RST Adult Arraignments - July 2, 2018 To July 27, 2018
RST Adult Arraignments - July 2, 2018 To July 27, 2018
RST Adult Arraignments - July 2, 2018 To July 27, 2018
MONDAY, JULY 2, 2018
PROSECUTOR: Travis Wooden Knife PUBLIC DEFENDER: Maria Lambert
Annemarie Michaels
CR18-1787 5-17-1
CR18-1770 Keith Bordeaux Sr. 6-1-1A Def pled NC 365/300 (1 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 NoDriving/NL/NoIntox/
NoAlc or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/CSO/
Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-1774 Steven Burning Breast Jr. 5-38-1 Def pled NC 180/177 (3 days CTS)
$500/250 $25CC, 180 days NL/NoIntox/No
Alc or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/CSO/Rv
Random UA’s/PB’s
CR18-1775 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1776 5-16-14 NC consolidated w/1774
CR18-1788 Jody Brave 5-38-2 Def pled Guilty 180/160 (3 days CTS
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/DV/CSO/Rv
Random UA’s/PBT’s, NVC w/victim
CR18-1789 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
BWCR14-2372 FTMFP $485 P/S
CR18-1790 Little Eagle Condon 5-23-4 Def pled NC 90/88 (2 days CTS)
$500/250 $25CC, 180 days NL/NoIntox/No
Alc or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/CSO/Rv
Random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-1791 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1796 Leonard Little Thunder 5-16-15 Def pled NC 365/300 (3 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/Parenting/
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
CR17-3763 5-16-15 NC consolidated w/1796
CR17-3349 5-38-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1794 5-6-3 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1795 5-6-1 NC consolidated w/1796
BWCR15-0516/0517/0518/0519 FTMFP $2,525 P/S
BWCR16-0084 et al FTMFP $525 P/S
BWCR16-1671 FTMFP $525 (Total $3,575) P/S
CR18-1757 Ashley Menard 5-13-1 Def pled NC 180/168 (12 days CTS)
$100 $25CC, 180 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&alcEval/AngerMgmt/
CSO/Review, Restitution 8/17/[email protected].
Random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-1758 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1837 James Larvie 5-38-2 Def pled Guilty 365/330 (4 days CTS
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/AngerMgmt/
DV/CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-1838 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1853 Marvin Roubideaux Jr. 6-1-1 Def pled NC 180/175 (1 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 30 days no driving, 180 days
NL/NoIntox/NoAlc or where sold, Drug&
AlcEval/CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
BWCR17-3104 FTMFP $275 P/S
CR18-151 Raymond Black Spotted Horse 5-6-4 Def pled NC 180/177 (3 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/AngerMgmt
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1396 Dallas First In Trouble 5-38-2 Def pled Guilty 180/135 (45 days
CTS) $500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/
NoAlc or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/DV/
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s, NCV
CR18-1397 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR17-3844/3845/3846 Petition to Revoke Suspended Sentence
(160 days) Tribe dismissed
CR18-1857 Cliff Marshall Jr. 5-16-15 Def pled NC 365/245 (50 days CTS
$1000/500 $25CC, 365 days NoDriving/NL/
NoIntox/NoAlc or where sold, Drug&Alc
Eval/CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
*No good time
CR17-3841 5-16-15 NC consolidated w/1857
CR17-3842 5-16-15 NC consolidated w/1857
CR17-2458 5-16-15 NC consolidated w/1857
CR17-2191 6-1-1A NC admit HOI consolidate w/1857
CR17-2192 6-4-1 Tribe dismissed
CR16-2527 Petition to Revoke Suspended Sentence
(355 days) Tribe dismissed
WACR18-0281 5-14-1 NC consolidated w/1857
CR18-1858 Keith Running Enemy 5-16-15 Def pled NC 365/300 (2 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 days NoDriving/NL/No
Intox/NoAlc or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-0466 5-16-15 NC consolidated w/1858
CR18-0367 6-1-1A NC consolidated w/1858
CR17-1463/1464 Petition to Revoke Suspended Sentence
(170 days) Tribe dismissed
BWCR17-0770 FTMFP $525 P/S CTS
BWCR17-0386 FTMFP $525 P/S CTS
RETURNS 7/12/[email protected].
CR18-1874 Dustin Gallegos Sr. 5-23-1 Def pled NC 365/335 (2 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/CSO/Review
Restitution 8/17/[email protected]. random UA’s/
CR18-1875 5-3-1/5-25-1 NC consolidated w/1874
CR18-1964 Marcos ak Sylvester Salinas 5-38-2 Tribe moved to dismiss victim does
CR18-1965 5-17-1 not wish to pursue charges. Court
CR18-1966 5-13-1 granted motion to dismiss
CR18-1955 Umpo Kills In Sight Jr. 5-13-1 Def pled NC 180/155 (1 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NOalc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/AngerMgmt
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s NVC
Restitution Hearing 8/31/[email protected].
CR18-1956 5-11-7 NC consolidated w/1955
CR18-1957 James Big Crow Sr. 5-38-2 Def pled Guilty 180/165 (3 days
CTS) $500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/
NoAlc or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/DV/
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s, NCV
CR18-1958 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1959 5-23-4 NC consolidated w/1957
BWCR17-0888 FTMFP $525 P/S
CR18-1953 Vincent Thunder Hawk 5-5-2 Def pled NC 365/245 (3 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/AngerMgmt
CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s, NCV
CR18-1954 5-17-1 Tribe dismissed
CR18-1951 Alex One Star 6-1-1 Def pled NC 180/175 (2 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, no driving 30 days, 180 days
NL/NoIntox/NoAlc or where sold, Drug&
AlcEval/CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-1952 5-18-2 Tribe dismissed
RETURNS 7/26/[email protected].
CR18-1970 Doug Schmidt Sr. 5-38-1 Def pled NC 90/89 (1 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, 180 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/CSO/Review
Random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-1981 Ben Kills In Water 6-1-1 FTA ABW $250 CB, forfeit CB
RETURNS 7/26/[email protected].
CR18-1960 Melissa Whipple 5-16-15 Def pled NC 365/333 (32 days CTS
$500 $25CC, 365 days NL/NoIntox/NoAlc
Or where sold, Drug&AlcEval/CSO/Review
Random UA’s/PBT’s
CR17-1976 5-16-15 NC consolidated w/1976
CR16-3292 5-25-1 NC consolidated w/1976
CR16-3293 5-18-2 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1969 5-8-5 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1970 5-8-5 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1971 5-8-5 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1972 5-8-4 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1973 5-8-4 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1974 5-8-4 Tribe dismissed
CR17-1975 5-8-4 Tribe dismissed
BWCR16-1422 FTMFP $275 P/S (7 days CTS)
CR18-2012 Allison Bear Heels 6-1-1 Def pled NC 180/170 (1 days CTS)
$500 $25CC, no driving 30 days, 180 days
NL/NoIntox/NoAlc or where sold, Drug&
AlcEval/CSO/Review, random UA’s/PBT’s
CR18-2017 5-17-1
WACR17-4100 5-28-10 PD moved to dismiss based on
WACR17-4101 5-28-11 Article X. Tribe no objection.
WACR17-4102 5-28-15 Motion granted due to lack of
Speedy trial.