need for a constant
head of material in front of the screed, should be closely monitored. The paver and
screed should both be well maintained and in good operating condition. The thickness
of the mat being placed should be set so that it is at least twice the value of the largest
coarse aggregate piece used in the mix. Finally, a mix that is tender, variable in aggregate
gradation or asphalt content, or ea'lUy segregated should be modified to improve its
characteristics before it is delviered to the paver for laydown.
Nonuniform surface texture usually goes together with nonuniform density. Areas
where the coarse aggregate has been dragged by the paver screed will normally have a
high air void content. Areas where segregation of the mix has occurred, causing a
variation in texture, will generally have a lower density with the same compactive effort
by the rollers. As density decreases and air void content increases, the fatigue life and
serviceability of the asphalt concrete mat decreases remarkably.

Screed marks are transverse indentations in the asphalt concrete mat. They occur
when the paver stops between truckloads of mix. Depending on the tenderness of the
mixture being placed, some screed marks are barely noticeable, while some can be very
There are two basic causes for screed marks. The first is caused by "slop" or excessive
play in the mechanical connections on the screed. If this is the problem, the screed marks
will be visible each time the paver stops. The second cause of screed marks is the haul
truck bumping into the paver when preparing to discharge the mix, and/or. the truck
driver holding the brakes on the truck when the paver starts to push the truck. In this
case, the screed marks will appear only when the truCk-paver interchange is improper.
The solution to screed marks is simple. If they are a result of the mechanical condition
of the paver and the screed, the screed should be repaired. If the screed marks are caused
by the truck bumping into the paver, the laydown operation should be altered so that the
paver picks up the haul truck instead of the truck backing into the paver. In addition, the
truck drivers should be instructed not to ride their brakes when the paver establishes
contact with the truck. Screed marks are not detrimental to the durability of the mat.
They do, however, affect the ride, creating a bump whenever the marks are visible.

The paver and screed must be in good operating condition. The sensor for the
automatic grade controls, if used, must be located according to the manufacturer's
instructions. If the mix texture is uniform (indicating a proper relationship between
course thickness and maximum aggregate size), the screed should be able to respond to
changes in the settings on the thickness controls.
As the thickness control cranks on the screed are changed, the angle of attack of the
screed is increased or decreased. As the paver moves forward to place the mix, the
screed moves up to or down to the new eqUilibrium point for the new mat thickness. If
the screed fails to respond to changes in the thickness control cranks, the operator is
manually unable to alter the depth of the mat being placed. The paver also loses its
inherent ability, through the principle of the floating screed, to provide the self-leveling
action needed to place a smooth asphalt concrete mat.
An extremely fast paver speed will cause a lack of responsiveness of the screed. The
mechanical condition of the screed affects the screed reaction. Loose screed plates, the
screed riding on the tow point cylinders, or loose connections on the thickness control
cranks will also cause the screed to be unresponsive. If automatic grade controls are
used, an incorrect sensor location will cause the screed to be unable to react to input
signals from the grade sensors. If the maximum aggregate size used in the mix is too
great compared to the depth of mix being placed, the screed will ride on or drag the
largest aggregate pieces. The screed, therefore, can not change angle and is thus
unresponsive to changes in the thickness control settings. Variations in mix temperature
also cause the screed to be unresponsive to angle of attack changes, since the mix
stiffness variations themselves are causing the screed to continually seek new equilibrium
points for the forces acting on it.
An unresponsive screed causes a rough asphalt concrete mat. The screed is unable to
react to manual changes in the thickness settings. In addition, the screed loses its ability
to level up an existing pavement surface by reducing the amount of mix placed over the
high points in that surface and increasing the volume of material placed in the low areas.
Thus, the ride ability of the course being placed is significantly affected by the
unresponsiveness of the paver screed, and the paver is unable to function as it should.

