Francisco Pizarro and Atahualpa's Gold PDF
Francisco Pizarro and Atahualpa's Gold PDF
Francisco Pizarro and Atahualpa's Gold PDF
"They were lords of the city of Cuzco and all the lands under its authority, including a thousand
leagues extending from the Maule River in Chile up to that place where the city of Quito lies.
They controlled and ruled it all until the Marquis Don Francisco Pizarro conquered it and put it
under the yoke..."
"I found many islands inhabited by men without number, of all which I
took possession for our most fortunate king, with proclaiming heralds
and flying standards, no one objecting".
Columbus was convinced that he had actually landed in Asia and called
the natives "Indians", a misnomer that has persisted until today.
The Spaniards' amazement did not stop them conquering the Aztec Empire and looting its
treasures. After such a mighty conquest, for Mexico was a large as Spain itself, anything
became possible in the Indies and exploration began in earnest for further rich civilisations.
Pizarro moved his expedition south to explore the coast of Ecuador, but disease and the lack of
food caused the death of many of the Spanish. Those
remaining alive secretly appealed to the Governor of Panama
to save them from Pizarro "the slaughterer". Incensed by this,
Pizarro drew a line in the sand with his sword and famously
Only twelve men crossed the line to join Pizarro and together they became the "thirteen of
Reports of these white strangers with "beards and a ferocious appearance" were sent to the
ruling Inca, Huayna-Capac. "These men were so bold that they did not fear dangerous things;
they were stuffed into their clothes, which covered them from head to foot... the strangers
traveled across the sea in large wooden houses".
After Tumbez, the expedition continued south and discovered two more Inca cities before
returning to Panama. Unable to arouse the enthusiasm of the Governor with the potential for
conquest, Pizarro sailed back to Spain to seek royal approval from King Charles.
The King also appointed Almagro to be "Commandant of Tumbez" . When Pizarro returned to
Panama with the news, Almagro was angered by such a meager appointment and was only
persuaded to continue with the expedition by promises of the governorship of territories beyond
On the 24 September 1532, after months of hesitation, Pizarro finally started his march
southwards into the heart of the Inca Empire, accompanied by just 168 men and 62 horses.
As the Spanish began their march south from San Miguel, Atahualpa was camped at Cajamarca
awaiting the news from his leading general, Quisquis, on a decisive battle with his brother
Huascar's opposing forces at Cuzco.
The Spanish forces ascended from the coastal planes into the high Andes, troubled by the
many Inca forts and watchtowers they encountered. In Cajamarca, Atahualpa's council
discussed destroying the invaders immediately but decided it was "folly to be concerned over
170 men" and agreed to have them seized upon their arrival in Cajamarca. Opinion was divided
over whether the Spaniards were viracochas ("gods") or quitas pumarangra ("leaderless people
wandering about and thieving").
Arrival in Cajamarca
On 15 November 1532, the Spanish expedition emerged from the
mountains to find the lush, green valley of Cajamarca spread before
them. Atahualpa was by now aware that his forces had been victorious
at Cuzco and that the entire Inca Empire was firmly in his grasp. His
army was camped in full splendour across the fields beyond the town of
Cajamarca. "The Indians' camp looked like a very beautiful city...
Nothing like this had been seen in the Indies up to then. It filled all us
Spaniards with fear and confusion."
The Spaniards descended into the valley and entered the main square
of Cajamarca, a huge open area bordered on three sides by long, low
buildings, each approximately 200 metres in length. Pizarro sent some
15 horsemen to visit the Inca's camp and to converse with him. Shortly
afterwards, fearing that this small force could be destroyed, he sent
another 20 horsemen with his brother, Hernando Pizarro.
The Inca's camp was stationed several miles outside of the city and the
Spanish contingents were required to march through silent ranks of Indian warriors and chiefs.
Arriving finally at the Inca's pleasure house they found Atahualpa sitting on a small stool,
surrounded by his women and chief officers.
Before leaving the Inca's residence, Hernando de Soto brought forward a small, spirited horse
that had been trained to rear up and wheel around. The Inca was much impressed with the
demonstration that followed but "one squadron of troops drew back when they saw the horse
coming towards them. Those who did this paid for it that night with their lives, for Atahualpa
ordered them to be killed because they had shown fear."
Back in Cajamarca, the frightened and desperate Spanish considered their position: they were
isolated from reinforcements by many days of difficult marching and were situated in the midst
of a victorious royal army with an estimated 80,000 warriors. As the Spanish sheltered in the
buildings around the main square and kept sentry duty, the campfires of the Indian army
surrounded them "like a brilliantly star-studded sky".
