Unit 2.1 Oil Treatment Theory
Unit 2.1 Oil Treatment Theory
Unit 2.1 Oil Treatment Theory
Emulsion - a mixture of two mutually immiscible liquids, one of which is dispersed as droplets in the
other & is stabilized by an “emulsifying agent”.
Dispersed droplets are known as internal phase & liquid surrounding them is the external or
continuous phase.
Emulsifying agent separates the dispersed droplets from continuous phase & continuous phase from the
dispersed droplets.
In the oilfield, O&W are in 2 - phases and usually form a water-in-oil emulsion although occasionally the
REVERSE or oil-in-water emulsion will form.
Pure water & pure oil will never form an emulsion no matter how much agitation is applied as these
dislike each other intensely. Therefore, if confined in the same container, they will quickly find a state of
existence which gives the least contact or the smallest interphase area.
A drop of water in a body of oil will take the shape which gives least surface area – ‘sphere’. Also, water
drop will squeeze itself in as tightly as possible to reduce its’ size & therefore its surface as much as
possible. Measure of such a drop shrinking force is called “Surface Tension”.
Material at new surface which is in contact with gas (or air) or another immiscible liquid as the case with
O&W and this is known as “interfacial tension”
The surface tension of water at 20° C is 73 dynes/cm whereas that of most organic liquids is about 28
dynes/cm & this varies from 20 to 30 dynes/cm for crude oil & water. When oil & water are vigorously
mixed, both types of emulsions are formed, but primarily the minor phase tends to become dispersed.
Both type of emulsions tend to resolve and the surviving type (O/W or W/O) depend largely on the nature
of stabilizer and the phase ratio.
Formation of emulsion involves creation of enormous areas of interphase with attendant free energy
supplied by agitation of pumps, friction in line or pr. drop through valves.
Foe example, in half a gallon of oil a 1% emulsion consists of 0.0001 inches in diameter, these will be
about 2 trillion of them & total area of interphase will be about 400 sq. ft. which can gather considerable
amount of stabilizer or dust. In prime system of distilled water & pure HC (as Hexane) this free energy
tends to subside and the drops collide to form free water.
When the drops meet & unite, larger drops thus formed have less surface area than the sum of
surrounding surface areas of the smaller drops. So, in keeping with the desire of the water phase to find a
state of existence giving the least surface area, drops will continue to unite until they have become one
large drop or body.
Normal oilfield emulsions consist of an oil continuous or external phase, and water dispersed or internal
Where high water cuts exist with low salt content & an emulsifying agent is present in the water phase, it
is possible to form reverse emulsion with water as continuous phase & oil droplets as internal phase. Also
electrical charges play strong role in stabilizing. These charges can be maintained in waters of low
conductivity or low salt content. As the salt content increases, type of emulsion becomes less stable since
the charges on oil particles can bleed off & they can then more readily unite. With the emulsifying agent
in water, it tends to surround oil particles & trap them.
Induced emulsions which are deliberately created for processing.
Dual (or complex) emulsions also form in low gravity, viscous crudes. These contain water as external
phase & have an internal water phase in the dispersed oil.
To form an emulsion the system must have presence of water & oil, agitation and also an emulsifying
agent which has a surface active behavior. Some of the elements have preference for the oil, and
others are more attracted to water. An emulsifier tends to be insoluble in one of the liquid phases
whereby concentrating at the interphase. It can act in one or more of the following manners:
• Decreases the interfacial tension of water droplet, thus causing smaller droplets to form which
take longer to coalesce into larger droplets, which can settle quickly.
• Forms a viscous coating on the droplets that keeps them from coalescing into larger droplets
when they collide.
• Emulsifiers may be polar molecules, which align themselves in such a manner as to cause an
electrical charge on the surface of droplets. Since like charges repel, two droplets must collide
with sufficient force to overcome this repulsion before coalescence can occur.
Normally occurring surface active materials found in crude oil (asphaltines-general term applied to a
large variety of high MW compositions containing sulpher, nitrogen, oxygen & metals etc.) serve as
‘emulsifiers’. Paraffin's, resins, organic acids, metallic salts, colloidal silts & clay and asphaltenes are
common emulsifiers in oilfields. Drilling muds & workover fluids are also sources of emulsifying
agents (EA).
