Highway Engineering Multiple Choice
Highway Engineering Multiple Choice
Highway Engineering Multiple Choice
34. If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the 39. Shoulders for high traffic volume roads, should Answer: Option D
length of the transition curve, the shift of the Explanation:
be stable throughout the year to be No answer description available for this
curve, is A. used by vehicles in the case of question. Let us discuss.
A. L/24 R emergency View Answer Discuss in
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B. L2/24 R support and protect the ends of
carriage ways 44. In India the modes of transportation, in the
3 order of their importance, are
C. L /24 R
not allow entrance of water to sub- A. air transport, shipping, roads, railways
D. L4/24 R
B. shipping, roads, railways, air transport
D. all the above.
E. L/12 R
Answer: Option D C. roads, railways, air transport, shipping
Answer: Option B Explanation:
Explanation: No answer description available for this
No answer description available for this D. railways, roads, shipping, air transport
question. Let us discuss.
question. Let us discuss. View Answer Discuss in
View Answer Discuss in Forum Workspace Report E. shipping, railways, roads, air transport.
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Answer: Option D
40. According to the recommendations of Nagpur Explanation:
35. The weight of vehicles affects Conference, the width formation of an ideal No answer description available for this
A. pavement thickness National Highway in hard rock cutting, is question. Let us discuss.
A. 8.9 m View Answer Discuss in
B. ruling gradient Forum Workspace Report
B. 7.9 m 45. On the recommendations of Indian Road
C. limiting gradient
Congress, the ruling gradient in plains, is
C. 6.9 m
D. design of bridges A. 1 in 15
D. 6.5 m
E. all the above. B. 1 in 20
C. b = 1.6 + d2 - 3.675 d 7. While calculating the sight distances, the Answer: Option D
driver's eye above road surface, is assumed 11. If L is the length of a moving vehicle and R is
the radius of curve, the extra mechanical
width b to be provided on horizontal curves,
B. both are two-way roads
one is two-way road and other is one-
way road
Answer: Option A
B. D. none of these. Explanation:
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Answer: Option C
question. Let us discuss.
16. To indicate proper control of consistency of a
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freshly mixed concrete for pavement
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C. construction, the slump should be between
A. 3 to 5 cm 20. If D is the degree of a curve, the percentage
reduction of gradient, is
B. 4 to 6 cm A. 0.01 D
C. 5 to 7 cm B. 0.02 D
D. 7 to 10 cm C. 0.03 D
E. 10 to 12 cm D. 0.04 D
25. Length of vehicles does not affect 33. The shape of a vertical curve, is
A. extra widening A. parabolic
B. minimum radius of turning B. elliptical
B. mountainous terrain B. overtaking sight distance Tresguet provided the top camber for
the drainage of surface water
C. steep terrain C. sum of (a) and (b)
Telford provided two layers of stones
D. none of these. C. in the central 5.4 m width and one
D. difference of (a) and (b) layer was provided on the sides
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A
Explanation: Explanation: Macadam provided a camber to the
No answer description available for this No answer description available for this D. formation at the dug-up state, to drain
question. Let us discuss. question. Let us discuss. percolated water.
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Forum Workspace Report Forum Workspace Report Answer: Option A
40. Passing zones are generally not provided on 45. Stability of hill slopes depends upon No answer description available for this
question. Let us discuss.
A. summit curves A. nature of the slope View Answer Discuss in
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B. horizontal curves B. angle of the slope
50. Cement grouted pavement is classified as
C. two lane highways C. geological conditions A. rigid pavement
Minimum width of medians should be 3 Answer: Option B A. inner edge of the road
metres Explanation:
No answer description available for this B. outer edge of the road
On long bridges and viaducts, the question. Let us discuss.
C. View Answer Discuss in
width of medians should be 1.5 m C. centre of the road
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D. All the above. D. no where on the road.
7. The inventor of road making as a building
Answer: Option D science, was Answer: Option B
Explanation: A. Sully Explanation:
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question. Let us discuss. question. Let us discuss.
View Answer Discuss in B. Tresguet
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C. Telford
3. Floating gradients are generally provided 12. Enoscope is used to determine
A. along maximum gradients D. Macadam.
A. spot speed
Answer: Option A
B. along minimum gradients Explanation: B. average speed
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C. at summit curves question. Let us discuss.
C. travel time
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D. at valley curves D. none of these.
