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Study Guide

System Configuration and Management 1

Use Network Teaming/Bonding to Configure Aggregated

Network Links Between Two Red Hat Enterprise Systems or
Interfaces 1

Configure IPv6 Addresses and Perform Basic IPv6

Troubleshooting 2

Route IP Traffic and Create Static Routes 2

Use Firewalld and Associated Mechanisms to Implement Packet

Filtering and Configure Network Address Translation 3

Use /proc/sys and systctl to Modify and Set Kernel Runtime

Parameters 5

Configure a System to Authenticate Using Kerberos 5

Configure a System as Either an iSCSI Target or Initiator That

Persistently Mounts an iSCSI Target 7

Produce and Deliver Reports on System Utilization 9


Configure Private Directories 11

Configure Group Managed Content 12

Configure a Virtual Host 12

Deploy a basic CGI application 13

Configure TLS Security 14

DNS 15

Configure a Caching-Only Name Server 15

NFS 16

Provide Network Shares to Specific Clients 16

Provide Network Shares Suitable for Group Collaboration 17

Use Kerberos to Control Access to NFS Shares 18

SMB 19

Provide Network Shares to Specific Client 20


Configure a System to Forward All Email to a Central Mail

Server 21


Install and Configure MariaDB 22

Backup and Restore a Database 22

Create a Simple Database Schema 22

Perform Simple SQL Queries Against a Database 23

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System Configuration and Management

Use Network Teaming/Bonding to Configure Aggregated
Network Links Between Two Red Hat Enterprise Systems or
• Command line network interface management utility: nmcli

• Create a new active/backup team connection:

»» nmcli con add type team con-name myteam0 ifname myteam0 config '{"runner":
{"name": "activebackup"}}'

• Add a new IP address to the team adapter:

»» nmcli con mod myteam0 ipv4.addresses ''

–– Substitute with your desired IP

• Indicate that the teamed interface is manually configured with a static IP rather than DHCP:
»» nmcli con mod myteam0 ipv4.method manual

• Assign two existing interfaces to the myteam0 connection:

»» nmcli con add type team-slave con-name myteam0-port1 ifname eno1 master

»» nmcli con add type team-slave con-name myteam0-port2 ifname eno2 master

• Check the state/configuration of the teamed interfaces:

»» teamdctl myteam0 state

• Test failover/teaming by disconnecting the primary/active interface:

»» nmcli dev dis en01

»» teamdctl myteam0 state

• Bring it back online:

»» nmcli con up myteam0-port1

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Configure IPv6 Addresses and Perform Basic IPv6

• IPv6 Address

»» 128-bit number

»» Eight (8) colon-separated groups of four hexadecimal “nibbles” (half-bytes)

»» Each one (four bits) represents 16 bits of the IPv6 address

»» Example: 3022:0cd8:0000:0100:0000:0000:0000:0001

• Short Hand

»» A group of all zeros in a nibble can be represented by colons alone, like so: 3022:0cd8:0:01::1

»» Double zeros in groups must be suppressed

»» Use :: to shorten when possible

»» Cannot have two :: substitute shortcuts in any one address, regardless of grouping of zeros

»» Typically do not use :: to simply shorten ONE group of zeros

»» Hex number values are always lowercase

• nmcli is otherwise used as normal to manage IPv6 addresses

Route IP Traffic and Create Static Routes

• ip route

»» Displays the current routing table, including static routes restored on boot

»» Replaces the netstat -rn command for showing routes, although that still works on all
distributions, as well, at this time

• ip route add [network/subnet] via [gateway ip] dev [interface]

• ip route add via dev eth1

»» This adds a static route to the network (addresses .1 through .254) via the IP through device eth1

• /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

»» Directory where files exist for interface and network routing persistence

»» Example:
–– route-eth1

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»» These will persistently create the same static route that was added dynamically with the route
command above

Use Firewalld and Associated Mechanisms to Implement

Packet Filtering and Configure Network Address Translation
• Firewalld is the firewall default daemon

• Managed at the command line with firewall-cmd

• Allows working with services, zones and rules, as well as importing custom rules from XML files

• Service configurations are stored in XML files located at /usr/lib/firewalld/services and /etc/
firewalld/services (depending on user-defined [/usr/lib] or system-level [/etc/firewalld]

• Restart the firewall:

»» systemctl restart firewalld

• Reloading persistent firewall rules:

»» firewall-cmd –reload

• Zone management parameters:

»» –get-default-zone

»» –set default-zone

»» –get-active-zones

»» –get-zones

»» –list-all

»» –list-all-zones

»» –new-zone

»» –delete-zone

»» –permanent

»» –zone

• Current vs permanent firewall rule changes:

»» Commands making rule changes of any kind are NOT persistent (in other words, will not
persist across reboots or service restarts) UNLESS the –permanent option is specified

»» Commands making rule changes take immediate effect UNLESS specifying the –permanent

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parameter, rules specifying permanent must be applied with a subsequent –reload

• Service management options:

»» –get-services

»» –list-services

»» –query-service

»» –add-service

»» –remove-service

»» –new-service

»» –delete-service

• Port management options:

»» –list-ports

»» –add-port

»» –remove-port

»» –query-port

• When adding ports, the port number must specify TCP/UDP for application

• Ranges can be added with dashes:

»» –add-port 500-599/TCP for example

• Rich rule management:

»» –list-rich-rules

»» –add-rich-rule

»» –remove-rich-rule

»» –query-rich-rule

• Sample using rich rules to allow inbound HTTP access from a network IP range,
logging each one at the info log level and making the change permanent:
»» firewall-cmd –add-rich-rule 'rule-family="ipv4" source address=""
service name="http" log prefix="HTTP Allow Rule" level="info" accept' –

»» This will update the default zone (public by default) XML rule file in /etc/firewalld/zones/

• Port forwarding options:

»» –list-forward-ports

»» –add-forward-port

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»» –remove-forward-port

»» –query-forward-port

• Forwarding example for redirecting SSH from port 22 to port 2222 in the DMZ zone:
»» firewall-cmd –zone DMZ –permanent –add-forward-port

Use /proc/sys and systctl to Modify and Set Kernel Runtime

• The /proc filesystem contains system level configuration items

• Making changes to a running kernel parameter can be done by manipulating the values within the
file pertaining to the section you wish to change; for example, to change the IPv4 forwarding value
in order to allow your system to function as a network gateway, you can do the following to effect an
immediate change:
»» echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

»» NOTE: this does NOT persist on a reboot

–– You can add that command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

• Using sysctl and sysctl.conf:

»» sysctl will allow you to view available kernel runtime parameters:

–– sysctl -a

»» sysctl will allow you to set a value:

–– sysctl -w vm.pagesize = 4096

• To permanently storing changes, write them to /etc/sysctl.conf

• For example, to add the ip_forward change persistently:

»» net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

»» Applying the change:

–– sysctl -p

–– or reboot

Configure a System to Authenticate Using Kerberos

• Kerberos authentication requires:

»» KDC server

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»» Client

»» Packages:
–– krb5-server

–– krb5-workstation

–– pam_krb5

• KDC server:

»» /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf

–– Replace EXAMPLE.COM with your own domain/realm

–– Option: To make Kerberos 5 compatible only, comment out the default_principal_flags =


»» /etc/krb5.conf

–– Replace EXAMPLE.COM/example.com with your realm/domain (case sensitive)

–– Replace server name with your KDC server name

»» /var/lib/krbkdc/kadm5.acl

»» Replace EXAMPLE.COM with your domain

• Fully Qualified Domain Names:

»» Kerberos requires FQDN references; if you do not have FQDN or are on a private network, be
sure all clients and servers have the FQDN set to localhost (/etc/hosts) for those authenticating
to the KDC

• Creating the Kerberos authentication database:

»» kdb5_util create -s -r EXAMPLE.COM

–– Replace EXAMPLE.COM as appropriate for your configuration

• Managing the Kerberos services:

»» systemctl enable krb5kdc kadmin

»» systemctl start krb5kdc

»» systemctl start kadmin

• Kerberos administration tool:

»» If local: kadmin.local

»» If remote: kadmin

• Adding a principal admin account for Kerberos:

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»» addprinc root/admin

• Adding a user account:

»» addprinc user01

• Adding hostname allowed to authenticate:

»» addprinc -randkey host/kdcserver.example.com

–– Replace the server name and example.com with your own information

• Creating keytab file once complete:

»» ktadd host/kdcserver.example.com

• Configuring the host to allow Kerberos user authentication via ssh:

»» /etc/ssh/ssh_config
–– GSSAPIAuthentication yes

–– GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes

»» systemctl reload sshd

• Allow PAM authentication at the command line:

»» authconfig –enablekrb5 –update

• Client and user authentication (local KDC or separate client after user and host added as above):
»» su – user01

»» kinit

–– Password for user when added to KDC

»» klist

–– Will show host and user associated to principle

»» ssh kdcserver.example.com

Configure a System as Either an iSCSI Target or Initiator

That Persistently Mounts an iSCSI Target
• Server configuration, called iSCSI target:
»» yum install -y targetcli

• Enable and activate the service:

»» systemctl enable target

»» systemctl start target

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–– Note: No configuration has been made, target will start and stop

• Two types of target storage:

»» fileio backstore

–– Specially formatted block file; less performant

»» block backstore

–– Associated with partition, device or LVM; more performant

• fileio backstore creation

»» targetcli

»» backstores/fileio/ create [NAME OF BACKSTORE] [LOCATION OF IMG FILE] [SIZE in


• block backstore

»» targetcli

»» backstores/block/ create [NAME OF BACKSTORE] [DEVICE AND PARTITION]

–– Note: No size is needed as it is determined by the device and partition size references

• Create an IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) and target:

»» Standard format, in our example:

–– iqn.2016.05.co m.example:targetname

–– Note: Will create a TPG (Target Profile Group)

• Create a LUN:
»» fileio backstore

–– luns/ create /backstores/fileio/[NAME OF BACKSTORE]

»» block backstore

–– luns/ create /backstores/block/[NAME OF BACKSTORE]

• Create an ACL for your client and the initiator name:

»» acls/ create iqn.2016.05.co m.example:client

• Optional: Create userid and password:

»» set suth userid=username

»» set auth password=password

• Client configuration, called iSCSI Initiator:

»» yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utils

• /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi

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»» Replace with initiator name created on server (in our example):

–– InitiatorName=iqn.2016.05.co m.example:client

• Additionally, if userid and password set: /etc/iscsci/iscsid.conf

»» node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP

»» node.session.auth.username = username

»» node.session.auth.password = password

• Enable and start the service:

»» systemctl enable iscsi

»» systemctl start iscsi

• Discover the remote target:

»» iscsiadm –mode discovery –type sendtargets –portal [server ip]

• Get the connection for the target and establish connection:

»» iscsiadm –mode node –targetname iqn.2016.05.co m.example:targetname –portal
[server ip] –login

• Check the type:

»» lsblk –iscsi

• Make the filesystem (no fdisk/gdisk, simple mkfs command)

• /etc/fstab mounting:
»» get block id, blkid

»» UUID=[uuid from blkid cmd] /mnt/location ext4 _netdev 0 0

–– /mnt/location can be wherever your mount is intended

–– ext4 can be whatever filesystem you choose

–– _netdev indicates during boot to wait for full network availability before attempting mount

Produce and Deliver Reports on System Utilization

• Common system utilization utilities covered in other courses or certifications valid here:
»» ps

»» pgrep

»» top

»» ss

»» nmap

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• yum install -y sysstat

• Enable and activate:

»» systemctl enable sysstat

»» systemctl start sysstat

• Reporting options:

»» Example: sadf -d /var/log/sa/sa15 -- -u -r -dp -n DEV

–– Will produce a report for the 15th of the month for CPU, memory, disk activity and
network (where DEV is the interface you want the report to apply to for activity)

• Install and configure Apache:
»» httpd

»» Apache service to install

»» systemctl enable httpd

»» systemctl start httpd

»» By default, listening on port 80

• Key configuration files and directories:

»» /etc/httpd

–– Primary http configuration directory, all httpd configuration files and directories root here

»» /etc/httpd/conf

–– magic – mime configuration file for filetype definitions

–– httpd.conf – primary overall apache configuration, default location for vhosts

»» /etc/httpd/conf.d

–– User and index configuration file (user directory, welcome message and indexes)

»» /etc/httpd/conf.d.modules

–– Module configuration files (as referenced in httpd.conf)

»» /etc/httpd/logs

–– Links to /var/log/httpd by default

»» /etc/httpd/modules

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–– Apache modules, links to /usr/lib64/httpd/modules by default

»» /etc/httpd/run

–– Temporary run files for httpd process, links to /run/httpd by default

»» /var/www/html

–– Default directory for website content

Configure Private Directories

• Allowing the web server to provide browser-based access to user directories.

• /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
»» <Directory "/var/www/html/private"> # Example

»» AuthType Basic

»» AuthName "Password Protected Directory" # Example

»» AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/passwd # Can be elsewhere

»» Require user USERNAME # Replace USERNAME as appropriate

»» </Directory>

• Test configuration:
»» apachectl configtest

• Create the password for access for user USERNAME:

»» htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/passwd USERNAME

• Set permissions:

»» chown 600 /etc/httpd/conf/passwd

• Ownership to Apache:
»» chown apache:apache /etc/httpd/conf/passwd

• .htpasswd file can be used locally instead

• systemctl restart httpd

• Can be accessed via URL:

»» http://[SERVNAME]/private

»» Should prompt for username and password

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Configure Group Managed Content

• Similar to the private directory, for groups

• /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
»» <Directory “/var/www/html/private”> # Example

»» AuthType Basic

»» AuthName “Password Protected Directory” # Example

»» AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/conf/group # Can be elsewhere

»» AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/passwd # Can be elsewhere

»» Require group GROUPNAME # replace GROUPNAME as appropriate

»» </Directory>

• Test configuration:
»» apachectl configtest

• Create the password for access for group GROUPNAME:

»» htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/passwd GROUPNAME

• Set permissions:
»» chown 600 /etc/httpd/conf/passwd

»» chown 600 /etc/httpd/conf/group

• Ownership to Apache:
»» chown apache:apache /etc/httpd/conf/passwd

»» chown apache:apache /etc/httpd/conf/group

• .htpasswd file can be used locally instead

• systemctl restart httpd

• Can be accessed via URL:

»» http://[SERVNAME]/private

»» Should prompt for username and password

Configure a Virtual Host

• Create virtual host directory:
»» mkdir /etc/httpd/vhost.d

• Add the directory to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

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»» Include vhost.d/*.conf

• Externalizes vhost configuration; by default, vhost configurations can be added directly to httpd.

• Sample configuration for domain myhost.sample.com:

»» /etc/httpd/vhost.d/myhost.sample.com_http.conf
–– <VirtualHost *:80>

–– ServerAdmin [email protected]

–– DocumentRoot /var/www/html/myhost.sample.com

–– ServerName myhost.sample.com

–– ServerAlias myhost

–– ErrorLog logs/myhost.sample.com-error_log

–– CustomLog logs/myhost.sample.com-access_log common

–– </VirtualHost>

• Testing the configuration:

»» apachectl configtest

• Apache must be restarted or reloaded gracefully to read the new virtual host:
»» systemctl restart httpd

»» systemctl reload httpd

• Show a dump of the virtual host configurations for Apache, in general:

»» httpd -D DUMP_VHOSTS

Deploy a basic CGI application

• /var/www/cgi-bin

»» Default, preconfigured CGI Apache directory

»» Files must have ‘755’ permissions, owned by Apache

• SELinux considerations:
»» getsebool httpd_enable_cgi

»» If off: setsebool httpd_enable_cgi on (as root or sudo)

• Using non-default CGI directory:

»» mkdir /mycgi

• SELinux considerations for custom directory for CGI:

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»» semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t “/mycgi(/*)?”

»» restorecon -R /mycgi

• Changes for custom directory, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

»» Replace ScriptAlias

»» Script Alias /cgi-bin/ "/mycgi/"

• In virtual host file for site:

»» <Directory “/mycgi”>

»» AllowOverride None

»» Options None

»» Require all granted

»» </Directory>

• Testing the configuration:

»» apachectl configtest

• Apache must be restarted or reloaded gracefully to read the new virtual host
»» systemctl restart httpd

»» systemctl reload httpd

Configure TLS Security

• Make sure openssl is installed:
»» yum -y install openssl

• Generating a certificate keyfile:

»» openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -keyout /etc/httpd/ssl-keys/myhost.sample.co m.
key -days 730

• Generating a self-signed certificate using the generated key:

»» openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out /etc/httpd/ssl-certs/myhost.sample.co m.crt
-keyout /etc/httpd/ssl-certs/myhost.sample.co m.key -days 730

• System-wide certificate:

»» /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
–– SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl-certs/myhost.sample.co m.crt

–– SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/https/ssl-certs/myhost.sample.co m.key

–– Search and replace: ServerName myhost.sample.co m:443

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• Test configuration:
»» httpd -t

»» apachectl configtest

• Certificates for specific virtual hosts: Add the following to virtual host file (in our configuration, in /

»» Make sure the following exist:

–– <VirtualHost *:443>

–– typical virtual host configurations for directories, server names, etc (see above)
–– SSLEngine on

–– SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl-certs/myhost.sample.co m.crt

–– SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/https/ssl-certs/myhost.sample.co m.key

• Testing the configuration:

»» apachectl configtest

• Apache must be restarted or reloaded gracefully to read the new virtual host:
»» systemctl restart httpd

»» systemctl reload httpd

• Show a dump of the virtual host configuration for apache in general:

»» httpd -D DUMP_VHOSTS

Configure a Caching-Only Name Server
• Install the bind name server:
»» yum install -y bind

• /etc/named.conf

»» Primary configuration service file

»» Change:
–– listen-on port 53 {; }; # replace with ‘any’

–– allow-query { localhost }; # replace localhost with ‘any’

–– dnssec-validation no;

»» Validate the changes:

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–– named-checkconf

»» Enable and start the service:

–– systemctl enable named

–– systemctl start named

»» Testing:
–– nslookup google.com # or local IP of server

–– [email protected] google.com # or local IP of server

»» Client utilities and files for troubleshooting DNS

–– nslookup

–– dig

–– ping

–– /etc/resolv.conf: Client configuration pointing to DNS server(s)

Provide Network Shares to Specific Clients
• Group installation for server:
»» yum groupinstall -y file-server

• Enable services for NFS server:

»» systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server

• Sample directory to provide for file sharing:

»» mkdir /home/fileshare

• Apply permissions:
»» chmod 0777 /home/fileshare

• SELinux considerations:

»» View all NFS related booleans:

–– semanage Boolean -l | grep nfs

»» Set booleans for our configuration:

–– setsebool -P nfs_export_all_ro on

–– setsebool -P nfs_export_all_rw on

–– setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs on

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• /etc/exports

»» Defines the shares to export for use:

–– /home/fileshare client.sample.com(rw,no_root_squash)

–– Note: no space between domain/IP and options in parentheses

• Exporting the filesystem:

»» exportfs -avr

• Checking the exported filesystems on the server:

»» showmount -e localhost

• Client installation:
»» yum install -y nfs-utils

• Mounting the filesystem on the /mnt/shared directory:

»» mount -t nfs nfsserver.sample.co m:/home/fileshare /mnt/shared

• /etc/fstab
»» [servername/ip]:[/path/to/share] [/path/local/mountpoint] nfs options 0 0
# example below

»» nfsserver.sample.co m:/home/fileshare /mnt/shared nfs _

netdev,wsize=8192,rsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0 0

Provide Network Shares Suitable for Group Collaboration

• Same server packages as above for NFS server

• Same services enabled and started

• Create a directory to be exported:

»» mkdir /mygroup

• Create a group that will have access to this share:

»» groupadd -g 50000 grpshare

• Add the group ownership to the shared filesystem:

»» chgrp grpshare /mygroup

• Change permissions, including special permissions bit:

»» chmod 2770 /mygroup

• /etc/exports

»» Add the line for the export:

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–– /mygroup client.sample.com(rw,no_root_squash)

• SELinux considerations

»» View all NFS-related booleans

–– semanage Boolean -l | grep nfs

»» Set booleans for our configuration:

–– setsebool -P nfs_export_all_ro on

–– setsebool -P nfs_export_all_rw on

–– setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs on

• Exporting the filesystem:

»» exportfs -avr

• Checking the exported filesystems on the server:

»» showmount -e localhost

• Client installation:
»» yum install -y nfs-utils

• Mounting the filesystem on the /mnt/shared directory:

»» mount -t nfs nfsserver.sample.co m:/mygroup /mnt/shared

• /etc/fstab
»» [servername/ip]:[/path/to/share] [/path/local/mountpoint] nfs options 0 0
# example below

»» nfsserver.sample.co m:/mygroup /mnt/shared nfs _

netdev,wsize=8192,rsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0 0

Use Kerberos to Control Access to NFS Shares

• NFSshould be set up as above on the server and client

• Add the package:

»» yum install -y nfs-secure-server

• Enable and start the servers:

»» systemctl enable nfs-server nfs-secure-server

»» systemctl start nfs-server

»» systemctl start nfs-secure-server

• KDC server should already be configured

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• Using the KDC admin utility to add the appropriate NFS server configuration:

»» kadmin (or kadmin.local if KDC and NFS services on same system)

»» ktadd nfs/nfsserver.sample.com

• /etc/exports

»» Add the option sec=krb5 insider the options for any export to be protected via Kerberos
–– /mygroup client.sample.com(rw,no_root_squash,sec=krb5)

• Exporting the filesystem:

»» exportfs -avr

• Checking the exported filesystems on the server:

»» showmount -e localhost

• NFS secure client should have the pam and Kerberos packages

• Using the KDC admin utility, add the appropriate client configuration:
»» kadmin

»» ktadd nfs/client.sample.com

• RHEL 7.1+ systems need to enable and start the special nfs-client.target:
»» systemctl enable nfs-client.target

»» systemctl start nfs-client.target

• Mounting the remote directory:

»» mount -t nfs4 -o sec=grb5 nfsserver.sample.co m:/mygroup /mnt/grpshare

• /etc/fstab
»» [servername/ip]:[/path/to/share] [/path/local/mountpoint] nfs4 options
[sec=krb5] 0 0 # example below

»» nfsserver.sample.co m:/mygroup /mnt/shared nfs4 _

netdev,wsize=8192,rsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,sec=krb5 0 0

• Switch to the user (in our original example, user01):

»» su – user01

• Obtain the Kerberos ticket:

»» kinit

• You can now read/write files in the mounted /mnt/shared directory.

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Provide Network Shares to Specific Client

• Group installation for server:
»» yum groupinstall -y file-server

• /etc/samba/smb.conf

»» Primary configuration file for Samba service and shares

• Settings needed to change:

»» workgroup = YOURDOMAIN

»» netbios name = YOURSERVER

»» interfaces = lo en01 # sample device and network

»» hosts allow = 127. 10.0.1. # sample network

• Adding a shared filesystem:

»» [shared]

»» browseable = yes

»» path = /path/to/your/share

»» valid users = user01  sample user

»» writable = yes

• Testing the syntax and configuration:

»» testparm

»» Will show output for the configuration and share destination section

• Create the directory you indicated in your configuration for the share.

• Change the permissions to rwx for everyone

• SELinux considerations:

»» On a directory named /myshare do the following:

–– semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t “/myshare(/.*)?”

–– restorecon -R /myshare

• Enable the services needed:

»» systemctl enable smb nmb winbind

• Start the services:

»» systemctl start smb

»» systemctl start nmb

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»» systemctl start winbind

• Create the user (if needed), create the samba password for the user account:
»» smbpasswd -a user01

Configure a System to Forward All Email to a Central Mail
• Install Postfix:
»» yum install -y postfix

• Enable and start it:

»» systemctl enable postfix

»» systemctl start postfix

• Build what is called a “null client” configuration.

• /etc/postfix/main.cf

»» Changes needed for scenario of network and the mail server called mail.sample.
com on IP

–– myhostname = mail.sample.com

–– mydomain = sample.com

–– myorigin = $mydomain

–– inet_interfaces = loopback-only

–– mydestination =

–– relayhost =

»» All other items can be left at default.

• Checking the configuration:

»» postfix check

»» postconf -a

• Reload the configuration:

»» systemctl restart postfix

• Testing:

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»» echo "Some test" | mail -s "Testing Mail Forwarding" [email protected]

»» mailq

»» Log in as user01 and should see a message you have mail

Install and Configure MariaDB
• Install the service and client:
»» yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server

• Enable and start the service:

»» systemctl enable mariadb

»» systemctl start mariadb

• Run the secure installation, setting root password:

»» mysql_secure_installation

• /etc/my.cnf

»» MariaDB configuration file

• Enabling remote access in /etc/my.cnf:

»» bind-address [server ip]

Backup and Restore a Database

• Back up utility:
»» mysqldump

• Backing up sample database called mydb using the root user on the localhost:
»» mysqldump –user=root password="password" –result-file=mydb.sql mydb

• Restoring the same database (note that the database itself MUST already exist, it will not recreate
the database with the above command backup):
»» mysql –user=root –password=”password” mydb < mydb.sql

Create a Simple Database Schema

• Connect to MariaDB server, as root:
»» mysql -u root -p

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–– Will prompt for root password as defined in the mysql_secure_installation set up


• Creating the database:

»» CREATE DATABASE MyDB; # example

• Granting permission on that DB to a user called user01 from the localhost:

»» GRANT ALL ON MyDB.* TO user01@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

»» FLUSH PRIVILEGES; # reloads DB permissions tables

• Reconnect as the user just created:

»» mysql -u user01 -p

–– Will prompt for password from SQL GRANT statement above

• Indicate the DB with which to work:

»» USE MyDB;

• Create a simple user table with firstname, lastname and emails address fields, all string fields with
50 character limits
»» CREATE TABLE tblUserInfo(firstname varchar(50),lastname varchar(50),email

• Show the table just created:


• Show the fields in the table called tblUserInfo just created:

»» DESC tblUserInfo;

Perform Simple SQL Queries Against a Database

• Reconnect as the user just created:
»» mysql -u user01 -p

–– Will prompt for password from SQL GRANT statement above

• Indicate the DB to with which to work:

»» USE MyDB;

• Insert records:
»» INSERT tblUserInfo VALUES(“John”,”Smith”,”[email protected]”);

»» INSERT tbl UserInfo VALUES(“Bruce”,”Wayne”,”[email protected]”);

• Select records from the table:

»» SELECT * FROM tblUserInfo;

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–– Will display both records

• Select certain records:

»» SELECT * FROM tblUserInfo WHERE firstname=”Bruce”;

–– Will only show Batman’s name

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