Sample Family Agreement1 PDF
Sample Family Agreement1 PDF
Sample Family Agreement1 PDF
It was drafted by Brian Herd of Carne Reidy Herd Lawyers to illustrate a loan arrangement
suitable for the circumstances outlined in the case study in the Family Agreements section of
this guide and therefore uses the names (Jean, Bev and Bob) used in that example.
For use as a pro forma, legal practitioners have permission to adapt this document,
substituting the names and circumstances of the parties to the agreement and changing the
terms as appropriate.
This document should not be used or adapted without proper legal and financial advice.
Table of content
1. Agreement
2. Legal Advice X
4. The Loan X
5. The Unit X
6. Licence to Occupy X
7. Jean’s Care X
9. Payment of Outgoings X
14. Disputes X
16. Incapacity X
19. Interest X
20. Costs X
BETWEEN (‘Jean’)
of Queensland.
AND (‘Bev and Bob’)
of Queensland.
1. Agreement
1.1 The parties covenant and acknowledge that they intend this Deed to govern their rights and to be
a guide to their relationship as well as to their separate and common property during their
relationship and in the event that the arrangement should come to an end.
1.2 The parties also intend this Deed to create a legally enforceable agreement between them.
2. Legal Advice
2.1 Bob certifies that he has received independent legal advice from a Lawyer in relation to this Deed
before signing this Deed.
2.2 Annexure A to this Deed is a Certificate of Legal Advice from [insert name] a Lawyer, stating that
he or she has advised Bob in relation to this Deed.
2.3 Bev certifies that she has received independent legal advice from a Lawyer in relation to this Deed
before signing this Deed.
2.4 Annexure B to this Deed is a Certificate of Legal Advice from [insert name], a Lawyer, stating that
he or she has advised Bev in relation to this Deed.
2.5 Jean has received legal advice from the drafter of this Deed, [insert name] , a Lawyer.
3.1 Jean will take reasonable steps to sell the property for a price that is at least sufficient to leave her
with enough money to make the loan required by this agreement.
3.2 The loan shall not be required to be made, however, until settlement of the sale of the property.
4. The Loan
4.1 Jean shall lend to Bob and Bev the sum of $ [insert amount] on the settlement of the sale of the
4.2 Such loan shall be held in a joint bank account held by the parties and applied by Bob and Bev as
required from time to time and with Jean's consent, to pay for the cost of construction of an
independent and self-contained living unit at their property (‘the Unit’) where Jean may live, rent-
4.3 The loan shall be repayable on the terms set out in this agreement.
4.4 Bev and Bob shall account to Jean for the expenditure of the loan and, if the monies required to
complete the construction of the Unit are:
4.4.1 Less than the amount the builder invoices, then the surplus shall be refunded to Jean;
4.4.2 More than the amount the builder invoices, then Bev and Bob shall pay the deficit.
5. The Unit
5.1 The Unit shall be constructed by a registered builder engaged by Bev and Bob and fitted out in
accordance with the Council approved plans and specifications that the parties have agreed upon.
5.2 No material variations to the Unit shall be made without Jean’s prior approval.
5.3 Jean shall provide the necessary furnishings for the Unit and shall be responsible for their upkeep
and replacement as well as any special aids or other devices which may be necessary to assist Jean
in her everyday living activities.
5.4 Bob and Bev shall be responsible for, and pay for, the structural maintenance and upkeep of the
unit but Jean shall be responsible for and pay for any damage caused to the unit by her.
5.5 The unit shall be constructed and be fit for occupation by Jean within such period as may be
agreed by the parties provided that, if no agreement is reached or the Unit is not fit for occupation
within 6 months from the date of this agreement, then the agreement will terminate and the loan
shall become immediately repayable to Jean.
6. Licence to Occupy
6.1 On practical completion of the unit, Bev and Bob grant to Jean a licence to occupy the Unit for life
subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
6.2 The relationship between the parties shall not be of landlord and tenant nor shall anything
constitute this agreement as a partnership in law.
7. Jean’s Care
7.1 In consideration of the loan made by Jean and in acknowledgement of the increased capital value
of their property, but also because of their desire to do so, Bob and Bev (together and individually)
agree and declare that they will care for Jean and provide their personal services to her on an ‘as
needed’ basis including but not limited to:
7.1.4 Purchasing with monies made available by Jean, or assisting her to purchase, food,
clothing, toiletries and other personal items or necessaries of life as needed and for the
enjoyment of her life;
7.1.5 Monitoring Jean’s physical and mental condition and nutritional needs on a regular
basis in cooperation with health care providers;
7.1.6 Arranging to transport Jean to health care providers of Jean’s choice and assisting her in
carrying out their instructions and directions;
7.1.7 Arranging and facilitating social or community services for Jean;
7.1.8 Catering for activities such as outings and walks in keeping with Jean’s lifestyle and
7.1.10 Encouraging Jean’s autonomy and independence and to stay active and involved in
social and family interaction.
8.1 In acknowledgement of the services and assistance that Bob and Bev provide, which will be for an
unspecified period of time, Jean agrees that the loan shall be reduced over the period of this
agreement by the following calculation:
The agreed average number of hours of care each week is expected and determined to be
(insert number) which shall be multiplied by one half of the relevant community care dollar
rate per hour as determined by the rate charged by the organisation, Blue Care from time
to time.
[Delete one]
8.2 The parties understand that, over the lifetime of the agreement, the hours spent in providing care
will fluctuate according to Jean’s needs but that, on average, Bev and Bob will expend
approximately [insert number] hours per week.
9. Payment of Outgoings
9.1 In the event that utility services to the property and the Unit are not separately metered, the
parties shall agree on their proportional share of the cost of electricity, gas and water as is
appropriate. Failing agreement, the matter shall be referred to the dispute process set out below.
9.2 Bev and Bob shall ensure that they meet all outgoings and liabilities in relation to the property and
the Unit, subject to Jean’s contribution to the specific costs referred to above.
9.3 Bev and Bob will pay for, and maintain at all times, appropriate Household Insurance (including
Public Liability) to cover the usual risks in respect to their property and the Unit and indemnify
Jean in respect to any liability she may suffer arising out of any claim against her in respect to her
occupation of the property or unit.
10. Holidays, Absences and Respite
10.1 The parties acknowledge that it is important for the continuing happiness of their relationship that
they are able to take breaks away from each other.
10.2 Bev and Bob may take at least 4 weeks holidays per year away from the property and shorter
periods, from time to time, for respite. Jean may wish to do similarly.
10.3 During the times of Bev and Bob’s or Jean’s absence (incl hospitalisation), the amortisation of the
loan referred to above (if applicable) shall be suspended.
10.4 In the event of Bev and Bob’s absence, however, they shall make such arrangements as are
necessary to ensure that Jean receives all necessary care from alternative services. Jean shall be
liable for the cost of all such services.
11.1 The parties acknowledge that the loan made by Jean is unsecured.
11.2 To better secure the repayment of the loan, however, Bev and Bob agree that they will, if required
by Jean, sign a mortgage over the property in usual terms to secure the repayment of the monies
owing to Jean.
11.3 Bev and Bob agree also that Jean may, at anytime, lodge a caveat over the property as a beneficiary
of a constructive trust constituted by this agreement to further secure her interests under this
11.4 Bev and Bob shall sign all such documents as may be required by this clause when required and, if
they do not, they appoint Jean to be their Attorney to do so.
12.1 The parties acknowledge that, at some time during the agreement, circumstances may arise which
bring this agreement to an end, for example:
In any of these events, any party can bring this agreement to an end and Bev and Bob shall do all
such things as are reasonably necessary to identify and obtain alternative accommodation for Jean
which is suitable for her and within her financial capacity. Jean shall not be required to vacate the
unit however, until alternative suitable accommodation has been found.
12.2 In any of the events mentioned above, the loan outstanding to Jean shall become immediately due
and payable on Jean vacating the Unit and will accrue interest from that date at the then prevailing
variable home loan rate as charged by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
13.1 Circumstances may also arise during the Agreement when one party wishes to end the Agreement
and the other does not. Such circumstances may include:
• Bev and Bob wish to, or have to sell the property;
• Bev and Bob suffer matrimonial discord resulting in the property having to be sold;
• Bev or Bob have a sequestration order made against their estate;
• Any party dies; or
• Any party defaults in its obligations under this agreement.
In such event, this agreement shall come to an end and the provisions of the previous clause shall
apply as if the agreement came to an end voluntarily.
14. Disputes
14.2 No party is entitled to resort to litigation until the mediation process above has been completed and
been unsuccessful.
15.1 Bob and Bev indemnify Jean against any loss or damage she may suffer because of the actions or
inactions of Bob and Bev.
15.2 Bob and Bev shall maintain at all times during Jean's residence, all such insurance policies as may
be necessary and reasonable to support the indemnity above including but not limited to Public
Liability, Professional Indemnity, Building and Contents.
16. Incapacity
16.1 All parties agree that they will each complete, and keep in force, a valid Enduring Power of
Attorney in which they appoint a person(s) chosen by them to make decisions, both financial and
personal, in the event that any of them should lose the capacity to do so.
17.1 The parties acknowledge and accept that this agreement does not create a relationship of
employment or partnership but that Bob and Bev contract as independent contractors to Jean.
17.2 Each party shall ensure that they comply at all times with their tax obligations that may arise under
this agreement and each of them indemnifies the other in this respect.
19. Interest
19.1 Any monies due and owing to Jean under this agreement which are not paid to her on time shall
accrue interest at the rate specified by the Commonwealth Bank for overdraft accounts over
20. Costs
20.1 Each party shall pay their own legal costs in relation to this agreement but Bev and Bob shall pay
any stamp duty assessed.
The endorsement of this agreement by other members of the family is attached.