8. An upgrade g1% is followed by a Answer: Option A
E. every where. downgrade g2%. The equation of the parabolic
curve of length L to be introduced, is given by
Answer: Option C No answer description available for this
Explanation: question. Let us discuss.
No answer description available for this A. View Answer Discuss in
question. Let us discuss. Forum Workspace Report
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Forum Workspace Report 13. The width of road pavements, depends upon
A. width of traffic lane
4. Raising of outer edge of a road with respect to B.
inner edge, is known
B. number of traffic
A. super elevation
C. width of median strip
B. cant C.
D. all the above.
C. banking
Answer: Option D
D. all the above.
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D. question. Let us discuss.
Answer: Option D
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question. Let us discuss. Answer: Option B
View Answer Discuss in Explanation: 14. If L is the length of vehicles in metres, C is the
Forum Workspace Report No answer description available for this clear distance between two consecutive
question. Let us discuss. vehicles (stopping sight distance), V is the
5. Width of the shoulders of carriage way is View Answer Discuss in speed of vehicles in km/hour, the maximum
generally kept Forum Workspace Report number N of vehicles/hour, is
E. 250 cm C. 90 kg/sq cm
Answer: Option E C.
6. The correct formula for calculating D. 100 kg/sq cm
superelevation for the hill roads, is Answer: Option C
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A. question. Let us discuss. D.
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33. In case of a multi-lane road, overtaking is 38. If the radii of a compound curve and a reverse
A. generally permitted curve are respectively the same, the length of
common tangent
A. from right
A. of compound curve will be more
B. from left
B. of reverse curve will be more
B. C. from both sides right and left
C. of both curves will be equal
D. not at all.
D. none of these.
Answer: Option C
C. Explanation: Answer: Option C
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question. Let us discuss. No answer description available for this
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D. Forum Workspace Report
34. The pavement width of a road depends upon
39. If cross slope of a country is greater than 60%,
A. terrain the terrain is classified as
Answer: Option C
Explanation: A.
B. type of traffic rolling
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question. Let us discuss.
View Answer Discuss in C. number of lanes B. mountainous
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D. all the above. C. steep
30. The wall constructed for the stability of a back
filling portion of a road on the down hill side, is Answer: Option C D. plain.
known as Explanation:
No answer description available for this Answer: Option C
A. retaining wall question. Let us discuss. Explanation:
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B. breast wall Forum Workspace Report question. Let us discuss.
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C. parapet wall 35. For a vehicle moving with a speed of 80 km per Forum Workspace Report
hour, the brake reaction time, in ordinary cases,
is 40. Side drains on both sides of a hill road, are
D. all the above.
essential when the road is
A. 1 sec
Answer: Option A
A. along the spur curves
31. If the velocity of moving vehicles on a road is 24
km/per hour, stopping distance is 19 metres B. 1.5 sec
and average length of vehicles is 6 metres, the B. along the re-entrant curves
basic capacity of lane, is C. 2.0 sec
C. in cutting
A. 500 vehicles per hour
D. 2.5 sec
D. none of these.
B. 700 vehicles per hour
E. 3.0 sec Answer: Option C
C. 1000 vehicles per hour Answer: Option D 41. Parapet walls along hill roads, are provided
36. The desirable camber for straight roads with A. to retain the back filling
D. 1250 vehicles per hour thin bituminous surfacing, is
C. B. 100 m C. 40 m to 50 m
C. 120 m D. 50 m to 75 m
D. 150 m E. 100 m to 150
Answer: Option E
E. 200 m Explanation:
E. none of these.
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Answer: Option C question. Let us discuss.
Answer: Option B
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43. A gradient along which the vehicle does not
require any tractive effort to maintain a specified D. A.
speed, is known as
A. ruling gradient Answer: Option C
B. pushing gradient No answer description available for this B.
question. Let us discuss.
C. floating gradient View Answer Discuss in
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D. minimum gradient
48. Pavement is said to be flexible if it contains
Answer: Option C
A. water bound macadam surface
No answer description available for this
question. Let us discuss. stabilised soil base constructed of lime
View Answer Discuss in cement or tar
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bitumen-bound stone layer of varying
44. The traffic carrying capacity of a single lane, C.
depends on Answer: Option B
D. lean concrete base Explanation:
A. type of the vehicles
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question. Let us discuss.