Therefore, early treatment may be a lesser factor in treating low viscosity, high
– API – gravity crudes.
The Oil produced; need to be treated for the following owing to the marketing
need to the refinery:
1. Demulsification
2. Dehydration
3. Desalination
1. Demulsification
- heat
- heat
- electricity
- settling
Therefore a good demulsifier must have a good built-in ability to migrate quickly through the oil phase
& compete against large odds for its place at interphase.
Once demulsifier reaches interphase, it proceeds to its major action of flocculation. A good
demulsifier, concentrated at the surface of water droplet, has a strong attraction for other droplets in
same condition. By this mechanism, large bunches of drops are joined together. When magnified,
they take on appearance of bunches of fish eggs. The oil takes on a bright appearance since the smaller
water droplets are no- longer dispersed throughout the oil to diffuse light.
A characteristic of demulsifier to produce the joining of droplets does not disrupt the continuity of the
emulsifier film but just adds to it. If the emulsifier has certain weaknesses, this flocculation force may
be sufficient to cause complete resolution of emulsion.
However, in most cases further action is necessary for the water droplets to unite & become large
enough to settle out. This action of uniting water droplets is called “Coalescence”.
Good demulsifier must not only be able to flocculate water particles but also be able to disrupt films
surrounding them & allow them to unite. Such disruption removes the barriers or opens the doors. The
strong natural desire for water to seek its kind is reestablished. Since the particles are all closer
together because of flocculation, this door opening process results in a very rapid growth of water drop
size & water separation.
In most crude oils, solids such as iron sulphide, silt, clay, drilling mud, parrafin etc. complicate the
demulsification process. They tend to collect at interphase & contribute significantly to emulsion
stability. Often such solids are primary stabilizing agents / materials & their removal is necessary to
achieve satisfactory treatment.
For removal from interphase, these solids can be dispersed in the oil or they can be water wetted &
removed with water. If, dispersed in oil, emulsion may be treated, but the solids will still remain as a
contaminant in oil. Therefore it is desirable to remove the solids with water. Paraffins & organic solids
are exception to this as these can be recovered in refining process.
Same type of action is used in either oil or water-wetting solids, only the chemical is different. In both
cases, chemical has one end which is strongly attracted to the solid & therefore forms a coating on it.
The other end has either a strong attraction for water or for oil & therefore will carry solid particles in
that liquid.
It is very rare that a single chemical will produce all the actions of a demulsifier. Mostly two or more
structures are blended to give the necessary combination of actions.
So, no matter how satisfactory a demulsifier is at one point of time, it cannot be assumed that it will
stay over the life of field.
Why Necessary:
- Refinery specifications
- Low viscosity
• Adopting:
- Good production practices
• Treatment:
- Gravity separation
- Coalescence
- Chemical destabilization
This is concerned with the reduction, removal, rupture, or counteraction of the stabilizing films,
coalescence of the droplets and gravity separation of oil and water phases in a limited
retention/residence time e.q. 20 minutes or so.
According to Stoke’s law the velocity of settling drop of water is proportional to cross sections area,
difference in gravity of oil and water and the viscosity of oil. Thus the most favorable conditions exist
when the oil has high API gravity and low viscosity, and water consists of large, unstablized drops of
salty water.
Using good production practice, the encroachment of water into the producing formations may be
delayed. The degree of emulsification may be mitigated by good equipment maintenance whereby, to
some extent, such water as is produced may be un-emulsified or ‘free water’ that will separate rapidly
unassisted. Nonetheless a large proportion of oil that is produced must be treated.
a. Gravity separation
b. Temperature effect (heat)
c. Chemical destabilization
d. Electrical treatment (electrostatic coalescers).
a. Gravity separation:
Most of the oil treating equipment rely on the gravity to separate water droplets from oil continuous
phase, because water droplets are heavier than the volume of oil they displace. However gravity is
resisted by a drag force caused by droplets downward movement through the oil. When the two forces
are equal, a constant velocity is reached, which can be computed from Stoke’s law as:
Vt = -------------------------------
Where Vt = downward velocity of water droplet relative to the oil cont. phase, ft/s.
