(BaTu) PCDM Module 6 - TIC Management (B-Ok - Xyz)

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The document discusses project cost management and control techniques with a focus on Total Installed Cost (TIC) management.

The document discusses project cost management and control techniques with a focus on Total Installed Cost (TIC) management.

The main contract types discussed are EPCM, module fabrication and transport & installation contracts.



PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0


Trevor Bailes; Prediction is difficult, especially about the future….

This document has been prepared for the exclusive use of WorleyParsons.
Copying this document without the permission of WorleyParsons is not permitted.


Rev Description Originator Review Approved Date
0 Released for Global Implementation Humphrey Project Controls Project Controls 12 May 2011
Kerger R5 Management Team R5 Management Team
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0


This Training Module is part 6 of an 8 modular training program designed to provide the participants
with an overall introduction to the skills & knowledge required by Project Controls when executing an
EPCM / PMC project.

The complete training program consists of the following modules:

Module 1 - Introduction To Project Controls

Module 2 - EPC Schedule Development (including P6 user skills)

Module 3 - Services Management (including InControl V8.0 user skills)

Module 4 - Commercial Performance Management

Module 5 - Introduction to CAPEX Cost Estimation

Module 6 - TIC Management (including Prediction Plus basic user skills)

Module 7 - Schedule Risk Analysis (including Pert Master user skills)

Module 8 - Cost Risk Analysis (including @Risk user skills)

The aim of this document is to provide a hands-on guideline to assist the project controller in the set-
up and management the of a TIC (Total Installed Cost) control budget.

Upon completion of Module 6, participants will be able to:

• Develop an integrated Work / Cost Work Breakdown Structure (WBS/CBS)

• Understand Performance Calculation Methods across all breakdown levels

• Update Project Status across all breakdown levels

• Project Forecasting

• Understand the project cost-drivers, interfaces and dependencies

• Understand the relationship between Cost Management and Contracting Strategy

• Understand basic functionality of Prediction+

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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T I C ( T O TA L I N S TA L L E D C O S T ) M A N A G E M E N T

Module Content
1.0 Introduction 5
1.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.0 Contract Strategy 6
2.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Contract Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 6
2.3 Project WBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7
3.0 EPCM Contract 8
3.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 8
3.2 Engineering & EPCM Services Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Lump Sum Fixed Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Provisional Sums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Third Party Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.0 Module Fabrication Contract 12
4.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.0 Transport & Installation Contract 14

5.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.0 Brownfield, Tie-ins, HUC Contract 15
6.1 Scope of Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.0 Accommodation Vessel Contract 17
7.1 Scope of Works.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.0 Procurement & Logistics 18
8.1 Scope of Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

8.2 Logistics: Helicopter Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 18

8.3 Logistics: Supply Vessel Charter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

8.4 Logistics: Warehouse Support: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8.5 Procurement: Primary Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8.6 Procurement: Secondary Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8.7 Procurement: Suction Scrubbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 20

8.8 Procurement: Coolers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 20

8.9 Procurement: Condensate Pumps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 20

8.10 Procurement: Piping Bulks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 20

9.0 Module Exercises 21

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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1.1 BACKGROUND Original design throughput was dicted to fall below that re-
356 MMscfd. quired for design export gas
Creer Oil Company (CROC) flow rate.
is the operator of the Tatanka In response to sustain higher
Gas to Power development demand, a compression mod- The start up date for the com-
located in South East Asia. ule shall be designed to handle pression facilities is currently
The development is based on an increase in processing ca- targeted for 26 Aug 2012.
the Apache gas fields. Gas is pacity from 356 MMscfd to 530
delivered from the Apache ‘A’ MMscfd. The FEED for the compression
Platform via a 377 km marine project commenced on 19 Sep
pipeline to the Sioux Terminal A provision was made in the 2010, and is scheduled to com-
for processing prior to onward original platform design for the plete on 25 Dec 2010.
transmission to the Cheyenne addition of a compression
module to boost gas pressure The execution-phase is sched-
Power station. (see Figure
to the required pipeline pres- uled to commence on Jan 1,
sure. It was envisaged that 2011
Production commenced from compression would not be
the Apache Platform in Decem- required until 2012, when the
ber 2002. reservoir pressure was pre-


(Fig 1.1)

Upstream - Apache ‘A’


Midstream - Sioux Terminal

“The formula
for success is Power - Cheyenne Power
rise early, work
late, and strike
John Getty

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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2.1 SCOPE OF WORKS 2.2 CONTRACT be done by the EPCM con-

STRATEGY tractor on CROC paper and
A Class 3 Control Estimate free-issued to the respective
was developed during the De- In an effort to meet aggressive contractors.
fine phase and approved by target completion dates CROC
CROC. have decided to execute the One of the ‘big ticket’ items in
project using a combination of terms of cost and schedule
Prior to commencement of the the following execution con- criticality was the Compressor
Execute phase, the CAPEX tracts: Turbine Package.
estimate was re-casted into an “A budget tells
integrated breakdown structure Due to the long delivery lead us what we
• Single EPCM Contractor
that reflected the preliminary time of this item, CROC have
Contract strategies and the placed the PO for the Com- can not afford,
proposed Work Breakdown pressor Turbine Package prior
• Single Module Fabrication to kick-off of the Execution
but it doesn’t
Phase. stop us from
Table 2.1 provides a break-
down of the TIC into high level • Single Transport & Installa- CROC will manage and expe- buying it”
tion Contract dite the delivery of this commit-
Contract summaries. ~/~
ment themselves outside the
A detailed breakdown of the • Single Brown Field Modifica- TIC Control Budget. William
Control Budget is shown on tion / Shut Down Tie-Ins /
page 23 to 30. HUC Contract Management of the budget for Feather
the Compressor Turbine Pack-
All pre-qualified bidders were • Single Accommodation Ves- age was therefore excluded
requested to submit their bids sel Contract from the EPCM scope of
in this format and price the works.
relevant breakdown elements • The Procurement strategy is
at Control Account level. based on all Procurement to



EPCM 9,334,464 9,334,464

Module Fabrication Contractor 10,616,410 10,616,410

Transport & Installation 5,802,000 5,802,000

Brownfield Modification/ Tie-Ins/HUC 6,130,763 6,130,763

Accommodation Barge 6,094,000 6,094,000

Procurement & Logistic (Direct Cost) 38,534,314 19,418,766

Contingency 8,484,979 8,484,979

SUMMARY 84,996,930 65,881,382

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2.3 PROJECT WBS duction to Project Controls, Chap- words, these element will be
ter 4 and 5). map-linked to the Codes of Ac-
The contract strategy was al- count.
Mapping of the WBS and CoA
ready agreed in principle during
codes will be done after estab- Cost and Progress from the re-
the FEED by CROC. lishing the project WBS. The spective contractors/vendors
WorleyParsons (as the EPCM overall project WBS contains 4 against the various commitments
breakdown levels.
contractor) agreed to adopt a will be collected on this level.
contract-based WBS as the The first two levels of the WBS
Most contractors will expand
preferred breakdown structure were fixed as per table 2.2.
beyond WBS level 3 in order to
to manage TIC performance.
Level 1 is a breakdown of the control their scope to a greater
It was also decided that to ap- project into contracts. level of detail.
ply the integrated CBS/WBS
Level 2 is a breakdown of these Management and control beyond
approach as the method for
contracts into the Project Delivery Level 3 will be the responsibility
performance measurement.
stages within each contract. of the contractors.
To facilitate this requirement,
Level 3 will breakdown the pro- During an interactive workshop,
WorleyParsons will tag-link the ject delivery phases into high the contractors collectively pro-
WBS elements to their Global level Trade/Discipline based vided their input to the level 3
Codes of Account in order to work elements. WBS elements, resulting in a
create the project Control Ac-
Level 3 is the level where cost final overall project WBS as de-
counts. (Ref. Module 1 - Intro-
and progress coincide. In other scribed in the following chapters.

(Table 2.2)
WBS Coding Structure
L1 L2 L3 L4 +
Contract Delivery Stage Trade / Discipline EPC Deliverable
1 EPCM 01 Management & Support AAA Alpha 00 Numeric
2 Module Fabrication 02 Project Preparation
3 Transport & Installation 03 Engineering & Design
4 Brownfield Mods / HUC 04 Logistics
5 Accommodation Vessel 05 Procurement
6 Procurement & Logistics 06 Onshore Fabrication
7 Contingency 07 Pre-Commissioning
08 Load Out
09 Offshore Installation
10 Transportation
11 Final Documentation
12 Offshore Brownfield Works
13 Turnaround Shutdown Works
14 Heavy Lift Vessel Works
15 Hook Up Works
16 Commissioning & Start Up Works
17 Others

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3.1 SCOPE OF WORKS • Detail Design of Module management, contract

WorleyParsons was awarded • Detail Design of Brownfield
and Tie-in works 3.2 ENGINEERING &
the EPCM Contract and as
such, responsible to deliver the • Follow-on engineering, Con-
Tatanka project on spec, on struction support FEES
time and within budget.
• Procurement services of all A set of EPCM Control Ac-
The value of the commitment equipment and material counts were developed by
to WorleyParsons was fixed at (issue RFQ’s, Technical & WorleyParsons in the FEED-
USD 8,193,862. Commercial Bid Evaluations, phase and approved by CROC
Award Recommendations to (see page 8)
Under the EPCM contract CROC and prepare P.O on
agreement, WorleyParsons behalf of CROC) The contract will be on reim-
provides services for Detail
• Vendor inspection and expe- bursable basis, using a flat
design, Engineering and Pro- “designation-category” rate
diting for materials and
curement as well as Construc- table.
equipment (ROS-dates and
tion & Commissioning Manage-
ment & Support. The following schedule of rates
• Provision of full EPC Man- were agreed between CROC
This includes the following and Worley Parsons:
agement (fabrication, instal-
scope of work:
lation and commissioning


“A verbal
USD 77.00 USD 60.00 USD 41.00 USD 35.00 USD 22.00 USD 14.00
agreement is
Project Mngr Project Serv. Mngr Materials Superv’r Designer Planner Doc. Controller

Constr. Mngr Procurement Mngr Contract Admin. Engineer Cost Engineer Project Secretary not worth the
Commiss. Mngr Contracts Mngr Commiss’ng.Engr PDMS Admin. QC Inspector paper it is
HSE Mngr Senior Engineer QC Coordinator written on”
Site Rep/Super Int. Senior Buyer CAD Draftsman
Project Engineer Senior Expeditor

Lead Engineer Senior Cost Engir

Senior Planner Unknown
Lead Designer

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HOURS $77.00 $60.00 $41.00 $35.00 $22.00 $14.00


W020100 Project Management & Support (EPCM) 424,689 9,474 3,335 1630 871 3,638
W020401 QA/QC Management & Support 130,910 3,078 1,663 1,415
W020600 HSE Management & Support 40,594 947 520 427
W039900 Engineering Management & Support 450,360 10,180 1598 7290 1292
1-01-PMA Total 1,046,553 23,679 4,933 3,813 7,290 4,005 3,638


W040100 Purchasing 343,926 6,836 3,350 3,486
W040300 Expediting 238,821 4,747 2,326 2,421
W040800 Procurement Management & Support 204,715 4,069 1,994 2,075
W040900 Contract Management 225,471 4,382 2,411 1,971
W041300 Vendor Inspection 110,237 2,191 1,074 1,117
1-01-PMB Total 1,123,170 22,225 11,155 11,070


W050100 Construction Management & Support 1,255,229 22,096 7,953 3,315 10,828

1-01-PMC Total 1,255,229 22,096 7,953 3,315 10,828


W060100 Commissioning Management & Support 117,572 1,900 1,102 798
1-01-PMD Total 117,572 1,900 1,102 0 798
1-01 MANAGEMENT & SUPPORT 3,542,524 69,900 13,988 18,283 29,986 0 4,005 3,638


W030100 Process Detailed Design 39,976 950 275 285 247 143
W030200 Mechanical Detailed Design 72,000 1,710 496 513 445 256
W030300 Piping Detailed Design 247,960 5,890 1,708 1,767 1,531 884
W030400 Electrical Detailed Design 87,980 2,090 606 627 543 314
W030500 Instrument Detailed Design 199,956 4,750 1,377 1,425 1,235 713
W030700 Structural Detailed Design 79,990 1,900 551 570 494 285
W031300 Safety & Risk Detailed Design 71,962 1,710 495 513 445 257
1-03-EDA Total 799,824 19,000 5,508 5,700 4,940 2,852


W030100 Brownfield - Process Detailed Design 21,322 506 147 152 132 75
W030200 Brownfield - Mech. Detailed Design 21,344 507 147 152 132 76
W030300 Brownfield - Piping Detailed Design 50,321 1,195 347 358 311 179
W030400 Brownfield - Electrical Detailed Design 25,184 598 174 179 155 90
W030500 Brownfield - Structural Detailed Design 19,356 460 133 138 120 69
W030700 Brownfield - Instr. Detailed Design 38,737 920 267 276 239 138
W031300 Brownfield - S & R Detailed Design 17,428 414 120 124 108 62
1-03-EDB Total 193,692 4,600 1,335 1,379 1,197 689
1-03 ENGINEERING & DESIGN 993,516 23,600 0 6,843 7,079 6,137 3,541 0

OVERALL MANHOUR COST BUDGET 4,536,040 93,500 13,988 25,126 37,065 6,137 7,546 3,638

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3.3 LUMP SUM FIXED FEE incentive scheme based on fee of $ 3,177,822 can be
key project milestone achieve- claimed by WorleyParsons
In addition to the reimbursable ments based on achievement of the
schedule of rates, WorleyPar- milestones as specified below:
sons and CROC agreed on an An allocated lump sum fixed

1-17-OTB Total Lump Sum Fixed Fee $3,177,822.00

Milestone Milestone Event % Sum Due

01 Issue ITT Fabrication; Transport & Installation 10% $317,782.20

02 PO Award Structural Steel, Suction Scrubber, Gas Cooler 10% $317,782.20

03 Award Fabrication; Transport & Installation 40% $1,271,128.80

04 Delivered on Site Compressor/ Turbine 10% $317,782.20
05 Module Load-out 10% $317,782.20
06 Start Hook-up and Commissioning 5% $158,891.10
07 Start-up Apache Compression Module 10% $317,782.20
08 Completion EPCm Contract 5% $158,891.10

3.4 PROVISIONAL SUMS 1-17-OTC Provisional Sums $250,000

CROC allocated a provisional Description
Sum of $250,000 in the con-
tract to cover for cost such as Business Travel $150,000
project travel and HSE reward HSE Incentive Scheme $100,000

The breakdown of the provi-

sional sum is as follows:

1-17-OTD Third Party Cost $ 230,000 3.5 THIRD PARTY COST

Scope Sub Consultant / Contractor
(USD) WP proposed to utilize 3rd
EIA Chan International Ltd $100,000 party contractors/ consultants
for EIA (Environmental Impact
HAZOP Looi Risk Management $ 65,000 Assessment); HAZOP-
HAZID Yong Group OH & S Consultants $ 65,000 (Hazard and Operability) and
HAZID (Hazard Identification)
studies. These 3rd party cost
are reimbursable by EPCM
Contractor to CROC at actual
cost plus zero%. (pass thru)

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WBS CoA Description Hours

1 - 01 Management & Support

1 - 01 - PMA W000000 Project Management & Support 23,679 1,046,553.00
1 - 01 - PMB W040000 Procurement Management & Support 22,225 1,123,170.00
1 - 01 - PMC W050100 Construction Management & Support 22,096 1,255,229.00
1 - 01 - PMD W060100 Commissioning Management & Support 1,900 117,572.00

Total Management & Support 69,900 3,542,524

1 - 03 Engineering & Design

1 - 03 - EDA W030000 Module Detail Design 19,000 799,824.00
1 - 03 - EDB W030000 Brown Field Mods / Tie-in Design 4,600 193,692.00

Total Engineering & Design 23,600 993,516

1 - 17 Others
1 - 17 - OTB W880000 Fixed Fees 3,177,822
1 - 17 - OTC W880000 Provisional Sums 250,000
1 - 17 - OTD W880000 Third Party 230,000

Total Others 4,475,117

EPCM Total 93,500 8,193,862

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“It’s not a
question of who
throws the first
stone, it’s a
question of
who’s going to
start building
with it” - Sloan

module was awarded to Pagli- Based on the WBS for the

nawan Construction Philip- overall TIC, PCP submitted the
pines in Batangas, The Philip- following Work Breakdown
pines. Structure, which will be basis
for the Progress Payments:
4.1 SCOPE OF WORKS This contract was placed on a
fixed price lump-sum basis.
The contract for the fabrication The Contract Value for this
of the Apache Compression contract was fixed at
USD 8,200,000.

Control Accounts Description Weight Weight Budget

WBS CoA Level 1 Level 2 Amount

2 - 02 Project Preparation 1.12% $ 91,840

2 - 02 - PPA J040000 Site Preparation 0.22% $ 18,040
2 - 02 - PPB S020100 Sub Contractors Mobilization 0.56% $ 45,920
2 - 02 - PPC S081100 WPS/WQT 0.34% $ 27,880
2 - 03 Engineering & Design 2.49% $ 204,180
2 - 03 - EDC S060300 AFC Drawings (BP) 0.12% $ 9,840
2 - 03 - EDD S060300 Shop Drawings 1.30% $ 106,600
2 - 03 - EDE S060300 MTO 0.12% $ 9,840
2 - 03 - EDF S060300 Procedures 0.36% $ 29,520
2 - 03 - EDG S060300 Red Marked-up Drawings 0.59% $ 48,380
2 - 05 Procurement 1.68% $ 137,760
2 - 05 - POG S061500 Contractor Provided Items 1.68% $ 137,760

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Control Accounts Description Weight Weight Budget

