SW5e - Starships of The Galaxy - Version 1.1.0
SW5e - Starships of The Galaxy - Version 1.1.0
SW5e - Starships of The Galaxy - Version 1.1.0
his guide is designed predominantly for the Chapter 1: Adventuring
Dungeon Master to help introduce ship combat
into your Star Wars Dungeons & Dragons This chapter covers the basics of spaceships: their acquisition;
campaign. If you have ever thought about registration; traveling; communications; ship sizes; docking,
running a Star Wars Dungeons & Dragons fuel, and maintenance; and ship damage.
game for your friends, either a single night's
adventure or a long-running campaign, this Chapter 2: Combat
supplement contains all the details for implementing the The combat chapter describes how to run combat. Combat
space portion. It's your one-stop shop for combat rules, ship functions very closely to its character-scale counterparts.
statblocks, and ship generating.
Some of the ships included in this supplement you've seen Chapter 3: Equipment
in the movies or TV shows. Other ships are from the
Expanded Universe or, my personal preference, the Old Chapter three covers ship parts. It offers options for modifying
Republic era. Common ships mingle with their more and upgrading your ship.
advanced brethren. I've endeavored to reflect the multifaceted
nature of the game, reflected by the ships as I see them. Chapter 4: Generating Encounters
A guide to generating encounters as well as options to spice
How to Use This things up.
The best thing about being a DM is that you get to collaborate Chapter 5: Statblocks
with your players and run whatever game you want. Some
playgroups, for instance, might have no interest in owning and Suggested stat values for ships. This iteration only includes
upgrading their own spaceship, while others want it to the three six. I will work on more for the future.
exclusion of all else. You can run a one-shot without some of
the player's ever leaving their ship, if you are so inclined.
That's where the Space Combat Guide comes in handy.
The Space Combat Guide is a supplement featuring an
entirely optional ruleset; if you don't like it, don't offer it. It
builds off of the Player's Handbook, but includes all of the
necessary information without cross-referencing. Use it to
populate your D&D adventures with fragile TIEs, swift A-
Wings, nimble freighters, imposing star destroyers, and a
veritable horde of other ships.
Guidelines for creating encounters with monsters can be
found in the Dungeon Master's Guide, while this supplement
includes advice for modifying ships and creating your own.
This book is broken down into 5 chapters: Adventuring,
Combat, Equipment, Generating Encounters, and Statblocks.
Each chapter is briefly described to the right:
Chapter 1: Adventuring
s made clear by the very title - Star Wars - Shipjacking
adventures will often take place, at least in part,
in space: running a blockade, escaping through The most nefarious (and frankly most enjoyable) way to
an asteroid field, fighting an epic space battle, or acquire a starship is to steal one. Shipjacking is an old and
just simply traveling to a new destination. This extremely dangerous profession. Starport authorities (as well
chapter includes the basics on implementing as the original owners) are constantly on the lookout for
starships in your SW5e campaign. stolen ships, and if the heroes fail to adequately falsify
This section some of the basics of starships and space documentation identifying themselves as the ship's owners,
travel, giving the Dungeon Master (DM) and players alike a they can find themself in an uncomfortable position.
sense of how space travel and starships work in the Star Wars
universe. DMs should feel free to use as much or as little of
this material as they like; none of these features are so Used Starships
integral to the central Star Wars themes that they can not be Owning a used starship can be risky. Though used
ignored. ships are cheaper and easier to get ahold of, they
have a tendency to develop unique quirks that
Acquiring a Ship prevent them from operating efficiently. Whenever
you roll a 1 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving
Many parties might see fit to merely obtain passage on a throw, you must roll on the System Damage table
vessel as a part of their adventures, and there's nothing wrong on page 5.
with that. Others will want to obtain their own ships as fast as Typically, the price of a used ship falls between
possible as it is a core component to their character. It is at 25 and 50% of its cost if it were new.
Additionally, if ship's previous owner had any
the discretion of the DM to determine when a party should enemies, they may be on the lookout for their
obtain their first starship using one of the following options. starships.
Joining a Faction
Joining a large faction, such as the Galactic Republic or the
Empire might merit the acquisition of a personal starship. Ship Registration
Generally, the faction still owns the ship and allows the party Pilots are required to register their starships with the Bureau
to use it as long as they are in accordance with the faction's of Ships and Services (or BoSS). Additionally, at registration,
wishes. Refusing missions or violating the faction's rule may the pilot must acquire an Operating License at the cost of
lead to disavowment, pursuit, and eventual repossession of 1,000 credits. To be eligible for this license they must pass a
the ship. written piloting test, which requires a DC 15 Piloting check.
A Wealthy Sponsor
Alternatively, the party may be granted the favor of working for The Bureau of Ships and Services
a specific wealthy individual, such as a rich aristocrat. The Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) is a long-
Convincing such an individual to finance you, however, can be standing, impartial, third-party galactic organization
quite the adventure in-and-of itself. Generally you can only that manages all data related to the massive number
obtain a sponsor if you can prove the relationship will be of starships present in the galaxy. The BoSS has
mutually beneficial. stood for thousands of years due to their ability to
stay neutral in conflicts.
Information on a ship's ownership and its
Financing captains certifications are kept on file at the BoSS at
The party could seek the assistance of a financial institute to all times. The data is distributed to spaceports upon
purchase a starship. Generally, the bank will require 20% of request, but it is an expensive and slow process. As
the starship's cost as a down payment, with monthly payments a result of this, smaller spaceports rarely update
equal to 2% of the cost for the following five years. their registries more than once a year.
The security on BoSS computer systems is of the
highest caliber money can buy, making it almost
Loan Sharks impossible to access without proper authorization
As a less appealing (but potentially more interesting) option, codes.
the party could seek out a loan shark or an affluent gangster
to finance a ship's acquisition. This usually requires less
money up front, but requires steeper loan payments (typically
10% of the starship's cost each month for 3 years).
Transponder Codes Astrogation
When ships are created, they are assigned a unique signal Plotting a hyperspace course requires incredibly difficult
called a transponder code. Once registered with the BoSS, calculations; normally, only a character proficient in
this signal can be used to identify that ship using the BoSS Technology could perform this feat. Ships equipped with a
database. The transponder code can be used to identify a navicomputer, however, allow bonuses to the Technology
ship's owner, designation, make and model, as well as any check or even bypass it all together. Snubfighters typically
registered modifications. Additionally, a transponder code can have no room for a navicomputer and instead use astromech
be used to access the ship's ownership history. droids.
The transponder code is built into the ship's sublight The difficulty of plotting a course through hyperspace is
engines, making any attempt to remove or alter it incredibly determined by how recent astrogation data is, as shown
difficult; failing an attempt could damage or destroy a ship's below.
Astrogation Accuracy
Travel in Realspace DC Age of Astrogation Data
All starships have sublight engines that propel them through 10 Less than 1 day
realspace, using them when taking off, landing, or flying 15 1 day to 1 week (1-5 days)
within a gravity sphere. Coupled with an ion drive, ships are
capable of incredible acceleration. You can use the following 20 1 week to 1 month (6-35 days)
guidelines to determine travel times in realspace for an 25 1 month to 1 year (36-368 days)
average starship.
