(BaTu) PCDM Module 6 - TIC Management (B-Ok - Xyz)
(BaTu) PCDM Module 6 - TIC Management (B-Ok - Xyz)
(BaTu) PCDM Module 6 - TIC Management (B-Ok - Xyz)
This document has been prepared for the exclusive use of WorleyParsons.
Copying this document without the permission of WorleyParsons is not permitted.
This Training Module is part 6 of an 8 modular training program designed to provide the participants
with an overall introduction to the skills & knowledge required by Project Controls when executing an
EPCM / PMC project.
The aim of this document is to provide a hands-on guideline to assist the project controller in the set-
up and management the of a TIC (Total Installed Cost) control budget.
• Project Forecasting
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T I C ( T O TA L I N S TA L L E D C O S T ) M A N A G E M E N T
Module Content
1.0 Introduction 5
1.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.0 Contract Strategy 6
2.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Contract Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 6
2.3 Project WBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7
3.0 EPCM Contract 8
3.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 8
3.2 Engineering & EPCM Services Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Lump Sum Fixed Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Provisional Sums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Third Party Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.0 Module Fabrication Contract 12
4.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
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1.1 BACKGROUND Original design throughput was dicted to fall below that re-
356 MMscfd. quired for design export gas
Creer Oil Company (CROC) flow rate.
is the operator of the Tatanka In response to sustain higher
Gas to Power development demand, a compression mod- The start up date for the com-
located in South East Asia. ule shall be designed to handle pression facilities is currently
The development is based on an increase in processing ca- targeted for 26 Aug 2012.
the Apache gas fields. Gas is pacity from 356 MMscfd to 530
delivered from the Apache ‘A’ MMscfd. The FEED for the compression
Platform via a 377 km marine project commenced on 19 Sep
pipeline to the Sioux Terminal A provision was made in the 2010, and is scheduled to com-
for processing prior to onward original platform design for the plete on 25 Dec 2010.
transmission to the Cheyenne addition of a compression
module to boost gas pressure The execution-phase is sched-
Power station. (see Figure
to the required pipeline pres- uled to commence on Jan 1,
sure. It was envisaged that 2011
Production commenced from compression would not be
the Apache Platform in Decem- required until 2012, when the
ber 2002. reservoir pressure was pre-
“The formula
for success is Power - Cheyenne Power
rise early, work
late, and strike
John Getty
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2.3 PROJECT WBS duction to Project Controls, Chap- words, these element will be
ter 4 and 5). map-linked to the Codes of Ac-
The contract strategy was al- count.
Mapping of the WBS and CoA
ready agreed in principle during
codes will be done after estab- Cost and Progress from the re-
the FEED by CROC. lishing the project WBS. The spective contractors/vendors
WorleyParsons (as the EPCM overall project WBS contains 4 against the various commitments
breakdown levels.
contractor) agreed to adopt a will be collected on this level.
contract-based WBS as the The first two levels of the WBS
Most contractors will expand
preferred breakdown structure were fixed as per table 2.2.
beyond WBS level 3 in order to
to manage TIC performance.
Level 1 is a breakdown of the control their scope to a greater
It was also decided that to ap- project into contracts. level of detail.
ply the integrated CBS/WBS
Level 2 is a breakdown of these Management and control beyond
approach as the method for
contracts into the Project Delivery Level 3 will be the responsibility
performance measurement.
stages within each contract. of the contractors.
To facilitate this requirement,
Level 3 will breakdown the pro- During an interactive workshop,
WorleyParsons will tag-link the ject delivery phases into high the contractors collectively pro-
WBS elements to their Global level Trade/Discipline based vided their input to the level 3
Codes of Account in order to work elements. WBS elements, resulting in a
create the project Control Ac-
Level 3 is the level where cost final overall project WBS as de-
counts. (Ref. Module 1 - Intro-
and progress coincide. In other scribed in the following chapters.