At midday, Atahualpa's army began to move - "the entire plain was full of men, rearranging
themselves at every step, waiting for the Inca to emerge." The Spanish, concealed in the
buildings surrounding the main square, waited anxiously as a series of messages were
exchanged. Atahualpa started to pitch his tents just half a mile away from the town but the
Spanish, fearful of a night attack, impressed upon the Inca the urgency of him coming to meet
Pizarro in Cajamarca.
Atahualpa finally agreed and, leaving behind most of his warriors, entered the town square with
"five or six thousand men, unarmed except that they carried small battle-axes, slings and
pouches of stones". The Inca approached "in a very fine litter with the ends of its timbers
covered in silver... eighty lords carried him on their shoulders, all wearing a rich blue livery. [The
Inca] was very richly dressed, with his crown on his head and a collar of large emeralds around
his neck". The Inca halted in the middle of the square, surrounded by his leading commanders
and chiefs.
Friar Vicente de Valverde and Martin, the interpreter, emerged to talk
with Atahualpa. The friar began to deliver the famous Requirement, a
self-justifying speech that was proclaimed in any conquest before
resorting to violence. The Inca expressed interest in the friar's Bible but became angry when he
was unable to open it. Finally opening it, he admired the form and layout before angrily throwing
it to the ground.
Atahualpa rose in his litter, telling his men to make ready. The Spanish launched their ambush
by firing cannons into the crowd and then unleashing a charge of cavalry from their hiding
places in the buildings around the square.
The booming cannons, the trumpets, the battle cries of "Santiago!" and the onslaught on horses
had a devastating effect on the Indians. They were "thrown into confusion and panicked. The
Spaniards fell upon them and began to kill." "[The Indians] were filled with so much fear that
they climbed on top of one another - to such an extent that they formed mounds and suffocated
one another".
Atahualpa captured
Francisco Pizarro focused his attention on capturing the Inca from his litter. "All those who were
carrying Atahualpa's litter appeared to be important men, and they all died..." "Many Indians had
their hands cut off but continued to support their ruler's litter with their shoulders. But their
efforts were of little avail for they were all killed." "Those who were carrying the litter and those
who escorted the Inca never abandoned him: all died around him".
The Spanish succeeded in capturing Atahualpa and escorted him under heavy guard to the
Temple of the Sun. Meanwhile, the Indians trying to flee the carnage in the square "broke down
a fifteen-foot stretch of wall six feet thick". The cavalry followed the Indians into the surrounding
fields. "All were shouting, 'After those with the liveries!', 'Do not let any escape!', 'Spear them!'"
The Inca's army, standing just a mile away on the plain, was ready for battle but did not make a
move against the Spanish.
"Night had already fallen and the horsemen were continuing to lance natives in the fields, when
they sounded a trumpet for us to reassemble at the camp. On arrival we went to congratulate
the Governor [Pizarro] on the victory".
"In the space of two hours - all that remained of daylight - all those troops were annihilated...
that day, six or seven thousand Indians lay dead on the plain and many more had their arms cut
off and other wounds." "During all this no Indian raised a weapon against
a Spaniard".
square, Atahualpa was dressed in fresh clothing, served a meal at Pizarro's table and then
given a bed in the same room where Pizarro was sleeping. The Spanish calmed Atahualpa's
fears of immediate execution by explaining that "Christians killed with impetuosity but not
Pizarro allowed Atahualpa to speak with some of his leading commanders taken in the battle.
They confirmed the devastation of his army and took word to the remaining troops that they
should obey Spanish as the Inca was in their power.
Some of the Spanish were of the opinion that "all the fighting [natives] should be killed or have
their hands cut off" but Pizarro would not consent to such cruelty. In conjunction with Atahualpa,
he ordered the native troops to return to their homes so that only twelve thousand Indians
remained around Cajamarca.
Atahualpa's ransom
Meanwhile, Atahualpa observed the Spanish lust for gold as they plundered the Inca's camp.
Unable to conceive that these 160 men were the spearhead of a full-scale invasion and
encouraged by Pizarro's words that "the fighting men were seeking nothing more than gold",
Atahualpa offered his famous ransom:
"Atahualpa said that he would give a room full of gold. The room measured 22 feet long by 17
feet wide (6.7m x 5.2m) and was to be filled to a white line half way up its height (about 2.5m)...
he would fill the room with various objects of gold... he would also give the entire hut filled twice
over with silver. And he would complete this within two months".
Pizarro summoned his secretary to formally record the pledge from the Inca and settled down to
wait for the arrival of the gold from Peru and reinforcements from San Miguel. Atahualpa's
willing collaboration with the Spanish ensured their security and lent them an air of authority with
the Indians.