Auger shadows are dark areas that appear in the surface of the mat behind the paver.
They are rarely visible except in certain sunlight conditions. These shadows are caused
primarily by overloading the augers on the paver. The intensity of the shadows will
sometimes be increased when a tender mix is being laid.
The asphalt concrete mixture carried in the auger chamber should be maintained at
a level near the center of the auger shaft. In no case should the bottom of the augers be
visible or should the top of the augers be completely covered with mix. Similarly, keeping
the augers from being over loaded prevents the development of auger shadows in the
mix. Auger shadows are not necessarily detrimental to the mix except as they may affect
ride ability in a minor way.

A modern asphalt paver is normally equipped with a vibratory screed. This type of
screed, which has replaced the original tamper bar screed, allows the mix to be compacted
as it passes beneath the screed. This precompaction, before the conventional compaction
equipment rolls the asphalt concrete mixture, reduces the amount of compactive effort

needed by the rollers before the proper density and air void content is reached. Some
pavers are now equipped with combination screeds-screeds that have both tamper bars
and vibratory mechanisms. At slow forward paver speeds, the degree of compaction
achieved in the mix by the combination screed is typically greater than that obtained by
the vibratory screed alone. At paver speeds greater than 25 feet per minute or so, however,
the increased effectiveness of the tamper bar compactive effort is lost and the degree of
compaction obtained is similar to that achieved with a normal vibratory screed.
The amount of precompaction obtained by the paver screed decreases as the paver
speed increases. It increases, within limits, as the frequency of the screed vibration
increases. This is to be expected since compaction should increase as the number of
impacts applied on the mix surface increases (slow paver speed and greater frequency of
impacts). Precompaction will decrease significantly, however, if the paver screed is riding
on the lift (tow point) cylinders, thereby limiting the available compactive effort. The
level of precompaction obtained will be further limited if the mat is too thin for the
maxiumum aggregate size used in the mix, if the mix being placed is too cold, or if the
base on which the new layer is being laid is soft and yielding.
Decreasing the paver speed and increasing the frequency of vibration of the paver
screed should increase, within limits, the level of precompaction achieved during the
laydown operation. Proper maintenance of the screed also helps obtain a uniform
compactive effort from the screed. As long as the required density level is obtained using
conventional rollers behind the paver, the absolute level of precompaction accomplished
by the screed will not affect the long term performance of the asphalt concrete layer. It
may be possible, however, to reduce the number of roller passes needed to make the
density and air void content criteria if the amount of precompaction obtained by the
screed is higher.


Poor transverse joints are associated either with a bump at the joint or with a dip in
the pavement surface several feet beyond the joint, or with both. Poor longitudinal joints
between passes of the paver are usually characterized by a difference in elevation between
the two lanes or by a raveling of the asphalt concrete at the joint, or by both. The area
adjacent to the longitudinal joint seam is sometimes dished out. It is usually depressed
below the level of the surrounding pavement surface.
The key to a good transverse joint is to start the paver with the screed sitting on
blocks on the cold side of the joint. The thickness of the blocks in relation to the depth
of the course being laid. The second factor is to do minimal, if any, raking of the joint.
Finally, the joint should be compacted using normal compaction procedures. The key to
a good longitudinal joint is the amount of overlap of the new mat over the adjacent cold
material. If the overlap is only 1 to 1-1/2 inches, minimal, if any, raking is necessary and
the compaction equipment will be able to densify the mix at the joint.
A poor transverse joint will not affect pavement performance to any significant
degree if proper density levels are obtained by the compaction equipment. A poor ride
will usually be the only negative result. An improperly constructed longitudinal joint,
however, can seriously decrease the serviceability of the pavement structure. A poorly
placed and compacted joint will ravel and cause one side of the joint to be lower than
the other side. If the density level is too low, it is possible for the whole pavement layer
thickness at the longitudinal joint to wear away under the action of traffic. A poor joint
will also be porous, allowing water to enter the underlying pavement courses.