B. level crossings E. all the above.
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Answer: Option E Forum Workspace Report
C. road intersections Explanation:
No answer description available for this 4. The traffic manoeuvre means
D. surface texture question. Let us discuss.
A. diverging
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E. all the above. B. merging
Answer: Option E 49. In ideal pavement is constructed with
Explanation: C. crossing
A. bricks
No answer description available for this
question. Let us discuss. D. all the above.
View Answer Discuss in B. hard soil
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C. Portland cement concrete Explanation:
45. The number of vehicles moving in a specified No answer description available for this
direction on a roadway that pass a given point question. Let us discuss.
D. tar
during specified unit of time, is called View Answer Discuss in
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A. traffic volume E. none of these.
Answer: Option C 5. To compensate the loss of tractive force of
B. traffic density vehicles along curves of radius R, the
percentage reduction of gradient, is
Highway Engineering - Section 4
C. basic capacity
A. 0.10
47. If V is the design speed in km/hour and R is the
Answer: Option B
radius of the curve of a hill road, the super-
B. 0.15 6. The width formation of a road means the width
C. 0.20 A. carriageway
D. 0.25 B. pavement and shoulders
C. 20 cm B. 70/R A. 5 kg to 7 kg/tonne
D. 25 cm C. 75/R B. 7 kg to 9 kg/tonne
E. 30 cm D. 80/R C. 9 kg to 11 kg/tonne
22. California Bearing Ratio method of designing 27. The difference in gradients after full super- twice the width of narrowest radial
flexible pavements is more accurate as it elevation and the initial alignment of a road, is road
involves known as
B. width of the widest road
A. characteristics of soils A. ruling gradient
width of the widest road plus the width
B. traffic intensities B. rising gradient C.
of one lane
C. character of the road making materials C. compensated gradient D. width of the widest road plus 2 metres.
D. 1.75 m
A. E. both (a) and (b)
E. 2.00 m Answer: Option E
Answer: Option C
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Explanation: B. question. Let us discuss.
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question. Let us discuss.
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C. 45. Pick up the correct statement from the
37. For the design of cement concrete pavement for
corner loading, Indian Road Congress The height of head light above road
recommends the use of A.
surface, is taken as 0.75 m
A. Westergard's formula D.
The beam of head light is up to one
B. degree upwards from the grade of
B. Kelly's formula
C. Goldbeck's formula E.
While designing the valley curve, the
height of the object is assumed nil
D. Spanlar's formula
Answer: Option C
Explanation: D. All the above
E. Picker's formula. No answer description available for this
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option E question. Let us discuss.
46. Degree of a road curve is defined as the angle
Explanation: View Answer Discuss in
in degrees subtended at the centre by an arc of
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question. Let us discuss. A. 10 metres
View Answer Discuss in 42. Volume of traffic which is due to improvement
Forum Workspace Report carried out in adjacent area, is known as B. 20 metres
A. development traffic
38. 1.R.T.D.A. (Indian Roads and Transport C. 25 metres
Development Association) was set up at
Bombay in B. generated traffic growth
D. 30 metres
A. 1907 C. normal traffic growth
E. 50 metres
B. 1917 D. current traffic. Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A Explanation:
C. 1927
Explanation: No answer description available for this
No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss.
D. 1937 question. Let us discuss. View Answer Discuss in
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E. 1942 Forum Workspace Report
47. The tangent length of a simple circular curve of
Answer: Option C radius R deflecting through θ°, is
43. Roughness index of roads, is expressed as
No answer description available for this A. size of the stone on the pavement A. R tan θ
question. Let us discuss.
View Answer Discuss in B. number of patches on the pavement B. R tan θ/2
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cumulative deformation of surface per C. R sin θ
39. The total value of extra widening required at a C.
horizontal curve on a two lane hill road of radius horizontal distance
42 m for a design speed of 50 kmph and for D. R sin θ/2
vehicles with wheel base 6 m, is D. type of the road surface.
E. R cot θ/2
A. 0.500 m Answer: Option C
Explanation: Answer: Option B
B. 0.589 m No answer description available for this Explanation:
question. Let us discuss. No answer description available for this
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C. 1.089 m Forum Workspace Report View Answer Discuss in
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D. 0.089 m 44. If N is deviation angle, the length L, of a
parabolic vertical curve for safe stopping 48. Which one of the following transportation
Answer: Option C
distance S, is systems is not used for the conveyance of
passengers in India?
