Smart Card For E-Rto System

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Smart Card for E-Rto System

Aarti Patel, Karan Solanki, Himali Patil, Vikas More
B.E Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering,
UCOE, Vasai,India UCOE, Vasai,India

Abstract:- Nowadays many people are purchasing two information related to vehicle and driver at database by RTO
wheelers, four wheelers etc. So the RTO employees having admin. E-RTO is an advanced “E-RTO management System”.
lot of work regarding registration, License issue, etc. This It is design to keep the existing registration system easier..[5]
required lot of paper works. As a result users cannot get The need for manual RTO based systems is completely
the things done in correct time, which ultimately waste the reduced in this method and works using NFC. A complete
time, energy. It may happen that the vehicle owner NFC system contains a transponder (tag), reader/writer and
sometimes forgets to carry the license, at the time of computer host. The transponder, better known as the tag. The
enquiry. So to deal with these drawbacks we are microchip contains memory to store a unique data and to
developing an enhanced E-RTO Management System. In receive and send data back to the reader.[2][4] These tags are
this method as we introduce NFC as the underlying powered by the electromagnetic signal received from a reader.
technology. The project is about developing an Enhanced Development in new technology bring digital world to be end-
Driving License (EDL) which provides a proof of identity less. This particular device works using radio frequency.[2]
such as RC Book, PUC and a way to access details about The NFC tag is act as a unique identity for account of a
license holders past record. The project consists of three particular user. When a vehicle driver caught by a traffic
modules NFC tag, handheld mobile device to scan the NFC police, its driver is needed to scan his NFC tag. If the identity
tag and MVD’s database. The NFC stores a unique i.e serial number of the tag is matched with the one already
combination of numbers. This ID is read by the stored in the system then the historical records of that driver
smartphone with the underlying NFC technology that get fetch on a mobile phone. Traffic police can able to add a
uniquely associates with the driver's master data in the new complaint about that driver. After adding the new
web database of MVD. Now the drivers can perform the complaint, the fine amount will get deducted from driver’s
automated checks with NFC to web application. They just total balance. After this, the driver gets full access to drive
need to hold their driver's license up to their smartphones. through.[2][3] This NFC based RTO system also has some
The mobile scans the chip and reads the unique id from additional features. It may happens that user tries to run away
the NFC chip that fetches driver's data. The data to avoid the fine. To tackle this problem we will be using GPS
connection can be either through a mobile data connection technology. In this system suppose if a user tries to run away
or via a local wireless network. In future, as per the user’s the traffic police just needs to note the number of number plate
requirement our whole Program was designed. This and need to enter the number by selecting an option of GPS
system provides a better way of document validation for tracker. Then the GPS tracks the user and helps traffic police
R.T.O officials. It is also helpful for Traffic police. It is also to reach the place where user is currently traveling and catch
helpful for Traffic police. The traffic police to be more the offender and take appropriate actions against him. With
effectual in controlling repeat violators of traffic rules. the help of this system the chances of an user breaking the rule
Therefore enhanced penalties would be imposed for and being not punished is reduced.[2]Advantages of this
repetition of violation of traffic rules. Fancy number application are that, it Considerably reduce the corruption in
plates, if any, would be detected immediately. transport department. Keep the license documents safely. In
case of accidents, it helps police to identify the identity of
Keywords:- Enhanced Driving License (EDL), Near Field injured person and also helps to find out stolen vehicle
Communication (NFC), RTO (Regional Transport office), effectively. This system offer the drivers to be independent of
Android, Location Tracking, E-RTO,NFS reader and tags, vehicle related papers.[1]
RTO, vehicle documents.
The current system that is used for the fine collection has
Regional Transport Office (RTO) is an Indian many flaws in it. So we need to overcome this flaws in the
government which is responsible for the registration of existing system. The existing system is based on the use of
vehicles and issue of Driver’s License in India. RTO pen and paper, In other words challans that are given to the
management has to do a lot of work regarding vehicle Traffic polic on breaking the traffic rules. It is very difficult
registration and issue of driver’s license. Sometimes the for the RTO department to keep the track record of every
vehicle owner forgets to carry the license. This paper proposed individual and the amount of offences committed. As the
an system to solve such problems that is by storing all the system based on paper work, the papers mostly gets lost or

Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
damaged and tempered. Due to all this it become hard for  Admin checks the documents and if those documents are
RTO office to maintain proper records. During patrolling if an legal then he will make a new user account into the
offender commits a crime and is caught then it is very difficult application and provide EDL to the user.
to find out whether the license holder’s license is fake or real  After creating a new user account user will get the
and in the same manner it is difficult for the common people username and password by mail.
to find out if the officer who is pretending to be an official
authority is real or a fake. We have seen many cases where the  Traffic Police Module
user runs away after being caught and the police can’t take the  Traffic police login to the android application.
appropriate action on the offender. Even we have seen many  If any user caught by traffic police, then police will get the
cases where the vehicles contain fake number plate and the driving license and tap using android phone.
police person can’t recognize it. So to overcome this flows in  After tapping, police can view the previous records, can
the existing system we have proposed a new system to help us place a new complaint.
solve the issues.[1]  After placing a new complaint, the fine amount will get
deduct from a total balance of the user.
 User Module
Many modern smart electronic device and tablets have  User can login into the system using username and
an inbuilt scanner that is used to read NFC chips Automated password.
Fine Collection System is based on digital system which is  User can view the complaints which are placed against
used to overcome the manual task. The low cost NFC chip him.
stores a unique combination of numbers. This ID is read by
the smartphone and tablet contains underlying NFC The GPS is a small device used to send and receive the
technology and it is uniquely associates with the driver's information about the current position of any object. The GPS
master data in the web database. Now the drivers can able to sends the data to the servers about the information of its
perform the automated checks with NFC to web application. location and the object can be traced. With the help of this
For driver’s license check, all one needs to do is attaching a technology we can even track users who are trying to run
single low-cost NFC chip to the driver's license. The smart away. The data connection can be either a mobile data or via a
phone can able to scans the chip and reads the unique id from local wireless network. So basically we are introducing a new
the NFC chip that can fetch license holder's data. The data system for E-RTO using Android app which combine Near
connection can be either using mobile data connection or via a Field Communication and global positioning system. The
local wireless network. [4] global positioning system which will be used to track drivers.

Fig 2:- Proposed system work flow.

Fig 1:- System Architecture. [3] B. Technology Used

A. Modules Of Project  Near Field Communication

Near Field Communication is a wireless close-range
 Admin Module connectivity technology which allows data trade between two
 Admin can login the application. gadgets. NFC commonly integrated within mobile devices.
This will allow the device to establish communication with
sim card or other reader devices. NFC works using 13.56 MHz

Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
radio frequency. This technology optimize works under the Open Handset Alliance led by Google.. Google released most
space of 20 cm. Transmittable data is only less than 1Mbit. of the Android code under the Apache License, a free software
This technology developed in 2004. NTC got the transfer license. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is tasked
speed of 424 Kbps. Moreover, the cell phone can also be used with the maintenance and further development of Android.
as payment tool and an automatic machine, toll payment, and Android consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel, with
some other transactions. NFC application is also can be used middleware, libraries and APIs written in C and application
on a public transportation as a substitute of wallet and as a tool software running on an application framework which includes
to License penalties. Java-compatible libraries based on Apache Harmony. Android
uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time compilation
Basically NFC has 2 different communications which work on to run compiled Java code. Android has a large community of
different speed, consist of: developers writing applications ("apps") that extend the
functionality of the devices. Developers write primarily in a
 Active NFC Mode, in this mode, initiator and target use customized version of Java. Apps can be downloaded from
self-established radio frequency to communicate. third-party sites or through online stores such as Android
Market, the app store run by Google. [4]
 Passive NFC Mode, in passive mode, target answer
command made by initiators to call modulation scheme. IV. CONCLUSION
Initiators do the radio frequency creation. [3]
NFC RFID Ir Da Bluetooth E-RTO is a web application. Very useful for completion
Set-up line <0.1 ms <0.1 -0.5 s -0.6 sec of RTO works online. Our system helps R.T.O Officers to
ms perform their functions electronically. It will also help the
Range Up to Up toUp to 5 m Up to R.T.O officials to maintain records systematically and reduces
10 cm 3m 30m a lot of paper work and manual efforts. We also identified
some general requirements of such a system and tried to meet
Usability Human Item Data Data
those requirements as much as possible in the design and
Centric centric
centric centric
implementation of our system. Traffic policeman can easily
Easy, easy easy medium
inspect the vehicle documents using NFC reader & card. It
saves time of user. Also reduce the corruption in transport
department and keep the documents safely.
Selectively High Partly Line of Who are
given given sight you?
Use cases Pay, get Item Control Network 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and
access, trackin &Exchan for data Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04
share, g ge data Exchange Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
initiate data 2. IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in
service, headset Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 09 | February
easy set 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
up 3. International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in
Table 1. Comparison of NFC with other technologies. [3] Computer Science (IJETTCS),Web Site:
Email: [email protected] 5, Issue 1, January -
 Android Based NFC Reader February 2016 ISSN 2278-6856
The usage of NFC can be done through 3 major ways: 4. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research &
card emulation, reader mode, peer to peer (P2P) mode. The Development| Vol. 2, Issue 12, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-
function of NFC introduced by Google into Android 2.3 (API 0613
level 9) device. In Android 2.3, the ability of device is limited 5. International Journal of Research In Science
in only reading the tag. In Android 2.3data writing and trading &Engineering, Special Issue: Techno-Xtreme 16, e-
ability through mode Peer to Peer (P2P) began to be ISSN:2394-8299,p-ISSN:2394-8280
implemented within android devices. Then fc android package
provides access to NFC function, allows application to read
NDEF message (NFC Data Exchange Format) which located
at NFC tag. Onandroid.nfc, located several classes which can
be used to running NFC function. [3]

 Android for Mobile Application

Android is an operating system for mobile devices such
as smart phones and tablet computers. It is developed by the


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