DC Lab Manual
DC Lab Manual
DC Lab Manual
Lab Manual
[1] Simon Haykin: Digital Communications, John Wiley.
[2] John Crisp: Introduction to Fiber Optics, Newnes.
[3] David M Pozar: Microwave engineering, John Wiley.
[4] John D Kraus: Antennas, McGraw-Hill.
- Always ensure good grounding facilities.
- Always check chip number and pin details, keep datasheets close by.
- Do not touch Capacitors.
- Never look into LASER emitter.
- Isolate microwave apparatus from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile devices etc. to assure proper
Radiations (LASER)
High Voltage
Advanced Communication circuits
1. Time Division Multiplexing
Components: LF398, SL100, 47kΩ, 15kΩ, 27kΩ, 1kΩ, 0.01μF.
Circuit Diagram:
+15 V -15 V
Message Input 1 3 1
A1sin (2f1t) 4
47 kΩ LF398 5 PAM-TDM
Message Input 2 6 7
A2sin (2f2t) 8
m1(t) t, [fm1]
m2(t) t, [fm2]
c(t) t, [fc]
s(t) TDM
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Apply the input voltage m1(t) as 2v at 1kHz and m2(t) as 3v at 10kHz. Apply carrier square pulse as
4v at 3kHz.
3. Observe the waveforms for PAM-TDM.
4. Use the demodulation circuit to obtain m1(t) and m2(t) back.
Circuit Diagram:
+15 V -15 V
4 5 LPF Recovered
47 kΩ LF398 Cutoff f1 Hz message1
6 7
Square wave
(Sampling frequency)
+15 V -15 V
3 1 4
5 LPF Recovered
47 kΩ LF398 Cutoff f2 Hz message2
Square wave
(Sampling frequency)
2. Amplitude Shift keying
Components: SL100, 47kΩ, 1kΩ, BY127, 1μF, IC741, 10kΩ potentiometer
Circuit Diagram:
c (t), 1 kHz
1 kΩ
47 kΩ
m(t) t
c(t) t
s(t) t (ASK)
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Apply the input voltage m(t) as 500Hz. Apply carrier square pulse as 1kHz.
3. Observe the waveforms for ASK
4. Use the demodulation circuit to obtain m(t) back.
Circuit Diagram:
2 7
BY 127 IC 741 Square
R C 1 kΩ pot 3 1 wave
Vc2 4
3. Frequency Shift Keying
Components: LF398, IC741, 47kΩ, 10kΩ, 10kΩ potentiometer.
Circuit Diagram:
+15 V -15 V
Sinusoidal Carrier 1 3 1
C1 (t) 4
47 kΩ LF398 5 FSK
Sinusoidal Carrier 2 6 7
C2 (t) 8
Binary data
(Square wave, 1 kHz)
Binary Data t
c1(t) t
c2(t) t
s(t) t FSK
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Apply the input voltage c1(t) at 50kHz and c2(t) at 100kHz. Apply Binary data at 1kHz.
3. Observe the waveforms for FSK.
4. Use the demodulation circuit to obtain Binary data back.
Circuit Diagram:
10 kΩ
10 kΩ
FSK output 7
2 1
IC 741 Recovered Binary data
C1 (t) 3
or C2 (t) 4
10 kΩ pot
10 kΩ
4. Binary Phase Shift Keying
Components: LF398, IC741, Center-tap Transformer, 47kΩ, 10kΩ, 10kΩ potentiometer.
Circuit Diagram:
+15 v -15 v
1 4
Sinusoidal carrier
(20 kHz) 47 kΩ LF398 5 BPSK
6 7
Binary Data t
c(t) t
s(t) t BPSK
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Apply the input voltage c(t) at 20kHz. Apply Binary data at 1kHz.
3. Observe the waveforms for BPSK.
4. Use the demodulation circuit to obtain Binary data back.
Circuit Diagram:
10 kΩ
10 kΩ
Sinusoidal carrier
c(t) Vcc
2 7
Waveform IC 741 ASK waveform
10 kΩ 3
Optic Fibers
5. Propagation loss in Optic fiber
Components: Optic fiber trainer, Optic fiber.
Schematic Diagram:
Vin(t) t
Vout(t) t
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the function generator of the trainer kit to the CRO. Use the 1 kHz sine wave as Input.
Note down the amplitude.
3. Connect the output to the CRO and note down the amplitude.
4. Use the formula to calculate the attenuation constant.
= Transmitted Power, Watts
= Input Power, Watts
α = Attenuation constant, Nepers/meter
L = Length of the fiber, meters
V = Voltage, Volts
6. Bending Loss in Optic fiber
Components: Optic fiber trainer, Optic fiber, Mandrel.
Schematic diagram:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the function generator of the trainer kit to the CRO. Use the 1 kHz sine wave as input.
Note down the amplitude.
3. Wind the Fiber using the mandrel and count the number of turns
4. Connect the output to the CRO and note down the amplitude.
5. Observe the attenuation with respect to number of turns and bending angle.
7. Numerical Aperture of Optic fiber
Components: Optic fiber trainer, Optic fiber, fiber mount with lens, scale, aperture scale.
Schematic diagram:
Lens 15mm
Optic 10mm
Fiber w
feed w
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect lens to the optic fiber as shown.
3. Focus the beam on to any circle as shown.
4. Measure the distance from the screen and calculate numerical aperture.
5. Observe consistency of the value on various circles.
Antennas & Microwave devices
8. Antennas
Components: Microwave powers source, attenuator, detector VSWR meter, Antennas, Measuring
Schematic diagram:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure with antennas in E-plane orientation.
2. Connect High frequency source to the reference antenna.
3. Mount the receiving antenna at a distance satisfying far field radiation (i.e. , where is the
maximum dimension of the antenna and is the wavelength of the radiation).
4. Rotate the antenna about its axis and note down the received power for various angles.
5. Repeat procedure by mounting the receiving antenna in the H-plane orientation.
6. Plot the pattern in polar or semi log graph; obtain the Half Power Beam Width.
7. Use suitable formula to obtain Directivity.
Directivity (Decibel):
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure with antennas in E-plane orientation.
2. Connect High frequency source to the reference antenna.
3. Mount the receiving antenna at a distance satisfying far field radiation (i.e. , where is the
maximum dimension of the antenna and is the wavelength of the radiation).
4. Keep the antennas in the direction of maximum power radiation.
5. Make note of Input (≈ Transmitted) power, the distance, d and the VSWR reading (≈ Received
6. Repeat procedure for various values of d and tabulate the Power readings against it.
7. Obtain the ratio of input to output power (i.e. ); plot a graph of distance, d versus and obtain the
slope to calculate gain.
where and are gains of transmitting and receiving antennas respectively. For identical
antennas it is equated to . Hence
Plot to find Gain –
1. Dipole Antenna
E-Plane H-Plane
Schematic Diagram:
3 4
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the source to the input port of the power divider.
3. Assume one of the output ports as the terminal port and connect a matched load to it.
4. Make note of the power received in the other output port for various frequencies of input power.
5. Similarly carry out the measurements by interchanging the output ports.
6. Repeat the procedure by terminating the input port to matched load and considering one of the
output ports as input .
7. Obtain the S-parameters S12, S13 and S23 in decibels and plot the graph against the input
w, width
l, length
10. 3dB Power Divider
Component: Microwave Power source, attenuator pad, detector, VSWR meter, 3dB power divider
Schematic Diagram:
VSWR meter
Microwave Source
l, length
11. Ring Resonator
Component: Microwave Power source, attenuator pad, detector, VSWR meter, 3dB power divider
Schematic Diagram:
Ring Resonator
1 2
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Connect the source to the input port of the resonator.
3. Make note of the power received in the output port for various frequencies of input power.
4. Obtain the S-parameter in decibels and plot the graph against the input frequency.
5. Evaluate the Resonant frequency, and utilize in suitable formula to obtain the Effective dielectric
constant, and eventually Relative dielectric constant, .