No answer description available for this
question. Let us discuss. A. railways
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B. roads
40. Depth of reinforcement below the surface of a
concrete pavement, is generally kept C. shipping
A. 5 cm D. air lines
B. 6 cm E. pipe lines.
C. 7 cm C. Answer: Option E
No answer description available for this
D. 8 cm
question. Let us discuss.
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E. 9 cm Forum Workspace Report
49. Thickness of broken line markings on multi-lane No answer description available for this
road for lanes is generally kept question. Let us discuss.
View Answer Discuss in C.
A. 10 cm Forum Workspace Report
D. 18 cm B. 25 m
E. none of these.
E. 20 cm C. 15 m Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A 10. If At is the area of steel cross-section, t is
D. 12 m working stress, L is width of road and W is
Highway Engineering - Section 5 weight of slab per square metre, the spacing of
Answer: Option B the tie bars for a longitudinal joint, is
6. On earth roads, the camber should preferably
1. If a Lemniscate curve of transition throughout is be
introduced to connect two parallel roads, the A.
maximum polar angle of the curve, is A. 1 in 20 to 1 in 24
A. 10° B. 1 in 30 to 1 in 48
B. 15° C. 1 in 15 to 1 in 20 B.
C. 20° D. 1 in 10 to 1 in 15
D. 30° E. 1 in 10 to 1 in 12 C.
C. 34.0 cm 35. Three points, A, B and C 500 m apart on a Contour interval is generally adopted
straight road have 500 m, 505 m and 510 m as at 2 metres vertical interval
D. 42.5 cm their reduced levels. The road is said to have
A. no gradient between A and C E. All the above.
E. 50.0 cm
Answer: Option E
Answer: Option B B. a positive gradient between A and C Explanation:
31. If R is the radius of a main circular curve, Δ is No answer description available for this
the angle of deflection and α is the polar C. a negative gradient between A and C question. Let us discuss.
deflection angle of any point, its radial distance View Answer Discuss in
is Forum Workspace Report
D. a negative gradient between A and B
A. 3 R sin Δ/3 sin 2α 40. The G.T. road from Lahore to Calcutta in
a positive gradient undivided India, was constructed during
B. 3 R sin Δ/2 sin 3α E. between A and B followed by a
negative gradient between B to C. A. 3495-3500 BC
C. 3 R sin Δ/3 sin α/2 Answer: Option E
B. 265-270 BC
36. In a braking test, a vehicle travelling at 36 km
D. 3 R sin 2Δ sin α ph was stopped at a braking distance of 8.0 m.
The average value of the vehicle's skid C. 1540-1545 AD
Answer: Option A resistance (friction coefficient) is
Explanation: D. 1440-1450
No answer description available for this A. 0.64
question. Let us discuss. Answer: Option C
View Answer Discuss in B. 6.25 41. Indian Road Congress (I.R.C.) was founded
Forum Workspace Report and constituted with its head quarters at New
Delhi, in
C. 0.16
32. Super-elevation on roads in snow bound areas,
should generally not exceed A. 1924
D. none of these
A. 15% B. 1927
Answer: Option C
Highway Engineering - Section 6
C. 1930
D. 1934 . 1. Gradient resistance of moving vehicles along
down slopes, is
E. 1942 A. + 7 kg/tonne
Answer: Option D C
Explanation: . B. + 9 kg/tonne
No answer description available for this
question. Let us discuss. C. - 9 kg/tonne
View Answer Discuss in
Forum Workspace Report D D. - 7 kg/tonne
42. Extra widening required at a horizontal curve on Answer: Option C
a single lane hill road of radius 80 m for a Explanation:
design speed of 50 km ph and for a vehicle with Answer: Option A No answer description available for this
wheel base 6.0 m is Explanation: question. Let us discuss.
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A. 0.225 m question. Let us discuss. Forum Workspace Report
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B. 0.589 m 2. Thickness of broken centre line markings for a
47. Non-passing sight distance along a road is the four lane road, is generally kept
longest distance at which the driver of a moving
C. 1.250 m A. 10 cm
vehicle, may see an obstacle on the pavement
E. 60° to aisles On superelevated sections, the D. 10.5 m for three lanes pavements
B. shoulders should be provided a cross
Answer: Option D fall equal to camber
Explanation: E. All the above
No answer description available for this Earthern roads in general are provided Answer: Option E
question. Let us discuss. C.
steepest crossfall Explanation:
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Forum Workspace Report question. Let us discuss.
