Application-Form For Scientist GRP IV
Application-Form For Scientist GRP IV
Application-Form For Scientist GRP IV
(for applying for scientific posts)
(While attesting the
Name of the post applied Name of Bank………………………………….. photograph across, some
for .......................................... portion of the signature
Payment Date: ............................. should be affixed on the
Vacancy No. photograph)
......................................... Amount: ………………………..
1. Name of the
(a) (i) POSTAL ADDRESS: ......................................................................................................................
(Normal Place of residence)
............................................................................................................. .........
District.......................................State................................. PIN
(b) PERMANENT ADDRESS: ......................................................................................................................
District.................................State........................................ PIN
Telephone/Mobile No.................................
Note: All the communications will be sent to the above postal address. Any change of address as given in column
No. 3 above should at once be communicated to the Administrative Officer, CSIR-NEER, at the above address.
Candidates must arrange for the re-direction of communication(s) to their changed address, if necessary, in their
own interest. The Institute will make every effort to take account of change in the candidate’s address but cannot
accept any responsibility in this matter.
6. Are you
a Citizen of India by Birth and /or By Domicile? : Yes No
Address: ...................................................................................................................................................
Occupation : ....................................................................................................................
(*In case of demise, state his last address and occupation before death)
10. Caste/Community
11. Passport details :
12. Are you related to any employee of CSIR-NEERI or CSIR or its any of the National Laboratories/
Institutes? If so, please state: -
13. Particulars of all examinations passed and degrees and technical qualifications obtained at the university
or other places of higher technical education or institutions (chronologically commencing with the
matriculation or equivalent examination): -
15. Details of post graduate work and published papers:- Give title (s) of paper (s) here and attach reprints:
(If the space below is insufficient, give full particulars on a sheet of separate paper and attach it with this
application indicating here the reference [page number] to the sheet attached)
16. Experience (Starting from the present employment, experience certificate to be attached - Furnish
a Resume of Work done with list of publications/projects, if any, separately)
17. Have you been outside India? If so, give the following particulars:
18. What languages (including Indian Languages) can you read, write or speak? Give particulars and state
examinations passed in each, if any: -
Read only Speak only Read & Speak Read, Write & Speak Examination passed
20. Are you under any bond/contractual obligation to serve Central/State Government/Public Sector
Undertaking/Autonomous or any other Body? If yes, give details:
22. References:
The referees should be residents of India and holders of responsible positions. They should be intimately
acquainted with the character and work of the Applicant but must not be relations. When the candidate
has been in employment, he should either give his present or most recent employer or immediate superior
as a referee or produce a testimonial from him in regard to the fitness of the candidate for the post for
which he is an Applicant:
Name of the referee Occupation/Position Address
23. Are you a Member of any Scientific Society/Professional Body? If so give Details:
Name of the Document Page No
1 Page No _ to
2 Page No _ to __
3 Page No _ to
4 Page No _ to
5 Page No _ to
6 Page No _ to
7 Page No _ to
I hereby declare that all the statements made by me in this Application are true and complete to the best of
my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed/distorted. I am aware that if at any time I am found
to have concealed/distorted any material information, my appointment is liable to be summarily terminated
without notice.
In case of candidates who are already employed - I have applied for the post (s) through proper channel/I
have informed my employer in writing that I am applying for the above post (s) and shall produce the no
objection certificate as required to attend the interview/test, if called for, and relieving order at the time of
joining CSIR-NEERI if selected.
(Please remember to send two additional photographs (preferably colour) along with the Application,
either well stapled or put in a separate polythene cover attached to the Application. The candidate
should put his full signature on this additional photograph (front portion). Please sign at the bottom of
all the pages of Application in addition to signature at the end of the application in the space provided
SYNOPSIS (Advertisement No.NEERI-2/2018)