WBS CoA Level 1 Level 2 Amount

2 - 06 Fabrication 84.06% $6,892,920

2 - 06 - FAA J040000 Structural 35.30% $2,894,600
2 - 06 - FAB J040000 Painting 07.60% $ 623,200
2 - 06 - FAC J040000 Piping 21.65% $1,775,300
2 - 06 - FAD J040000 Mechanical 05.08% $ 416,560
2 - 06 - FAE J040000 Electrical 04.97% $ 407,540
2 - 06 - FAF J040000 Instrument / Telecom / P & G 03.98% $ 326,360
2 - 06 - FAG J040000 Architectural 02.38% $ 195,160
2 - 06 - FAH J040000 HVAC 02.59% $ 212,380
2 - 06 - FAI J040000 Weighting 00.51% $ 41,820
2 - 07 Pre-Commissioning 2.35% $ 192,700
2 - 07 - COI J100100 Pre-commissioning for Topsides Systems 02.35% $ 192,700
2 - 08 Load Out 7.08% $ 580,560
2 - 08 - LOA J040701 Preparation of Load Out 03.77% $ 309,140
2 - 08 - LOB J040702 Load Out & Sea fastening 03.31% $ 271,420
2 - 11 Final Documentation 1.22% $ 100,040
2 - 11 - FDA S060300 Final Documentation 01.22% $ 100,040

MODULE FABRICATION CONTRACT VALUE 100.00% 100.00% $8,200,000

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5.1 SCOPE OF WORKS lifting capacity, YNL negotiated

a fixed price lump-sum Con-
A separate contract for the tract of USD 6,060,000, ex-
transport and installation of the cluding risks associated with
compression module was weather.
awarded to YNL Maritime in The Contract between YNL
This was higher than the Maritime and CROC was
Batam, Indonesia.
USD5,802,000 initially allowed agreed as follows:
Due to an ‘overheated’ market for in the Control Budget.
and high demand for a 2,500T

Control Account Description Unit Qty Unit Rate Control

WBS CoA ($) ($)

3-09 Offshore Installation $1,060,000

3 - 09 - ISA J061300 Install Compression Module Day 4 $265,000 $1,060,000

3-10 Transportation $5,000,000

3 - 10 - TRA J040704 Tow Cargo Barge LS 1.00 500,000 $ 500,000
3 - 10 - TRA J100902 Heavy Lift Vessel Mob/Demob LS 1.00 4,500,000 $4,500,000


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Contract for all offshore Module

Installation Pre-works, Brown
Field Modifications, Shutdown
Tie-in works, and Hook-up &
Commissioning works.

The contract was awarded to

STS (Suwit Thai Steel) Off-
shore in Bangkok.

STS and CROC agreed on a

Reimbursable contact based
on Unit Rates with an agreed $
budget-cap per work-package.
The Onshore Fabrication works
was based on all-in Unit Rates
• Offshore Fabrication / Erec- In addition to the labour-rates,
tion / Completions works - as STS will charge USD 15.00 per
for key quantities installed. No
per Labour Rate Table 6.2 hour for Categories D and E to
caps were imposed on this
cover for Plant & Equipment.
scope. • Non Labour expenses will be
reimbursed at cost with zero The target budget-caps are
The contract value was set at
% mark-up. outlined on page 16
USD 5,532,250.

STS and Croc agreed on the *) Dia-Inch = No of Weld Joints x Pipe Diameter (Table 6.1)
following all-in schedule of Onshore Pre Fabrication Unit Rate
Piping Prefab Dia-Inch *) 75.00
• Onshore Fabrication Works - Pipe Support Prefab Kg 12.00
as per Unit Rate Table 6.1 Blasting & Painting M 80.00
• Engineering - as per Labor NDE/Testing Joint 120.00
Rate Table 6.2 Pre works Offshore Shipment Day-rate 1,200.00

(Table 6.2)
Category A Category B Category C Category D Category E
Management Quality / Inspection Engineering & Design Offshore Works Commissioning
$ 100.00 $ 90.00 $ 50.00 $ 40.00 $ 115.00
Project Manager QA/QC Inspector Engineer Foreman Commission. Manager
Construction Mngr QA/QC Coordinator Designer Fire Watcher Commission. Engineer
Proj. Services Mngr Contract Admin. CAD Draftsman Safety Officer Commissioning Techn.
Contracts Manager Material Control Work Pack Prep. Dimens. Surveyor
HSE Manager Planner Doc. Controller Pipe Welder
Site Rep/Superint. Cost Controller Project Secretary Structural Welder
QA/QC Manager Scaffolder Fitter (All disciplines)
Lead Engineer Electrician
Lead Designer NDE Technician
Burner / Grinder
Carpenter / Joiner
Crane Driver

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Contract Breakdown Brownfield Works

Control Account Description Unit Qty Average Control Account
Unit Rate Total
WBS CoA ($) ($)

4 - 01 Management & Support $ 386,000

4 - 01 - PMA S060000 Project Management & Support hrs 3,500 $ 100.00 $ 350,000
4 - 01 - PME S040000 Contractors Preliminaries hrs 400 $ 90.00 $ 36,000
4 - 03 Engineering & Design $ 29,500
4 - 03 - EDC S060300 AFC Dwgs (CROC) hrs 50 $ 50.00 $ 2,500
4 - 03 - EDD S060300 Shop Drawings hrs 300 $ 50.00 $ 15,000
4 - 03 - EDE S060300 MTO hrs 80 $ 50.00 $ 4,000
4 - 03 - EDG S060300 Red Marked-up Drawings hrs 160 $ 50.00 $ 8,000
4 - 06 Onshore Pre-Fabrication $ 639,000
4 - 06 - PFA K100000 Prefab Piping Supports Kg 8,790 $ 12.00 $ 105,480
4 - 06 - PFB N600000 Blasting & Painting M 1,386 $ 80.00 $ 110,880
4 - 06 - PFC K080000 Prefab Tie-in Piping Spools Dia-inch 3,856 $ 75.00 $ 289,200
4 - 06 - PFD K200000 NDE / Pressure Testing Joint 772 $ 120.00 $ 92,640
4 - 06 - PFE J100903 Preparation Offshore Shipment Day 34 $ 1,200.00 $ 40,800
4 - 12 Offshore Brownfield Works $ 605,000
4 - 12 - OBA K160000 Piping Brownfield Works hrs 9,620 $ 62.89 $ 605,000
4 - 13 Turnaround Shutdown Works $ 1,023,000
4 - 13 - SDA D000000 Structural Shutdown Works hrs 16,682 $ 42.86 $ 715,000
4 - 13 - SDB K000000 Piping Shutdown Works hrs 3,111 $ 45.97 $ 143,000
4 - 13 - SDC L000000 Electrical Shutdown works hrs 3,567 $ 27.75 $ 99,000
4 - 13 - SDD M000000 Instrumentation Shutdown works hrs 2,255 $ 29.27 $ 66,000
4 - 14 Heavy Lift Vessel Works $ 990,00
4 - 14 - HLA J100501 Structural HLV Works hrs 16,409 $ 60.33 $ 990,000
4 - 15 Hook Up Works $ 1,014,750
4 - 15 - HUA J100504 Mechanical Hook Up Works hrs 6,820 $ 25.00 $ 170,500
4 - 15 - HUB J100503 Piping Hook Up Works hrs 9,929 $ 53.18 $ 528,000
4 - 15 - HUC J100505 Electrical Hook Up works hrs 3,410 $ 25.00 $ 85,250
4 - 15 - HUD J100505 Instrument Hook Up works hrs 8,374 $ 27.59 $ 231,000
4 - 16 Commissioning & Start Up Works $ 845,000
4 - 16 - COA J100700 Commissioning Well Systems hrs 960 $ 130.00 $ 124,800
4 - 16 - COB J100700 Commissioning Process Gas Systems hrs 6,798 $ 16.06 $ 109,200
4 - 16 - COC J100700 Commissioning Process Condensate Systems hrs 1,876 $ 76.23 $ 143,000
4 - 16 - COD J100700 Commissioning Process Support Systems hrs 592 $ 122.97 $ 72,800
4 - 16 - COE J100700 Commissioning Utility Systems hrs 1,360 $ 76.47 $ 104,000
4 - 16 - COF J100700 Commissioning Safety Systems hrs 844 $ 107.82 $ 91,000
4 - 16 - COG J100700 Commissioning Electrical Systems hrs 941 $ 134.01 $ 126,100
4 - 16 - COH J100700 Commissioning Other Systems hrs 570 $ 130.00 $ 74,100


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The Seafox 1 was secured a period of 126 days, plus an

very early in the Execution additional charge per person
Phase to ensure availability of USD 30 per offshore man
Intership Ltd during the installation & Shut-
down windows.
hour for catering / laundry

7.1 SCOPE OF WORKS The Seafox 1 is operated by The Contract Value break-
Spanos Intership Ltd based down for the Accommodation
CROC also awarded the con- out of Singapore. Vessel contract :
tract for the Accommodation
Vessel to be utilized for the The contract agreement was
Maintenance/Tie-in Shutdown based on a day-rate of USD
through to Final Hand-over. 25,000 for the bare vessel for

Unit Qty Rate Amount (USD)

5 - 09 Offshore Installation
5 - 09 - ABA J100901 Accommodation Vessel On Location Day 126 $25,000 $ 3,150,000
5 - 10 Transportation
5 - 10 - ABA J100901 Accommodation Vessel Mob/Demob LS 1 $ 730,000 $ 730,000
5 - 17 Others
5 - 17 - ABA J100901 Catering / Laundry Services Hrs 72,550 $30 $ 2,176,500

$ 6,056,500

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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8.1 SCOPE OF WORKS Due to the long delivery lead agement responsibilities.
time, CROC already placed the
All Procurement will be done Purchase Order for the Com- At this point in time, the follow-
by EPCM contractor pressor Turbine Package (USD ing Purchase Orders and Lo-
(WorleyParsons) on behalf of 19,115,548) and is therefore gistics contracts were awarded
CROC and free-issued to the excluded from the EPCM con- by WorleyParsons on CROC
respective contractors. tractor’s Control Budget man- ‘letterhead’.