Larger the size of water droplet, larger the square of its diameter and thus, the greater its
downward velocity. That is, the bigger the droplet size, the less time it takes for the droplet to
settle to the bottom of the vessel and thus it is easier to treat oil.
Greater the difference in density between water droplet and oil phase, the greater the
downward velocity meaning, the lighter the crude, easier to treat oil. If crude gravity is 10o
API and the fresh water, the settling velocity is zero, as there is no gravity difference.
Higher the temperature, lower the viscosity of oil and thus the greater downward velocity,
that is easier to treat oil at high temperature than at low temperature.
COALESCENCE in treating oil system is time dependant. In dispersion of two immiscible
liquids, immediate coalescence seldom (rarely) occurs when two droplets collide. If the
droplet pair is exposed to turbulent pressure fluctuation, and the kinetic energy of adhesion
between them, the contact will be broken before coalescence is completed.
Deep layer gravity settler experiments indicate that the time to ‘grow’ a droplet size due to
coalescence can be estimated by the following equation:
π dj - (do)j
t = --- X --------------
6 ks
j = Empirical parameter always >3 and dependant on the probability the droplets will
‘bounce’ apart before coalescence occurs.
When the energy of oscillations is very low so that “bouncing” of droplets approaches zero, j
approaches 3. Assuming a value of 4, the min time required to obtain a desired particle diameter can
be expressed:
d4 - (do) 4
t = --- X --------------
6 ks
Assuming, do is small relative to droplet size we wish to ‘grow’ by coalescence in our gravity settler,
and then the equation can be approximated:
t = --------------
2 ks
• Doubling of residence time increases the maximum size drop grown in a gravity settler less
than 19%. If the value of ‘j’ is > 4 the growth of the droplet diameter will be even slower.
• More dilute the dispersed phase, the greater the residence time needed to ‘grow’ particle size.
That is, coalescence occurs more rapidly in concentrated dispersions. That is the reason that
oil is ‘water washed’ by entering in the treating vessel below the o/w interface in most treater.
Flocculation and coalescence therefore occur most effectively at the interface zone between
oil & water.
b. Temperature (heat) Effects: Heating of incoming oil/water stream for separating the
phase is in use in oil Industry from earlier days. The addition of heat reduces the viscosity of
the oil phase thereby allowing more settling velocities (Stoke’s Law). It also has the effect of
dissolving the small crystals of paraffin and asphaltenes and thus neutralizing these effects as
emulsifier. Treating temperatures usually range from 100o to 160o F. In treating the heavier
crude the temperatures may be as high as 300 o F.
Heating causes a significant loss of lower boiling point hydrocarbons (light ends). This results in
‘shrinkage’ of the oil, or loss of volume. The molecules leaving the oil phase may be vented or
compressed and sold with gas, even if they are sold with gas, there will be probably a net loss of in
revenue realized by converting liquids volume into gas volume. Figure approximately shows the
amount of shrinkage that may be expected.
Thus heating makes the crude oil recovered more heavier and thereby decreasing its value.
With the heating of oil, gas liberated may create problem in the treating equipment if the equipment is
not properly designed. In vertical heater-treater the gas rises through the coalescing section. If much
gas is liberated, it can create turbulence and disturbance to inhibit coalescence. Small gas bubbles
have an attraction for surface active material and hence for the water droplets. The bubbles thus have a
tendency to keep the water droplets from settling and may even cause them, to carry over to oil outlet.
Horizontal heater-treater tends to overcome this gas liberation problem by coming to equilibrium in
the heating section. Before introducing the emulsion to the settling-coalescing section. Some large
crude processing systems use a fluid packed pumps-through system that keeps the crude well above
the bubble point. Top mounted degassing separators above the electrostatic coalescers have been used
in some installations.
