FRP MST Septic Tank PDF

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"MST" FIBRE MECHANICAL SEPTIC TANK SMA SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM (FROM 40 PE TO 150 PE MAXIMUM ) Woveiorreaiert aye cate ox sone of rsponsbty vars the endonmest an put, heath The st: Fore Mechanical Seu Tank iso known’ a8 Smal Sewage Tregment SYsten (OST) Ne answer fOr sewage probloms an solsons or expanse and constant recov aren, "MST Fi Mechanical Septic Tak are prefabricated units made fom Fibre Reinorsd Pastis (FRP) a Aachiove "Standard A" fuer sptc lank utzing anaerobic veatment process supplemented wih mocha ‘eration vsing diaphragm Brower ning aint he lank or arabe process oped hambet Characteristics "MIST Fle Mechanical Sapte Tank consists of ower cotting and up chamber aeration zone in th rst chamber of tho tan ana folowedby shi lil stir hn provi btn sein ander stan.” Slowed 0 degrade erably a the bat ofthe tank ‘The up chamber aeraton zone degrade the biodegradable substrate aerbicaly In this way both anaerobic and arable treatmont process assss in intended“ Standard A" retmont process and the rests an ofuent which comps to "Standard cecharge Seve eat drag int te ssa snd Demrt momen 206) Sart rcieenerc nie toeeretnearL vanes «ti itn fe lesa nserairast erent eee a everett onc saben at $B Sere Hy ee ease Boy a custy Sandro Ape SPAS akar mated MC P's 7S sarc Connen (84) Mamie ea oh 0 oe bate / orci tons ran, «Heth SOA ator!) Sen. Bhs, i + Complied to CANICSA-B66-05 | | Product Warranty ‘ALMST Fore Mechanical Septic Tank are warranty sty \ fganat manutachng detects or 8 period of 5 yeas for my FR Soe. EX | Standard waranty covers only product_worknansi. N\ wacturer should not be he response. the y | lation guideline not folowed and the warranty shall be Ved and a eso7-s4 7016 Fac? 557 5904 Enall:jocanipeyahoocom Revisor: 201207-A NST "MST" FIBRE MECHANICAL SEPTIC TANK SMALL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM (FROM 40 PE TO 150 PE MAXIMUM ) YOUR SOLUTION TO HIGH QUALITY SEWAGE SPAN Joncantipeyshoocom souescs Spector nd waranty condone suc change wou prior ai. "MST" FIBRE MECHANICAL SEPTIC TANK SMALL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM cotreares (FROM 40 PE TO 150 PE MAXIMUM ) >} oe [7p "ms" FiBRE mecHaniont sePTic TANK k SMALL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM Se staltation Instructions 1. Mon or waning space of soo ‘SP Seurd fe FAP © Mactan Soe Tr ‘st fr wna xan 6. fae «MGT Ton ht ep 7. Gack to space aisr ta whsindconpacedia Son ayesip oe eng cn, oS I o \ aoe \ Ten = l=] Rt tie Rec ru | M ee 2 Fat Sone 17 Snare worn cs yon i wean sn ne ane ee ‘ran a gusetna Tel:07-554 7816 Wy Fax :07-557 5994 Emal:joncanfrpayahoocom Secon tis and cen set change wot rr ae, Revision :201202.4NST ® 2 construct 1m thick pace 20 W corre Sane roorcoe win one fy apr of BRC AS, ea rt 5 Faw ros of saris sl archer heck 20m se 2 gem te-uT a tom , Winer ay BREA wnat aa" ere ees Seas verve 1 Tat oatne tas stat 00) aor sap ior "MST Tart on tghon i tess {Retr trans MST Starla) Simp pth spas sap eae a marae emer 12 Fite FP ST ih a apy Bio ag! *

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