The Ideal Mos Capacitor

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2.1 Introduction

2.2 The Silicon/Silicon Dioxide System

2.3 Band Bending in the MOS Capacitor

2.4 Solution of Poisson's Equation for the MOS Capacitor

2.4.1 Depletion Approximation
2.4.2 The Threshold Voltage
2.4.3 Accurate Solution
2.4.4 Threshold Voltage using the Accurate Solution

2.5 Capacitance-Voltage (CV) Plot of the Ideal MOS Capacitor

2.5.1 Small-signal Capacitance and Equivalent Circuit
2.5.2 Low-frequency Capacitance-Voltage (LFCV) Characteristics
2.5.3 High-frequency Capacitance-Voltage(HFCV) Characteristics
2.5.4 Deep Depletion

2.6 Conclusions
Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we discuss the physics of the ideal MOS capacitor. This includes a description of
the semiconductor surface and the semiconductor insulator interface, a solution of the Poisson equation to
find the charge in the semiconductor, and the derivation of an expression for threshold voltage VT. We
will also derive the capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics of the ideal MOS capacitor.

By ideal, we mean an MOS system in which the insulator has no trapped charges or free carriers,
the semiconductor-insulator interface has no defects (like interface states), there is no work function
difference between the semiconductor and the highly-conducting gate material, and quantum effects are
ignored. These contraints will be relaxed in the next chapter.

The MOS capacitor is an important device for several reasons. Firstly, it allows us to understand
the basic MOS phenomena for a simple one-dimensional structure. Secondly, the MOS capacitor is an
important test structure used to obtain information about the MOS system, usually in a simpler manner than
can be done with a MOS transistor. Finally, the MOS capacitor is an important semiconductor device in its
own right, used in CCDs , analog circuits, memories and so on.

2.2 The Silicon/Silicon-Dioxide System

The silicon/silicon-dioxide (Si/SiO2) system is the most common semiconductor-insulator system
used in MOS devices. Indeed, as mentioned in Chapter 1, it is the outstanding properties of the Si/SiO2
interface which has made silicon technology dominant today.

Figure 2.1 shows the physical structure of the MOS capacitor. The semiconductor is usually
silicon. We will consider mainly the case of a p-type substrate, which corresponds to an n-channel MOS
transistor. The insulator is usually silicon dioxide (SiO2) and its thickness tox is in the range 2-50 nm (20–
500 Å). The top “metal” may be aluminum or some other metal, or heavily-doped polysilicon in the case
of silicon-gate technology. The metal (or polysilicon) layer is called the gate to which a gate voltage VG
can be applied.

Figure 2.1
Physical structure of a MOS
capacitor. Note that this is not
drawn to scale; the typical
thickness of the wafer is 300 µ m,
of the oxide (tox) 10 nm, and of the
polysilicon gate 100 nm.
The band diagram in equilibrium (VG = 0 V) of the ideal MOS capacitor is shown in Fig 2.2. Here
the semiconductor is p-type silicon, the oxide (or insulator) is SiO2 and the gate is made of a hypothetical
conductor whose work function φ m is the same as that of silicon φ s, so that the work function difference
φ ms = 0 V. Note some important definitions and values in Fig. 2.2. The silicon bandgap (at room
temperature) is 1.12 eV, and the oxide bandgap is 9.1eV. The electron affinity χ in silicon is 4.1 eV and
in the oxide 0.9 eV, so that the electron barrier at the Si/SiO 2 interface is 3.2 eV. (The hole barrier is much
larger at 4.9 eV). The silicon bulk potential φ B is defined as the difference between the intrinsic fermi
level εi and the fermi level εf in the bulk.

Figure 2.2

Band diagram in equilibrium of an

ideal MOS capacitor for which
φ ms = 0. (Not to scale.)

We know from basic semiconductor theory [2.1–2.3] that

p o = ni exp{( ε i − ε f ) / kT } , (2.1)

where po is the equilibrium number of holes in the p-type semiconductor, ni is the intrinsic carrier density,
k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is the temperature. We can write (assuming complete ionization of the
acceptor impurities, and that the acceptor density Na >>ni),

kT N a
φ B = ln , (2.2)
q ni

where Na is the doping (acceptor) doping and q is the electronic charge. For a typical value of Na = 1016
cm –3 ,and ni = 1.5 X 1010 cm –3 the bulk potential φ B = 0.34 V at room temperature. For Na =1017 cm –3,
φ B = 0.38V; because of the ln dependence in Eq. (2.2), φ B is a weak function of Na.

From Fig 2.2, we can also see why silicon dioxide is such a good material for use in MOS devices.
Besides the fact that SiO2 (especially when thermally grown) forms an almost ideal interface with silicon,
producing very few defects, we see that (1) it has a large bandgap (9.1eV) and therefore very few intrinsic
carriers, and (2) it has large barriers for both electrons and holes in silicon (as well as the gate), so that the
carriers can be effectively contained in the silicon, and do not get injected easily into the insulator.

2.3 Band Bending in the MOS Capacitor

This section explores what happens when a voltage is applied to the gate of the MOS capacitor,
and the different band bendings that result at the semiconductor surface.

For the ideal MOS capacitor that we are currently considering, the equilibrium condition at VG = 0
V is also the flat-band condition. In this case the bands in the silicon (and oxide) are flat (Fig 2.3a). As a
consequence there is no net charge in the semiconductor or on the metal and the electric field is zero every-
where. It may be recalled from semiconductor theory that the presence of an electric field E causes a
bending of the bands, given by

dε c dε i dε v
qE = = = . (2.3)
dx dx dx

When the gate voltage applied is negative (VG < 0 V), majority carriers (holes) are attracted to the
surface of the semiconductor from the bulk. The excess carriers produce a positively charged layer at the
surface, which is matched by negative charge at the metal-oxide interface. There is an electric field in the
oxide which penetrates slightly into the semiconductor, producing band-bending, as shown in Fig. 2.3b.
Note that the fermi levels in the semiconductor and metal are separated by qVG. This condition is called
accumulation since it results in an accumulation of majority carriers at the Si/SiO2 interface.

Figure 2.3

Band bending in the ideal MOS

capacitor for various conditions.
(a) Flat bands (b) Accumulation
(c) Depletion (d) Inversion (e)

We now define the surface potential ψ s . This is the total amount of band bending at the surface
of the semiconductor measured with respect to the bulk. The band bending can be measured on ε i, ε c or
ε v. In this case the bands bend upwards and ψ s (by definition) will be considered to be negative. Note
that the value of ψ s can never be very large, since that would imply a very large number of holes at the
surface (remember that the number of holes increases exponentially with reduction in the difference
between ε f and ε i , p0 = Nv exp {− (ε f − ε v )/kT} ). The surface could even become degenerate as the
valence band crosses the fermi level. Such a large number of holes would imply large fields in the oxide,
and therefore large gate voltages to sustain such a charge. For typical applied voltages in accumulation, ψ s
is limited to − 0.1-0.2 V.

When the gate voltage applied is positive and not too large (VG > 0 V), the majority carriers are
repelled away from the surface of the semiconductor producing a depletion region. The depletion region
contains a negative charge corresponding to the ionized acceptors (much like the depletion region in an n+p
junction). The bands now bend downwards and ψ s is positive (Fig 2.3c). This condition is known as

Finally, when the gate voltage applied is positive and sufficiently large, the bands in the
semiconductor bend enough that the conduction band comes close to the fermi level. This means that, the
surface of the semiconductor layer has effectively become n-type, and there are mobile minority carriers
(electrons) present at the surface (Fig 2.3d). This condition is known as inversion, because the surface has
been effectively inverted from p-type to n-type. It is the carriers in the inversion layer which contribute to
conduction in a MOS transistor.

A common definition of the onset of inversion is that the surface is as n-type as the bulk is p-type,
that is , ns = po. This implies that

ni exp {− (ε f − ε is )/kT} = ni exp {− (ε ib −ε f )/kT}, (2.4)

where the subscript s is used for the surface and b for bulk. This gives, at inversion,

ψ s = 2φ B . (2.5)

In inversion, the negative charge in the inversion layer adds to the negative charge in the depletion
region. As in the case of accumulation, the bands in inversion cannot bend much further than ψ s = 2φ B ,
as this would put too much charge in the conduction band at the surface, and very large voltages would be
required at the gate to support this charge. ‘

An intermediate condition of interest is the mid-gap condition. In this case, the semiconductor
surface is intrinsic (Fig 2.3e), and ψ s = φ B. Sometimes the condition φ B < ψ s < 2φ B is referred to as
weak inversion, and ψ s ≥ 2φ B , as strong inversion.

In summary, for an ideal MOS capacitor, the conditions of interest are

Accumulation ψs<0
Flat-band ψs=0
Depletion 2φ B>ψ s>0
Mid-gap ψs=φ B
Weak Inversion φ B< ψ s< 2φ B
Strong Inversion ψ s ≥ 2φ B

The weak inversion condition is often subsumed as part of depletion, since there are yet very few mobile
minority carriers.

An important question which can be asked is: in a non-equilibrium condition (VG ≠ 0 V) is it

possible to draw a fermi level in the semiconductor, as we have been doing in Fig 2.3? As is well known
(for a p-n junction, for example), for non-equilibrium conditions, quasi-fermi levels should be used. In the
MOS capacitor, fortunately, the current flowing is almost zero because of the presence of the intervening
insulator. Since Jn = − nµ n∇ ε fn and Jp = + pµ p ∇ ε fp where ε fn and ε fp are the quasi-fermi levels
[3], we can write (using Jn = Jp = 0) ∇ ε fn ≅ ∇ ε fp ≅ 0 in the semiconductor. Now, ε fn = ε fp deep in
the bulk; therefore ε fn = ε fp throughout the semiconductor, and we can conveniently designate this
common level as the fermi level ε f even in non-equilibrium.

The fact that we are indeed looking at non-equilibrium conditions becomes clear when we try to
draw fermi levels in the oxide. Now we need to recognize that though the oxide is an excellent insulator, it
is not, in reality, an ideal one. So a small leakage current will indeed be flowing in the MOS structure.
Though for the semiconductor, this current is small enough that the argument in the last paragraph holds,
this is not so for the oxide. Here, because n and p are also very small, ∇ ε fn and ∇ ε fp are not zero, and
we do have distinct, non-coincident quasi-fermi levels in the oxide. These quasi-fermi levels are difficult
to determine without knowing the details of the conduction process in the oxide, so we normally would not
draw the fermi or quasi-fermi levels in the oxide, as in Fig 2.3.

2.4 Solution of Poisson's Equation for the MOS Capacitor

We now solve Poisson's equation to determine quantitatively the band bending in the oxide and
the semiconductor, as well as the charge in the semiconductor (the oxide in the ideal capacitor is assumed
to contain no charge). We also compute the threshold voltage of the MOS system in this section. First,
Poisson's equation is solved using the depletion approximation, and later more accurately by including the
effects of the mobile carriers as well.

2.4.1 Depletion Approximation

The depletion approximation is often used in the analysis of semiconductor devices. It divides the
semiconductor into two regions, one of which is depleted of free carriers and therefore has a space charge
density corresponding to the ionized impurities, and the other where the free carriers neutralize the ionized
impurities and which is therefore neutral (or quasi-neutral). The depletion approximation is extremely
useful for getting a physical feel for the problem without getting mired right away in tedious calculations.

In the context of the MOS capacitor, we focus attention on the depletion (including weak
inversion) condition. The band bending is shown again for this condition in Fig 2.4. The depletion
approximation allows us to divide the semiconductor into two regions A and B. In Region A, we assume
that there are no mobile carriers (as can be seen by the fact that the fermi level is quite far from both band
edges), so that the space charge density is given by ρ (x) = qNa. In Region B, we assume that there is no
space charge, ρ (x). We further assume that there is a sharp transition between the two regions at a point x
= xd called the depletion width. The postulate of the depletion edge which demarcates the two regions is
the crux of the depletion approximation; in reality there is gradual transition between the fully depleted
region near the surface and the neutral region deep in the bulk.