Checking can be defined as short transverse cracks, usually I to 4 inches in length
and 1 to 3 inches apart, which occur in the asphalt concrete mat. These surface cracks,
or checks, are not visible when the paver places the material. The cracks usually occur
after the first or second pass of the compaction equipment over the mix. The checks do
not extend completely through the course but normally are only 1/2 to 3/8 inch in depth.
Checking can be caused by two primary factors: (a) excessive deflection of the
pavement structure under the compaction equipment and (b) a deficiency in the asphalt
concrete mix design. In the former case, the pavement on which the new asphalt concrete
layer is being placed is weak. The weight of the rollers causes the pavement layers to
bend excessively, placing the new mix in tension. The check marks are then formed with
the surface of the new mixture being pulled apart as the pavement deflects under the
compaction· equipment.
A more prevalent cause of checking is a deficiency in the asphalt concrete mixture.
This is because of: (a) an excess of fluids in the mix-too much asphalt cement or too
much moisture in the mix or both and (b) a nonuniform sand gradation-too much
middle size sand (No. 10 and No. 40 sieve size material) and too little fine size sand
(No. 80 and No. 200 sieve size material). The excess of fluids makes the mix tender and
allows it to be easily displaced by the compaction equipment. The mix tends to be
shoved by the roller instead of being tucked under the compaction rolls of tires. The
hump in the fine aggregate gradation curve also causes the mix to be tender. This is
characterized by a bow wave that occurs in front of the rolls on a steel wheel roller. The
mix deficiency is compounded, and the amount of checking that occurs is increased,
when the mix temperature is too high for the particular asphalt cement grade being used
in the mix. As the mix temperature increases, the viscosity of flow of the asphalt cement
decreases, causing an increase in the tenderness of the asphalt concrete mixture.
The wrong action to take for a checking problem is to back the breakdown roller off
from the paver. By delaying compaction, the mix has a chance to cool and the viscosity
of the asphalt cement in the mix increases. This, in tum, stiffens the mix and decreases
the displacement by the rollers. If the mix is tender enough, because of excess fluids or
a problem with the fine aggregate gradation, the mat temperature has to decrease to such
a low point, before the rollers can get on the mix without checking it, that proper density
is very difficult to obtain.
The proper solution to the checking problem, therefore, is to change the mix
characteristics, not the rolling procedure. The mix changes may be simple-reducing the
asphalt content, reducing the moisture content, reducing the mixture temperature at the
plant, or all of these. The other changes, however, might be time consuming and
expensive-changing the fine aggregate gradation to remove the hump from the grading
curve in the area between the No. 10 and No. 200 sieves (usually between the No. 40
and No. 80 sieves). On a temporary basis, until the mix design can be altered, the mat
can be compacted initially using a vibratory roller or pneumatic tire roller instead of a
static steel wheel roller.
Because the cracks or checks extend only a short distance down from the surface,
they are detrimental to long term performance only as the tender mix phenomenon affects
the compaction operation. If the roUers are kept back from the paver to try to decrease
the amount of checking and the level of density obtained by the compaction equipment
is thus reduced, checking can decrease the ultimate pavement life significantly as the air
void content of the asphalt concrete mat is increased.

