Facts:: National Union of Bank Employees V. Philnabank Employees ASSOCIATION, GR No.174287, 2013-08-12
Facts:: National Union of Bank Employees V. Philnabank Employees ASSOCIATION, GR No.174287, 2013-08-12
Facts:: National Union of Bank Employees V. Philnabank Employees ASSOCIATION, GR No.174287, 2013-08-12
ASSOCIATION, GR No.174287, 2013-08-12
Respondent Philippine National Bank (PNB) used to be a government-owned and
controlled banking institution
Its rank-and-file employees, being government personnel, were represented for collective
negotiation by the Philnabank Employees Association (PEMA), a public sector union.
the Securities and Exchange Commission approved PNB's new Articles of Incorporation
and By-laws and its changed status as a private corporation.
PEMA affiliated with petitioner National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE), which is a labor
federation composed of unions in... the banking industry, adopting the name NUBE-PNB
Employees Chapter (NUBE-PEC).
Later, NUBE-PEC was certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of the PNB
rank-and-file employees. A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) was subsequently
signed between NUBE-PEC and PNB