Crowell Smart Goal 18-19
Crowell Smart Goal 18-19
Crowell Smart Goal 18-19
Goal (Writing):
During the 2018-2019 school year, 60% of non-credentialed students will improve their ability to write
an essay based on improvement in at least two of the four following writing traits as measured using the
6 +1 writing rubric: content, organization, sentence fluency, and conventions; correctly using
grammar/punctuation; and literary device identification and use.
Instructional Strategy
○ Using 6 +1 rubric
○ Specific instruction:
■ essay organization
■ development of ideas
■ use of voice in writing
○ Vocabulary development
○ Grammar instruction
■ parts of speech (ENG 10)
■ increased work beyond notes with instruction
○ Literary device identification and use
● Process
○ Peer editing
○ Revision process
○ Teacher/student conferences
● AYP Focus
○ Teacher modeling
○ Teacher/student conferences
Evidence to be collected:
● Pre-tests
○ Writing sample graded using 6 +1 rubric
○ Literary device pre-test
● Post-test data collection
○ Essays
■ Literary Analysis Essay (English 10)
■ Personal Narrative (World Literature)
■ Rhetorical Analysis (English 10)
■ Literary Analysis Essays (World Literature)
○ Sentence Writing and Grammar Activities/Tests
■ Grammar tests (English 10 & World Literature)
○ Literary Device Use
■ Literary device post-test (English 10 & World Literature)