Death of Huascar
Meanwhile, Atahualpa's captive brother, Huascar, was en route from
Cuzco and due to arrive at Cajamarca within a few days. Atahualpa was
still obsessed with the civil war and feared the presence of his rival in
Cajamarca. Instead of having Huascar released to form a national
resistance against the invaders, Atahualpa had him killed by his escorts.
In the coming weeks other members of the Inca family were also killed
on Atahualpa's orders, removing a threat to his authority but eliminating
potential resistance leaders and generating further strife amongst the
Indian factions.
By the end of December, gold began to arrive in Cajamarca but the impatient, greedy
conquistadors began what was to become a familiar scene in the coming years: the harassment
and abuse of a member of the Inca family in order to obtain yet more gold and treasure.
1533 - The search for treasure
Expeditions to Pachacamac and Cuzco
Atahualpa believed that the Spanish would leave Peru as soon as the
ransom had been paid. He therefore suggested to Pizarro that some
conquistadors should be sent to oversee the collection of gold and
other treasures from Cuzco and Pachacamac. These were easy
sources of gold for Atahualpa to offer up: Cuzco had been the centre of
his brother Huascar's forces and Atahualpa had already decided that
the capital of the Inca Empire would be moved from Cuzco to Quito.
The shrine of Pachacamac, south of modern Lima, had fallen from
favour following several recent disastrous predications - in particular, it
had advised Atahualpa to make war on the Spanish, saying he would
defeat and kill them.
Meanwhile in Cajamarca, a steady stream of gold and silver had been arriving but the promise
of Cuzco's vast treasure trove lured three men to volunteer for an expedition deep into the heart
of the hostile Inca Empire. Atahualpa's leading general, Quisquis, gave the three Spaniards a
cool reception in Cuzco, telling them that "if they refused to release the cacique [Inca] he himself
would go to rescue him". The Spaniards defiled the holy temples and sanctuaries of Cuzco,
prized seven hundred plates of gold from the Temple of the Sun and looted many treasures
from the Inca mummies. The enraged Indians watched helplessly, knowing that co-operation
was necessary to save Atahualpa's life.
These three generals were revered and feared throughout the empire owing to their recent
triumphs over Huascar's armies. Each of these generals and their armies posed a serious threat
to the safety of the Spanish.
Hernando Pizarro, returning from Pachacamac, tricked the general Chalcuchima into returning
with him to Atahualpa in Cajamarca. Immediately upon arrival, the Spanish imprisoned
Chalcuchima and, believing he had hidden vast quantities of gold, tortured and burned him.
1533 - Death of Atahualpa
Diego de Almagro had recently arrived in Cajamarca with 153 men as reinforcements
and Atahualpa finally began to realise that the conquistadors were not going home. The
Spaniards were highly suspicious that the general Rumiñavi and his army might attempt
a rescue of the Inca, so they put a chain around Atahualpa's neck.
A moral debate about the Inca's fate now erupted amongst the Spanish: some believed
that the ransom bargain should be honoured whilst many feared for their continued
safety if Atahualpa was alive. Almagro's recent arrivals were not entitled to any share of
the ransom payment and Atahualpa's death would ensure their share of any future
treasure. Meanwhile, the royal treasurer informed Francisco Pizarro that if the ransom
treasure was lost because he did not kill Atahualpa, then the remaining "royal fifth"
would be collected from Pizarro's personal assets.
Pizarro wavered between the two extremes: honour the ransom or execute the Inca. He
praised a young Spaniard for dissuading him from harming the Inca but then reacted
strongly when an Indian arrived with reports of a vast horde of troops under the general
Rumiñavi advancing towards Cajamarca. Following an emergency meeting of the
Spanish, it was decided that "Atahualpa must die since he had broken the peace...".
Despite the legalistic nature of the Spaniards, there was no trial -
just a panic decision that was followed through with immediate
action. As night was falling on 26 July 1533, Atahualpa was
"brought out of his prison and led to the middle of the square...
and tied to a stake..." "He commended his sons to the Governor
don Francisco Pizarro... with great weeping, indicating their size
with his hand..."
A reconnaissance party sent out to search for Rumiñavi's rumored army now returned,
bringing news that "they found no fighting man, nor any with arms but everyone was at
peace..." Atahualpa had died on false charges, denied of a fair trial and executed in a
squalid fashion. The King of Spain later conferred his official disapproval of the events
by writing: "...we have been displeased by the death of Atahualpa, since he was a
monarch, and particularly as it was done in the name of justice..."
The Inca was buried to great lamentations from his people. His sisters and wives said
"that the tomb must be made much larger: for it was the custom when the chief lord died
for all who loved him to be buried alive with him".
"When Atahualpa died, all the Indians gathered there in Cajamarca returned to their
lands, and the roads were full of them as if they were rows of ants".
