with other people. Erikson emphasized developmental change throughout the human life span. In Erikson’s
theory, eight stages of development unfold as we go through the life span. Each stage consists of a unique
developmental task that confronts individuals with a crisis that must be resolved. According to Erikson, this
crisis is not a catastrophe but a turningpoint of increased vulnerability and enhanced potential. The more
successfully and individual resolves the crises, the healthier development will be. Kyle is studying the
different theories of Lifespan development. He is currently studying a theory which talks about social
influences on our personality development. He is likely studying which approach to human development?
Erikson’s psychosocial theory. -Trust versus mistrust [infancy (first year)]: Erikson’s first psychosocial stage,
which is experienced in the first year of life. A sense of trust requires a feeling of physical comfort and a
minimal amount of fear and apprehension about the future. Trust in infancy sets the stage for a lifelong
expectation that the world will be a good and pleasant place to live. According to Erikson, holding a small
child when they are in need of comfort would help develop a sense of trust. -Autonomy versus shame and
doubt [infancy (1 to 3 years)]: Erikson’s second stage of development, which occurs in late infancy and early
toddlerhood (1 to 3 years). After gaining trust in their caregivers, infants begin to discover that their behavior
is their own. They will start to assert their sense of independence, or autonomy. They realize their will. If
infants are restrained too much or punished too harshly, they are likely to develop a sense of shame or doubt.
According to Erikson, helping your child to learn to tie their shoes by themselves would help develop a sense
of autonomy. -Initiative versus guilt [early childhood (preschool years, 3 to 5 years)]: Erikson’s third stage of
development, occurs during the preschool years. As preschool children encounter a widening social world,
they are challenged more than when they were infants. Active, purposeful behavior is needed to cope with
these challenges. Children are asked to assume responsibility for their bodies, their behavior, their toys, and
their pets. Developing a sense of responsibility increases initiative. Uncomfortable guilt feelings may arise,
though, if the child is irresponsible and is made to feel too anxious. However, Erikson believes that most guilt
is quickly compensated for by a sense of accomplishment. According to Erikson, an overly nervous parent
that will not let their child try new things on their own would probably develop a sense of guilt in the child. -
Industry versus inferiority [middle and late childhood (elementary school years, 6 years to
puberty)]:Erikson’s fourth stage of development, occurring approximately in the elementary school years.
Children’s initiative brings them in contact with a wealth of new experiences. As they move into middle and
late childhood, they direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and intellectual skills. At no other time
is the child more enthusiastic about learning thanat the end of early childhood’s period of expansive
imagination. The danger in the elementary school years is that the child can develop a sense of inferiority –
feeling incompetent and unproductive. Erikson believed that teachers have a special responsibility for
children’s development of industry. Teachers should “mildly but firmly coerce children into the adventure of
finding out that one can learn to accomplish things which one would never have thought of by oneself.”
According to Erikson, a sibling telling their brother that they are good at football –and they really are –helps
a child develop a sense of industry.-Identity versus identity confusion [adolescence (10 to 20 years)]: Erikson’s
fifth stage of development, which individuals experience during the adolescent years. At this time, individuals
are faced with finding out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life. Adolescents
are confronted with many new roles and adult statuses –vocational and romantic, for example. Parents need
to allow adolescents to explore many different roles and different paths within a particular role. If the
adolescent explores such roles in a healthy manner and arrives ata positive path to follow in life, then a
positive identity will be achieved. If an identity is pushed on
the adolescent by parents, if the adolescent does not adequately explore many roles, and if a positive future
path is not defined, then identity confusion reigns. Brian is in high school and has always hung out with many
different types of people. As he has gotten older though, he has started to recognize who he has the most in
common with and who his values match best with. According to Erikson, Brianseems to have developed a
sense of identity. -Intimacy versus isolation [early adulthood (20s, 30s)]: Erikson’s sixth stage of development,
which individuals experience during the early adulthood years. At this time, individuals face the
developmental task of forming intimate relationships with others. Erikson describes intimacy as finding
oneself yet losing oneself in another. If the young adult forms healthy friendships and an intimate relationship
with another individual, intimacy will be achieved; if not, isolation will result. Sara casually dated a few
people while she was in high school. Now that she is in her 20s, she thinks she has found “the one” and is very
happy and content with him. Sara seems to have developed a sense of intimacy. -Generativityversus
stagnation [middle adulthood (40s, 50s)]: Erikson’s seventh stage of development, which individuals
experience during middle adulthood. A chief concern is to assist the younger generation in developing and
leading useful lives –this is what Erikson means by generativity. The feeling of having done nothing to help
the next generation is stagnation. According to Erikson, which of the following may help a person in middle
adulthood develop a sense of “generativity?” (a) having a family/children; (b) having a career that they found
to be worthwhile; (c) developing family traditions that are passed down; or (d) all of these.All of these would
help a person in middle adulthood develop a sense of “generativity.” Generativity is assisting the younger
generation in developing and leading useful lives, helping the next generation. Having a family/children adds
to the younger generation, and as you raise them you are assisting them in developing and leading useful
lives. Having a career that you found to be worthwhile can help the younger generation because you can pass
on what you have learned. Developing family traditions and passing them down helps the next generation by
giving them family traditions to pass on to their own children. -Integrity versus despair [late adulthood (60s
onward)]:Erikson’s eighth and final stage, which individuals experience in late adulthood. During this stage,
a person reflects on the past and either pieces together a positive review or concludes that life has not been
spent well.Through many different routes, the older person may have developed a positive outlook in most or
all of the previous stages of development. If so, the retrospective glances will reveal a picture of life well spent,