(Table 2.2)
WBS Coding Structure
L1 L2 L3 L4 +
Contract Delivery Stage Trade / Discipline EPC Deliverable
1 EPCM 01 Management & Support AAA Alpha 00 Numeric
2 Module Fabrication 02 Project Preparation
3 Transport & Installation 03 Engineering & Design
4 Brownfield Mods / HUC 04 Logistics
5 Accommodation Vessel 05 Procurement
6 Procurement & Logistics 06 Onshore Fabrication
7 Contingency 07 Pre-Commissioning
08 Load Out
09 Offshore Installation
10 Transportation
11 Final Documentation
12 Offshore Brownfield Works
13 Turnaround Shutdown Works
14 Heavy Lift Vessel Works
15 Hook Up Works
16 Commissioning & Start Up Works
17 Others
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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Constr. Mngr Procurement Mngr Contract Admin. Engineer Cost Engineer Project Secretary not worth the
Commiss. Mngr Contracts Mngr Commiss’ng.Engr PDMS Admin. QC Inspector paper it is
HSE Mngr Senior Engineer QC Coordinator written on”
Site Rep/Super Int. Senior Buyer CAD Draftsman
Project Engineer Senior Expeditor
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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W050100 Construction Management & Support 1,255,229 22,096 7,953 3,315 10,828
OVERALL MANHOUR COST BUDGET 4,536,040 93,500 13,988 25,126 37,065 6,137 7,546 3,638
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3.3 LUMP SUM FIXED FEE incentive scheme based on fee of $ 3,177,822 can be
key project milestone achieve- claimed by WorleyParsons
In addition to the reimbursable ments based on achievement of the
schedule of rates, WorleyPar- milestones as specified below:
sons and CROC agreed on an An allocated lump sum fixed
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1 - 17 Others
1 - 17 - OTB W880000 Fixed Fees 3,177,822
1 - 17 - OTC W880000 Provisional Sums 250,000
1 - 17 - OTD W880000 Third Party 230,000
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“It’s not a
question of who
throws the first
stone, it’s a
question of
who’s going to
start building
with it” - Sloan
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STS and Croc agreed on the *) Dia-Inch = No of Weld Joints x Pipe Diameter (Table 6.1)
following all-in schedule of Onshore Pre Fabrication Unit Rate
Piping Prefab Dia-Inch *) 75.00
• Onshore Fabrication Works - Pipe Support Prefab Kg 12.00
as per Unit Rate Table 6.1 Blasting & Painting M 80.00
• Engineering - as per Labor NDE/Testing Joint 120.00
Rate Table 6.2 Pre works Offshore Shipment Day-rate 1,200.00
(Table 6.2)
Category A Category B Category C Category D Category E
Management Quality / Inspection Engineering & Design Offshore Works Commissioning
$ 100.00 $ 90.00 $ 50.00 $ 40.00 $ 115.00
Project Manager QA/QC Inspector Engineer Foreman Commission. Manager
Construction Mngr QA/QC Coordinator Designer Fire Watcher Commission. Engineer
Proj. Services Mngr Contract Admin. CAD Draftsman Safety Officer Commissioning Techn.
Contracts Manager Material Control Work Pack Prep. Dimens. Surveyor
HSE Manager Planner Doc. Controller Pipe Welder
Site Rep/Superint. Cost Controller Project Secretary Structural Welder
QA/QC Manager Scaffolder Fitter (All disciplines)
Lead Engineer Electrician
Lead Designer NDE Technician
Burner / Grinder
Carpenter / Joiner
Crane Driver
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7.1 SCOPE OF WORKS The Seafox 1 is operated by The Contract Value break-
Spanos Intership Ltd based down for the Accommodation
CROC also awarded the con- out of Singapore. Vessel contract :
tract for the Accommodation
Vessel to be utilized for the The contract agreement was
Maintenance/Tie-in Shutdown based on a day-rate of USD
through to Final Hand-over. 25,000 for the bare vessel for
5 - 09 Offshore Installation
5 - 09 - ABA J100901 Accommodation Vessel On Location Day 126 $25,000 $ 3,150,000
5 - 10 Transportation
5 - 10 - ABA J100901 Accommodation Vessel Mob/Demob LS 1 $ 730,000 $ 730,000
5 - 17 Others
5 - 17 - ABA J100901 Catering / Laundry Services Hrs 72,550 $30 $ 2,176,500
$ 6,056,500
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8.1 SCOPE OF WORKS Due to the long delivery lead agement responsibilities.
time, CROC already placed the
All Procurement will be done Purchase Order for the Com- At this point in time, the follow-
by EPCM contractor pressor Turbine Package (USD ing Purchase Orders and Lo-
(WorleyParsons) on behalf of 19,115,548) and is therefore gistics contracts were awarded
CROC and free-issued to the excluded from the EPCM con- by WorleyParsons on CROC
respective contractors. tractor’s Control Budget man- ‘letterhead’.