There is no band bending in Region B because the space charge density there is zero. In Region A,
the band ending, designated by ψ (x), can be easily found by solving Poisson's equation:

d 2ψ ( x) ρ( x ) qN a
= − = + .
dx 2 εs εs

Figure 2.4

Band bending for an ideal MOS

capacitor in depletion, illustrating
the two regions in the semi-
conductor arising from the use of
the depletion approximation.

We assume here that the semiconductor is uniformly doped, that is, Na is constant. The solution of Eq. (2.6),
with the reasonable boundary conditions ψ = 0 and dψ /dx = 0 at x = xd is

qN a
ψ ( x) = (x − xd)2. (2.7)
2ε s
This shows that the band-bending in the semiconductor is parabolic. The surface potential ψ s can be found
by putting x = 0 in Eq. (2.7):

qN a
ψs = xd 2 ,
2ε s

2ε sψ s
or alternatively, xd = . (2.8)
qN a

In depletion, the total charge in the semiconductor QS is just the depletion charge QD, given by
QD = − qNaxd. Using Eq. (2.8),

QD = − 2εs qN aψs (2.9)

The value of VG required to produce the surface potential ψ s can be easily computed as follows.
The charge on the gate QG is equal to and opposite that of QD . Using Gauss' law, the electric field
emanating from the gate into the oxide is

QG 2ε s qN aψ s
Eox = = . (2.10)
ε ox ε ox

Since there are no charges in the oxide, the electric field is constant there, with the result that the bands
bend linearly in the oxide. The voltage drop Vox across the oxide is then simply

2ε s qN aψ s
Vox = Eox tox = , (2.11)
C ox

where tox is the oxide thickness, and Cox ≡ ε ox / tox is defined as the oxide capacitance per unit area. By
Kirchoff's voltage law, VG is given by VG = ψ s + Vox. So,
2ε s qN aψ s
VG = ψ s + .
C ox

So, given ψ s, VG can be computed using Eq. (2.12). Altematively, if VG is given, a solution of the
quadratic equation reveals ψ s.
The electric field in the oxide (Eq.(2.10)) can alternatively be found as follows. From Eq. (2.7),
the electric field at the surface of the semiconductor, Es (= − dψ /dx at x = 0) is

qN a
Es = xd . (2.13)

Using Eq. (2.8),

2ε s qN aψ s
Es = . (2.14)
Since the D vector is continuous across the semiconductor oxide-interface (there being no charge at the
interface in depletion), we can write

ε sEs = ε ox Eox. (2.15)

This then results in the same Eox as Eq. (2.10). A plot of the potential V(x) versus x is shown in Fig. 2.5.
It can be seen that V(x) varies linearly in the oxide and parabolically in the semiconductor, and there is a
discontinuity in the slope at the surface due to the difference in the dielectric constants.

Figure 2.5

Plot of the potential V(x) in a MOS

capacitor as obtained from the
depletion approximation. The
discontinuity in the slope at x = 0
(the Si/SiO2 interface) is due to the
change of dielectric constant.

2.4.2 The Threshold Voltage

The depletion approximation can be used to find the threshold voltage of the MOS capacitor. The
threshold voltage is one of the most important parameters of a MOS system. It is defined as the gate
voltage required to just produce inversion at the surface.

We saw in Section 2.3 that the onset of inversion corresponds to ψ s = 2φ B . Using this condition,
the threshold voltage VT of the ideal MOS capacitor can be written, from Eq. (2.12), as:

4ε S qN a φ B
VT = 2φ B + . (2.16)
C ox

This simple equation is quite accurate and very useful. It tells us, for example, that as doping increases, VT
increases (due to an increase in φ B as well as Na in the numerator of the second term), and that as oxide

thickness decreases, VT decreases. For a typical doping of Na = 1x1016 cm 3 and an oxide thickness of tox =

25 nm, the threshold voltage of an ideal MOS system is VT = 0.67 + xx = yy. For Na = 1x1017 cm 3 and tox
= 10 nm, VT = zz V.

What if a gate voltage larger than VT is applied? As argued in Sec.2.3, the band bending in the
semiconductor will hardly exceed 2φ B. This means that the surface potential is, for all practical purposes,
pinned to about 2φ B. This in turn implies that the depletion width will not go beyond a maximum value
given by

2ε s
xdmax = 2φ B , (2.17)
qN a
and therefore the charge in the depletion region will not exceed QDmax = 4εs qN a φB .

For VG > VT , charge in the inversion layer QI cannot be ignored. The total semiconductor charge
Qs is now

QS = QI + QDmax , (2.18)

and this total charge is balanced on the gate side. Using this in Eq. (2.10), we get

4ε S qN a φB QI
VG = 2 φ B + + ,
C ox C ox
or, using Eq. (2.16),

QI = Cox (VG - VT) . (2.20)

This equation tells us that beyond threshold , the inversion layer charge increases linearly with VG , and the
device behaves like a parallel plate capacitor of value Cox per unit area.

The depletion approximation is quite successful in giving some idea of what is happening in the
MOS capacitor, especially in the depletion condition. For a more accurate analysis, especially in
accumulation and inversion when the presence of mobile carriers near the surface cannot be ignored, the
full Poisson equation needs to be solved without making the depletion approximation. This is done in the
next section.

2.4.3 Accurate Solution

We now solve the Poisson equation accurately. Poisson's equation can be written for the
semiconductor as [2.1, 2.4]

d 2ψ ρ( x )
= −
dx 2 εs
In the expression for ρ (x) we will now include the mobile carriers also, so that

ρ (x) = [ Nd + − Na + p(x) – n(x)] , (2.22)

where Nd + and Na are the ionized donor and acceptor impurities respectively, and p(x) and n(x) are the
position-dependent densities of mobile holes and electrons. For generality, we assume that the
semiconductor has both acceptors and donors; however, they are uniformly distributed so that there are not
functions of x. Furthermore, we can usually assume (except at very low temeratures) that the impurities

are fully ionized, so that Nd + = Nd and Na = Na. The mobile carriers are given by (refer to Fig 2.4)

qψ (x)
n(x) = no e

−qψ ( x )
p(x) = po e ,

where no and po are the (equilibrium) densities in the bulk of the semiconductor where ψ = 0. As expected,
as the bands bend downwards (ψ positive), n increases exponentially as the conduction band comes
closer to the fermi level, and p decreases exponentially. Note that Eqs. (2.23) are based on Maxwell-
Boltzmann statistics, and will not be valid if the conduction or valence bands come too close to the fermi
level. In that case, Fermi-Dirac statistics would have to be used, which would, however, make the
equations analytically intractable.