D. All the above.
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8. Reduction of load capacity in a ruling gradient Answer: Option D Forum Workspace Report
of Explanation:
A. 1 in 10, is 10% No answer description available for this 17. The minimum cross fall of shoulders is kept
question. Let us discuss.
View Answer Discuss in A. 0.5%
B. 1 in 15, is 15% Forum Workspace Report
B. 1.0%
C. 1 in 20, is 10% 13. The camber on pavements, is provided by
A. straight line method C. 1.5%
D. 1 in 25, is 25%
B. parabolic method D. 2.5%
E. none of these.
Answer: Option C C. straight line and parabolic at crown E. 3%
Explanation: Answer: Option E
No answer description available for this D. elliptical method Explanation:
question. Let us discuss. No answer description available for this
View Answer Discuss in question. Let us discuss.
Forum Workspace Report E. circular method.
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Answer: Option C Forum Workspace Report
9. Over taking time required for a vehicle with Explanation:
design speed 50 km ph and overtaking No answer description available for this 18. While calculating the overtaking sight distance,
acceleration 1.25 m/sec2 to overtake a vehicle question. Let us discuss. the height of the object above road surface, is
moving at a speed 30 km ph, is View Answer Discuss in assumed
A. 5.0 secs Forum Workspace Report
A. Zero
14. The standard equation of a cubic parabolic
B. 6.12 secs transition curve provided on roads, is B. 50 cm
C. 225.48 secs C. 75 cm
D. 30 secs D. 100 cm
Answer: Option B
Explanation: E. 120 cm
No answer description available for this B.
question. Let us discuss. Answer: Option E
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question. Let us discuss.
10. The maximum comfortable retardation applied View Answer Discuss in
C. Forum Workspace Report
to moving vehicles, is
A. 3.42 m/sec2 19. Set-back distance is the distance between
A. road land boundary and building line
B. 4.42 m/sec2 D.
B. road land boundary and control line
C. 5.56 m/sec2
C. building line and control line B. 1.5 sec Borrow pits may be located on either
side of the right of way
D. road land boundary and control line. C. 2.0 sec
Spoil bank is located on one side of
Answer: Option A C.
D. 2.5 sec the right of way
No answer description available for this
question. Let us discuss. E. 3.0 sec D. All the above.
View Answer Discuss in Answer: Option D
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Explanation: Explanation:
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20. Horizontal curves on highways are provided question. Let us discuss.
question. Let us discuss.
A. to break the monotony of driving View Answer Discuss in View Answer Discuss in
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to discourage the tendency to increase 30. If E is the modulus of elasticity of the concrete
B. 25. At intersection of roads, the traffic volume study
speed in kg/cm2, d is the slab thickness in cm, is the
is carried out to ascertain the number of
vehicles Poisson's ratio for the concrete, k is the sub-
to decrease the mental strain on grade modulus kg/cm3, the radius r of relative
drivers A. moving along straights stiffness in cm,
B. 15° B. island
D. 30° D. refuge.
Answer: Option B
E. 45° Explanation:
Answer: Option B No answer description available for this
Explanation: question. Let us discuss.
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question. Let us discuss. Forum Workspace Report
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Forum Workspace Report 54. Pick up the incorrect statement from the
following. If water cement ratio is
49. Minimum radius of curvature of National increased, strength of concrete
Highways or State highways in hill region free A.
from snow, is kept
A. 60 m decreased, strength of concrete
B. 50 m
increased, strength of concrete is not
C. 33 m affected
D. 30 m D. none of these.
Answer: Option C
E. 25 m Explanation:
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Answer: Option B question. Let us discuss.
Explanation: View Answer Discuss in
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question. Let us discuss.
View Answer Discuss in 55. Ruling gradient on hill roads 300 m above
Forum Workspace Report M.S.L. is kept
50. The best compromise between the increase of A. 4%
the length of a highway and reduction in its load
carrying capacity, is the ruling gradient B. 5%
A. 1 in 10
C. 6%
B. 1 in 15
D. 7%
C. 1 in 20
E. 8%
D. 1 in 25 Answer: Option B
56. In welded wire mesh, the longitudinal wire is
E. l in 30 placed at
Answer: Option C A. 10 cm centres
51. The length of a transition curve, is governed by
A. rate of change of radial acceleration B. 15 cm centres