Shoving of an asphalt concrete mat is the displacement of the mixture in a
longitudinal direction. It can take place during the compaction operation or can occur
under traffic. In many cases, shoving is accompanied by a large bow wave in front of
the breakdown roller. Shoving may also occur together with mix checking. Finally, mat
or mix shoving can happen at the reversal point of the rollers, especially at the location
closest to the paver.
Shoving is caused by an unstable or tender mix. This instability can be due to the
same variables that cause checking-an excess of fluids in the mix, a hump in the fine
aggregate grading curve, or excessive mat temperature during rolling. A mix that has a
high Marshall stability can still be a mix that will distort longitudinally under the
compaction equipment or later under traffic. Shoving can be particularly prevalent when
a sand mix is placed in a thick layer (over 1-1/2 inches thick) at a high temperature
(over 280°F).
The cure for a mix that shoves under the compaction equipment is to increase the
internal stability of the mixture. This can be accomplished by reducing the fluids content
(either asphalt content or moisture content or both) of the mix. It can also be done by
increasing the internal friction among the aggregate particles by changing the aggregate
gradation or increasing the amount of angular (crushed) particles in the mix. Tender
mixes should be placed at lower laydown temperatures consistent, however, with the
ability to obtain sufficient density under the rollers. Sand mixes, because of their inherent
tender nature, should be placed in several thick layers instead of one thick layer when
used as base or binder courses.
Mats that tend to shove under the compaction equipment are basically unstable.
These mixtures, under tr,.ffic, usually will continue to distort, both longitudinally and
laterally. At stop intersections, this shoving is seen as waviness of the mat near the stop
bar and sometimes even as forward movement of the mix under the painted stop line
itself. Shoving of the asphalt concrete mixture during construction is a strong indication
of the lack of adequate durability of the material under traffic.


Fat spots in an asphalt concrete mixture are isolated areas where asphalt cement has
come to the surface of the mix during the laydown and compaction operation. These
spots can occur very erratically and irregularly, or they may be numerous and in a fairly
regular pattern.
Fat spots are primarily caused by excessive moisture in the mix. The problem is more
prevalent on mixtures that contain high percentages of fine aggregate (oversanded mixes)
and on mixtures that contain aggregates that have a high porosity. If all the moisture in
the coarse and fine aggregate is not removed during the drying and mixing operation at
the asphalt batch or drum mix plant, the moisture will pull asphalt cement to the surface
of the mix behind the paver as the moisture escapes from the mix and evaporates. Fat
spots occur more frequently when the aggregate stockpiles are wet or when the moisture
content varies in different parts of those stockpiles.
Bleeding of an asphalt concrete mixture occurs when the asphalt cement flows to the
top of the mix surface under the action of traffic. Bleeding usually is characterized as
two flushed longitudinal streaks in the wheelpaths of the roadway.
The cause of bleeding can normally be divided into two categories. The first cause
is related to an excess of fluids in the asphalt concrete mixture, either aspahlt cement or
moisture or both. Under traffic, the extra moisture and asphalt cement will be pulled to
the surface by the suction of the vehicle tires. This bleeding phenomenon occurs usually

on new mats and during hot weather when the viscosity of the asphalt cement is at its
lowest level. Bleeding can also accompany pavement rutting. If, during construction,
adequate density is not achieved in the mixture, traffic will cause densification and
rutting of the mix with time. This traffic compaction process will decrease the air void
content of the mix and may, in turn, squeeze asphalt cement out of the mix and to the
surface of the roadway. The extra asphalt will appear as a longitudinal fat spot throughout
the length of each wheelpath.
A wide fluctuation in the asphalt concrete mix temperature is an indication that the
moisture content of that mix is also variable. This latter phenomenon can contribute to
both the generation of fat spots in the mix during construction and bleeding of the mix
later under traffic. It is important, therefore, that the aggregate used in the mix be dry
and that the moisture content of the mix, upon discharge from the asphalt plant, be as
low as possible (not more than 0.5%). Extra care in drying needs to be exercised when
producing mixtures that incorporate highly absorptive aggregate. Bleeding problems
caused by excess asphalt cement in the mix can most easily be solved by reducing the
asphalt content of mix, consistent with other mixture properties such as air voids, voids
in the mineral aggregate, and stability. Bleeding problems that occur in conjunction with
pavement rutting may only be solved, however, by a redesign of the asphalt concrete
mixture with emphasis on the air void content and the voids in mineral aggregate criteria.
Fat spots in the mix, if there are only a few of them, should not affect the ultimate
durability of the mixture to a significant degree. A great number of fat spots or bleeding
in the wheelpaths does affect pavement performance because of variable asphalt and air
void contents in different parts of the mix. In addition, other mix problems, such as
shoving and rutting, can occur in a mix that contains many fat areas or bleeding in the
wheelpaths. The design of the asphalt concrete mixture, the operation of the asphalt
batch or drum mix plant (more complete removal of the moisture), or both should be
checked to assure adequate pavement performance under traffic.