In the bulk, where ψ = 0, space charge neutrality exists. From Eq. (2.22), Nd – Na = po – no in
the bulk, and therefore everywhere, since Nd and Na are not functions of x. So, Poisson's equation can be
written as

d 2ψ q −qψ qψ
= {po(e – 1) – no(e – 1)} .
dx 2 εs kT kT


Integrating Eq.(2.24) with respect to ψ from deep in the bulk (x = ∞) where ψ = 0 and dψ /dx = 0,
towards the surface and using (d2ψ /dx2) · dψ = (dψ /dx) · d (dψ /dx), we get

ψ − qψ qψ

∫ {p
(e k T − 1) − no (e k T − 1) }dψ
dψ dψ

)d (
) = –
εs o
. (2.25)

This gives
2q 2 p o  −qψ qψ  n  qψ qψ 
 dψ   kT 
  = −  e + −1 + o  e kT − −1 . (2.26)
 dx  kT ε s kT  po  kT 

   

Since the electric field E at any point x is – dψ /dx, we can write

kT  qψ n o 
E = ± 2 F , , (2.27)
qL D  kT p o 
1/ 2
 qψ n o    −qψ qψ  n  qψ qψ 
where F  , = 

 e kT + −1 + o  e kT − 
−1 ,
   po  
 kT p o  
 


and LD is the extrinsic Debye length given by

kT ε s
LD = . (2.29)

In Eq. (2.27), the positive sign holds for ψ > 0 (bands bending downwards), and the negative sign holds
for ψ < 0. This equation gives us the value of electric field at any point in the semiconductor where we
know ψ . Unfortunately we cannot find ψ (or dψ /dx) as a function of x, but being able to find the electric
field allows us to find the charge QS in the semiconductor.

The electric field at the surface Es is given by

kT  qψ s n o 
Es = ± 2 F , . (2.30)
qL D  kT p o 

Using Gauss' law, the total charge QS in the semiconductor is given by

1/ 2
 −qψ qψ  n  qψ qψ 
kT  
QS = −ε s Es =  2 ε s  e kT + −1 + o  e kT − −1 .
qL D  kT  po  kT 

   


This equation allows the total charge in the semiconductor QS to be calculated, including both ionized
impurities and mobile carriers, since all these have been taken into account in the Poisson Equation (2.21).

We analyze Eq. (2.31) under the different biasing conditions of the MOS capacitor.

(a) Accumulation (ψ s < 0)

For ψ s < 0, the term exp(–qψ s/kT) in F dominates, and as a consequence, in accumulation,

qψ s
kT −
Qs ≈ + 2 ε s e 2 kT
qL D

Note that the term exp(–qψ s/kT) in F arose from the term po exp(–qψ /kT) in Eq. (2.24), and this is the
majority carrier term.

(b) Flat Bands (ψ s = 0)

At flat bands, ψ s = 0, and as can be seen from Eq.(2.31),

Qs = 0, (2.33)

as expected.
(c) Depletion (0 < ψ s < 2φ B)

As ψ s goes positive, and the semiconductor enters the depletion condition, the dominant term is
the {(qψ s/kT) − 1} term in the first parentheses of Eq. (2.31). Although the exp(qψ s/kT) term within the
second parentheses starts to become large, its premultiplicative constant no/po (which is << 1) ensures that
its effect is yet negligible. So in depletion,

kT  qψ s  2
Qs ≈ − 2 εs  − 1 (2.34)
qL D  kT 

The term {(qψ s/kT) − 1} arises from the integration of po (and hence NA ) in Eq. (2.24) which is the
dominant charge in the semiconductor in depletion. It can easily be seen that (for qψ s/kT >> 1), Eq.
(2.34) is the same as Eq. (2.9) found using the depletion approximation. This confirms the relative
accuracy of Eq. (2.9) when the MOS capacitor is in depletion.

(d) Inversion (ψ s > 2 φ B)

When ψ s becomes sufficiently positive (≥ 2φ B), the exp(qψ s/kT) term becomes sufficiently large
to overpower its pre-multiplicative no/po term. So, in strong inversion,

s qψ
kT n 1
Qs ≈ − 2 ε s ( o ) 2 e 2 kT
qL D po

The exp(qψ s/kT) term in F arose from n in Eq.(2.22) and hence refers to minority carriers, which
eventually become dominant in strong inversion.

Note that the total inversion layer charge goes as exp(qψ s/2kT), and therefore increases rapidly for
even small increases in ψ s. The number of electrons ns at the surface (x = 0), of course, increases as
exp(qψ s/kT) (as long as Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics hold), but since the inversion charge includes
electrons further away as well, the total QI goes only as exp(qψ s/2kT). A numerical solution of Poisson's
equation can give ψ s and hence n(x). Such a plot is shown in Fig 2.6[2.5], which tells us that the inversion
layer thickness is ∼ 5 nm, and that n(x) increases rapidly for even a small increase in ψ s.

Figure 2.6

Simulated plot of the number of

electrons n(x) near the surface in a
MOS capacitor for two values of
ψ s. After Taur and Ning [2.4].

A plot of QS(on a log scale) versus ψ s, from Eq. (2.31), is shown in Fig.2.7 for Na = 1x 1016 cm 3
shows the exponential dependance of QS in strong accumulation, and inversion, and the relatively slow
dependence of QSon ψ s in depletion (including weak inversion).

Figure 2.7

Plot of Qs versus ψ s for an

ideal MOS capacitor for Na =
1x 1016 cm–3 showing the various
regions of operation.

The chare QI in the inversion layer is the total semiconductor charge QS less the charge in the
depletion region QD:

QI = Qs − QD
 qψ s
1 
 qψ s  2
kT n  qψ s  2
=− 2 ε s ( −1) + o e kT  − ( kT −1)   ,
qL D  kT po 
   
 

where only the relevant terms have been retained. This equation will be useful when we wish to compute
the current carried by inversion layer charge in the MOS transistor.