Indian resistance
The Spanish left Cajamarca on August 11, 1533 and travelled along
the main royal highway through the Andes. The first half of their
journey, as far as Cajatambo, was uneventful and the conquistadors
had opportunity to admire the well organized and administrated
empire. At Jauja, the Spanish encountered the remains of
Chalcuchima's army and quickly routed them, killing many. The
survivors retreated to join Quisquis in Cuzco, burning storehouses and
suspension bridges en route.
Manco Inca
The puppet-Inca, Tupac Huallpa, had died en route from an illness and Pizarro was unsure
whom to appoint as a successor. Peru was recovering from a bitter civil war and seethed with
plots to appoint various lords and generals as Inca. However, before arriving at Cuzco, Pizarro
encountered an important lord and direct son of the previous Inca Huayna-Capac: his name was
Manco Inca.
Pizarro assured Manco Inca that "...I have come from Jauja for no other reason than... to free
you from slavery to the men of Quito. Knowing the injuries they were doing to you, I wanted to
come and put a stop to them... and to liberate the people of Cuzco from this tyranny".
The conquistadors and the Indians, under the general Quisquis, clashed again violently just
outside Cuzco. The Spaniards were forced to retreat and, having never seen them do this
before, the Indians suspected a trick and refrained from pursuing them. After a tense night
camped close to Quisquis's army, the Spaniards awoke to find the Indians had vanished,
presumably to return to their homelands far north of Cajamarca. The road to Cuzco was clear.
greatest and the finest ever seen in this country or anywhere in the Indies. We can
assure Your Majesty that it is so beautiful and has such fine buildings that it would be
remarkable even in Spain". Many of the fine stone walls and palaces the conquistadors
encountered survive to this day, whilst the Spanish buildings and churches have
succumbed to earthquakes.
The Spanish installed themselves in the palaces and temples surrounding the main
square. Fearing an attack by the general Quisquis, a guard of horses and men was kept
ready in the main square for over a month.
The Indians were dismayed at the seizure and melting of a golden effigy representing
their first Inca, Manco Capac. In the most sacred Temple of the Sun, Spaniards ignored
the high priests and seized much gold and treasure. The most famous golden image of
the sun, Punchao, was hidden by the Indians "so well that it could never be found".
"When all the gold and silver they could find was brought, the marquis [Pizarro]...
separated the royal fifth... divided and distributed the rest of the treasure among his
Three weeks passed before reinforcements arrived from Cuzco but they were unable to drive
Quisquis out of his mountain fortress. Further reinforcements arrived several weeks later, by
which time Quisquis had abandoned his fortress and was heading north again. The Spanish
pursued the retreating army but, suffering heavy losses in a number of engagements, soon
returned to Jauja when it became apparent that Quisquis was leaving Peru for Quito.
News of this unauthorised invasion soon reached one of Pizarro's most trusted officers,
Sebastián de Benalcázar, in the port of San Miguel near Tumbez. Benalcázar had been
entrusted to accompany a portion of Atahualpa's ransom to the port of San Miguel and had then
remained there, awaiting orders from Pizarro. However, on hearing of Alvarado's expedition,
Benalcázar set out with 200 men and 62 horses and marched towards Quito.
The Quitan armies, under the generals Rumiñavi and Zope-Zopahua, were now faced with two
unauthorised and competing invasions of their homeland. They had everything to fight for and,
with no Inca held hostage by the Spanish, nothing to lose.
Alvarado's alternative invasion, marching inwards from the Ecuadorian coast, had encountered
great hardships en route, losing 85 men, most of its horses and many of its supporting 4,000
Guatemalan Indians. They were dismayed to find, on arrival at Quito, that Almagro and
Benalcázar had already passed through in pursuit of Rumiñavi and the city's treasure.
Alvarado's expedition soon caught up with and confronted Almagro and Benalcázar 's forces.
Alvarado's forces had superior numbers and, having just survived great hardships on their
expedition, were desperate for plunder and rewards. Both forces began preparing for a battle
that would have been evenly matched and left the significantly weakened survivors to face a
native counterattack.
In the end, the battle was avoided and an agreement was reached whereby Almagro agreed to
buy Alvarado's ships and equipment and Alvarado was to return to Guatemala. Almagro and
Alvarado began to march back towards Peru whilst Benalcázar remained in Quito with some
500 men.
northwards through Peru and were entering southern Ecuador. News of their approach reached
Almagro and Alvarado, who immediately launched a surprise attack. Despite not expecting to
encounter such a large Spanish force in their homeland, Quisquis's army fought fiercely with the
Spanish and used the steep hillsides to avoid the slaughter of a cavalry charge. The Spanish
suffered very heavy losses and Quisquis's forces were able to escape.
