Skull Island Scenario

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After months of terror on the High Seas, Capt. Blackheart has finally captured more gold and slaves than even
he can throw overboard. He has headed back to a dreadful island he found years ago, to stash his Ill gotten goods
Skull Island! A treacherous and dismal place.... many a sailor has heard tale of this haunted and diseased,
island where nothing grows and the mere sight of it on the horizon can plague the healthiest crew.

Capt. Blackheart has left David ’Bones’ Wiley behind to safeguard his loot, and is off again to plunder the
riches that the Spanish and English so foolishly bring his way. ‘Bones’ isn’t too happy to be ‘a staying on
the deathly rock, but at least he has his Rum.

On the Horizon, the Spanish and English have secretly followed Blackheart and are mustering the courage
to set foot on this deadliest of isles. For if they do... Blackheart’s treasure be theirs!

But, wait... what’s that.... a smile on Bleackhearts grizzled face....

Perhaps he has something in store for would-be thieves....
Skull Island
A Scenario for 3 players:
Special Rules:
•See the following page for the
House -rules used to play this scenario.
They involve Boarding, Simo-Shooting, and

•No ‘Named’ Crew. Only generic crew

are allowed for your initial build.

•Due to the rocky terrain, this Island

can never be fully explored. A player
may look at 3 Treasure tokens per
Explore action. If any of the 3 are Unique
treasure, it MUST be taken. If not, you
may choose to load the tokens onto your 2L Skull Island
ship. After you decide, any untaken
treasure is remixed to make all pulls
random again. Skull Island do be a
confusing rock! Any crew left behind on
Skull Island will perish. Player Player
•Because Skull Island is concidered 1 2
the Pirate player’s territory, the Player 3
may load crew and treasure (still 3 at random)
as if they had already explored this island.

•During this game a player may choose to sink a ship he/she controls.

•If a ship siinks while carrying Plague, put it back into the pile of tokens on Skull Island.

Set Up:
Player 1 and Player 2: 40 pt. builds
Player 3 (Pirates): 30 pt. build (Player 3 may not use ‘The Harbinger’)

Player 3 sets Skull Island in the center of the playing area. Player 1 & 2 then take turns placing the
remaining islands in a circle around Skull Island. All islands must be between 2L away from Skull Island.
Now put treasure tokens on the Wild Islands to denote Island 1-5.
Player 1 and player 2 set up their fleets in the adjacent corners of the playing area (See diagram). Their Ships must
be backed up to thier home islands.

Player 3 will not place any ships until Player 1 or 2 dock at Skull Island for the first time.

Physician and Named Crew: Place David ‘Bones’ Wiley on Skull island. Roll a d6 for both, Govoner Lynch & Almirante
Devante del Ner and place them on the cooresponding islands. Player 3 (Pirates) places the Physician on any island
except Skull Island

Skull Island is the only island with any treasure. On it, place the following treasure:

1 Rum 3 -1pt Tokens 2 -2pt Token 2 -3pt Token

2 Plague 2 -4pt Token 1 -5pt Token

Player 3 keeps his/her ships off the board and secret, and does not place them until either Player 1 or 2
docks a ship on Skull Island. When this happens Player 3 then randomly places one ship at a time. Roll
a d6 for each ship in player 3’s fleet and place it on the cooresponding island. If a 6 is rolled, Player 3
gets to pick which island to place on.
Scenario Combat: (house rules)
Returning Fire:
Once per turn (one rotation of all players) a defending ship may return fire. It can only fire at a ship that is firing upon it. It must
declare return fire before the attacker starts rolling dice to hit, though the attacker, must ask if the defender before he or she starts
rolling to hit. If a ship is fired upon twice, it can only return fire on one target.
Returning fire follows the same targeting rules as normal shooting.
So in example: Two 3 mast British ships are within range of a 4 mast Spanish ship. The first 3 mast British ship declares it
intends to fire all 3 cannons at the Spanish ship. The Spanish player must decide if he wishes to return fire at this ship. If he returns
fire on the first ship, he may not return fire on the second ship. If he does not return fire on the first ship the British player may
elect not to declare fire from the second ship and the Spanish player will have wasted his return fire opportunity.
Returning fire follows the same targeting rules as normal shooting.

Grappling is an opposed check.
If both ships wish to grapple, the grapple happens automatically. If either ship wishes to avoid grapple, then:
Both ships involved roll a D6. Each ship adds the number of working masts, the number of purchased crew and any bonuses that crew
or ship receives to boarding rolls. ** The highest result wins. If the ship wishing to grapple wins, the ships are lashed together and
stay that way until both ships wish to separate, or one ship succeeds a Break Away roll.

Break away: If one ship wishes to break a current grapple; Both players must make another grappling check.** If the player initiating
the Break-Away wins this roll, the ships are free to move. If not, then the ships remain lashed together.
Grappling and Break Away are free actions and can take place any time a ship is given any action. You can attempt to grapple or Break
Away only once per players turn sequence -regardless of how many moves or actions a ship can be given.

**Tie results go to the defender.

Boarding is an attempt to kill crew. If a ship is in contact with another ship and either ship is given a non-shooting Combat action...
either ship may attempt to board. Each Ship makes a Boarding Roll with a D6 Each ship may add the number of working cannons, the
number of purchased crew still on board and any bonuses that crew or ships receive to their boarding roll. The highest result wins.
With a successful Boarding roll, you may eliminate 1 Crew (Crew owner must choose), or steal one Treasure token at Random. If the
opponents ship has neither treasure or crew, eliminate one mast (ship owner chooses).

Special Rules:
NAMED CREW: Add the following crew to wild Islands by rolling a d6 and placing according to the Island

Governor Lynch: Almirante Devante del Ner: David "Bones" Wiley: Physician:
This ship gets +1 to her cannon Once per turn, if this ship carries This Explorer is actually a physician.
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls
rolls against Pirate ships. treasure and is within S of an enemy If picked up prior to plague, he will
against Pirate ships.
ship, you may randomly trade one have the following effect on plague:
treasure with that ship. Your ship is immune to the plague. If
another ship touches a ship with the
Physician on it, Plague is returned to
Skull Island.
Victory Conditions:
Player 1 and Player 2: 1st Player to return to your starting corner and Dock on your home island with 14 pts of Treasure.
Player 3: Be the last player with a non-derelict ship. If Player 1 and 2 sink the pirate, and neither has, nor can get 14 pts
of treasure, the Pirates win.
2 Player Variant: (Un play-tested)
Special Rules:

•Same as 3 Player

•Physician is placed randomly along with the other Named Crew. David ‘Bones’ Wiley is still placed on Skull

• Players may not sink their own ships.

Initial Builds:
Player 1: (non-pirate) 2 25 pt builds. (this will give Player 1 two smaller fleets)
Player 2: (Pirate) 45 pts (May not use Harbinger)

Place Fleets:
Player 1 places his 2 fleets in adjacent corners, just as in the 3 player game.
Player 2 (Pirate): Same as 3 player game, EXCEPT: Player 2’s Pirates will enter play at the end of Turn 4
(and may take a turn) or immediately after Player 1 docks on Skull island... which ever happens first.

Victory Conditions: Same as 3 player.

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