If properly done, heating an emulsion can greatly benefit water separation without much economic
The demulsifier must also have an attraction for droplets with a similar condition, which make large
droplets to cluster together which under a microscope, appear like bunches of fish eggs. The oil will be
on brighter appearance since drops are no longer present to scatter the light rays. At this point the
emulsifier film is still continuous. If the emulsifier, is weak the flocculation force ma be enough to call
coalescence. This is not true in most cases and the demulsifier must neutralize the emulsifier and
promote a rupture of the droplet interface film. This is the opener that causes coalescence. With the
emulsion in flocculated condition the film rupture results in rapid growth of the water drop size.
Demulsifiers neutralizing the emulsifier depend upon the type of emulsifiers. Iron sulfides, clays and
drilling mud can be water wet causing them to leave the interface and be diffused into the water
droplet. Paraffin’s and asphaltenes could be dissolved or altered to make tan films less viscous so that
they will flow out of easily on collision or could be made oil wet so that they will be dispersed in the
It would be unusual if one chemical structure could produce all four desirable actions. A blend of
compounds is therefore used to achieve the right balance of activity.
The demulsifier selection should be made considering the process system. If the treating process is a
settling tank, a relative slow acting compound can be applied with good results. If the process is a
chem.-electric process where some of the flocculation and coalescing action in achieved by an electric
field, then there is need for quick acting compound, but not one that must complete the droplet
building action.
Selection of demulsifier is always made depending upon field conditions and this may vary over the
life of field.
* The droplets become polarized and tend to align themselves with the lines of electric force. In
doing so the + ve and –ve poles of the droplets are brought adjacent to each other. Electrical detraction
brings the droplets together and causes then to coalesce.
• Droplets are attracted to an electrode due to an induced charge. In an AC field due to inertia
small droplets vibrate over a larger distance than larger droplets promoting coalescence. In DC
field, the droplets intend to collect on the electrodes forming larger and larger drops until they
fall by gravity.
• The electric field tends to distort and thus weaken the emulsifying film.
Whatever the actual mechanism, the electric field causes the droplets to move about rapidly in random
directions, which increase the chances of collision with proper velocity, coalescence occurs.
The attraction between water droplets in an electric field is given by:
Ks 2 (dm) 6
= Voltage gradient
dm = Diameter of droplets
This indicates that the greater the voltage gradient the greater the forces causing coalescence.
However, experimental data shows that at some gradient the water droplets can be pulled apart and a
strong emulsion can be developed. For this reason electrostatic theaters are normally equipped with
mechanism for adjusting the gradient of the field.
The most commonly used single well lease treater is the vertical treater as shown. Flow enters the top
of the treater into a gas separation section. Care must be exercised to size this section so that it has
adequate dimensions to separate the gas from the inlet flow. If the treater is located downstream of a
separator, this chamber can be very small. The gas separation section should have an inlet diverter
and a mist extractor.
The liquids flow through a down comer to the base of the treater, which serves as a free-water
knockout section. If the treater is located down-stream of a free-water knockout, the bottom section
can be very small. If the total wellstream is to be treated this section should be sized for 3 to 5 minutes
retention time for both the oil and the water to allow the free water to settle out. This minimizes the
amount of fuel gas needed to heat the liquid stream rising through the heating section.
The end of the down comer should be slightly below the oil water interface to “water wash” the oil
being treated. This will assist in the coalescence of water droplets in the oil.
The oil and emulsion rises over the heater fire-tubes to a coalescing section where sufficient
retention time is provided to allow the small water particles in the oil continuous phase to coalesce and
settle to the bottom.
Treated oil flows out the oil outlet. Any gas, flashed from the oil due to heating, flows
through the equalizing line to the gas space above. Oil level is maintained by pneumatic or level
operated dump valves. Oil-water interface is controlled by an interface controller.
Heater treater is a horizontal vessel employing a vertical flow pattern. Methods of heating, chemical
action, electrical coalescence, water washing of oil & settling for demulsification are used.
Movements of fluids are controlled by differential pressure combined with static head.