30 Greater than 1 year
Distance Time Required
Surface of planet to orbit 1-5 minutes Failing this check results in a potential hyperspace mishap
(see the Hyerspace Mishaps table)
Orbit to safe hyperspace jump distance 1 minute The BoSS: In addition to their duties of regulating
Calculating a jump to hyperspace 1 minute information regarding ship ownership, they BoSS also
Orbit to planet's moon 10-30 minutes
maintains a database of astrogation information. Each time a
ship docks in a major spaceport, they can update their
Orbit to another planet in the same system 2-6 hours astrogation data for a 150 credit fee. Astrogation data is
Orbit to outer edge of system 12-24 hours
routinely updated and is rarely more than a week old.
Hyperspace Hazards
Travel in Hyperspace Traveling through hyperspace can be incredibly dangerous. If
The fastest way to travel long distances in space is through a starship is disabled because of a poorly plotted hyperspace
hyperspace. When a starship engages its hyperdrive, it course, the DM usually chooses the point at which the ship
accelerates beyond the speed of light and enters hyperspace. drops out of hyperspace at random. DMs looking for a more
A starship in hyperspace can't communicate with ships in in-depth description of a hyperspace mishap can consult the
realspace. It is effectively cut off from realspace while in table below.
hyperspace. Hyperspace Mishaps
Large objects that generate significant gravity, such as D20 Result
planets and stars, produce what is known as a "mass shadow"
that projects into hyerspace. Collision with a mass shadow Internal computer systems overload. Technology
can have catastrophic repercussions. Hyperdrives have built- 1-5 checks aboard the starship are made with
in safeguards that prevent a ship from jumping to hyperspace disadvantage until repairs are conducted.
while inside of a mass shadow, causing a ship to immediately Intense gravity warps the vessel's structual integrity.
revert to realspace if the mass shadow is detected. 6-10 Piloting checks are made with disadvantage until
Interdiction vesssels use gravity well generators to keep ships repairs are conducted.
from activating their hyperdrives. Some pirates have been
known to drag asteroids into hyperspace lanes in order to Starship collides with small debris. The hull
drag prey out of hyperspace. 11-15
immediately takes damage equal to 1/10th of its
max HP, and shields regenerate at half their normal
rate until repairs are conducted.
Detecting Hyperspace Travel
The hyperdrive suffers a catastrophic failure, and is
When a starship enters or exits hyperspace, it generates a 16-19
rendered unusable until repairs are conducted.
short burst of radiation. Any facility with adequate sensor
arrays can detect this radiation burst with a DC 20 20 Reroll on the above table twice.
Technology check. Success would indicate that a ship entered
or exited the system as well as the point of arrival or
departure. If the Technology check is over 25, the angle of
departure can be determined, indicating possible destinations.
Communications Ship Sizes
Starships are equipped with basic systems that allow for Each ship takes up a different amount of space. The Size
communication in realspace. Typically, starship Categories table shows how much space a ship of a particular
communications systems are limited to contact ships and size controls in combat. Objects sometimes use the same size
planets within the same system, although boosters and categories.
specialized radios can reach up to several light-ears. Opening
a channel to a willing recipient is simply a matter of pinging Size Categories
their ship. They will receive a notification and can respond, Size Space
opening the lines of communication. Tiny 2½ by 2½ ft.
HoloNet Small 5 by 5 ft.
The Holonet is an instantaneous communication system that Medium 10 by 10 ft.
allows planets to stay in contact despite the vast distances Large 20 by 20 ft.
between them. A HoloNet transceiver transmits and receives
information through hyperspace, allowing information to Huge 40 by 40 ft.
travel millions of times faster than the speed of light. Gargantuan 80 by 80 ft. or larger
Hyperwave transceivers are embedded at strategic locations,
constantly relaying information throughout the galaxy. This
networks allows for instantaneous three-dimensional Ship sizes are scaled down for the sake of
holographic communications at virtually any distance, making simplicity. Additionally, if you use the Playing on a
it one of the primary means of communication. Government Grid variant rule (discussed in chapter 2), it makes it
agencies, such as the military, typically maintain their own much easier to manage. Weapon ranges and ship
encrypted circuits on the HoloNet. Some experienced slicers speeds are similarly scaled down.
have been able to access these encrypted channels, though it
required access to a government compound for the requisite
Starship Piloting
METOSP (Message to Spacers) While piloting a starship, you use the ship's statistics for its
Upon arrival in a star system, most starships immediately Strength, Dexterity and Consitution scores, but you replace its
connect to a specialized frequency responsible for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores with your own.
communicating with incoming and outbound ships, called While piloting a ship, if you are subjected to any conditions,
Message to Spacers, or METOSP. The METOSP message the ship is likewise subjected to that condition. Additionally,
typically conveys a repeated greeting with information about while piloting a ship, the pilot may take their own action, or
flight hazards (such as blockades, weather, debris, or use one of the actions granted by the ship.
collisions) and relevant local regulations or customs (such as
embargoes, tariffs, or landing procedures). All METOSPs are
broadcast in Galactic Basic, though some worlds also
broadcast in their native language. A METOSP provides pilots
with contact information for spaceport control as well as
information on landing patterns and traffic lanes. Most
METOSPs are brief, repeating messages that refer listeners
to other channels for specific information.
Planetary Information Channels
Most planets also provide incoming space traffic with basic
computer communication channels. These channels connect
the ship to planetary information networks that provide
everything from communications directory assistance to
tourism information and planetary maps. Planetary
information channels allow use of the Technology skill to
access information relevant to the planet, and it possible for a
slicer to access other functions.
Size Time
Docking, Fuel, Tiny 4 hours
and Maintenance Small 8 hours
All starships require refueling, restocking, routine Medium 1 day
maintenance, and a place to dock where they can get these Large 2 days
Huge 4 days
Docking Fees Gargantuan at least 1 week
Docking fees vary planet-to-planet, but typically average
around 20 credits per day in an average spaceport. Long-term System Damage
storage is available in some locations, averaging around 200 When certain conditions (such as being reduced to 0 hit
credits per month. It generally requires about eight hours to points) are met, a ship has a chance of sustaining system
get a ship out of storage and ready for flight. damage, which requires emergency.
Refueling and Restocking d20 Result
All ships require fuel to operate; without it, a ship is effectively 1-10 No damage
disabled. In general, most starships refuel each time they put
into port, and during refueling other essential ship 11-15 Ship becomes "used"
consumables (such as water and oxygen) are restocked as 16 Weapons system damaged
17 Communications/sensors damaged
Refueling 18 Hyperdrive damaged
A ship uses a day's worth of fuel for one day of flight in
realspace or hyperspace, after one hour of flight in 19 Sublight engines damaged
atmosphere or combat, or in a single jump to lightspeed. Life support damaged; 2d12 hours of life support
Costs for a day's worth of fuel can be found below. 20
Size Cost
If a result is not applicable (for instance, a used starship can
Tiny 25 cr/day not become "more used"), roll twice and apply both results.
Small 50 cr/day If there are multiple weapon systems, roll randomly to
determine which one is destroyed.
Medium 100 cr/day
Large 200 cr/day Ship Repairs
Huge 400 cr/day When a ship suffers damage, it requires work to get it
functional again. Any lost hit points must be repaired using
Gargantuan at least 1,000 cr/day appropriate tools but a qualified mechanic. The cost to repair
a ship varies based on the size of the ship.
Size Cost
Consumables cost about 10 credits per living creature per day
aboard the ship. Tiny 10 cr/HP
Small 20 cr/HP
Routine Maintenance
Medium 40 cr/HP
After about twenty hyperspace jumps, a starship needs to
undergo routine maintenance. Routine maintenance includes Large 80 cr/HP
a thorough check of essntial ship functions, replacing coolant Huge 160 cr/HP
and other fluids, and a complete scrubbing of air filters.
Routine Maintenance costs the same as four days worth of Gargantuan at least 400 cr/HP
fuel and takes an amount of time based on the ship's size, as
shown in the table below. If a ship does not undergo routine Repairing a ship costs 1 hour per hit point, and takes no
maintenance after twenty hyperspace jumps, roll twice when less than the time it takes to perform routine maintenance.
checking for system damage.
Chapter 2: Combat
s the light freighter exits hyperspace, it finds
itself in the middle of a snubfighter skirmish.
Immediately, the pilot begins evasive maneuvers Combat Step By Step
while hollering for help. One crewmember hops 1. Determine surprise. The DM determines
into the copilot seat while two more run to whether anyone involved in the combat encounter
opposite sides of the craft to man the gun is surprised.
batteries. Three of the snubfighters -- now 2. Establish positions. The DM decides where all
identified as TIE fighters -- turn towards this new opponent the characters and monsters are located. Given the
and open fire, but the blasts dissipiate ineffectually on the adventurers’ marching order or their stated
freighter's shields. The freighter's two gunners, now in place, positions in the room or other location, the DM
figures out where the adversaries are—how far away
open fire on the assaulting craft. One takes the blasts directly and in what direction.
to the cockpit and explodes in a blaze, while the other is hit on 3. Roll initiative. Everyone involved in the combat
a solar panel and spins off out of control into the distance. encounter rolls initiative normally, determining the
The third attempts to pass overhead, but the copilot takes a order of combatants’ turns.
shot from the freighter's railgun and destroys the fighter in a 4. Take turns. Each participant in the battle takes a
single stroke. turn in initiative order.
This chapter provides the rules you need for your 5. Begin the next round. When everyone involved
characters and their craft to engage in space combat, whether in the combat has had a turn, the round ends.
it is a brief skirmish or an extended conflict. Throughout this Repeat step 4 until the fighting stops.
chapter, the rules address you, the player or Dungeon Master.
The Dungeon Master controls all the other ships and
nonplayer characters involved in space combat, and each Your Role On Your Turn
other player controls either their own ship or a function of
your ship. "You" can also mean the character or ship you Your abilities depend on where you are deployed during space
control. combat. In a snubfighter, you control all aspects of your craft:
movement and maneuvering, weapons, shields, and engines.
The Order of Combat In a larger craft, however, your abilities are dependent on your
role in the ship. You may be a gunner, a pilot, or a support
A typical combat encounter is a clash between two sides, a crew member. The amount of control you have varies
flurry of weapon shots and ship maneuvers. The game accordingly.
organizes the chaos of combat into a cycle of rounds and The “Movement and Position” section later in this chapter
turns. A round represents about 6 seconds in the game world. gives the rules for your move.
During a round, each participant in a battle takes a turn. The
order of turns is determined at the beginning of a combat Actions
encounter, when everyone rolls initiative. Once everyone has Ship actions are generally used to fire their weapons. Often, a
taken a turn, the fight continues to the next round if neither ship will have multiple weapons that it can fire or multiple
side has defeated the other. ways to fire a single weapon, but it may only take one of these
actions per turn.
Bonus Actions
An assault carrier exits hyperspace and immediately begins The most common bonus action available on ships is use of
firing on its prey. Fighters rapidly exit bays to support and the capacitor. The capacitor governs the distribution of power
protect the craft. Their opponents, caught unawares, are slow between a ship's engines, shields, and weapons.
to respond and take significant damage before mounting their
defense. In this situation, one side of the battle gained Reactions
surprise over the other. Most ships have a thruster that allows the ship to move in a
The DM determines who might be surprised. If neither side predetermined way at the push of a button, granting a
tries to be stealthy, they automatically notice each other. temporary bonus to AC.
Otherwise, the DM compares the Dexterity (Stealth) checks of These reactions can be done at any time, including in
anyone hiding with the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of response to being shot.
each creature on the opposing side. Any ship that doesn’t
notice a threat is surprised at the start of the encounter. Communication
If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an action on your Your turn can include a variety of flourishes that require
first turn of the combat, and you can’t take a reaction until that neither your action, bonus action, or reaction.
turn ends. A member of a group can be surprised even if the You can communicate however you are able, through brief
other members aren’t. utterances and gestures, as you take your turn.
Movement and Position The Size of the Crew
In combat, ships are in constant motion, often using Labor is divided amongst the crew based on the size of a ship.
movement and position to gain the upper hand. A snubfighter that seats one has all of its features controlled
On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed. You by one player, where a fighter that has a dedicated gunner
can use as much or as little of your speed as you like on your would divide the abilities between the two player characters. A
turn, following the rules here. light freighter might have a dedicated pilot, co-pilot, and
gunner positions, while a larger ship might have an active
Breaking Up Your Move crew of dozens of individuals. It's up to your Dungeon Master
You can break up your movement on your turn, using some of to determine who controls what in these instances.
your speed before and after your action. For example, if you
have a speed of 30 feet, you can move 10 feet, take your Making an Attack
action, and then move 20 feet. Whether you’re shooting your laser cannons or firing a proton
Moving Between Attacks torpedo, an attack has a simple structure.
If you take an action that includes more than one weapon 1. Choose a target. Pick a target within your attack’s range:
attack, you can break up your movement even further by a ship, an object, or a location.
moving between those attacks. For example, a ship that can 2. Determine modifiers. The DM determines whether the
make two attacks and that has a speed of 30 feet could move target has cover and whether you have advantage or
10 feet, make an attack, move 20 feet, and then attack again. disadvantage against the target. In addition, powers, special
abilities, and other effects can apply penalties or bonuses to
Turning Radius your attack roll.
3. Resolve the attack. You make the attack roll. On a hit,
Unlike movement on the ground, most ships can only turn a you roll damage, unless the particular attack has rules that
set amount as determined by their engines. A larger ship may specify otherwise. Some attacks cause special effects in
not turn as effectively as a smaller ship. This is usually addition to or instead of damage. If there’s ever any question
expressed in similar format to speed; a ship with a turning whether something you’re doing counts as an attack, the rule
radius of 15 must move 15 feet before it can turn 90 degrees. is simple: if you’re making an attack roll, you’re making an
Variant: Playing on a Grid Attack Rolls
If you play out a combat using a square grid and
miniatures or other tokens, follow these rules.
When you make an attack, your attack roll determines
Squares. Each square on the grid represents 5
whether the attack hits or misses. To make an attack roll, roll
feet. a d20 add your proficiency bonus, the ship's Dexterity
Speed. Rather than moving foot by foot, move modifier, and any weapon-specific bonuses or penalties. If the
square by square on the grid. This means you use total of the roll plus modifiers equals or exceeds the target’s
your speed in 5-foot segments. This is particularly Armor Class (AC), the attack hits. Calculating ship AC is
easy if you translate your speed into squares by determined in chapter 3: Equipment.
dividing the speed by 5. For example, a speed of 30
feet translates into a speed of 6 squares. Rolling 1 or 20
If you use a grid often, consider writing your Sometimes fate blesses or curses a pilot, causing the novice
speed in squares on your character sheet. to hit and the veteran to miss.
Entering a Square. To enter a square, you must If the d20 roll for an attack is a 20, the attack hits regardless
have at least 1 square of movement left, even if the of any modifiers or the target’s AC. In addition, the attack is a
square is diagonally adjacent to the square you’re in.
(The rule for diagonal movement sacrifices realism
critical hit, as explained later in this chapter.
for the sake of smooth play. The Dungeon Master’s If the d20 roll for an attack is a 1, the attack misses
Guide provides guidance on using a more realistic regardless of any modifiers or the target’s AC.
Corners. Diagonal movement can’t cross the Range
corner of an object that fills its space. You can make ranged attacks only against targets within a
Ranges. To determine the range on a grid specified range.
between two things, start counting squares from a Ship weaponry typically has two ranges. The smaller
square adjacent to one of them and stop counting number is the normal range, and the larger number is the
in the space of the other one. Count by the shortest long range. Your attack roll has disadvantage when your target
route. is beyond normal range, and you can’t attack a target beyond
the long range.
Many ships have weaponry that can rotate and cover a wide
area of fire while other have a more static cone of attack. For
ships that lack a versatile area of fire, they must be facing
their target at some point during their move in order to fire at
Cone of Fire
Many weapons, such as forward- or rear-mounted laser Hit Points and
cannons, can only fire in a single direction in a cone of fire, Shield Points
while others are mounted with a 360 degree turning radius.
Let logic dictate whether or not an enemy could be Typically, a ship will have shield points in addition to its hit
appropriately targeted by a weapon. points. If a ship has shield points and takes damage, the shield
points are lost first, and any leftover damage carries over to
Damage Rolls the ship's hit points. For example, if your ship has 5 shield
Each ship weapon specifies the damage it deals. You roll the points and takes 7 damage, your ship loses its shield points
damage die or dice, add the ship's Dexterity modifier, and and then take 2 damage to your ship's hit points.
apply the damage to your target. Higher quality weapons, Whenever a ship takes damage, that damage is subtracted
special abilities, and other factors can grant a bonus to from its shield points or hit points. The loss of either has no
damage. effect on a ship’s capabilities until its hit points drop to 0.
Critical Hits Repairs
When you score a critical hit, you get to roll extra dice for the Damage to hulls is permanent until repaired. Small repairs
attack’s damage against the target. Roll all of the attack’s can happen while the ship is still in space, but significant
damage dice twice and add them together. Then add any repairs require docking in an appropriate location.
relevant modifiers as normal. To speed up play, you can roll all When a ship receives repairs of any kind, hit points regained
the damage dice at once. are added to its current hit points. A ship’s hit points can’t
exceed its hit point maximum.
Damage Types
Space combat relies on three different damage types. Dropping to 0 Shield Points
Energy. The most common type of damage done by ship
weapons, dealing normal damage to armor and shields. When shield points are reduced to 0, the shield stops
Ion. Ion damage is more effective against shields than regenerating and the ship's hull starts taking damage. After 1
armor. Shields take double damage from ion weapons, while minute of the starship not taking damage, the shield starts
armor takes half. regenerating again.
Kinetic. Kinetic damage is more effective against armor
than shields. Armor takes double damage from kinetic Dropping to 0 Hit Points
weapons, while shields take half. When a ship is reduced to 0 hit points, it is either destroyed or
disabled. If the ship is not instantly destroyed, you must roll on
Alternative Actions the System Damage table.
In addition to weapons, some ships will alternative
functionality based on their intended use. Describing the Effects of Damage
Dungeon Masters describe hit point loss in
Tractor Beam different ways. When your ship's current hit point
total is half or more of your hit point maximum, it
Certain ships are equipped with a tractor beam in order to typically shows no signs of damage. When it drops
capture enemy craft. As an action, you can activate the tractor below half its hit point maximum, you show signs
beam. The target of the tractor beam must make a Strength of wear, such as electrical fires or dislodged
saving throw, against a DC equal to 8 + the tractor beam machinery. An attack that reduces your ship to 0 hit
controller's proficiency bonus + the ship's Strength modifier. points strikes directly, leaving a massive hole or
On a failed save, the ship is forcibly moved by an amount otherwise disables the ship.
equal to its speed. It can use its action on each subsequent
turn to break the hold, ending the effect on a success, until it
is tractored into melee range of the host ship. Instantly Destroyed
If you attempt to tractor a ship of the same size, the ship Massive damage can destroy a ship instantly. When damage
makes this save with advantage. If you attempt to tractor a reduces a ship to 0 hit points and there is damage remaining,
ship of a larger size category than your ship's, they the ship explodes if the remaining damage equals or exceeds
automatically succeed on the saving throw. its combined hit point and shield point maximums.
Ion Disruptor
Some types of ships are equipped with ion disruptors. These
specialized devices are designed to disrupt the electronical
functions of a ship without causing significant damage. When
targeted by such a weapon, you must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, your speed is reduced by 10
feet for one minute. If your speed is reduced to 0 in this
fashion, your ship is disabled. Spending one minute
performing a hard reset will restart the ship.
Destruction Saving Throws
Whenever you start your turn and your ship has 0 hit points,
you must make a special saving throw, called a destruction
saving throw, to determine whether or not you're able to
salvage your ship. Unlike other saving throws, this one isn’t
tied to any ability score; you are in the hands of fate now. Roll
a d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you
fail. A success or failure has no effect by itself. On your third
success, your ship becomes stable (see below). On your third
failure, your ship explodes. The successes and failures don't
need to be consecutive; keep track of both until you collect
three of a kind. The number of both is reset to zero when your
experiences any repairs or you stabilize it.
Rolling 1 or 20. When you make a destruction saving
throw and roll a 1 on the d20, it counts as two failures. If you
roll a 20 on the d20, your ship regains 1 hit point.
Damage at 0 Hit Points. If your ship takes any damage
while it has 0 hit points, it suffers a destruction saving throw
failure. If the damage is from a critical hit, it suffers two
failures instead. If the damage equals or exceeds its hit point
maximum, it is instantly destroyed.
Stabilizing a Ship
The best way to stablize a ship with 0 hit points is to repair it.
