Valin Et Al. vs. Atty. Ruiz
Valin Et Al. vs. Atty. Ruiz
Valin Et Al. vs. Atty. Ruiz
Third, it is a difficult pill to swallow that Fifth, the subject deed executed in 1996 was
respondent was oblivious of Pedro’s death in readily available at the RD. Respondent could
1992. He admitted in his petition that he is a have effortlessly and briefly verified the said
close family friend and godson of Pedro.26 deed, which was the basis of the transfer of the
Certainly, he could not claim such strong ties to title to him. It is to be noted that the subject
the family of Pedro if he never heard about the deed was not signed by Rogelio on behalf of
latter’s demise. Even after the lapse of four (4) Pedro; rather, it was purportedly signed by
years or in 1996, it would be arduous to believe Pedro personally and confirmed by Cecilia.
that respondent was still ignorant of the demise Evidently, the sale contemplated by the said
of his close family friend and godfather. deed was not anymore a sale through an agent,
which was the original agreement of
respondent and Rogelio back in 1989. The
Fourth, in 1996, respondent directed his house consideration stated in the subject deed, in the
helper Baligad to sign the release of the title in amount of P10,000.00, did not reflect the
his name. He admitted in his answer that he alleged purchase price of P26,000.00 given by
instructed Baligad to go to the RD and sign for respondent in 1989.
him the release of the title because he was busy
at that time.27 Conchita P. Baustita, a former
employee of the RD, also attested that Baligad Further, the subject deed was executed in
indeed came to the RD to sign the release of the Tugegarao, Cagayan when respondent knows
title in behalf of respondent on August 19, fully well that Pedro and Cecilia are residing in
Hawaii as early as 1989. In the same light, it been numerous occasions that respondent
would be impossible to notarize the subject could have stopped and noted the red flags
deed in 1996 before a notary public considering apparent throughout the transaction.
that Pedro was already dead. Also, the subject Disappointingly, he chose to profit from the
deed mentioned CTC No. 2259388, dated falsified deed, devoid of any empathy that his
January 2, 1996, issued to Pedro, which is actions would damage innocent third persons.
patently falsified because Pedro has passed Respondent’s acts are inconsistent with the
away at that time. Again, respondent did not sacred oath to do no falsehood nor consent to
bother to even read the subject deed of sale the doing of any.
which contains obvious and palpable
irregularities; rather, he continued to disregard
them for his own convenience. Respondent cannot finger point culpability to
The purported written authority of Pedro is The written authority is immaterial because
immaterial Pedro died in 1992 and it had lost its force and
effect then. It cannot be used for any purpose
whatsoever. Moreover, the subject deed in
In his last ditch attempt to evade responsibility, 1996 was not anymore a sale through an agent
respondent presented for the first time on as it was purportedly signed by Pedro and
appeal a purported written authority, dated Cecilia personally. Thus, the written authority is
September 13, 1989, signed by Pedro irrelevant in the subject deed.
permitting Rogelio to sell the subject land.33
The said authority is originally captioned as a
special power of attorney; however, it bore an In any case, respondent must face the music in
erasure and it reads as an authorization of view of his questionable actions regarding the
attorney. registration and release of the subject title
through the falsified deed.
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice