Four-Cable-Driven Parallel Robot: Xuejun Jin, Dae Ik Jun, Andreas Pott, Sukho Park, Jong-Oh Park and Seong Young Ko

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2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013)
Oct. 20-23, 2013 in Kimdaejung Convention Center, Gwangju, Korea

Four-cable-driven parallel robot

XueJun Jin , Dae Ik Jun , Andreas Pott2, Sukho Park1, Jong-Oh Park1* and Seong Young Ko1*
1 1

School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, 500-757, Korea
(Tel : +82-062-530-1679; E-mail: {jop, sko} ) * Corresponding author
Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (IPA), Stuttgart, Germany

Abstract: This paper presents design and kinematic analysis for a cable-driven parallel robotic (CDPR) manipulator
with four cables, The CDPR manipulator produces a planar motion including two translational and one rotational
degrees of freedom. To move the end-effector of CDPR, its kinematic structure is analyzed and the inverse kinematics
is formulated in the closed-form solution. The experimental tests using an implemented prototype have shown the
feasibility of the system design and its operation.

Keywords: Winches, Forward kinematics, Parallel manipulators, Cable-driven manipulator.

Parallel robots are defined as robots that have closed
kinematic chains. It means several actuators meet at one
end-effector or joint. Cable-driven parallel robots
(CDPR) are a type of parallel manipulators wherein the
end-effector is supported in parallel by multiple cables
that are controlled by multiple tensioning actuators. As Fig.1 Example of the two types of parallel cable robots.
for classical parallel robots, motion of an end-effector (a) Fully-constrained cable robot, (b) Under-constrained
may be generated either by changing lengths of cables cable robot
or modifying the locations of attachment points when
the actuators’ lengths are fixed. In this paper, cable 2. MECHANICAL DESIGN OF A
lengths are controlled by using coiling winches that act
as linear actuators with long stroke. In this paper, we explain a four-cable-driven planar
CDPRs are structurally similar to parallel robots, but parallel robot, whose specifications are given as in
they have additional merits, such as large workspace, if Table 1. The prototype presented in this work is used to
compared with the workspace of classical parallel verify the algorithms such as inverse/forward
manipulators. Moreover, their actuators are fixed on the kinematics, workspace analysis, tension control and so
frame, thus they have a few moving parts, resulting in forth.
small inertial properties, high payload-weight ratio,
transportability, and economical construction. In the last Table 1 Specification of a four-cable-driven planar
parallel robot
decade, a lot of research has been carried out to study
the related theory [2, 3, 4] and/or implementation of
Size of Frame 2mx2mx2m
these robots [1, 5].
Cable-driven parallel manipulators can be classified Speed 2.5 m/s
into “fully constrained” and “under constrained” based Payload 5 kg
on the extent to which the end-effector is constrained by DOF 3 DOF
the cables. Figure 1 shows an example of the two types Settling Time 1 sec
of cable robots. This paper concerns about cable robots
of the fully constrained type. We present design and 2.1 System Configuration
kinematic analysis of a four-cable-driven parallel The four-cable-driven parallel manipulator is
manipulator. A prototype has been built and composed of a rigid frame, four winches that control the
experimental tests show the feasibility of the cable cable lengths, a low-level position controller, a PC for a
high-level control, an end-effector that contains a
system design and its operation for planar tasks.
laser scanner, as shown in Fig. 2.

978-89-93215-05-2 95560/13/$15 ⓒICROS 879

in the winch should be significantly smaller than the
minimum curvature of the cables themselves. Secondly,
the direction of the cables changes continuously during
operation of the cable robot. Therefore, it is necessary to
include an omnidirectional guidance mechanism into the
winch. The manufactured cable-driven parallel robot
and its winches are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig.2 System configuration of the developed CDPR

Fig. 4 (a) The manufactured CDPR and (b) its winches
2.2 Design of Winches
2.3 Choice of the Motors and Cables
A static analysis has been carried out in order to decide
properly the size of actuators and cables of the proposed
manipulator. In particular, two cables are connected to
one point at the end-effector, as shown in the simplified
scheme of Fig. 5, where m is the mass of the
end-effector plus the payload. The simplification is done
since the upper cables support most of load in the static

Fig. 3 Assembly of the winch

Figure 3 shows assembly of the winch, whose basic

concept is same as the winch explained in [10]. A main
shaft is supported by two bearings at both ends for
reducing lateral deflection. The discrepancy between the
Fig. 5 Two-dimensional free body diagram
pitch of the ball screw and that of the drum was
corrected by using the pitch of the ball screw and the
For these conditions, each cable is loaded by a
reduction ratio of timing pulleys. The reduction ratio
tension F whose direction is inclined by an angle αwith
between two timing pulleys is thus chosen as 1: 2. Due respect to the horizontal plane. Thus, one can write
to equal pitch of the drum and the spindle the relative
direction of the coiled cable is constant allowing for
2F sin   mg  ma . (1)
reliable coiling and uncoiling of the cable. This is
especially important since the velocities and
accelerations of the cables are very high for cable robots. A maximum required force Freq can be calculated as
in (2) to satisfy the specification in Table 1. The
The tension of each wire is measured by a load cell. The
required torque for the actuator can be calculated as in
mechanical design of the winches is derived from crane
(3), considering the drum radius and the gear reduction.
winches where some additional requirements have to be
taken into account to control and operate cable-driven
m( g  am a x)
parallel robots as in [11]. A first requirement for lasting Fr e q (2)
operation of cable robots without excessive wear of the s2 i n m i n
cables is that the maximum curvature of the cable’ route

Fr e rq
 r e q (3)
The maximum acceleration amax and the maximum
payload are assumed to be 2.5m/s2, and 5kg,
respectively. The drum radius and gear reduction ratio
are selected to r=0.004m and G=5, respectively.
It is worth noting that if αbecomes 0 the actuation
torque becomes infinite. In fact, the configuration where
all cables are horizontal is singular, in which all the
tensions of the cables are orthogonal with respect to the
force given by gravity (mg). Assuming αmin = 20
degrees, we can get Freq = 90N and τreq=0.072Nm.
Thus, for the above-mentioned considerations each Fig. 7 Geometry and kinematics
cable should yield a force higher than about 90 N and
each actuator has a nominal torque of about 0.1 Nm. The pose of the end-effector is defined by its Cartesian
These properties can be achieved, for example, by using position x, y and orientation θ relative to the world
commercial cables and motors PANASONIC coordinate system. Variable vectors li denote the lengths
MSMD012S1T001 with 5:1 reduction ratio. of cables, positioning vectors ai denote the center
position of the end-effector from the proximal anchor
2.3 2-D Laser Scanner points on the frame, the vectors bi are the relative
positions of the distal attachment points on the movable
end-effector. Then, given vector r and rotation matrix R
the closed-form solution for any pose can be obtained as
in (4).
ai  r  Rbi  li (4)
 x cos   sin  
r    and R  
cos  
 y  sin 

3.2 Forward Kinematics

Finding the Cartesian position of the end-effector
Fig. 6 LMS400, SICK when joint variables are given is called forward
kinematics. The problem of forward kinematics of
The LMS400 manufactured from SICK provides a
measurement solution with high scanning rates, CDPR is one of highly complicated issues and cannot
comprehensive process reliability and improved be solved in a closed form. It is also an area of
measurement resolution for close range applications. consistent research for parallel manipulators in general.
The laser scanner can measure up to 3 m, with high In fact, for the general case with 6 degrees of freedom
angular and distance resolution which satisfy with our
application. The LMS400 will be integrated with our up to 40 solutions may exist for the forward kinematic
cable robotic system. problem [6]. Husty proposed a method using a
univariate polynomial of degree 40 finding all these
3. Kinematics solutions [7]. This would be very impractical to
3.1 Inverse Kinematics implement. In this research, the cables tension forces is
Figure 7 shows the kinematic structure of our used as an extra sensory data in the solution of forward
four-cable-driven parallel robot. Black dotted arrows kinematics. Since only the inverse kinematics is needed
indicate position vectors from the attachment points, for a position control, the forward one is not performed
where the cables are connected to the end-effector, to in this work.
anchor points of the rigid frame. A vector describing ith
single cable is shown using a red solid arrow. The world
coordinate system Kw and the end-effector coordinate 4. SIMULATION
system Kp are assigned as shown in Fig. 7. 4.1 Interpolation
We design a smooth curve using cubic-spline
interpolation to guide CDPR along a vertical cycle
assuming that the end-effector leaves the home location,
moves the object to a release location, and returns to the
home location. We use the inverse algorism to calculate

the cable lengths to control CDPR using MATLAB. this is not the case, the pose is considered to be outside
Figures 8 and 9 show the simulation results of the cable of the workspace.
lengths to produces the circular motion.
Increasing the accuracy through a better structural
kinematic model is one of important issues of
investigation. This may include modeling of cable sag,
cable tension, or the geometric effects of winch pulleys.
Another very important issue is the lack of constraint
normal to the plane. Thus any acting force in this
direction will result in vibrations and inaccuracies in
position and control due to deflections on this normal. It
was observed that increasing cable tension improved
this behavior. A detailed experimental and theoretical
-100 -50 0 50 100 examination is needed in order to generalize these
observations and add validity to this claim. This is an
Fig. 8 Generated circular path with 100mm of radius important area of research which can be experimentally
verified using the laser scanner to calibration.

A suitable kinematics analysis of four-cable-driven
parallel architecture has given the possibility to
conceive an easy-operation design of a cable
manipulator. Basic performances have been simulated
for design purposes and they have been experienced in
successful tests for validation purposes. The proposed
four-cable driven parallel manipulator has been used in
laboratory tests both for under constrained and fully
constrained applications that have outlined the
possibility to extend, and also can combine with laser
scanner application in the future, the design concepts for
a general 8-cable parallel manipulator.
Fig. 9 Generated cable lengths for circular motion
4.2 Workspace This work is supported by the National Strategic
The wrench feasible workspace for CDPR is R&D Program for Industrial Technology (10041605)
governed by the fundamental requirement that all cables funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
must be under tension. This means, that for a given (MOTIE) and by Leading Foreign Research Institute
wrench (forces and moments acting on the end-effector) Recruitment Program (No. 2012-026740) through the
there must exist such a distribution of forces in the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded
cables, where all cables are under sufficient tension. For by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
planar cable robots there exists a closed form method (MEST).
illustrated in [8]. The unit vector along the tension
becomes ui  li li . For force equilibrium it holds
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