Contract for helicopter charters
to mobilize & de-mobilize STS
and WorleyParsons personnel
to/from the platform.
Committed Value:
200 helicopter flights bookings field / Tie-In / HUC contract USD 1,500 @ flight, totalling
over the duration of the Brown- period at the Corporate rate of USD 300,000
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9.1 TIC CONTROL AC- control and reporting re- The manuals can be found via
COUNTS quirements, etc. link:
• It provides a common under-
Total Installed Cost perform-
standing and quick interpre- The TIC is managed via two
ance management on this
tation of historic project data modules:
project is done on Control Ac-
and facilitates the collection
count level. 1. TPM (TIC Performance Man-
of this data at a meaningful
agement) module.
Each control account is a com- level of detail.
bination of a WBS code, a 2. CPM (Commitment Perform-
CBS (CoA) code and a Cost
• It allows for the transfer of
ance Management) module.
data between enterprise-
Type (CT).
wide systems and tools TPM Module
The WBS code is unique to the within WorleyParsons.
project but the CBS must be The TIC Performance Manage-
WorleyParsons have devel- ment Module allows the Project
selected from the company
oped its own Global Code of Controller to manage and
standard Code of Accounts.
Accounts, a standard index of monitor:
The Cost Type Code provides commodities, services and
additional information to the expenses, applicable across ∗ TIC Control Budget perform-
TIC Management codes. projects and locations. ance on Control Accounts
level against the commit-
WorleyParsons Global Code of
The following cost types are ments.
Accounts most recent revision
used within WorleyParsons:
is published on EMS and can ∗ Pending and approved Vari-
Cost Type Code be accessed via link: https://
ances to the TIC budget
E - Equipment 91-000
PCDP Introduction To Project
∗ Overall TIC Contingency
M - Material 92-000 management and draw-
Controls, Chapters 5 and 6
addresses the philosophies
L - Labour 93-000
and methods for Project Break- The TPM Module interfaces
S - Sub Contracts 94-000 down Structures and Enter- with the CPM Module for
F - Freight 95-000 prise Coding structures that are monthly cost an progress up-
applied on this case study pro- dates and forecasts on commit-
R - Rental 96-000 ject in greater detail. ments.
- - - Spare - - - 97-000
From a EPCM perspective, all To manage TIC performance The Commitment Performance
TIC cost were categorized as for the Tatanka project, the Management Module allows
sub-contractor’s cost ( 94-000) participant will use WorleyPar- the Project Controller to man-
with the exception of the cost sons in-house developed tool age and monitor:
associated with Procurement of Prediction Plus.
Free-issue material & equip- ∗ Commitment performance
ment. Specially for this PCDP training on WBS+CoA+CT level
module, WorelyParsons devel- against the committed budg-
The combination of a WBS oped a Prediction “For Dum- ets.
code + CBS + CT code has the mies” handbook.
following advantages: ∗ Pending and approved Vari-
This user-manuals provides a
ances to the commitments
• It provides the project with a step-by-step guideline on pro-
coding structure that meets ject control budget set-ups, the The CPM Module interfaces
the specific requirements of use of WBS, CoA and Cost with the respective functional
the project, i.e. size, com- Type coding as well as re- management tools that are
plexity, execution strategy, source dictionaries, progress utilized to manage the detailed
updates and report formatting levels of the commitments.
and settings.
