Perseus and Andromeda

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‘as Express Publishing First published in September 1996 by Express Publishing 3 Roman Bridge Close, Blackpill, Swansea SA3 5BE Tel: +44-1792-404855 - Fax: +44-1792-404886 e-mail: inquiries 4 INTERNET hitp:/ < NTS N Ts © Jenny Dooley 1996 = Design & Mlustration © Express Publishing 2) AVOOMO REET cco c ces iesiueas in nendebes 7 Pay BE TSeLISp4 1 OL Me eens epee Rent, 2 Second Impression 1998 : The Fisherman and his Wife....... . AIS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, : stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. BAUS Ty aad nls cold be atoh ane 17 : The Grey Women ...........00..00... 21 : The Helmet, the Sack and the Sandals ... 27 ISBN 960 - 361 - 095-X pp bhe Corgons sade ee eee 31 Colour Illustrations: — Christopher Zmetis Re OC LOM Cave p eevee 37 : Perseus’s Return Home ............... 43 hapter 10: The Truth Told by Apollo ............. 48 me DERISIVS } ATHENA AMD HERIMS

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