Contractor : AHS (Aniruddha

Helicopter Services)

WBS Code : 6-04-LGA

CoA: J100904

Contract for helicopter charters
to mobilize & de-mobilize STS
and WorleyParsons personnel
to/from the platform.

Committed Value:
200 helicopter flights bookings field / Tie-In / HUC contract USD 1,500 @ flight, totalling
over the duration of the Brown- period at the Corporate rate of USD 300,000



Contractor : James Lee Off-

“The nice
WBS Code : 6-04-LGB
CoA: J100903 thing about
Description: teamwork is
Contract for 4 extra supply
vessel trips to support the plat-
that you
form Shutdown period. These always have
trips are additional to the regu-
lar 3-weekly supply boat runs
others on
to supply the day-to-day plat- your side”.
form operations.
Committed Value:
All-in rate of USD 64,000 per
trip (including Fuel and Utili- Carty
ties). The total contract-value is
USD 256,000.

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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8.4 WAREHOUSE space for delivered materials,

Cargo Solutions
SUPPORT equipment and pre-fabricated
pipe-spools in between supply-
Contractor : DCS (Deck boat runs.
Cargo Solutions)
.Committed Value:
WBS Code : 6-04-LGC The rental agreement is for 400
CoA: S061503 Sq m warehouse space for the
duration of 12 months at $
50.00 per Sq.m @ month.
Contract for temporary storage

WBS CoA Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

6 - 04 Logistics
6 - 04 - LGA J100904 Helicopter Charter Services Trip 200 1,500 300,000

6 - 04 - LGB J100903 Supply Vessel Charter Trip 4 64,000 256,000

6 - 04 - LGC S061503 Warehouse Support Month 12 20,000 240,000

Total Logistics 796,000

8.5 PRIMARY STEEL Vendor : Murray Steel Committed Value: $ 900,000

WBS Code : 6-05-PSA Payment Conditions:

CoA: D020000
• 90% on Delivery on Site
Package 401 - Preliminary • 10% on submission Final
itemized list of Structure Mem- Documentation/Certificates
bers bulks and quantities
(Quantity totals an equivalent
weight of 324 MT)

8.6 SECONDARY STEEL Vendor : Murray Steel Committed Value: $ 120,000

WBS Code : 6-05-PSB Payment Conditions:

CoA: D040000
• 90% on Delivery on Site
Package 402 - Itemized list of • 10% on submission Final
standard size metal sheets, Documentation/Certificates
floor plates, gratings, rail & toe
plates, steel bars, stringers etc
and quantities (Quantity totals
an equivalent weight of 45 MT)

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8.7 SUCTION SCRUBBERS Vendor: Jard International Ltd Payment Conditions:

WBS Code: 6-05-PEA • 10% on submission Critical

CoA: G020500 Documents

Description: • 40% on receipt major materi-

Package 501 - V-2508 A & B als
Suction Scrubbers
• 40% on Delivery On Site
Committed Value: $ 1,500,000
• 10% on submission Final

8.8 COOLERS Vendor: Jard International Ltd Payment Conditions:

WBS Code: 6-05-PEB • 10% on submission Critical

CoA: G020700 Documents

Description: • 50% on delivery bare tubes

Package 502 - V-2510 A & B at location
Gas Coolers
• 35% on Delivery On Site
Committed Value: $ 1,400,000 • 5% on submission Final

8.9 CONDENSATE PUMPS Vendor: WAPUKO Gmbh Payment Conditions:

WBS Code: 6-05-PEC • 10% on submission Critical

CoA: G041100 Documents

Description: • 50% on receipt materials

Package 503 - P-2501 A & B
• 20% on Delivery On Site
Condensate Pump Skid
• 20% on submission Final
Committed Value: $ 1,500,000 Documentation

8.10 PIPING BULKS Vendor: Tijger BV Committed Value: $ 3,100,000

WBS Code: 6-05-PBA Payment Conditions:

CoA: K020000
• 90% on Delivery on Site
Package 601 - Itemized list of • 10% on submission Final
standard size piping & compo- Documentation/Certificates
nents. Quantities totals an
equivalent weight of 259 MT.

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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9.1 TIC CONTROL AC- control and reporting re- The manuals can be found via
COUNTS quirements, etc. link:
• It provides a common under-
Total Installed Cost perform-
standing and quick interpre- The TIC is managed via two
ance management on this
tation of historic project data modules:
project is done on Control Ac-
and facilitates the collection
count level. 1. TPM (TIC Performance Man-
of this data at a meaningful
agement) module.
Each control account is a com- level of detail.
bination of a WBS code, a 2. CPM (Commitment Perform-
CBS (CoA) code and a Cost
• It allows for the transfer of
ance Management) module.
data between enterprise-
Type (CT).
wide systems and tools TPM Module
The WBS code is unique to the within WorleyParsons.
project but the CBS must be The TIC Performance Manage-
WorleyParsons have devel- ment Module allows the Project
selected from the company
oped its own Global Code of Controller to manage and
standard Code of Accounts.
Accounts, a standard index of monitor:
The Cost Type Code provides commodities, services and
additional information to the expenses, applicable across ∗ TIC Control Budget perform-
TIC Management codes. projects and locations. ance on Control Accounts
level against the commit-
WorleyParsons Global Code of
The following cost types are ments.
Accounts most recent revision
used within WorleyParsons:
is published on EMS and can ∗ Pending and approved Vari-
Cost Type Code be accessed via link: https://
ances to the TIC budget
E - Equipment 91-000
PCDP Introduction To Project
∗ Overall TIC Contingency
M - Material 92-000 management and draw-
Controls, Chapters 5 and 6
addresses the philosophies
L - Labour 93-000
and methods for Project Break- The TPM Module interfaces
S - Sub Contracts 94-000 down Structures and Enter- with the CPM Module for
F - Freight 95-000 prise Coding structures that are monthly cost an progress up-
applied on this case study pro- dates and forecasts on commit-
R - Rental 96-000 ject in greater detail. ments.
- - - Spare - - - 97-000
From a EPCM perspective, all To manage TIC performance The Commitment Performance
TIC cost were categorized as for the Tatanka project, the Management Module allows
sub-contractor’s cost ( 94-000) participant will use WorleyPar- the Project Controller to man-
with the exception of the cost sons in-house developed tool age and monitor:
associated with Procurement of Prediction Plus.
Free-issue material & equip- ∗ Commitment performance
ment. Specially for this PCDP training on WBS+CoA+CT level
module, WorelyParsons devel- against the committed budg-
The combination of a WBS oped a Prediction “For Dum- ets.
code + CBS + CT code has the mies” handbook.
following advantages: ∗ Pending and approved Vari-
This user-manuals provides a
ances to the commitments
• It provides the project with a step-by-step guideline on pro-
coding structure that meets ject control budget set-ups, the The CPM Module interfaces
the specific requirements of use of WBS, CoA and Cost with the respective functional
the project, i.e. size, com- Type coding as well as re- management tools that are
plexity, execution strategy, source dictionaries, progress utilized to manage the detailed
updates and report formatting levels of the commitments.
and settings.

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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These tools are: • Prediction Plus CMM - management, Store/ “If you consult
Prediction Plus Construction Warehouse management,
• InControl V8.0 / V10 - Inte- Management Module de- Invoice reconciliation) enough experts,
grated deliverable manage-
ment/document control sys-
signed to manage detail
Fig 9.1 below illustrates the you can confirm
construction and commis-
tem that generates planned flow of project information and any opinion ”
sioning performance.
and actual progress status system configuration based on
against Engineering & Pro- • CAMS (Contract Administra- the above and the commitment ~ /~
descriptions in Chapters 3 to 8,
ject Management deliver- tion Management System) Author
ables centralizes contract informa- For the convenience of the Unknown
tion (commitment value, course participant, the TIC
• GBS (Oracle) OTL — Cap- variance management and control budget has already
tures time-cost at Control contract correspondence been set-up in the TPM mod-
Account level (interface for and cash flow- ule.
self performing EPC only) management).
The TPM files for Tatanka can
• Primavera P6 - Schedule • Intergraph SmartPlant be accessed via link: https://
performance (planned, ac- Materials – Software for www.tba.com.
tual and forecasts) as well Procurement and materials
as graphic reporting (Bar- management. (Material A summary on Contract / Con-
Charts, S-Curves, Histo- Specifications, Requisition- trol Accounts in the TPM mod-
grams etc.) based on pro- ing, Evaluation, PO genera- ule can be found on the follow-
gress actuals generated by tion, Expediting, Fabrication ing pages.