The condition ψ s = 2φ B, which is the one we have been using to designate the onset of inversion,
is (as seen from Fig 2.7) too early. At this value of band bending , the surface has just become as n-type as

the bulk is p-type. This means that for a p-type semiconductor doped to 1x1016 atoms/cm 3 , the surface

concentration ns has just reached 1x1016 cm 3. Considering that the electron density falls off very steeply
(Fig 2.6), there are not near enough carriers in the inversion layer. Two other definitions for the onset of
inversion have been proposed. The first, suggested by Lindner [2.4, 2.6], is that the contribution to the
(square of the) surface electric field by the minority carrier charge is the same as that by the charge in the
depletion region. From Eqs. (2.30) and (2.28), this gives

 qψ si  qψ s
 −1 = n 0 e kT ,
 kT 
  p0

where ψ is refers to the surface potential at the onset of inversion. Unfortunately, this is a transcendental
equation; however an approximate solution of this is [2.4]:

ψ si = 2.1φB + 2 . (2.38)

Another condition sometimes used is the Brews' condition [2.7], which defines the onset of strong
inversion as the point where charge in the inversion layer QI is equal to charge in the depletion region QD.
Using Eq. (2.36), this results in the condition

 qψ i qψ i
n o kT s  2
qψ si 1 qψ si 1
( s
−1) + e  − ( −1) 2 = ( −1) 2 ,
 kT po  kT kT
 


 qψ si  no  qψ si 

3 −1  exp  
kT  = p  kT  (2.40)
  o  

For Na = 1x1016 cm 3 and Na = 1x1017 cm 3, the values of ψs at the onset of inversion as

− − i

computed by the different methods are given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Comparison of ψsi obtained by different methods for two dopings

ψsi at onset of inversion (V)

− −
Na=1x1016cm 3 Na = 1x 1017 cm 3

ψ s = 2φ B 0.697 0.817

Exact Lindner [Eq.(2.37)] 0.785 0.909

Approx .Lindner [Eq.(2.38)] 0.784 0.910

0.814 0.938
Brews' [Eq.(2.40)]

The three values for Na = 1016 cm 3 are shown in Fig 2.7. It can be seen that the Lindner and
Brews conditions offer a better estimate for the distinction between depletion (or weak inversion) and
strong inversion. Nevertheless, because of the simplicity of the ψ s = 2φ B condition, it continues to be
widely used.

This completes our discussion of the accurate solution of Poisson's equation. Despite our inability
to compute ψ and E as a function of x into the semiconductor, the fact that we would compute QS
accurately makes this solution very useful. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to point out (or reiterate) the
limitations of this "accurate" solution of the ideal MOS capacitor. Firstly, it is a one-dimensional solution,
in which the dopant distributions are assumed to be uniform. Second, it uses Maxwell-Boltzmann and not
the more accurate Fermi-Dirac statistics. Third, it ignores quantum effects which become important when
large fields exist at the semiconductor surface, for which the Schrödinger equation must be solved self-
consistently with the Poisson equation.

2.4.4 Threshold Voltage using the Accurate Solution

The gate voltage VG of the ideal MOS capacitor is still given by Eq. (2.12a) where Vox = + (QG/Cox) = –
(QS/Cox), where QS is given by the accurate Eq. (2.31). Hence, the gate voltage for any surface potential
ψ s is

kT ε s  qψ s n o 
VG = ± 2 F  ,  + ψs , (2.41)
qL D C ox  kT p o 

where the positive sign is used for ψ s positive. For the MOS capacitor in any condition, including
accumulation and inversion, VG for a given ψ s can be found analytically from Eq. (2.41). This was
something we were not able to do with the depletion approximation.

A plot of ψ s versus VG for Na = 1x1016 cm 3 and tox = 25 nm is shown in Fig. 2.8. It can be
seen that in both accumulation and strong inversion, the value of ψ s does tend to saturate, but does not
undergo a hard limit as implied by the depletion approximation.
Figure 2.8

A plot of ψ s versus VG for an

ideal MOS capacitor. Note that the
Brews condition provides a better
estimate of the onset of inversion
than the ψ s = 2φ B condition.

The threshold voltage VT of the ideal MOS capacitor can be found by using Eq. (2.41) with ψsi
substituted for ψ s:

kT ε s qψ si n o
VT = 2 F( , ) + ψ si , (2.42)
qL D C ox kT p o

where ψsi can be obtained from any appropriate definition of Table 2.1. Two of these are marked in Fig
2.8, and again it can be seen that, from the point of view of the onset of saturation of ψ s, the Brews
condition provides a better estimate that the 2φ B condition.

The values of threshold voltage VT for an ideal MOS capacitor with Na = 1x1016 cm 3 and tox = 25
nm for different ψsi conditions, using the accurate solution and the depletion approximation, are shown in
Table 2.2. It can be seen that the values of VT found by the accurate solution are not too different from
those by the depletion approximation. This is understandable since the depletion approximation is not too
bad as long as we do not go too far into accumulation or inversion.

All the calculations done so far have been for a p-type substrate. The equations for an n-type
substrate are very similar. For example, Eq. (2.31) for QS would have ψ s replaced by − ψ s and (no/po)
replaced by (po/no); and same with Eq. (2.42) for threshold voltage plus a reversal in sign for F. For an
ideal MOS capacitor with the same doping and oxide thickness, this would result in a VT which is negative
for an n-type substrate, but equal in magnitude to that of a capacitor with a p-type substrate.

Table 2.2 Comparison of VT using two definitions and the depletion

approximation as well as accurate solution.

Threshold Voltage VT (V)

Definition of ψ i
s Na = 1016 cm–3 tox =25nm
Depletion Approx.

2φ B 1.047 1.047

Lindner 1.301 1.099

2.5 Capacitance-Voltage (CV) Plot of the Ideal MOS Capacitor

The capacitance voltage (CV) characteristic of the MOS capacitor is a plot of small signal
capacitance C as a function of the gate voltage VG. It is an important plot because it gives a great deal of
information about the MOS structure, and makes the MOS capacitor a useful diagnostic tool.