It now became apparent to Quisquis and his commanders that the Spanish already occupied
their homeland and that they had nowhere left to retreat to. The commanders "told Quisquis to
ask the Spaniards for peace since they were invincible". Quisquis refused and rebuked them for
their cowardice, ordering them to continue the defence of their country. Quisquis's leading
commander, Huaypalcon, then "struck him on the chest with his lance. Many others immediately
ran up with clubs and battleaxes and killed him. Thus ended Quisquis and his battles, he who
had been so celebrated a commander among the orejones..."
Meanwhile, Rumiñavi's forces had been battling unsuccessfully against the Spanish and
Rumiñavi was forced to flee into hiding. A native Indian betrayed his hiding place to Benalcázar
who sent some horsemen to capture him. Rumiñavi evaded them and escaped over a snow-
covered mountain but, once again, was betrayed by a native spy. This time, the Spanish were
successful in capturing him and, after the customary and futile tortures in search for mythical
treasure, executed him in the city square of Quito.
Rumiñavi was the last of Atahualpa's generals and the most determined resistance leader
against the Spanish. With his death, any chance of resistance from Atahualpa's faction was
finally extinguished.
Manco began to establish himself as the new Inca ruler, building the
customary palace in Cuzco and presiding over the religious ceremonies.
He tried to re-establish his authority and prestige amongst the numerous tribes that formed his
empire. However the recent civil war, between Huascar and Atahualpa, and the Spanish
conquest had caused irreparable damage and many tribes sought for an opportunity to re-
establish local rule. In Cuzco itself, Manco found himself surrounded by relatives and native
leaders of dubious loyalty.
Foundation of Lima
Pizarro had been observing the native porters struggling to carry supplies over the mountains to
Cuzco, and determined to move the capital of Peru to the coast. A new city named Ciudad de
los Reyes was founded at the mouth of the river Rimac and Pizarro took up residence there with
a portion of the conquistadors. The city's original name survived only a short time before
reverting to a corruption of the river's name: Lima.
Manco sent his trusted brother, Paullu, and his chief priest, Villac Umu,
with 12,000 natives to support Almagro's expedition. Great hardships
and cruelties ensued. The Spanish horsemen attacked and looted the villages, forcing the
natives to act as porters under the most brutal conditions. It was not long before the natives of
Chile were in revolt against the Spanish and ambushed them, with limited success. Eventually,
Villac Umu and all the natives from Cuzco fled, leaving the Spaniards "with no one to fetch them
even a pot of water".
With the arrival of yet more Spaniards in Cuzco, the conquistadors were
becoming more bold and aggressive in their abuse of the natives,
particularly Manco. "The Spaniards were not content with the service of
the natives but tried to rob them in every town". Pizarro's younger
brother, Gonzalo, developed a passion for Curo Ocllo, the wife of
Manco, and demanded that she be handed over. Manco responded with
gifts of treasure and tried to deceive Gonzalo by presenting one of his
sisters dressed up as his wife. This was all to no avail, for Manco himself later wrote that
"Gonzalo Pizarro took my wife and still has her".
Manco was further threatened with violence by the conquistadors, who looted his palace with
impunity one night. Pizarro took no action against this and the Spanish soon began to drop any
pretence of respect for the puppet-Inca. Relations deteriorated, especially when Villac Umu
returned from Chile with details of the Spanish cruelties there.
Manco organised a secret meeting of his leading native chiefs but was caught en route.
Gonzalo Pizarro imprisoned the Inca, who was further abused by the Spaniards. "They threw a
chain around his neck and irons on his feet". "They treated him very, very disgracefully,
urinating on him and sleeping with his wives, and he was deeply distressed". "[They] spat in his
face, struck and beat him, called him a dog, kept him with a chain round his neck in a public
place where people passed". Manco's native leaders began revolts in three different parts of the
country, killing a number of conquistadors. Reprisals, however, were swift and brutal.
The truth was that Manco had spent the preceding months secretly
and successfully planning a great rebellion throughout the whole of the
Inca Empire. This was a major achievement, given the destruction of
communication lines and the dubious loyalties of many of the Indian
chiefs. Manco had also secretly arranged for the manufacture of arms
and the sowing of crops to support his armies for many months.
Over the next few weeks, a force of 150,000 native warriors arrived from all corners of the
empire and took up positions in the hills surrounding Cuzco. The Indians were by now only too
aware of the dreadful slaughter that the Spanish calvary could cause on a level plain and thus
kept to the higher ground. Despite advice from Villac Umu and his chief generals to the contrary,
Manco determined to wait for his entire force to assemble before launching an attack.
Cuzco was defended by a mere 190 men and 80 horses, the remaining conquistadors being
situated in Lima and Jauja. They watched apprehensively as the natives continued to arrive and
surround the town: "by day they looked like a black carpet covering everything for half a league
around the city of Cuzco, and by night there were so many fires that it resembled nothing less
than a very clear sky filled with stars".
"The Indians were shouting loudly and there was such a dense cloud of
smoke that the men could neither hear nor see one another..." "They set
fire to the whole of Cuzco simultaneously and it all burned in one day...
the smoke was so dense that the Spaniards almost suffocated... they
would never have survived had not one side of the [main] square contained no houses and no
The Spaniards were forced to retreat into two buildings on the main square, where they were
kept pinned down by a continuous barrage of stones from the Indian slings. The natives erected
small wicker barricades in the surrounding streets, preventing the horses from making effective
sorties but allowing the Indians to nimbly move about. They also diverted the streams and dug
channels to cause the horses to slip and stumble.
A new weapon of the Indians was demonstrated during the siege: bolas. These consisted of
three stones tied to the ends of lengths of llama tendons. The twirling projectiles entangled
themselves around the legs of the horses and the Spaniards with remarkable effect. The natives
managed to bring down "most of the horses with this device, leaving almost no one to fight.
They also entangled the riders with these cords". Spanish infantrymen had to help the horses
and their riders to safety.
The Spaniards were now in dire straits: cut-off by hundreds of miles from their compatriots in
Lima, hemmed into two buildings on the main square and surrounded by thousands of native
1536 - The battle for Sacsahuaman
The battle for Sacsahuaman
Fierce skirmishes ensued over the next few days and the Spanish were successful in eventually
recapturing a portion of the city. They also determined to recapture the mighty fortress of
Sacsahuaman, just outside Cuzco, which was serving as a stronghold for many of the Indians.
The Spaniards realised that this would give them an advantage point from which to launch
further attacks against the natives.
A contingent of horseman, lead by Juan Pizarro, fought its way bravely through numerous pits
and traps to reach the outer walls of Sacsahuaman. The natives responded with slingshots and
javelins from the walls of the fortress and the Spanish suffered heavy losses. Juan Pizarro was
mortally wounded during the attack and died the next day in Cuzco. He was buried secretly so
that the Indians would not know and be encouraged for "he was a very brave man and the
Indians were very frightened of him".
The Spaniards continued their attacks on Sacsahuaman. "There was terrible confusion.
Everyone was shouting and they were all entangled together... it looked as though the whole
world was up there grappling in close combat". The Spaniards launched a surprise night attack,
complete with scaling ladders, and were successful in breaching the outer walls. The Indians
retreated to the three towers and defended them bravely for
several days, flinging down boulders and javelins on their
descended to eat the natives who had died".
A turning point
The recapture of Sacsahuaman marked a turning point in the siege of Cuzco. The Spaniards
now had a base from which to defend the city and launch punitive raids on the Indian armies.
Hernando Pizarro ordered his men to kill any native women that were captured during the
fighting, the idea being to deter the fighting men and deprive them of the valuable support that
their wives provided. On another raid, 200 natives were captured and "the right hands were cut
off all these men... they were then released so that they would go off. This acted as a dreadful
warning to the rest".
The morale of the native forces began to wane. Some of the generals criticised Manco for not
having attacked the Spanish sooner. Others lamented his decision to command from nearby
Calca instead of providing inspirational leadership by personally leading his forces in the
attacks. Furthermore, many of the Indian army were farmers who were anxious to return home
to plant their crops before the rains came. The resulting decrease in native numbers forced
Manco to reduce his attacks on Cuzco and to maintain the siege until further reinforcements
could be found.
supplies or stores". The conquistadors were saved by the treachery of some of the native
commanders, who defected to the Spanish side and revealed that nearby "Manco Inca's men
had brought over a thousand head of cattle, maize and other provisions". Hernando sent out a
raiding party of 70 horsemen who returned with over 2,000 llama and many other provisions
The siege had now reached a stalemate. The Spaniards had enough food to last many months
but did not have enough men to break out of Cuzco and flee to their compatriots in Lima. The
Indians did not have enough men to capture Cuzco and were waiting for the spring of 1537 to
assemble yet further armies.
Manco did not yet realise that his rebellion was ultimately hopeless. He was trying to expel an
occupying force backed by the entire might of the Spanish Empire, a force possessing horses
and far superior weaponry. However, the rebellious Indians were far from finished.
treasure and fertile lands, and were marching northwards towards Cuzco. Nobody still knew
whether Cuzco lay within his or Francisco Pizarro's territory but, having failed to find any wealth
in Chile, Almagro was desperate to claim Cuzco as his by right.