and the person will feel a sense of satisfaction –integrity will be achieved. If the older adult resolved many of
the earlier stages negatively, the retrospective glances likely will yield doubt or gloom –the despair Erikson
described. Paul is 85 years old. He is looking back over his life as the most awesome psychology professor the
world has ever seen. He looks back at winning the 250 million dollar powerball jackpot on Wednesday and is
happy with all of the things he did with the money. Although he has one regret –dumping his girlfriend at
prom –he is generally happy with how his life turned out. According to Erikson, he seems to have developed a
sense of integrity. Child Development: Ideas about childhood have varied. Throughout history, philosophers
have speculated about the nature of children and how they should be reared. In the West, three influential
philosophical views are based on the ideas of original sin, tabula rasa, and innate goodness. -Original
Sin:Children are born into the world corrupted, with an inclination toward evil.The goal of child rearing is to
save children from sin. -Tabula rasa:English philosopher John Locke proposed that at birth each child is a
tabula rasa –“a blank tablet.” Locke proposed that people acquire their characteristics through experience
that childhood experiences are important in determining adult characteristics. He advised parents to spend
time with their children and help them become contributing members of society.-Innate goodness:Swiss-born
French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau stressed that children are inherently good. As a result, Rousseau
said that they should be permitted to grow naturally with little parental monitoring or
constraint.Conceptions of age:-Chronological age(exact age): The number of years that have elapsed since
birth. oPaul will soon be 42 years old. This is an example of chronological age. -Biological age (how old you
are health wise): A person’s age in terms of biological health. Determining biological age involves knowing
the functional capacities of a person’s vital organs. A person’s vital capacities may be better or worse than
those of others of comparable age. The younger the person’s biological age, the longer the person is expected
to live, regardless of chronological age. oMark is 28 years old and has not taken good care of himself. He is
very overweight, does not eat well, and drinks to excess which makes him much “older” with respect to his
health than other people his age. His being in poor health is an example of his biological age. -Psychological
age (how old you are mentally): An individual’s adaptive capacities compared with those of other individuals
of the same chronological age. Thus, older adults who continue to learn are flexible, are motivated, control
their emotions, and think clearly are engaging in more adaptive behaviors than their chronological age-mates
who do not continue to learn, are rigid, are unmotivated, donot control their emptions, and do not think
clearly. oCindy, who is 21 years old, was out at a bar with her friends. She met a guy who was pretty nice and
was also 21 years old. Although he showed a few signs of being just a little bit immature, he stillwas relatively
responsible and was not stuck in “high-school mentality.” He appears to have much the same psychological
age as she does. -Social age (refers to social roles and expectations related to a person’s chronological age):
Refers to social roles and expectations related to a person’s chronological age. Consider the role of “mother”
and the behaviors that accompany the role. In predicting an adult woman’s behavior, it may be more
important to know that she is the mother of a 3-year-old child than to know whether she is 20 or 30 years old.
We still have some expectations for when certain life events –such as getting married, having children,
becoming a grandparent, and retiring –should occur. oMartha is 77 years old and remembers being married
at 19 years old as that is what was expected of her. Donna is 27 years old, is not married, and has no plants to
any time soon. Her friends and family don’t appear concerned about this. This example demonstrates a
difference in social age expectations between the older and newer generations. Nature versus Nurture: Nature
refers to an organism’s biological inheritance, nurture to its environmental experiences. “Nature proponents”
claim that the most important influence on development is biological inheritance.“Nurture proponents” claim
that environmental experiences are the most important. According to the nature advocates, just as a
sunflower grows in an orderly way –unless defeated by an unfriendly environment –so does the human grow
in an orderly way. Therange of environments can be vast, but the nature approach argues that a genetic
blueprint produces commonalities in growth and development. We walk before we talk, speak one word
before two words, grow rapidly in infancy and less so in early childhood, experience a rush of sexual
hormones in puberty, reach the peak of our physical strength in late adolescence and early
adulthood, and then physically declines. The nature proponents acknowledge that extreme environments –
those that are psychologically barren or hostile –can depress development. However, they believe that basic
growth tendencies are genetically wired into humans. By contrast, other psychologists emphasize the
importance of nurture, or environmental experiences, in development. Experiences run gamut from the
individual’s biological environment (nutrition, medical care, drugs, and physical accidents) to the social
environment (family, peers, schools, community, media, and culture). -With respect to the impact of “Nature
and Nurture” on our overall development, which of the following would be an example of nature’s
influence?oAn increased likelihood of having cancer that has been passed on genetically.This would be an
example of nature’s influence, because nature refers to an organism’s biological inheritance. In other words,
what a child inherits from his/her parents. oThe parental experiences that we had as children.This is an
example of nurture’s influence, because nurture refers to environmental experiences. The experiences a
person has with his/her parents when they are children is an environmental experience. This refers to an
individual’s social environment. oBeing exposed to extremely cold temperatures as a child.This is an example
of nurture’s influence, because nurture refers to environmental experiences. The temperatures we were
exposed to as children refers to an individual’s biological environment. oA and C.A is an example of nature’s
influence, but C is an example of nurture’s influence. -You have been a good student in Lifespan Psychology.
So, if someone asks you about the “Nature vs. Nurture” debate, you would sayoNature provides our relative
capacity for our abilitiesNature provide “capacities” (a range to have). oNurture determines where we fall on
the continuum of abilitiesSocial environments (family, peers, schools, community, media, and culture) along
with biological environment (nutrition, medical care, drugs, physical accidents) determine one’s abilities.
oThey are both equally important in our developmentBoth nature and nurture are important in
development. oAll of thes