Most asphalt pavers in use are equipped with a vibratory screed. Depending on such
variables as forward paver speed, layer thickness, mix temperture, and ambient
environmental conditions, the density of the asphalt concrete mixture measured behind
the paver screed, before roller compaction, is usually in the range of 70 to 80% of the
theoretical maximum density (a voidless mix). The purpose of the roller compaction
process, then, is to increase the density of the asphalt concrete mat to at least 93% of
maximum density (a 7% actual air void content). The type and number of rollers needed
to achieve this level of compaction depend on the same variables as screed density as
well as the operational characteristics of each particular piece of compaction equipment.
A discussion of the causes of poor compaction, or the lack of an adequate level of
density, can be divided into two parts. The first concerns mix-design-related problems.
Any of the mix deficiences that contribute to checking, shoving, or bleeding of the mix
will also be a factor in the ability of the compaction equipment to reach the required
density level. A mix that is unstable or tender because of excessive asphalt cement
content, excessive moisture content, nonuniform aggregate gradation, rounded aggregate
shape, or many other causes, will be a difficult mix to compact. A mix that has short
waves or ripples in it will usually also have a variation in density level throughout the
mat if the ripples are caused by mix related deficiences. For density to be obtained
uniformily in the asphalt concrete layer, the mix design must be proper and the mix
delivered to the paver at a consistent quality level with a minimum variation in mix
characteristics and properties.

The roller operator will normally be unable to remove all the marks left by his
compaction equipment if the mix is tender or unstable. A tender mix normally will not
support the weight of the roller until the mix has cooled sufficiently for the asphalt
cement viscosity to increase enough to stiffen the mix. By the time the mix has decreased
in term perature to this point, however, the required level of density can no longer be
achieved because the mix has lost its workability. For the same reason, the roller marks,
or indentations, left during the breakdown roller passes usually cannot be rolled out
during the finish rolling process. Roller marks left in the surface of an asphalt concrete
mixture are an indication of tender mix problems and inadequate levels of density.
The second main cause of poor density is related to the operation of the compaction
equipment. The variables that affect the ability of the roller to obtain density are the type
of roller, the rolling pattern, the rolling zone (distance relationship of the breakdown
roller to the paver), layer thickness, and environmental conditions. In addition, for
vibratory rollers, the amplitude and frequency of the compactive effort affects the density
level reached by that type of equipment.
The cures for inadequate compaction related to mix design deficiencies are all related
to improvements in the design of the mix components and to the production of the mix
at the asphalt plant. Asphalt cement quality and content, aggregate properties and
characteristics, and mix temperatures all play a significant part in the workability and
stability of the asphalt concrete material under the compaction equipment. The mix must,
at the same time, be fluid enough to be workable and yet stiff enough support the weight
of the compaction equipment without checking, shoving, or bleeding.
In terms of ultimate pavement durability, the air void content or density of the mix
is probably the single most important characteristic that governs the performance of the
asphalt concrete mixture under traffic. If the air void content of the mix is low (less than
7%), the pavement structure should perform well under vehicular loading, even with
minor variations in mix design. If the level of density obtained during the compaction
process is too low (too high an air void content), the mix will not be durable even with
a perfect mix design and even without any other mat problems being present. If proper
density can be and is obtained in the asphalt concrete material, the mixture will serve
its intended purpose for many years.

Technology Transfer
Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation
D-10 Research
P.O. Box 5051
Austin, Texas 78763-5051
512 465-7682

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