If repairs are unavailable, the ship can at least be stabilized so
that it isn’t killed by a failed destruction saving throw.
You can use your action to attempt repairs on a disabled
ship and attempt to stabilize it, which requires a successful
DC 10 Intelligence (Technology) check.
A stable ship doesn’t make destruction saving throws, even
though it has 0 hit points, but it does remain disabled. The
ship stops being stable, and must start making destruction
saving throws again, if it takes any damage. A stable ship that
isn’t repaired regains 1 hit point after 1d4 hours.
Ships and Destruction
Most DMs have a ship explode the instant it drops to 0 hit
points, rather than disabling it and having it make destruction
saving throws. Special ships are common exceptions; the DM
might have them be disabled and follow the same rules as
player ships.
Disabling a Ship
Sometimes an attacker wants to incapacitate a ship, rather
than destroy it. When an attacker reduces a ship to 0 hit
points with a primary weapon, the attacker can disable the
ship. The attacker can make this choice the instant the
damage is dealt. The ship is disabled and stable.
Chapter 3: Equipment
The Parts of a Ship
All spaceships require a few parts while others may be
optional. Every ship has armor and engines, but it may lack
shields or a hyperdrive.
Lightweight Armor
Armor and Shields Santhe engineers custom design G-32 evasive armor plating
Different ships use different types of armor based on their for each class of ship supported. The G-32 components
size and maneuverability. Snubfighters typically use lighter increase a ship’s overall maneuverability by accommodating
weight armor giving them greater avoidance, while bombers the ship’s overall shape, thruster locations, and gravity field
focus more on absorption over maneuverability. In addition to generators, but the armor is thinner, offering less protection.
armor, some ships have shields to give them a greater Reinforced Armor
defensive advantage. Czerka’s HP-S-5 starfighter armor layers additional
Armor centimeters of durasteel (along with patented alloys) onto a
ship’s hull. A ship armored this way can sustain more hull
Armor augments the Armor Class and Constitution of a ship. damage and survive longer, but is less maneuverable.
The armor class of a ship is determined by taking the ship's
size base armor class (as shown in the Ship Size Base Armor Shields
Class table below), adding the pilot's Intelligence (Piloting) Some ships (like TIE Fighters) lack shields, though most
modifier, and any applicable bonuses to it. For example, a ships have them. Shields determine a ships shield points and
small ship has a base armor class of 9. If the pilot has an shield regeneration rate. Shield points determine how strong
Intelligence of 16, a proficiency bonus of +2, proficiency in a ship's shields are, while shield regeneration rate determines
Piloting, and the ship is using deflection armor, his ship has how quickly those shields regenerate.
an armor class of 14. You do not require proficiency in The capacity of shields is calculated by multiplying the
Piloting to attempt to fly a space ship. ship's hit points x the shield capacity.
Ship Size Base Armor Class Shield regeneration rate is represented by a value, and the
Size Base AC shields regenerate by that amount at the start of the pilot's
Tiny 10 In the event that shields are fully depleted, they no longer
Small 9 regenerate until repairs are conducted.
Medium 8 Directional Shield
Large 7 The most versatile shield available on the open market is
Prexton’s MD-FA directional shield. It strikes a strong balance
Huge 6 between total capacity and regeneration rate.
Gargantuan 5
Fortress Shield
Deflection Armor The Prexton LV-F deflector shield utilizes a "fortress"
In order to reduce the amount of hull damage sustained program, significantly boosting a shield's strength.
whenever a ship is hit, GSI’s AR-0B damage reduction armor Consequently, the power usage prevents the shields from
component generates an ablative energy current through the regenerating effectively.
ship’s hull plating. Quick-Charge Shield
The Cygnus PulseScreen quick-recharge shield has limited
strength but regenerates quickly.
Weapons Primary Weapons
Ships have a weapon categories based on their determined Primary weapons are the most common type that ships carry:
function. Most snubfighters use laser cannons, while gunships laser cannons. If a ship has any weapons, it has laser cannons.
have both railguns and lasers. Specialized ships often carry Laser cannons vary in accuracy, effective range, rate of fire,
torpedoes or missile batteries. damage, and damage type.
Ship weapons are divided into three categories: Primary, Burst Laser Cannon
Secondary, and Tertiary. The starfighter equivalent of a scattergun, the SoroSuub BLC-
2 shoots clusters of high-damage bolts in a wide arc but has a
Weapon Properties slow rate of fire. Capable of annihilating even fast-moving
Many weapons have special properties related to their use, as opponents at close range, its damage drops rapidly with
shown in the Weapons table. greater distance and it consumes large reserves of power.
Ammunition Heavy Laser Cannon
You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to The SoroSuub HLC-14 heavy laser cannon has high accuracy,
make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from long range and does great damage. Its slow rate of fire and
the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you significant power consumption are seen by many pilots as a
expend one piece of ammunition. fair tradeoff. Since SoroSuub’s Sullust manufacturing centers
were captured by the Empire, both Republic and Imperial
Power navies have scrambled to obtain enough HLC-14s to arm their
You can use a weapon that has the power property to make a respective fleets.
ranged attack without the use of ammunition. The weapon
draws directly from the ship's power source. Ion Cannon
Santhe Corporation ion cannons (nicknamed "Sparkers" by
Range Republic pilots) do almost no damage to ship hulls but
A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a eliminate shields at frightening speed and easily disable
range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or power enemy systems. They are too inaccurate to be used effectively
property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the at long range and have a slow rate of fire, but consume only
weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the moderate amounts of energy.
weapon’s maximum range. When attacking a target beyond
normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You Laser Cannon
can’t attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range. Standard-issue laser cannons made by BlasTech Industries
are reliable and effective, if not glamorous. The BlasTech
Reload HMC-15 fires quickly and accurately at mid-range, causing
A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that moderate damage for a medium power cost.
has the reload property. A character must then reload it.
Reloading a weapon takes 10 minutes. Light Laser Cannon
Favored by pilots who like to fight at close range, Merr-Sonn’s
LCL-1 light laser cannons are twin-linked for high damage,
and increased power consumption. Gunners should be aware
that the LCL-1’s damage output drops drastically with
Quad Laser Cannon
The gold standard of laser cannon design, Merr-Sonn’s LCQ-4
quad laser cannon fires alternating pairs of bolts from four
cannon barrels, dealing considerably more damage than
standard laser cannons while maintaining formidable
accuracy and rate of fire. Its biggest downside is its power
consumption–a drawback Merr-Sonn is keen to downplay.
Rapid-Fire Laser Cannon
BlasTech’s Spitfire rapid-fire laser cannon is capable of
delivering an unparalleled number of bolts per second for a
sustained period due to its low power consumption. Its
damage fall-off and poor accuracy, however, limit its
effectiveness to short-range engagements.
Secondary Weapons Ion Missiles
Secondary weapons are typically railguns. These weapons The Merr-Sonn Mercybringer ion missile does minimal hull
deal more damage and have a longer range than primary damage, but a single hit is enough to down most enemy
weapons, but they are more cumbersome and have a slower shields and short out onboard power systems. The
rate of fire. They are a common addition to gunships. Mercybringer locks onto targets within a moderate timeframe
and has a long range. Despite its name, the Mercybringer’s
Ion Railgun enfeebled victims are rarely granted a chance to surrender.