2.5.1 Small -signal Capacitance and Equivalent Circuit

The small-signal capacitance is defined, for the MOS capacitor, as

dQ G
C= , (2.43)
dV G

where QG is the charge on the gate. Since VG = Vox + ψ s and QG = − QS , we can write

1 dV ox dψ s
= − − (2.44)
C dQ S dQ S

From Eq.(2.10), − dVox/dQS = 1/Cox. We define d(−QS)/dψ s as the semiconductor capacitance CS. This is
the differential change in the semiconductor charge with respect to a change in the semiconductor (surface)
potential. The negative sign is included because as ψ s increases, − Qs increases. Therefore,

1 1 1
= + .
C C ox C S

This shows that the MOS capacitance C can be represented by a series combination of the oxide
capacitance and the semiconductor capacitance. The oxide capacitance is constant, whereas the
semiconductor capacitance varies as ψ s (and VG ) vary. The equivalent circuit of the MOS capacitor is
shown in Fig. 2.9.
Figure 2.9

Equivalent circuit of the MOS

capacitor: a series combination of
the oxide capacitance Cox and the
voltage-dependent semiconductor
capacitance CS.

We can find CS by differentiating Eq. (2.31). Before doing so, however, we can get a qualitative
idea of the shape of the C-V curve by appealing to the depletion approximation.

For negative VG (MOS capacitor in accumulation), the capacitor acts like a parallel plate
capacitance of value Cox, with negative and positive charge sheets at the two insulator interfaces. As VG
goes positive, the semiconductor goes into depletion, and CS comes in series with Cox. From the depletion
approximation (Eq. (2.9)), dQs/dψ s = dQd/dψ s = qN a / 2ε sψ s . Using Eq. (2.8), we get

CS = , (2.46)

a familiar result from p-n junction theory. As VG and ψ s increase, xd increases, and hence CS and C reduce.
Beyond threshold, the inversion charge QI increases rapidly. Since this resides at the semiconductor oxide
interface, the MOS capacitor again behaves like a parallel-plate capacitor of value Cox .

We now calculate the CV curve in detail using the accurate solution for QS, Eq. (2.31). As we
shall see, the CV curve is different depending on whether a low-frequency or a high-frequency small
(sinusoidal) signal is employed to measure the capacitance.

2.5.2 Low-frequency Capacitance-Voltage (LFCV) Characteristics

When a sufficiently low-frequency small signal is applied, we can assume that all charges, both
majority and minority carriers, can follow the changes in gate voltage. In that case, a straightforward
differentiation of Eq. (2.31), which contains all the charges, yields CS :
 qψ s qψ s 
− n
1 − e kT + o (e kT − 1)
dQs εs  po 
CS = =  .
dψs 2 LB  qψ s n o 
F  , 

 kT p o 

This equation, coupled with Eq. (2.41), gives CS as a function of VG. However, it is instructive to consider
the different conditions of the MOS capacitor separately, which we do below.

(a) Accumulation (ψ s < 0)

When ψ s < 0, CS simplifies (in accumulation) to

 −qψs 
e kT −1
 
εs  
CS ≈ 1 . (2.48)
2 LB  −qψs 
e kT + qψ s −1

 kT 
 

In strong accumulation, CS ≈ (ε s/ 2 LB) exp (–qψ s/2kT), so CS increases rapidly as ψ s becomes more
negative. As a consequence, the total capacitance C tends to Cox in strong accumulation.

(b) Flat Bands (ψ s = 0)

At ψ s = 0, the equation for CS (using L'Hôpital's) at flat bands becomes

CS,FB = , (2.49)

where CS,FB is called the semiconductor flat-band capacitance. This is a result which would not have been
derived from the depletion approximation (a naïve application of those equations would have yielded xd ≈
0 and hence CS,FB ≈ ∞ at flat bands).

(c) Depletion (0< ψ s ≤ 2φ B)

In depletion, the 1 in the numerator and the {(qψ s/kT) – 1} term in the denominator of Eq. (2.47) are
dominant. So, the semiconductor capacitance in depletion is

εs 1
CS = 2 L B  qψ  2 (2.50)
 − 1
 kT 

It can easily be verified that for (qψ s/kT) >> 1, CS ≈ (ε s/xd), as found from the depletion approximation.
This is not surprising since we know that here the depletion approximation is quite accurate.

(d) Mid-gap (ψ s = φ B)
For reasons which will become clear later, the midgap capacitance is of particular interest. This
capacitance corresponds to ψ s = φ B , and is given by

εs 1
CS, MG ≈ 2 L B  qφ  2 . (2.51)
 − 1
 kT 

(e) Inversion (ψ s ≥ 2φ B)
As ψ s becomes large enough, the exp (qψ s/kT), term in both the numerator and denominator
dominate. As a result, in inversion ,

εs  no  2 qψ s
CS =   2 kT .
2 LB p
 o


As in accumulation, CS increases rapidly beyond threshold, and C therefore tends towards Cox.

A plot of CS versus ψ s is shown in Fig. 2.10 for Na = 1x 1016 cm 3. The minimum value of CS
occurs in the weak inversion region at ψ s < 2φ B, and not ψ s > 2φ B as might have been expected.

Figure 2.10

Plot of semiconductor capacitance

CS as a function of ψ s. Note that
the minimum value CS,min occurs at
φ B < ψ s < 2φ B.

Using such a plot of CS versus ψ s , together with the ψ s -VG relationship (Fig 2.8) and Eq.
(2.45), we can obtain the full low-frequency CV plot of an ideal MOS capacitor. This is shown in Fig.2.11

for Na = 1x1016cm 3 and tox = 25 nm. Some points of interest are noted here. In both deep accumulation
and deep inversion, C tends to Cox . An important capacitance is the flat-band capacitance CFB given by

1 1 1
= + (2.53)
C FB C ox C S , FB
Figure 2.11

Calculated HFCV for an ideal

MOS capacitor. Since it is ideal,
C = CFB at VG = 0 V.

Values of CFB/Cox for different oxide thicknesses and dopings are shown in Fig.2.12. Another important
capacitance, the mid-gap capacitance CMG (defined similarly as in Eq. (2.53) except with the subscript FB
replaced by MG) is also indicated in Fig.2.11, and values of CMG/Cox are shown in Fig 2.13. The value of
gate voltage at which C = CMG is called the mid-gap voltage VMG.