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These tools are: • Prediction Plus CMM - management, Store/ “If you consult
Prediction Plus Construction Warehouse management,
• InControl V8.0 / V10 - Inte- Management Module de- Invoice reconciliation) enough experts,
grated deliverable manage-
ment/document control sys-
signed to manage detail
Fig 9.1 below illustrates the you can confirm
construction and commis-
tem that generates planned flow of project information and any opinion ”
sioning performance.
and actual progress status system configuration based on
against Engineering & Pro- • CAMS (Contract Administra- the above and the commitment ~ /~
descriptions in Chapters 3 to 8,
ject Management deliver- tion Management System) Author
ables centralizes contract informa- For the convenience of the Unknown
tion (commitment value, course participant, the TIC
• GBS (Oracle) OTL — Cap- variance management and control budget has already
tures time-cost at Control contract correspondence been set-up in the TPM mod-
Account level (interface for and cash flow- ule.
self performing EPC only) management).
The TPM files for Tatanka can
• Primavera P6 - Schedule • Intergraph SmartPlant be accessed via link: https://
performance (planned, ac- Materials – Software for www.tba.com.
tual and forecasts) as well Procurement and materials
as graphic reporting (Bar- management. (Material A summary on Contract / Con-
Charts, S-Curves, Histo- Specifications, Requisition- trol Accounts in the TPM mod-
grams etc.) based on pro- ing, Evaluation, PO genera- ule can be found on the follow-
gress actuals generated by tion, Expediting, Fabrication ing pages.
EPCM Commitment
$ 8,193,862
InControl Commitment Primavera
V10 Performance P6
Total Committed
CAMS Module Fabrication $ 8,200,000
$ 43,658,612 Brownfield Works $ 5,532,250
Logistics $ 796,000
TPM Transport & Installation $ 6,060,000
Accommodation Vessel $ 6,056,500
Total Commitments $ 26,644,750
Management Total Installed Cost
$ 65,881,381
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WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
3 Transport & Installation $ 5,802,000 $ - $ 5,802,000 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 5,802,000 $ 5,802,000 $ -
4 BrownField Mods/Tie-ins/HUC $ 6,130,762 $ - $ 6,130,762 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 6,130,762 $ 6,130,762 $ -
5 Accommodation Barge $ 6,094,000 $ - $ 6,094,000 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 6,094,000 $ 6,094,000 $ -
6 Procurement & Logistics $ 19,418,766 $ - $ 19,418,766 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 19,418,766 $ 19,418,766 $ -
Total for Contracts [CT] $ 57,396,402 $ - $ 57,396,402 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 57,396,402 $ 57,396,402 $ -
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Project Title : Tatanka Development
WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
1 - 01 - PMA W000000 94-000 Project Management & Support $ 1,263,086 $ - $ 1,263,086 $ 1,263,086 $ 1,263,086 $ -
1 - 01 - PMB W040000 94-000 Procurement Management & Support $ 1,306,424 $ - $ 1,306,424 $ 1,306,424 $ 1,306,424 $ -
1 - 01 - PMC W051000 94-000 Construction Management & Support $ 1,388,886 $ - $ 1,388,886 $ 1,388,886 $ 1,388,886 $ -
1 - 01 - PMD W061000 94-000 Commissioning Management & Support $ 136,779 $ - $ 136,779 $ 136,779 $ 136,779 $ -
Total for Management & Support [01] $ 4,095,175 $ - $ 4,095,175 $ 4,095,175 $ 4,095,175 $ -
Delivery Stage: Engineering & Design [03]
1 - 03 - EDA W030000 94-000 Detail Design $ 1,229,107 $ - $ 1,229,107 $ 1,229,107 $ 1,229,107 $ -
1 - 03 - EDB W030000 94-000 Brown Field Mods / Tie-in Design $ 282,360 $ - $ 282,360 $ 282,360 $ 282,360 $ -
Total for Engineering & Design [03] $ 1,511,467 $ - $ 1,511,467 $ 1,511,467 $ 1,511,467 $ -
Delivery Stage: Others [17]
1 - 17 - OTB W880000 94-000 Fixed Fees $ 3,177,822 $ - $ 3,177,822 $ 3,177,822 $ 3,177,822 $ -
1 - 17 - OTC W880000 94-000 Provisional Sums $ 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ -
1 - 17 - OTD W880000 94-000 Third Party Survey $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ -
Total for Others [17] $ 3,727,822 $ - $ 3,727,822 $ 3,727,822 $ 3,727,822 $ -
Total for EPCM [1] $ 9,334,464 $ - $ 9,334,464 $ 9,334,464 $ 9,334,464 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
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2 - 06 - FAG J040000 94-000 Architectural $ 253,080 $ - $ 253,080 $ 253,080 $ 253,080 $ -
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Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 3 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast
WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
3 - 10 - TRA J100902 94-000 Heavy Lift Vessel Mobi/Demobilization $ 4,500,000 $ - $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 4,500,000 $ -
Total for Transport & Installtion [3] $ 5,802,000 $ - $ 5,802,000 $ 5,802,000 $ 5,802,000 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
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4 - 13 - SDB K000000 94-000 Piping Shutdown Works $ 161,830 $ - $ 161,830 $ 161,830 $ 161,830 $ -
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Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast
WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
4 - 13 - SDC L000000 94-000 Electrical Shutdown works $ 115,780 $ - $ 115,780 $ 115,780 $ 115,780 $ -
4 - 13 - SDD M000000 94-000 Instrumentation Shutdown works $ 79,880 $ - $ 79,880 $ 79,880 $ 79,880 $ -
Total for Turnaround Shutdown Works [13] $ 1,120,480 $ - $ 1,120,480 $ 1,120,480 $ 1,120,480 $ -
Delivery Stage: Heavy Lift Vessel Works [14]
4 - 14 - HLA J100501 94-000 Structural HLV Works $ 1,192,075 $ - $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ -
Total for Heavy Lift Vessel Works [14] $ 1,192,075 $ - $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ -
Delivery Stage: Hook Up Works [15]
4 - 15 - HUA J100504 94-000 Mechanical Hook Up Works $ 161,310 $ - $ 161,310 $ 161,310 $ 161,310 $ -
4 - 15 - HUB J100503 94-000 Piping Hook Up Works $ 632,305 $ - $ 632,305 $ 632,305 $ 632,305 $ -
4 - 15 - HUC J100505 94-000 Electrical Hook Up works $ 80,710 $ - $ 80,710 $ 80,710 $ 80,710 $ -
4 - 15 - HUD J100505 94-000 Instrument Hook Up works $ 298,615 $ - $ 298,615 $ 298,615 $ 298,615 $ -
Total for Hook Up Works [15] $ 1,172,940 $ - $ 1,172,940 $ 1,172,940 $ 1,172,940 $ -
Delivery Stage: Comm. & Completions & HO [16]
4 - 16 - COA J100700 94-000 Commissioning Well Systems $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -
4 - 16 - COB J100700 94-000 Commissioning Process Gas Systems $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -
4 - 16 - COC J100700 94-000 Commissioning Process Condensate $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -
4 - 16 - COD J100700 94-000 Commissioning Process Support Sys- $ 91,780 $ - $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ -
4 - 16 - COE J100700 94-000 Commissioning Utility Systems $ 110,135 $ - $ 110,135 $ 110,135 $ 110,135 $ -
4 - 16 - COF J100700 94-000 Commissioning Safety Systems $ 91,780 $ - $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ -
4 - 16 - COG J100700 94-000 Commissioning Electrical Systems $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -
4 - 16 - COH J100700 94-000 Commissioning Other Systems $ 73,425 $ - $ 73,425 $ 73,425 $ 73,425 $ -
Total for Comm. & Completions & HO [16] $ 917,800 $ - $ 917,800 $ 917,800 $ 917,800 $ -
WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
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6 - 05 - PEC G041100 91-000 PK 503 - Condensate Pumps $ 1,300,000 $ - $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $ -
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Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 7 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast
WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C
6 - 05 - PBA K020000 92-000 PK 601 - Piping Bulks $ 2,956,114 $ - $ 2,956,114 $ 2,956,114 $ 2,956,114 $ -