Fig 9.1 - System Configuration / Information Flow

N/A - (Not Self Performing)

N/A - (Not Self Performing)

GBS Procurement Commitments
$ 8,820,000
Plus CMM

EPCM Commitment
$ 8,193,862
InControl Commitment Primavera
V10 Performance P6

Total Committed
CAMS Module Fabrication $ 8,200,000
$ 43,658,612 Brownfield Works $ 5,532,250
Logistics $ 796,000
TPM Transport & Installation $ 6,060,000
Accommodation Vessel $ 6,056,500
Total Commitments $ 26,644,750
Management Total Installed Cost
$ 65,881,381

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Project Title : Tatanka Development

Project ID : 6010R Client Contract: WPTRN-01

Contract ID :CROC-01 Client: Creer Oil Company

Project Manager: Project Currency: USD Client Rep:

Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 - Page 1 of 1

Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

Activity Type: Contracts [CT]

1 EPCM $ 9,334,464 $ - $ 9,334,464 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 9,334,464 $ 9,334,464 $ -
2 Module Fabrication $ 10,616,410 $ - $ 10,616,410 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 10,616,410 $ 10,616,410 $ -

3 Transport & Installation $ 5,802,000 $ - $ 5,802,000 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 5,802,000 $ 5,802,000 $ -
4 BrownField Mods/Tie-ins/HUC $ 6,130,762 $ - $ 6,130,762 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 6,130,762 $ 6,130,762 $ -
5 Accommodation Barge $ 6,094,000 $ - $ 6,094,000 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 6,094,000 $ 6,094,000 $ -
6 Procurement & Logistics $ 19,418,766 $ - $ 19,418,766 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 19,418,766 $ 19,418,766 $ -
Total for Contracts [CT] $ 57,396,402 $ - $ 57,396,402 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 57,396,402 $ 57,396,402 $ -

Activity Type: Contingency [CN]

7 Project Contingency $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ -
Total for Contingency [CN] $ 8,484,979 $ - $ 8,484,979 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ -

Project Total: $ 65,881,381 $ - $ 65,881,381 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% $ -$ - 0.00 $ 65,881,381 $ 65,881,381 $ -

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Page 24
Project Title : Tatanka Development

Project ID : 6010R Client Contract: WPTRN-01

Contract ID :CROC-01 Client: Creer Oil Company

Project Manager: Project Currency: USD Client

Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 1 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

Contract: EPCM [1]

Delivery Stage: Management & Support [01]

1 - 01 - PMA W000000 94-000 Project Management & Support $ 1,263,086 $ - $ 1,263,086 $ 1,263,086 $ 1,263,086 $ -
1 - 01 - PMB W040000 94-000 Procurement Management & Support $ 1,306,424 $ - $ 1,306,424 $ 1,306,424 $ 1,306,424 $ -
1 - 01 - PMC W051000 94-000 Construction Management & Support $ 1,388,886 $ - $ 1,388,886 $ 1,388,886 $ 1,388,886 $ -
1 - 01 - PMD W061000 94-000 Commissioning Management & Support $ 136,779 $ - $ 136,779 $ 136,779 $ 136,779 $ -
Total for Management & Support [01] $ 4,095,175 $ - $ 4,095,175 $ 4,095,175 $ 4,095,175 $ -
Delivery Stage: Engineering & Design [03]
1 - 03 - EDA W030000 94-000 Detail Design $ 1,229,107 $ - $ 1,229,107 $ 1,229,107 $ 1,229,107 $ -
1 - 03 - EDB W030000 94-000 Brown Field Mods / Tie-in Design $ 282,360 $ - $ 282,360 $ 282,360 $ 282,360 $ -
Total for Engineering & Design [03] $ 1,511,467 $ - $ 1,511,467 $ 1,511,467 $ 1,511,467 $ -
Delivery Stage: Others [17]
1 - 17 - OTB W880000 94-000 Fixed Fees $ 3,177,822 $ - $ 3,177,822 $ 3,177,822 $ 3,177,822 $ -
1 - 17 - OTC W880000 94-000 Provisional Sums $ 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ -
1 - 17 - OTD W880000 94-000 Third Party Survey $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ -
Total for Others [17] $ 3,727,822 $ - $ 3,727,822 $ 3,727,822 $ 3,727,822 $ -
Total for EPCM [1] $ 9,334,464 $ - $ 9,334,464 $ 9,334,464 $ 9,334,464 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 2 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

Contract: Module Fabrication [2]

Delivery Stage: Project Initiation [02]

2 - 02 - PPA J040000 94-000 Site Preparation $ 23,780 $ - $ 23,780 $ 23,780 $ 23,780 $ -

2 - 02 - PPB S020100 94-000 Sub Contractors Mobilization $ 59,451 $ - $ 59,451 $ 59,451 $ 59,451 $ -
2 - 02 - PPC S081100 94-000 WPS/WQT $ 35,671 $ - $ 35,671 $ 35,671 $ 35,671 $ -
Total for Management & Support [02] $ 118,902 $ - $ 118,902 $ 118,902 $ 118,902 $ -
Delivery Stage: Engineering & Design [03]
2 - 03 - EDC S060300 94-000 AFC Dwgs (BP) $ 12,556 $ - $ 12,556 $ 12,556 $ 12,556 $ -
2 - 03 - EDD S060300 94-000 Shop Drawings $ 138,125 $ - $ 138,125 $ 138,125 $ 138,125 $ -
2 - 03 - EDE S060300 94-000 MTO $ 12,556 $ - $ 12,556 $ 12,556 $ 12,556 $ -
2 - 03 - EDF S060300 94-000 Procedures $ 38,330 $ - $ 38,330 $ 38,330 $ 38,330 $ -
2 - 03 - EDG S060300 94-000 Red Marked-up Drawings $ 62,782 $ - $ 62,782 $ 62,782 $ 62,782 $ -
Total for Engineering & Design [03] $ 264,349 $ - $ 264,349 $ 264,349 $ 264,349 $ -
Delivery Stage: Procurement [05]
2 - 05 - POA S061501 94-000 Contractor Provided Items $ 178,356 $ - $ 178,356 $ 178,356 $ 178,356 $ -
Total for Procurement [05] $ 178,356 $ - $ 178,356 $ 178,356 $ 178,356 $ -
Delivery Stage: Fabrication [06]
2 - 06 - FAA J040000 94-000 Structural $ 3,747,392 $ - $ 3,747,392 $ 3,747,392 $ 3,747,392 $ -
2 - 06 - FAB J040000 94-000 Painting $ 806,460 $ - $ 806,460 $ 806,460 $ 806,460 $ -
2 - 06 - FAC J040000 94-000 Piping $ 2,298,495 $ - $ 2,298,495 $ 2,298,495 $ 2,298,495 $ -
2 - 06 - FAD J040000 94-000 Mechanical $ 539,210 $ - $ 539,210 $ 539,210 $ 539,210 $ -
2 - 06 - FAE J040000 94-000 Electrical $ 527,880 $ - $ 527,880 $ 527,880 $ 527,880 $ -
2 - 06 - FAF J040000 94-000 Instrument / Telecom / P & G $ 422,116 $ - $ 422,116 $ 422,116 $ 422,116 $ -

Page 25
2 - 06 - FAG J040000 94-000 Architectural $ 253,080 $ - $ 253,080 $ 253,080 $ 253,080 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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Page 26
Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 3 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

2 - 06 - FAH J040000 94-000 HVAC $ 275,000 $ - $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ -

2 - 06 - FAI J040000 94-000 Weigthing $ 53,827 $ - $ 53,827 $ 53,827 $ 53,827 $ -
Total for Fabrication [06] $ 8,923,460 $ - $ 8,923,460 $ 8,923,460 $ 8,923,460 $ -
Delivery Stage: Pre-comm. Topsides Systems [07]
2 - 07 - COI J100100 94-000 Pre-commissioning for Topsides Systems $ 249,486 $ - $ 249,486 $ 249,486 $ 249,486 $ -
Total for Pre-comm. Topsides Systems [07] $ 249,486 $ - $ 249,486 $ 249,486 $ 249,486 $ -
Delivery Stage: Load Out [08]
2 - 08 - LOA J040701 94-000 Preparation of Load Out $ 400,000 $ - $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ -
2 - 08 - LOB J040702 94-000 Load Out & Seafastening $ 352,440 $ - $ 352,440 $ 352,440 $ 352,440 $ -
Total for Load Out [08] $ 752,440 $ - $ 752,440 $ 752,440 $ 752,440 $ -
Delivery Stage: Final Documentation [11]
2 - 11 - FDA S060300 94-000 Final Documentation $ 129,417 $ - $ 129,417 $ 129,417 $ 129,417 $ -
Total for Final Documentation [11] $ 129,417 $ - $ 129,417 $ 129,417 $ 129,417 $ -
Total for Module Fabrication [2] $ 10,616,410 $ - $ 10,616,410 $ 10,616,410 $ 10,616,410 $ -

Contract: Transport & Installation [3]

Delivery Stage: Offshore Installation [09]
3 - 09 - ISA J061300 94-000 Install Compression Module $ 570,000 $ - $ 570,000 $ 570,000 570,000 $ -
3 - 09 - ISA S100500 94-000 Weather Down time $ 212,000 $ - $ 212,000 $ 212,000 212,000 $ -
Total for Offshore Installation [09] $ 782,000 $ - $ 782,000 $ 570,000 $ 570,000 $ -
Delivery Stage: Transportation [10]
3 - 10 - TRA J040704 94-000 Tow Cargo Barge $ 520,000 $ - $ 520,000 $ 520,000 520,000 $ -

3 - 10 - TRA J100902 94-000 Heavy Lift Vessel Mobi/Demobilization $ 4,500,000 $ - $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 4,500,000 $ -

Total for Transportation [10] $ 5,020,000 $ - $ 5,020,000 $ 5,020,000 $ 5,020,000 $ -

Total for Transport & Installtion [3] $ 5,802,000 $ - $ 5,802,000 $ 5,802,000 $ 5,802,000 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0


Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 4 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

Contract: Brownfield works / HUC [4]

Delivery Stage: Management & Support [01]
4 - 01 - PMA S060000 94-000 Project Management & Support $ 372,800 $ - $ 372,800 $ 372,800 $ 372,800 $ -
4 - 01 - PME S040000 94-000 Contractors Preliminaries $ 45,000 $ - $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ -
Total for Management & Support [01] $ 417,800 $ - $ 417,800 $ 417,800 $ 417,800 $ -
Delivery Stage: Engineering & Design [03]
4 - 03 - EDC S060300 94-000 AFC Dwgs (CROC) $ 3,200 $ - $ 3,200 $ 3,200 $ 3,200 $ -
4 - 03 - EDD S060300 94-000 Shop Drawings $ 15,973 $ - $ 15,973 $ 15,973 $ 15,973 $ -
4 - 03 - EDE S060300 94-000 MTO $ 4,800 $ - $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 $ -
4 - 03 - EDG S060300 94-000 Red Marked-up Drawings $ 7,985 $ - $ 7,985 $ 7,985 $ 7,985 $ -
Total for Engineering & Design [03] $ 31,958 $ - $ 31,958 $ 31,958 $ 31,958 $ -
Delivery Stage: Onshore Pre-Fabrication [06]
4 - 06 - PFA K100000 94-000 Prefab Piping Supports $ 166,131 $ - $ 166,131 $ 166,131 $ 166,131 $ -
4 - 06 - PFB N600000 94-000 Blasting & Painting $ 101,871 $ - $ 101,871 $ 101,871 $ 101,871 $ -
4 - 06 - PFC K080000 94-000 Prefab Tie-in Piping Spools $ 267,220 $ - $ 267,220 $ 267,220 $ 267,220 $ -
4 - 06 - PFD K200000 94-000 NDE / Pressure Testing $ 85,923 $ - $ 85,923 $ 85,923 $ 85,923 $ -
4 - 06 - PFE J100903 94-000 Preparation Offshore Shipment $ 39,259 $ - $ 39,259 $ 39,259 $ 39,259 $ -
Total for Onshore Pre-Fabrication [06] $ 660,404 $ - $ 660,404 $ 660,404 $ 660,404 $ -
Delivery Stage: Offshore Brownfield Works [12]
4 - 12 - OBA K160000 94-000 Piping Brownfield Works $ 617,305 $ - $ 617,305 $ 617,305 $ 617,305 $ -
Total for Offshore Brownfield Works [12] $ 617,305 $ - $ 617,305 $ 617,305 $ 617,305 $ -
Delivery Stage: Turnaround Shutdown Works [13]
4 - 13 - SDA D000000 94-000 Structural Shutdown Works $ 762,990 $ - $ 762,990 $ 762,990 $ 762,990 $ -

Page 27
4 - 13 - SDB K000000 94-000 Piping Shutdown Works $ 161,830 $ - $ 161,830 $ 161,830 $ 161,830 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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Page 28
Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 5 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

4 - 13 - SDC L000000 94-000 Electrical Shutdown works $ 115,780 $ - $ 115,780 $ 115,780 $ 115,780 $ -
4 - 13 - SDD M000000 94-000 Instrumentation Shutdown works $ 79,880 $ - $ 79,880 $ 79,880 $ 79,880 $ -
Total for Turnaround Shutdown Works [13] $ 1,120,480 $ - $ 1,120,480 $ 1,120,480 $ 1,120,480 $ -
Delivery Stage: Heavy Lift Vessel Works [14]
4 - 14 - HLA J100501 94-000 Structural HLV Works $ 1,192,075 $ - $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ -
Total for Heavy Lift Vessel Works [14] $ 1,192,075 $ - $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ 1,192,075 $ -
Delivery Stage: Hook Up Works [15]
4 - 15 - HUA J100504 94-000 Mechanical Hook Up Works $ 161,310 $ - $ 161,310 $ 161,310 $ 161,310 $ -
4 - 15 - HUB J100503 94-000 Piping Hook Up Works $ 632,305 $ - $ 632,305 $ 632,305 $ 632,305 $ -
4 - 15 - HUC J100505 94-000 Electrical Hook Up works $ 80,710 $ - $ 80,710 $ 80,710 $ 80,710 $ -
4 - 15 - HUD J100505 94-000 Instrument Hook Up works $ 298,615 $ - $ 298,615 $ 298,615 $ 298,615 $ -
Total for Hook Up Works [15] $ 1,172,940 $ - $ 1,172,940 $ 1,172,940 $ 1,172,940 $ -
Delivery Stage: Comm. & Completions & HO [16]
4 - 16 - COA J100700 94-000 Commissioning Well Systems $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -
4 - 16 - COB J100700 94-000 Commissioning Process Gas Systems $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -

4 - 16 - COC J100700 94-000 Commissioning Process Condensate $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -

4 - 16 - COD J100700 94-000 Commissioning Process Support Sys- $ 91,780 $ - $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ -

4 - 16 - COE J100700 94-000 Commissioning Utility Systems $ 110,135 $ - $ 110,135 $ 110,135 $ 110,135 $ -
4 - 16 - COF J100700 94-000 Commissioning Safety Systems $ 91,780 $ - $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ 91,780 $ -
4 - 16 - COG J100700 94-000 Commissioning Electrical Systems $ 137,670 $ - $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ 137,670 $ -
4 - 16 - COH J100700 94-000 Commissioning Other Systems $ 73,425 $ - $ 73,425 $ 73,425 $ 73,425 $ -
Total for Comm. & Completions & HO [16] $ 917,800 $ - $ 917,800 $ 917,800 $ 917,800 $ -

Total for Brownfield works/HUC [4] $ 6,130,762 $ - $ 6,130,762 $ 6,130,762 $ 6,130,762 $ -

PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0


Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 6 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

Contract: Accommodation Vessel [5]

Delivery Stage: Offshore Installation [09]
5 - 09 - ABA J100901 94-000 Accommodation Vessel On Location $ 3,120,000 $ - $ 3,120,000 $ 874,000 $ 874,000 -$ 2,246,000
Total for Offshore Installation [09] $ 3,120,000 $ - $ 3,120,000 $ 874,000 $ 874,000 -$ 2,246,000
5 -10 Transportation [10]
5 - 10 - ABA J100901 94-000 Accommodation Vessel Mob/Demob $ 874,000 $ - $ 874,000 $ 874,000 $ 874,000 $ -
Total for Transportation [10] $ 874,000 $ - $ 874,000 $ 874,000 $ 874,000 $ -
5 -17 Others [17]
5 - 17 - ABA J100901 94-000 Catering / Laundry Services $ 2,100,000 $ - $ 2,100,000 $ 5,220,000 $ 5,220,000 $ 3,120,000
Total for Others [10] $ 2,100,000 $ - $ 2,100,000 $ 5,220,000 $ 5,220,000 $ 3,120,000
Total for Accommodation Vessel [5] $ 6,094,000 $ - $ 6,094,000 $ 6,094,000 $ 6,094,000 $ -

Contract: Procurement & Logistics [6]

Delivery Stage: Logistics [04]
6 - 04 - LGA J100904 94-000 Helicopter Services Contract $ 450,224 $ - $ 450,224 $ 450,224 $ 450,224 $ -
6 - 04 - LGB J100903 94-000 Supply Vessel Charters $ 320,000 $ - $ 320,000 $ 320,000 $ 320,000 $ -
6 - 04 - LGC S061503 94-000 Warehouse Support $ 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ -
Total for Logistics [04] $ 1,020,224 $ - $ 1,020,224 $ 1,020,224 $ 1,020,224 $ -
Delivery Stage: Procurement [05]
6 - 05 - PSA D020000 92-000 PK 401 - Primary Steel $ 1,341,903 $ - $ 1,341,903 $ 1,341,903 $ 1,341,903 $ -
6 - 05 - PSB D040000 92-000 PK 402 - Secondary Steel $ 440,677 $ - $ 440,677 $ 440,677 $ 440,677 $ -
6 - 05 - PEA G020500 91-000 PK 501 - Scrubbers $ 1,806,973 $ - $ 1,806,973 $ 1,806,973 $ 1,806,973 $ -
6 - 05 - PEB G020700 91-000 PK 502 - Coolers $ 1,332,340 $ - $ 1,332,340 $ 1,332,340 $ 1,332,340 $ -

Page 29
6 - 05 - PEC G041100 91-000 PK 503 - Condensate Pumps $ 1,300,000 $ - $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $ -
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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Page 30
Report Date: 1-Jan-2011 Page 7 of 7
Control Account Control Account Description TIC Control Budget TIC Progress Commitment Status TIC Budget Forecast

WBS CoA CT Original Approved Current % Earned Committed % Earned Expenditure CPI Estimate To Forecast At Under / Over
Budget Variations Budget Actual Value To-Date Progress Value To-Date Complete Completion Run
A B C=A+B D=H/L E=CxD F G H = FxG I J=H/I K=L-I L M=L-C