The Balmorran Arms HR-IO4 ion railgun is a ship-mounted Proton Torpedoes
magnetic cannon with extraordinary range. It fires ion Merr-Sonn recently unveiled its latest proton torpedo, the PX-
particles enclosed in a magnetic field which do minimal hull 4–a weapon capable of locking onto targets at extreme range
damage but cause severe damage to shields, and drain and causing massive damage, ignoring armor and shields
weapon and engine power. alike. While its drawbacks include a lengthy lock-on period, a
Slug Railgun narrow lock-on targeting cone, and the launcher’s limited
Originally designed by Balmorran Arms, HR-0C Slingshot ammunition capacity, the PX-4 is nonetheless ideal for
slug railguns are basic magnetic cannons with extraordinary deployment against armored objectives.
range. The "slug" is a metal projectile that delivers high Rocket Pods
damage and partially bypasses a target’s shield. When fully Designed to fracture, fuse and atomize enemy infrastructure
charged, a slug railgun’s damage output can be absolutely and other armored objectives, rocket pods can be loaded onto
devastating. ships in large quantities but lack any guidance systems–they
Thermite Railgun can only be fired straight ahead. As a means of obliterating
Czerka produces an array of exotic weaponry including the bunkers, satellites and more, Elsinore-Cordova’s "Pulverizers"
Incinerator-class thermite railgun. The Incinerator fires are one of the most compact and devastating varieties.
thermite bolts enclosed in magnetic fields, targeting enemies Sabotage Probe
at extraordinary range and causing massive damage when GSI’s LOS-0 sabotage probe droid, once launched and
fully charged. Thermite bolts do minimal damage to shields attached to a foe, rapidly disables maneuvering thrusters and
but cause severe damage to a ship's hull, potentially burning other ship systems, dealing minor hull damage in the process.
clean through and out the other side. Once used primarily by bounty hunters and law enforcement
Tertiary Weapons to cripple fleeing ships, these devices are invaluable in the
hands of expert starfighter pilots.
Tertiary weapons are limited-use weapons in the form of
missiles, rockets or torpedoes. These weapons have a long Thermite Torpedoes
range, high accuracy, and massive damage potential but they A mainstay of Czerka’s explosive ordnance line, LC-9
are limited use and expensive to obtain. X-Wings are typically Thermite Torpedoes can lock on and strike from extreme
outfitted with proton torpedoes. range. Though their damage against shielding is
Rather than attack rolls, tertiary weapons call for Dexterity unimpressive, these torpedoes are highly effective at burning
saving throws to avoid the weapon's effects. The DC is through armored starship hulls. Even hull sections not
calculated by adding 8 + your proficiency + the ship's Dexterity directly struck are temporarily weakened due to the
modifier. If the target fails the saving throw, they take the superheating effect of the thermite detonation.
weapon's normal damage. On a successful save, they take half
of the weapon's normal damage.
Cluster Missiles
Renowned for their quick lock-on time, Czerka’s RK-77 cluster
missiles are a favorite for close-range dogfights. The missiles’
small frames allow pilots to carry more ammunition into
battle, though this compact design also sacrifices fuel and
payload space, resulting in comparatively low range and
damage potential.
Concussion Missiles
Too massive for any ship to carry in large numbers,
Balmorran Arms L04 Silent Thunder concussion missiles can
lock onto a target within a moderate timeframe and carry
enough fuel to travel long distances. Only two L04s are
needed to destroy most ships; the missiles are also capable of
doing substantial damage to satellites and other mission
Ship Weapons
Attack Attacks
Name Cost Damage Bonus per Round Properties
Primary Weapons
Burst Laser Cannon 4,000 cr 3d8 energy — 1 Power (range 30/60)
Heavy Laser Cannon 4,150 cr 2d6 energy +1 1 Power (range 60/120)
Ion Cannon 4,300 cr 2d6 ion — 2 Power (range 30/60)
Laser Cannon 3,800 cr 1d6 energy — 2 Power (range 45/90)
Light Laser Cannon 4,100 cr 2d4 energy +1 2 Power (range 30/60)
Quad Laser Cannon 4,400 cr 2d6 energy -1 2 Power (range 45/90)
Rapid-FIre Laser Cannon 4,600 cr 2d4 energy -1 3 Power (range 30/60)
Secondary Weapons
Ion Railgun 5,300 cr 2d12 ion +1 1 Power (range 90/180)
Slug Railgun 5,150 cr 2d12 energy +1 1 Power (range 90/180)
Thermite Railgun 5,400 cr 2d12 kinetic +1 1 Power (range 90/180)
Tertiary Weapons
Cluster Missile Launcher 6,000 cr 4d8 energy +2 2 Ammunition (range 30/60), reload 8
Concussion Missile Launcher 6,250 cr 4d8 energy +2 1 Ammunition (range 60/120), reload 4
Ion Missile Launcher 6,600 cr 2d12 ion +2 1 Ammunition (range 90/180), reload 4
Proton Torpedo Launcher 6,900 cr 2d12 energy +2 1 Ammunition (range 90/180), reload 4
Rocket Pod Launcher 6,300 cr 1d6 energy — 4 Ammunition (range 60/120), reload 16
Thermite Torpedo Launcher 6,700 cr 2d12 kinetic +2 1 Ammunition (range 90/180), reload 4
Name Cost
Cluster Missile 300 cr
Concussion Missile 600 cr
Ion Missile 700 cr
Proton Torpedo 650 cr
Rocket 160 cr
Thermite Torpedo 700 cr
Engines Hyperdrive
Engines augment a ship's speed and maneuverability, called The hyperdrive is a propulsion system that allows a starship
turning radius. Ships have a base speed and turning radius to reach lightspeed and traverse the void between stars in the
based on their size, as shown in the Ship Size Speed and alternate dimension of hyperspace.
Turning Radius table below. Speed determines how many feet The hyperdrive functions by sending hypermatter particles
a ship can move in a turn, while turning radius determines to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel's
how quickly a ship can maneuver. Turning radius is expressed mass/energy profile, and requires a functional hyperdrive
by a number of feet; for instance, a ship with a turning radius motivator to do so. The vessel then travels along a
of 15 must move 15 feet in a straight line in order to turn 90 programmed course until it drops back into normal space—
degrees. If a ship reduces its turning radius below 5 feet, it realspace—at its destination.
can turn 180 degrees for every 5 feet of movement, instead of A hyperdrive's only function is to keep a vessel in
90. hyperspace, and should a hyperdrive be forcibly deactivated or
destroyed during transit, the ship will be violently pulled back
Ship Size Speed and Turning Radius into realspace.