If doping increases , the semiconductor depletion region becomes thinner, thereby increasing CS.
As a result, the CV curve becomes "shallower", and also spreads out more since VT increases. If the oxide
thickness decreases, the ration of Cmax/Cmin increases, and hence the CV curve becomes "deeper" and gets
compressed due to a reduction in VT . These effects are shown schematically in Fig. 2.14.
Figure 2.12

Values of CFB/Cox for different

oxide thickness tox and doping Na.
Note that as tox and Na reduce, CFB
also reduces.

Figure 2.13

Values of CMG/Cox for different

oxide thickness tox and doping
Na.Note that as tox and Na reduce,
CMG also reduces.

Figure 2.14

LFCV plots for two different

values of oxide thickness tox and
doping Na. Note that increasing
oxide thickness or doping makes
the CV plot “shallower”.

2.5.3 High-frequency Capacitance -Voltage (HFCV) Characteristics

In deriving the low-frequency CV characteristic, we have assumed that both majority and minority
carriers can respond to the changes in gate voltage. This is not true at high frequencies. Majority carriers,
of course, respond rapidly, in times of the order of the dielectric relaxation time [2.1], which is a few
picoseconds. Therefore, in accumulation and depletion, where mainly majority carriers are involved, the
high-frquency CV (HFCV) characteristic follows the LFCV characteristic very closely.
Minority carriers, on the other hand, are typically sluggish in their response. As we approach
inversion, the response time of minority carriers becomes important. We need to understand (at least
qualitatively) how the minority carriers come to form the inversion layer and what their response time is.

There are two main sources for electrons to arrive at the surface when the MOS capacitor is in
inversion. Consider that the capacitor is biased in inversion, and a small increase in the gate voltage takes
place. Initially, majority carriers from just outside the depletion region are repelled quickly, thereby
causing a non-equilibrium situation. The minority carriers then slowly come to the surface through two
processes. The first is generation in the depletion region, and the second is diffusion from the surrounding
bulk into the depletion region and thence to the surface. This is shown schematically in Fig. 2.15. Note
that the field in the semiconductor is in a direction which guarantees that any electron being generated in or
entering the depletion region is quickly swept to the surface. Generation normally takes place through
generation-recombination centers located at ε GR , near the middle of the silicon band gap. The holes
generated are swept to the edge of the depletion region, replenishing holes there, and helping restore

Figure 2.15

Band diagram showing the two

processes which lead to the
production of minority carrier
electrons at the surface in a MOS
capacitor: generation in the
depletion region, and diffusion
from the bulk.
Of the two processes, the generation process is dominant for silicon at room temperature. The
generation rate is about ni/τ G where τ G is the generation lifetime, whereas the diffusion rate is
proportional to ni2/Naτ R where τ R is the recombination lifetime in the bulk. At room temperature, the
former is much larger than the latter, but at higher temperatures the diffusion component dominates. (This
is exactly analogous to the situation for a silicon p-n junction, where the reverse leakage current at room
temperature is dominated by generation in the depletion region rather than diffusion of minority carriers
form the bulk [2.3].)

To estimate the time taken for the generation process, consider the following argument. Let there
be an initial increment in the depletion width by repulsion of the majority carriers of amount ∆ xd. The
generation rate in this region is (ni/τ G) ∆ xd A (where A is the cross-sectional area of the capacitor), and
the charge contained in it is qNa ∆ xd A. Eventually, electrons of that order of number must be generated to
restore equilibrium. This will take a time ts ≈ [qNa ∆ xd A] / [(ni/τ G) ∆ xd A], or

ts ≈ τG , (2.54)

where ts is called storage time. For a typical value of τ G of about 1 µ s , it can be seen that ts is of the
order of 1−10 s, which is very large.

We conclude from this digression that when the frequency of the small signal used to measure the
capacitance is greater than perhaps 1-10 Hz, the minority carriers will not be able to respond adequately.
For frequencies in the range kHz to MHz, the minority carriers are completely "frozen" at the value
corresponding to the dc bias, and only the majority carriers respond to the small ac signal.

Qualitatively, the HFCV characteristic in inversion can be described as follows. Beyond threshold,
the depletion width is limited to approximately xdmax (Eq. (2.17)). A small high-frequency variation in the
gate voltage now produces no change in the inversion charge (minority carriers) but only in the depletion
width and depletion charge (majority carriers). Since the variation of charge on the gate is now matched by
variation at the opposite end of the depletion region (see Fig. 2.16), the total capacitance C will be given by
(using the depletion approximation)

1 1 1
= + , (2.55)
C C ox C SHF
, min

where C SH,mF in ≈ ε s/xdmax. The HF capacitance therefore remains constant at a minimum value (often

called Cmin ) after VG = VT , instead of going back up to Cox as at low frequencies.

Figure 2.16

Illustrating the variation of charge

due to a small variation in the gate
voltage, and the resulting
equivalent circuit for (a) LF and
(b) HF.

Quantitatively, we can find the ideal HF semiconductor capacitance C SHF from Eq. (2.47) by
removing all terms corresponding to the minority charges:
 −qψs 
1 − e kT 
 
εs  
C SHF ≈ 1 .
2 LB  −qψs 
e kT + qψ s −1

 kT 
 

In Eq. (2.56), the value of ψ s for a particular value of VG is found by using Eq. (2.41). Note that in Eq.
(2.41) we must retain the minority carrier terms in F since this equation serves to define the dc value of
ψ s for the applied dc bias VG .

The HFCV plot for an ideal MOS capacitor with Na = 1x1016 cm 3 and tox = 25 nm is shown in Fig
2.17, together with the LFCV curve. As can be seen, the two follow each other closely until just before
threshold. The value of Cmin at which the HFCV curve saturates in inversion is

1 1 1
= +
C min C ox  
 
 εs 1 . (2.57)
 
 2LB  qψ s 

 kT −1
  

Note that the term in curly braces, obtained from Eq. (2.56) is almost ε s/xd . The value of ψ s in Eq.
(2.57) would be one of the ψ si values defined in Table 2.1.

Figure 2.17
Calculated HFCV and LFCV
curves for an ideal MOS capacitor.
Because of the ideal nature, the
curves are identical over much of
the depletion region, and start to
deviate only as they approach

− −
Figure 2.18 shows the ideal HFCV plots for Na = 1x1016 cm 3 and 1x1017 cm 3, and tox = 25nm and
10 nm. The same trends as discussed for the LFCV plots (Fig. 2.14) hold here also.

A typical HFCV plot would be taken at frequencies between 10 kHz and 1 MHz, since at these
frequencies, minority carriers cannot respond. An LFCV plot would be taken at 0.1 − 1 Hz. At
intermediate frequencies, the CV curve in inversion falls somewhere between the HF and LF CV curves, as
shown in Fig. 2.19. The exact nature of the curves depends on the dynamics of generation of the minority
carriers. Since this is not easy to predict, generally the CV characteristic would be measured at sufficiently
low or sufficiently high frequencies so that a true LFCV or HFCV plot results.

Figure 2.18
HFCV plots for two different
values of oxide thickness tox and
doping Na. Note that increasing

oxide thickness or doping makes

the CV plot “shallower”.

Figure 2.19

HFCV plots for different

frequencies. Note that as the
frequency reduces, the HFCV
curve begins to look more and
more like an LFCV curve.

If temperature is increased, the generation and diffusion rates speed up exponentially (because of
the ni and ni2 terms respectively). As a result, a CV plot taken at say 10 kHz may resemble an LFCV plot
since now minority carriers are generated sufficiently rapidly to follow the "high-frequency" small signal.
However, at high enough temperatures, both majority and minority carriers are large enough in number (as
the silicon approaches intrinsicity), that it becomes more difficult to form a depletion region. The dip in the
CV curve then reduces and eventually disappears. The temperature effects on the CV curve are shown in
Fig. 2.20.
Figure 2.20

Effects of temperature on the

HFCV plots. As the temperature
increases and the generation and
diffusion rates increase, the curves
start resembling LFCV curves.

2.5.4 Deep depletion

A CV plot would normally be taken by superimposing a small-signal ac voltage (usually

sinusoidal) on a slowly varying (almost dc) ramp voltage which sweeps the capacitor very gradually from
accumulation to inversion. The (almost) dc bias ensures that the capacitor is in equilibrium, and the
superimposed ac voltage is used to monitor the HF or LF capacitance.

If the ramp voltage moves too rapidly, then the capacitor is never in equilibrium, and enters a state
of deep depletion. In general, whenever the gate voltage increases too rapidly, the minority carriers do not
have time to respond, and charge neutrality is maintained by repelling away the responsive majority
carriers, thereby creating a depletion region whose width is larger than the equilibrium depletion width
xdmax defined in Eq. (2.17). This is deep depletion.

Figure 2.21 shows the non-equilibrium band diagram for a MOS capacitor in which VG has been
rapidly increased, and there has not been enough time to generate minority (inversion) carriers. It can be
seen that ψ s can now be much larger than 2φ B, and xd much larger than xdmax (if there are no minority
carriers, then Eq.(2.8) relating ψ s and xd holds). Further, note that in this non-equilibrium condition we
cannot draw the fermi level in the semiconductor, but only quasi-fermi levels.
Figure 2.21

Band bending in the MOS

capacitor under deep depletion
conditions. Note that the band
bending ψ s in this case can be
much large than 2φ B, and the
depletion width xd can be much
larger than the so-called xdmax.

If an HFCV plot was being taken with a fast ramp, the capacitor would not go into inversion, but
rather into deep depletion. Further, as VG keeps increasing, ψ s (see Eq. (2.12)) and hence xd keep

increasing. This means that the semiconductor capacitance does not saturate at a value C SH,mF in ≈
ε s/xdmax, but keeps decreasing below that, thereby causing C to go below Cmin. This is shown in Fig. 2.22.
If VG becomes too large, the field in the semiconductor can reach the avalanche breakdown field. This
creates electron-hole pairs by impact ionization and creates a ready source for minority carriers. Once that
happens, the capacitor cannot go any further into deep depletion, and the value of C finally saturates at a
value Cbr.

One way of avoiding deep depletion (besides changing the bias voltage slowly enough) is to shine
light on the device. This creates a shower of electron-hole pairs which quickly brings the device out of
deep depletion. (However the capacitance should not be measured while the light is on, since this itself is a
non-equilibrium condition; the excess holes generated decrease xd to less than its equilibrium value and
hence raise C above its correct value.) The deep depletion condition is discussed in more detail in Chapter
4, where it is shown how deep depletion can be used to estimate the generation lifetime τ G.

Figure 2.22
HFCV plots showing the effects of
deep depletion. The value of C
goes below the equilibrium Cmin.
Eventually, the semiconductor may
undergo avalanche breakdown.

2.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have looked at the ideal MOS capacitor in detail. After first defining the
various conditions of band bending in the semiconductor, we used the depletion approximation to get a
good physical, though approximate, idea of the behavior of the MOS capacitor in certain regions of
operation. We then obtained an accurate solution of the Poisson equation to explore the physics of the
MOS capacitor further, and obtain various definitions of the threshold voltage of the MOS capacitor. We
derived the low-frequency and high-frequency CV plots of the MOS capacitor, which are frequently used
in obtaining information about the MOS system.

This chapter has focussed on the fundamentals of MOS physics by considering an ideal MOS
capacitor. However, real MOS capacitors are non-ideal in many ways and these non-idealities have to be
taken into account. This is the subject of the next chapter.


2.1 S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, New York (1981).
2.2 C. T. Sah, Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (1991).
2.3 A. S. Grove, Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices, John Wiley, New York (1967).
2.4 E. H. Nicollian and J. R. Brews, MOS Physics and Technology, John Wiley, New York (1981).
2.5 Y. Taur and T. H. Ning, Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, Cambridge University Press, New
York (1998).
2.6 R. Lindner, “….,” Bell Syst. Tech. J. 41, 803 (1962).
2.7 J. R. Brews, “Physics of the MOS transistor,” in D. Kahng (ed.), Applied Solid State Science,
Supplement 2A, Academic Press, New York (1981).

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