6 - 05 - PBB K060300 92-000 PK 602 - Manual Valves (Ball) $ 1,050,000 $ - $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBC K060000 92-000 PK 603 - Manual Valves (G/G/C) $ 450,000 $ - $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBD K060000 92-000 PK 604 - Double Block & Bleed Valves $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBE M060000 92-000 PK 605 - Actuated Valves $ 1,000,000 $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBF M060300 92-000 PK 606 - Control Valves $ 900,000 $ - $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBG M080000 92-000 PK 607 - PSV's $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBH M120000 92-000 PK 608 - E & I Bulks $ 4,195,840 $ - $ 4,195,840 $ 4,195,840 $ 4,195,840 $ -
6 - 05 - PCA L020103 91-000 PK 701 - LV Switchgear $ 675,000 $ - $ 675,000 $ 675,000 $ 675,000 $ -
6 - 05 - POB G260000 92-000 PK 801 - Misc.Safety & Others $ 649,695 $ - $ 649,695 $ 649,695 $ 649,695 $ -
Total for Procurement [05] $ 18,398,542 $ - $ 18,398,542 $ 18,398,542 $ 18,398,542 $ -
Total for Procurement & Logistics [6] $ 19,418,766 $ - $ 19,418,766 $ 19,418,766 $ 19,418,766 $ -
[CT] Contracts - Control Accounts Total $ 57,396,402 $ - $ 57,396,402 $ 57,396,402 $ 57,396,402 $ -
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0
B - Special Requirement
- JSA - Cold Work Permit
Total 156
D - Material Details
Item Material Code Materials Qty Unit Check
1 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-01 1 Spl
2 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-02 1 Spl
3 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-03 1 Spl
4 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-04 1 Spl
5 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-05 1 Spl
E - Drawing Details
Drawing No. Drawing Type Sheet Rev Drawing Title
8381-2200-DX-BRW-36016-01-SD-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Piping Isometric Shop Dw g Cond Pump
8381-2200-DX-BRW-36016-01-SD-2 Construction Dw g 2 02 Piping Isometric Shop Dw g Cond Pump
G - ITR Details
Item No. ITR Description
MP-1 Piping Completion
JI-1 Joint Integrity Certificate
SF-1 System Flush
SL-1 System Leak or Service Test
H - Resource Details
Code Resource Description Budget Hours Actual Hours
PF Pipe Fitter 62
RG Rigger 78
BT Bolt Tensioner 16
J - Equipment Details
Code Equipment Description Units Duration (Days)
E33 Rigging gears 1 0
E32 Bolt Torque 1 0
Constractor Client
Status Position Signature Initial Date Status Position Signature Initial Date
Prepared W/Pack Engineer N.D. 10-Nov-10
Review ed W/Pack TL T.V. 24-Nov-10
Approved Operations TL T.T. 8-Dec-10 Apprroved Engineer In Charge D.N. 15-Dec-10
Completed Site Foreman V.C. Inspector
Verified C. Supt / Engineer S.S. S.R.E
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
B - Special Requirement
- JSA - Cold Work Permit
D - Material Details
Item Material Code Materials Qty Unit Check
1 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0201 1 Ea
2 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0204 1 Ea
3 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0219 1 Ea
4 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0229 1 Ea
5 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0255 1 Ea
E - Drawing Details
Drawing No. Drawing Type Sheet Rev Drawing Title
8381-2200-DX-3003.04-SP-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.04-SP-3 Construction Dw g 3 02 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.09-SP-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.03-SP-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.10-SP-5 Construction Dw g 5 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
G - ITR Details
Item No. ITR Description
Part of piping completion
H - Resource Details
Code Resource Description Budget Hours Actual Hours
PF Pipe Fitter 104 76
RG Rigger 156 113
J - Equipment Details
Code Equipment Description Units Duration (Days)
E33 Rigging gears 1 0
Constractor Client
Status Position Signature Initial Date Status Position Signature Initial Date
Prepared W/Pack Engineer N.D. 20-Nov-10
Review ed W/Pack TL T.V. 4-Dec-10
Apprroved Operations TL T.T. 18-Dec-10 Apprroved Engineer In Charge D.N. 25-Dec-10
Completed Site Foreman V.C. Inspector
Verified C. Supt / Engineer S.S. S.R.E
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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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