Size Speed Turning Radius Tiny ships never have a hyperdrive, while Small ships
Tiny 35 ft. 5 ft. occasionally do. Medium and larger ships typically have a
Small 30 ft. 5 ft. Hyperdrives are rated by a class; the lower the class, the
Medium 30 ft. 10 ft. faster the hyperdrive. A class 1 hyperdrive travels at the speed
of light, while a class 2 hyperdrive travels at half the speed of
Large 30 ft. 15 ft. light. Consequently, a class .5 hyperdrive travels at twice the
Huge 30 ft. 15 ft. speed of light.
Gargantuan 15 ft. 15 ft.
Balanced Engine
The Prexton AUG-4C engine offers balanced speed and
turning radius. Hyperdrives
Name Cost
Speed Engine
The Sirplex SR-09 engine increases the speed of a spaceship Hyperdrive, class 0.5 50,000 cr
at the cost of maneuverability. Hyperdrive, class 0.75 25,000 cr
Turning Engine Hyperdrive, class 1.0 15,000 cr
The Gygnus Urgent Need engine is built to allow increased Hyperdrive, class 1.5 12,500 cr
maneuverability at the expense of speed.
Hyperdrive, class 2 10,000 cr
Hyperdrive, class 3 7,500 cr
Hyperdrive, class 4 5,000 cr
Hyperdrive, class 5 2,500 cr
Speed Turning Radius
Name Cost Bonus Bonus
Balanced Engine 3,000 cr — —
Speed Engine 3,400 cr +5 ft. +5 ft.
Turning Engine 3,600 cr -5 ft. -5 ft.
Capacitor Thruster
A ship's capacitor governs the distribution of power between a The thruster causes a ship to make a sharp, unpredictable
ship's engines, shields, and weapons. A capacitor can be maneuver; the ship may lurch to the side, shoot forward while
toggled to neutral, where all three aspects function normally, spinning (that's a neat trick), or make a snap 180 degree turn.
or can divert power to a specific system. When diverting This maneuver adds a bonus to the ship's AC that lasts until
power to a system, the effects of that system are doubled: the start of the pilot's next turn. You can activate the thruster
engines give twice the speed, shields take half damage and as a reaction.
regenerate twice as fast, and weapons deal double damage. Once you've used the thruster, it has a random chance of
When diverting power to a system, power to other systems is recharging during each subsequent round of combat. At the
halved: engines give half the speed, shields take double start of each of the pilot's turns, roll a d6. On a 6, you regain
damage and regenerate at half speed, and weapons deal half the use of the thruster. This ability automatically recharges
damage. As a bonus action on your turn, you can activate the when you complete a short or long rest.
capacitor, but you must do so before any movement or actions Enhanced thrusters may offer a greater bonus to AC, a
are taken. Once you've activated the capacitor, the changes more powerful maneuver, a wider recharge range, or some
last until the beginning of your next turn. combination thereof.
Once you've used the capacitor, it has a random chance of
recharging during each subsequent round of combat. At the Power Thruster
start of each of the pilot's turns, roll a d6. On a 6, you regain The Celestial Industries THR-4B thruster temporarily
the use of the capacitor. This ability automatically recharges increases the maximum power available to a ship’s engines.
when you complete a short or long rest. Your ship turns 180 degrees and moves 30 feet to the right or
Enhanced capacitors may be more effective at one of these left (your choice), adding a +2 bonus to AC until the start of
roles. your next turn. If activated in response to an attack, this AC
bonus includes the triggering attack.
Balanced Capacitor
Prexton's B-88G capacitor is one of the most common types of Retro Thruster
capacitor available on spaceships, offering a quick method of Elsinore-Cordova’s unusual Dual Stream DS-001 thruster
toggling power between the ship's functions. allows quick manipulation of the ship’s direction. Your ship
lurches backwards 30 feet, adding a +2 bonus to AC until the
Damage Capacitor start of your next turn. If activated in response to an attack,
The Merr-Sonn TQ-895 capacitor increases the energy output this AC bonus includes the triggering attack.
of a ship’s weapons. When power is diverted to weapons, they
deal triple damage, rather than the double of a balanced Speed Thruster
capacitor. The Vokoff-Strood X/ATM-44 thruster offers a brief burst of
speed. Your ship lurches forward 30 feet, adding a +2 bonus to
Shield Capacitor AC until the start of your next turn. If activated in response to
The BlasTech SF-12 capacitor component increases the an attack, this AC bonus includes the triggering attack.
shield efficacy at the expense of weapons and speed. When
power is diverted to shields, they take one-third damage and Turning Thruster
regenerate three times as fast. The Keizar-Volvec KV457-C thruster component allows
precision control over a ship’s maneuvering thrusters. Your
Speed Capacitor ship turns 180 degrees in place, adding a +2 bonus to AC until
The Czerka KC5 capacitor is designed to increase power to a the start of your next turn. If activated in response to an
ship’s engines at the expense of the weapons and shield. When attack, this AC bonus includes the triggering attack.
power is diverted to the engines, the ship can temporarily
travel at three times it's normal speed.
Capacitors Name Cost
Power Thruster 7,000 cr
Name Cost
Retro Thruster 6,500 cr
Balanced Capacitor 2,500 cr
Speed Thruster 4,250 cr
Damage Capacitor 6,500 cr
Turning Thruster 5,000 cr
Shield Capacitor 4,250 cr
Speed Capacitor 5,000 cr
Chapter 4: Generating Encounters
reating interesting starship encounters can be a Escort Missions
challenging task. Unlike in character-based
encounters, DMs are limited by the more One option for an alternative objective is an encounter in
constrained nature of space combat: The heroes which the players are required to protect something or
are confied to an environment that might limit someone. Escort missions are common among starship pilots
their abilities, and coming up with encounters in the Star Wars setting, and providing the players with the
that do more than just pit two squads of goal of protecting something from coming to harm means that
starfighters against one another takes more work. Despite the players will have to do more than just unleashing their
this, creating an exciting starship combat encounter can make weapons. Protecting something requires more tactical
an adventure much more memorable, encouraging players to awareness while still allowing for high action and dogfighting
become just as involved as they would be in ground-based that makes space combat exciting. The players might be
encounters. escorting a ship through hostile territory, defending a
One of the most important elements of a good starship transport as it's being loaded, or keeping enemy vessels from
encounter is giving each player something to do. Gunners detecting a secret base.
should have plenty of targets, a goal that is relatively easy to
accomplish. Pilots should have obstacles to maneuver around Blockade Run
and ships to fly past, making the environment of the Alternatively, not all encounters can be won by destroying
encounter very important. Character combat holds players' your enemies; the players might simply be trying to get from
interests because each player has something to do in every one place through another through a series of encounters.
round. Engaging players in the same manner during a starship The players might be trying to maneuver through a large scale
combat encounter requires the Gamemaster to design aspects battle toward a specific target, attempting to penetrate the
of the encounter that give every player something to do in core of a space station, or simply trying to avoid being
every round. captured or destroyed.
Designing a starship encounter that keeps several players
active on every turn can be daunting. An alternative solution is Base Assault
to create encounters that encourage players to fly their own
starships. For example, in a party of four characters, one Furthermore, you could have your players use their starship to
character might serve as the pilot of the party's freighter, one assault a planetary base. Rather than just dogfighting, they
character might serve as the gunner aboard that freighter, and might assault a compound featuring turbolaser batteries and
the other two would pilot starfighters in the same encounter. walkers.
This gives three players -- the three pilots -- the ability to move
and attack in each round, just as they would in character Retrieval Mission
combat. Even characters untrained in the Piloting skill can Finally, the players might have to task of obtaining something
perform basic movement and actions, and trained pilots can during a starship encounter. This could a job as simple as
help protect those untrained pilots during starship combat. using a tractor beam to drag away a derelict ship, or it might
involve the heroes actually landing somewhere, obtaining an
Give Objectives Other item, and rejoining the fight. In some cases, the object in
question might be a hostile starship, requiring the heroes to
Than Destruction disable rather than destroy.
One of the best ways to make a starship combat encounter
more engaging is to give players an objective other than Build Interesting
simply eradicating the opposition. Although destroying one's
opponents can certainly be a key component in accomplishing Battlefields
that objective, it doesn't necessarily have to be all of it (and, in Another key element of good space combat encounters is
fact, it rarely is). When designing an encounter, try to pick an creating combat arenas that are interesting. Certainly,
objective that allows the heroes to engage their enemy in encounters involving two groups of ships engaging one
combat while giving them some other goal to focus on. A goal another in open space can be fun, but adding a certain
other than all-out destruction also encourages the players to element of environmental challenge to the encounter makes it
be more cautious and think tactically rather than just going in much more memorable. Perhaps while fleeing, the characters
guns ablaze. Just as you might not have character combat just must fly through an asteroid belt wrought with peril, their
for combat's sake, starship combat encounters should serve pursuit detonating asteroids in an attempt to disable them.
the purpose of moving the plot forward. Just as in character-scale combat, adding terrain features to
space battles creates more lively combat sequences that
require creativity and tactical thinking on the part of the
Technical Specifications
Length 31 feet
Hyperdrive Rating Class 1.0
g ( )
A-Wing Actions
Small starship, lawful light Multiattack. The a-wing makes two attacks with its laser
cannons or fires a concussion missile.
Armor Class 15 (lightweight armor)
Shield Points 10 (directional shield) Laser Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Shield Regeneration Rate 3 45/90 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) energy damage.
Hit Points 10 (3d6) Concussion Missile (4 Uses/Day). Ranged Weapon: DC
Speed 35 ft. (speed engine) 15, range 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d8+3)
Turning Radius 10 ft. energy damage.
Speed Thrusters (Recharge 6). As a reaction, the a-wing
8 (-1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 7 (-1) lurches forward 30 feet, gaining a +2 to AC until the
start of its next turn.
Skills Perception +3, Piloting +5
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Galactic Basic
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Firepray-31 Patrol Craft
The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft is a patrol and Product Information
transport starship designed by Kuat Systems Engineering
initially for use by the Republic Correctional Authority. Manufacturer Kuat Systems Engineering
Line Firespray Series
Model Firespray-31
Class Patrol Craft
Cost (New) 100,000 cr
Technical Specifications
Length 48 feet
Hyperdrive Rating Class 3.0
TIE Fighter
The TIE Fighter is the signature starfighter of the Galactic Product Information
Empire and de facto symbol of Imperial space superiority. Its
official name is the Twin Ion Engine "line edition" space Manufacturer Sienar Fleet systems
superiority starfighter. Instantly recognizable from the roar of Line TIE Series
its engines, the TIE Fighter exudes Imperial power and Model TIE Starfighter
prestige across the galaxy, seeing use throughout the Empire's
political existence. Class Starfighter
Cost (New) 60,000 cr
Technical Specifications
Length 20 feet
Hyperdrive Rating None
g / ( )
TIE Fighter Actions
Small starship, lawful dark Multiattack. The TIE fighter makes two attacks with its
light laser cannon.
Armor Class 13 (deflection armor)
Shield Points — (none) Light Laser Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Shield Regeneration Rate — range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4+2) energy
Hit Points 13 (3d6) damage.
Speed 30 ft. (balanced engine)
Turning Radius 5 ft.
Skills Piloting +4
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Galactic Basic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
TIE Interceptor
The TIE Interceptor is an advanced type of TIE fighter used Product Information
by the Galactic Empire. It is identifiable by the addition of four
arrow-shaped panels tipped with laser cannons. Manufacturer Sienar Fleet systems
Line TIE Series
Model TIE Interceptor
Class Starfighter
Cost (New) 110,000 cr
Technical Specifications
Length 32 feet
Hyperdrive Rating None
g ( )
TIE Interceptor Actions
Small starship, lawful dark Multiattack. The TIE interceptor makes two attacks with
its quad laser cannon.
Armor Class 15 (deflection armor)
Shield Points 13 (directional shield) Quad Laser Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Shield Regeneration Rate 3 range 45/90 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) energy
Hit Points 13 (3d6+3) damage.
Speed 30 ft. (balanced engine)
Turning Radius 5 ft.
Deflection Drive (Recharge 6). As a reaction to being
targeted by an attack roll, the TIE interceptor engages its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA deflection drive. Attack rolls, including the triggering
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 7 (-1) attack, are made at disadvantage until the start of the
TIE interceptor's next turn.
Skills Perception +5, Piloting +6
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Galactic Basic
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
X-wing starfighters are a type of starfighter marked by their Product Information
distinctive S-foils that resemble an "X" while in attack
formation. They are heavily armed with four laser cannons on Manufacturer Incom Corporation
the S-foils and proton torpedo launchers in the fuselage. X- Line X-Wing Series
wings were designed for dogfighting and long missions. Model T-65
Class Starfighter
Cost (New) 150,000 cr
Technical Specifications
Length 40 feet
Hyperdrive Rating Class 1.0
g ( )
X-Wing Actions
Small starship, lawful light Multiattack. The x-wing makes two attacks with its laser
cannons or fires a proton torpedo.
Armor Class 14 (deflection armor)
Shield Regeneration Rate 3 (directional shield) Laser Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Shield Points 13 45/90 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) energy damage.
Hit Points 13 (3d6+3) Proton Torpedo (4 Uses/Day). Ranged Weapon: DC 14,
Speed 30 ft. (balanced engine) range 90/180 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d12+2) energy
Turning Radius 5 ft. damage.
Retro Thrusters (Recharge 6). As a reaction, the x-wing
9 (-1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 7 (-1) lurches directly backwards 30 feet, gaining a +2 to AC
until the start of its next turn.
Skills Perception +4, Piloting +5
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Galactic Basic
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
YT-1300 Light Freighter
The YT-1300 light freighter, also known as the YT-1300 Product Information
Corellian freighter, is a type of light freighter manufactured by
the Corellian Engineering Corporation that see operation in Manufacturer Corellian Engineering Corporation
the galaxy during the final days of the Galactic Republic and Line YT series
the reign of the Galactic Empire. The Millennium Falcon, a Model YT-1300
smuggling vessel that became part of the Rebel Alliance fleet,
is a YT-1300 light freighter. Class Light freighter
Cost (New) 100,000 cr
Technical Specifications
Length 115 feet
Hyperdrive Rating Class 2.0