Almagro therefore held little sympathy for Hernando and the besieged Spaniards in Cuzco.
Instead, he sent messages to Manco sympathising with "the abuse the Christians have done to
your person, the robbery of your property and house, and the seizure of your beloved wives".
He also offered Manco his support and a pardon if the native forces would join with Almagro's.
Manco was initially receptive towards this show of diplomacy but was ultimately unable to trust
himself to yet another Spanish force. Manco's brother, Paullu, who had journeyed with Almagro
to Chile, may have sabotaged the negotiations, hoping to win himself a position of authority with
the Spanish. After Almagro's forces injured some natives at Calca, Manco was finally provoked
into an attack and drove the Spanish forces back.
Almagro now marched on Cuzco and seized it with relative ease, imprisoning Hernando and
Gonzalo Pizarro. He then turned his attention to Alvarado's nearby relief-force and, after a short
skirmish, succeeded in winning them over to his side. The growing rift between Manco and
Paullu prevented the natives from exploiting this moment of Spanish tension to their advantage.
Manco was no longer the ruler of a vast native army or rebellion. His army had been captured
by the Spanish at Vitcos and were eventually released to return gratefully to their villages. From
his exile in the jungles of Vilcabamba, Manco implored his brother Paullu to join him. However
Paullu was enjoying success and prestige as the newly appointed puppet-Inca in Cuzco and
"replied that he must always retain his friendship for the Christians, who were so valiant that
they could never fail to be victorious".
was soon leading a force of Spaniards back towards Cuzco.
Hernando's forces were ultimately victorious over Almagro's and the city of Cuzco was once
again controlled by the Pizarros. Rodrigo Orgóñez, Almagro's chief commander, was beheaded
and his head exposed in Cuzco for weeks as a warning to other would-be rebels.
Almagro, the 63 year old marshal who had lead the initial conquest of Peru with Francisco
Pizarro and survived the hardships of the Chilean campaigns, was subjected to a trial and
subsequently garroted. There was outrage throughout the Indies and Hernando was forced to
return to Spain to explain his actions personally to the King. He was imprisoned at Medina del
Campo for the next 22 years and never returned to Peru.
The Spaniards sent out 250 horsemen to search for and capture
the Inca. They tortured Indians until they were able to find the
Inca's location, on a hilltop village called Oncoy, and then
launched a surprise attack. The Indians responded valiantly and
drove off the Spanish, killing 24 of them. A subsequent attack on
nearby Spanish forces proved victorious for Manco and much treasure was recaptured
and taken back to Vilcabamba.
Manco had sent generals to foster rebellions further south and these began to achieve
successes against the Spanish. But reprisals were swift and many native tribes joined
forces with the Spanish to attack the Incas that they hated so much and had served for
so long. The Spanish put entire villages to the sword, including women and children.
They were also supported by Paullu, who had deftly switched allegiance from Almagro
when it became apparent that the Pizarro forces were prevailing.
Hearing this news, Gonzalo Pizarro led an expedition of 300 men into the Vilcabamba
valley to search for Manco. The Spaniards were forced to abandon their horses at an
early stage and advance on foot, making them ideal targets for boulder-throwing natives
and archers. In one skirmish at Chuquillusca, the natives succeeded in killing 36
Reinforcements arrived from Cuzco and the Spanish were successful in their advances,
causing Manco to flee once again into the depths of Vilcabamba. At one point he was
forced to swim across a river to escape the attackers, shouting back provocatively from
the other side "I am Manco Inca! I am Manco Inca!"
This second rebellion was the Inca Empire's last great effort on a national scale to repel
the Spanish invaders. It was conducted with great spirit, skill and bravery but was
ultimately unsuccessful. And yet, Manco Inca had survived and though largely forgotten
by the Spanish during the civil turmoil of the next few years, had not forgotten or
finished with them.
Almagro's son, Diego de Almagro, served as the rallying point for these
disillusioned men. On 26 June 1541, twenty of Almagro's supported
forced their way into Francisco Pizarro's palace in Lima. The 63 year
old Governor equipped himself with a sword and dagger and "placed
himself in a doorway with a halberd and defended himself very well -
so well that they could not enter, as it was a narrow door". One of the
attackers was killed but eventually they overpowered Pizarro and "gave the Marquis so many
lance thrusts, stab wounds and sword slashes that he died".
The younger Almagro's forces controlled Lima and the whole of Peru for almost a year. Alonso
de Alvarado, Pizarro's lieutenant governor, rallied a force of loyal Pizarrists and royalists and
finally defeated the younger Almagro in the battle of Chupas, outside the city of Huamanga, on
16 September 1542.
Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro, two of the original founders of the Inca conquest, both
met violent deaths within a few years of each other. This was due mainly to the ambiguously
worded royal decree that gave Francisco Pizarro control over the land for 270 leagues south of
Puna, the original landing point for the conquistadors. No guidance was ever given as to how
this distance was to be measured over the high Andes and the ownership of Cuzco was thus
constantly in dispute.
Atahualpa was the second eldest surviving son of Inca Huayna Capac.
At the time of his father's death, Atahualpa was governing the northern
part of the empire. He refused requests from his brother Huascar to
return to Cuzco, rightly fearing treachery, but remained in the north with
his generals Chalcuchima, Quisquis and Rumiñavi. Atahualpa was
ultimately victorious in the civil war that ensued, though he himself was
captured at one point.
Having won the civil war, Atahualpa was left to face the approaching Spaniards and determine
an appropriate response. His council discussed destroying the invaders immediately but
decided it was "folly to be concerned over 170 men" and agreed to have them seized upon their
arrival in Cajamarca. Opinion was divided over whether the Spaniards were viracochas ("gods")
or quitas pumarangra ("leaderless people wandering about and thieving").
Atahualpa was captured by the Spanish and attempted to redeem his life with a vast ransom
payment. He survived for over a year in captivity, honouring his part of the ransom agreement,
before the conquistadors found it expedient to accuse him of encouraging rebellion and had him
garroted in the main square of Cajamarca.
Manco Inca first met the conquistadors as they marched towards Cuzco
in 1533. Anxious for a puppet-Inca to legitimise their presence and to
govern the administrations of the empire, Francisco Pizarro befriended
the prince and marched with him towards Cuzco. However, as soon as
greater number of Spaniards arrived and the need for a compliant
puppet-Inca decreased, Manco was abused and robbed by the
Manco was eventually provoked into starting the Great Rebellion, the
Inca Empire's most glorious moment of resistance against the Spanish
invaders. Manco besieged Cuzco for over a year but the arrival of
reinforcements from throughout the Spanish Indies forced him to retreat
to Vilcabamba. He still managed to raise a second rebellion the following year but this was
fiercely and cruelly suppressed by the conquistadors.
Manco survived in his native independent state for over 8 years, building the city of Vilcabamba
and launching punitive raids on Spanish settlers and travellers. Sadly, Manco was eventually
betrayed and murdered by seven Spanish fugitives that he had harbored and protected in
Vilcabamba for a number of years.
southwest of Madrid, as the illegitimate son of a distinguished professional officer. Pizarro is
thought to have left Trujillo at the age of nineteen and served in military campaigns in Italy
before sailing for the Indies in 1502. During the next two decades, Pizarro fought in numerous
campaigns against natives and gained a reputation as a tough, experienced soldier.
Pizarro became one of the richer citizens of Panama and, as a middle-aged man, should have
been expected to settle down to a comfortable retirement. But Pizarro chose to risk his life and
riches on explorations for a civilisation rumored to lie far to the south of Panama. His first
expedition in 1524 was decidedly unsuccessful, but his second expedition in 1526 captured an
Inca raft laden with treasure.
Pizarro was illiterate and a poor horseman, inexperienced in the administrative skills required to
run a vast empire. But his command of the conquest was never in question and his troops
respected and obeyed him faithfully. He gained support of the Spanish Crown for his invasion
and was named Governor and Captain-General of Peru. Pizarro never married, though he was
fond of his Inca princesses and the children they bore him. At the time of his murder in 1541 he
was one of the richest men in the Indies, though he never had opportunity to make great use of
his wealth.
"Look here, I am to be Governor because we would trust no one else, not even my brother
Hernando Pizarro. I do not care a jot for my brother Hernando or my nephews and nieces... I
must die governing! There is nothing more to be said." (Gonzalo Pizarro on his rebellion against
the King - 1545).
"I cannot think of marriage at present: I am wedded to my lances and horses". (Gonzalo Pizarro
- 1545).
Gonzalo Pizarro was far less restrained towards the natives and the Inca than his older brothers
Francisco and Hernando. Gonzalo led the abuse of Manco Inca in 1535, provoking the rebellion
that besieged him in Cuzco for over a year. He developed a passion for Manco's wife, Cura
Ocllo, and stole her from him by force.
Gonzalo was imprisoned when Almagro captured Cuzco but managed to escape and re-join
Francisco Pizarro in Lima. He eventually became Governor of Quito and led an expedition deep
into the Amazon in 1540 to search for the fabled city of El Dorado. He led the rebellion against
the Spanish crown in 1545, ostensibly against the imposition of the New Laws. Although he
ruled Peru for some years, he was eventually defeated by Pedro de la Gasca in 1548 and