6 - 05 - PBA K020000 92-000 PK 601 - Piping Bulks $ 2,956,114 $ - $ 2,956,114 $ 2,956,114 $ 2,956,114 $ -
6 - 05 - PBB K060300 92-000 PK 602 - Manual Valves (Ball) $ 1,050,000 $ - $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBC K060000 92-000 PK 603 - Manual Valves (G/G/C) $ 450,000 $ - $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBD K060000 92-000 PK 604 - Double Block & Bleed Valves $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBE M060000 92-000 PK 605 - Actuated Valves $ 1,000,000 $ - $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBF M060300 92-000 PK 606 - Control Valves $ 900,000 $ - $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBG M080000 92-000 PK 607 - PSV's $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ -
6 - 05 - PBH M120000 92-000 PK 608 - E & I Bulks $ 4,195,840 $ - $ 4,195,840 $ 4,195,840 $ 4,195,840 $ -
6 - 05 - PCA L020103 91-000 PK 701 - LV Switchgear $ 675,000 $ - $ 675,000 $ 675,000 $ 675,000 $ -
6 - 05 - POB G260000 92-000 PK 801 - Misc.Safety & Others $ 649,695 $ - $ 649,695 $ 649,695 $ 649,695 $ -
Total for Procurement [05] $ 18,398,542 $ - $ 18,398,542 $ 18,398,542 $ 18,398,542 $ -
Total for Procurement & Logistics [6] $ 19,418,766 $ - $ 19,418,766 $ 19,418,766 $ 19,418,766 $ -
[CT] Contracts - Control Accounts Total $ 57,396,402 $ - $ 57,396,402 $ 57,396,402 $ 57,396,402 $ -

Contingency: Project Contingency [7]

Delivery Stage: Others [17]
7 - 17 - XXA Y042900 94-000 Contingency EPCM $ 1,272,750 $ - $ 1,272,750 $ 1,272,750 $ 1,272,750 $ -
7 - 17 - XXB Y040000 94-000 Contingency Module Fabrication $ 1,697,000 $ - $ 1,697,000 $ 1,697,000 $ 1,697,000 $ -
7 - 17 - XXC Y040000 94-000 Contingency Transport & Installation $ 848,500 $ - $ 848,500 $ 848,500 $ 848,500 $ -
7 - 17 - XXD Y040000 94-000 Contingency Brownfield Modifications $ 848,500 $ - $ 848,500 $ 848,500 $ 848,500 $ -
7 - 17 - XXE Y040000 94-000 Contingency Accommodation Vessel $ 848,500 $ - $ 848,500 $ 848,500 $ 848,500 $ -
7 - 17 - XXF Y040000 94-000 Contingency Procurement & Logistics $ 2,969,729 $ - $ 2,969,729 $ 2,969,729 $ 2,969,729 $ -
Total for Others [17] $ 8,484,979 $ - $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ -
Total for Contingency [7] $ 8,484,979 $ - $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ -
[CN] Contingency - Control Accounts Total $ 8,484,979 $ - $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ 8,484,979 $ -

Total Installed Cost Budget $ 65,881,381 $ - $ 65,881,381 $ 65,881,381 $ 65,881,381 $ -

PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0

EXERCISE 1: The purpose of Exercise 1 is to tronic data upload function

SET UP CONTROL BUDGET set-up the Control Budgets for between the CPM module and
FOR COMMITMENTS the Commitments in the CPM the various other tools; in other
Module based on the same words, input the commitment
Commitments are managed via line-items as provided under budget information manually.
the Commitment Performance the TIC budget and the infor-
Management module (CPM) mation provided in Chapters 3
and uploaded into the TPM The Forecast-At-Completion
– 8.
module for Overall TIC analy- values in the CPM module are
sis. For now, disregard the elec- equal to the Committed Values.


The purpose of Exercise 2 is to

update the Commitments with
the cost, progress and forecast STATUS UPDATE STATUS UPDATE
data provided by the contrac- EPCM SERVICES MODULE FABRICATION
tors in their Monthly Cost Re-
ports (see attachment 1-WP, 2- WorleyParsons submitted their Paglinawan Construction Phil-
PCP and 3-STS. progress status report as per ippines also submitted their
Month End cut-off date 26 Nov progress status report as per
In addition, update the TPM
2011. Month End cut-off date 26 Nov
Module based on the new
Commitment performance The monthly progress report
data in order to analyse the contains the progress, expendi- Due to the nature of the con-
TIC performance. ture and forecasts for the tract (Lump Sum, based on
EPCM Services contract, as progress payment), the
In the TPM module, apply con-
well as an Procurement & Lo- monthly progress report only
servative forecasting: e.g TIC
gistic performance register. contains the actual and
Forecast At Completion values
planned progress for the Mod-
are either equal to what’s in the Exercise 2.1 ule Fabrication and an invoice/
current TIC budget or equal to Update the EPCM Services, payment register.
the current Commitment values Procurement & Logistics status
(whichever is higher). as per WorleyParsons Monthly Exercise 2.3
Report. (Progress Report Update the Module Fabrication
Differences between the FAC
WP_Nov11.pdf) status as per the Paglinawan
reported by the contractor on
their commitments and the FAC Construction Monthly Report.
Exercise 2.2 (Progress Report
estimate for the TIC will occur Generate a performance report
regularly due to: PCP_Nov11.pdf)
that shows:
∗ potential future commitments Exercise 2.4
that are either known or un- TPM module: TIC performance Generate a performance report
known to the contractor; for the EPCM Services and that shows:
Procurement & Logistics scope
∗ pending variances on current
in the format as shown on TPM module: TIC performance
commitments (that are likely to
Page 24 and 29/30 for the Module Fabrication
be approved)
scope in the format as shown
∗ call-off commitments; partly CPM Module: Performance on Page 25/26
committed amounts; report on Control Account level
∗ Conservative forecasting:
for the current EPCM / Pro- CPM Module: Performance
preference not to claim TIC curement & Logistics commit- report on Control Account level
underruns or overruns too ments for the current Module Fabrica-
early in the project. tion commitments
Page 31
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0

STATUS UPDATE For the Tatanka project, contin-

OVERALL TIC gency is managed by the EPCM
contractor (Worley Parsons)
Based on the November Month based on the following contin-
End status updates and the gency drawdown directives from
commitments made for the CROC.
Accommodation Vessel and
STATUS UPDATE the Transportation & Installa- Budget Overruns
BROWNFIELD WORKS tion contracts, WorleyParsons
The contingency budget is dis-
will compile an overall status
tributed via relative risk values
As WorleyParsons and Pagli- report for the TIC for CROC.
(weights) assigned to the com-
nawan Construction, Suwit
Exercise 2.7 mitments.
Thai Steel also submitted their
progress status report as per What is the overall progress for
the project? These Risk Categories and as-
Month End cut-off date 26 Nov sociated weights were estab-
CONTINGENCY lished as follows:
The contract with STS is fully
A contingency is an identified 1. EPCM ~ 15%
reimbursable against a sched-
sum to meet the cost of a fu- ($ 1,272,750);
ule of man hour-rates. All on-
shore pre-fabrication work is ture unknown event which, if it 2. Module Fabrication ~ 20%
reimbursable against agreed occurs, will take place during ($1,697,000);
unit-rates. the project execution stage.
3. Transport & Installation ~
The monthly progress report Contingency can be utilised to 10% ($ 848,500);
contains the progress, expendi- cover events such as cost over
4. Brownfield Mods ~ 10%
ture and forecasts for both runs, procurement under pric-
($ 848,500);
schedules of rates. ing and sub-contractor delays.
5. Accommodation Vessel ~ 10%
Exercise 2.5 They are established either at ($ 848,500);
Update the Brownfield modifi- the estimate stage
6. Procurement /Logistics ~ 35%
cations, Tie-in works and (contingency) or during project
($ 2,969,725);
Hook-up & Commissioning execution (provision).
status as per STS Monthly Total Contingency $ 8,484,979
Report. The contingency budget is
(Progress Report determined through a formal The principle is that the maxi-
STS_Nov11.pdf) Cost / Schedule Risk Analysis mum contingency that can be
workshop during the Estimating drawn down against a Risk Cate-
Exercise 2.6 stage, and approved by the gory is restricted by the weighted
Generate a performance report Client . risk allocation.
that shows:
Management of the contin- Exceeding the allocated contin-
TPM module: TIC performance gency budgets can be a project gency amount of the weighted
for the Brownfield Modifica- management responsibility Risk category, automatically
tions, Tie-ins & HUC scope in (self performing contracts) or/ means that an overrun will have
the format as shown on Page and a client responsibility (TIC to be reported.
27/28 Management contracts).
Exercise 2.8
CPM Module: Performance
The PCDP Module 1— What is the contingency for the
report on Control Account level
Introduction to Project Con- project after the status update?
for the current Brownfield Modi-
trols , Chapter 10.5 describes
fications, Tie-ins & HUC com-
the various methods of drawing
down on Contingency.

Page 32
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0


The detailed levels below Con-

trol Account level in the CPM
module are managed by the
respective contractors.

To introduce the participant

with the more detail levels of
the Prediction Plus functional-
ity, we assume that Suwit Thai
Steel is using the CMM Module
of Prediction Plus to manage
and monitor their work scope.

As a refresher, see below an

extract of PCDP Module 1 -
Chapter 9.3 which addresses
the specifics of Brownfield
will have a direct impact on the Incremental Milestone principle:
works, Construction Work
revenue stream, the Brown the Brownfield scope is broken
Packages and Job Cards
field contractor therefore must down in Trade/Discipline specific
Brownfield Works minimize the execution time. Construction Work Packs, and
from there into the Brownfield
Cost and Schedule Perform- It is therefore important that deliverables; the Job Cards.
ance management for Brown- the work-scope is packaged,
field works comes with its own planned and executed in great Job Cards are assigned
specific challenges. detail. ‘achievement gates’ to measure
progress, just like for instance an
Brownfield work will be exe- In addition to this, the contrac- engineering deliverable (Issue
cuted in an existing “live” facil- tor has to comply with the vari- Milestone Gates), only here they
ity environment, meaning that ous pre & post work require- are represented by the detail
that there are many interfaces ments and ensure that all tasks to complete a Job Card.
with the facility Operations Safety and Quality clearances
are in place in order to start These tasks are weighted, add-
and/or complete the works. ing up to 100%.
In order to start work in an
Progress is earned by complet-
existing plant or facility, the Job Cards
ing each detail task. (the
area must be made available
The preferred and, arguably, ‘Incremental Milestone’ principle)
by the facility Operations
the most accurate method for and rolled up to Job Card level.
planning, executing and moni-
toring Brownfield construction Completing all the Job Cards in
In some instances, this could a Work Pack completes the Con-
tasks will be the Job Card
mean that the plant, or parts of struction Work Pack.
based progress measurement
it, will have to be shut-down for
approach. In addition, the Job Card in-
a period of time.
cludes the relevant details for
This approach is basically an Inspection, Safety, Construction
Given that every “non-
“Extended Version” of the drawings, required materials etc.
production” day of the facility

Page 33
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0

In terms of scheduling, Job

Cards and Job Card tasks are
considered detail schedule activi-
ties, and therefore the responsi-
bility of the Brownfield Contrac-

Considering their great level of

detail, Job Card tasks are very
suitable to be imported directly
from the Job Card Management
Software into the Schedule.

The progress collected on Job

Card tasks will be summarized
up to Job Card level and from
Job Card Development and executes the work according to there to Construction Work Pack
Workflow the Job Card. (Control Account Level), before it
is transferred to the Overall
Job Cards are developed by If, for whatever reason, certain EPCM Control Schedule.
Workface Planners at the start Job Card tasks cannot be com-
of the Construction phase and pleted, then the uncompleted Exercise 3.1
will be expanded to a greater tasks will be transferred to a
Pages 35 and 36 is showing two
level of detail as the project Punch-list.
JobCards that are associated
with a fictive Construction Work
A Punch-list is a list of out-
Package 4-12-XXX Piping
Workface Planners are tasked standing tasks that will have to
Brownfield Works:
with the breakdown of the be completed prior to pre-
Work Packs into Job Cards commissioning, and is usually
∗ 4-12-XXX-01 Erect Piping for
and detailed Job Card tasks. done by a dedicated “task-
TP-251 Condensate Export
force” at the tail end of the
The Workface Planners are Pump
also responsible for identifying
∗ 4-12-XXX-02 Install Pipe
and obtaining all necessary pre After completion of the Job
supports at Mezzanine Deck
& post work qualifications, Card, the Foreman returns the
authorizations and clearances, completed Job Card to the Create a Work Pack 4-12-XXX
and ensuring availability of all Workface planners, who will Piping Brownfield Works and
required drawings, materials, then arrange for the works to assume this Work Package only
resources and tools. be inspected and approved by contains these two JobCards.
the site inspectors.
Once the Job Card is approved Recreate the Jobcards on Page
and the site location cleared for Job Cards are meant to be 35 and 36 (including the pro-
commencement of works, the ‘quick hits’; the total duration of gress status) in the Job Card
Construction Foreman rounds a Job Card should be one-two Module of CMM.
up the crew, collects the mate- days to maximum a week.
What’s the progress of this Con-
rials from the warehouse, and
struction Work Package?

Page 34
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
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Job Card No. 4 - 12 - XXX - 01

Project : Tatanka Gas Development WorkPack ID : 4 - 12 - XXX
Client : CROC Contract ID : 9571
Work Package : 4 - 12 - XXX Piping Brownfield Works Engineer : N.D.
Job Card Description : Erect Piping for TP-251 Cond. Export Pump
Contract : 4-Brownfield Works / Tie-in / HUC Revision :A

B - Special Requirement
- JSA - Cold Work Permit

C - Job Card Tasks / Operation Details

Item No. Job Card Entry Hrs Qty Unit Incr (%) Cum (%) Complete
1 Prepare and install rigging gears 32 1 Lot 21% 21%
2 Install pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-01 16 1 Spl 10% 31%
3 Install pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-02 24 1 Spl 15% 46%
4 Install pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-03 8 1 Spl 5% 51%
5 Install pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-04 32 1 Spl 21% 72%
6 Install pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-05 20 1 Spl 13% 85%
7 Post w ork 24 1 Lot 15% 100%

Total 156

D - Material Details
Item Material Code Materials Qty Unit Check
1 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-01 1 Spl
2 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-02 1 Spl
3 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-03 1 Spl
4 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-04 1 Spl
5 Pipe spool 80-PC-BRW-30014-05 1 Spl

E - Drawing Details
Drawing No. Drawing Type Sheet Rev Drawing Title
8381-2200-DX-BRW-36016-01-SD-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Piping Isometric Shop Dw g Cond Pump
8381-2200-DX-BRW-36016-01-SD-2 Construction Dw g 2 02 Piping Isometric Shop Dw g Cond Pump

F - Safety / Other Details

Item No. Details
1 Generic Lifting Plan

G - ITR Details
Item No. ITR Description
MP-1 Piping Completion
JI-1 Joint Integrity Certificate
SF-1 System Flush
SL-1 System Leak or Service Test

H - Resource Details
Code Resource Description Budget Hours Actual Hours
PF Pipe Fitter 62
RG Rigger 78
BT Bolt Tensioner 16

J - Equipment Details
Code Equipment Description Units Duration (Days)
E33 Rigging gears 1 0
E32 Bolt Torque 1 0

Constractor Client
Status Position Signature Initial Date Status Position Signature Initial Date
Prepared W/Pack Engineer N.D. 10-Nov-10
Review ed W/Pack TL T.V. 24-Nov-10
Approved Operations TL T.T. 8-Dec-10 Apprroved Engineer In Charge D.N. 15-Dec-10
Completed Site Foreman V.C. Inspector
Verified C. Supt / Engineer S.S. S.R.E

Page 35
PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management

Job Card No. 4 - 12 - XXX - 02

Project : Tatanka Gas Development WorkPack ID : 4 - 12 - XXX
Client : CROC Contract ID : 9571
Work Package : 4 - 12 - XXX Piping Brownfield Works Engineer : N.D.
Job Card Description : Install Pipe Supports at Mezzanine Deck
Contract : 4-Brownfield Works / Tie-in / HUC Revision :A

B - Special Requirement
- JSA - Cold Work Permit

C - Job Card Tasks / Operation Details

Item No. Job Card Entry Hrs Qty Unit Incr (%) Cum (%) Complete
1 Prepare and install rigging gears 12 1 Lot 5% 5%
2 Install bolted pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0201 48 6 Spool 17% 22%
3 Install bolted pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0204 48 4 Spool 18% 40%
4 Install bolted pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0219 24 3 Spool 10% 50%
5 Install bolted pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0229 48 12 Spool 19% 69%
6 Install bolted pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0255 72 9 Spool 28% 97%
7 Post w ork 8 1 Lot 3% 100%

Total 260 100%

D - Material Details
Item Material Code Materials Qty Unit Check
1 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0201 1 Ea
2 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0204 1 Ea
3 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0219 1 Ea
4 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0229 1 Ea
5 Pipe support no. PSA-BRW-0255 1 Ea

E - Drawing Details
Drawing No. Drawing Type Sheet Rev Drawing Title
8381-2200-DX-3003.04-SP-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.04-SP-3 Construction Dw g 3 02 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.09-SP-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.03-SP-1 Construction Dw g 1 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck
8381-2200-DX-3003.10-SP-5 Construction Dw g 5 01 Pipe Support Shop Dw g Cellar Deck

F - Safety / Other Details

Item No. Details
1 Generic Lifting Plan

G - ITR Details
Item No. ITR Description
Part of piping completion

H - Resource Details
Code Resource Description Budget Hours Actual Hours
PF Pipe Fitter 104 76
RG Rigger 156 113

J - Equipment Details
Code Equipment Description Units Duration (Days)
E33 Rigging gears 1 0

Constractor Client
Status Position Signature Initial Date Status Position Signature Initial Date
Prepared W/Pack Engineer N.D. 20-Nov-10
Review ed W/Pack TL T.V. 4-Dec-10
Apprroved Operations TL T.T. 18-Dec-10 Apprroved Engineer In Charge D.N. 25-Dec-10
Completed Site Foreman V.C. Inspector
Verified C. Supt / Engineer S.S. S.R.E

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PCDP Module 6 - TIC Performance Management
Rev 0

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