Heating Section: This section consists of a fire tube bent at 180°. The constant level in
maintained by weir (block) height. Oil enters this section from bottom of degassing section &
passes through heater at bottom and washing action takes place & free water & solids fall out
of oil stream. The water level in this section is controlled by a weighted, displacement type
interface control valve. The oil and entrained water flow upwards from the distributors around
the fire tubes, where the required temperature is reached. The increase in temp. of oil
releases some additional gas. The heat released gas then joins the free gas from the inlet
section and is discharged from the treater through a gas pressure control valve.
Burners are designed for maximum heat output with minimum fuel consumption & maintenance
requiring little adjustments. Pilots are fixed type & require no adjustments. Fuel gas supply is to be
properly adjusted & regulated which is free of liquids & solid particles.
The heated fluid transfers from the heating section over the fixed weir into a differential oil control
chamber, which contains a liquid level control float. The fluid travels downwards to near the bottom
of oil control chamber where the opening of the coalescing section distributors is located.
Heater treater uses a high voltage potential on the electrodes for coalescing of water droplets in the
final phase of processing. The electrodes are suspended on the insulated hanger from the upper
portion of vessel. The ‘Ground’ electrode is furnished with solid steel hangers to ensure grounding
with the steel of the treater.
An externally mounted, oil immersed high voltage transformer is furnished to provide the
power to electrodes. The transformer uses 240 volts in primary & supplied about 16500 volts in
secondary. The high voltage secondary is connected to charged electrode through a specially designed
high voltage entrance busing for insulation. Secondary is also connected to voltmeter & external pilot
indicating lamp. The oil & entrained water enter the coalescing section from the differential control
chamber through multiple, full length distributors. As the oil & entrained water come into contact
with electrical field in the grid area, final coalescing of water takes place.
The water falls back to the water area at the bottom and the clean oil continues to rise to the
top, where it enters a collector and is discharged through the clean oil outlet control valve.
Valves & controls and sight glasses
Safety valve
Fire Tube
Desalting improves the efficiency of refinery operations without frequent shut down & corrosion
problems, contaminations of catalysts & products, besides a number of other benefits in a day to day
handling and oil processing in refinery.
Any de-hydradation method has one serious limitation that it can reduce the water content
only to a certain extent (acceptable to refinery – 0.1 to 1%). This however, leaves the problem of salt
content of crude oil. With very little exceptions, the salt in crude oil exists as the total of that salt
which is in solution in the remnant brine still associated with the oil either in some sort or general
dispersion or in droplets highly stabilized by the emulsifying agents present. That is, the principal salt
content of any oil sample of given volume is the amount of total salt in solution within the brine which
remains dispersed in that oil volume.
For this reason total salt content of oil is a function not only of salt water remaining in oil but also of
concentration of salt in that water. The water-soluble mineral salts are contained in water from most
of the oilfields of the world. Salts are predominantly chlorides of sodium, calcium & their salinity
varies usually in the range of 20,000 to 1, 30,000 ppm equivalent of sodium chloride. The quantitative
unit of salt measurement is usually ‘pounds of chlorides per 1000 bbl of oil (ptb)’.
Even if 1% water remains in dehydrated oil, with salinity of 20, 000 ppm of Nacl, 70 pounds
of salt will be contained in each 1000 bbl of that clean oil.
Any quantity above 10-17 lbs per 1000 bbls (p.t.b) is usually considered as causing problems in
refinery processing.
Thus there is a further need of dehydration of ‘DESALTING’ which is simply considered as a second
step of dehydration in oilfield. Desalting, which follows the initial dehydration consists of:
Adding dilution (or fresh) water to the crude oil which is usually 5 to 7 % of flow rate of crude
• Thorough mixing of dilution water with the crude to dilute saline water through ‘tee’ which
shears dilution water into droplets & disperses it thoroughly in the crude oil
• Emulsion treatment (without ageing) or second stage dehydration to separate the crude oil &
brine phases
Stability of Emulsion:
• Drop size
• Type of emulsifying agent
• Water content
• Viscosity
• Presence of solids
• Existence of electrical charges in water molecule
• Surface tension & interfacial tension
• Film strength
• Density – relative density
• Ageing
Commonly used:
Heating to:
Electrical Treating: